Corporate Responsibility Report Sodexo Sweden 2021

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Corporate Responsibility Report Sodexo Sweden

Valuable insights guide us in ”the new normal” Sodexo´s global sustainability plan “Better Tomorrow 2025” has been established according to UN´s 17 sustainability goals and it covers nine commitments. They are concrete and measurable. With this plan, Sodexo received the prestigious "Global Sustainability Award 2021" within the category "Restaurants & Leisure Facilities“. We were appointed this prize by Dow Jones for the consecutive 17th year for our persistent work on all levels, when it comes to integrating sustainable solutions as part of our service offerings. We feel humility for the challenges we have ahead of us, but also pride for the successes we have within sustainability. Working in close partnerships with our clients and suppliers is our strength. Together we strive to achieve our set targets in line with the Global UN Sustainability Goals. Sodexo’s accountability and incorporation of CR into our business strengthens the engagement of our employees, the collaboration with our customers, promotes the environment and the community and contributes to better profitability.

In our Corporate Social Responsibility Report for Sodexo Sweden, you will find information and many stories from the past fiscal year, describing how we drive a positive and sustainable development together with our clients, employees and suppliers. In our sustainability work we are for instance working for: • Increased diversity and inclusion • More sustainable meal alternatives • More services that facilitate a safe and secure work life in “the new normal” • Decreased food waste • Decreased carbon footprint • Phase out of disposables • Increased collaboration with local suppliers • Support to people in need

We have made our minds up, we shall be at the forefront within our industry, and therefore we incorporate sustainability into our business.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

Our daily ambition is to contribute to our customers’ and employees’ quality of life in different ways. We take our responsibility as an employer, develop our services and help our customers and the society in becoming more sustainable. We welcome trends and innovations within sustainable development. We know that we can deliver innovative, sustainable and customized services and solutions, bot for existing and potential clients. We have a successful Nordic accelerator program called Sparx and collaborate with several new thinking and innovative companies focusing on environment and sustainability. We have followed the development of the Covid pandemic throughout this fiscal year, by publishing reports based on work life studies performed by Kantar Sifo and Novus. Based on our report conclusions, we have been able to lead and guide our clients and other stake holders with valuable insights as well as useful tips and advice related to work life in “the new normal”.

Peter Mellin, CEO Sodexo AB

” I wish you an interesting read! Please, contact us if you wish to know more about how we can cooperate”.

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Improve the quality of life of our employees, safely

Ensure a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that reflects and enriches the communities we serve

Foster a culture of environmental responsibility within our workforce and workspaces




Provide and encourage our consumers to access healthy lifestyle choices

Promote local development and fair, inclusive and sustainable business practices

Source responsibly and provide management services that reduce carbon emissions




Act sustainably for a hunger-free world

Drive diversity and inclusion as a catalyst for societal change

Champion sustainable resource usage

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

Over 50 years of responsibility Sodexo globally • 412, 000 employees • We operate in 56 countries • 100 million customers served daily


• The 19th largest private employer in the world • 17.4 billion euro in fiscal 2021 consolidated revenues

The first smaller gaspowered service vehicle is introduced and used at Sodexo in Sweden.

Sodexo Sweden becomes certified within quality (ISO 9001).


The global Sodexo campaign WasteLESS Week is launched.


The diversity network is established at Sodexo Sweden.



Sodexo Sweden is first when it comes to launching eco-labeled cleaning chemicals in the industry.


Sodexo globally launches the Better Tomorrow Plan for a sustainable future. Sodexo Sweden becomes environmentally certified (ISO 14001). Sodexo Sweden begins with Stop Hunger related activities.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)


Sodexo Sweden introduces routines to reduce food waste in all restaurants. The first electric-powered service vehicle is introduced and used at Sodexo in Sweden.



50% of the members in the senior management at Sodexo in Sweden are women.

Over 50 years of responsibility Sodexo in Sweden • 313 million euro consolidated revenues • 3,735 employees


The corporate responsibility roadmap Better Tomorrow 2025 is launched.


Peter Mellin succeeds Azita Shariati as Country Manager for Sodexo in Sweden.


Sodexo in Sweden begins to offer patient-related services.


Sodexo globally makes a commitment to only use cage free eggs by 2025.


Sodexo triple certifies its Nordic operations. .

Sodexo´s 50th anniversary.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)


Sodexo´s Nordic operation becomes certified according to the work environment standard ISO 45001.


Nine commitments for a Better Tomorrow OUR ROLE AS AN EMPLOYER

Sodexo Group has developed nine commitments which will guide us until 2025. All the commitments are measurable, which enables us to follow our progress and cooperate in order to find solutions to the challenges. Candidness in the reporting helps us to understand what has gone well, and in which areas we have been facing challenges that we can solve together with our partners.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)






Improve the quality of life of our employees, safely

Ensure a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that reflects and enriches the communities we serve

Foster a culture of environmental responsibility within our workforce and workspaces

100% of our employees work in countries that have gender balance in their management populations

100% of our employees are trained on sustainable practices



Promote local development and fair, inclusive and sustainable business practices

Source responsibly and provide management services that reduce carbon emissions

10 billion euro of our business value will benefit small and medium-sized enterprises

34% reduction of carbon emissions



Drive diversity and inclusion as a catalyst for societal change

Champion sustainable resource usage

80% employee engagement rate



Yearly reporting helps us in building trust among all our stakeholders. It proofs how we improve the quality of life in the communities in which we operate. The key figures stated for each commitment in this report are global.


Provide and encourage our consumers to access healthy lifestyle choices 100% of our consumers are offered healthy lifestyle options every day

1.3 Act sustainably for a hunger-free world


100 million Stop Hunger beneficiaries

500,000 empowered women in communities

50% reduction in our food waste

Our ethical principles Loyalty For Sodexo, trust is a matter of the heart in the relationships with both clients and employees. Respect Sodexo values ​respect, dignity and consideration for all people, regardless of their background, age, gender, conception of life and life choices.

Transparency We ensure that our clients and employees and shareholders receive correct and clear information about our services. Business integrity Sodexo condemns all operation which is not based on honesty, integrity and justice.

Our values




Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

Sodexo commits to the European Code of Conduct → for responsible business and marketing practices

Committed to working responsibly and reducing any impact that may result from our business activities, over the last few months, Sodexo has contributed to a work undertaken by the European Commission. Through this collaborative process, the Commission has finalized an ambitious European Code of Conduct for responsible business and marketing practices. With the active commitment of companies and the various stakeholders, the code will accelerate the transition to a sustainable food system. As a French company with global reach, employing more than 85,000 people and delivering quality of life services in 18 Europeans countries,

Sodexo is proud to commit to the European Code of Conduct for responsible business and marketing practices. This code reinforces Sodexo’s Corporate Responsibility commitments and our ambition to develop responsible agriculture based on the preservation of natural resources and respect for biodiversity, social justice and economic viability.

Partnering to reinforce the transition to a sustainable food system is part of the positive impact of doing business with Sodexo.

