75 minute read
Biology & Ecology
Wetland Sciences 2021: Adaptation Drives Innovation
JUNE 1-10, 2021
Note: This year's conference was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Biology & Ecology
Presented during CS1: Vegetation I, 6/3/2021 4:35PM - 6:25PM ET
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura, Michigan Tech Research Institute A binational team is working on developing a framework for monitoring coastal wetlands of the Great Lakes in 4D using high resolution Digital Globe optical and Radarsat-2 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite imagery. Five institutions are working together to acquire the data, develop automated algorithms, process the big data and serve up products. Acquisitions of Radarsat-2 occur every 24 days (May-Oct) and WorldView2 as frequently as cloud cover permits. Product development began with a focus on four study sites in 2016 with expansion to 12 sites in 2017-21. Semi-automated algorithms developed for Radarsat-2 allow monitoring changes in surface water extent and flooded vegetation for each of the study sites. SAR and WorldView2 imagery are used alone as well as in combination to produce wetland classifications including detecting invasive species. Dynamic digital surface models are produced from stereo WorldView2 data. Finally, water level changes are assessed through interferometric SAR. The goal is to develop radar and optical remote sensing semi-automated analysis methods to routinely monitor the dynamic nature of Great Lakes coastal wetlands to help wetland managers and decision makers assess wildlife habitat conditions, restoration activities and wetland health. Currently, the team is assessing the products for: 1) helping streamline the traditionally arduous process of updating of the National Wetland Inventory; 2) evaluating the breeding habitat of a threatened shorebird; and 3) to aid in monitoring wetland gain and loss while accounting for the naturally fluctuating lake levels. Small changes in hydrology can lead to large changes in surface water extent causing wetlands to change type or even disappear (at the wetland/ upland interface and shoreline). Monitoring coastal wetlands is necessary because their health is inextricably tied to the health of the Great Lakes and wetlands are particularly vulnerable to climatic and anthropogenic change. n
Presented during CS1: Vegetation I
Arenas, Anita, California State University of Long Beach Whitcraft, Christine Wetlands are important ecosystems that provide habitat and human services such as filtering water, providing buffers during storms, and reducing erosion. Despite this recognized importance, about 90% of wetlands have been lost in California. Of the remaining wetlands, many are degraded by human activities, including the spread of invasive species. Iris pseudacorus is one such non-native species that has been introduced across a geographical range. Los Peñasquitos Lagoon (LPL), in north County San Diego, and the Delta in northern California are areas that have been invaded with Iris pseudacorus across a range of salinities in both of these estuaries. The objective of our study was to describe how Iris pseudacorus impacts abiotic conditions, plant community and macrofaunal invertebrate community across this salinity gradient using a paired design comparing iris to non-iris areas. Preliminary data show no significant differences in pore water salinity, sediment properties, or benthic invertebrate communities between iris and non-iris canopies within sites, at both LPL and the Delta. Aerial insect communities, sampled via sticky traps in LPL, showed higher abundance in iris plots compared to non-iris at the marine sites as well as altered community composition between plant types at all sites. This potentially indicates that the largest impacts of Iris pseudacorus are on the aerial insects due its showy flowers, not the benthic community. Not only will this study help gain more knowledge on how this invasive species affects invertebrate and plant communities, but will inform management strategies regarding how to control or remove this species. n
Presented during CS1: Vegetation I
Cantu, Antonio, Interior Wetlands of Mexico: Status and Issues of Waterbird Habitats, Louisiana State University Beauchamp, Jeffrey King, Sammy Spring-fed wetlands within arid systems host numerous unique species of plants and wildlife, many of which are federally protected due to the vulnerability of these ecosystems. At Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge, in southeastern New Mexico, marsh habitats were impounded in the 1940s to provide fishing and hunting opportunities. During the mid-1990s managers switched to moistsoil management to manipulate water levels and promote the growth of native vegetation as foraging habitat for migratory birds. Three rare wetland plants have since established: the Pecos sunflower (Helianthus paradoxus, federally Endangered), Leoncita false-foxglove (Agalinis calycina, Candidate species), and Wright’s marsh thistle (Cirsium wrightii, Candidate species). In general, little is known about the life history of the three species, other than their distribution is limited to spring-fed saline marshes of west Texas, New Mexico, and southeastern Arizona. In this study, we evaluate how current wetland management and associated abiotic factors affect the establishment of the three species. We established monitoring stations equipped with groundwater wells throughout the management units and evaluated the hydrologic and soil factors driving plant presence and abundance. Then, we used seed incubators to determine germination requirements of these species and evaluated their responses to field-derived salinity gradients. The endangered Pecos sunflower was the most abundant and widespread species, whereas Wright’s marsh thistle was highly associated with permanently high soil moisture conditions and Leoncita false-foxglove with high soil moisture and high soil salinities. Wright’s marsh thistle showed the highest germination rates and no significant effects to increasing salinities, while Pecos sunflower and Leoncita false-foxglove exhibited negative responses to increasing salinities. Our results support the formulation of management strategies to enhance the abundance and prevalence of these rare plants in the long term while still providing habitat for migratory birds. Additionally, the new plant life history information will guide restoration efforts in areas where their populations are unstable or have been extirpated throughout the Southwestern United States. n
Presented during CS1: Vegetation I
Brooks, Hope Helonias bullata, swamp pink, is a federally threatened obligate wetland, evergreen, perennial herb with a historic distribution spanning the eastern U.S. Principle habitats include acidic sandy swamps, bogs, seeps, and areas within headwater drainages that are not subject to prolonged periods of inundation. The focus on this study has been to determine the impacts of man-made and spontaneous fires on Helonias populations at Fort A.P Hill, located near Bowling Green (VA) where there are about 50 unique occurrences (AKA “colonies”). As a Federally threatened species, the Fort A.P. Hill administration manages the species to assure long-term survival and implements management plans approved by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Fire is a common management tool at Fort A.P. Hill, and wildfires are frequent in training areas where Helonias populations are located. In 2014, a study was initiated to determine the effects of fire on Helonias populations and the growth and reproduction of individual plants. Results demonstrate Helonias colonies in frequently burned areas have more plants and were larger than those in less frequently burned areas. Individual plants survive fire and Helonias rosettes tend to be physically larger and have more leaves in plots with evidence of fire. On average, rosettes tended to have more leaves and there were more rosettes per clump at colonies experiencing wildland fires with medium to high frequency. An additional experiment to create higher light conditions by thinning shrubs and small trees resulted in a positive response in plant performance. Results of the study provide data that enable managers to develop strategies that benefit this Federally threatened species in an environment that experiences a high degree of human activity and a higher frequency of wildfire than non-Army habitats. n
Presented during CS1: Vegetation I
Biber, Patrick The Gulf of Mexico is experiencing a dramatic increase in salt marsh restoration, resulting in unmet demand for nursery plants in Mississippi and Alabama. However, a lack of information on population genetics impedes knowing what is needed to maintain future diversity. This study characterizes genetic diversity, using modern molecular techniques,
among S. alterniflora (smooth cordgrass) and J. roemerianus (black needlerush) populations along the northern Gulf Coast between Lake Pontchartrain, LA and Pensacola, FL. Field collections of 25 discrete plugs of each species were made at 10 stations; these included marshes at 1 site in FL, 2 sites in AL, 6 sites in MS, and 1 site in LA. For each collection location, plants were analyzed for genetic characterization using microsatellite markers. We genotyped 21 microsatellite loci in Spartina and 18 in Juncus. In both species, allelic richness and heterozygosity varied significantly among the 10 populations examined, with sites in MS generally having higher genetic diversity than LA and AL. In contrast, linkage disequilibrium suggested variation in effective population sizes among sites. This finding is consistent with varying numbers of clonal lineages segregating in these populations, but geographic patterns differed between the two species. Knowing the genetic makeup of the various populations will allow appropriate selection to enhance diversity. Future restoration projects can be composed of appropriate germplasm lines that when planted together have a long-term benefit. This information will be provided to local restoration and plant nursery businesses to improve access to appropriately sourced plant material for improved restoration outcomes. n
Presented during CS10: Hydrology and Sediment, 6/8/2021 10:55AM - 12:45PM ET
Yuan, Yuxiang, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Otte, Marinus Jiang, Ming Zhu, Xiaoyan The global increase in occurrence of harmful algae blooms in lakes has gained widespread attention. Although N and P are the main factors for primary productivity in lake ecosystems, dissolved iron (Fe) plays a crucial role as an essential micronutrient for phytoplankton growth. The interaction between Fe and light in phytoplankton growth is reasonably well studied in marine ecosystems, but there is a lack of understanding of this interaction in lakes. We conducted both a field study and an incubation experiment to identify the role of Fe and light in modulating phytoplankton growth and species composition in a eutrophic lake, Lake Xingkai, Northeast China. We found that the interactions between Fe bioavailability and light intensity impact phytoplankton community structure and Fe uptake. Phytoplankton composition and abundance varied greatly in response to elevated light and Fe. Bacillariophyta are favored under light-Fe co-limitation, while the dominant taxa changed from Bacillariophyta to Cyanophyta and Chlorophyta under elevated Fe and light conditions. We unveil the competitive advantage of a common bloomforming and N2-fixing algae Anabaena azotica relative to other species under high light and high Fe conditions. Our findings expand the knowledge of Fe-light interactions on phytoplankton growth and provide fresh insight into phytoplankton community responses to variation in light and Fe in eutrophic lakes. This information is important for efficient eutrophication control and lake management. n
Presented during CS11: Agricultural Wetlands, 6/8/2021 1:15PM - 3:05PM ET
