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August 2006



Workplaces for All

Op{testvo za Site

A pilot study on employment and working conditions for people with disabilities in Macedonia

Pilot studija za vrabotuvawe i rabotnite uslovi za licata so invalidnost vo Makedonija

Risto Petrov, Zora Jacova, Lisbet Grut, Cathrine Eide Valsø, Geir Tyrmi

University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius Methodius



Workplaces for All

Op{testvo za Site

A pilot study on employment and working conditions for people with disabilities in Macedonia

Pilot studija za vrabotuvawe i rabotnite uslovi za licata so invalidnost vo Makedonija

Risto Petrov, Zora Jacova, Lisbet Grut, Cathrine Eide Valsø, Geir Tyrmi

University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius Methodius

Preface Preface

The workshop “Society for All” in December 2005 in Skopje raised the discussion about challenges regarding workplaces for people with disabilities in the Republic of Macedonia. Among the participants were representatives from Macedonian authorities, international and national NGOs and national DPOs, protective companies and universities. The participants supported the idea of conducting a pilot study as a first step towards a better understanding of the concept “Workplaces for all”. The main approach was stated by one of the participants: “This workshop has showed the real interest and need for building an integrated strategy for improved employment for people with disabilities, with involvement from all the stakeholders.” The pilot study was initialised in February 2006 by the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of St. Cyril and Methodius and the Norwegian research institute SINTEF, in close cooperation with the Macedonian DPO PolioPlus. The need for this kind of scientific approach is supported by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. FOSIM Macedonia and SINTEF have supported the study financially. During the pilot study the research team has received valuable support from the Agency of Protective Companies, but first of all we would like to thank the managers and employees of the involved companies for their willingness to co-operate in the study. This report presents the results from the study both in English and Macedonian. In the event of any uncertainty in the interpretations between the two languages, the English version will be considered as the correct text. Skopje/Oslo, September 2006

Professor Risto Petrov

Senior scientist Lisbet Grut

University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius

SINTEF Health Research

© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF

Predgovor Predgovor

Rabotilnicata „Op{testvo za site“ vo Dekemvri 2005 god. vo Skopje ja pottikna diskusijata za predizvicite vo vrska so rabotnite mesta na licata so invalidnost vo Republika Makedonija. Pome|u u~esnicite na rabotilnicata bea i pretstavnici na makedonskite vlasti, internacionalni i nacionalni NVO-i i nacionalni DPOi, za{titni kompanii i univerziteti. U~esnicite ja poddr`aa idejata za sproveduvawe na pilot studija kako prv ~ekor kon podobro razbirawe na konceptot „Rabotno mesto za site“. Glavniot pristap be{e izlo`en od strana na eden od u~esnicite: „Ovaa rabotilnica poka`a vistinski interes i potreba za izgradba na integrativna strategija za podobruvawe na vrabotuvaweto na licata so invalidnost, so vklu~uvawe na site avtoriteti “. Pilot studijata zapo~na vo Fevruari 2006 od strana na Filozofski fakultet na Univerzitetot „Sv. Kiril i Metodij” i Norve{kiot istra`uva~ki institut SINTEF, vo sorabotka so Makedonskata NVO Polio Plus. Potrebata od vakov vid na istra`uva~ki pristap e poddr`ana od Ministerstvoto za trud i socijalna politika. SOROS Makedonija i SINTEF finansiski ja poddr`aa studijata. Za vreme na pilot studijata istra`uva~kiot tim dobi zna~ajna poddr{ka od Agencijata na za{titni kompanii, no pred se nie bi sakale da im se zablagodarime na menaxerite i vrabotenite od vklu~enite kompanii za nivnata podgotvenost da sorabotuvaat vo studijata. Ovoj izve{taj gi sodr`i rezultatite od studijata na Angliski i na Makedonski jazik. Vo slu~aj na nekakvi nesigurnosti vo interpretaciite me|u dvata jazika, Angliskata verzija }e se smeta za korekten tekst Skopje/Oslo, Septemvri 2006

Profesor Risto Petrov

Postar istra`uva~ Lizbet Grut

Univerzitet Sv.Kirili Metodij

SINTEF Istra`uvawe vo zdravstvoto

© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF

Table of contents Table of contents





Preparations for the pilot study






Themes for the managers


Themes for the disabled employees


Discussion and recommendations for further research Further research

54 58

Figures: Figure 1


Figure 2




1.Partners in the project


2.Interview guide


3.Description of the companies


Sodr`ina Sodr`ina





Podgotovki za pilot studijat






Temi za menaxerite


Temi za popre~enite vraboteni


Diskusija i preporaki za ponatamo{no istra`uvawe Ponatamo{no istra`uvawe

55 59

Figuri: Figura 1


Figura 2




1. Partneri vo proektot


2. Vodi~ za intervjuto


3. Opis na kompaniite


Introduction Introduction

The organized protection of persons with disabilities in the Republic of Macedonia starts after 1945. Today we can say that according to the type and level of the disability there are special schools, centres for education and rehabilitation, day care centres, stationary institutions and protective companies for employment of the disabled persons. The situation for people with disabilities in the Macedonian workforce is largely governed by the law of protective companies that gives the companies official benefits for employing workers with disabilities . The regulations give workers with disabilities the right to the same working conditions as non-disabled workers. Article 4 in this document specifies the special conditions and benefits for employing and working of disabled persons to be: • Creating working conditions by adapting the working place, equipment acquisition, rebuilding and adaptation of work space according to the disabled person who will be working there as well as the regulations; • Tax relief and securing of funds for legal contributions; • Financial work support. Article 5 follows up with requirements for the companies: • When employing the disabled person, the (?) employer should create appropriate working conditions according to the type and degree of disability and education of the disabled person and the work place. Article 8 specifies the provision of Special Funds: • The funds for creating special conditions and benefits for employing and working of disabled persons by: adaptation of the work place, equipment supply, rebuilding and adaptation of the workspace, are provided by the Special Fund.

According to “Review of laws that regulate the work of Protective Trading Companies”, published by Union of Protective Companies, Skopje, English version, November 2004.

© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF

Voved Voved

Organiziranata za{tita na licata so invalidnost vo Republika Makedonija zapo~nuva posle 1945 godina. Denes mo`e da konstatirame deka vo soglasnost so vidot i stepenost na popre~enost postojat specijalni u~ili{ta, centri za obrazovanie i rehabilitacija, centri za dneven prestoj, stacionarni institucii i za{titni kompanii za vrabotuvawe na ovie lica. Situacijata na licata so invalidnost vo Makedonskata rabotna sila e vo golema mera rakovodena od zakonot za za{titni kompanii koj {to im dava na kompaniite oficijalni beneficii za vrabotuvawe na rabotnici so popre~enost. Zakonite, na licata so popre~enost, im go davaat pravoto na isti rabotni uslovi kako i zdravite rabotnici. ^len 4 od ovoj dokument gi specificira specijalnite uslovi i beneficii za vrabotuvawe i rabota na invalidnite lica: • Dodeluvawe na nepovratni sredstva za vrabotuvawe na neopredeleno vreme na nevraboteno invalidno lice, adaptacija na rabotnoto mesto na koe }e raboti invalidnoto lice dokolku taa e potrebna i nabavka na oprema spored kriteriumite i na na~in utvrden so akt na ministerot za trud i socijalna politika; • Osloboduvawe od danoci i obezbeduvawe na sredstva za pridonesi; • Finansiska poddr{ka vo raboteweto. ^len 5 gi opredeluva slednite obvrski za kompaniite: • Koga se vrabotuva invalidnoto lice rabotodavecot treba da kreira soodvetni rabotni uslovi vo soglasnost so tipot i stepenot na popre~enost i edukacija na invalidnoto lice i rabotnoto mesto. ^len 8 go specificira obezbeduvaweto na specijalnite fondovi: • Fondovite za kreirawe na specijalni uslovi i beneficii za vrabotuvawe i rabota na invalidnite lica so: adaptacija na rabotnoto mesto, obezbeduvawe na oprema, renovirawe i adaptacija na rabotnoto mesto, se obezbedeni od Posebniot Fond.

Spored “Pregled na zakoni koi ja reguliraat rabotata na Za{titni Trgovski Kompanii”,objaven od Agencijata za za{titni kompanii, Skopje, Angliska verzija, Noemvri 2004. © University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF

A workshop called „Society for all” was arranged in Skopje, 8th of December 2005. The purpose of the workshop was to gather representatives from the authorities, academia, disabled persons organisations and companies to present and discuss challenges regarding workplaces for people with disabilities in Macedonia. The workshop was initiated through the SME-ART project in which SINTEF supports small and medium sized enterprises (SME) in Macedonia with capacity-building and development of applied R&D capabilities, focused on strengthening the SME sector. The idea of elaborating this work into a project on persons with disabilities in the workplaces came from a company project through the SME-ART. The involvement of local stakeholders was seen as crucial. The discussion at the workshop revealed the need for more evidence based knowledge about the working conditions for people with disabilities. The workshop participants supported the idea of conducting a pilot study as a first step towards a better understanding of policy, organisation and measures of workplaces for people with disabilities in Macedonia. There is also need for more knowledge about assistive devices and adaptations as well as accessibility, legislation and regulations. This will benefit both the workers with disabilities as well as the companies. SINTEF, the Faculty of Philosophy Institute of Special Education and Rehabilitation in Skopje and PolioPlus, a Macedonian Disabled People’s Organisation (DPO), formed a working group to prepare and conduct the pilot study. SINTEF and FOSIM agreed to contribute to the funding of the project. In addition Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Republic of Macedonia was invited to participate. Building capacity in the companies and improving the working conditions are seen as an important goal in the project. To ensure this the project will build on the experiences from the SME-ART project of linking SMEs, authorities and academia, as well as including the DPOs. A sketch for the concept is shown as follows


The SME-ART project is funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF

Rabotilnicata nare~ena „Op{testvo za site� be{e odr`ana vo Skopje na 8-mi Dekemvri 2005. Celta na rabotilnicata be{e da sobere pretstavnici od vlastite, Univerzitetot, kompanii i organizacii na licata so invalidnost za da se prezentiraat i diskutiraat predizvicite {to se odnesuvaat na rabotnite mesta na licata so invalidnost vo Makedonija. Rabotilnicata be{e inicirana preku SME-ART proektot na SINTEF koj gi podr`uva malite i sredni pretprijatija vo Makedonija so sposobnost za gradewe i razvoj na primeneti istra`uva~ki i razvojni sposobnosti, naso~eni kon zajaknuvawe na SME sektorot. Idejata za razrabotuvawe na ovaa rabota vo proekt, za licata so invalidnost na nivnite rabotni mesta proizleze od drug proekt preku SME-ART. Vklu~uvaweto na lokalni partneri e od krucijalno zna~ewe. Diskusijata na rabotilnicata ja otkri potrebata za pogolemi soznanija bazirani na pove}e dokazi vo vrska so rabotnite uslovi na licata so invalidnost. Participantite na rabotilnicata ja poddr`aa idejata za sproveduvawe na pilot studija kako prv ~ekor kon podobro razbirawe na politikata, organizacijata i merkite vo rabotnite mesta na licata so invalidnost vo Makedonija. Isto ima potreba za pogolemo znaewe za pomo{nite napravi i adaptacii kako i pristapnosta, legislativata i zakonite. Ova }e bide korisno kako za vrabotenite invalidni lica taka i za kompaniite. SINTEF, Institutot za defektologija pri Filozofskiot Fakultet vo Skopje i Polio Plus, Makedonska organizacija za popre~eni lica (DPO), formiraa rabotna grupa da ja podgotvi i sprovede pilot studijata. SINTEF i SOROS se soglasija da doprinesat vo finansiraweto na proektot. Vo dopolnenie Ministerstvoto za trud i socijalna politika na Republika Makedonija be{e pokaneto da participira. Kapacitetot za gradewe vo kompaniite i podobruvaweto na rabotnite uslovi se gledani kako va`na cel vo proektot. Za da se obezbedi ova proektot }e se bazira na iskustvata od SME-ART proektot za povrzuvawe na SME, vlastite i akademijata, kako i vklu~uvawe na DPO. Vo prodol`enie sledi {ema na konceptot:

SME-ART proektot e finansiran od Norve{koto Ministerstvo za Nadvore{ni Raboti.

