1. Introduction to the Youth Code of Business Ethics
This document the Youth Code of Business Ethics is an outcome of an Erasmus+ project titled Youth for Entrepreneurship and Business Ethics, abbreviated YEBE. Its mission is to bring forward to the European youth fundamentals of business ethics and ethical leadership. The outcome is a result of nearly three years long project where young people from five EU states were meeting and elaborating together on vivid topics of ethics and business / entrepreneurship. Final result, the core content of this document – The Oath, was written by the students and young professionals themselves. The content of the Youth Code of Business Ethics, further on presented in this document, was made by reflecting their personal experience during their internships and/or first years of professional practice and based on important documents of their respective religious traditions. Young participants of our program are the generation called Millennials or Gen Y. They are aged between 17 and 32 years, and as expressed in their words they are a “different generation”. This “different” showed clearly in the process and the outcome. As the Gen Y is wide and diverse, our process and final outcome is bright, dynamic, and outstanding. Most of the participants involved in the program were young professionals, some doing the internships, some already running their own start-ups. In the project, however, students of bachelor and master, and also high school youngsters participated. The input of Millennials is treasure, not only because their insights show the functioning and thinking of the generation, but rather because they open new horizons and questions on the subjects of ethical leadership and business / entrepreneurship. This document, however, describes the whole outcome process, from the project thought and its background, to the process making and final conclusions. In the beginning of this document, hence, we first portray our work objective, goals of this outcome and benefits for our target group Millennials. Second we present our ground, our basis of this project which leans on a document Vocation of the Business Leader and well established practice of ethical business codes, recognized also by the name codes of conduct.