The President of International Action Art Monaco and famous Royal Artist, Mrs. Ioanna Efthimiou, has the great honor to announce the first annual Maria Callas Monaco Gala & Awards, which is going to be held on May 10, 2021 at the spectacular Salle Empire of Hotel de Paris in Monte Carlo.
The Gala is organized under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco.
The concept of this unique Gala, based on the legendary Maria Callas Gala, was held in 1960 at the Opera of Monte Carlo accompanied by the en-
chanting voice of the unforgettable Opera Divina Maria Callas. She was performing to the crowded Salle of the Monte Carlo Opera, as well as in front of her beloved friends, H.S.H. Prince Rainier and H.S.H. Princess Grace of Monaco.
The Maria Callas Monaco Gala & Awards 2021 consists of an opera concert by the great musical artists, Elena Kuzheleva (soprano), Roman Lopatynskyi (pianist), Michael Tagkas (pianist), and an award ceremony to exceptional personalities who excelled for their personal work and efforts through different realms such as music,
The Gala will be accompanied by a gourmet dinner with cocktails, and a Contemporary Art Exhibition by a famous Monaco gallery.
All guests of the Maria Callas Monaco Gala & Awards 2021 will receive a unique handmade jewel gift that the famous jewelry designer Xaris Apergi designed especially for the occasion. Mrs. Xaris Apergi also designed the exceptional diamond ring “Maria Callas” made especially for H.S.H. Princess Charlene of Monaco.
Were you interested in art at a young age? Where did you grow up and where do you currently reside?
Art has always been my refuge since a young age; either by painting or making things by hand.
Royal Artist
I was born in Perth, Australia to Greek parents, so my first images were from the sea; the beautiful landscapes, as well as from TV screen images of a young Queen Elizabeth II, having a very lovable face for Australians, as well as for my mother who admired her a lot.
I returned to Athens, Greece with my family after a 45 day long trip on a large ocean liner. We passed through the largest ports in the world with last destination in the port of Piraeus in Greece.
Since then, my life has always been in constant motion but I think that’s how an artist’s life should be!
I finished my school years in Athens, and then I passed in the National School of Fine Arts.
I finished the painting department, continuing my art studies
in painting and design in New York and London.
After numerous exhibitions in Greece and abroad, I stayed for an extended time due to work in London in previous years, but my base was always Athens, Greece with my family.
Since 201, I lived mostly in Athens, Greece, Monaco and Monte Carlo.
Who, or what, inspired you to start painting?
I ‘ve always been fascinated by great Artists like Picasso and Dali - both for their work and for the life they led.
From a young age, I believed that all artists stood out for their personality and life. They are the ones who, through
their works, praised life and especially things that the common man cannot comprehend.
How did you become a Royal Artist?
In 2010, and after a long time of hard work and effort, my biggest dream come true.
A huge exhibition in London of Her Majesty’s most significant portraits from all of Her life and under Her own permission entitled: “All The Portraits of H.M. Queen Elizabeth II”
I will never forget the visit of Her grandsons William & Harry, and their impression in front of my paintings. I was completely impressed!
After London came Monaco and then another great and very honorable exhibition - the unforgettable Princess Grace of Monaco, with very significant portraits from Her lifetime.
This all led me to London in 2017 to be awarded the honorable title of International Royal Artist.
Tell us a bit about International Action Art.
International Action Art is a nonprofit organization founded in 2010. It aims to preserve, rescue, disseminate and protect traditional and modern culture - free exchange and circulation of cultural information and ideas. It organizes initiatives and programs encouraging cultural development, and the promotion of peace, friendship and mutual cooperation, social solidarity of equality and the rights of women and understanding among people who serve the cultural development of their country.
International Action is a global art community with representatives in all countries of the world.
The General and Global President and founder is Mr. Ioannis Maronitis.
Me, I have the great honor to be the President of International Action Art in Monaco, and I am looking forward to present our latest work projects on this - hopefully after the Covid virus subsides globally.
One of this is Maria Callas Gala and awards MONACO, 1st Edition.
