Jake Handling

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Jake Handling—130017442— UP31003

Site analysis (form and function)

Architectural styles of surrounding area : A—Olympia : Modernist B— Magnum house (right) : Art Deco style, Residential building (middle): Contemporary Georgian Style

Red—6 Blue—5

Office Block (left): Basic Modernist


C—St Andrews Building: Victorian


D— flats: Industrial


E—flats (right): Art Deco


Flats (left) : Modern F—(right): Victorian 100 meters

Customs house (middle): Neo-Classical Fig 1. Site location

Fig 2. Land use

Fig 3. Building heights

Apex (left): Modern G— Vauxhall show room: Basic Modernist

Socio-Demographic Analysis:

Location: Dundee City centre location bounded by the East to East Marketgait, the north by Seagate, the west by trades lane and South Marketgait to the south

Fig 7. Boundaries of site and access points

Dundee has a high percentage of students living in the city—16.5% of the total population

4 of the largest sectors in Dundee's total employment made Over 60% of employees

Largest age group— 20-24

The sites location shows that the data zone of the area has a much higher percentage of working age people when compared to the rest of the city and country

H— Concrete plant: Industrial I—Carpark: Simplistic modern


100 meters

Sit size : Approximately 1.7hectares

Fig 4. site map in 1860 of the Seagate Saw Mill

Architecture styles of surrounding area: mixed and varied from each building ( seen in fig 7.) Building heights: see fig 3.

100 meters

Access: Access points located by on Fig 7.

Microclimate : windy and sunny

Dundee Local Development Plan


Policy 1: Location Priorities

Policy 1: Principal Economic Development Areas

Mixed use development in city centre location

Policy 2: Shaping better quality places

Policy 7: High Quality Design

Use of current surrounding styles implemented into design to create some coherency in appearance etc. while creates safe accessible, inclusive and easily navigable place for people as well as footfall

Policy 9: Designing of New Housing

Sticking with local design context. Resilient and future ready by creating flood defences through Green infrastructure

Policy 3: A First Choice For Investment

Policy 13: Residential Accommodation for particular needs

Highly accessible with good connection to a range of local services. Design reflects local contexts and is not overshadowed

Policy 5:Town Centres First

Policy 20c: city centre retail frontages

Well located and connected and small enough as to not undermine the existing retail frontages in the city centre

Policy 24: Location of New Retail Development

City centre location with good access

Fig 5. Ariel view of site in 1945

Economic characteristic

Topography: relatively flat with slight rise in slop at the north of site


Population— 148,300

Largest age group— 20-24

Working age population— 98,700 (66.6%)

Unemployment rate— 3.3%

Policy 7: energy, waste and resources

Policy 29: Low and Zero Carbon Technology Resources will be used more effectively though systemized construction. Renewable energy sources will be in New Development utilised all around development Policy 31:wind turbines

Small scale noiseless urban turbines to be implemented in development

Percentage of Scotland's students in Dundee—8.5%

Policy 38: Trees and Urban Woodland

Current tree line on site will be enhanced and additional trees and vegetation will join

Population within a 30 minute drive time of Dundee—325,766

Dwellings are designed to deal with waste on site.

Population within a 1 hour drive time of Dundee—860,851

Policy 40: waste management Requirements for Development Policy 42:sustianable Drainage systems

Swales to be incorporated in areas at risk of surface water flooding, as well as green areas with trees and veg

Policy 54 : Active travel

Completely new routes for walking and cycle access.

100 meters

Fig 6. Ariel view of site in 2016

Policy 10: Connecting people, places and markets




IVRY SUR SEINE (PARIS) & NEXT21 (JAPAN) Using resources more effectively through systematized construction Creating a variety of residential units to accommodate varying households Creating a mixed use environment Introducing substantial natural greenery throughout a high-rise structure Creating a wildlife habitat within urban multi-family housing Treating everyday waste and drainage onsite within the building Minimizing the building's compound burden on the environment Using energy efficiently by means including fuel cells Making a more comfortable life possible without increasing energy consumption Green infrastructure Grey water systems



Located within the boundary of the city centre

Close proximity to waterfront redevelopment and local services

Lack of open/green space on site and near by

Area has good infrastructure and excellent transport connections

Cars prioritised over pedestrians

Topography is relatively flat

High pedestrian traffic

Architectural styles drastically varies from building to building due to conservation area

Traffic noise reaches high levels throughout the day

100 meters


Conservation area

Vehicle 

Node Potential Access point Listed building

 


Multi storey mixed used development linking opposite sides of the street

Mixed use of private and public space with the use of gardens terraces and vegetation to break up the “brutalist” style of concrete design

Experimental 18 unit-housing project with natural greenery through all levels

Uses a mix of garbage crushing/ transporting device, electric power system and thermal energy systems—all controlled by the total energy control system (TECS).

TECS forecasts heating and cooling loads and the amount of power produced by solar panels. It generates an optimum operating schedule to maximise energy efficiency and reduce waste

Designed in a way that all its various subsystems can be adjusted and improved independently

Designed with the intentions to use the green infrastructure to lighten the presence of concrete and to maximise the amount of natural sunlight the dwellings can receive


100 meters

100 meters


Office— Residential—

Threats— Opportunities— 

Green infrastructure

Open and green space

Changing use of brownfield site

Regeneration of the area

Creating a mixed use place which creates a connection between the city centre, retail park and waterfront development

100 meters

High levels of traffic congestion— causing poor air quality

High likeylhood of flooding through surface water

Due to central location land prices are higher


Solutions: Pass by area—the creation of a green open public space with seating and space for recreational activities could create a sense of place in which people would visit and want to stay a while.

To change the site from a pass by area to a sit and stay place

Encourages people to visit Seagate more often

Renewable energy

Existing tree line to be retained and enhanced on boundaries of site

Solutions : Lack of open space—demolition of derelict buildings on site, creation of green open areas with trees, bushes, seats etc. Noise pollution—the inclusion of road side trees and vegetation would help mitigate the effects of noise pollution from traffic Conservation area - include the varied architectural styles of the surrounding area in the design of the buildings Solutions : High levels of traffic congestion —the inclusion of road side trees and vegetation would help mitigate the effects of noise pollution from traff. High likeylhood of flooding through surface water—inclusion of swales in high risk areas and use of green space and vegitation

Band stand

Solar paneled seating

Fig 11. Potential linkage site would create in Dundee

Swales to be incorporated along vulnerable areas of site



Floor space m2

Electric charging points and free car pool parking stops

Residential 5845 Residential garden 2262 Community 3738 Resident & community 1661 allotment Office 6750 Retail 3647 Hotel 1874

Water fountain

Public green space 8598

Fig 12. Isometric view of site and dimensions

Urban Wind Turbines

The aim is To create a low/zero carbon, self sustainable mixed use development within the city centre boundaries which not only acts as a link between the waterfront, city centre and Dundee's wider context but also creates a much needed sense of place and gives a reason for people to stay a while in the Seagate area which will hopefully lead to the revival and regeneration of the more run down areas of Seagate.


Pedestrian Nodes


Zebra crossing created on all access points for ease of pedestrian use. Fig 13. Proposed movement patterns Jake Handling—130017442— UP31003

Solar paneled balcony railings Solar paneled seating

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