Š University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


Figure 1 Society for All Concept (SINTEF 2006)

“Society For All” DPOs


Civil Rights

Legislation Funding


Workplaces for All Capacity Building







Main stakeholders: • Protective Companies (Companies employing people with disabilities) • Organizations for people with disabilities • Authorities at national and regional level responsible for education, employment and rehabilitation for people with disabilities • Universities in the field of disability and rehabilitation

Objectives: • Get research based documentation about employment and working conditions among people with disabilities in Macedonia. To present results on the challenges and needs regarding workplaces for persons with disabilities. • To raise awareness on the importance of connection between academia, DPOs and the authorities in working together for capacity building in the improvement of rights and conditions for disabled persons in the workplace.


© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF

Figura 1 Op{testvo za site Koncept (SINTEF 2006)

“Society For All” DPOs


Civil Rights

Legislation Funding


Workplaces for All Capacity Building







Glavni sorabotnici: • Za{titni kompanii (kompanii koi vrabotuvaaat lica so popre~enost) • Organizacii za licata so popre~enost • Avtoriteti na nacionalno i regionalno nivo odgovorni za edukacija, rehabilitacija i vrabotuvawe na licata so popre~enost • Univerzitetot koj raboti na poleto za edukacija i rehabilitacija

Celi: • Da se dobie dokumentacija zasnovana na istra`uvawe vo vrska so vrabotuvaweto i rabotnite uslovi na licata so invalidnost vo Makedonija. Da se prezentiraat rezultatite za predizvicite i potrebite vo vrska so rabotnite mesta za licata so invalidnost. • Da se podigne svesnosta za va`nosta na povrzuvaweto me|u akademijata, DPO-i i vlastite vo zaedni~kata rabota za gradeweto na kapacitetite vo podobruvawe na pravata i uslovite za invalidnite lica na rabotnite mesta.

© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


• To prepare the framework and work packages for larger projects that connects the stakeholders and realizes wider goals.

Approach: • A qualitative research project will be conducted in co-operation between scientists from SINTEF, scientists from University of St. Cyril and representatives from the DPO Polio Plus. SINTEF Health Research will be responsible for the development of the qualitative research methodology in the project. • A professional team from the Institute for Special Education and Rehabilitation, including students, by visiting and interviewing the employed disabled people and the managers of the protective companies, will describe the situation regarding the employment and the status of the disabled people.


© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF

• Da se podgotvi ramka za rabotni paketi za pogolemi proekti koi }e gi povrzat avtoritetite i }e realiziraat po{iroki celi.

Pristap: • Kvalitativniot istra`uva~ki proekt }e bide sproveden vo sorabotka pome|u profesionalcite od SINTEF, profesionalcite od Univerzitetot Sv. Kiril i Metodij i pretstavnici od NVO Polio Plus. SINTEF istra`uvawe vo zdravstvoto }e bide odgovoren za razvoj na kvalitativnata istra`uva~ka metodologija vo proektot. • Profesionalniot tim od Institutot za Defektologija, vklu~uvaj}i studenti, preku posetuvawe i intervjuirawe na vrabotenite invalidni lica i menaxerite od za{titnite kompanii, }e ja opi{e situacijata vo vrska so vrabotuvaweto i statusot na invalidnite lica.

© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


Definitions Definitions

Understanding disability In the 1970s there was a strong reaction among representatives of organisations of persons with disabilities and professionals in the field of disability against the then current terminology. The new concept of disability was more focused on the close connection between the limitations experienced by individuals with disabilities, the design and structure of their environments and the attitude of the general population. Recent development has seen a shift in terminology and an increasing tendency towards viewing the disability complex as a process (the disablement process), involving a number of different elements on individual and societal levels.

International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) The adoption of the World Health Organisation’s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health represents a milestone in the development of the disability concept. From 1980 and the first classification (The International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and Handicaps (ICIDH) (WHO, 1980)), a 20 year process has resulted in shift in the WHO conceptual framework from a medical model (impairment based) to a new scheme that focuses on limitations in activities and social participation. Although not representing a complete shift from a strictly medical to a strictly social model, the development culminating with ICF nevertheless implies a much wider understanding of disability and the disablement process.


WHO, 2001

Š University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF

Definicii Definicii

Sfa}awe na popre~enosta Vo 1970 godina se pojavi silna reakcija od reprezentite na organizaciite na licata so popre~enost i profesionalcite vo poleto na popre~enosta protiv toga{nata postoe~ka terminologija. Noviot koncept na popre~enost be{e pove}e fokusiran na bliska povrzanost pome|u ograni~uvawata iskuseni od individualci so popre~enost, dizajnot i strukturata na nivnata sredina i stavot na op{tata populacija. Sovremeniot razvoj zabele`a smena na terminologijata i zgolemuvawe na tendencijata kon sogleduvaweto na kompleksot na popre~enosta kako proces (procesot na popre~uvawe), vklu~uvaj}i broj na razli~ni elementi na individualni i socijalni nivoa.

Internacionalna klasifikacija na funkcionirawe, popre~enost i zdravje (ICF) Usvojuvaweto na Internacionalna klasifikacija na funkcionirawe, popre~enost i zdravje (ICF) na Svetskata Zadravstvena Organizacija prestavuva prestvrtnica vo razvojot na konceptot za popre~enost. Od 1980 god. prvata klasifikacija (Internacionalnata Klasifikacija na O{tetuvawe, Popre~enost i Hendikepite (ICIDH) (WHO, 1980), dvaesetgodi{niot proces rezultira{e so smena vo koceptualnata ramka na medicinskiot model na SZO (baziran na o{tetuvawata) na nova {ema koja se fokusira na ograni~uvawata na aktivnostite i socijalnata participacija. Iako ne pretstavuvaj}i kompletna smena od strogo medicinski na strogo socijalen model, razvojot koj kulminira{e so ICF vo sekoj slu~aj implicira mnogu po{iroko razbirawe na popre~enosta i procesot na popre~uvawe.

SZO, 2001

Š University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


Figure 2 The ICF Model of Functioning, Disability and Health (WHO, 2001)

Health Condition (disorder/disease)

Body functions and structure




Personal factors

Persons with disabilities in Macedonia The law for employment of the disabled people in article 2, specifies the persons that this law regards: • „A disabled person according to this law is a person with visual impairment, hearing impairment, with a voice, speech and language disability, body impairment, with disability in the intellectual development and people with multiple disabilities which because of the degree of disability have special needs in their working”. • „As a disabled person is also considered a person that is a labour invalid with a residual and decreased work ability and if he is enrolled in the evidence of the Agency for employment of Republic of Macedonia as a unemployed person…” Republic of Macedonia as well as the other neighbour countries, do not have precise statistic parameters for the number of the disabled children/persons.


Gazette of R.M. nb.87/2005

© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF

Figura 2 Modelot na ICF na Fukcionirawe, Popre~enost i zdravje (SZO,2001)

Zdravstvena sostojba (pre~ka/bolest)


Telesni funkcii i strukturi

Sredinski faktori


Personalni faktori

Lica so invalidnost vo Makedonija Zakonot za vrabotuvawe na invalidni lica , vo ~len 2, od aspekt na vrabotuvaweto na ovie lica, naveduva na koi lica se odnesuva ovoj zakon:

• „Invalidno lice, vo smisla na ovoj zakon, e lice so o{teten vid, o{teten sluh, so pre~ki vo glasot, govorot i jazikot, telesno invalidno lice, lice so pre~ki vo intelektualniot razvitok i lice so kombinirani pre~ki koe poradi stepenot na invalidnost ima specifi~ni potrebi vo raboteweto”. • Invalidno lice se smeta i invalid na trudot so preostanata ili namalena rabotna sposobnost i ako se vodi vo evidencijata na Agencijata za vrabotuvawe na Republika Makedonija kako nevraboteno lice...”

Republika Makedonija, kako i drugite zemji od nejzinoto opkru`uvawe, nema precizni statisti~ki pokazateli za brojot na decata/licata so invalidnost.

Slu`ben vesnik na Republika Makedonija broj 87/2005

© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


Protective companies According to article 11, of the Law for employment of disabled persons • „For the employment of disabled persons protective companies are founded as commercial companies. A protective company can be founded if it employs at least five people on a indeterminate time period, from which at least 40 % are disabled people from the total number of employees, from which at least half are people with a diagnosed disability according to article 2, premise 1 of this law”. Before 2000, when the Law for employment was implemented , there were companies for professional training and employment of invalids. From the middle of 2000 these companies were re-registered and continued to work as protective trade companies under the condition to fulfil the above mentioned conditions (specified in article 11 of the Law for employment of disabled persons). According to article 4 of the Law for employment of disabled persons the following measures for improvement of the conditions for employment and work of the disabled person: • “-grant of irretrievable means for employment on an indeterminate time of the unemployed disabled person, adaptation of the work place, that the disabled person will work on, if necessary and purchase of equipment according to the criteria and on a manner determinate with an act of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy; tax relief and providing means for the salaries and financial support for the work”. The means for improvement of the conditions for employment and work of the disabled persons, the adaptation of the work place and purchase of equipment, according to article 8 of the mentioned Law, are provided from the Special Fund for improvement of the condition for employment and work of the disabled person. The work training and employment of the persons with disability in the republic of Macedonia are regulated with the policy for work training of disabled persons and with the Law for employment of disabled persons and the Laws for changes and annex of the Law for employment of the disabled persons , on the grounds of which is made a refined text of the Law for employment of disabled persons10


Gazette of R.M. nb.87/2005 Gazette of R.M. nb.44/2000


Gazette of R.M. nb.54/2004 Gazette of R.M. nb.44/2000 Gazette of R.M. nb.16/2004 and 62/2005 Gazette of R.M. nb.87/2005

© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF

Za{titni kompanii Soglasno ~len 11 od Zakonot za vrabotuvawe na invalidni lica • „Zaradi vrabotuvawe na invalidni lica se osnovaat za{titni dru{tva kako trgovski dru{tva. Za{titno dru{tvo mo`e da se osnova ako vrabotuva najmalku pet lica na neopredeleno vreme od koi najmalku 40% se invalidni lica od vkupniot broj vraboteni, od koi najmalku polovinata se lica so utvrdena invalidnost vo smisla na ~lenot 2, stav 1 od ovoj zakon”. Do 2000 godina, koga e implementiran Zakonot za vrabotuvawe na invalidni lica , postoeja pretprijatija za profesionalno osposobuvawe i vrabotuvawe na invalidi. Od sredinata na 2000 godina ovie pretprijatija se preregistriraa i prodol`ija da rabotat kako za{titni trgovski dru{tva, pod uslov da gi ispolnuvaat pogore navedenite uslovi (navedeni vo ~len 11 od Zakonot za vrabotuvawe na invalidni lica). Soglasno ~len 4 od Zakonot za vrabotuvawe na invalidni lica, se predlagaat slednite merki za podobruvawe na uslovite za vrabotuvawe i rabotewe na invalidno lice: • „dodeluvawe na nepovratni sredstva za vrabotuvawe na neopredeleno vreme na nevraboteno invalidno lice, adaptacija na rabotno mesto na koe }e raboti invalidnoto lice dokolku taa e potrebna i nabavka na oprema spored kriteriumite i na na~in utvrden so akt na ministerot za trud i socijalna politika; osloboduvawe od danoci i obezbeduvawe na sredstva za pridonesi i finansiska poddr{ka na nivnata rabota”. Sredstvata za podobruvawe na uslovite za vrabotuvawe i rabotewe na invalidnite lica, adaptacija na rabotnoto mesto i nabavka na oprema, soglasno ~len 8 od navedeniot zakon, se obezbeduvaat od Posebniot fond za podobruvawe na uslovite za vrabotuvawe i rabotewe na invalidnite lica. Rabotnoto osposobuvawe i vrabotuvawe na licata so invalidnost vo Republika Makedonija se regulirani so Pravilnikot za rabotno osposobuvawe na invalidni lica i so Zakonot za vrabotuvawe na invalidni lica i Zakonite za izmenuvawe i dopolnuvawe na Zakonot za vrabotuvawe na invalidni lica , vrz osnova na koi e izraboten pre~isten tekst na Zakonot za vrabotuvawe na invalidni lica10.