Can you give us a few details about the Maria Callas Monaco Gala?
Maria Callas Gala and Awards
MONACO is a tribute, which is a high-standard event to the Greek origin and unforgettable Opera Soprano Maria Callas. We are trying to revive the myth of the first legendary Gala was held in Monaco 60 years ago under the auspices and presence of Princess Grace and Prince Rainier of Monaco.
It will be presented it under the auspices of the Greek Community of Monaco.
We were scheduled to present it from April 2020 but as the Covid virus still exists, we must move it to 2021. We plan to have the even in the beginning of May 2021 at the Salle Empire of Hotel de Paris - aiming to become an Institution to present it every year in Monaco.
The Gala will consist of a unique Opera concert by famous International artists like Elena Kuszheleva and Roman Lopatynskyi. And, an awards
ceremony for distinguished persons of different areas, such as arts, sports and social offers.
Also, there will be an art exhibition of a very well-known art gallery in Monaco. Followed by jewelry presentation of the unique artwork of the famous Greek designer Xaris Apergi, and also an elegant fashion show showcasing executive designer brands under the sounds of the Opera.
My acquaintances with Prince Albert, as well as with local art galleries, were truly fortunate collaborations and amazing factors for me to stay in Monaco and work there for long periods of time until today.
After all, Monaco and Southern France are the places where the most important artists lived and created.
How do you work and who, or what, inspires you?
I imagine that whoever you are, inspiration bubbles forth from how your environment affects you, how you perceive the world - outer and inner. Artists are often emotion-oriented and inspired by passions of all sorts. There is nothing more colorful than the artistic expression that births from conflict, turmoil, or the simple joy that‘s remiss for words. It’s inspiring in itself actually, cathartic to watch someone view my work and provide interpretation. I often demand others to tell me what they think a particular painting of mine is saying. Sometimes you discover through someone else’s eyes what you were relaying. Recently, a friend was in my gallery viewing my paintings and said, “Why do you
have so many pictures of Mick Jagger hanging on your wall?”
I said, incredulously “they’re not Mick Jagger! They’re representative of the sexuallycharged society we live in.”
Later, I thought about what my friend said and couldn’t help but think of the countless hours as a little child I spent looking at my parent’s collection of Rolling Stone albums... perhaps my friend was right.
Not as others see it.
Describe your style to someone at a dinner party who has never seen your work.
How boring would that be to describe my style of work. But, dinner parties, smart dinner parties, always have music accompaniment. I’d pour the person a drink and give an audiological description... music articulates. Let’s see, a good intro would be All Your Way, by Morphine, then maybe Soft Landing by David Hohme, Don’t Start Now, by Dua Lipa. Just a few, I could go on and on...literally, I paint to music so songs can better convey a description better than my be -
nign explanation.
When do you know the work is done?
When I look at a painting and smile, then I’m done.
If you were writing this interview, what question would you ask - you?
If I were writing this interview I’d ask, do you think if the paint colors you use are thrown in the air every second of every -
day for over nine trillion years. One of the times they hit the ground will they produce one of your artworks? Would you spare a square?
For more information on Rachel Roman, email christian@rougemagazine.net.
Q. Did you know at an early age that design would be your success?
A. I loved going through home magazines when I was a young girl. I would tear out pages and create collages that reflected my ideal house. My best friend’s mother was an interior designer, and I was so captivated by her creativity and success. I would sit in her office and just look at all the beautiful textiles. I knew that I truly had a passion for design.
Q. Who, or what, inspires you today to bring new concepts to life?
A . I travel quite a bit and gain inspiration from beautiful hotels and architecture. I love staying at beautiful hotels and admiring the attention to detail. I love a space that is beautifully curated and every detail is intentional. I also follow extraordinarily talented designers on Instagram which also brings innovative ideas into our design concepts for our clients.