Klionsky, Sarah, University of Connecticut Pulak, Anastasia Lawrence, Beth Neil, Christopher Miller, Haley Agricultural cranberry farms (bogs) are increasingly being retired in southern New England (USA), and there is great interest in restoring these former wetlands to re-establish native vegetation, attenuate nutrients, and promote flood resiliency. It is unclear, however, if restoring wetland hydrology alone is sufficient to establish targeted wetland vegetation, or if active seeding is required. To determine whether hydrologic restoration is adequate to promote diverse, species-rich, wetland plant communities, we conducted pre- and post-restoration vegetation surveys in three bog cells at one former cranberry bog complex. In one bog cell, we also established paired plots and seeded one of each pair with a native seed mix. Patterns of species richness before and after restoration were driven primarily by native, perennial species. In one bog cell, species richness increased significantly from 13.78 ± 0.57 (SE) species per plot before restoration to 29.45 ± 0.70 (SE) the first growing season after restoration and remained high in the following two growing seasons (36.85 ± 0.81 (SE) and 25.00 ± 1.84 (SE)). The number of wetland indicator species per plot also increased significantly following restoration from 7.23 ± 0.44 (SE) to 18.40 ± 0.42 (SE) species per plot (22.83 ± 0.58 (SE) and 17.37 ± 1.00 (SE) in the second and third years). While the coverage of wetland species increased more slowly, the per plot cover of upland species decreased from 76.54% ± 8.90 (SE) to 15.86% ± 2.72 (SE) after restoration. The other
two bog cells showed the same patterns in their first-year post-restoration. The bogs also contained fewer woody species and more wetland-associate forbs and graminoids after restoration. Further, our seeded and unseeded plots had similar species richness and composition, indicating that seeding may not be necessary to regain richness after restoration. These results suggest that restoration techniques in retired bogs that result in locally raised water tables and varied microtopography will promote revegetation of native wetland plants. n
Presented during CS3: Wetland Chemistry, 6/3/21 4:35PM - 6:25PM ET
Weisenhorn, Pamela O’Loughlin, Edward Koval, Jason Skinner, Kelly Kemner, Kenneth Szubryt, Marisa Owens, Sarah Greenwald, Stephanie Methane emissions are highly variable and differences in plant community composition can explain some of this variability, suggesting an influence of plant species on microbial communities and subsequent methane cycling. Since closely related plant species have similar morphological and biochemical features, we hypothesized that plant evolutionary history is related to differences in microbial community composition. We selected five monoculture-forming wetland plant species based on evolutionary distances among them. We detected significant differences in microbial communities between sample types (unvegetated soil, bulk soil, rhizosphere soil, internal root tissues, and internal leaf tissues) associated with these plant species using 16S relative abundances. We additionally found that differences in plant evolutionary history were correlated with variation in microbial communities across plant species within each sample type. Using qPCR, we observed substantial differences in overall methanogen and methanotroph population sizes between plant species and sample types. Interestingly, methanogens tended to be most abundant in rhizosphere soils while methanotrophs were the most abundant in roots. Thus, species specific plant effects on the size and spatial distribution of methanogen and methnotroph populations are likely a result of changes in both carbon and oxygen availability. n
Presented during CS3: Wetland Chemistry
Murdock, Justin, Tennessee Tech University Kalyanapu, Alfred Michael, Morgan Brown, Robert Duwadi, Shrijana Womble, Spencer Agricultural watersheds contribute a substantial proportion of nutrients exported by rivers in the Lower Mississippi River Basin (LMRB). Several anthropogenic factors in LMRB watersheds contribute to increased nutrient export, including channelization and levee construction that disconnects the river and its floodplain, and the conversion of riparian floodplain wetlands into agricultural production. The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service established the Wetlands Reserve Program (WRP) more than 20 years ago to restore marginal agricultural land back to functional wetland ecosystems. The goal of our research is to quantify these restoration outcomes across 40 restored riparian wetlands in western Tennessee and Kentucky, focusing on events when floodplains reconnect to the river. We are measuring easement nutrient reduction as a function of time in the program (i.e. wetland successional stage) and restoration practices including hydrology and vegetation modifications. This presentation details results from the first two years of a four-year study. Key findings to date include high denitrification rates in soils across most habitat types regardless of initial soil moisture, and greater retention of nitrogen and phosphorus during the initial flooding stage in easements older the seven years. The ecosystem services provided by these restored wetlands appears to reach far beyond that of just the creation of wildlife habitat, and includes the potential for substantial water quality improvement in local and downstream agroecosystems. n
Presented during CS3: Wetland Chemistry
Johnson, Olivia, U.S. Geological Survey Tangen, Brian Meier, Jacob Bansal, Sheel Zhu, Xiaoyan Common assumptions about how vegetation influences wetland methane (CH4) fluxes include acting as stem conduits for CH4 release, providing substrate for metha-
nogenic activity, and supplying oxygen to support CH4 consumption. However, little is known about how hydrology interacts with vegetation to affect CH4 flux, especially in seasonal wetlands that experience drying and re-wetting during the year. In a mesocosm study, we assessed the impacts of Typha on CH4 fluxes using clear flux-chamber measurements directly over Typha (‘whole-plant’), adjacent to Typha (‘plant-adjacent’), and over plant-free soils (‘control’). Under flooded conditions, whole-plant mesocosms had ~5-times higher CH4 flux rates than plant-adjacent or control mesocosms, presumably due to transport via plant stems. However, high fluxes from whole-plant mesocosms caused depletion of porewater CH4 concentrations, while control mesocosms maintained a highly-concentrated reservoir of porewater CH4. Therefore, when water levels were drawn down, porewater CH4 from control mesocosms was released as a pulse, offsetting the higher CH4 emissions from flooded whole-plant mesocosms. Moreover, wholeplant mesocosms had negative CH4 fluxes (i.e., uptake) during drawdown and maintained CH4 uptake even following re-wetting, presumably due to relatively high porewater oxygen concentrations. Thus, our findings indicate that vegetation of seasonally-ponded wetlands may not impact total CH4 emissions as much as previously assumed, and instead may primarily affect the timing of CH4 release. In addition, plant-adjacent cumulative CH4 emissions were relatively low due to depletion of porewater CH4 via neighboring plant stems, which has important methodological implications for future studies on the role of plants on wetland CH4 flux. n naturally occurring wetlands at varying levels of anthropogenic disturbance, and 2) 15 wetland restoration sites in the Wisconsin Glacial Habitat Restoration Area (GHRA) using the WDNR timed meander survey method. WFQA metrics were calculated including cover-weighted and unweighted mean coefficient of conservatism. Surface soils (0-15 cm) were sampled at each community and analyzed at the USDA-NRCS National Soil Lab for a suite of general physicochemistry, soil test P (Bray 1, Mehlich-3, Oxalate, Water Soluble), and related analytes for estimation of soil P retention metrics (i.e., Phosphorus Sorption Ratio [PSR]). Multivariate analysis of SSM and EM sites indicated that restored sites had overall lower floristic quality than natural sites, and that floristic quality was negatively associated with % exchangeable P and Mehlich-3 P for SSM sites. Restored sites were also more associated with invasive graminoid species, such as Phalaris arundinacea, reed canary grass, than the naturally occurring wetlands. From our linear models of WFQA metrics, we additionally found that the negative relationship between soil P and WFQA was stronger for organic soils than mineral soils in the SSM; however, EM floristic quality was not significantly related to any of the soil P variables. Our results indicate that wetland restoration projects with floristic quality goals would benefit from soil P and physicochemistry data to inform the design process and anticipated maintenance needs, especially in agricultural landscapes. Furthermore, natural wetlands with low % exchangeable P and low disturbance could be prioritized for ecosystem and watershed protection purposes. n
Presented during CS4: Vegetation, 6/3/2021 6:55PM - 8:45PM ET
Schultz, Rachel, SUNY Brockport Marti, Aaron Previous Wisconsin DNR (WDNR) research has indicated that wetland floristic quality assessment metrics (WFQA; measures of wetland plant community condition) are inversely correlated with the proportion of redox-sensitive soil phosphorus (Fe- and Al- bound; % exchangeable P) when wetlands are grouped by broad cover type (i.e., herbaceous vs. woody). However, no known studies have explored whether this relationship occurs within individual wetland plant community types or in restored wetland sites in Wisconsin or elsewhere. To begin addressing this gap, we surveyed southern sedge meadows (SSM) and emergent marshes (EM) in southeastern Wisconsin within 1) 64
Presented during CS4: Vegetation
Kudoh, Aoi, Kyoto University Langley, Adam Whigham, Dennis Noyce, Genevieve Megonigal, Patrick Sexual reproductive effort in wetland plants is influenced by environmental factors such as temperature, photoperiod, and nutrient availability as well as within-populations factors such as shoot density. Environmental conditions in wetlands are rapidly changing, thus it is important to predict the effects of global change on reproduction of wetland plant species. The target species in this study is Schoenoplectus americanus (Cyperaceae), a common wetland species in brackish tidal wetlands of the Chesapeake Bay and beyond. We evaluated density and reproduction
data from three experiments that range from 3 to +30 years in duration and were designed to assess the importance of temperature, CO2, and nitrogen on ecological and ecosystem processes. We compared the density of Schoenoplectus at the beginning of each experiment with 2019 data. We sampled reproductive plants in 2019 to test the hypothesis that, as a clonal species, reproductive effort would be positively related to shoot density. Shoot density changed temporally in the two longest running experiments and the increase was dramatic in plant communities originally dominated by Spartina patens and Distichlis spicata. Sexual reproduction was mainly affected by temperature with the percentage of flowering shoots and potential number of seeds produced increasing with increasing temperatures. Seed production responded less to CO₂ and N supply. There was a positive relationship between sexual reproductive effort and shoot density in all three experiments. The study demonstrates that wetland species response to factors related to climate change, i.e., increased temperatures, will impact ecological strategies. n
Presented during CS4: Vegetation