Sl.vesnik na RM broj 87/2005 Sl.vesnik na RM broj 44/2000 god Slu`ben vesnik na RM broj 54/2004 Slu`ben vesnik na RM broj 44/2000 Slu`ben vesnik na RM broj 16/2004 i 62/2005 godina Slu`ben vesnik na RM broj 87/2005 godina

© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


Preparations for the pilot study Preparations for the pilot study

As a first step of the pilot study the research team participated at a one day workshop arranged by SINTEF in Skopje, discussing the qualitative methodology, the interview technique and the topics of the interview guide. Polio Plus also participated at the workshop. The following days the team visited a few protective companies in Skopje, Bitola and Negotino. At first the team decided to include eight protective companies in the pilot-study. Two of these companies participated, together with other protective companies, at a oneday conference organized by SINTEF in Skopje, December 2005. The pilot aimed to include protective companies from different regions in the Republic of Macedonia, companies of different size and from different industrial branches, as well as companies employing people with different kinds of disabilities. When choosing the actual companies the team had no information on the number of disabled employees or types of disabilities on these actual companies. The Agency of the protective companies was asked for information on the companies and provided data on the protective companies. The Agency informed the protective companies about the pilot and that they could expect to be visited by the team. The following days the protective companies asked for additional information regarding the field visit to their actual company and the team made agreements with each company. The companies reacted differently to the request from the team. At some companies the field visit was arranged immediately, at others there took some time to find a date that suited both parts. At one company it was not possible to make agreements within the time limits for the pilot. Another company was not operative at the time. Because of this the team decided to include more companies in the sample and asked for information on four additional protective companies from the Agency, but received information on only one. The research team stated that the other three were not operative despite the fact that they received the means for employment of disabled persons. Because the team did not get access to all the companies listed, we needed to limit the study to those respondents that were accessible to us. As the study is a pilot this was acceptable.


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Podgotovki za pilot studijata Podgotovki za pilot studijata

Kako prv ~ekor vo pilot studijata, istra`uva~kiot tim u~estvuva{e na ednodnevna rabotilnica organizirana od strana na SINTEF vo Skopje, diskutiraj}i za kvalitativnata metodologija, intervjuira~kata tehnika i temite od vodi~ot za intervju. Polio Plus isto taka u~estvuva{e na rabotilnicite. Narednite denovi timot poseti nekolku za{titni kompanii vo Skopje, Bitola i Negotino. Na po~etokot timot odlu~i da vklu~i osum za{titni kompanii vo pilot studijata. Dve od ovie kompanii u~estvuvaa zaedno so drugi za{titni kompanii na ednodnevnata konferencija organizirana od SINTEF vo Skopje, Dekemvri 2005 god. Pilot proektot ima{e intencija da opfati za{titni dru{tva od pove}e regioni vo Republika Makedonija, za{titni dru{tva so razli~na golemina i od razli~ni industriski granki kako i kompanii koi vrabotuvaat lica so razli~ni vidovi na popre~enost. Vo vremeto na na{ata opredelba za navedenite za{titni dru{tva nemavme podatoci za brojot na vraboteni invalidni lica i za vidot na invalidnosta. Site podatoci koi{to ni bea potrebni za za{titnite dru{tva gi pobaravme i gi dobivme od Zaednicata na za{titni dru{tva. Zaednicata gi informira{e za{titnite kompanii vo vrska so pilot studijata i deka tie treba da o~ekuvaat poseta od strana na timot. Narednite denovi za{titnite kompanii pobaraa dopolnitelni informacii vo vrska so terenskata poseta na odredenoto za{titno dru{tvo i timot se dogovara{e so sekoja kompanija. Kompaniite razli~no reagiraa na barawata od timot. Kaj nekoi kompanii terenskata poseta be{e vedna{ dogovorena, kaj drugi be{e potrebno odredeno vreme da najdat termin koj }e bide soodveten za dvete strani. Kaj edna kompanija ne be{e vozmo`no da se dogovorime vo vremenskite ramki na proektot. Druga kompanija ne funkcionira{e vo toj moment. Poradi ova timot odlu~i da vklu~i pove}e kompanii vo primerokot i pobara informacii za ~etiri dopolnitelni za{titni kompanii od Zaednicata, no dobi informacii samo za edna. Stru~niot tim konstatira deka ostanatite tri kompanii ne funkcioniraat i pokraj faktot deka tie dobile sredstva za vrabotuvawe na popre~enite lica. Bidej}i timot ne dobi pristap vo site navedeni kompanii, treba{e da ja ograni~ime studijata na onie respondenti koi ni bea dostapni. Bidej}i studijata e pilot-studija ova be{e prifatlivo.

Š University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


The research team contacted all in all twelve protective companies for employment of disabled workers (from a total of 566 companies listed at the Agency for protective companies): - We realized interviews with seven of the twelve companies. - Four of the twelve protective companies did not function anymore. - One protective company did not accept to participate in the study.

The following protective companies were included in the sample (see appendix 3 for a description of the companies): No. of interviewed persons














Blaze TM












Siti Trejd






Ilinden 2002


















Employed persons Non Disabled disabled

Protective company

Š University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


Istra`uva~kiot tim kontaktira{e so vkupno 12 za{titni dru{tva za vrabotuvawe na invalidni rabotnici (od vkupno 566 od listata na Zaednicata na za{titni dru{tva): - samo so sedum od dvanaesette kompanii gi realiziravme intervjuata - ~etiri od dvanaeset za{titni dru{tva pove}e ne funkcioniraat - edno za{titno dru{tvo ne ja prifati sorabotkata.

Pregled na za{titni kompanii bea vklu~eni vo primerokot (vidi prilog 3 za opisot na kompaniite): Vraboteni lica

Broj na intervjuirani lica

Za{titni kompanii














Bla`e TM












Siti Trejd






Ilinden 2002




















Š University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


Methodology Methodology

Selection of the problem and the research design Before going further into the research process and the results, we will describe the theoretical frame, that is, the definition of the phenomenon and the design of the research. Departure point for this study was a contextual approach; the purpose was to gain information to describe the situation of people with disabilities in Macedonia in a certain context. The conceptual model is the functioning of the social institutions in which people with disabilities are included and the interaction between the individual and the institution within a specific context. The objective of the pilot was to give a presentation of the situation of employed disabled persons in Republic of Macedonia. The research problem was specified into two research goals: • To gain more knowledge on the status of employed disabled people in Republic of Macedonia in the protective companies; • To identify “best practice” regarding the work situation of people with disabilities. As this was a pilot study it was essential to collect an empirical basis for framing hypotheses and questions for further research. Because the study had an open and explorative design, we decided to make a strategic sample. That is, we accepted to choose a suitable sample within relevant companies. In order to arrange for an open approach we decided to do semi structured interviews. Semi structured interviews allow us to collect data through an open conversation between the informant(s) and the interviewer. A semi structured interview allows us to adapt the interview situation to the actual situation and the capabilities of the respondents. Semi structured interviews are sometimes called “conversations with a purpose”. These types of interviews are guided by a pre-written interview guide consisting of topics and/or open ended questions. The interview guide is attached (appendix xx). This means that the interviews are organised to invite the respondent to talk about the subjects specified in the guide. The qualitative approach also enables the interviewer to ask questions that are not specified in the guide during the interview in order to follow interesting topics that may turn up.


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Metodologija Metodologija

Izbor na problemot i dizajnirawe na istra`uvaweto Pred da navlezeme podlaboko vo istra`uva~kiot proces i rezultatite, }e ja opi{eme teoretskata ramka odnosno definiraweto na fenomenot i dizajnot na istra`uvaweto. To~kata na poa|awe vo ovaa studija be{e kontekstualen pristap. Celta be{e da dojdeme do informacii koi ja opi{uvaat situacijata na licata so invalidnost vo Makedonija vo opredelen kontekst. Celta na pilot studijata be{e da ja reprezentira situacijata na vrabotenite invalidni lica vo Republika Makedonija. Istra`uva~kiot problem be{e specificiran vo dve istra`uva~ki celi: • Da se utvrdi statusot na vrabotenite lica so invalidnost vo Republika Makedonija vo za{titnite kompanii; • Da se identifikuva „najdobra praksa” vo odnos na rabotnata situacija na licata so popre~enost. Bidej}i ova e pilot studija, be{e esencijalno da se sobere empiriska baza za ramkovnite hipotezi i pra{awa za ponatamo{nite istra`uvawa. Bidej}i studijata ima{e otvoren i eksplorativen dizajn se odlu~ivme da napravime strate{ki primerok odnosno prifativme da odbereme soodveten primerok vo relevantnite kompanii. So cel da ovozmo`ime otvoren pristap se odlu~ivme da napravime polustrukturirani intervjua. Polustrukturiranite intervjua ni ovozmo`uvaat da sobereme podatoci preku otvoreni konverzacii me|u informantite i intervjuerot. Polustrukturiranoto intervju ni ovozmo`i da ja adaptirame intervjuira~kata situacija na aktuelnata situacija i sposobnostite na respondentite. Polustrukturiranite intervjua ponekoga{ se narekuvaat „konverzacii so cel“. Ovie vidovi na intervjua se vodeni od prethodno napi{an vodi~ za intervjuto koj sodr`i temi i/ili otvoreni pra{awa. Vodi~ot za intervju e prilo`en vo prilog 2. Ova zna~i deka intervjuerite se organizirani da go pokanat respondentot da zboruva za temite specificirani vo vodi~ot. Kvalitativniot pristap isto taka mu ovozmo`uva na intervjuerot da postavuva pra{awa koi ne se specificirani vo vodi~ot so cel da prosledi nekoi interesni temi koi {to se pojavile.

© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


The interviews were taped and transcribed. We created associative models and defined concepts by using the inductive method. The data - the statements of the respondents - were divided into themes. We sorted the statements of the respondents, comparing similarities and differences. In this way we wanted to discover the internal dimension of the phenomenon studied. To gain an adequate insight into the data material we made a descriptive indexing. In this process we noticed that the respondents had several experiences in common. These experiences were elaborated to be key themes. The findings will be introduced according to the key themes.


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Intervjuata bea snimeni i transkribirani. Sozdadovme asocijativni modeli i definiravme koncepti so koristewe na induktivniot metod. Podatocite-izjavite na respondentite-bea podeleni na temi. Gi sortiravme izjavite na respondentite, kompariraj}i sli~nosti i razliki. Na ovoj na~in sakavme da ja otkrieme vnatre{nata dimenzija na izu~uvaniot fenomen. So cel da se zdobieme so adekvaten vnatre{en pregled na materijalot so podatocite napravivme deskriptivno indeksirawe. Vo ovoj proces zabele`avme deka respondentite imaat odredeni zaedni~ki iskustva. Ovie iskustva bea elaborirani kako klu~ni temi. Rezultatite }e bidat prika`ani vo soglasnost so klu~nite temi.

Š University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


Findings Findings

Themes for the managers The benefits from the Agency for protective companies We asked the managers about the benefits from the Agency for protective companies. Are the benefits satisfactorily and how do they use them? Most of the managers of the protective companies in this pilot tell they have partly used benefits that are granted by the special fund according to the legislative. Very few of the companies used the benefits in total and no company in this material have used none of the benefits. The benefits are used for different purposes, mostly for salaries, machines and equipment. Some has as well used the benefits for renovating the workplace. Most of the managers are satisfied with the benefits they have received, but not everyone as some have received benefits for only some of the workers. In some cases the benefits are postponed for a long time without any particular reason. Examples of quotations: Concept

Quotation by the managers

Haven’t used


Partly used

„I used only half of the means that I received; there are a lot of molestations in the Agency for employment. I bought machines and equipment. I am satisfied from the opportunity to be released from the taxes”.