Q. What is the first thing you think of when seeing a blank open space?
A . Seeing a blank space is incredibly exciting. I generally have a vision within 20 seconds! Many thoughts come to mind:
-I want to create this space to reflect my client’s lifestyle and the goal is to marry beauty and practicality
-I immediately envision the layout of what the room should look like
-Working with a blank space gives the client and our team the opportunity to create a jewel box that reflects a true collaboration
Q. How do you handle subjective viewpoints that may discourage your creativity?
A . Positivity and sharing my knowledge that I have accrued over 20 years helps me deal with
With over two decades of experience—and projects from Philadelphia to Georgia and beyond—Jen Fuller is an expert in creating spaces that are beautiful, unexpected, and immensely practical.
viewpoints that may effect my creativity. We have an interview process before we begin working with clients to make sure our design concepts and process align. This minimizes discouraging moments in the creative process.
Q. What is Fuller Interiors planning for 2021? And, what would you say your personal motto is?
A. Big big plans for 2021. We have very exciting projects in the works. Because of Covid, many
people are staying home and taking the opportunity to update spaces. Our design team is growing as well so we are able to provide great customer service to our clients.
My motto is “live a life that will outlive you.”
Please visit the website for more information and to schedule an appointment!
By Society MediaQ. How did you get started in the business?
A. After being economically laid off from a company where I held export commercial functions for 10 years, I continued to go to clubs, restaurants and lounge bars to meet people and network. There, some directors suggested I organize some events in Lyon and around.
Then, since 17 February 2012,
I had been requested by international companies, brands, professionals, and media, from Los Angeles to Hong Kong, regarding more than 300 events and experiences in France and abroad.
Q. Tell us a bit about where you grew up?
A. I was born at the Minguettes in Vénissieux, a popular suburb of Lyon in France.
Today, I live in Genas (25 km east of Lyon) near Lyon Saint Exupéry Airport and the “Groupama Stadium,” Parc OL from the Olympique Lyonnais, the football (soccer) teams of which Jean Michel AULAS is the President.
Q. Has this always been your passion?
A. My passions are business, lifestyle, sport and wine.
I remain at the disposal seven days a week, 24 hours a day, among economic actors and decision makers who are professional, determined and ambitious. My services include: The organization of custom events and creation of concepts.
Networking, branding, personalized consulting and coworking.
Concierge service, (upon pandemic situation related to the Covid-19, upon terms, selection and availability).
According to me, only facts and references are significant.
Q. What event really sticks out in your mind for which you were most proud or took the most effort?
A. I am very honored and pleased to collaborate with DAMA Productions (damaproductionsinternational. com), Méphistophélès Press & Productions (index_bienvenue_mephistopheles_ productions), Film Awards
TV Hong Kong, Fashion TV, and high profile international events such as the Cannes Film Festival with
Miss Cannes Film Festival by DAMA Productions, Red Carpet Showroom & Press Office by Méphistophélès Press & Productions, Branding Experience at the American Pavilion inside the international village, the Paris Fashion Week Haute Couture by Méphistophélès Productions, Fashion Weeks, the Monaco F1 Grand Prix, the Monaco Yacht Show and among others!
Q. Who, or what, inspires
many are worse) already experienced, so many insults, judgments, discriminations suffered, so many people who did not see or knew my potential. I felt guilty and doubted. I experienced failures, lost confidence in myself —but I’ve always tried, even very weakly, never to give up and, therefore, to go forward even if very, very slowly, being demanding towards myself, exposing myself authentically, showing by facts
and my way of being.
I am simply and humbly myself. Serene as I am, I simply live fully every moment of true life, the wonder of the moment shared, in action, availability, learning, the proposal of opportunities and the values to which I am faithful.
I want to improve every day and remain determined, persistent and ambitious, and according to me, only facts and references are significant. Let us meet new challenges!
Q. What exciting things are happening in 2021?
A. First, health is the key.
Consulting (champagne Roger Constant LEMAIRE among others), business networking and launch of products (healthy and care products in 2021, perfume made in France in 2021, among others), the Paris Fashion Week Haute Couture by Méphistophélès Press & Productions (https://www. mephistopheles.fr/) in January and July.
