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Index to Proceedings, by Author
Adams, Janine Ahmed, Labeeb Ahn, Changwoo Alexannder, Laurie Allély-Fermé, Elise Almaliki, Hadeel Alves, Molly, The Tulalip Tribes AmazonÃa Peruana - IIAP Ameli, Ali Andersen, Megan Anderson, Carlton, University of Southern Mississippi, Gulf Coast Geospatial Center Anderson, Ferin Davis, Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community Anderson, James Andrews, Leann, Penn State Anteau, Michael, U.S. Geological Survey Apwong, Maybeleen Arenas, Anita, California State University of Long Beach Awwad, Fatima, Université du Québec À Trois-Rivières Bachand, Marianne Baerwalde, Matt, Snoqualmie Indian Tribe Bailey, Vanessa Baldwin, Andrew Bansal, Sheel, USGS Battaglia, Loretta, Southern Illinois University Beauchamp, Jeffrey Beaudette, Dylan Berkowitz, Jacob, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center Bernnthal, Tom Bhargav, Vikram, Trent University Bhomia, Rupesh, CIFOR Bianchi, Thomas Biber, Patrick Bickford, Wesley Birnbaum, Christina Bond-Lamberty, Ben Borde, Amy Borsuk, Mark Bourgeau-Chavez, Laura, Michigan Tech Research Institute Bowles, Mason Bozimowski, Alexandra (Sasha), U.S. Geological Survey - Great Lakes Science Center Brasher, Mike, Ducks Unlimited, Inc. Bridgham, Scott Brooks, Hope Brophy, Laura, Estuary Technical Group, Institute for Applied Ecology Brown, Donald Brown, Robert Brumley, Jessica Brzostek, Edward Buffington, Kevin Cadillo-Quiroz, Hinsby Cahill, Blake, Central Michigan University 198 222 199, 222 174 227 164 163 192 226 223 186 211 163, 200 184, 219 174, 212 191 157 183 189 181 170, 171 205 160, 184 187, 188 158 223 231 227 168 175, 192 171 158, 187 164, 165, 205 204 169, 171 189 213 157, 176 184, 219 201 217, 218 189 158 170 200 160 179 170 189, 191 192 198
Cameron, Cortney, Southwest Florida Water Management District Campbell, Daniel, Birchbark Environmental Research Cantrell, Robert Cantu, Antonio, Louisiana State University Carlos Benavides, Juan, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Carlson, Christine
223 167 200 158, 216 194 188
Carter, Gregory Carter, Jamie Chang, Xiaoqian Chan, Karen, Tsinghua University Chavez, Laura Cherry, Julia Chiaranunt, Peerapol Chimbolema, Segundo Chimner, Rodney, Michigan Technological University Christensen, Jay Claggett, Peter Clay, Keith Clendinen, Chaevian Cleveland, Leandra, HDR Cooper, Robert Cornu, Craig, Institute for Applied Ecology Coroinado-Molina, Carlos Creed, Irena, University of Saskatchewan Cui, Geng, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Cunningham, Joshua Currin, Carolyn, NOAA NCCOS Dao Thi Linh, Chi
187 206 164 162 194 188 164 220 176, 192, 194, 220 174 222 204, 205 172 215 218, 221 169, 189 188 173, 226 221 210 167 230 Davidson, Nick 229 Davies, Gillian, BSC Group, Inc./Tufts University Global Development and Environment Institute 214, 228 Davis, Brian 217 Davis, Jenny 167 Davy, Christina 209 DeBerry, Douglas, William & Mary 202 DeKeyser, Shawn, North Dakota State University 212 del Castillo Torres, Dennis 192, 194 Delfeld, Bradley 188 Dellick, Julie 201 Deng, Jia 193 Devries, Aaron, USGS Great Lakes Research Center 164 Devries, Ben, University of Guelph 214 Diefenderfer, Heida 189 Donnelly, J. Patrick 216 Doody, Thomas 222 Dorken, Marcel 168 Doss, Terry, NJ Sports & Exposition Authority 182 Downard, Becka, Utah Division of Water Quality 181 Drucker, Brandon 189 Duarte, Adam 201 Duball, Chelsea, University of Wyoming 223 Duever, Michael, Natural Ecosystems LLC 208, 220