We are committed to UN´s sustainability goals The UN sustainability goals were launched in 2015, and it is the world´s common work plan when it comes to fighting global challenges within climate, environment and social circumstances. The sustainability goals covers 17 goals, which are applicable for all countries in the world, rich as well as poor countries. This means that also authorities, businesses and communities in the Nordic countries must work together, in order to create a more sustainable, just and equal world by 2030. As a global actor operating in 55 countries, it is Sodexo´s responsibility to contribute for us to reach the UN goals both locally as well as globally. We updated our own sustainability program in 2017, so it is aligned with the global sustainable goals.

We have several goals related to the 17 main goals and strive to achieve a total of 330 key figures included in our internal yearly sustainability reporting. For a company with 412, 000 employees in 56 countries, it means that we have a huge impact both locally and globally. No individual company can create a sustainable tomorrow on its own. We must work together in order to achieve lasting changes. At Sodexo we work together with global organizations in order to make a difference. On several occasions we have also started own initiatives in order to be able to help others in a better way. We work closely with our customers, suppliers and partners. With the UN's global goals, we feel that we have a common starting point and common goals, which we can work to achieve together. The symbols used in the articles in the report, show which of the UN global goals they have a connection with.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

New sustainable food concept for schools We introduced a new food concept for schools during the year. Köket by Sodexo (Cuisine by Sodexo) encompasses everything we stand for and that makes us proud. The recipes are developed by Sodexo’s Culinary Team, which is made up of some of our best chefs, and sustainability is the common thread.

Lunch in Community On Saturday, 8 May, Sodexo employees from Norrmalm schools organised a “Lunch in Community” together with students, teachers and headteachers at Adolf Fredriks musikklasser.

We break down Sodexo’s and the UN’s sustainable development goals into local activities. And it goes without saying that we follow up on the results. Settling for a well-written document on a computer will not change the world.

Around 350 portions of food were distributed to people who are particularly vulnerable in our community. Bags of food, drinks and dessert were distributed outdoors due to the pandemic.

“We ensure that schools and students contribute to the UN’s sustainable development goals. Local activities are conducted on the basis of each commitment and coordinated with our clients wherever possible. This may involve reducing food waste, integrating unemployed people or working with non-profit organizations, for example,” says Karin Vierma, Operations Director Food and Head of Corporate Responsibility at Sodexo.

Despite adaptations and protective equipment, everyone present felt a sense of community through conversation and beautiful song.

Karin Vierma, Operations Director Food/ Head of Corporate Responsibility at Sodexo.

One example of a joint activity is the one that takes place twice a year together with Adolf Fredriks musikklasser, a music school in Stockholm. The school’s cooperation with the “Lunch i gemenskap” (Lunch in Community) network, which serves free lunches in various churches in Stockholm on Saturdays, is fully in line with Sodexo’s Stop Hunger initiative.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

We prepare the food, and the students serve the guests and offer beautiful choral singing. Food was distributed in the form of food parcels during the pandemic. There are usually between 350 and 500 visitors every time.

New sustainable food concept for schools Environmental and climate impact

Climate-calculated menus

Although workwear is a small part of the total carbon footprint at school restaurants, it is important to choose fabrics made from recycled materials.

We now implement climate calculation of dishes and menus as well. This is a prerequisite for us to be able to offer sustainable options first and foremost, but we also give students the opportunity to have their say.

Efforts to reduce food waste are continuing with strong and unchanged commitment. Environmentally trained employees ensure that we work sustainably in the kitchens and encourage students not to take more food than they can eat. Dialogue with students is very important. Although there are a thousand opinions on what constitutes good food, most of our guests are satisfied. What students rarely realise is that a lot of work goes into the whole thing before the ingredients are cooked. Recipes have to be devised and calculated for nutrition according to the requirements of the Swedish Education Act, and our buyers set high standards for the sustainability and quality work of our suppliers; and not just in terms of the range of eco-labelled products they use. We also require them to sign and comply with our Code of Conduct. We strive to source products that support sustainable agriculture and fisheries, social rights and a healthy economy.

The day’s menu features symbols showing the climate impact of the food, so that people can make climate-smart choices. “Köket by Sodexo has already been praised by several customers. Not least because we invite them to discuss their expectations and wishes with us as a supplier, but also because we clarify the link between Sodexo’s nine commitments and the UN’s sustainable development goals,” says Karin Vierma.

• Find out more about Köket by Sodexo • Read the press release issued in connection with the launch of the Köket by Sodexo concept

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

Our awards

Read more about our awards

• 17 consecutive years as an industry leader within sustainability (DJSI) • B-classification in the CDP:s measurement of carbon dioxide emissions • 14 consecutive years in RobecoSAM Sustainability Yearbook • Part of the index FTSE4Good • Awarded by Workplace Pride two years in a row • 13 consecutive years on Diversity Inc´s list of the best employers • 4 consecutive years in Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI)

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

Top rated by DJSI FS&P Global Dow Jones Sustainability World Index has appointed Sodexo as one of the most responsible companies within the category ” Restaurants & Leisure Facilities” for the 17th consecutive year.

The award is a recognition of our continuous progress in several areas of sustainability. We have a significantly higher score than the industry average within several areas. Among others within environmental and social dimensions such as human rights and collaborations with local companies. “Us keeping a top ranking is important for the internal pride, but it also shows our clients that we continue with taking our results within the area of sustainability to new levels”, Eva Kristensson, Communications Director at Sodexo says. Thousands of companies are included in the evaluation which is one of the most important sustainability indicators in the world. Every year, nearly 11,000 companies apply to become part of the S&P Global Dow Jones Sustainability Index, which is the leading information source within sustainable investments. • Read more on

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

Seven nominations for Sodexo in White Guide Junior

4. Åva gymnasium (Täby) 5. ProCivitas Karlberg (Stockholm) 10. Hägerneholmsskolan (Täby)

We feel a bit like winners, even though we didn´t win the top awards in this year’s White Guide Junior. As many as seven of our school restaurants were nominated in the “School Restaurant of the Year” category, and one of our restaurants was also nominated in the “Green School Restaurant of the Year” category.

Three of our schools made the top 10 in “School Restaurant of the Year 2021”: Åva gymnasium (Täby) came fourth, ProCivitas Karlberg (Stockholm) fifth and Hägerneholmsskolan (Täby) tenth.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

“One in five of the top 30 school restaurants in this year’s competition is run by Sodexo. We see this as proof that our new Köket by Sodexo concept is the right way forward when it comes to well-prepared and sustainable school meals,” says Karin Vierma, Operations Director Education at Sodexo. The award in the “Restaurant Manager of the Year 2021” category was presented in collaboration with Sodexo, and this year it went to Johan Hamberg and Patrik Karlberg at Norlandia.