Concept Exclusive Showroom
Experience, experiences and networking during the Monaco Charity Film Festival 2021 (date to be confirmed) at the Méridien Beach Plaza Hotel in Monaco, networking and concept at the American Pavilion inside the Village International during the Festival International du Film Cannes 2021 / Cannes Film Festival 2021 from 11 to 22 May 2021.
DAMA Life Experiences by DAMA Productions, Miss Cannes Film Festival, DAMA Queen TV Series, the red-carpet story by DAMA Productions during the Festival Interna -
tional du Film Cannes 2021 / Cannes Film Festival 2021 from 11 to 22 May 2021.
Concept, experiences and networking during the F1 Grand Prix in Monaco on 22 and 23 May 2021.
Concept, experiences and networking during the Monaco
Yacht Show 2021 from 22 to 25 September 2021.
Concept, experiences and networking during LuxePack Monaco 2021 from 27 to 29 September 2021.
Happy New Year to all!
For more information, go to www.ioannaefthimiou.gr
Not for profit organisation YGAP is standing up to end violence against children with the launch of its 2018 Polished Man campaign. The initiative calls on Australians to paint one nail to represent the one child who dies every five minutes as a result of violence.
Child abuse, neglect and family violence robs children of their childhoods and tragically, 1 in 8 Australian children report experiencing physical or sexual abuse before the age of 152.
Polished Man Co-Founder and Cam-
paign Manger, Kylie Wallace said, “The number of Australian children experiencing physical or sexual abuse is appalling. Last year 1 in 32 children required child protection services, which is a very small drop compared to 2016.
“Violence against children needs to end and that’s why we’re calling on Australia to join the fight and start a conversation by painting one nail during October.”
In 2017, the Polished Man campaign raised $1.65 million with the help of over 10,271 Polished Men and Women.
Supported by ambassadors includ-
ing Vance Joy, Tommy Little, Olympia Valance, Gyton Grantly, Darren Palmer and other leaders, personalities and individuals, this year’s campaign aims to raise even more than last year and achieve 20,000 sign ups through the month of October.
“Throughout October, I’ll be painting one nail to generate awareness and support Polished Man. If this helps to drive people to sign-up and donate, I know I’ve contributed to helping end violence against children,” said Vance Joy. 95 percent of all victims of violence in Australia report the perpetrator being
male, but Polished Man is not about pointing the finger. It’s about empowerment, eliciting a conversation and celebrating the men and women who speak up and take action.
Now in its fifth year, the campaign is encouraging adults to step out of their comfort zone and also have their fingernail painted by kids to encourage conversation across all ages.
All funds raised through Polished Man are channelled into trauma recovery and trauma prevention programs for children who have suffered or are at risk of suffering violence globally.
Amber Lounge is proud to announce its partnership with Gulf Oil International as the Title Sponsor of the Monaco Grand Prix Charity Fashion show 2021. The worldrenowned annual event brings together the world of Fashion and motorsport with the F1® drivers and the Ladies of F1® taking to the runway under the watchful eye of the world’s international media. The Amber Lounge Charity Fashion Show was established in 2006 under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco and to date has raised over 5.5 million USD for various notable causes.
Gulf Oil International announced a multi-year strategic partnership, reentering elite motor racing during the 2020 F1® season with McLaren Racing Formula 1 team, becoming the preferred lubricant supplier to McLaren Automotive from 2021.
