Social Work News - October to December 2019

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Have Your Say

Have Your Say This issue, we’ve been talking to our social workers about issues relating to training and career development. We know that this is a hot topic for many of you, so it has been a pleasure to learn how you think that training opportunities should be improved for social workers, regardless of what stage they are at in their careers. You can let us know whether you agree with our community through our social media channels @myswnews or email us directly via

How can we improve training, progression and career development opportunities for social work professionals? “Ensuring training is relevant to all areas of social work. Good academic and practical support. Opportunities for more specialised training.” Marion, Student Social Worker “Firstly, give social workers the time to undertake training without feeling pressures to keep their cases up-to-date. This means finding a real back up support (e.g having a social worker covering caseloads while training is undertaken so that the person can focus and embrace the training). Secondly have some quality training that gives social workers tools for practice; e.g conflict resolution, real case scenarios.” Diana, Independent Social Worker “Ensure those practice teachers and assessors (I was both) are regularly assessed and accountable. I have witnessed poor practice being passed on to students.” Sue, Retired Social Worker “Social workers to be given the time and opportunity to undertake career development. Often, it is difficult for social workers to comprehend undertaking training as their caseload is so high.” Amy, Newly Qualified Social Worker

“The only opportunities it appears within social work progression seems to be management or to remain as a social worker. More career development opportunities would be good to use social work skills and retain enthusiasm which I feel is not utilised, you see people leaving, taking their experience with them.” Tanya, Independent Social Worker

What can be done to improve ASYE experiences? “To make more ASYE experiences and jobs available. Allow students to change to adults or children halfway through if they wish to do so.” Almira, Student Social Worker “As an ASYE, acknowledgement needs to be given to the fact that Newly Qualified Social Workers are not experienced. During my ASYE I have had constant battles with myself, knowing I should say no to certain cases or workload because I do not want to be seen as somebody that is not competent at their job. I am a very passionate social worker, however, ASYE's are feeling overwhelmed in their first year which is resulting in them learning upon completion. NQSW’s need a designated team around them who can support and provide guidance where needed. A clear structure and requirements set out throughout the different stages of the first year.” Amy, Newly Qualified Social Worker

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“Slow down the learning with more investment in mentoring, where qualified mentors work consistently alongside new social workers, real investment in the workforce saves money and improves practice” Nicki, Head of Service “Fund social work provision in local authorities so that they can do the job properly. This will mean they can invest time and effort into staff development.” T, Service Manager “ASYE experiences need to be varied to try and cover as many areas as possible. They need to be allowed to shadow, but also be shadowed with an experienced social worker. They should also have lots of reflective discussions about how they felt (value-based thoughts) and also about how they felt they managed the situations and how they could do it differently next time. They should be encouraged to use their own life experiences to draw upon their relationship-building but without sharing too much of their life to family (they need to learn this fine balance).” Diana, Independent Social Worker “Discuss with others to share skills and experience” Sue, Retired Social Worker “More exposure to work opportunities across social work which would enable social workers to be appropriately trained and have knowledge of

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