Didn’t used at all

„The benefits that we received from the employment of these persons are 20 salaries”. „The other benefit was for the purchase of the machine. The third benefit was for the building of the object, making conditions for work of the workers”.


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Rezultati Rezultati

Temi za menaxerite Bенефиции од агенцијата на заштитни компании Gi pra{avme menaxerite vo vrska so benificiite od Agencijata na za{titni kompanii. Dali benificiite se zadovolitelni i kako gi koristat? Pove}eto od menaxerite na za{titnite kompanii vo ovaa pilot studija ka`aa deka delumno gi iskoristile benificiite koi {to se obezbedeni od posebniot fond soglasno legislativata. Mnogu malku od kompaniite vo celost gi iskoristile benificiite, a ne postoi kompanija koja ne gi iskoristile sredstvata od fondot. Benificiite se iskoristeni za razli~ni celi, najmnogu za plati, ma{ini i oprema. Nekoi gi imaat iskoristeno benificiite za renovirawe na rabotnoto mesto. Pove}eto od menaxerite se zadovolni od dobienite benificii no ne site, bidej}i nekoi kompanii imaat dobieno benificii samo za nekoi od rabotnicite. Vo nekoi slu~ai benificiite se odlo`eni za podolgo vreme bez nekoja konkretna pri~ina. Primeri na citati: Koncept

Citati od menaxerite

Ne iskoristile


Delumno iskoristile

„Iskoristiv samo polovina od sredstvata {to gi dobiv, ima mnogu malverzacii vo Agencijata za vrabotuvawe. Kupiv ma{ini i oprema. Jas sum zadovolen od mo`nosta da bidam osloboden od danok“.

Iskoristile vo celost

„Beneficiite {to gi dobivme od samoto vrabotuvawe na vakvi rabotnici se 20 plati“. „Druga beneficija ima{e za kupuvawe na ma{ina. Treta beneficija be{e za izgradba na objektot, sozdavawe uslovi za rabota na rabotnicite“.

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Adaptations of the work environment We asked the managers about what kind of adaptations they have made in order to improve the work place for the disabled employees. All the managers of the protective companies included in the pilot inform that they have made adaptations for improvement of the work place and most of the managers say they have made adaptation of the work environment to make the work positions adjusted to the impairments of the disabled workers. Examples of quotations: Concept

Quotation by the managers

No adaptation


Adaptation of the work place

„Look, the persons with body impairment (those two cases- the women) they have problems with their legs and they work by sitting”.

Adaptation of the working environment

„We build in additionally signal devices on all the machines, we put an assembly lane, we are planning to make the heating more efficient and we make attempts to eliminate the dust permanently from the painting department- to make a system for absorption of dust”.

Interpersonal relations On question about the interpersonal relation between the disabled employees and their colleagues, we found that most of the managers understand the interpersonal relations between the employees to be satisfactorily. Several of the managers explain that the contact between the employees and the disabled colleagues continues as well after work. A larger part of the respondents also answer that the prejudice that were present during the employment of the disabled persons, now had vanished, and they pointed out the attempt of the employees to learn the sign language of the deaf with the purpose of having a normal communication in their daily work.


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Adaptacii na rabotnata sredina Gi pra{avme menaxerite vo vrska so adaptaciite {to gi imaat napraveno so cel da se podobri rabotnoto mesto za invalidnite vraboteni lica. Site od menaxerite na za{titnite kompanii vo ovaa pilot studija izjavija deka imaat napraveno adaptacii za podobruvawe na rabotnoto mesto, a pove}eto od menaxerite ka`aa deka imaat napraveno adaptacii na rabotnata sredina so cel rabotnite mesta da gi usoglasat spored sposobnostite na ispitanicite. Primeri na citati: Koncept

Citati od menaxerite

Bez adaptacija


Adaptacija na rabotnoto mesto

„Rabotnite mesta se spored sposobnostite. Licata so mentalna retardacija se na poednostavni rabotni zada~i, sekoga{ vo pridru`ba na drugo lice“.

Adaptacija na rabotnota sredina

„Dopolnitelno se vgradeni signalni uredi na site ma{ini, vgradena e monta`na lenta, vo plan e da se napravi zatopluvaweto poefikasno i da se vgradi sistem za vpivawe na ostatokot od pra{ina“.

Interpersonalni odnosi Na pra{aweto za interpersonalnite odnosi pome|u invalidnite vraboteni i nivnite kolegi zaklu~ivme deka menaxerite smetaat deka interpersonalnite odnosi me|u vrabotenite se na zadovolitelno nivo. Nekolku od menaxerite objasnija deka kontaktot me|u vrabotenite i invalidnite kolegi isto taka prodol`uva i posle rabotnoto vreme. Pogolem del od respondentite isto taka odgovorija deka predrasudite koi bile prisutni pri vrabotuvaweto na invalidnite lica sega se nadminati. Isto taka go izdvojuvame i obidot na vrabotenite da go nau~at znakovniot jazik na gluvite so cel da ostvarat nepre~ena komunikacija vo sekojdnevnata rabota.

© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


Examples of quotations: Concept

Quotation by the managers

The interpersonal relations are not on a satisfactory level


Satisfactory interpersonal relations after surpassing the preliminary prejudices

„Well, at first I called a meeting; I told them that disabled workers will come here. There were problems in the beginning but now they fit in, there isn’t problems, we are together for New Year, we go to restaurants, so there is no problem”. „Sometimes they don’t, but here they are accepted and they have healthy relations between each others The non disabled workers learned how to communicate on the language of the deaf”.

Satisfactory level of interpersonal relations

„I know that a large number of the employees, the others…they associate with the disabled people, they associate after the working hours are over”.

The work conditions of the disabled employees The managers were asked to tell about the working conditions for the disabled employees. Almost all of the managers pointed out that the disabled employees have equal working conditions as the others at the company. Only one pointed out that there is a difference regarding the payment between disabled and non disabled workers, as disabled workers are paid less. Exam3ples of quotations: Concept

Quotation by the managers

There is no equal treatment on the work place

„Look the non disabled workers receive better salary”.

There is an equal treatment on the work place

„I believe that the people with disabilities have equally good working conditions as the rest of the workers. You know, since the first day I forbade the use of the word invalidity. It is too labelling… „I don’t see at them like group”.


© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF

Primeri na citati: Koncept

Citati od menaxerite

Interpresonalnite odnosi ne se na zadovoluva~ko nivo


Zadovolitelni interpersonalni relacii posle nadminuvaweto na prvobitnite predrasudi

„Pa, prvo svikav sostanok, im rekov }e dojdat lica-invalidi. Ima{e na po~etokot reakcii, , ama sega se vklopija i nema problem, {tom i za Nova Godina zaedno odime, pa i tuka vo kafana, ne e problem“. „Ponekoga{ ne se vklopuvaat, no ve}e se prifateni i imaat zdravi odnosi me|u sebe. Drugite rabotnici go nau~ija jazikot na gluvonemite“.

Zadovoluva~ko nivo na interpersonalni odnosi

„Golem del od vrabotenite, onie drugite....se dru`at so licata so posebni potrebi, se dru`at i posle rabotnoto vreme“.

Rаботните услови на инвалидните вработени Menaxerite bea pra{ani da ka`at za rabotnite uslovi na invalidnite vraboteni lica. Re~isi site menaxeri go naglasuvaat ednakviot tretman kon invalidnite lica na rabotnoto mesto, a samo eden od niv uka`uva na razlikata vo odnos na isplatata me|u invalidnite lica i ostanite vraboteni, invalidnite rabotnici se pomalku plateni. Primeri na citati: Koncept

Citati od menaxerite

Ne postoi ednakov tretman na rabotnoto mesto

„Vidi, zdravite mnogu pove}e zemaat, platata poubava im e“.

Postoi ednakov tretman na rabotnoto mesto

„Jas u{te prviot den ja zabraniv upotrebata na zborot invalidnost-premnogu e etiketira~ki. Licata so posebni potrebi imaat podednakvo dobri rabotni uslovi kako i ostanatite rabotnici“. „Jas ne gi gledam kako grupa“.

© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


Reasons for employing disabled persons We asked the managers why they employ disabled persons. The most common reason given for employing a disabled person is the benefits granted from the fund. However, in addition to this many of the managers also pointed out the human dimension in employing a disabled person. So, a combination of these two variables seems to be representative for most of the companies included in this pilot. Examples of quotations: Concept

Quotation by the managers

Benefits as a challenge

„The initiative for employment honestly said are the relieves that the state gives”.

The human dimension as a challenge

„To help them- that was my basic intention. At the beginning it was not the benefits; the most important for me was to include them in the society”. „I worked for six years with disabled persons. I knew that they can work if they are motivated. I knew that they are good workers”.

Combination of the previous two

„On the first place are the human motives. I have a lot of friends that have children with special needs. The second reason is of course the possibility to receive benefits”.

Regularity in the salary payment On questions about payment, almost all the managers state that they pay the salary at a regular basis. Only two of them have a delay with the payment, but this pass for all the employees in the companies not only the disabled ones. Examples of quotations: Concept

Quotation by the managers

Irregularity in the payment of the salary

„Up until now it was regular, but the last couple of months we are late with the salaries”.

Regular payment of the salary

„It is regular. When there is a need we call them additionally and they are paid for that”. „Well it is true it is regular, we have inspections”.


© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF

Pри~ини за вработување на инвалидните лица Gi pra{avme menaxerite zo{to vrabotuvaat invalidni lica. Naj~estata dadena pri~ina za vrabotuvawe na invalidno lice se benificiite koi gi obezbeduva fondot. Vo sekoj slu~aj vo dopolnenie na ova golem del od menaxerite ista taka ja istaknaa humanata dimenzija pri vrabotuvaweto na invalidnite lica. No i kombinacijata na ovie dve varijabli izgleda deka e reprezentativna za pove}eto od kompaniite vklu~eni vo ovaa pilot studija. Primeri na citati: Koncept

Citati od menaxerite

Benificii kako predizvik

„Inicijativata za vrabotuvawe iskreno ka`ano se olesnuvawata {to gi dava dr`avata“.

Humanata komponenta kako predizvik

„Da im se pomogne- toa mi be{e osnovna namera. Na po~etokot ni beneficii nema{e, najva`no mi be{e da gi vklu~am vo op{testvenata zaednica“. „[est godini rabotev so hendikepirani lica. Znaev deka mo`at da rabotat ako bidat motivirani. Znaev deka se toa dobri rabotnici“.

Kombinacija od predhodnite

„Na prvo mesto bea humanite pobudi. Imam mnogu prijateli koi imaat deca so posebni potrebi. Kako vtora pri~ina e mo`nosta da se dobijat benificii“.

Rедовност во исплатата на ли~ниот доход Vo vrska so pra{aweto za platata skoro site menaxeri ka`aa deka ja ispla}aat platata redovno. Samo dvajca od niv imaat zadocnuvawe nha isplatata me|utoa ova va`i za site vraboteni ne samo za popre~enite. Primeri na citati: Koncept

Citati od menaxerite

Neredovnost vo isplatata na li~niot dohod

„Dosega redovno, no poslednive nekolku meseci docnime so platite“.

Redovna isplata na li~niot dohod

„Da redovno, preku banka. Po potreba gi povikuvame na dopolnitelna rabota, a toa e dopolnitelno i plateno“. „Pa redovna e, ni doa|a inspekcija“.

© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


Difficulties during the initiation of the Protective Company The managers were asked to tell about the main problems in employing disabled persons. The most common reason for the difficulties for initiation of the protective companies was the misuse of the benefits by the institutions in the process of receiving the benefits. One respondent pointed out the prequalification of the disabled persons as the main problem during the initiation of the protective company. The negative attitudes from the local community is also mentioned as a reason for disturbing the work of the protective company. We emphasize the opinion of a manager who points out the negative experience of the disabled persons in the previous period by other protective companies; actually he stresses the misuse as an obstacle for an opening of a protective company: „We had big problems. Someone told to the employees that they will receive the salary and they don’t have to go to work. I said this is not true. We have to keep you three years, but I will give you the salary if you work. This is a private company. You have to work”. Examples of quotations: Concept

Quotation by the managers

Abuse by the relevant institutions in the process of receiving the benefits

„There are a lot of molestations in the Agency for employment…To receive the means you have to go thru everything and at the end you don’t receive everything”.

Negative attitude from the local surroundings

„Some of them resisted- 50% resisted, but today that’s changed, 89% changed, it could never be 100 %”.

Prequalification of the disabled persons

„It took a longer time for training, they are not used on having a work discipline, simply don’t have any work habits”.

Social inclusion of the employed disabled persons The managers were asked about their opinion on how the disabled employees are included in the local community. It seems that all employees with disabilities in the companies included in this pilot are included in the local community. One manager suggested to strengthen the interpersonal relations in the protective companies and their indirect influence over the local community: “The clubs, the unions should work harder. One of the things that can be done is for example to organise meetings for the persons that are working at the protective companies”.


© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF

Pотешкотии при отворањето на заштитната компанија Menaxerite bea pra{ani da ka`at koi se glavnite problemi pri vrabotuvawe na invalidni lica. Naj~esta pri~ina za pote{kotiite pri otvaraweto na za{titnite kompanii bila zloupotrebata na beneficiite od strana na institucii pri dobivaweto na beneficiite. Eden respondent ja naglasuva prekvalifikacijata na invalidnite lica kako osnoven problem pri otvaraweto na za{titnata komapnija, negativni stavovi od lokalnata zaednica se isto taka spomnati kako pri~ina za popre~uvawe na rabotata na za{titnata komanija. Go izdvojuvame i razmisluvaweto na eden menaxer koj go naglasuva negativnoto iskustvo na invalidnite lica vo prethodniot period od strana na drugi za{titni kompanii, odnosno ja naglasuva zloupotrebata kako pre~ka za otvarawe na za{titnata kompanija: „Ima{e golemi problemi. Na vrabotenite nekoj im ka`al deka }e dobiete plati a na rabota ne mora da doa|ate. Moravme da im ka`ime deka tri godini mora da gi dr`ime ali plati }e vi se dava ako mo`e da srabotite“. Primeri na citati: Koncept

Citati od menaxerite

Zloupotreba od strana na relevantnite instituciite pri dobivaweto na benificiite

„Ima mnogu malverzacii vo Agencijata za vrabotuvawe. Za da se dobijat sredstva treba mnogu da se izma~ite i na krajot ne gi dobivate site“.

Negativni stavovi na lokalnata zaednica

„Nekoi od gostite pru`aa otpor- 50 % pru`aa otpor, no denes e izmeneto, 80 % izmeneto, ne mo`e da bide 100 %“.

Prekvalifikacija na invalidnite lica

„Im be{e potrebno pove}e vreme za obuka, ne se nau~eni na rabotna disciplina, ednostavno nemaat rabotni naviki“.

Socijalna inkluzija na vrabotenite invalidni lica Menaxerite bea pra{ani vo vrska so nivnoto razmisluvawe za toa kako invalidnite vraboteni lica se vklu~eni vo lokalnata zaednica. Se ~ini deka site vraboteni so invalidnost vo ramkite na proektot se celosno vklu~eni vo ramkite na lokalnata zaednica. Ja izdvojuvame sugestijata na eden menaxer za zajaknuvawe na interpersonalnite odnosi vo ramkite na za{titnite komanii i nivnoto indirekno vlijanie vrz lokalnata zaednica. „Samite klubovi bi trebalo pove}e da rabotat, samite zdru`enija. Da se napravat me|usebni dru`ewa na lu|eto {to rabotat vo za{titnite organizacii“.

© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


Examples of quotations: Concept

Quotation by the managers

There is no social inclusion


There is a social inclusion

„The most important for me was to include them in the society”. „I think that the disabled people are accepted by the others, but the Centre for Social work is very inert”.


© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF

Primeri na citati: Koncept

Citati od menaxerite

Ne postoi socijalna inkluzija


Postoi socijalna inkluzija

„Najva`no mi be{e da gi vklu~am vo op{testvenata zaednica“. „Mislam deka ovde lu|eto so posebni potrebi se prifateni od ostanatite, no Centarot za socijalna rabota e dosta inerten“.

© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


Themes for the disabled employees How the employees got this job Employees with mental retardation seem to have been offered the job mostly through the manager. However, we must emphasize that the procedure in the employment process is basically realized by the Agency for employment with recommendation by the manager. As for hearing impaired and body impaired employees the employment mostly goes through the Agency for employment and for some through friends and relatives who participate in the employment process. Comment: If we compare the opinions of the persons with hearing impairment and body impairment and the persons with mental retardation we can notice different approaches in the manner of the employment. Actually, it seems that the employment process for the hearing impaired persons runs in a more organized form because of the activity and the documentation of the community organizations by the Union of the persons with a hearing impairment in Republic of Macedonia. Examples on quotations: Persons with mental retardation

Persons with hearing impairment and body impairment

„The manager called me; he and my father are friends”.

„Well over the director…He and my father made an agreement and I came here”.

Over the Agency for employment

„Over the Agency for employment”.

„Over the Agency for employment”.

Over relatives and friends

„Over friends”.

„Over my uncle, he introduced me to the manager and they accept me here”.

Concept Over the manager


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„My father heard that there are workers’ admittingdisabled workers, and I went to ask for a job. I came here, we had a conversation and after that, I started to work”. „Over the Agency of the persons with a hearing impairment, with the mediation of the Agency of employment”.

Temi za invalidnite vraboteni lica Kako vrabotenite ja dobile ovaa rabota Naj~esto na vrabotenite so mentalna retardacija se ~ini deka rabotata im e ponudena od menaxerot. Kako i da e morame da naglasime deka postapkata vo procesot na vrabotuvawe vo osnova ja realizira Agencijata za vrabotuvawe so preporaka od strana na menaxerot. Isto taka i kaj licata so slu{ni o{tetuvawa i telesna invalidnost vrabotuvaweto naj~esto se odviva preku Agencijata za vrabotuvawe, a vo pomal broj slu~ai prijatelite i rodninite se licata koi posreduvaat vo procesot na vrabotuvawe. Komentar: Ako napravime kontrast me|u razmisluvawata na licata so slu{ni o{tetuvawa i telesna invalidnost i licata so mentalna retardacija zabele`uvame razli~ni pristapi vo na~inot na vrabotuvawe, odnosno mo`eme da konstatirame deka procesot na vrabotuvawe kaj slu{no o{tetenite lica se odviva vo edna poorganizirana forma zaradi aktivnosta i evidencijata na op{tinskite organizacii pri Sojuzot na gluvi i nagluvi lica vo Republika Makedonija. Primeri na citati: Lica so mentalna retardacija

Lica so slu{ni o{tetuvawa i telesna invalidnost

„Menaxerot me povika, tatko mi i on se prijateli“..

„Preku direktorot, toj so tato se dogovori i jas dojdov tuka”.

Preku Agencijata za vrabotuvawe

„Preku Agencijata za vrabotuvawe. “.

„Preku Agencijata za vrabotuvawe”.

Preku rodnini i prijateli

„Preku prijateli“.

„Preku ~i~ko mi se obrativ vo ovaa firma i me primija”.

Koncept Preku menaxerot

„Tatko mi doznal deka primaat rabotnici, jas dojdov da pra{am za rabota, razgovaravme i potoa vedna{ po~nav so rabota”.

„Preku Agencijata za vrabotuvawe, a po preporaka na Sojuzot na gluvite”.

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Whether working as assistant or independent We asked all the respondents to tell us how they function at the work place, that is, if they work independently or as an assistant for other workers. The employees with mental retardation seem to function as an assistant at the work place. A smaller number are engaged at independent work places and work places with multiple work assignments. On the contrary employees with hearing impairment and body impairment seems to be engaged in independent work assigned by the manager, however not included at all on work positions with multiple work assignments.

Comment: The contrast of the statements of the persons with hearing impairment and body impairment and the persons with mental retardation regarding the work tasks and the responsibility on work place, should be understood in connection with their different abilities. The hearing impaired persons according to their intellectual abilities receive responsible work tasks unlike the respondents with mental retardation who execute work tasks as assistants.


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Dali rabotat kako asistenti ili samostojno Gi pra{avme respondentite da ni ka`at kako tie funkcioniraat na rabotnoto mesto, odnosno dali rabotat samostojno ili kako asistenti na drugi rabotnici. Vrabotenite so mentalna retardacija izgleda deka naj~esto funkcioniraat na rabotnoto mesto kako asistenti. Mal broj od niv se anga`irani na samostojni rabotni mesta i rabotni mesta so pove}e rabotni zada~i. Sprotivno na toa vrabotenite so slu{ni o{tetuvawa i telesna invalidnost se anga`irani na samostojni rabotni zada~i od strana na menaxerite, no ne se vklu~uvaat na rabotni mesta so pove}e rabotni zada~i.

Komentar: Kontrastot na iskazite me|u ispitanicite so mentalna retardacija, slu{ni o{tetuvawa i telesna invalidnost vo odnos na rabotnite zada~i i odgovornosta na rabotnoto mesto, proizleguva od nivnite razli~ni sposobnosti, zna~i slu{no o{tetenite lica soglasno intelektualnite sposobnosti dobivaat odgovorni rabotni mesta dodeka ispitanicite so mentalna retardacija izvr{uvaat rabotni zada~i kako asistenti.

Š University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


Examples of quotations: Persons with hearing impairment and body impairment


Persons with mental retardation

Work place as an assistant

„I assist to the chief; I am adding materials in a machine”.

„I pack toothpicks and I help the chief”.

Independent work

„I put reinforcement on the paper bags”.

„I’m working in the assemblage department (montage department)”.

„I work wherever I am needed, I just can’t lift things. I am an invalid but physical invalid not psychical one”.

„I work in the commercial department, transportation of products, and I make the bank payments”. Multiple work assignments

„First in the morning I drink coffee, after that I have breakfast, after that if there


is something to clean in the coffee bar or out, to clean and manage the chairs I do, when the gests come I serve with saying “Welcome, what do you need”, the barmen prepares everything that I told him and I will serve the guests”.

Acceptance by colleagues We asked all the respondents to tell us about how they feel accepted by their nondisabled colleagues. Employees with mental retardation tell us that they socialize with the other non disabled workers in the spare time. The respondents made positive statements about being accepted by the colleagues. So, the respondents seem in general to feel accepted by the other colleagues at work and continue to socialize after work. Employees with hearing impairment and body impairment say they are accepted by the colleagues during the working day, but only two respondents tell that they come together with colleagues in the local community. Comment: There is a difference in the statements of the persons with hearing impairment and body impairment and the persons with mental retardation regarding feeling accepted by the colleagues. An explanation to this is the necessity to master the sign language in order to communicate with hearing impaired persons. To learn sign language is an additional effort that asks for time and energy. 46

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Primeri na citati: Koncept

Lica so mentalna retardacija

Lica so slu{ni o{tetuvawa i telesna invalidnost

Rabotno mesto kako asistent

„Mu pomagam na {efot, meterijal mu turam na ma{inite, dodavam”.

„Pakuvam ~a~kalici, mu pomagam na {efot”. „Jas rabotam kade treba samo ne mo`am da podigam te{ki rabotam. Jas sum invalid ama fizi~ki ne sum psihi~ki invalid”.

Samostojna rabota

„Stavam poja~awe na vre}ite”.

„Rabotam vo monta`a”. „Rabotam vo komercija, nosewe roba, odewe vo banka”..