Sah, Jay, Florida International University Isherwood, Ewan Heffernan, James Ross, Michael In a spatially structured landscape, large scale patterns in plant species composition usually result from environmental processes acting at different spatial scales and their feedbacks on community assembly. In the Everglades, where one of world’s largest wetland restoration projects is underway, the ridge and slough (R&S) landscape has historically contained spatially structured vegetation patterning that appears to have mostly been lost due to management-induced changes in hydrologic regimes. Our study describes spatial structure in species composition within the R&S landscape, and relates the derived structural measures to landscape condition. We sampled species composition in 62 5x2 km plots (PSUs; Probabilistic Sampling Units). To model the spatial structure in species composition, we plotted Bray-Curtis dissimilarities against distance, also called a “dissimogram”, and quantified spatial structure with nugget, sill and range, three commonly used parameters in semi-variance analysis. We reasoned that healthy R&S landscapes would exhibit strong anisotropy and a low nugget to sill ratio (nugget:sill). A majority of PSUs exhibited a low nugget and high nugget:sill ratio, a sign of R&S degradation. In contrast, a few PSUs, in which longterm water depth ranged from 25-50 cm, displayed a higher nugget effect and low nugget:sill ratio, indicating relatively conserved R&S. The study indicated that more areas within the R&S landscape are in a degraded condition than are intact. While the current condition suggests that only active and adaptive management strategies targeting pre-development hydrologic regimes can restore the degraded R&S landscape, a number of ongoing restoration efforts are in place to improve the Everglades’ landscape conditions. n
Presented during CS5: Worldly Wetlands II, 6/3/21 6:55PM - 8:45PM ET
Chan, Karen, Tsinghua University The Ramsar convention was created as a direct response to the large scale wetland loss in Europe and includes the designation and management of wetland sites, wise use of wetlands, and international cooperation as its central tenets. Despite its efforts, threats towards wetlands have not lessened regardless of the protection levels implemented. Furthermore, the convention lacks clear assessment indices. This study aims to identify the differences in the distribution of the changes in land cover, and their impact on fragmentation and habitat loss for Ramsar sites in China and their surrounding area. We analyzed the changes in land cover and global surface water and how these changes affect landscape metrics such as patch size, number of patches, patch boundary length and boundary to area ratio from 1992-2018 for the selected Ramsar sites. The distribution of the various changes in land cover, fragmentation and habitat loss are also analyzed through a series of nested internal buffer and an external buffer of equal area to the selected Ramsar site. The results indicated 16 combinations of land cover and ecoregion which experienced no change during the entire study period and these include Evergreen needle leaved tree cover with a closed to open canopy in a Cold-winter desert biome and Deciduous broad leaved tree cover with a closed to open canopy in a Tropical humid forest biome. The land cover and ecoregion combination that experienced the most change were Waterbodies in a Temperate broad leafed forest biome and Grasslands in a Cold desert biome. The Tibet Selincuo Wetlands Ramsar site also experience the greatest change in terms of both the land cover area and in the number of patches altered. Although the changes in number of patches decreased significantly from 2007 to 2017 for the Dalai Lake Na-
tional Nature Reserve in Inner Mongolia, there were also significant increase in the minimum patch perimeter-area ratio in the surrounding area in 2007 that was followed by similar findings in 2012 and 2017 for the Ramsar site itself. This study has showed that some land cover and ecoregions within Ramsar sites are more resilient to change (eg. Deciduous broad leaved tree cover in Tropical humid forest) while others are more susceptible (eg. Waterbodies in a Temperate broad leafed forest). Although there are positive signs such as the decrease in the number of patches altered, there are also worrying indicators of increased fragmentation or conversion. n
Presented during CS8: Animal Biodiversity, 6/8/2021 8:35AM - 10:25AM ET
Anderson, James Yannuzzi, Sally American black ducks (Anas rubripes) have declined in abundance due to habitat loss, hybridization with mallards (Anas platyrhynchos), and historic overhunting. Although the overall population of black ducks has stabilized and even increased in portions of its range, important wintering areas in western Pennsylvania and West Virginia have continued to see a decrease. Our objectives were to determine wintering black duck daily energy expenditure (DEE) in Central Appalachia through time-activity budgets, and calculate behavioral differences among wetland systems, levels of naturalness, management schemes, flock composition, year, date, and time of day. Between November and March 2015‒2016 and 2016‒2017, we conducted waterfowl surveys twice a month and recorded diurnal time-activity budgets when black ducks were encountered. We calculated DEE using a simple cost of thermoregulation model (684.94 kJ/bird/ day) and a complex (1,542.95 kJ/bird/day) cost of thermoregulation model incorporating site-level wind speeds and temperatures. The most dominant behavior overall was swimming (35.2%), followed by foraging (26.2%), and sleeping (16.4%). Black ducks foraged the most in natural wetlands (56%) and riverine systems (34%) and swam the most in modified (43%) and created (26%) wetlands. Black duck behavior varied greatly within wetland systems, management schemes, and levels of naturalness. We recommend wetland and waterfowl managers incorporate the complex cost of thermoregulation DEE model for more accurate estimations of duck use days, and provide a diversity of nearby habitat types with differing levels of management for wintering black ducks and other waterfowl to meet their multitude of needs throughout the winter. n
Presented during S10: Ecological Restoration through Policy Change: Restoring and Managing Beaver in Washington State, 6/8/2021 1:15PM - 3:05PM ET
Alves, Molly, The Tulalip Tribes Whipple, Alexa The near extirpation of beavers from the North American landscape has had dramatic, negative effects on water quantity and quality and ecosystem function and resilience in our watersheds. Better understanding of stream processes and the need for landscape scale restoration actions to address hydrologic degradation has led to an effort to reestablish these ecosystem-engineering mammals. A beaver’s evolutionary inclination is to impound water, providing unparalleled benefits to these invaluable ecosystems such as increasing overall biodiversity and mitigating the effects of climate change. However, current beaver numbers are a fraction of historic density in the majority of their historic range owing to human development and conflict that limit or prevent their natural dispersal. Relocating beavers from areas of perceived conflict, where lethal management was formerly the only solution, to areas deficient of beaver and owned by beaver-tolerant entities, is a practical strategy to increase process-based watershed function, disturbance resilience and climate adaptation. The Tulalip Beaver Project and Methow Beaver Project will share 12 years of exploration into the techniques of beaver relocation on ecologically differing sides of the North Cascades. We will provide insight into initiating a relocation project and offer further considerations for seasoned relocation practitioners. Topics include beaver trapping, transport, housing and handling, sexing and pairing, disease/invasive species concerns, release site assessment and relocation, behavior and life history, and monitoring for and challenges to establishment success. We will share ideas on partnering with agencies, organizations and community members to foster support and engagement for beaver relocation. Additionally, we will share evolving research and strategies for partnering with beavers for wildfire abatement and impact restoration. n
Presented during S10: Ecological Restoration through Policy Change: Restoring and Managing Beaver in Washington State
Vanderhoof, Jennifer, Experiments in Sustainable Restoration Planting for Beavers and Fish, King County Department of Natural Resources and Parks Planting trees and shrubs along streams is a common element of restoration projects aimed at salmon recovery in King County and much of the Pacific Northwest. In lowland Puget Sound, it is common for beavers to show up at restoration sites within 3-5 years after installing the plants. A challenge for restoration practitioners has been to retain the trees and shrubs they planted for shade and large wood for salmon when faced with beaver herbivory. Restoration practitioners also appreciate the value beavers bring to these ecosystems. In this talk I’ll discuss a small restoration site with heavy beaver herbivory that King County recently replanted to research different methods of planting that might be sustainable in the longer term for both beavers and salmon. In one experiment, we will examine different densities of black cottonwood stakes. In the second experiment, we will examine the difference between planting willow stakes versus willow fascines. n
Presented during S11: Microbes: Small Players with Big Impacts on Invasive Species Management and Wetland Restoration I, 6/10/2021 3:35PM - 5:25PM ET
Devries, Aaron, USGS Great Lakes Research Center Kowalski, Kurt Bickford, Wesley In North America, Phragmites australis spp. australis is a large invasive grass that is capable of displacing entire wetland plant communities, unlike the closely related native Phragmites australis spp. americanus that occurs in the same environment. To test the hypothesis that members of the Phragmites australis microbiome regulate plant growth at the subspecies level and thus contribute to invasiveness, 162 microbes were isolated from plants representing these two lineages and used to perform seedling, mature leaf, and saprophyte bioassays. Based on a literature survey of the North American Phragmites microbiome, the collection of microbes represents 50% of the fungi and 65% of the bacteria known to occur on the two lineages in North America. Our bioassays revealed that two of these microbes (1%) were strong pathogens, 20 (12%) were weakly pathogenic, and the remaining 87% were non-pathogenic. None of the microbes could clearly discriminate between the two plant lineages, and the cuticle of mature leaves was found to be a strong and non-specific barrier to infection. These results are consistent with a broad body of literature on phyllosphere microbes and suggest that the Phragmites leaf microbiome does not play a significant role in regulating plant growth. The development of microbial pathogenbased treatments to manage Phragmites will need overcome the challenge of getting the pathogens through the plant’s thick leaf cuticle or find alternative ways to get microbial pathogens into the plant. Additional research is needed to determine how the microbes pathogenic to Phragmites affect other native plant species and how they may be considered in broader habitat restoration efforts. n
Presented during S11: Microbes: Small Players with Big Impacts on Invasive Species Management and Wetland Restoration I
White, James Almaliki, Hadeel Kingsley, Kathryn Kowalski, Kurt Chiaranunt, Peerapol Zhang, Qiuwei Chang, Xiaoqian Plants establish symbioses with soil microbes that are important for nutrient extraction from soils and plant development. One such symbiosis is the rhizophagy cycle, where bacteria alternate between a free-living phase in soil where they acquire nutrients and a plant-dependent protoplast phase inside plant root cells where root cells oxidatively extract nutrients from bacteria. In the rhizophagy cycle, roots attract bacteria to root tips by secretion of exudates (e.g., sugars, organic acids). Invasive Phragmites australis is a plant that is notoriously difficult to control. We hypothesize that rhizophagy cycle activity in Phragmites australis may be inhibited through applications of organic acids and sugars to soils to interfere with or confuse exudate signaling between plant and soil microbes, resulting in reduced growth and invasiveness of Phragmites australis. We conducted in vitro (Petri dish) and greenhouse experiments where plants were treated with organic salts (calcium propionate, calcium butyrate) and sugars (sucrose and mannose). In Petri dish experiments, we found that organic salts and sugars suppressed entry of bacteria into Poa annua roots, resulting in failure of roots to form root hairs and root length suppression. In six-week greenhouse experiments using