Duffe, Jason Duffie, Laura, HDR Dugger, Bruce Dunton, Eric Durand, Francois Duwadi, Shrijana Eash, Josh Eide, Greg Elango, Vijaikrishnah Elliot-Perez, Crystal, Trout Unlimited Engelke, Jen, University of Washington Eperiam, Eugene Ervin, Gary Ewbank, Mark Ewel, Katherine, University of Florida Fachin, Lizardo, Instituto de Investigaciones de la Fagherazzi, Sergio Farrer, Emily Faust, Derek, Clover Park Technical College Fendereski, Forough, University of Saskatchewan Fennessy, Siobhan, Kenyon College Fesenmyer, Kurt Finlayson, Max Flannagan, Claire Formel, Stephen, Tulane University Fouad, Geoffrey, Monmouth University Fransbergen, Savannah, University of South Florida Fredrickson, Leigh Freelannd, Joanna Frokling, Steve Gaiser, Evelyn, Florida International University Garner, Joe, GreenVest Gay, Ryan, Whitenton Group Gedan, Keryn, George Washington University Geddes, Pamela, Northeastern Illinois University Goldberg, Deborah Golden, Heather Goldfarb, Ben Gosselin, Rémi Grabas, Greg Greenberg, Anna Greenstone Alefaio, Tamara Greenwald, Stephanie Gries, Ashley Griffis, Tim Grimes, Evan Grobler, Retief Grow, Jessica Gruetzman, Jennifer Grundling, Piet-Louis Ha Hoang, Thi
185 178 189 201 198 160 173 212 166 186 184, 219 191 183 196 177 192 169 204 179 173 207 186 228 195 166 224, 225 225 217 168, 209 193 232 203 203 169 168 165 226 177 189 185 201 191 160 227 192 206 198 191 173 198 176
Halbrook, Susannah Hamovit, Nora Hampton, Adrienne Hancock, Michael Hansen, Sara
204 165, 172 184 223 198
Harris, J. Mason 206
Hass, Amir, West Virginia State University Haynes, Warren Heffernan, James Herb, Andy, AlpineEco Hergoualc’h, Kristell, Center for International Forestry Research Herold, Nate Hewett Hoover, Rue, Nez Perce Tribe He, Zhihua Hilting, Anna Hoang Tuan, Long Hogg, Warren, Tampa Bay Water Hogue-Hugron, Sandrine Hopkins, Kristina Hopple, Anya, Pacific Northwest National Lab Howes, Thomas Hoyt, David Hren, Michael
200 200 162 216 193, 194 206 211 225 167 230 208 189 222 169 166 172 172 Hribljan, John 176 Hrynyk, Morgan, Landscape Science and Technology Branch - Environment and Climate Change Canada 185 Hubbart, Jason 200 Hung Tran, Dang 176 Hunter, Dakota 202 Hupp, Cliff 222 Isabel, Christine 197 Isherwood, Ewan 162 Jack, Loretha 227 Janke, Adam 174 Janousek, Christopher, Oregon State University 189 Janse van Rensburg, Susan 198 Jecker, Scott, Whitenton Group, Inc. Environmental Consultants 204 Jen, Devin, University of Southern Mississippi 187 Jewitt, Debbie 198 Jiang, Ming 159 Johnson, Carter 190 Johnson, Charlene, 673d Civil Engineer Squadron- Conservation Element 199 Johnson, David 231 Johnson, Erik 174 Johnson, Olivia, U.S. Geological Survey 160 Jones, Dylan 227 Jones, Mike, Stockbridge-Munsee Community 229 Kalyanapu, Alfred 160 Keddy, Paul 167 Kelbe, Bruce 198 Kemner, Kenneth 160 Kentula, Mary, US EPA Office of Research and Development 183, 202
Kerr, Elyssa, Beavers Northwest Kiehn, Whitney King, Sammy Kingsley, Kathryn Kirwan, Matthew Kline, Joanne Klionsky, Sarah, University of Connecticut Kolka, Randy Kolka, Randy, USDA Forest Service Koval, Jason Kowalski, Kurt Krapu, Christopher, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Krauss, Ken Kucia,Samuel Kudoh, Aoi, Kyoto University Kumar, Mukesh Lan Chun, Chan, University of Minnesota Duluth Landry, Shawn Lane, Charles Langley, Adam Laubhan, Murray Lawlor, Stephanie, University of South Florida Lawrence, Beth Laymon,Stephen Laymon, Steven LeBlanc, Marie-Claire Ledford, Kathryn, George Mason University Lee, Terrie Lehman, Justin Leibowitz, Scott Lepage, Ben, National Taiwan University and Academy of Natural Sciences Lester, Randall Lewis, Jessica, MS Band of Choctaw Indians - Office of Environmental Protection Lilleskov, Erik Lishawa, Shane Liu, Ganming, Bowling Green State University Liu, Xinmiao Liu, Yina Lobato-de Magalhães, Tatiana Lorio, Mary Lozon, Darien, West Virginia University Lugten, Eliza MacKay, Fiona Mackenzie, Richard A. Magee, Teresa Manh, Quy Do Maranda, Antoine Marquez, Roseo Marti, Aaron Martin, Janice, Quinault Indian Nation Ma, Shizhou 204 208 158, 216, 217, 218, 221 164, 205 169, 187 227 159 192, 194 220 160 164, 165, 201, 205 213 191 190 161 213 166 195 226 161 217 195 159, 172 218 221 197 222 224 174 226 215 200 210 176, 192, 194, 220 209 225 201 171 227 210 200 201 198 176, 191 202 176 189 191 161 212 173
