T Allen Hanes Marketing Times Today Magazine

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M a r k e t i n g T i m e s TO D AY

Everything You’ve Been Taught About Generating Leads and Growing Your Business is WRONG!

Local business owner Dustin Ogle accepts the $10k challenge during focus group


arketing and Media Strategist T. Allen Hanes has bad news: Everything Business owners have been taught about marketing their business is WRONG! The good news: He is on a mission, to turn it around in 45 minutes guaranteed! As founder of The Authority Syndicate Group—and creator of The Authority Code—Hanes has mastered the art of boosting client's’ bottom lines. While his results seem

T. Allen Hanes presenting the Everything You’ve Been Taught About Generating Leads and Growing Your Business is WRONG!

magical, there’s no luck involved. Just skill. After working with thousands of clients, he has developed a set of formulas and actions that, when implemented with his uniquely valuable assessments, can make a life-changing difference for any

entrepreneur and brick-and-mortar business. If running a business today seems harder than ever, that’s because it is. And marketing, which is supposed to make it easier, is actually part

“yes to something” customers. The method involves offering prospects an alternative at a lower price when they decline your original offer. Maybe they can’t afford the highest priced item in your store but they can swing a mid-priced item. The result: a prospect becomes a client, you benefit financially, and you’ve opened the door to more business with the customer in the future.

T. Allen behind his mic of his radio program

specific marketing will deliver astonishing return on investment for them, and to get them out of overwhelm and focus on the 20% that actually creates wealth.” For business owners who aren’t lucky enough to have Hanes sitting beside them, he has written The Authority Code: How I Find 10K in any Business in 45 Minutes, a detailed guide to improving any bottom line. It offers tools like a Profit Growth Calculator and the Conversion Equation, complex-in-name-only techniques that reveal staggeringly easy ways to attract customers and increase revenue. of the problem. “The vast majority of business owners I speak with are completely overwhelmed with the available options. Websites, social media, SEO, email marketing, Facebook, pay-per-click…it’s easy to see why entrepreneurs are struggling,” Hanes says. “Part of the value I bring is knowing which

Some of his strategies seem counterintuitive.


Down-selling, for example, is the opposite of what salespeople have always been told to do. But he insists that it’s a highly effective way to turn a “no” customers into

One of the toughest jobs a business owner has is converting prospects into customers. The process can feel like slamming into a brick wall over and over, but Hanes believes most entrepreneurs give up too easily. That’s why he’s a big fan of drip campaigns.


“When a prospect doesn’t buy what you sell, how many times do you follow up with them?” he asks. “On average, less than 1 percent of prospects are ready to buy from you right this minute. That leaves 99 percent who won’t buy from you today, but who may buy from you in the future if you continue to nurture the relationship and educating them on why they should buy from you and staying in touch regularly and keeping them in the buyer's journey.” It’s that last step where many businesses fall short. He says most rarely—if ever—follow up with prospects after an initial “no.” But the truth is that more than 80 percent of all sales happen between the fifth and twelve point of contact. Enter the drip campaign. For a shockingly small investment, automated communications directed to prospects and customers can add significant revenue to your balance sheets.


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T. Allen Hanes signing copies of his new book


Tapping other companies to form a joint venture (JV) is another underrated income generator. If the idea of going into business with someone else doesn’t sound appealing, rest assured that the concept simply entails complementary businesses scratching each other’s backs. “When two or more businesses decide to share markets or endorse products or services to their customer base, that’s a revenue share arrangement,” Hanes explains. “I can name dozens of JV partners for any profession, and it helps my clients almost instantly. In a recent case study I conducted, I found a company $48,000 in additional annual revenue just using the JV strategy.” And that’s why it pays to have Hanes consulting for your business. The combination of his proven strategies with guidance from the revenue hunting authority himself is the ultimate secret to higher revenues



than you ever thought possible. “I work with five profit formula areas, and if you increase those by a mere 10 percent, don’t get me wrong, business owners would be thrilled with 10%, your annual revenue would almost double,” he promises. “But if you increase each of the five areas by 50 percent, your business would skyrocket from $62,500 to almost half a million dollars annually.” Achieving those kinds of numbers starts with one $10k challenge meeting Hanes. And don’t be surprised when your life changes for the better in every way, he warns. Clients soon understand that his specialty isn’t just finding thousands—or hundreds of thousands—of untapped dollars for businesses. He also helps create that freedom business owners all want. “It’s about implementing a system, a roadmap that generates a large number of leads, conversions, and sales on an ongoing basis,” he says. “The beauty is that this self-sustaining

model runs on its own…without you having to be there all the time. Vacations, spending more time with your family—the payoff goes far beyond just economic success.” Are you ready to see what life looks like with T. Allen Hanes on your side? To contact T. Allen Hanes E m a i l t a l l e n @ businessresultssyndicate.com Or to schedule a free 45 minute “$10,000 in 45 Minute Challenge” go to www.Schedule10Kchallenge. today

T. Allen Hanes’s new book on finding $10,000 for businesses in 45 minutes

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