Every year, the White Guide Junior school food guide and Senior guide visits around 250 preschools, schools and retirement homes to find good examples of public cuisine. The judges assess the food itself and the service, but also things that are partly or entirely outside the control of the cooks, such as the meal environment, educational cooperation, sustainability work and the commitment of the headteacher. • Find out more about the nominations

Dorin Andrei nominated as Team Leader of the Year First place went to someone else, but the people who work with Dorin Andrei know that he too is worthy of the title of “2021 Team Leader of the Year” in the Clean Bright Awards industry competition. He has led his team at Vrinnevi Hospital through intense weeks of the pandemic with a steady hand and great dedication. Dorin Andrei is 32 years old and team leader for about 60 cleaners at Vrinnevi Hospital in Norrköping. This is a demanding job which involves operational work where he manages and develops operations. The pandemic has required several rapid adjustments, and support to people who initially felt worried about being infected by the coronavirus. “The pandemic increased the pressure on all of us, but it has also made us even sharper. More employees have been trained in how to clean and protect themselves in high-risk environments,” says Dorin Andrei. The fact that nobody cleaning the COVID wards has been infected proves that procedures and workflows have worked well.

Committed, fair and responsive Dorin is described as a committed leader who is fair, active, responsive and flexible. He is there for his colleagues and makes sure they can grow in their roles. He uses pictures and videos to make sure that employees with languages other than Swedish really understand the meaning of flowcharts and other instructions. Ignorance or the slightest oversight can have devastating consequences for patients and employees. The whole team bears great responsibility. “Cleaning in a hospital is not for everyone, and it can not be compared to other cleaning jobs. When we recruit, I look for people with commitment and drive. You have to want to help make sure people have a safe stay in hospital.” He enjoys his job as a team leader and is delighted with the positive feedback he has received from his boss, who was the one who entered him in the “Team Leader of the Year” category in the competition.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

“The best thing about being a team leader is that I can influence others and lead them to do a good job. There’s a purpose and a variety that suits me. I want to move forward, and I enjoy challenges and contact with customers,” says Dorin. • Find out more about Dorin and his nomination on My Sodexo


Improve the Quality of Life of our employees safely

80% employee engagement rate

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)




Time to put people first Technology for working from home has evolved at a tremendous pace during the pandemic, and both employers and employees have found new ways of working. This is changing the playing field for the service industry, and that´s why we´ve initiated a number of studies to help us understand in depth the needs and drivers of future working models.

“I’m certain there’s been a shift. We’ve learned to work from different places, which has reduced commuting time and increased the chances of managing our time. But this new way of working also brings with it challenges that need to be dealt with,” says Johanna Langer, marketing manager at Sodexo.

Technological advances enabled thousands of employees to work remotely during the pandemic, but humans need so much more than digital meeting platforms and good broadband connections. Now is the time to focus on the individual.

Many people say they benefit from the flexibility of working from home and don’t want to go back to the office five days a week. One of the challenges is to create commitment and team spirit. Another is the increase in ill-health, which is due to unclear frameworks and professional isolation.

We enlisted the help of survey company Kantar/Sifo to help us clarify future needs and drivers from an employer perspective. We then commissioned Novus to survey 1,200 public and private sector officials. The results of the surveys were presented in reports and webinars with invited guests.

“There are new demands on leadership, but also on the ability of individuals to manage themselves. Communicating clear goals and meaningfulness is super important. Goals are becoming more important than control,” says Johanna Langer.

New demands on leadership

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

Lessons learned along the way The pandemic has affected Sodexo as a company, both as an employer and in the way in which we make money. When companies and restaurants were closed or partially closed, there was a decline in the need for cleaning and other services. Now the whole service industry is wanting to know how everything will open up, and to what extent. Will there be offices, and when will people be there? What services do employers need to offer to make working from home sustainable in the long term?

Read our reports! •

5 tips on how to turn working from home into a competitive advantage,14 December 2020

The new normal – Working life after the pandemic, 22 December 2020

Why every company leadership team needs a worklife strategy, 25 May 2021

5 problems with the hybrid model – and advice how to meet them, 1 July 2021




Most of Sodexo’s employees work on-site with our customers and, as in many other professions, the job cannot be done from home. However, employees who worked from home during the pandemic and who normally work at Sodexo’s headquarters in Solna respond similarly to the officials in our surveys. Few people worked from home before the pandemic, but it’s clear that they want to continue alternating working from home and working at the office. “We have been using the Solna office to try out different things ever since the start of the pandemic. Now we have defined a framework for what we think Sodexo’s working model will look like, but there are no details. We are learning as we go along,” says Johanna. Great interest There has been a great deal of interest in the results of the surveys, and this has brought us together with professionals other than those who normally purchase FM services. Instead, we have been holding discussions with people in HR who want to understand the practical implications of new ways of working. How do they need to adapt in order to attract talented employees, and what support do employees expect? Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

Society and workplaces have started to open up thanks to the COVID-19 vaccine, but there are still many questions to answer. Sodexo will therefore continue to carry out quarterly work-life surveys also during Fiscal 2022.




Brave employees supported healthcare during the pandemic Behind the acclaimed health workers, our own heroes have worked hard to maintain a high level of service and prevent the spread of infection. Just like health workers, many of them are tired after a long period of high stress. At the same time, there is a strong sense of team spirit and pride. We have literally helped to save ourselves and others. The pandemic has brought us a step forward in patient-related services. The number of meal hosts, who deal with all meal-related tasks and patient-related cleaning in hospitals, has increased considerably as health workers have been busy with other tasks. “We have been working closely with the healthcare system and have been quick to make changes. We have dealt with all kinds of services on the wards that don’t involve healthcare. Cleaning and meals are not part of healthcare, but they are every bit as important,” says Anna Wingårdh, District Manager Soft FM, Healthcare & Seniors at Sodexo.

When the COVID-19 vaccinations began, Sodexo was asked to take care of cleaning, replenishing paper towels, syringes and hand sanitiser in ten or so places of all sizes that had been temporarily transformed into vaccination centres. Employees from activities that were suspended due to the pandemic received training in order to meet the increased healthcare service needs. We also recruited employees from neighbouring hotels. Courageous employees It has taken courageous people at all levels to cope with new and rapid changes. Team leaders and managers have been forced to make decisions on scant evidence. Many times, people have had to adopt a trial and error approach and work with “what ifs”. And at the far end of operations, the cleaners. All the people who worked in high-risk environments despite the fact there was a lot of uncertainty and concern at the beginning.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

“We brought in a consultant quickly to make sure everyone had answers to their questions about the virus, how it is passed on and what to do. The anxiety subsided for some, while others only really calmed down when the vaccinations began,” says Maria Kapageridou, a cleaner with extended responsibilities at Vrinnevi Hospital. Healthcare employees have also had questions and requests. Maria’s phone has been ringing off the hook, and her email inbox has been full. Who is doing what, when, where and how? She has been in close contact with healthcare employees, establishing new cleaning schedules and workflows in line with the general infection situation in the community. When asked what has made the biggest difference during the pandemic, she is quick to answer: “Everything! The pandemic changed everything in our day-to-day lives.”

Anna Wingårdh, District Manager Soft FM, Healthcare & Seniors at Sodexo.




Allergy to face masks

Sick leave is actually lower than normal, in fact, as there have been no diseases such as winter vomiting disease and others occurred due to the general recommendations of the Public Health Agency of Sweden.