McDowell, Nate, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory McFarland, Madelyn, Mississippi State University McKenna, Owen, USGS Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center McNicol, Gavin Meadows-McDonnell, Madeleine, University of Connecticut Madeleine Megonigal, Patrick Meier, Jacob Mekonnen, Balew Mercer, Robyn, Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe Merten, Christina, Herrera Environmental Consultants Metes, Marina Michael, Morgan Middleton, Beth, US Geological Survey Miller, Haley Miller, Nick, The Nature Conservancy Millett, Bruce Mocorro Powell, Ashley Mohammady, Sassan Monfils, Anna Moomaw, Bill Morin, Jean Morrison, Elise, University of Florida Munguia, Steffanie, Florida International University Murdiyarso, Daniel, CIFOR Murdock, Justin, Tennessee Tech University Murphy, Gwendolyn Mushet, David Myers-Pigg, Allison Myers, Robbyn Nahlik, Amanda, US EPA Office of Research and Development Naidoo, Laven Neil, Christopher Nel, Jeanne Nguyen, Thi Hong Hanh Dinh, Tien Nguyen Nguyen, Hoang Hanh Noe, Gregory, USGS Florence Bascom Geoscience Center Norwood, Matthew Nowicki, ReNae, EcoHydrologix LLC / School of Geosciences, University of South Florida Noyce, Genevieve Nyman, John, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center O’Loughlin, Edward O’Meara, Teri, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center Orloff, Alishia, Yale Osborne, Todd Otte, Marinus Owens, Sarah Paltsev, Aleksey Pardue, John Paulsen, Steven Paul, Swapan, Sydney Wetland Institute, Sydney Olympic
171, 189 217 190, 212 184 172 161, 170, 171 160 225 180 196 222 160 183 159 227 190 184 173 198 229 189 171 178 175, 192 160 188 190 171 180 202 198 159 198 176 230 176 222 171 224 161 229 160 170 197 171 159 160 226 166 202 216
Pavlovic, Noel Pennington, Stephanie Peralta, Ariane, East Carolina University Peterson, James Pham Duc, Chien Planas, Ana Maria Pomeroy, John Ponzio, Kimberli, St. Johns River Water Management District Post van der Burg, Max Pretorius, Lulu Price, Jaybus Pritchard, Dave Puchkoff, Anna Pulak, Anastasia Quesnelle, Pauline Raczka, Nanette Rains, Kai Rains, Mark Regier, Peter Reif, Molly Reiner, Edward, United States Environmental Protection Agency Reinhardt, Carrie Rengifo, Jhon Reschke, Carol Reynolds, Larry Ridden, Taryn Riera, David, Florida International University Rivers, Patrick Rivers-Ubach, Albert Robertson, Andrew, Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota Rochefort, Line Rock, Danielle Rojas Urrego, Martha, Convention on Wetlands Roman, Tyler Rosenblum, Zoe, Oregon State University and IHE-Delft Institute for Water Education Ross, Michael Rottle, Nancy, University of Washington Rover, Jennifer, USGS EROS RoyChowdhury, Taniya, Crop Genetics and Plant Pathology Unit, ARS-USDA Roy, Mathieu Sah, Jay, Florida International University Salem, Maria Sanchez, Maria E., University of Saskatchewan Saltus, Christina Sasmito, Sigit Sasser, Charles Schenk, Edward Schewe, Jeremy, Ecobot Inc. Schmidt, Stephanie, George Mason University Schmutz, Dan, Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. Schrank, Amy, University of Minnesota Sea Grant 166 170, 171 166 201 230 194 225 180 212 198 231 228 182 159 185 170 195, 224, 225 195, 224, 225 171 206 196 185 192 166 217 198 179 185 171 181, 211 197 168 231 192 226 162 184, 219 213 172 189 162 201 227 206 175 206 222 203 199, 222 207 209