Gulf Oil International’s partnership with Amber Lounge further increases their footprint in the world of F1®
“We are delighted to partner with the Amber Lounge Monaco Charity Fashion Show at the Monaco Grand Prix, at which will be premiering the new Gulf Capsule Collection and launching a new premium fashion brand. This is a
very exciting period for Gulf Oil International and we are looking forwaLOCATIONrd to showcasing our brand at one of the most preeminent sporting events of the calendar year” stated Mike Jones, CEO
of Gulf Oil International“We are extremely proud to partner with such a well-renowned company, with strong and historical roots in the world of motorsport. As a partnership, we already have many exciting things planned together and look forward to once again being able to excite the public with our world-class events.” Sonia
Irvine CEO of The Amber Group.LOCATION:
Amber Lounge Monaco, Grimaldi Forum, 10 Av. Princesse Grace, 98000
21st May 18.00 – 04.00
22nd May 22.30 – 04.00
23rd May 22.30 – 04.00
Amber Lounge Fashion, dining and Fashion after party
Amber Lounge dining & After Party
Amber Lounge dining & GP After Party
For more information: http://www.amber-lounge.com/monaco
To book: +33 06 40 61 11 48 or monaco@amber-lounge.com
Amber Lounge is the original and world’s most exclusive VIP Grand Prix Lifestyle events that follows the F1® series around the globe. From Europe to Asia, from Latin America to the Middle East, this is where the international jet-set, royalty, film stars and the Formula One® fraternity enjoy exquisite cuisine, spectacular fashion shows, heart-racing live performances and electrifying DJ sets. SOCIETY MAGAZINE was extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to catch up to Sonia Irvine, Founder of Amber Lounge.
By Christian Shane DoughertyQ. You are a very motivated person. Have you had any challenges staying the course during 2020?
A. Without doubt, 2020 has been the most challenging year for everyone worldwide and this obviously includes Amber Lounge as well as myself personally.
The events industry has been decimated by the pandemic. At times it has been difficult to stay on track, but we as a team took the approach that we had no choice but to remain positive, cut costs, be inspirational and work even harder and plan for new things in a very different world when we all eventually emerge from this pandemic.
This is exactly what we did. We used the time to rebrand, bring on board new events like the Monaco Historic GP, Monaco Formula E, our Tour with Legends concept, developed our F1 packages, amended old packages and worked with new partners thinking about things in a different way. On a positive note. COVID-19 gave us time and something super precious
which we had very little of in the past.
Q. The new Amber Lounge packages look amazing and congratulations on partnering with Gulf Oil International. Will the 2021 Monaco GP weekend differ in any way from the prior year’s regarding format? Can you tell us a bit about the charity fashion event this year?
A. Thank you. We are really excited about the Amber Lounge Fashion Partnership with Gulf Oil International. It’s a really exciting brand to be working alongside, and I’m excited to deliver a fantastic Charity Fashion Show, with a touch of Gulf Oil International sparkle.
We are close to finalizing our partnering charity for the event, for which I am excited. I had first thought to carry over the 2020 charity partner but decided it wasn’t quite appropriate for what was going on in the world with COVID, so I looked for something which would have an impact on the world globally. I will announce this over the next few weeks.
In regard to Amber Lounge, we were
lucky in that a lot of guests carried over their 2020 bookings to 2021from yacht places to hotel rooms as well as their Amber Lounge party bookings. Hence, in relation to 2021, we have a good basis. You may also be surprised to learn people are already booking for the upcoming events.
The main difference will probably be COVID related in that we may not be able to have as many as we normally would on our race viewing yachts and terraces as well as the Fashion Show and Amber Lounge. We have had to complete numerous floor plans to be COVID compliant, and I am sure this will continue. It’s been challenging planning the event due to the constant changes in regulations, but we are doing our upmost to deliver a memorable Amber Lounge.
Q. With an increase in global sustainability, eco-friendly and more people changing their diet, Amber Lounge is adapting as well. Can you mention what you have executed to becoming a cleaner, greener and carbon-neutral company? Vegan options?
A. As a company, we are continuing
to make drastic improvements and changes with suppliers and partners in an attempt to reduce our carbon footprint and emissions as a company. And with this in mind, moving forward, we will be offering to all our clients the opportunity to select ecofriendly services.
This is something that I feel strongly about, and I am pushing my team to adapt to this way of working. If we all start to make small changes to our daily lives, this will benefit our environment for the greater good.
SONIA IRVINE Founder ofQ. Can you give us your prediction on global travel? Will there be a revitalization?
A. I have to absolutely believe in revitalization or there is no point getting up in the morning. Our clients cannot wait to get back to normality and enjoy the freedom of travelling again! As I said, there is great interest around our 2021 events, so this is a fantastic sign moving forward. People are ready to start travelling again, and the vaccine is going to allow us this freedom.