Pove}e rabotni zada~i

„Prvo pijam kafe, pojaduvam, ~istam, mestam masi, gi slu`am


gostite, im vikam: Povelete, {to }e treba za vas, {ankerot sprema jas {to }e mu prenesam i gi slu`am gostite”.

Prifatenost od strana na kolegite Gi pra{avme respondentite da ni ka`at dali se ~uvstvuvaat prifateni od nivnite nepopre~eni kolegi. Vrabotenite so mentalna retardacija ni ka`aa deka se dru`at so drugite nepopre~eni rabotnici posle rabotnoto vreme. Respondentite pozitivno se izjasnija za prifatenosta od strana na kolegite. Zna~i, respodentite generalno se prifateni vo za{titnite kompanii, no isto taka komunikacijata ja prodol`uvaat i nadvor od rabotnata sredina. Vrabotenite so slu{ni o{tetuvawa i telesna invalidnost ka`uvaat deka se prifateni od strana na kolegite za vreme na rabotata, no samo vo dva slu~ai ispitanicite go potvrdile dru`eweto na kolegite vo lokalnata zaednica. Komentar: Postoi razlika na iskazite me|u ispitanicite so mentalna retardacija, slu{ni o{tetuvawa i telesna invalidnost vo odnos na prifatenosta od strana na kolegite {to proizleguva od faktot deka e neophodno poznavawe na znakovniot jazik za nepre~ena komunikacija me|u kolegite i slu{no o{tetenite lica i deka toa pretstavuva dopolnitelen napor koj bara vreme i energija. © University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


Examples of quotations: Concept

Persons with mental retardation

Persons with hearing impairment and body impairment

There is no acceptance



There is acceptance on the work place

„Its very good for us, we talk, we make jokes, we go out together after work, and usually we hang out during the pauses or lunch. We meet on holidays over the firm”.

„Yes, we meet only at work”.

Meet after the working hours in the local surroundings

„We are having conversations; we go to cafeterias and coffee bars to hear live music”.

„Yes there are no problems, we are working, joking; the day does not pass if you don’t talk to someone. We visit each other”.

„I am here for nine years and everything is fine”.

„We are every day here together; we are also going out together after the working hours”.

Equal treatment like the other workers Both employees with mental retardation, as well are employees with hearing impairment and body impairment, tell they are treated equally by the manager as to the other employees. Comment: Comparing the statements between the persons with hearing impairment and body impairment and the persons with mental retardation regarding the equality in the treatment by the manager we can resume that there is acceptance for all types of disability at the companies included in the pilot.


© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF

Primeri na citati: Koncept

Lica so mentalna retardacija

Lica so slu{ni o{tetuvawa i telesna invalidnost

Ne postoi prifatenost



Postoi prifatenost na rabotnoto mesto

„Odnosite se mnogu dobri, si zbo­ru­ va­me, se {eguvame no ne izleguvame za­edno posle rabotnoto vreme. Se sobirame za praznici preku fir­ ma”.

„Se dru`ime samo na rabota”.

„Si pravime muabet, odime vo kafi~, kafana na `iva muzika”.

„Se e dobro tuka, so kolegite, so ko­ le­{kite se prifa}ame, se {a­­­lime, ne pominuva denot ako ne zbo­ri{ so nekogo. Si odime na go­sti”.

Dru`ewe posle rabotno vreme vo lokalnata sredina

„Da super e, se e vo re. Nema ni{to lo{o, 9 god. sum tuka i se e vo red”.

„Sekojdnevno sme tuka zaedno, iz­le­ gu­vame posle rabotnoto vre­me”.

Ednakov tretman kako ostanatite rabotnici I vrabotenite so mentalna retardacija i vrabotenite so slu{ni o{tetuvawa i telesna invalidnost izjavija deka se tretirani ednakvo od menaxerite kako i drugite vraboteni. Komentar : Sporeduvaj}i gi iskazite me|u ispitanicite so mentalna retardacija, slu{ni o{tetuvawa i telesna invalidnost vo odnos na ednakvosta na tretmanot, mo`eme da rezimirame deka ohrabruva faktot deka postoi ednakva prifatenost vo odnos na site vidovi na invalidnost vo kompaniite vklu~eni vo pilot studijata.

© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


Examples of quotations: Persons with hearing impairment and body impairment


Persons with mental retardation

No equal treatment


„We use the public transportation, and the ones that can hear they come with their own cars. We are treated on another manner”.

Equal treatment

„The ones that we are helping we are working the same”.

„The work is divided in segments, all of us don’t work the same work, and everybody has his own duty, we all take part in an overall process”. „I have normal relations, I’m like every normal person there is not differences between disabled and non-disabled persons”.

Regularity in the payment of the salary The respondents were asked if they receive regular payment. Most of the employees with mental retardation tell they are paid regularly. Those who do not receive a regular payment explain that this irregularity is connected to the delay of the payment in general. The same seems to be the situation for the other respondents of the sample. Comments: Comparing the statements between the persons with hearing impairment and body impairment and the persons with mental retardation regarding regular payment we can assume that the regularity of payment is not dependent on whether the employees are disabled or not. Examples of quotations: Concept

Persons with mental retardation

Persons with hearing impairment and body impairment

Irregularity in the payment of the salary

„No, I don’t remember the last time I receive the salary”.

„These three months we are receiving half of the salary”.

„I’m receiving regularly, but there is a delay now”.

„I’m receiving regularly, but there is a delay now”.

„Yes, every month”.

„It’s good it’s regular, more work, and more money”.

Regular payment of the salary

„Yes, regularly”.

„Yes regular, at the first of the month, there is not a problem; I don’t remember delay of the salary”.


© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF

Primeri na citati: Lica so slu{ni o{tetuvawa i telesna invalidnost


Lica so mentalna retardacija

Ne postoi ednakov tretman


„Nie doa|ame na rabota so gradski avtobus a tie {to slu{aat doa|aat so nivni koli; tie {to slu{aat postojano se odmaraat i ne teraat da rabotime i nas poinaku ne tretiraat”.

Postoi ednakov tretman

„Site podednakvo rabotime”.

„Rabotata e podelena na segmenti, ne rabotime site ista rabota, sekoj izvr{uva del od celokupniot proces”. „Najnormalni se odnosite, se ~ustvuvam kako najnormalen ~ovek, nema vrska dali si ili ne si invalidno lice”.

Redovnost vo isplatata na li~niot dohod Respondentite bea pra{ani dali redovno dobivaat plata. Pove}eto od vrabotenite so mentalna retardacija ka`aa deka redovno se isplateni. Onie koi ne dobivaat redovno plata objasnija deka ovaa neregularnost e povrzana so op{to docnewe na platata. Ista e situacijata i so drugite respondenti od primerokot. Komentar: Sporeduvaj}i gi iskazite me|u ispitanicite so mentalna retardacija, slu{ni o{tetuvawa i telesna invalidnost vo odnos na redovnosta na isplatata mo`eme da rezimirame deka regularnosta vo isplata na li~niot dohod e nezavisna od toa dali vrabotenite se invalidni ili neinvalidni lica. Primeri na citati: Koncept

Lica so mentalna retardacija

Lica so slu{ni o{tetuvawa i telesna invalidnost

Neredovna isplata na li~niot dohod

„Ne, ne se se}avam od koga nemam zemeno plata”.

„Tri meseci dobivame po pola plata”.

„Redovno dobivam, ama sega malku docni”.

„Redovno dobivame ama sega malku docni”.

„Da, sekoj mesec”.

„Dobro e redovno e, pove}e rabota, pove}e pari”.

Redovna isplata na li~niot dohod

„Da, redovno”.

„Redovna e, ~im dojde prvi, nema problemi, ne se se}avam da zakasnila platata”.

© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


Training We asked the respondents to tell if they have received training and from whom. Analyzing the statements of the respondents regarding training it seems that the training of the mentally retarded persons is accomplished in the protective companies. None of the respondent claimed for training outside the company. We can also state that the training of the hearing impaired and body impaired persons is accomplished in the protective companies. None of the respondent claimed for training outside the company. Comments: Comparing the statements between the persons with hearing impairment and body impairment and the persons with mental retardation regarding the manner of the training we can presume that the training of the disabled workers is conducted within the protective companies not regarding of the type of the disability. The respondents are competent for certain professions that are not connected with the working tasks on the working places in the protective companies. In that sense it is necessary to make a prequalification of the disabled persons by the chiefs with the purpose to have a normal execution of the work operations. The companies in this pilot offer mostly unskilled jobs to the disabled workers and the job tasks seem easy to learn. Some of the employees tell they had some weeks of training and others even less that this to master the job tasks. Several of the hearing and body disabled employees are however educated for another profession than the actual work situation offers. Examples of quotations: Concept

Persons with mental retardation

Training in the protective company

„When I came here for the first time I didn’t know how to paint, they taught us and I learned”.

Training out of the protective company


Persons with hearing impairment and body impairment

Well I learned, and now I know everything.

„I got help from the one who is responsible here, he knows everything, I didn’t need too much time, and I learned everything in a week or two”.



© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF

Obuka Gi pra{avme respondentite da ka`at dali bile obu~uvani i od koj. Analiziraj}i gi iskazite na ispitanicite povrzani so obukata izgleda deka obukata na mentalno retardiranite lica se izveduva vo za{titnite kompanii. Nitu eden ispitanik ne se izjasni za obuka sprovedena nadvor od kompanijata. Isto taka mo`eme da konstatirame deka obukata na licata so slu{ni o{tetuvawa i telesna invalidnost se izveduva vo za{titnite kompanii. Nitu eden ispitanik ne se izjasni za obuka sprovedena nadvor od kompanijata. Komentar: Sporeduvaj}i gi iskazite me|u ispitanicite so mentalna retardacija, slu{ni o{tetuvawa i telesna invalidnost vo odnos na na~inot na obukata mo`eme da rezimirame deka obukata na invalidnite rabotnici se sproveduva vo za{titnite kompanii nezavisno od vidot na invalidnost. Ispitanicite imaat kompetencii za odredeni zanimawa koi ne se vo soglasnost so rabotnite zada~i koi prozleguvaat od rabotnite mesta vo za{titnite kompanii. Vo taa smisla e neophodno da se izvr{i prekvalifikacija na invalidnite lica od strana na rakovoditelite so cel nepre~eno da se odviva izvr{uvaweto na rabotnite operacii. Kompaniite vo ovaa pilot studija ~esto nudat nekvalifikuvani raboti na invalidnite lica i rabotnite zada~i izgledaat lesni za u~rwe. Nekoi od vrabotenite rekoa deka imale nekolku nedelen trening,a drugi duri i pomalku od ova za da gi sovladat rabotnite zada~i. Nekolkumina od vrabotenite so slu{ni o{tetuvawa i telesna invalidnost se educirani za druga profesija za razlika od ona {to go nudi aktuelnata rabotna situacija. Primeri na citati: Koncept

Lica so mentalna retardacija

Lica so slu{ni o{tetuvawa i telesna invalidnost

Obuka vo za{titnata kompanija

„Koga dojdov prvpat tuka neznaev ni da farabam, no u~ev tuka i se nau~iv”.

„Mene mi pomogna toj {to e odgovoren, toj gi znae site raboti, za nedela-dve nau~iv”.

Obuka nadvor od kompanijata



© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


Discussion and recommendations for further research Discussion and recommendations for further research

As this study is a pilot with a limited and strategic sample the data material needs to be interpreted with caution. It could be biased in several ways: - Because of the financial limitations we did not have the opportunity to repeat the visits to the companies and interview the respondents several times. This may have prevented us from developing a deeper understanding of the situation at the work places. - In most of the interviews the managers were present during the interviews with the disabled employees. Most of the time they were quiet and did not intervene in the interview but sometimes they made explanatory comments. Taking into consideration the mental abilities of some of the respondents the managers in our opinion contributed in a positive way during the interview. - The sample consists of companies that are operative and it is likely to expect that the participating companies volunteered to participate because they function well. Because of this the pilot do not describe the situation of companies that are not functioning or that do not treat the disabled employees well.