For Helena Johansson, one of the people who cleaned the pandemic wards at Vrinnevi Hospital, it wasn’t just the virus that was the problem. As it turned out, she was allergic to the face masks. After some searching, a brand was found that didn´t give her a rash all over her arms.

The cleaning team at Vrinnevi Hospital in Norrköping normally performs about 50 infection cleaning operations per month. In April 2020, at the height of the crisis, that figure stood at 572; with about 200 in April 2021.

“I was not worried about being infected, but I did always shower at work because I had been cleaning a pandemic ward. We received some useful information on what to do, and the weekly emails from our CEO, Peter Mellin, with information on the coronavirus situation have kept us up to date,” says Helena Johansson, who is now a cleaner with extended responsibilities.

Maria and Helena think the most important thing in the event of another pandemic would be to stay calm. Worry only creates stress. They are taking certain behaviours and rules with them going forward now, regardless of the infection situation. “I don´t let anybody else touch my keyboard or mouse. We have become much more cautious. There are infections other than coronavirus,” says Helena, and Maria agrees.

Reduced sick leave As it happens, we can confirm that cleaning procedures, hygiene flows and protective equipment have worked. The checklists and instructions developed have been followed, and nobody has been infected with the coronavirus at work.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

From left: Maria Kapageridou and Helena Johansson.

• Find out more about our patient-related services




Aspire supports responsibility Aspire is Sodexo’s global model for performance management, expertise, development and internal career planning. With the help of Aspire, Sodexo employees can take control of their own careers and development. The model is based on everyone taking responsibility for their own performance and skills development. It all starts with responsibility and commitment. The aim of Aspire is to support and guide performance management and personal development. It allows team leaders/managers and employees covered by the model to see what’s expected of them and how they have achieved their goals. They also receive varied feedback. Aspire is designed to support ongoing dialogue between employees and team leaders/managers. They review goals, career aspirations, well-being, development activities and feedback together at regular discussions.

Aspire began being used at the end of 2019.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

Sodexo employees make their voices heard via Voice Sodexo carries out an annual employee survey by the name of Voice. This survey is conducted to enable regular two-way communication between managers and their teams. The survey is global and open to all employees worldwide. The best feedback this year came from the opportunity to influence the company’s performance, corporate ethics, social responsibility, corporate responsibility and diversity.




Objective: Nobody should ever be injured at work At Sodexo, serious accidents where one of our employees needs to take sick leave due to something that has happened in the workplace are referred to as Lost Time Injuries, LTIs. We are working really hard to reduce the number of LTIs based on a fundamental belief that nobody should ever be injured at work.

The sites are based on three of Sodexo’s Safety Nets, risk assessment, procedures and instructions, as well as three safety checks, and cover the areas where we as a global company perceive the greatest risks. We also delve into the accident categories that are most common in our company; slips and trips.






FY19 Safety Nets Risk assessment


Procedures and instructions


We work according to a method where we perform Safety Nets Validations. This is a type of audit that targets either sites with new customer assignments, or sites where there have been two LTIs over two years.


Training and supervision Physical protection Ratz work equipment & personal protective equipment Safety walks and follow-up of accidents, near misses and observations 3 safety checks

3 safety checks: 1. Do I know how to do the job? 2. Do I have the right equipment? 3. Is my environment safe?

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

This is how LTIs have developed in recent years. The graph shows the number of LTIs in relation to the number of hours worked. This number is known as LTIR.




We reduced accidents through the Near Miss Hunt Sodexo is constantly striving to improve employee safety by trying to reduce the number of workplace accidents.

The in-house Sodexo campaign known as the Near Miss Hunt was implemented in 2021. The objective was for all sites in Sweden to report at least two near misses per month in the Salus app, Sodexo’s global reporting tool, thereby helping to reduce the number of accidents. Observations and near misses include situations that could lead to an accident or injury. That is why it is important to always report them in the Salus app, and to work proactively and take preventive measures.

31 LTIs (Lost Time Injuries)

130 minor accidents


171 near misses

324 observations The graph shows the number of LTIs, accidents, near misses and observations for the 2021 financial year. Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

“We need to act and take action on our near misses and observations so as to minimise or eliminate the risks, not just report them. This is how we will reduce the number of accidents,” says Sofia Eleftheriadis, HSE Manager at Sodexo AB.




Quality management system

Current ISO certifications

We have defined specific requirements and rules according to ISO 9001, which we have to abide by within Sodexo in Sweden in order to meet our customers’ expectations and thus increase customer satisfaction.

• ISO 9001:2015 Quality management systems • ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management systems • ISO 45001:2018 Occupational health and safety

We have held accreditation to ISO 9001 since 2012.

Certified environment Zero accident mindset Sodexo’s Swedish operations are certified according to ISO 45001, the international occupational health and safety standard.

We have a zero-accident mindset, and this certification verifies that we work systematically and effectively with occupational health and safety issues. The ISO standard supports us in our continuous development work for an accident-free and healthy workplace for all employees.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

Our environmental work is structured to meet the requirements of the ISO 14001 environmental standard. This standard includes a number of mandatory requirements that our operations have to comply with in order to achieve certification. We have held accreditation to ISO 14001 since 2009.




e-Smiley makes life easier The switch to the e-Smiley digital selfchecking system was a very good decision. This is the opinion of Stefan Johansson, Unit Manager at Sodexo in Landskrona, after a couple of years of use.

All of our more than 80 preparation kitchens have switched to digital self-checking (HACCP) during the year. This system makes self-checks transparent at both local and central level.

Folders containing slightly sticky and sometimes incomplete paperwork are a thing of the past. Instead, good hygiene in respect of food is ensured via a computer, tablet or mobile phone. This saves time and increases security while making life easier for employees.

The fast, enormous flexibility is also a great advantage. During the months when the icebox is switched off, that refrigeration check is eliminated, and a procedure can be added quickly when something new is required.

“For restaurant visitors, food safety was already high. This system resolves the previous awkwardness for anyone submitting reports,” says Stefan Johansson.

For some time now, the Swedish Work Environment Authority – for example – has required kettles to be checked on days when they are to be used so as to minimise the risk of accidents.

Every day, the team in Landskrona checks around 30 points. This can include checking cleaning, ventilation, temperatures in refrigerators and dishwashers, for example. Some checks only need to be done weekly.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

Stefan Johansson, Unit Manager at Sodexo in Landskrona, thinks that the e-Smiley digital self-check saves time and increases safety, as well as making employees’ lives easier.



Provide and encourage our consumers to access healthy lifestyle choices

100% of our consumers are offered healthy lifestyle options every day

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)




Climate week that keeps on going Uppsala Climate Week was a success. Several months later, almost half of the guests at Restaurang Björken still choose dishes with a maximum carbon footprint of 0.5 kg CO2e per serving, which is fully in line with the World Wild Fund for Nature’s One Planet Plate ideal.

The week ended with a guest performance and a completely plantbased menu à la Gustav Johansson, who runs the vegan blog “Jävligt gott” (Really tasty). He was also on hand to answer questions about vegan food. A representative from Klimato talked about the climate tool that we’ve been using at Björken since 2019.