Q. Amber Lounge throws the most glamorous party on the globe. What advice would you give someone attending the Monaco GP in 2021?
A. The Monaco Grand Prix is a bucket list event - my advice would be come prepared to have the time of your life! The energy and frustration built up during lockdown can all be forgotten for a short time as you immerse yourself in the most exhilarating GP destination. There is something for everybody in Monaco. I know, I live here.
Aries may discover an interesting and compelling love interest far afield and a bit different from where they are now. Your days of careful sheltering and a commitment to healthy options is rewarded with a heart filled virtual experience. Reach out, get involved safely and see where your curiosity takes you. New is the operative word!
Sexy Taureans can turn up their heat and cook up a spicy dish. There will be opportunities to (safely) demonstrate your love to a particular someone. All of these many months have given you the time to plan out your romantic future and decide who is who and for the what is what. Where can all of your now-emboldened actions lead? You are in charge, so decide.
Even if certain relationships have been strained recently, you will find new ways of bridging differences and building reconciliation. As difficult as it may first seem, there are cracks of openings in communications and you sense a general willingness to connect. So, what are you waiting for, Gemini? Spread the love and you may be surprised as to where it settles in.
(JUNE 22 - JULY 23)
Hopefully, you have not been spending too much time just sitting around the house, Cancer. But even if so, it is a great time to get more exercise and healthful activities going. Concentrate on yourself and what you can do to stay strong, centered and less stressed. Explore the virtual options and start now. We may have another cruise season, eventually.
(JULY 24 - AUGUST 23)
Let your creativity expand into new areas of interests now, Leo. Just when you thought you had hit a virtual wall in certain projects, suddenly there are many new opportunities and ideas to mine. Some may require a bit of luck or taking a calculated risk, but so what? Tackle them one by one. It is all leading you to a fresh and valuable place. Then, celebrate!
Tensions at home might have increased over the past few weeks, but there looks to be relief on the horizon. The stressful situation is really at the core of any disagreements. Try to let certain things go, Virgo, understanding that this could be temporary and fixable. There may be some areas that cannot be changed right away – stay hopeful.
Diplomatic Libras know just what to say now to make everyone feel calm, comfortable and welcomed. Spread the love where and when you can through a kind word, caring thought, and healing energy. Also, try and share some of your useful insights and advice. When you give out your best to the universe, it gives back its best to you!
If you are experiencing financial stress now, there may be some bright and valuable opportunities for you coming up soon. Scorpios have good strategic sense that helps them look more into the future for balance, opportunity and profit. So, focus on what you need to do, who you need to help guide you and then get started. Luck is on your side.
Sagittarius have an uncanny sense of what people want now. Add to that a dash of personal charisma and you have the makings of great success. You find yourself in the center of the action even if it is virtual. The question is, what are you trying to achieve now? Once you decide that, you will know which social circle to enter, who to meet and then what to do.
You have a guardian angel working for you behind the scenes, Capricorn. So, take a chance on following your gut for certain projects and see where it can all lead. This is also a great time to find ways to mellow out and find calm. The past months have been stressful, but maybe we are seeing a happier end to a difficult beginning.
You will benefit greatly from expanding your social circle now, Aquarius. Try to find safe ways to reach out. Your winning personality will attract many different types of people. Each one can be important to you in some way. There is so much going on online and there are many opportunities to explore. Your charm will bring them to you. Then you must decide next steps.
As complicated and as stressful as some of your career experiences have been, there is cause for optimism. Now is the time to do some outreach to wise advisors and professional contacts. You have a great reputation that can now be leveraged and strengthened. So, ask advice from people you respect, Pisces, and keep your eye on the prize.
BY MADAM LICHTENSTEINLaunched in 2010 by sisters Lidiya and Gabriella, Oros Team has become a staple in the NYC real estate market. The team maintains a diverse inventory of exclusive listings and have built relationships with thousands of agents globally, delivering unprecedented client access by partnering with numerous professional networking organizations and providing coverage in multiple languages.