Utilisation of benefits The pilot shows that the companies in this sample are functioning according to the guidelines of the Agency of protective companies who helps them. The companies have used the benefits for maintenance of the production; salaries, equipment and tool, and in some cases renovation. The quotient between the disabled and non disabled workers is noted and provided. The disabled employees are included at the work place and in many cases as well do they also socialise with the colleagues after work.

Work conditions Comparing the results from the managers and the disabled employees, both the persons with mental retardation and the hearing impaired and body impaired, this pilot shows


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Diskusija i preporaki za ponatamo{no istra`uvawe Diskusija i preporaki za ponatamo{no istra`uvawe

Bidej}i ovaa studija e pilot studija so ograni~en i strate{ki primerok podatocite treba da bidat interpretirani so vnimanie. Toa mo`e da bide bazirano na nekolku na~ini: - Poradi finansiskite ograni~uvawa nemavme mo`nost da gi povtorime posetite na za{titnite kompanii i da gi intervjuirame rabotnicite nekolku pati. Ova mo`ebi ne spre~i nas za razvivawe na podlaboko razbirawe na situacijata na rabotnite mesta. - Vo pove}eto od intervjuata menaxerite bea prisutni za vreme na intervjuata so vrabotenite invalidni lica. Vo pogolemiot del od vremeto tie bea tivki i ne interveniraa vo intervjuto, no ponekoga{ tie davaa objasnuva~ki komentari. Ze­maj}i gi predvid mentalnite sposobnostite na nekoi od ispitanicite, me­­ naxerite, spored na{e mislewe, pozitivno doprinesuvaa za vreme na in­te­r­ vjuto. - Primerokot sodr`i kompanii koi funkcioniraat i e normalno da o~ekuvame deka kompaniite koi participiraa dobrovolno u~estvuvaa bidej}i fun­k­c­ i­­oniraat dobro. Poradi ova pilot studijata ne ja opi{uva situacijata na kompaniite koi ne funkcioniraaat ili koi ne gi tretiraat dobro vrabotenite invalidni lica.

Iskoristuvawe na benificiite Pilot studijata poka`a deka kompaniite vo ovoj primerok funkcioniraat soglasno nasokite na Zaednicata na za{titni kompanii koja im pomaga. Kompaniite gi iskoristile beneficiite za odr`uvawe na proizvodstvoto: plati, oprema i alati, i za renovirawe vo nekoi slu~ai. Soodnosot pome|u invalidnite i neinvalidnite rabotnici e zapazen i obezbeden. Invalidnite vraboteni lica se vklu~eni na rabotnoto mesto i isto taka vo mnogu slu~ai tie socijaliziraat so kolegite i posle rabotnoto vreme i mesto.

Rabotni uslovi Kompariraj}i gi rezultatite od menaxerite i invalidnite lica, i licata so mentalna retadacija i slu{no o{tetenite lica i telesno invalidnite lica, ovaa © University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


that the protective companies ensure appropriate work conditions for the disabled employees.

Adaptations Many of the mangers emphasize the adaptation of the work environment, and the accommodation of the work tasks according to the abilities of the respondents.

Training The training of the disabled workers, both employees with mental retardation, hearing impairment and body impairment, is conducted in the protective companies. The disabled persons are employed in working positions that imply elementary work operations or as assistants with the purpose to decrease the responsibility of the work position.

Social relations Most of the disabled employees consider the interpersonal relations in the protective companies to be satisfactorily. Employees with hearing impairment tend to be slightly more negative regarding the acceptance by other colleagues. This must be understood as a consequence of the necessary to have knowledge of sign language in order to communicate with hearing impaired employees and this is an additional effort that asks for time and energy.

Salary There is regularity in the payment of the means as a compensation of the invested effort. According to the statements of the managers and disabled persons connected we can state that the managers regularly pay the salary to the disabled employees not regarding type of the disability. Two of the protective companies have had a delay with the payment to all the employees in the company.

Incentives The managers consider the financial benefits to be the main incentive for employing disabled persons in the protective companies. In addition many of the them point out the human dimension in employing disabled persons, so a combination of these two reasons seems to be important.


Š University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF

pilot studijata poka`uva deka za{titnite kompanii obezbeduvaat soodvetni rabotni uslovi za vrabotenite lica so invalidnost.

Adaptacii Mnogu od menaxerite potenciraat deka adaptacijata na rabotnata sredina i akomodacijata na rabotnite zada~i e vo soglasnost so rabotnite mo`nosti na respondentite.

Obuka Obukata na popre~enite rabotnici, i onie so mentalna retardacija i onie so slu{no i telesno o{tetuvawe, se sproveduva vo za{titnite kompanii. Popre~enite lica se vraboteni na rabotni mesta koi podrazbiraat elementarni operacii ili asistentski mesta so cel da se namali odgovornosta na rabotnoto mesto.

Socijalni relacii Pove}eto od popre~enite rabotnici smetaat deka interpersonalnite relacii na rabotnoto mesto se zadovolitelni. Licata so slu{no o{tetuvawe imaat tendencija da bidat malku ponegativni vo smisla na nivnata prifatenost od strana na drugite kolegi. Ova e razbirlivo bidej}i e posledica na potrebata za poznavawe na znakovniot jazik so cel da se komunicira so slu{no o{tetenite lica i ova e dopolnitelen napor koj bara vreme i energija.

Li~en dohod Postoi regularnost vo isplatata na sredstvata kako kompenzacija za vlo`eniot trud. Vo soglasnost so izjavite na menaxerite i popre~enite lica mo`e da istakneme deka menaxerite redovno ja ispla}aat platata na popre~enite rabotnici bez razlika na vidot na popre~enost. Dve od za{titnite kompanii imale zaostanuvawe so isplatata na site vraboteni vo kompaniite.

Stimulacii Menaxerite smetaat deka finansiskite beneficii se glavnite pobudi za vrabotuvaweto na popre~enite lica vo za{titnite kompanii. Vo dopolnenie mnogu od niv ja istaknuvaat humanata dimenzija vo vrabotuvaweto na popre~enite lica, a i kombinacijata na ovie dve izgleda mnogu va`na.

Š University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


Inclusion There seem to be a positive attitude towards including disabled persons in the companies after they are employed and have proved themselves competent. The negative attitudes are in total canalized to the surroundings. The managers and the disabled persons’ colleagues are in the main position to influences on these attitudes and to change them.

Further research Based on this pilot there are many question that should be looked more deeply into in further research: - The pilot describe the situation for some disabled employees in some protective companies. However, there is a group of disabled people in the Republic of Macedonia that do not have the opportunity to be employed in a protective company and the situation for this persons should be investigated in further studies. - Despite that many of the protective companies have made adjustments of the work situation for the disabled workers there seems to be a need for more knowledge and competence on environmental and ergonomically adaptations.

On the other hand, we made some important experiences when preparing for the study. When considering the entire list of companies that was suggested as possible participants in the study, there are some important findings to be considered for further studies: - A bigger part of the protective companies that were selected by the research team by a random pick does not exist anymore. Some of our contacts indicated that the number of protective companies that are not functioning but have received benefits, is truly large. This should be looked more deeply into in a further study.


Š University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF

Inkluzija Se ~ini deka postoi pozitiven odnos kon popre~enite lica vo kompaniite otkako istite se vrabotile i se poka`ale kompetentni. Negativnite odnosi so okolinata se vo celost kanalizirani. Menaxerite i sorabotnicite na popre~enite lica se vo glavna pozicija da vlijaat na ovie stavovi i da gi promenat.

Ponatamo[ni istra@uvawa Bazirani na ovaa pilot studija postojat mnogu pra{awa koi treba da se pogledaat podlaboko vo tekot na ponatamo{noto istra`uvawe: - Pilot studijata ja opi{uva situacijata na nekoi popre~eni rabotnici vo nekoi za{titni kompanii. Kako i da e, postoi grupa na popre~eni lica vo Republika Makedonija koi ja nemaat mo`nosta da bidat vraboteni vo nekoja za{titna kompanija i situacijata na ovie lica treba da bide istra`ena vo nekoi ponatamo{ni studii. - Pokraj faktot {to mnogu od za{titnite kompanii imaat napraveno prilagoduvawa na rabotnata situacija za popre~enite rabotnici se ~ini deka ima potreba za pogolemo znaewe i kompetencija za sredinski i ergonomi~ni adaptacii.

Od druga strana, nie steknavme mnogu va`ni iskustva vo podgotovkata na studijata. Koga ja zemavme vo predvid celata lista na kompanii koi bea sugerirani kako mo`ni participanti vo studijata, naidovme na va`ni podatoci koi treba da se zemat vo predvid pri ponatamo{nite studii: - Golem del od za{titnite dru{tva za koi istra`uva~kiot tim se opredeli po slu~aen izbor, pove}e ne funkcioniraat. Nekoi od menaxerite na ovie za{titni dru{tva so koi sepak uspeavme da vospostavime kontakt, naglasija deka brojot na vakvite za{titni dru{tva koi ne funkcioniraat a gi iskoristile beneficiite bil navistina golem. Ova treba da se zeme vo predvid pri ponatamo{nite studii.

Š University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


- We also leave some space for a more detailed research of the role of the Agency of employment around the providing of the benefits for the protective companies. The information on the protective companies at The Agency seems not to be updated as the Agency was not informed about changes in the current condition of some of the protective companies regarding address, telephone etc. - Some of our contacts indicated that only the large protective companies work successfully; the ones that have employed a large number of persons, who invested larger financial means, who purchased machines and tools and who have an organized process of production and placement of the products. This should be looked into in a further study.

The most common reason for the difficulties for initiation of the protective companies seem to be the abuse by the relevant institutions in the process of receiving the benefits. This implies that there are irregularities in the conducting of the legislative. In the continuation of the research process, like in the pilot study, the cooperation with Ministry of Social work will be essential, and also especially with the Agency of Protective Companies who provided us logistic support, for what we are absolutely thankful.


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- Isto taka, ostavame prostor za podetalno istra`uvawe za ulogata na Agencijata za vrabotuvawe okolu obezbeduvawata na benificiite na za{titnite kompanii. Informaciite na Agencijata na za{titni kompanii se ~ini deka ne se podnoveni bidej}i Agencijata ne e informirana za promenite na momentalnata sostojba na odredeni kompanii vo smisla na telefoni, adresi i sl. - Nekoi od na{ite kontakti uka`uvaat deka so uspeh rabotat samo golemite za{titni dru{tva; onie koi imaat vraboteno pogolem broj lica, koi imaat vlo`eno pogolemi finansiski sredstva, koi imaat nabaveno ma{ini i alati i koi imaat organiziran proces na proizvodstvo i plasman na proizvodite. Ova treba da se zeme vo predvid pri ponatamo{nite studii.

Naj~esta pri~ina za pote{kotiite pri otvaraweto na za{titnite kompanii se ~ini bila zloupotrebata od strana na relevantnite institucii pri dobivaweto na benificiite, zna~i postojat nepravilnosti pri sproveduvaweto na legislativata. Vo ponatamo{niot tek na istra`uvaweto, kako i za vreme na pilot-proektot, neophodna }e bide sorabotkata so Ministerstvoto za trud i socijalna politika, a posebno so Zaednicata na za{titnite dru{tva koja ovojpat ni obezbedi logisti~ka poddr{ka, za {to sme im krajno blagodarni.

Š University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


Appendix Appendix

1. Partners in the project The Institute for Special Education and Rehabilitation on the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, has existed since 1993 and is recognizable by the realization of many international projects and appearances on international conferences. For the project, the Institute for Special Education and Rehabilitation formed a competent team: • Prof. Dr Risto Petrov, Head of the Institute • Prof. Dr Zora Jacova, Depute Head of the Institute • Magdalena Dimkova and Aleksandra Karovska, students.