Climate Week, which took place in week 12, is an initiative of Uppsala climate protocol, a network where companies, associations and public organisations work together to achieve Uppsala’s long-term climate goals. Our customer Cytiva Life Sciences is one of its members.

The vegan menu was appreciated. Some people didn’t even notice they were eating a burger or a Texas Chili without animal products, while others were sceptical beforehand.

For the week, we agreed to engage our diners by only serving dishes with a maximum carbon footprint of 0.5 kg CO2e. Average emissions for food served in the home stand at around 2 kg CO2e.

“When I heard that one of our regulars was planning to go out for a kebab instead of trying a vegan dish, I said I will buy you lunch if you don’t like it. I managed to save my money!” says Oscar Jonasson, Head chef at Restaurang Björken.

Since Climate Week, it is clear that guests are choosing the vegan option over fish or traditional fare several times a week. But even more importantly, in the first half of 2021 45 per cent of people chose meals with a maximum carbon footprint of 0.5 kg CO2e. “If you work smart, you can keep your carbon footprint down even if you serve animal products. Our dishes normally average 0.7 kg CO2e, which is relatively low,” says Oscar.

One Planet Plate • Each dish must meet a maximum climate budget of 0.5 kg CO2e. • Meat and fish must be greenlighted in the World Wide Fund for Nature’s meat and fish guide. • Preferably organic vegetables, especially cereals, potatoes, onions, carrots and rapeseed.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

Oscar Jonasson, Head chef at Restaurang Björken at Cytiva Life Sciences in Uppsala.



Small changes – big impact

Read the full article at Mitt Sodexo

Examples of Climate Week menus

• Set common goals together with the customer.

• Chicken schnitzel with potatoes, garlic beans and tomato sauce: 0.5 kg CO2e

• Climate-calculate your menus.

• Roasted tempeh with baked cabbage, fried potato wedges and smoked mayonnaise: 0.2 kg CO2e

• Clarify climate impact for your guests • Serve meat, but be smart about it. A schnitzel made from pork instead of veal reduces emissions from 4.3 to 0.7 CO2e. • Go with vegan food instead of vegetarian sometimes. • Avoid rice, which has almost 30 times the carbon footprint of potatoes, pasta or bread. • Plant-based burgers, tacos or something deep-fried are a good gateway for the sceptics. • Work with texture and taste. For instance, swap some of the salt for soya in order to bring in the umami flavour.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

• Truffle umami burger with caramelised onions and fries: 0.5 kg CO2e • Boiled pollock with egg sauce, beans and dill potatoes: 0.5 kg CO2e




Culinary Report testifies to love of food In Sodexo’s global Culinary Report, we talk about how our operations and new ideas support our sustainable food strategy, while offering innovative and eco-friendly options to all food lovers. Despite the prevailing coronavirus situation, Sodexo continued to work diligently towards organic and sustainable food. Culinary Report 2021 features dozens of stories about how Sodexo’s top chefs have inspired others and created some amazing culinary experiences. In the report, you can read about the Sodexo Green Food Truck that did the rounds between AstraZeneca’s plants in Gärtuna and Snäckviken in Södertälje during the year.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)



Act sustainably for a hunger-free world 100 million Stop Hunger beneficiaries

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)




Stop Hunger more important than ever

Stop Hunger in Sweden Instead of giving Christmas gifts to employees, customers and other stakeholders, Sodexo has been donating food and money to people in need all over Sweden through local partnerships for several years. This takes place around Christmas, but also at other times of the year.

At Sodexo, our purpose is to create a better everyday life so as to help bring about a better life for all.​ That is why we are proud to support Stop Hunger, a global non-profit network that strives to create a hunger-free world in a sustainable way. ​

At Sodexo in Sweden, we work mainly with Sweden’s City Missions and other similar local charities that support people in need.

Today, one in eight people suffers from hunger. Tens of millions more are at risk as the world’s food shortages have worsened as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Stop Hunger has a presence in 54 countries and has been supporting the most vulnerable in the fight against hunger in partnership with local organizations for over 20 years.​ Stop Hunger’s activities support local organizations, empower women and provide emergency relief. It has been proven that we can sustainably eradicate hunger in our societies by empowering women.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

During the 2021 fiscal year, our dedicated employees have contributed to our partners in Sweden receiving a total of: • Find out more in the Stop Hunger Activity Report 2021

• 12,800 meals • 1,670 kg of food • SEK 50,000




Sodexo´s volunteer program Sodexo´s volunteer program was introduced during fiscal 2019, and it offers all employees a paid day a year for volunteer work. The initiative is in line with our values and our ambition to contribute to social sustainability and local presence. The volunteer program gives each individual employee possibility to volunteer during working hours. It is up to everyone to select a non-profit organization supporting society, environment, animals or people. The non-profit organization must follow Sodexo´s values and the principles for human rights. The volunteer program should support and stimulate the engagement of employees, and it complements our support to the Stop Hunger related efforts we do for non-profit organizations in different locations in the country since many years. • Read more about Sodexo´s volunteer program

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

Criteria for volunteer work ▪ The volunteer work must be done within non-profit organizations supporting the society, environment or people. ▪ The non-profit organization must share Sodexo´s values and principles for human rights. ▪ The engagement must not lead to personal gain, refer to related parties, give pay back or be political or trade union related work. ▪ The volunteer work does not lead to overtime.


2 2.1

Ensure a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that reflects and enriches the communities we serve 100% of our employees work in countries that have gender balance in their management populations

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)




We ensure a diverse and inclusive culture At Sodexo diversity and inclusion is part of our culture. Our strategy for equality is an important momentum when it comes to ensuring that both women and men have the same growth possibilities in the workplace. We signed the UN´s Women´s Empowerment Principles during 2017. The principles includes a commitment to foster equality through community initiatives.

We ensure a diverse and an inclusive culture by:

• Implementing our plan for diversity and inclusion. • Ensuring flexible working conditions and practices. • Applying a diversity perspective on personnel resources and the training and development of employees.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

Key figures Sweden • 58,9 % of our workforce are women • 45,7 % women in leading positions • 41,7 % women in the Swedish country leadership team



Promote local development and fair, inclusive and sustainable business practices

10 billion euro of our business value will benefit small and medium-sized enterprises

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01– 2021.08.31)




Sparx developing the service industry During the year, six selected companies were given the opportunity to try out and develop their ideas within the framework of Sparx, Sodexo’s Nordic accelerator programme. The programme was launched in 2018 with the aim of moving the service industry in new directions. The fourth cohort of companies has developed services and products in the fields of flexibility, well-being and sustainability. “There is a great need for innovation as the world of work is changing rapidly. That is why we have chosen to bring in companies with driven entrepreneurs that we see moving the service industry in a new direction,” says Magnus Löfsjögård, who is responsible for the Sparx programme.

