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The South Pole of Texas

Once upon a time, on a clear crystal night, Santa decided that he wanted to live in a warmer climate. The North Pole was great and all, but it was blustery, flustery, and freezing cold all year round. So he set up a shop in an extraordinary place—South Texas—and called it his warm-weather home away from home. The State of Texas and all the people of the Rio Grande Valley rejoiced, and they made McAllen the oocial South Pole of Texas. NowNow therethere waswas a a littlelittle treetree thatthat wantedwanted soso muchmuch toto bebe a a partpart ofof thethe SouthSouth PolePole ofof Texas.Texas. HeHe knewknew he could make all the children happy because he didn ’t just light up; the tree could create magical digital light shows and animations. If only he could just have a chance. So he dreamed, and he grew, and he dreamed and grew some more. Bigger and bigger and bigger he grew till he was so big there were no other trees like him in all the lands. Santa heard about this magical animated tree that stood over ten stories tall, and he knew the Tallest Digital Christmas Tree in America belonged at the South Pole of Texas. Soon Santa will return to his warm-weather home in McAllen, and all the villagers will welcome him with a huge parade. It is so big (‘ cuz everything is bigger in Texas), it’ s the largest illuminated holiday and helium balloon parade in all of Texas, with floats and music and giant spinning balloons. On the warm Texas night, you can hear the children chant, “Vuelta - Vuelta. ” To their delight, the balloons will spin and dance across the starry night sky.
SantaSanta isis proudproud toto callcall McAllenMcAllen hishis warm-weatherwarm-weather home away from home. Not only is the temperature warm, so are all the people. So many work hard year-round to make this a special place. Did you know that the International Festival and Events Association recognized McAllen as a World Festival andand EventEvent CityCity thisthis year?year?

Santa called up the McAllen Assistant City Manager, Joe Vera, to congratulate the city. Joe told Santa, “Our entire community is invested in hosting exceptional festivals and events to improve the quality of life for everyone. The McAllen Holiday Parade presented by H-E-B and powered by Bert Ogden Auto Group hosts over 265,000 visitors each year to welcome Santa back to the Valley to one of the biggest parades in all of Texas. ”
SantaSanta makesmakes hishis homehome basebase atat thethe SouthSouth PolePole Illuminated Festival. All the elves and Santa ’ s helpers are happy to welcome visitors from near and far. They have opened up their Gingerbread Village, and the Christmas Petting Zoo animals are anxious to snuggle up to new friends. All ‘ aboard the South Pole Express to weave through this winter wonderland before you head to the holiday carnival with a giant Ferris wheel, a double-decker carousel, and a rollercoaster. Some of the villagers enjoy strolling around Oval Park, where the entire area is otherworldly with illuminated trees and over 100 holiday and space-themed lanterns.
SantaSanta hashas manymany helpershelpers atat thethe IlluminatedIlluminated Festival.Festival. YajairaYajaira Flores,Flores, DirectorDirector ofof HolidayHoliday Cheer, takes care of so many details to ensure the Festival is ready for Santa and a magical experience for all who visit. “We love it when Santa comes to the South Pole, ” Flores said. “We know visiting the South Pole Illuminated Festival will be wondrous and create lifelong memories for all of the families who visit. Especially when they see the Tallest Illuminated Christmas Tree in America. ”
SantaSanta isis soso ho-ho-happyho-ho-happy toto havehave youyou visitvisit thethe Festival. But he reminds us that the holidays are also about giving and being kind and thankful for our family, our friends, and our community. To celebrate the heart of the Rio Grande Valley H-E-B will be hosting 12 days of giving where the big, beautiful tree will be lit each day by a non-profit organization.
You can visit the magical South Pole of Texas presented by H-E-B from Nov. 30 through Dec. 31st at the Oval Park at the McAllen Convention Center.

To learn more visit www.SouthPoleOfTexas.com and www.McAllenHolidayParade.com