Phragmites australis plants, organic salt treatments at 50mM in combination with sugars (50 mM) were particularly effective at inhibiting root and shoot development. Plants treated with organic salts and sugars showed high levels of soil CO2 that also may contribute to rhizophagy cycle suppression in roots through inhibition of root cell produced superoxide. Reduced rhizophagy cycle activity is expected to result in plants with reduced stress tolerance. Reduced stress tolerance may leave plants more susceptible to biotic stresses such as mowing, reducing the time for effective control of Phragmites australis. n
Presented during S11: Microbes: Small Players with Big Impacts on Invasive Species Management and Wetland Restoration I
Bickford, Wesley Goldberg, Deborah Zak, Donald Kowalski, Kurt Plant-associated microbes play an extremely important role in plant growth, nutrient acquisition, and tolerance to stressors. A growing body of literature suggests that invasive plants may either be benefited more strongly or harmed less by surrounding microbes than native plants. We examined the microbiomes of the non-native, invasive Phragmites australis ssp. australis and the native, non-invasive Phragmites australis ssp. americanus to determine if their microbiomes differ in ways that could explain the vast performance differences between the two lineages. We synthesized multiple studies that examined microbes inhabiting leaves, roots, and rhizosphere soils of each Phragmites lineage to determine where differences do and do not occur and how Phragmites-associated microbes may affect plant performance and invasiveness. We found that soil nutrients and Phragmites stand density impact microbial community composition and degree of differentiation between lineages. This differentiation becomes more pronounced as the Phragmites stands mature and the non-native form grows denser than native over time. The resulting differences may in turn disproportionately benefit the non-native variety by providing access to vital nutrients to maintain its high growth rate. Understanding the differences in microbial community composition between native and non-native forms of Phragmites will improve the accuracy and specificity of control technologies targeting microbes. Additionally, recognizing the mechanisms driving microbial community compositional changes and how those feed back to plant performance will improve conventional Phragmites management efforts. n
Presented during S11: Microbes: Small Players with Big Impacts on Invasive Species Management and Wetland Restoration II, 6/10/2021 5:55PM - 7:45PM ET
Hamovit, Nora Globally, wetlands are responsible for one third of annual methane (CH4) emissions from natural sources. Methane is a potent greenhouse with a growing atmospheric concentration. As such, understanding the factors that influence wetland CH4 emissions is essential for modeling and predicting the effects of global climate change. Wetland CH4 emissions are a result of two microbial processes, CH4 production (methanogenesis) and CH4 oxidation (methanotrophy), both of which are responsive to numerous interacting environmental and edaphic conditions. The main driver of CH4 production in all wetland systems is the presence of saturated, anoxic, soils, as it allows the anaerobic process of methanogenesis. As soil flooding, and the re-creation of saturated soil conditions, is an essential component of wetland restoration, CH4 production, and subsequent emissions, can often be observed post restoration. The presence of CH4 emissions post restoration indicates that other functions, such as carbon sequestration and nutrient reduction, may also be restored, but can threaten the role of wetlands as a net sink for greenhouse gases in the short term. Implementing restoration practices that limit CH4 production and subsequent emissions can thus help reduce the role of wetlands as greenhouse gas sources post-restoration. The goal of this talk is to highlight environmental and edaphic conditions influencing microbial CH4 production and oxidation. This includes discussion of the environmental factors shaping methanogen and methanotroph communities, and their activity as well as examples of restoration practices that have been implemented to mitigate CH4 emissions post restoration. Overall, this talk should serve as a foundation of understanding regarding the environmental controls of wetland CH4 biogeochemistry, and the implications for restoration. n
Presented during S11: Microbes: Small Players with Big Impacts on Invasive Species Management and Wetland Restoration II
Lan Chun, Chan, University of Minnesota Duluth Reschke, Carol Vogt, Darren Pavlovic, Noel Howes, Thomas Manoomin (wild rice, Zizania palustris) is a culturally significant food plant for Great Lakes indigenous peoples. The Ojibwe people regard manoomin as sacred because it is the “food that grows on water” that was part of the traditional migration story explaining the historical movement of Anishinaabe people from the northeastern U.S. and Canada to the Great Lakes region. We present a cultural perspective on manoomin, and how we used with insights from traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) to inform this study’s western scientific method. TEK informed where we could sample and ensured our sampling to be culturally appropriate. This study compares the composition of microbial (bacterial and fungal) communities and their nutrients in healthy, self-sustaining stands of manoomin to wetlands where invasive cattails or pickerel weed have displaced manoomin. Microbial communities were examined in water, sediment, and plant roots at seven wetland sites in rivers and lakes in northern Minnesota during June-September 2017-2019. Manoomin density, plant community composition, and water chemistry data were also collected at each study site. Three of the seven sites are wetlands where manoomin restoration efforts are underway. Results include phylogenetic and functional analyses of microbiome characterized by a high-throughput DNA sequencing and their correlation with the geochemical conditions and manoomin density. Finally, we discuss how this work will inform manoomin restoration and wetland restoration science. n
Presented during S11: Microbes: Small Players with Big Impacts on Invasive Species Management and Wetland Restoration II
Peralta, Ariane, East Carolina University Human and climate-induced environmental changes can affect microbial ecosystem functions in unexpected ways that can complicate restoration efforts. The occurrence of interacting environmental stressors (e.g., flooding, drought, salinization) is expected to increase in frequency, duration, and intensity. In most engineered and restored wetland ecosystems, the contribution of microbial communities is often ignored even though microorganisms determine the types and rates of ecosystem functions. To make sure that restoration activities result in expected outcomes, considerations of land use legacies are necessary. Legacy effects are the contribution of past land use (or lack of land use) that leave behind long-term changes to chemical, physical or biological factors that interact with current conditions and the resident microbes. These land use legacies interact with wetland management. Despite microbes being able to rapidly respond and even adapt to environmental change, the scale at which this happens varies. In addition, the time it takes for microbes to respond and adapt in ways that restore ecosystem functions could take much longer than is assumed to occur. Here, we present three case studies to highlight how prior land use interacts with ongoing restoration to result in mixed restoration outcomes. We will evaluate how, when, and to what degree land use legacies interact with contemporary environmental changes to influence wetland functions. Case studies focus on hydrologic changes to floodplain wetlands, constructed wetlands, and coastal plain wetlands. Accounting for variability associated with the microbial response to environmental change can reduce uncertainty in restoration ecosystem functions. n
Presented during S11: Microbes: Small Players with Big Impacts on Invasive Species Management and Wetland Restoration II
Formel, Stephen, Tulane University Pardue,John Van Bael, Sunshine Elango,Vijaikrishnah Much of the work following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill focused on whether microbial communities enhanced biodegradation of oil in coastal and marine environments. In the salt marshes of the northern Gulf Coast, a natural extension of previous work is to ask how changes in microbial communities of the salt marshes influenced the resilience and functionality of salt-marsh plants and whether plant-microbe relationships can be manipulated to enhance restoration success. The foundational salt-marsh grass Spartina alterniflora was found to be fairly resilient to the oiling it received in 2010, yet it is unclear if the plant microbiome contributed to this resilience. Several research groups have surveyed salt marshes affected by the oil spill for correspondence between oil decay rates and soil microbial community composition, but no work has investigated how feedback between microbial communities and S. alterniflora influence one another. It is thought that the relationship between a plant and its microbiome is a reciprocal feedback in which the internal and external microbial communities are shaped by plant chemistry and the plant genetic expression is modulated by microbial processes. The stress-gradient hypothesis posits that during times of stress, interac-
tions will shift to favor mutually beneficial results for the host and microbiome. Recent research has demonstrated that many organisms can be dependent on interactions with their microbiome during times of stress and that the microbiome can be successfully manipulated with soil amendments to mitigate stress. We hypothesized: (1) S. alterniflora and its microbiome interact in an oiled environment to enhance each other’s survival; (2) plant productivity in an oiled environment is enhanced by amending the soil of the developing plant with a microbial community from an oiled salt marsh. We tested these hypotheses through a two-year greenhouse experiment in which we specifically examined how S. alterniflora and its soil, root, and leaf microbiomes influenced one another and how those relationships changed when the plant was introduced into an oiled environment. We found that the interaction of the oil and soil amendment treatments influenced aboveground productivity of the plant, although these effects attenuated over time. We discuss results from this work and the implications for restoration efforts. n
Presented during S12: Landward migration of tidal wetlands II, 6/10/2021 5:55PM - 7:45PM ET
