New !
As part of our Delivering for Brewers initiative, we are delighted to introduce our first Craft Beer Work Force Report.
Membership: Delivering for Brewers
Below you will find a brief summary of some of the ways in which SIBA is Delivering for Brewers, but if you have any questions or would like to know more about joining SIBA then email our membership team at
Issue 1 April 2022
The Craft Beer Work Force Report draws on data provided by our members’ survey 2022 to provide a guide to the UK’s craft beer workforce. It profiles the average salary levels by position and includes data on working hours, qualification, age, diversity and travel to work. The members’ survey was completed by 310 brewers, representing over 44% of SIBA’s brewing membership with a production range from below 10 hectolitres (hl) per annum to 60,000 hl. We hope that this will be a useful tool for your brewery.
New ! GOVERNMENT LOBBYING: BREWERS’ VOICES ARE BEING HEARD SIBA continues to lobby on behalf of members on a variety of big issues such as Small Breweries’ Relief, Covid support, business rates and the Alcohol Duty Review meeting politicians and policy makers to make sure brewers’ voices are heard. Our work with Government is backed up by pro-active press activity, industry and consumer campaigning, ensuring that the issues that matter are top of the news agenda and at the top of MPs inboxes.
IMPROVING YOUR WEBSHOP USER EXPERIENCE: FREE WEBSHOP AUDIT SERVICE Our second Delivering for Brewers item is our new free webshop audit service, provided by SIBA’s Head of Comms & Marketing Neil Walker, following his talk at BeerX UK 2022 on “Improving your brewery webshop user experience to maximise sales”.
COMPLIANCE: FOOD SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE FROM PROFESSIONAL BREWING BUSINESSES Recognised as a minimum standard by a number of leading companies within the Industry, the SIBA Food Safety Quality Audit continues to be adopted by a number of Brewing Members who do not hold an alternative accreditation. To assist brewers in becoming compliant, tools such as HACCP, Traceability and Health & Safety are made available to all Brewing Members via the Toolbox.
Over the last few years more breweries than ever have begun selling online direct to consumers, which makes it even more important to ensure your site is working as effectively as possible. Simply email with your brewery website URL to request a brief and practical audit of your site, including what works well and what could be improved.
PRESS & COMMS: KEEPING YOU INFORMED + BREWERIES IN THE NEWS Our weekly Brewing in Brief emails continue to be incredibly important tool in keeping members updated on the latest industry news, support and guidance, as well as how you can engage with important campaigns such as SBR, the Deposit Return Scheme and more. In addition to this, every quarter SIBA Members receive a copy of SIBA Independent Brewer magazine through the post. Featuring industry news and guest articles from some of the UK’s best beer writers, as well as interviews, meet the brewer and business profiles, Independent Brewer is your portal to the wider world of independent brewing. Our external press strategy has also gone up a notch on behalf of members, making sure that independent breweries and the pressure you are under is at the top of the national news agenda. Not getting our weekly email? Sign-up here:
Summer 2022 | SIBA Independent Brewer |