Why Youth work is good: Frameworks and Opportunities

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caused by a lack of support and help. The purpose of the programme is to help early school dropouts with no occupational qualifications to overcome social exclusion by encouraging them to re-enter and complete the educational process to acquire qualifications or the targeted level of education. The programme also equips young people with skills and competences for job seeking and entry to the labour market. An evaluation study of the PUM programme (Andragoški centre slovenije, 2010) found that 83% of participants regarded their participation in programme as the reason for (positive) changes in their lives. More than 98% of participants described their experience of the PLYA programme as essentially different from formal education.

Places and opportunities for young people

Bulgaria: The most comprehensive place where young people from Bulgaria can find opportunities for themselves is the “European Youth Portal”, which offers European and national information and opportunities of interest to young people who live, study and work in Europe. It provides information on eight major topics, covers 33 countries and is available in 27 languages. Besides on line information young people can also come physically to Information Centre of the European Commission representation in Bulgaria. Here they can interact with the staff of the Information Centre and get explanations they need. At the same time there are a lot of NGOs providing training, internships and volunteering opportunities for young people but in country and international mobilities. Dominantly these opportunities are shared through Social networks. Another importand place with information and opportunities is “Human Resources Development Centre”, that is a Bulgarian National Agency for Erasmus+ program. Here individual persons, formal and informal groups of young people can get information how to be included in an Erasmus + programs themselves. Some opportunities can also be found in major international companies that have different types of Corporate Social Responsibilities events and provide opportunities for Youth Work.

Croatia: In order to answer this question, we need to divide focus on very small local communities, then cities and big cities. In very small local communities, young people don’t have many opportunities or even a place or organisation where they can find what is out there and abroad for young people. In that manner, young people tend to be included in sport clubs or culture/dance associations. In local communities that have high school and/or an NGO that is working with youth, the possible opportunities for youth are often organised in cooperation with schools. Their youth NGOs are visiting schools and have different programs for youth, such as mobility, activism or leisure time of young people as that is basically one of very few places where they can find groups of young people. Here the problem is to include or “catch” young people finishing high school but they are still young. Local youth councils are rare at this level as there is a small number of young people in community. The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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