Currin, Carolyn, NOAA NCCOS Hilting, Anna Davis, Jenny Dynamic models of marsh vulnerability to RSLR suggest that marshes that occur in microtidal (≤ 1 m tide range) systems with low suspended sediment concentrations (<20 mg/l) are most at risk of falling behind predicted increases in the rate of RSLR. We analyze data from 32 Surface Elevation Tables (SETs) installed in coastal marshes across the central coast of North Carolina and compare rates of marsh surface elevation change with changes in local water level (RSLR). The SETs in this study have data records that are 8 -14 years in duration, and include both fringing marshes and meadow marshes. During the period spanned by the SET data records, the study region experienced an acceleration in RSLR with a SLR of 7.6 mm yr-1, about twice the the long-term (1952 – 2018) rate of 3.1 mm yr-1. Contemporaneous rates of RSLR were determined by determining change in mean local water level for each study site over the same time period as the SET record. None of the SET sites kept pace with contemporaneous RSLR and only a few kept pace with long-term RSLR. Fringing marshes below Mean Sea Level (MSL) at the beginning of the data record fared the worst, with 8 out of 9 sites experiencing a net loss in elevation over the course of the observation period. Vertical accretion in meadow marshes, as measured by marker horizons, was often greater than sediment elevation change, but in only two instances supported marsh elevation change equivalent to contemporaneous RSLR. The results presented here confirm the vulnerability of microtidal marshes, particularly to short-term accelerations in RRSLR, and confirm that the long-term persistence of marshes in these settings will require the ability to migrate upslope. n
Presented during S12: Landward migration of tidal wetlands II
Campbell, Daniel, Birchbark Environmental Research Keddy, Paul The zonation of plants along flooding gradients is a conspicuous feature of wetlands. Controls of zonation are often attributed to physical factors alone, such as the tolerance of wetland plants to flooding or drought. Current theory of stress gradients suggests that biological factors contribute to these patterns: competition should be prevalent in less flooded (less stressful) environments and pushes some species toward more flooded environments, while facilitation should be prevalent in more flooded (more stressful) environments allowing species to survive more flooding than they would if grown alone. The principal evidence for this effect comes from saltmarsh, but it is difficult in these ecosystems to separate gradients of flooding stress from salinity stress or wave energy stress. We conducted a large manipulative experiment with the objective to test how competition and facilitation control plant zonation along just a flooding gradient, without other confounding stress gradients. We selected ten species of obligate emergent macrophytes with wide distributions in North America and grew them alone and in mixture in an experimental pond along a carefully controlled gradient of flood duration for three years. Across all species, competition significantly reduced the upper limits of emergent macrophytes, pushing them toward more flooded conditions. But there was no evidence that facilitation among species extended their lower limits toward more flooded conditions. When we analyzed the data by species and by year, competition still reduced the upper limits for every species under low flooding conditions, and, for a few species, competition also reduced the lower limit under more flooded conditions. We found no evidence of facilitation. We suggest that one-sided competition is the most appropriate model explaining zonation along the flooding gradient among freshwater emergent macrophytes, with competition controlling the upper limit of species under conditions of low flooding, but physical tolerances of species mainly operating at their lower flooding
limit. Facilitation among emergent macrophytes does not appear to operate along a gradient of just flooding stress. n
Presented during S15: Typha: Current science on genetics to management, 6/10/2021 5:55PM - 7:45PM ET
Bhargav, Vikram, Trent University Freeland, Joanna Dorken, Marcel Hybridization leads to the mixing of genetically distinct lineages, and in some cases produces hybrids that are successful invaders. Hybrid success can be driven by heterosis, which is increased hybrid fitness arising from heterozygosity and novel gene combinations. Heterosis typically peaks in first-generation hybrids (F1s), and in some hybrid zones advanced-generation hybrids (F2+) can exhibit lower fitness than F1s. This decrease in fitness is called hybrid breakdown, which can occur from the uncoupling of co-adapted gene complexes. The overall incidence of hybrid breakdown remains poorly understood, particularly in plant hybrid zones. The Laurentian Great Lakes region of South Ontario is the site of a widespread cattail (Typha spp.) hybrid zone that comprises three taxa: Typha latifolia, which is native; T. angustifolia, which was introduced centuries ago; and their hybrid offspring Typha × glauca, which is invasive and negatively impacts wetlands by altering abiotic characteristics and reducing biodiversity. In this hybrid zone, F1 hybrids display heterosis and displace parental species via competition and introgression. However, surveys of molecular-genetic variation indicate a paucity of advanced-generation hybrids and backcrosses relative to parental species, a pattern consistent with hybrid breakdown. To better understand these patterns, we conducted a hand-crossing experiment to compare the fitness of backcrossed and advanced-generation (F2) hybrids to the fitness of F1 hybrids and native T. latifolia. We assessed fitness by measuring and comparing seed set, germination rate, plant height, and biomass. Collectively our data supported the hypothesis of hybrid breakdown, particularly in the advanced-generation hybrids compared to the F1s. These data can help us to understand heterosis, hybrid breakdown, and the long-term maintenance of hybrid Typha in regions around the Laurentian Great Lakes. n
Presented during S15: Typha: Current science on genetics to management
Rock, Danielle Freeland, Joanna Dorkenn, Marcel In regions around the Laurentian Great Lakes, the two cattail species Typha latifolia and T. angustifolia regularly hybridize to form the hybrid cattail T. × glauca. Hybrid vigour in first-generation (F1) T. × glauca has made this hybrid invasive in wetlands around the Great Lakes, although the longer-term impacts of T. × glauca will also depend on the fitness of advanced-generation hybrids relative to F1 hybrids and progenitor species. Reproduction may be key to the evolutionary trajectories of this hybrid complex: all Typha spp. can reproduce both sexually and clonally. Typha spp. are wind-pollinated, and sexual reproduction includes both outcrossing and self-fertilization. Self-fertilization can lead to inbreeding depression, however, the magnitude of inbreeding depression among cattail taxa has not been studied. Earlier studies have confirmed that F1 hybrids have higher heterozygosity than either parental taxon, and we hypothesized that this might reduce the expression of inbreeding depression in the progeny of F1 hybrids. We tested this hypothesis using controlled hand-pollinations of hybrids and their parental species to generate both selfed and outcrossed seed families. We measured fitness as seed set and seed germination rate, and used these measurements to estimate the magnitude of (early-acting) inbreeding depression T. × glauca, T. latifolia, and T. angustifolia. Our results provide insights into the fitness of hybrids and progenitors under different reproductive scenarios, and thus will help to predict the longer-term impacts of Typha spp. in wetlands around the Laurentian Great Lakes. n
Presented during S15: Typha: Current science on genetics to management
Geddes, Pamela, Northeastern Illinois University In North American wetlands, two cattail species -native Typha latifolia and exotic T. angustifolia- hybridize generating T. x glauca. Typha angustifolia and the hybrid spread invasively, negatively affecting wetlands. Due to high trait variability and hybridization, Typha species are difficult to identify morphologically. Building on previous work that relied on microsatellite markers to differentiate Typha species (including hybrids, parental backcrosses, and advanced-generation hybrids) in southern Canada and in the US upper Midwest and northeast, our goals were to 1) estimate relative frequencies of additional Midwestern cattail populations, and 2) quantify their hybridization. We also assessed level
of agreement between morphological identification based on leaf width and gap between inflorescences and molecular identification. Using 6 microsatellites markers (4 used previously in other populations and 2 novel ones), we identified ~25% of the samples as native T. latifolia, while ~6% were exotic T. angustifolia. Furthermore, 19% of the samples were first-generation hybrids (T. x glauca) and 50% were advanced-generation hybrids, with backcrosses to native T. latifolia being almost twice as high as those to exotic T. angustifolia, rates that are much larger than previously reported. Agreement between morphological and molecular identification was lower than expected highlighting the fact that these morphological traits can be misleading when used alone in cattail identification. We caution that the seemingly asymmetric hybridization towards the native Typha latifolia could potentially lead to its extinction in the Midwest. Cattail management may thus require efforts to preserve the native cattail through seed banking and/or other approaches. n
Presented during S3: Coastal Wetland Science in a Changing World: Driving Innovation in Coastal Research I, 6/1/2021 8:35-10:25AM ET
Cornu, Craig, Institute for Applied Ecology Since the completion of the Verified Carbon Standard’s “Methodology for Tidal Wetland and Seagrass Restoration” in 2015, the Pacific Northwest (PNW) Blue Carbon Working Group has been working collaboratively to fill blue carbon data gaps for PNW tidal wetland habitats and associated land uses. The Working Group is a partnership of blue carbon information users comprising biophysical scientists, coastal policy makers and planners, land managers, restoration scientists and practitioners, and others from state and federal agencies, academic institutions, consulting firms, and non-profit organizations primarily, but not exclusively, based on the US West Coast. Several regionally scaled Working Group research projects have been completed or are currently under way, including the PNW Carbon Stocks and Blue Carbon Database Project (2016-19), Feasibility Planning for PNW Blue Carbon Finance Projects (2018-19), Sea Level Rise Impacts on PNW Tidal Wetlands’ Flood Protection and Carbon Sequestration Services (2019-22), and the PNW Phase 2 GHG Emissions, C Sequestration, and Database Expansion Project (2020-23). The Working Group’s collaborative approach demonstrates a logical, stepwise approach for filling what originally seemed like an overwhelming set of regional data gaps in which each project builds on the results and lessons learned from the previous project, and each project from start to finish is guided by end users representing a wide range of Blue Carbon information consumers. n
Presented during S3: Coastal Wetland Science in a Changing World: Driving Innovation in Coastal Research I
Gedan, Keryn, George Washington University Kirwan, Matthew Fagherazzi, Sergio When sea level rise and saltwater intrusion kill trees at the coastal interface, creating a ghost forest. In the MidAtlantic, ghost forests are rapidly expanding to become a substantial part of the coastal landscape, and more information is needed on the ecological and hydrological changes that occur during forest retreat and marsh migration to inform conservation and predictive efforts for both habitats. This study used a space-for-time substitution to understand the turnover of plant species during ghost forest formation at the Virginia Coast Reserve, a Long-Term Ecological Research site. We surveyed vegetation in eight large plots in each of three forest types: healthy, intact forest; stressed, dying forest; and ghost forest. Across this transition, we observed shifts in tree species composition, tree seedling composition, shrub and grass cover, and understory vegetation. Specifically, the invasive common reed Phragmites australis established in healthy forest and became more prevalent across the gradient to ghost forest. Other salt marsh grasses were present in the understory of the ghost forest, but not healthy or stressed forest. Shrub cover peaked in the middle of the gradient, within stressed forest, but was replaced in the subcanopy by Phragmites in ghost forest. Study plots spanned a steep salinity gradient but a very narrow elevation gradient, suggesting that salinity is the stronger driver in community change relative to inundation. Tropical Storm Melissa occurred during the study period. Storm surge briefly inundated plots at all levels and steepened the salinity gradient across the study area. These observed changes are used to describe expectations for species turnover during the ecosystem state change from maritime forest to marsh. n