Schroeder, Carolyn Schultz, Rachel, SUNY Brockport Schweisberg, Matt, Wetland Strategies and Solutions, LLC Scott, Brian, University of Maryland Sengupta, Aditi Sen, Shilpa, HDR Sesin, Verena, Trent University Sévigny, Caroline Sharma, Bidhya Shea, Chris, Tampa Bay Water Shearin, Zackery Shields, Michael Shoemaker, Cory, Slippery Rock University Shook, Kevin Shull, Suzanne Simpson, Matthew, 35percent Skinner, Kelly Sklar, Fred, SFWMD Slowinski, Thomas, Wetlands & Ecology, V3 Companies Smith, Alexander, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary Smith, Chris Smith, Elizabeth, International Crane Foundation Smith, Mckenzie Snow, Danielle Spence, Christopher, Environment and Climate Change Canada Stafford, Joshua, USGS - South Dakota State Univ. Stanek, Jenna, Los Alamos National Laboratory Wohner, Patti Stelk, Marla, Association of State Wetland Managers Stevens, Rachel, GBNERR
204 161 180 205 171 179 209 189 227 207, 208 204 171 178 225 206 214, 228 160 188 215 187 227 217 204 205 225 174 218, 221 181 206
Storm, Linda, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Suarez, Esteban, Universidad San Francisco de Quito Suir, Glenn, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sutton-Grier, Ariana, University of Maryland Swails, Erin, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Szubryt, Marisa 210 176, 194, 220 206 182 193 160
Tangen, Brian Tan, Phuong Vu Tashjian, Paul
160 230 217 Taylor, Kelsey 181 Theriault, Dominic, Hydrodynamic and Ecohydraulic Section, Environment Climate Change Canada 189 Thorne, Karen 189, 191 Thuy, Pham Thu, CIFOR 230 Tinh, Pham Hong 176 Tong, Shouzheng 221 Tracy, John 190 Trang Dao Le, Huyen 230 Tuan Mai, Sy 176 Vacek, Sara, US Fish and Wildlife Service 173 Valach, Alex 184 Val Klump, J. 191 Vallette, Yvonne 180
Van Bael, Sunshine Vanderhoof, Melanie, U.S. Geological Survey Van Deventer, Heidi, CSIR van Niekerk, Lara 166 174 198 198
Van, Truong Nguyen Vaughan, Karen Velasquez, Esther Verhulst, Stephanie, University of Florida Viet, Hoa Nguyen Vogt, Darren Voldseth, Richard 230 223 194 185 230 166 190
Vradenburg, John Wagner, John
217 227 Waldron, Margaret 186, 187 Wang, Guodong, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 196 Wang, Wenzhi 171 Ward, Nicholas 170, 171 Waryszak, Pawel 204 Wayson, Craig 194 Weisenhorn, Pamela 160, 188 Werner, Brett, Centre College 190 Whigham, Dennis 161 Whipple, Alexa 163 Whitcraft, Christine 157 White, James 164, 205 Whitfield, Colin 225 Wilcox, Douglas 206 Wohner, Patti, Oregon State University 201, 221 Wolfe, Jared 225 Wolford, Isaac 200 Womble, Spencer 160 Woodrey, Mark 217 Wu, Qiusheng, University of Tennessee, Knoxville 191 Wu, Wei 187, 206 Yabusaki, Steve 171 Yannuzzi, Sally 163 Yarwood, Stephanie 172, 205 Yuan, Yuxiang, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 159 Zak, Donald 165 Zhang, Qiuwei 164 Zhu, Xiaoyan 159, 160 Zisette, Rob, Herrera Environmental Consultants 175 Zou, Yuanchun, Adaptive water management for wetland conservation in agricultural landscape, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences 195 Zurita-Arthos, Leo 220
Listed below are some links to some random news articles that may be of interest. Links from past issues can be accessed on the SWS website: https://www.sws.org/wetlands-in-the-news/. The Association of State Wetland Managers' website: https://www.aswm.org/ contains a section entitled “Wetland News Digest.” This section includes links to newspaper articles that should be of interest: https://www.aswm.org/publications/wetland-news-digest. Members are encouraged to send links to articles about wetlands in their local area. Please send the links to WSP Editor at ralphtiner83@ gmail.com and reference “Wetlands in the News” in the subject box. Thanks for your cooperation. n
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