Selected companies, winter 2020-2021 Lunch.Co (Sweden) – A platform and marketplace for companies where colleagues can sell and buy their home-made lunches to one another. This gives them the opportunity to discover new dishes, meet up with one another and help to bring about a sustainable dining experience. Remente (Sweden) – A personal development app developed with the help of leading experts in psychology and mental training. This app helps to enhance well-being and performance by means of exercises and a better understanding of how the brain works. Yepstr (Sweden) – A platform and breeding ground for Sweden’s most ambitious young people, with the aim of creating 100 million jobs for young entrepreneurs by 2030.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

Glue (Finland) – A virtual extension of your workplace – a place where dispersed and high-performing teams come together to learn, share, plan and create. Kamupak (Finland) – A digital deposit system for circular packaging that helps individuals and businesses to reuse packaging easily and quickly. Staffers (Norway) – This company is developing a platform that streamlines internal staffing, opens career paths and increases collaboration within an organisation. • Find out more about Sparx

For three months, contractors will have access to: • Learning: Senior industry expertise and mentoring in commercialisation • Testing: A global testing environment with the ability to reach people in over 50 countries • Scalability: A global network and a future market for its innovation




Sustainable purchasing Our purchasing is determined both by client demands and financial frames, but also through demands we require of ourselves. Our objective is to continue to lead the Swedish sustainability development forward.

medium sized companies to be authorized suppliers to us. Through us they can become suppliers to companies, municipalities and county councils without having to participate in rigorous tender processes themselves.

The engagement, knowledge and experiences of the purchasers play an important role for sustainability efforts. They set demands for and negotiate with our suppliers.


”CODE OF CONDUCT” Codes of conduct are guidelines regarding how we shall operate in an ethical, social and environment friendly way. A couple of years ago we updated these in order to connect them even more clearly to UNs sustainability goals. Small and medium-sized companies In order to support local businesses, we have initiated the work to simplify and thereby make it easier for small and

The progress within cleaning has moved forward during recent years. Today chemical free cleaning is applied wherever it is possible. Closer to 90 per cent of cleaning products that we use have an environmental labelling. Our purchased paper is eco-labeled. Food services The sustainability efforts within food services are complex. Food production has a large impact on environment and climate, but it’s also about food safety, animal protection and labor conditions. We follow the tender authority, criteria which in most parts are aligned with our own rules regarding animal welfare.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

Our suppliers sign agreements where they obligate to at least live up to our charters based on ”Five freedoms” – where the animals shall: • Have access to clean water and feeling that contributes to their health. • Grow up in a suitable environment where there is room for shelter and rest. • Get access to quick diagnosis and treatment for any possible injury or disease. • Have the possibility to express their normal behavior.

• Have living conditions and treatment that don´t expose them to mental suffering.



Key figures, Sweden EGGS



Sodexo’s global goal is to phase out eggs from battery hens by 2025. In Sweden, we have already reached our goal. Eggs from battery hens are only used when our supplier has no other eggs available. During the year, 100 per cent of the liquid eggs and 99 per cent of the 1.1 million whole eggs purchased came from freerange hens.

Of the 15 million cups of coffee served, 95% had one or more ECO, Fairtrade and Rainforest Alliance certifications. Our aim is to further increase the percentage of certified coffee.

72 percent of chicken purchases were compliant with the requirements of the Swedish National Agency for Public Procurement.

FISH We protect the marine environment and don’t buy fish on the World Wide Fund for Nature’s red list. Just under 92% of the fish we served bore the MSC (wild caught) or ASC (farmed) ecolabel.

PLASTIC We have replaced plastic wherever possible in recent years. Disposable items such as plates, cutlery, straws and takeaway bags are now made from materials that are kinder to the environment and climate.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

For chicken, we committed in 2019 to actively influence and support farmers in a transition that enhances animal welfare.

The goal is for all chicken served by Sodexo in Europe to meet the animal welfare requirements of the European Chicken Commitment by 2026. In all honesty, this is a challenge in industries subject to price pressure, but we are hopeful.

99% of the eggs came from free-range hens

15 million cups of coffee

95% of the coffee had one or more ECO, Rainforest Alliance and Fairtrade certifications.

92% of the fish bore the MSC (wild caught) or ASC (farmed) ecolabel



Drive diversity and inclusion as a catalyst for societal change

500,000 women in communities empowered

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)




SheWorks – job shadowing SheWorks is a global initiative offering all employees a day of job shadowing a year. Participation is possible both for Sodexo employees as well as external persons. The persons who are job shadowing someone during a day, gets the possibility to get to know Sodexo´s business and job possibilities. For us at Sodexo, SheWorks is a good opportunity to meet new talents and to identify possible future employees. The purpose with job shadowing is to introduce job careers that they wouldn´t have considered otherwise. For the person being shadowed it is a concrete possibility to support someone else's career dreams and to learn something new themselves.

By being shadowed you learn to see your own work through the eyes of an outsider, and you also get access to new work tools. It has proven to be rewarding for external job shadowers to build new relationships, develop ideas and to be inspired. For them job shadowing is a perfect opportunity to receive practical experience, and simultaneously a perception on how it is to work at Sodexo. • Read more about SheWorks/ job shadowing at Mitt Sodexo

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)




Unique partnership benefits clients and patients Increased legal restrictions became the catalyst for the first and still unique collaboration between a manufacturer of medical products and a company carrying on with aid equipment related operations at the request of public and private organizations. The aim with our partnership with Permobil is to increase the patient security and quality of life for people who need advanced technical aid equipment due to their disabilities. Amongst others, the purpose of the new law MDR (Medical Device Regulation 2017/745) is to enhance clinical security. Permobil and Sodexo have developed common routines and methods of working, thereby securing that we comply to the new and increased requirements.

Jakob Lindblom, Business Developer at Sodexo at Sodexo Aid Equipment Services Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

Skills development and patient benefit The electric wheelchairs from Permobil are the advanced in the world and they are used by individuals with significant relocation difficulties. For them our partnership means reduced risk for downtime and faster access to spare parts. In addition, our technicians and aid equipment consultants receive skills development, which allows us to work even closer to the clients when it comes to adapting their aid equipment. ”Nowadays inspections are performed every other year, in order to minimize the risk for downtime. During those inspection we replace what needs to be replaced, We work pro-actively instead of solving acute situations”, says Jakob Lindblom, Business Developer at Sodexo Aid Equipment Services.

Longer life-span According to the law, manufacturers of medical technology should indicate a best-before-date for their products. A five-year time limit is common. But by inspecting, maintaining and reconditioning the serviceability is extended with up to further three years. This saves money for the taxpayers and those who need an aid equipment can receive it faster.

• Read more about Sodexo´s and Permobil´s collaboration



Foster a culture of environmental responsibility within our workforce and workspaces

100% of our employees are trained on sustainable practices

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)




New steps in the waste hierarchy Elisabeth Hellwer, who works as an environmental coordinator on one of our larger assignments, reacted immediately when the company that handles waste told her that paper cups were being incinerated instead of recycled. The “Empty Cup” campaign was launched together with representatives from the customer and the Sodexo team. “Paper cups were sent for incineration because they were too dirty to be recycled. We launched a campaign that quickly paid off. Nowadays, the cups are empty and clean enough to be recycled,” says Elisabeth Hellwer. One of the common goals with the customer is to get higher up the waste hierarchy, the EU directive adopted in the Swedish Environmental Code which governs how Sweden’s waste is to be disposed of.