Presented during S3: Coastal Wetland Science in a Changing World: Driving Innovation in Coastal Research I
Hopple, Anya, Pacific Northwest National Lab Bond-Lamberty, Ben Brzostek, Edward Raczka, Nanette Ward, Nicholas Megonigal, Patrick Pennington, Stephanie Bailey, Vanessa Coastal terrestrial-aquatic interface ecosystems may exhibit particular sensitivity to changes in climate and sea level, but how changes in water availability and salinity may affect soil and ecosystem carbon cycling is poorly understood. As a part of a broader effort to understand coastal ecosystem resilience and responses to future change, this experiment took advantage of a natural salinity gradient in a tidal creek at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) in eastern Maryland, U.S.A., to examine how soil processes and structure may change under novel hydrologic regimes. Large (40 cm wide, 20 cm deep) soil cores were transplanted in a reciprocal design between plots varying in seawater exposure and elevation above the creek; we monitored the cores’ greenhouse gas fluxes for two years and performed chemical, structural, and biological analyses on the cores. The balance between carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) production shifted strongly with soil drainage, with lower, water cores exhibiting higher CH4 fluxes; cores transplanted from more stressful (more saline and/or drier) conditions exhibited significantly lower fluxes relative to both undisturbed and same-plot transplant controls. Transplanted core exhibited significant changes in microbial communities that impacted key traits, with those moved to stressful conditions exhibiting reduced carbon use efficiency, turnover, and enzyme activities. We also compare these results to observations take in a west coast watershed with higher salinity and a stronger tidal cycle. In the context of ongoing climate change, manipulative transplant experiments such as this provide a crucial inferential link between purely observational experiments, data synthesis efforts, and largescale ecosystem manipulations. n
Presented during S3: Coastal Wetland Science in a Changing World: Driving Innovation in Coastal Research II, 6/1/2021 10:55AM- 12:45PM ET
O’Meara, Teri, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center The Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) simulates fully coupled processes and interactions between water, energy, carbon and nutrient cycles. However, E3SM connects terrestrial and open ocean ecosystems using a single unidirectional transport term, ignoring coastal dynamics. As a first step to incorporating estuarine habitats, we modified the land component of E3SM (ELM) to mimic both vegetation dynamics and coastal hydrology and updated biogeochemical representations. Biogeochemical reactions currently represented via the coupled ELM-PFLOTRAN interface are limited to carbon and nitrogen cycling. However, PFLOTRAN is an open-source, massively parallel, subsurface, reactive flow and transport model which can be used to incorporate additional redox reactions and track more chemical species that are important for coastal ecosystems. Our goal was to update the current reaction networks within PFLOTRAN to incorporate oxygen flux, salinity, pH, sulfur and iron cycling, and methane production. Using porewater profile and incubation data, we were able to create depth-resolved biogeochemical soil profiles for saltmarsh habitat which mimicked the shallow oxic zone and demonstrated the balance between opposing redox reactions (e.g methane production – methane oxidation) and how this balance shifts with depth. Additionally, we designed our input files to be easily adapted to suit other ecosystems. Preliminary results demonstrate the increasing importance of iron and diminishing role of sulfur dynamics with decreasing salinity. n
Presented during S3: Coastal Wetland Science in a Changing World: Driving Innovation in Coastal Research II
Brophy, Laura, Estuary Technical Group, Institute for Applied Ecology In a recent study, we used accurate elevation-based estuary mapping methods to document the historical extent, current extent, and losses of tidal forested wetlands on the Oregon coast, compared to emergent tidal marsh and tidal scrub-shrub wetlands. We found that historically, forested and scrub-shrub tidal wetlands (collectively called “tidal swamp”) formed a majority (57.8%) of the Oregon coast’s tidal wetland area, with forested wetlands strongly predominating (54.4%). Emergent tidal wetlands (“tidal marsh”) occupied a smaller area (42.2%). However, diking and vegetation conversion have resulted in the loss of 95% of historical tidal forested wetlands and 96% of historical scrub-shrub tidal wetlands, compared to 59% of historical tidal marsh. Other studies in the Columbia River estuary and Puget Sound have shown similar disproportionate losses of tidal swamps. Based on recent studies, forested
tidal wetlands provide important salmonid habitat, and the historical diversity of tidal wetland habitat types likely contributed to the resilience of salmon populations. Forested tidal wetlands also have particularly high potential for carbon sequestration functions, and likely contribute a broad range of other tidal wetland functions such as bird habitat, sediment detention, pollutant processing and flood mitigation. In combination, these studies highlight the importance of protecting remaining tidal forested wetlands, and restoring a diverse array of tidal wetland habitats across the landscape. The presentation includes information on approaches and methods for tidal swamp restoration, and emphasizes the need for further field monitoring and research to support these efforts. n
Presented during S3: Coastal Wetland Science in a Changing World: Driving Innovation in Coastal Research III, 6/1/2021 1:15PM - 3:05PM ET
Ward, Nicholas Sengupta, Aditi Myers-Pigg, Allison Bond-Lamberty, Ben Norwood, Matthew McDowell, Nate Megonigal, Patrick Regier, Peter Pennington, Stephanie Yabusaki, Steve Bailey, Vanessa Wang, Wenzhi Hydrologic flows drive terrestrial plant productivity and the transport and transformation of biogeochemical components through the terrestrial landscape and along the terrestrial-aquatic continuum. These dynamics become increasingly complex along the coast, where two-way exchange of water brings with it a diversity of geochemical constituents and biological communities. The aim of this presentation is to discuss how coupled plant, soil, and aquatic processes modulate the cycling of carbon along the terrestrial -aquatic continuum of coastal watersheds. Observational, experimental, and modeling results will be synthesized from a variety of field sites in the Pacific Northwest and Mid-Atlantic regions. Two coastal field sites, Beaver Creek in Washington state and Rhode River in Maryland state, have been equipped with a variety of high-resolution sensors (e.g., dissolved O2, salinity, water level, pH, redox potential, sap flow) for several years to monitor surface water, soil, groundwater, and plant dynamics. Sensor data was complemented by less frequent measurements of parameters such as porewater chemistry (e.g., pCH4, pCO2, organic matter composition), soil and surface water CH4 and CO2 fluxes, soil and porewater organic matter composition, and plant physiology (e.g., health status, water potential, stem gas exchange, etc.). We observed a consistent link between tidal amplitude and biogeochemical parameters both within the river and in soil porewaters near the river bank and floodplain overlain on seasonal trends (e.g., pCO2 increased during the summer, but has a daily maximum at low tide). Carbon cycling parameters also varied linearly along the aquatic continuum. For example, surface water pCO2 and pCH4 both decreased from the river’s headwaters to its mouth. A similar suite of point measurements were made across a broader suite of sites during regional surveys to further evaluate how plant growth rates and mortality interact with biogeochemistry along longitudinal gradients in coastal water exposure. Together, these observational results were used to develop a mechanistic understanding of the complex hydrobiogeochemical feedbacks in the system and also validate and evaluate reactive transport models developed for coastal ecosystems. n
Presented during S3: Coastal Wetland Science in a Changing World: Driving Innovation in Coastal Research III
Morrison, Elise, University of Florida Rivers-Ubach, Albert Shields,Michael Ward, Nicholas Bianchi, Thomas Osborne, Todd Liu, Yina Coastal systems, such as marshes, mangroves, and seagrasses, serve as critical reservoirs of blue carbon. These systems are vulnerable to numerous stressors, including higher temperatures, extreme storms, ecological regime shifts, sea level rise, eutrophication, and land use change. These vulnerable systems frequently export dissolved organic matter (DOM) into coastal waters, which plays an important role in global carbon cycling and coastal biogeochemistry. However, it is still unclear whether this DOM is susceptible to aquatic priming effects when exported to coastal waters. Priming, or the non-additive effects on organic matter degradation when in the presence of mixed substrate, has been well described in soils, but there is not yet consensus as to the prevalence of priming in coastal
systems. Here, we conducted a laboratory experiment to investigate the fate of mangrove-derived DOM when exported to coastal waters by incubating mangrove peatderived DOM with 13C-labled algal DOM and evaluating changes in bulk measures, DOM composition (via FT-ICRMS and LC-MS), and microbial transcripts. Our treatments included: (1) algal DOM substrate; (2) peat DOM substrate; (3) peat and algae substrates (primed); (4) control (no substrates added). We found that the primed treatment had the greatest increase in CO2 over the course of the experiment, and that members of the Gammaproteobacteria were dominant within the incubations, supporting previous work that has highlighted their role in DOM turnover in coastal waters. Overall, this work suggests that mangrove-derived DOM is susceptible to microbial turnover, with important implications for coastal carbon cycling. n
Presented during S3: Coastal Wetland Science in a Changing World: Driving Innovation in Coastal Research III
Meadows-McDonnell, Madeleine, University of Connecticut Madeleine Lawrence, Beth Hren, Michael Salt marshes are blue carbon ecosystems threatened by coastal development (i.e., bridges, roadways) that restricts tidal flow, reducing inundation frequency and salinity, which leads to shifts in plant species dominance. Tidal restoration reverses these shifts, but it is unclear how tidal marsh management alters soil organic matter (SOM) persistence. Leveraging the isotopic (δ13C) signatures of dominant salt marsh species (C3 Phragmites australis vs. C4 Spartina alterniflora), we are quantifying carbon legacies of plant community shifts associated with tidal restrictions over the last century in a tidally restored marsh in Stonington, Connecticut (USA). We measured monthly in situ soil respiration (CO2, CH4, δ13C) rates using a Picarro G2201i from July through October 2020 to estimate contemporary effects of plant species on soil respiration. Interestingly, our preliminary analyses indicate no differences in soil carbon fluxes (CO2, CH4) in areas dominated by P. australis and S. alterniflora, though we observed strong seasonal signals in CO2 (July > October) and expect δ13CO2 signatures will differ between species zones. To determine the legacy of plant dominance on SOM, we collected peat cores in August 2020 and are using gas chromatographic-isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-IRMS) to quantify bulk δ13C signatures, total carbon and nitrogen content, and δ13C values of specific organic compounds (i.e., leaf wax n-alkanes, n-alkyl lipids) to differentiate plant-contributed SOM from algal inputs. Quantifying isotopic signatures of SOM is an innovative approach that will inform how native and introduced species contribute to salt marsh blue carbon pools and may provide a tool for understanding how plant community shifts caused by tidal restrictions affect SOM contributions. Understanding how S. alterniflora and P. australis differentially contribute to SOM could improve land management decisions about tidal restoration and maximizing blue carbon. n
