‘WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE STUDENT SOCIAL WORKERS JUST BEGINNING THEIR COURSES?’ Three students from The Student Social Work Hub share their thoughts on studying social work in 2021. DYLAN SLOAN.
As the Samurai Social Worker (follow him on Twitter if you haven’t done so already!) explained during a recent book club meeting: we are all on a journey, imagine it to be a train with stops along the way. People will get on the train, and depart at their right stop. It’s vital to submerge yourself in the world of social work, create connections and communities within your university. These people are on your train for the next 3/4 years and beyond, so get to know them. Sometimes the train will be delayed - you may not get the mark you were hoping for on an assignment - but remember the train isn’t broken down! Secondly, you are going to learn theoretical underpinnings which you will ultimately use in practice but please remember, as you embark upon placements, that these are real people with different life experiences. Imagine them reading what you are writing.
timetables for assignments has definitely helped me. I always try to make my submission date on my plan earlier than the actual one. Read everything you can, it helps with assignments to see how people write and their different styles. There are many second-hand books to be had from former students and online sellers. The library should also become your best friend! I found the academic support at NTU and the library is fab, they have all kinds of sessions on referencing and academic writing. Also make the most of the social work community, there is a wealth of knowledge and experience you can learn from. I found social work Twitter is really helpful and leads to many resources and professionals willing to impart knowledge and experience. FIONA STEANE.
As someone who has just qualified and finished three years at university, I would definitely say do not wish your time away. As cliché as it is, time really does fly. My biggest piece of advice would be to think of university as your time to learn about social work, the Thirdly, a piece of academic advice – reference along the way; honestly it will world and most importantly yourself. save you so much time when you get to During my time at university I experienced a rollercoaster of the end of your assignment! complete self-discovery, something Finally, embrace it, you are choosing I am eternally grateful for. So really a career path where no two days are what I am saying is give yourself the the same; that’s the joy of working time and space to learn. Yes, social alongside people. work includes how to write reports and complete those procedures, but that KELLY CENTRO. will come with practice. As a student who is completing the In university, allow yourself to take time apprenticeship, so working alongside to learn, to be critical in your thinking, studying, I would say be organised! to learn more about yourself, and social Spending time putting dates into work as a profession. my diary and planning out rough 37