For over a decade, Oros Team has been dedicated to revolutionizing the New York City real estate experience for clients. By leveraging modern marketing strategies and the latest technology, the team is passionate about delivering unique value to developers, management companies, and sellers, while elevating the real estate experience for buyers and renters. With experience ranging from high-end rentals to luxury sales, no transaction is ever too complicated as they navigate the real estate waters for their clients ensuring the best outcome.
By Society MediaQ.What is you plan for 2021? Business and personal...
A.For most people, 2020 was a year that brought many significant and unique challenges. It forced many people to reset priorities around the importance of family, home, wellness, work, and the improvement of society in general. We all found ourselves in a position that required us to quickly readjust to the “new normal” and push forward and adapt.
Due to this shift in priorities, and to stay competitive in the New York City market, we had to maintain the flexibility needed to reinvent ourselves and our business in the dynamic world of real estate. Given the breadth of portfolios we represent in New York City, The Oros Team has a unique position in the industry enabling us to build pro-
prietary, real-time, intelligence on market conditions that is a unique advantage.
As we head into 2021, we continue to be focused on helping our clients navigate the real-time changes occurring in the real estate market, leveraging this unique advantage and perspective.
We are continuously monitoring the conditions to ensure we can find the best opportunities for our clients – whether they are looking to buy, sell, or rent their home. Since we often work across both sides of the equation, depending on the deal (representing either a buyer or a seller), it is important to master the skill of negotiation and to be able to navigate challenging situations so both parties find an agreeable middle ground.
As our portfolio continues to expand, so is our team! We have been
able to build a great team which is dedicated to providing best-inclass service to our clients; and we are always eager for further expansion when we come across talented agents who are a great fit. A top priority for 2021 is to accelerate our engagement with several partners to take on a more strategic role with new developments that can benefit from our expertise.
On a personal note, it is all about mastering the balance of work and home, especially in these decisive times. Dedicating time to family, friends, and oneself is key to a healthy lifestyle. We always make sure to find time to stay connected with family and friends; even if it has to be a virtual meeting via FaceTime, Zoom, or Google Hangouts.
We always find the most fulfillment in giving back to our community
and continuing our involvement in charities which enables us to give back especially during these crucial times.
Q.During the down time, how have you stayed motivated?
A .During shutdown orders in NYC in early 2020, the city went silent for the first time. It was an eerie experience walking down Broadway’s vast expanse and not seeing anyone else on what used to be crowded sidewalks.
As non-essential businesses were forced to close, the real estate market also went into a temporary freeze to help contain the virus as in-person showings were barred. While some viewed this as detrimental to a business, we viewed it as an opportunity as it enabled us to refocus our daily efforts on building out our brand and digital footprint.
For several years, we had a strategic focus on investing into our digital footprint and had a head start relative to some of our competition when the market shifted to virtual touchpoints. This enabled
our clients to engage with properties virtually through 3D walkthroughs, video tours, and photography and became part of the “new normal” of doing business.
What kept our team consistently motivated is the focus on factors that were in our control and things that we were able to adjust and elevate. We found that building out new schedules and routines, and keeping track of a to-do list, kept us all in check to achieve our daily and weekly goals.
We owe a debt of gratitude to today’s technology solutions which
enabled us to stay connected with family and friends; and allowed us to show them love and support even if we couldn’t physically be there with them.
ing our clients achieve their real estate goals.
Q.What advice would you give someone just getting into the business in 2021?
A.Real estate is one of the most exciting careers you can go into –no two days are ever alike, and your success lies in your own hands. This is the main reason why we are so passionate about our roles in help-
Being successful in real estate is no longer based just on relationships, which also remain critical, you must focus on delivering an innovative experience to your clients that gives you a unique advantage vs. the thousands of other brokers vying for the same deal in a highly competitive market like NYC.