Presented during S3: Coastal Wetland Science in a Changing World: Driving Innovation in Coastal Research III
RoyChowdhury, Taniya, Crop Genetics and Plant Pathology Unit, ARS-USDA Clendinen, Chaevian Hoyt, David Hamovit, Nora Yarwood, Stephanie Wetland restoration efforts are critical to enhance carbon sequestration in biomass and reestablish ecosystem vitality and functions. The success of such restoration efforts are frequently assessed in terms of microbial processes like slow decomposition of soil organic matter, and development of chemically reduced soil environment resulting in iron reduction and methane production. The mechanistic understanding of how the complex dynamics of microbial community development, metabolic expression and activity co-occur or compete in their local redox environment can greatly impact our predictive understanding of these processes, generally in submerged environments, and specifically in ecosystems undergoing rapid changes in historic hydrologic conditions. Wetlands are among the largest natural contributors to the global emission of methane. Methane producing microorganisms or methanogens have a very limited substrate range and their in situ activities are often linked to intermediary ecosystem metabolism, i.e., a complex food web of interconnected microorganisms that catalyze essential intermediary processes that ultimately drive methanogenesis. For example, fermentation products like short-chain fatty acids and alcohols can be utilized by both iron reducers and methanogens. Thus, methane production may be competing for intermediary substrates formed as a result of microbial metabolism located higher up in the redox ladder, a concept rarely tested in natural soils. We approach this scarcely studied paradox in the context of microbial community stability (insensitivity to
disturbance, i.e. altered redox state) and resilience (a community’s return to a pre-disturbance condition) and test its relevance to wetland restoration goals. The energetic favorability of processes associated with alternative terminal electron acceptors (nitrate, sulfate, iron) govern wetland carbon flux and methane biogeochemistry. This study seeks to establish mechanistic links between microbial metabolism to trace gas fluxes to landscape-scale changes in physical (water-level, temperature) and geochemical (redox potential, pH, electron acceptor profiles) properties. Since, organic substrates or metabolites form the primary currency of exchange for microbial growth and activity, understanding how redox potential impacts the net accumulation/consumption of these compounds might be key to quantitatively link process rates. By taking advantage of the high-resolution NMR quantification of soil metabolites, we hope to provide a proof-of-principle for how redox chemistry affects the soil metabolome in natural soils. n
Presented during S4: Novel approaches to quantifying synergistic interactions between climate and land-use change on prairie-pothole wetlands II, 6/1/2021 10:55AM- 12:45PM ET
Vacek, Sara, US Fish and Wildlife Service Gruetzman, Jennifer Eash, Josh The Prairie Pothole Region (PPR) holds the most productive waterfowl habitat in North America. The US Fish and Wildlife Service puts forth resources to protect wetlands and grasslands in this region, providing key habitat for breeding and migrating waterfowl. Ducks use a variety of wetland types throughout their life cycle; temporary and seasonal wetlands provide key pair-bonding habitat, while semi-permanent wetlands are important for brood rearing. Often, wetland evaluations focus on individual basins. However, in the PPR the wetland complex is seen as the functional ecological unit. Recognizing the paucity of long-term wetland monitoring in the PPR, in 2009 we established a cooperative hydrologic and biological monitoring program. It includes data from fourteen wetlands across two wetland complexes in western Minnesota. Using continuous stage data, baseline volume hydrographs were developed to better understand changing storage potential between wetlands. By providing the baseline hydrographs for defining wetland types on the landscape, we can better identify how the wetlands are responding across the complex unit. Collecting continuous wetland hydrology data is not enough to completely evaluate the health of the ecosystem. Therefore, we also implemented a vegetation assessment on these same wetlands to evaluate their ecological condition, including waterfowl habitat quality. With interdisciplinary collaboration between hydrologists and biologists, the US Fish and Wildlife Service can better meet its mission of enhancing habitats in the PPR. This comprehensive picture of wetland complex functionality will help managers respond to uncertainties introduced by land use and climate change in the future. n
Presented during S4: Novel approaches to quantifying synergistic interactions between climate and land-use change on prairie-pothole wetlands II
Fendereski, Forough, University of Saskatchewan Creed, Irena Mohammady, Sassan Ma, Shizhou Current wetland management strategies are based on individual wetland’s roles at local scales, overlooking their landscape-scale functions. The result is the exclusion of many small, low order, and geographically-isolated wetlands from management practices despite their invaluable functions in controlling nutrients loading to downgradient waters. Landscape-scale wetland management is now possible with the advancements in data acquisition, -analysis, and -processing in cloud-computing platforms, allowing us to track wetland gain and loss over broad spatial and temporal scales. For our study, we applied the U.S. Geological Survey’s Dynamic Surface Water Extent algorithm on Landsat data in Google Earth Engine to map dynamics in inundation extent (as an indicator of wetlands extent dynamics) over the Lake Winnipeg Watershed during the last 36 years (1984-2020). We used temperature and precipitation rates (as indicators of climate change) to explain changes in inundation extent over the study period. Beyond climate, the preferential loss of small, low order, and geographicallyisolated wetlands was attributed to agricultural intensification and the drainage of these important wetlands. Understanding the loss of these types of wetlands and the risk that this loss can have for specific hydrological and biogeochemical functions of the watershed can help wetland and watershed managers to prioritize individual wetland’s protection, conservation, and restoration based on their overall functions on the landscape. n
Presented during S4: Novel approaches to quantifying synergistic interactions between climate and land-use change on prairie-pothole wetlands III, 6/1/2021 1:15PM - 3:05PM ET
Vanderhoof, Melanie, U.S. Geological Survey Christensen, Jay Alexannder, Laurie Wetland and river hydrology across the Prairie Pothole Region depend on not just patterns of precipitation but also surface storage capacity and the agricultural redirecting of water through tile drainage and ditching, among other drivers. A critical precursor to analyzing the relative role of climate and land use on wetland hydrology is a robust dataset representing inundation dynamics at a spatial and temporal scale relevant to a landscape dominated by small, dynamic wetlands. We present preliminary results of inundation frequency and duration across the Prairie Pothole Region derived from time series analysis of Sentinel-1 image collection. Our approach takes advantage of cloud-based computing platforms including Google Earth Engine and Jupyter Notebook to produce inundation extent at 20 m resolution. While a reliance on only multi-spectral data can underestimate the response of landscapes to precipitation and flood events, due to cloud interference, time series analysis of SAR imagery can help strengthen estimates of inundation timing and duration. Deriving multi-source inundation datasets are therefore critical to characterize the episodic, seasonal and interannual response of inundation to both climate and land use activities. n
Presented during S6: Wetland Wildlife in Natural, Managed, Reclaimed and Restored Wetlands I, Tuesday, June 8, 2021 8:35AM - 10:25AM ET
Stafford, Joshua, USGS - South Dakota State Univ. Janke, Adam Anteau, Michael The capacity of a migrating bird to accumulate and maintain sufficient lipid reserves to fuel migration and facilitate subsequent reproduction is the ideal currency for gauging the contribution and quality of individual migration stopover habitats. We used concentrations of lipid metabolites circulating in plasma of spring-migrating female lesser scaup (Aythya affinis) and blue-winged teal (Anas discors) to evaluate the consequences of variation in biotic and abiotic attributes of stopover wetland habitats on their lipid dynamics, or refueling performance. Indexed refueling performance of both species was negatively correlated with high densities of fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas). Lesser scaup refueling performance was also positively associated with density of Chironomidae in foraging locations, density of submersed aquatic vegetation in wetlands, relative density of conspecifics using the wetland during migration, and size and shape of surrounding wetlands. Taken collectively, the biotic factors associated with improved refueling performance of lesser scaup are known from previous work to respond negatively to high densities of fathead minnows, suggesting changes in wetland trophic structure coincident with the introduction and proliferation of fathead minnows were the primary attribute affecting lipid dynamics of lesser scaup, and to a reduced extent blue-winged teal, during migration. Such impairments to lipid accumulation during migration could manifest in cross seasonal and cross ecosystem effects as breeding ducks recoup lipid deficits accrued during migration on the breeding grounds. Accordingly, restoration and management actions aimed at reducing the impacts of fathead minnows on stopover habitats used by springmigration ducks may have positive impacts on migration performance and ultimately population productivity of these species. Accordingly, restoration and management actions aimed at reducing the impacts of fathead minnows on stopover habitats used by spring-migrating ducks may have positive impacts on migration and ultimately population productivity of these species. n
Presented during S6: Wetland Wildlife in Natural, Managed, Reclaimed and Restored Wetlands I
Johnson, Erik Lehman, Justin The enigmatic Eastern Black Rail (Laterallus j. jamaicensis) has been proposed for Endangered Species Act listing because of apparent low population sizes and rapid declines in part of its range. Little is known about its occurrence or status in Louisiana, where over 2,000 km2 of coastal wetlands, important to wildlife and the national economy, have been lost since the 1930s. Between May 2017 and April 2019, we conducted the first focused survey effort in the state for this species, utilizing two survey methods: A) point counts (at 33 sites) and B) drag-line surveys (at 16 sites), the former during breeding season (April-July) and both during the non-breeding season (November-March).