“Recycling paper cups might not have much environmental benefit compared to other recycling, but it has a symbolic value that is important. Using fewer paper cups is something we are looking at together with the customer,” says Elisabeth. It is not just about sorting waste, you have to sort it properly. In the restaurant, therefore, the team has developed Plexiglas boxes made of 100 per cent recycled plastic which make it easier for guests to put leftovers in the right containers as they can see the results of their sorting. What is known as plate waste, i.e. what guests scrape off their plates, is also visualized in order to raise awareness and increase engagement. Symbols are displayed on screens, along with a conversion of what the waste equates to in kilometres on a car or train journey, for example.

Plate waste during the pandemic has been around 20 grams per person, which is low. “The low levels of waste are probably due to the fact that we have not been running buffets, and that the restaurant has been quieter because a lot of people have been working from home. Guests have had plenty of time to eat, and there were no queues if they wanted up more food,” says Christoffer Norell, Head chef at Sodexo. The carbon footprint of the lunch options is presented to guests so that anyone who wants to can make climate-smart choices. Christoffer is seeing a gradual increase in the take-up of vegetarian options.

Christoffer Norell, Head chef

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)




Waste hierarchy Minimize waste – should not occur


Recycling – clothes and second-hand, gas cylinders

Energy recovery – not sortable Going from landfill – digging down

Digital screens display symbols and a conversion of what plate waste equates to in kilometres on a car journey, for example.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

Things are being kept neat and tidy as part of this initiative. Good instructions help to make sure everybody knows where things should be discarded.

Fewer chemicals Another common goal is to reduce the number of chemical products containing hazardous substances, which benefits both the environment and the work environment. After review and action, this number has been reduced from 157 to 114. Elisabeth Hellwer is also responsible for ensuring that process water and storm water are tested and that noise studies are carried out to ensure that fans and other equipment in the external environment don’t disturb neighbours in the vicinity.

Elisabeth Hellwer, Environmental coordinator




Collaboration feeds more people Sodexo in Gävle has extended its cooperation with non-profit organizations that work to ensure that leftover food ends up being eaten by someone, instead of becoming food waste. A new partnership was initiated during the year with Matakuten, which distributes food to people in need. Pantry items with a short best-before date are placed in the boxes and, by agreement with the municipality of Gävle, food not collected by upper secondary school students studying from home were also donated. Some of the food was given by Matakuten to employees at the intensive care unit at Gävle Hospital. The initiator of Matakuten says he was met by exhausted and grateful employees when he gave them the food that had been prepared.

The cooperation with Verdandi began back in 2010. Their alternative Christmas celebration attracted around 100 people. They had 800 visitors in the year before the pandemic. In 2020, the coronavirus put an end to the traditional Christmas celebrations and instead the caterers at Sätrahöjden had to pack 250 Christmas plates for collection.

We donated a total of 2,180 portions of food to Verdandi and 10,807 to Matakuten during the 2021 fiscal year in cooperation with our customer, the municipality of Gävle.

against hunger, for sustainability

• Find out more about Sodexo Gävle’s partnerships with Matakuten and Verdandi on Mitt Sodexo.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

Watch a video about Stop Hunger in Sweden



Source responsibly and provide management services that reduce carbon emissions

34% reduction of carbon emissions

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)




Safe and eco-friendly driving with telematics Sodexo’s fleet of trucks is mainly used to deliver aids to patients and clients, and food to schools and preschools. The 100 or so heavy and light goods vehicles are fitted with alcolocks as standard, and they have been able to run on Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil, HVO, since 2016. There are now also seven light vans that run solely on electricity.

“HVO is the most sustainable option for trucks as things stand at present, but as it is a bit more expensive than diesel, it is important for anyone who wants to procure sustainable transport to define requirements for fossil-free fuels,” says Michael Hollsten, Unit Manager Distribution Sodexo AB.

To achieve Sodexo’s own sustainability goals, the company uses telematics, a technology at the interface between telecommunications, IT and the automotive industry.

“The average score initially was between 10 and 20. Now it is less than five, which was the target. Drivers are driving more correctly and more safely,” says Michael Hollsten.

Data on fuel consumption, idling, position, driving style and mileage, for instance, is collected and sent to a database via the GPS tag that was installed for testing in some vehicles back in 2019. The auxiliary system is available in all our trucks now.

The system has also helped to reduce idling, which has reduced fuel consumption by seven per cent.

Data collected is converted into a scoring system where high scores can indicate unnecessary idling and jerky driving at high speeds. Speeding drivers also hear a beep directly in the car to remind them to slow down.

But a sustainable transport sector involves more than just fuels. Driving style affects both fuel consumption and safety for drivers and the environment.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)




Going fossil-free through the Company Car Challenge We adopted Tjänstebilsutmaningen (The Company Car Challenge), part of the government’s Fossil Free Sweden initiative, in April. This means that we now only buy and lease eco-friendly cars, and the aim is for all our company cars to be fossil-free within three years. ​ As things stand at present, we have nearly 90 company cars, 37% of which are already green cars as defined by Tjänstebilsutmaningen. As a result of the challenge, all company cars will be electric, plug-in hybrids or biogas cars within the next three years. The decision to adopt Tjänstebilsutmaningen is part of Sodexo’s global sustainability plan entitled Better Tomorrow 2025, where one of the goals is to halve the company’s carbon footprint by 2025. Our cars are a small part of that, but they are a good example showing that we are serious about staying at the forefront of our industry’s transition to a fossilfree future.

Find out more about our involvement in Tjänstebilsutmaningen

Pictured: Jonna Geary, Per Liljedahl and Michael Hollsten. Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)



Champion sustainable resource usage

50% reduction in our food waste

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)




Sodexo’s efforts to reduce climate impact

We need knowledge if we are to achieve our goals, which is why we have been running a mandatory environmental training programme for all employees in Sweden since 2014.

Our greatest opportunity to make a difference is in respect of indirect emissions. According to EAT/Lancet and a number of other reports, a major shift is needed; we need to reduce consumption of red meat and sugar by around 50 per cent, while consumption of nuts, fruit, vegetables and pulses needs to more than double. Influencing the eating habits of children and adults is a major challenge for us. Success requires extensive effort and dialogue with customers and guests.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

The main focuses of our actions are to: 1. Fighting food waste Fighting food waste is the most important area where we can work to reduce emissions. Sodexo has implemented WasteWatch, a programme that helps us with our efforts to reduce food waste. Using the programme, our food assignment teams take action and drive change to reduce both kitchen waste and plate waste. Good planning, tools, perseverance and skilled employees are needed if we are to succeed. We have been measuring and reducing food waste in a structured way since 2013. Sodexo’s global goal is to reduce food waste to less than 50 grams per portion served by 2025. In Sweden, we have already achieved our goal and are now aiming to reduce food waste to less than 40 grams per portion served.

Another example is our partnership with Karma and their app, which allows us to sell leftover food from our restaurants and cafés directly to consumers at reduced prices. As a result, consumers get good food at reduced prices while we reduce food waste.