You must be comfortable being put out of your element on a daily basis since that is the only way you will grow. Being able to leverage new tools and a data driven approach
to give your clients an edge will set you apart from the competition. The right marketing and analytics approach makes all the difference between “good” and “great.” If you are thinking of entering the industry, be true to yourself and stay professional. Remember that real estate is a choice of a lifestyle.
At the end of the day, this will enable you to provide an immense level of value to your clients, which will give you a foundation to accelerate your business for years to come!
I could now tell stories the way I wanted to, using pictures I took, while being paid for it!
Q: How did Flash Life originate in Miami?
By Christian Shane DoughertyQ: Would you give us some background on your personal life? Where you grew up and how you got into the business… A:
I am from Paris and was definitely lucky to grow up in one of the most beautiful cities in the world! My dad was a photo enthusiast who loved catching memories of family and friends. I still have these vivid memories of us gathering each year to watch the family vacations through a slide show projector. This truly taught me the value of telling a story with images!
After high school, I went on to study engineering and computer science in Marseilles before heading to my first job in New York as a software engineer. New York is everything people imagine it to be and more! The energy there is phenomenal. Soon I was working in information technology as a consultant for big banks on Wall Street. It was fast paced and exciting, but I was always yearning for something more glamorous and more artistic.
At the time, I was going to all the trendy places in New York, taking lots of pictures and posting them on social media. Facebook was starting to get very popular, and they got noticed. Some people wanted to hire me to shoot their private events or fashion shows and post them.
A:From past visits, I loved the relaxed Miami lifestyle, the weather, the beaches, and what seems to be an endless stream of attractive people. After living for a decade in New York, I needed a change of scenery. I moved to Miami Beach and started capturing interesting moments when I was going out. People enjoyed having their picture taken and loved how they came out! In turn, they invited me to their next events! Everyone wanted to see these pictures, so I started a page on Facebook and posted the images and organized albums with each telling story. I called the page “FLASH LIFE” to evoke the flamboyant and extravagant lifestyle that these pictures were describing.
But, I always thought something was missing from still pictures. They looked great, but they just didn’t capture what it really felt like to be there. Then, video equipment technology evolved to capture what was really going on at all these glamorous events, while not being intrusive. After buying one of these cameras, I started filming. There was nothing like it, not in Miami, not anywhere - the Facebook page took off from there and quickly passed 100,000 followers!
Q: Flash Life looks like a very fast-paced and busy lifestyle for you. How do you keep fit and looking good?
STEPHANE CHICHE President, FLASH LIFE TVA: When your job takes you out almost every night, you can’t last long without some discipline. I do try to run 3-4 miles, 5 times a week, usually on the boardwalk in
Miami Beach where I live. Then, I do weights for 20-30 minutes. I watch what I eat of course, but most importantly, I drink very little alcohol and most nights nothing at all. When you are in good company at
amazing events, it’s easy to have fun even sober, with the added benefit of remembering everyone you meet and be fresh the next day. I highly recommend it!
Q: What makes Flash Life extraordinary?
A: A lot of people in South Florida hear about a new place by seeing one of our videos, which has made us the most influential social media page in Miami. I even had people tell me they moved here in part because of videos they saw on FLASH LIFE! Several videos have gone viral and have been seen by millions! Just last week, we got more views and engagements - likes, comments and shares - than the mighty Miami Herald.
In fact, we are the only destination on the web with this collection of amazing events and lifestyle videos. I don’t know of any other website or page around the world, from Paris to Ibiza, that shows you in one place what it’s like to go to the private parties, exclusive events and enjoy the music and art scene. That’s why we’re thinking of expanding our unique concept around the world and are already talking to a few people. I won’t say much more about this at the moment!
Q: What’s in store for the future?
A: Building on the success of our media platform, we are in the process of transforming FLASH LIFE into a full-service digital marketing company to help businesses in South Florida create engaging and interesting content to bring in new customers. We are also working on a smartphone app that will help you find the perfect place to go out, but in a completely new way that’s super intuitive! Finally, we are partnering with local designers to create a completely original and extremely sexy swimsuit fashion line. After all, FLASH LIFE is all about what’s sexy and exciting in Miami.
So stay tuned!