We tallied a total of 38 detections at 21 of 152 point count locations (at 33% of sites) during both the breeding and non-breeding seasons. Occupancy analyses from 1,239 point count surveys indicated a strong positive relationship with Spartina spartinae cover. Among 61 drag-line surveys, we tallied 36 detections, including 28 captures of 25 individuals at 43.8% of survey sites. We deployed 0.9-g VHF radio transmitters on 16 birds, and among 13 with sufficient data, we estimated the 95% minimum convex polygon home range size to be 0.71 ha (± 0.13 ha; range 0.22 – 1.59 ha). Our surveys efforts have demonstrated that the Black Rail is part of the core Louisiana avifauna, which has important implications for coastal restoration, wetland mitigation, and land management activities in a landscape threatened by sea level rise, subsidence, and coastal wetland loss. n
Presented during S7: Floating Treatment Wetlands, 6/8/2021 8:35AM - 10:25AM ET
Zisette, Rob, Herrera Environmental Consultants Friends of Green Lake has assembled a leadership team of experts for the design, purchase, planting, installation, and maintenance of constructed floating wetlands for improvement of native bird habitat, fish habitat, water quality, aesthetic value, and wetland education for Seattle’s most precious and used resource. Our team includes environmental education experts who would design signage explaining how floating wetlands cost-effectively improve the habitat and function of urban waters. This project would demonstrate a unique restoration approach at a highly visible location for many Seattle residents. Our team has developed a project work plan and preliminary design to maximize the function and benefit of the floating wetlands. We are in the process of obtaining permits before we submit a $50,000 grant application in September 2021 to finalize the design with public input and purchase the wetlands for installation by volunteers in April 2022, and to include educational signage in a public viewing area. This presentation will describe the project work plan, design, and permitting process, and seek input from wetland scientists on how to improve its environmental function and educational value. n
Presented during S8: Tropical wetlands and opportunities for climate change adaptation and mitigation Scientific advancements and innovative tools I, 6/8/2021 8:35AM - 10:25AM ET
Ardhani, Trialaksita, CIFOR Kusmana, Cecep Murdiyarso, Daniel Mangrove forest structure characterized by its ecological (richness, diversity and evenness) indices were observed in two contrasting restoration practices in Central Java, Indonesia. Large scale, laborious, and capital-intensive restoration program should consider the lesson from specific and controlled cases, where assessments have been made. Restoration with wave barrier took an effect depending on the age of the installation. We found that species richness index is increasing with the age of barriers of 0.20, 0.41 and 0,56 for 0, 1 year and 4 years old of barriers respectively. Likewise, species diversity increase from 0.58, 0.91 an 0.98 with increasing age of barriers. However, evenness index tends to decrease with increasing age of 0.83, 0.83 and 0.71 respectively. These figures signify the importance of restoration planning in terms of maintaining species diversity. Further evaluation may be based on the forest structure, indicated by tree density and basal area. While no significant difference was demonstrated in relatively short restoration period, protecting restored area would enhance the development of the structure. Keywords: density, basal area, richness, diversity, evenness. n
Presented during S8: Tropical wetlands and opportunities for climate change adaptation and mitigation – Scientific advancements and innovative tools I
Murdiyarso, Daniel, CIFOR Bhomia, Rupesh Sasmito, Sigit Forest reference emissions level (FREL) is one of the decisions adopted in the Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC to allow countries to attract payment based on the results of mitigation measures implemented nationally. Two main components required and frequently revised are emission factor (EF) and activity data (AD). Following the Supplement of IPCC Guidelines that assists countries to incorporate wetlands including peatlands and mangroves in greenhouse gas inventories, here we propose a high tier of EF for mangroves, widely called coastal blue carbon. The total ecosystem carbon stocks (TECS) of different management regimes, which ranged between 431 and 936 Mg C ha-1 are dominated by soil carbon. Around 20-30% of biomass carbon remain important to deposit organic carbon eventually stored in the soil pools. The stock-difference approach is suggested to develop FREL contributed by mangrove blue carbon. Considering land-use trajectories and activity data
observed in the coastal zone, a standardized top meter soil carbon is recommended. Keywords: FREL, IPCC, TECS, EF, AD, top meter. n
Presented during S8: Tropical wetlands and opportunities for climate change adaptation and mitigation – Scientific advancements and innovative tools I
Hong Tinh, Pham Hung Tran, Dang Nguyen, Hoang Hanh Manh, Quy Do Mackenzie, Richard A. Tuan Mai, Sy Ha Hoang, Thi Hong Hanh Nguyen, Thi Vietnangam has approximately 165,000 ha of mangrove forest distributed along its 3,260 km long coastline from the far north to the south end of the country. Vietnam mangrove forests have long been recognized to play important roles in coastal protection against soil erosion and from storms/ strong waves, supplying seafood, land reclamation, and carbon accumulation. Analyses of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index values extracted from time-series Landsat/Sentinel images indicated that in the period from 1995-2019, Vietnam lost about 33,000 ha of mangroves (equivalent to about 18.7% of the country’s mangrove area). However, during this period, Vietnam gained about 22,000 ha of mangroves due to mangrove restoration efforts. The mangrove losses occurred mainly in the Northeast, the Southeast and the Mekong River Delta regions where the mangrove loss was 2 times greater than the gain. In terms of quality, Vietnam has about 40,000 hectares of degraded mangrove forest (equivalent to about 28% of the total mangrove area) where tree density, structure or species composition were decreased. Degraded mangrove forests were mainly in the Northeast and Mekong River Delta regions. The decline in the quantity and quality of mangrove forest has negative impacts on its ecological functions and services. Conversion of mangroves to aquaculture/agriculture/infrastructure was the primary driver of anthropogenic mangrove loss, resulting in the loss of 9.7% of total mangrove area. Soil erosion was also an important cause of mangrove loss, especially in the Mekong River Delta. The impact of storms, strong wind, pests, fisheries, sand inclusions, depletion of sediment, nutrients or altered hydrology from dikes/roads and other structures, etc. were the causes of the mangrove degradation. n
Presented during S8: Tropical wetlands and opportunities for climate change adaptation and mitigation – Scientific advancements and innovative tools III, 6/8/2021 1:15PM - 3:05PM ET
Chimner, Rodney, Michigan Technological University Lilleskov, Erik Suárez, Esteban Hribljan, John Peatlands are numerous across tropical, temperate, and boreal mountains due to higher annual precipitation, cooler temperatures, and higher available water compared to the surrounding lowlands, however, little is known about the carbon stocks of mountain peatlands. We cored peatlands over a large latitudinal gradient including the countries of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia and over an elevation gradient from 3,400 to 4,800 (m.a.s.l.). In all four countries we sampled, the peatlands displayed a large potential for carbon sequestration in their soils with an average thickness across all sites of 4.5 m and total C stocks averaging 1,730 Mg C ha-1. However, all countries were represented with peatlands that were 10-12 m thick with C stocks greater than 4,500 Mg C ha-1. Total carbon tended to increase with elevation. We also found that many peatlands contained a high amount of ash and mineral sediment (from volcanoes and sediment washing in from steep slopes) that lead to low C content (avg. 25%) and high bulk densities (avg. 0.26 g cm-3). The mean age of basal peat was 8,000 yrs B.P and was correlated with elevation with younger peatlands generally occurring at higher elevations. Our study shows the importance of high elevation mountain peatlands in South American carbon accounting initiatives. We have shown that these peatlands contain thick peats and have an exceptional ability to sequester large amounts of carbon in their soils. When current country wide peatland mapping efforts are finished, we hypothesize that Andean peatlands will be a very large pool of carbon that has been overlooked in global wetland carbon accounting. n
Presented during S8: Tropical wetlands and opportunities for climate change adaptation and mitigation – Scientific advancements and innovative tools III
Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura, Michigan Tech Research Institute Although peatlands cover a small amount of land globally, they are estimated to store more than 30% of the Earth’s
soil carbon (C) and are at risk from land use and climate change. Knowledge of peatland type and distribution is crucial to balancing the global C cycle, understanding their vulnerability to change and for planning conservation and restoration activities. Peatlands are difficult to detect and map, and as such, certain peat-dense areas have only recently been identified. Although there are some geospatial products which show generalized peatland distribution on a global scale, few spatially-explicit maps of peatland location and extent exist. An approach which utilizes multisource radar and optical imagery from multiple dates has demonstrated to be of high value in accurately mapping peatlands from boreal, temperate and tropical regions. The approach integrates field data collected from plot sizes that are commensurate with the resolution of the imagery and interpretation of high resolution aerial or satellite imagery to create suitable training and testing data. Next these training data are used in a machine learning algorithm with multiple dates of L- and/or C-band satellite SAR data combined with optical imagery (e.g. Landsat or Sentinel-2) and DEM derivatives. The multi-date SAR data allows for inclusion of hydrological conditions (wet soil, low to high inundation) from different seasons while the multidate optical imagery captures the vegetation phenology. These remote and often inaccessible areas make collection of training and validation data challenging. This results in subsequent challenges in producing an accurate map from often geographically constrained field data. Methods for normalization between adjacent images improves capability with these limited field datasets. Further, cloud computing platforms have become particularly important for leveraging the large number of images now available for this often cloud-covered region (Sentinel-1, 2). These techniques are aiding in improving the efficiency, capability and accuracy of maps. Results of these efforts for both alpine and lowland South American study sites will be presented. n
Presented during S9: SWS Career Narratives: 2) Navigating a wetland scientist career: Lessons for the next generation (organized by Gary Ervin, Excerpts by Doug Wilcox), 6/8/2021 1:15PM - 3:05PM ET
Ewel, Katherine, University of Florida Career pathways are seldom smooth. I describe here my own odyssey in order to help graduate students and even advanced professionals accept and even capitalize on unexpected changes that may at first seem disastrous. At Cornell University, I pursued a standard zoology major intended for pre-med students. Fortunately, I discovered the vertebrate zoology major in another part of the university, and so in graduate school at the University of Florida, I studied reproduction in the pocket gopher, a fossorial rodent. BROADEN YOUR HORIZONS: I learned multivariate statistics to incorporate environmental influences in my dissertation. My first professional job was helping teach an introductory biology course at Duke University. During this time, I was exposed to physical and mathematical models, which introduced me to larger systems. Two years later, I was a “trailing spouse,” back at the University of Florida, trying to find a niche for myself. COLLABORATE AND VOLUNTEER: Mentors helped me grow into an ecosystem ecologist. I modelled processes in all kinds of ecosystems and even landscapes. I also entered the emerging field of wetland ecology, focusing primarily on cypress swamps. ENRICH YOUR TOOLBOX: I was introduced to redox potential which helped me understand the interactions among water, plants, and oxygen. After seven years on “soft” money, I was appointed to a tenure-track position that combined ecosystem modeling, vertebrate ecology, and cypress swamp ecology and management. TRY SOMETHING NEW: Seventeen years later, I joined the US Forest Service in Honolulu, Hawaii, where I abandoned modelling and vertebrates and instead focused on mangrove forests, freshwater swamp forests, and mangrove crabs in Micronesia. I thought I had died and gone to heaven as I was able to draw not only on other ecologists as colleagues but on social scientists as well. May you all encounter serendipity as you experience disruption and look for new challenges. n
Presented during S10: Ecological Restoration through Policy Change: Restoring and Managing Beaver in Washington State, 6/8/2021 1:15PM - 3:05PM ET
Goldfarb, Ben Beavers are increasingly accepted as a stream and wetland restoration tool with significant benefits to biodiversity, hydrology, and geomorphology. Beaver relocation, coexistence techniques, and Beaver Dam Analogues have been used in many states by nonprofits, state agencies, and Native tribes. However, beaver-based projects are occasionally impacted by insufficient attention to beaver biology and ecology (e.g., beavers being relocated into unsuitable habitat or the separation of family units). Therefore, a strong understanding of beaver behavior, evolutionary history, and ecology is crucial to successfully working with this valuable but challenging keystone species. In this talk, part of the larger beaver symposium, we will review beaver biology, dietary requirements, family structures, preferred