Climate impact, CO2-eq 60000 000 50000 000 40000 000 30000 000 20000 000 10000 000

Food Food Electricity Electricity Transport Transport


2012 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21

Our environmental goal is to reduce our climate impact by 34 per cent by 2025, taking 2017 as our base year. This commitment is in line with the guidance of the report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to reduce warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

We measure our carbon footprint according to the internationally accepted Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standard, which provides direct and indirect categorization of carbon dioxide emissions as carbon dioxide equivalents.

Kg CO2, total

Global emissions of greenhouse gases need to be reversed from the current increase to a massive reduction, in order to remain at a level with manageable risks of serious climate impact. Every country in the world is affected, and we are all part of the problem – and part of the solution.




Sodexo’s efforts to reduce climate impact According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, livestock production contributes 14.5 per cent of all emissions related to climate change (FAO), or around seven times more than global air transport. We have implemented programmes like Love of Food and offers like Mindful, in order to raise awareness of the benefits of plant-based meals in terms of health and the environment. We are also working with the World Wide Fund for Nature on developing criteria for dishes that are better for guests and the environment.

Comparison between weight and carbon footprint of the various food categories

These will promote a balanced intake of protein through plant-based protein options and other sustainable offerings. Our long-term goal is to reduce our carbon footprint per meal to less than 0.5 kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalents. This will be achieved, for example, through our work with Klimato, one of the start-up companies in Sodexo’s Sparx accelerator programme.

Sodexo has devised recipes inspired by Knorr and the World Wide Fund for Nature’s Future 50 Foods report.

20000000 18000000 16000000 Other


Vegetables Vegetables


Kg Kg

2. Promote plant-based meals

Dairy 10000000 Carbohydrat Carbohydrates es Protein

8000000 6000000

4000000 2000000 0 Weight distribution forfor thethe meal CO2 distribution distribution for for the the meal meal Weight distribution meal CO2

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)




Sodexo’s efforts to reduce climate impact 3. Reduce our use of single-use plastics We have a commitment to end the use of single-use plastics by 2025. We have replaced most disposable plastic items with more sustainable alternatives. 4. Increase engagement with local companies and small businesses, plus responsible purchasing We focus on supporting local companies and small businesses, such as suppliers who promote sustainable farming practices. Today, more than half our carbon emissions come from our supply chain, mainly from carbonintensive commodities such as beef, dairy, palm oil, soya and paper, which can also impact deforestation.

We are continuing to work with the World Wide Fund for Nature (our global partner on environmental issues since 2010) and its suppliers in order to reduce emissions associated with the products used, especially the carbon-intensive products referred to. Our structured supplier assessment process (SoSP) allows us to evaluate and prioritize suppliers who are working actively on environmental issues. Sodexo’s Supplier Code of Conduct means that we have specific requirements in various areas of purchasing that regulate the purchase of commodities such as palm oil, seafood and disposables, for example.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

5. Develop services that help our customers to measure and reduce their carbon footprint We work with our customers on assignments to reduce energy use. In some cases, we can help businesses to reduce their energy costs by up to six figures, and to reduce their carbon footprint by auditing, monitoring, designing and bringing about changes in behaviour. • Watch the video on our sustainability chart, Better Tomorrow 2025




Continued cooperation with Karma to prevent food waste Every year, more than 1 billion tonnes of food are thrown away around the world. This is a huge waste of resources and money, while also helping to bring about enormous greenhouse gas emissions. We want to help change that and contribute to a greener future through our work with food waste. Sodexo has been actively working for several years now to reduce food waste – we measure waste on a daily basis, monitor it and take action. Several of our assignments are also working with Karma as part of their food waste initiatives. They have been able to use the Karma app to sell leftover food at half price, together saving almost 14,000 meals from going to waste between the 2018 and 2021 fiscal years. This is equivalent to 3,835 kilos of food and a 5,752 kilo reduction in carbon dioxide emissions.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

Karin Eriksson, Restaurant manager at the Vindruvan restaurant in Norrköping, reckons there are lots of advantages to working with Karma.

“About eighteen months ago, we decided to start a partnership with Karma because it is so great from an environmental standpoint. This partnership is very beneficial for us, although it does require a certain amount of administration. We are reducing food waste while increasing revenue and customer service. It is really easy to use the Karma app, and as a seller you get a lot of useful information through it, such as sales statistics and data on how much we’re reducing our carbon footprint. I would definitely recommend selling and buying food through Karma, because by doing that you are helping to reduce both food waste and your carbon footprint, which is the best thing of all,” says Karin Eriksson, Restaurant manager at the Vindruvan restaurant in Norrköping. • Find out more about Karma on their website




Reducing food waste through national cooperation In March 2020, Sodexo Sweden joined a national agreement between actors in the food industry, who will be working together to reduce food waste. This initiative is being coordinated by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute. The aim is for this agreement to contribute to target 12.3 in the UN Sustainable Development Goals on sustainable consumption and production.

The three basic elements of the agreement are to reduce food waste throughout the food chain, halve food loss and reduce food waste by 2030 by:

• Participating in collaborative forums where working groups can hold discussions and implement targeted and cross-sectoral projects to help reduce food waste and food loss. In 2021, the parties to the agreement have worked to devise a common reporting document for food waste, which all parties to the agreement will use as a basis so that they can place their results on an equal footing. The aim of this is to identify the main cause of waste, take action and share solutions amongst themselves.

• Setting targets for reducing food waste and food loss. • Measuring and collecting data to monitor the targets of the agreement, identifying hotspots to work on across the value chain.

Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

SAMS – working together to reduce food waste • SAMS was founded in 2020 and is coordinated by IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute • 20 partners in the food and catering sector are members of the agreement • 10 parties support the agreement

• Find out more about SAMS on their website




WasteLESS Week WasteLESS Week is an in-house information campaign conducted globally within Sodexo every autumn. This five-day campaign encourages employees, clients and customers to conserve natural resources such as water, paper and energy, and to reduce food waste.

“With a little innovation and by changing our behaviour, we can reduce food waste together and make a big difference to the environment in schools,” says Theodora Savvaki, Unit Manager at Sodexo Solna Schools.

The campaign this year was held between 9 and 13 November 2020. Following the campaign tradition that began back in 2012, our operational employees focus on implementing various measures during the week, often in cooperation with customers, in order to streamline waste management and reduce food waste. Our teams in the school community are generally very committed to prevention of food waste and regularly tell students how important it is not to throw food away. They are also good at organizing their own local food waste and sustainability campaigns that aren’t linked to WasteLESS Week. “You have the power – Enjoy your food. Don’t waste natural resources”. “Just take as much as you can eat!”. “Make the most of your leftovers!” These were three of the messages displayed on posters in the school restaurants that we run during this year’s campaign week. Karina Elizabeth Vega Pastrano, Leila Mikson and Jelita Siagian Wouda pose with “You have the power” posters in preparation for WasteLESS Week. Corporate Responsibility SODEXO SWEDEN FY2021 (2020.09.01–2021.08.31)

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Sodexo AB Dalvägen 22, SE-169 03 Solna

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