The SINTEF Group is the largest independent research organisation in Scandinavia. SINTEF has been present in Republic of Macedonia since 2001 and in this period is established with a local office and several projects. The projects in Macedonia are mainly supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Norway. The SFA project group are: • Senior scientist Lisbet Grut, SINTEF Health Research • Project coordinator Cathrine Eide Valsø, SINTEF Technology and Society, International Operations • Senior advisor Geir Tyrmi, SINTEF Health Research The non-governmental organization Polio Plus, as a representative of the organizationsusers of this project have been an active partner in the initiating process of the project and in the development of the interview guide.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Politics, as a resource ministry will be informed for the overall course of the research and the attained results.

The Agency of Protective Companies, as an association of all protective companies in Macedonia has contributed with data about the protective companies and supported in the communication between the project team and the protective companies.


© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF

Prilozi Prilozi

1. Partneri vo proektot Institutot za defektologija (Institut za specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija) pri Filozofskiot fakultet vo Skopje, (postoi od u~ebnata 1993/94 godina i e prepoznatliv po realizacijata na mnogu me|unarodni proekti i nastapi na me|unarodni konferencii), kako partner vo proektot, ja prevzede obvrskata da ja prou~i navedenata sostojba i da podnese pismen izve{taj. Za taa cel, Institutot za defektologija formira stru~en tim koj go so~inuvaa: • prof. d-r Risto Petrov, rakovoditel na Institutot • doc. d-r Zora Ja~ova, zamenik rakovoditel na Institutot • Magdalena Dimkovska i Aleksandra Karovska, studenti.

SINTEF grupata e najgolema nezavisna istra`uva~ka organizacija vo Skandinavija. Vo Republika Makedonija SINTEF e prisuten od 2001 godina i vo ovoj period se doka`a preku nekolku proekti i lokalnata kancelarija. Proektite na SINTEF se podr`ani od Ministerstvoto za Nadvore{ni Raboti na Kralstvoto Norve{ka. SFA timot e so~inet od: • Postar istra`uva~ Lizbet Grut, SINTEF, istra`uvawa vo zdravstvo • Koordinator na proektot Ketrin Eide Valso, SINTEF tehnologija i op{testvo, Internacionalni operacii • Postar sovetnik Geir Turmi, SINTEF, istra`uvawa vo zdravstvo Nevladinata organizacija Polio Plus, kako pretstavnik na organizaciite na korisnici na ovoj pilot proekt, }e bide aktiven partner vo razvivaweto na vodi~ot za intervjuata, kako i vo oddelni segmenti od ponatamo{niot tek na proektot.

Ministerstvoto za trud i socijalna politika, kako nadle`no ministerstvo, }e bide informirano za celokupniot tek na istra`uvaweto i za dobienite rezultati.

Zaednicata na za{titni dru{tva, kako asocijacija koja gi obedinuva site za{titni dru{tva vo Republika Makedonija, isto taka }e bide vo tek so site aktivnosti, }e ponudi podatoci za za{titnite dru{tva i }e dade logisti~ka poddr{ka vo komunikacijata pome|u stru~niot tim od Institutot za defektologija i za{titnite dru{tva. © University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


2. Interview guide The study of disability and work - a pilot The purpose of the pilot is to collect information to formulate further research questions. The pilot is directed on different types of companies employing people with disabilities. That is, the point of departure is the different types of companies that employ people with disabilities. The crucial point is that the company actually employ people with disabilities. The first step will be to describe what characterise these different types of companies and group the companies according to this. Then select some companies within each group. Note that a qualitative study is different from a quantitative survey in many aspects. We use an interview guide not a questionnaire. An interview guide is not as structured as a questionnaire. For instance there are no alternatives for answeres. I would suggest that we use a semi structured guide in this pilot. A semi structured guide consists of open ended questions. That is, they are formulated in a way to encourage the informant to talk about the topic specified in the guide.

Interviewing people with disabilities about work and employment Introduction: Open the interview by introducing yourself and give the formal information about the study. The interviewers introduce themselves with name and profession. The reason for this study is to learn about the work situation for people with disabilities in Macedonia. These interviews are a part of a preparation for a comprehensive study on the work situation for people with disabilities in Macedonia. We visit six different companies in Macedonia and interview employees with disability. We would like to learn about the possibilities and limitations connected to having a disability in a work situation. We would like you to tell us about your work situation, and would like to ask you some questions in that regard. Participation in this study is voluntary. You do not have to answer all the questions or talk about things that are difficult for you to talk about. The information you give will be anonymous. We will not report what you say in this interview to anyone in a way that it will be traced back to you. We will ask for your permission to tape the interview. The reason for taping the interview is that we need to write down the information afterwards to remember what you have told us. The tape will be deleted after the transcription.


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2. Vodi^ za intervjuto Studija za popre~enosta i rabotata-pilot studija Celta na pilot proektot e da sobere informacii za da gi formulira pra{awata za ponatamo{noto istra`uvawe. Pilot proektot e naso~en kon razli~ni vidovi na kompanii koi vrabotuvaat lu|e so pre~ki vo razvojot. Toa zna~i deka to~kata za poa|awe se razli~ni vidovi na kompanii koi vrabotuvaat lu|e so pre~ki vo razvojot. Kriti~na to~ka e dali kompaniite navistina vrabotuvaat lu|e so pre~ki vo razvojot. Prviot ~ekor }e bide da se opi{e ona {to gi karakterizira ovie razli~ni vidovi na kompanii i grupi na kompanii spored ova. Potoa da se odberat nekolku kompanii od sekoja grupa. Zabele{kata deka kvalitativnata studija e razli~na od kvantitativnata mo`e da se vidi od mnogu aspekti. Koristime vodi~ za intervju a ne pra{alnik. Vodi~ot za intervju ne e tolku strukturiran kako pra{alnikot. Na primer nema alternativi za odgovorite. ]e predlo`ime da koristime polustrukturiran vodi~ vo ovoj pilot proekt. Polustrukturiraniot vodi~ e sostaven od otvoreni pra{awa. Toa zna~i deka tie se formulirani na na~in za da go pottiknat ispitanikot (respondentot) da zboruva za temata specificirana vo ovoj vodi~.

Intervjuirawe lu|e so popre~enost vo vrska so rabota i vrabotuvawe Zapoznavawe: Zapo~nete go intervjuto so pretstavuvawe na sebe si i dadete formalni informacii za studijata. Intervjuerite se pretstavuvaat sebe si so ime i profesija. Pri~inata za postoeweto na ovaa studija e da se zapoznaeme so rabotnata situacija na lu|eto so popre~enost vo Makedonija. Ovie intervjua se del od podgotovkata za iscrpna studija za rabotnata situacija na lu|eto so popre~enost vo Makedonija. ]e posetime {est razli~ni kompanii vo Makedonija i }e intervjuirame vraboteni lu|e so popre~enost. Bi sakale da se zapoznaeme so mo`nostite i ograni~uvawata povrzani so popre~enosta vo rabotna situacija. Bi sakale ti da ni ka`e{ za tvojata rabotna situacija i bi sakale da ti postavime nekolku pra{awa vo toj pogled. U~estvoto vo ovaa studija e dobrovolno. Ne mora{ da odgovara{ na site pra{awa ili da zboruva{ za raboti za koi ti e te{ko da zboruva{. Informaciite koi }e ni gi dade{ }e bidat anonimni. Nie nema da soop{time {to si ka`al/a vo ova intervju na nikogo, na na~in {to vo idnina bi mo`el da dovede do tebe (kako izvor na informacija). ]e pobarame od tebe dozvola za da go snimame ova intervju. Pri~inata za snimawe na intervjuto e toa {to nam ni e potrebno da gi zapi{eme informaciite podocna, za da zapomnime {to si ni ka`al/a. Kasetata }e bide izbri{ana posle transkripcijata.

Š University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


We would like to learn more about your work situation. (Encourage the informant to be specific and to illustrate by examples. If possible ask the informant to demonstrate.) How many years have you been working here? Why and How did you get this job? Could you please describe the activities and tasks you do at work to us? What are your role and responsibility at this work place? Is what you explain to us now the tasks you always do at work? Could you please describe to us how the disability affects the performance of the work activities? In what way does the disability prevent you from doing some of the work operations that your colleagues do? What is the reaction to the disability from your colleagues and from your manager? (disapprove, approve, neglect, accept) If you receive any assistance from colleagues, could you please describe what kind of assistance that is given and by whom the assistance is given? What kinds of adjustments have been done so that you can perform the work operations? In this we mean technical devices and practical arrangements. Do you do the same work operations as your non-disabled colleagues or do they do other sort of work? Please describe to us. Have you received any specific training to be qualified for this job? Where did you receive this training? (On the job or at a work training centre or at an educational institution?) Is the job relevant to your qualifications? Hypothetical questions. Consider not asking: Do you think you would do the work activities in a different way if you were not disabled? Do you think you would have had additional responsibilities or duties regarding the work situation if you were not disabled? What kind of responsibility would this be? Please tell us about yourself. (Please tell about the reason for the disability, as well as the reason for the onset of the disability. Try to get the detailed story.) Could you please describe and explain to us about your impairment. When did you become disabled? Are you born with the disability or did you get it later? What happened, when did it happen and how did it happen? A sensitive question, consider not asking: (Why do you think this happened to you? Do you think it is bad luck, or do you think it is your destiny to be disabled?)


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Bi sakale da slu{neme pove}e za tvojata rabotna situacija. (Pottiknete go respondentot da bide specifi~en i da ilustrira so primeri. Ako e mo`no pobarajte i da vi demonstrira.) Kolku godini raboti{ tuka? Zo{to i kako ja dobi ovaa rabota? Te molam }e mo`e{ li da ni gi opi{e{ aktivnostite i zada~ite koi ti gi izvr{uva{ na rabota? Koja e tvojata uloga i odgovornost na ova rabotno mesto? Dali ovie zada~i {to ni gi objasnuva{ se zada~i {to sekoga{ gi vr{i{ na rabotnoto mesto? ]e mo`e{ li da ni opi{e{ kako pre~kata vlijae na izvr{uvaweto na rabotnite aktivnosti? Na koj na~in pre~kata te spre~uva od vr{ewe na nekoi rabotni operacii koi gi pravat tvoite kolegi? Kakva e reakcijata na kolegite i direktorot kon tvojata popre~enost? (neodobruva~ko mislewe, odobruva~ko mislewe, zanemaruvawe, prifa}awe). Ako dobiva{ nekakva pomo{ dodeka raboti{ poradi pre~kata, te molam }e mo`e{ li da ni opi{e{ kakva pomo{ dobiva{ i od koj ja dobiva{ taa pomo{? Kakvi vidovi na prilagoduvawa se napraveni za da gi izvr{uva{ rabotnite operacii? Za ova mislime na tehni~ki sredstva i prakti~ni ureduvawa. Dali gi raboti{ istite rabotni operacii kako i tvoite kolegi koi se bez popre~uvawe ili tie vr{at nekoj drug vid na rabota? Te molam opi{i ni. Dali si posetuval/a specifi~na obuka za da bide{ kvalifikuvan/a za ovaa rabota? Kade si se zdobil so takva obuka? (Na rabota ili vo centar za rabotna obuka ili vo obrazovna institucija?) Dali rabotata soodvestvuva na tvoite kvalifikacii? Hipoteti~ki pra{awa. Zemete ja vo predvid mo`nosta da ne gi postavite : Dali mislite deka bi gi izvr{uvale rabotnite aktivnosti na razli~en na~in ako ne bevte popre~eni ? Dali mislite deka bi imale dopolnitelni odgovornosti ili zadol`enija ako ne bevte popre~eni vo pogled na rabotnata situacija? Za kakov vid na odgovornost bi stanalo zbor? Te molam ka`i ni za tebe (Te molam ka`i za pri~inata za popre~enosta kako i za po~etokot na manifestacija na popre~enosta. Obidete se da dobiete detalen prikaz). Te molam }e mo`e{ li da ni opi{e{ i objasni{ za tvojata popre~enost? Koga stana hendikepiran? Dali si roden/a so tvojot hendikep ili si go zdobil/a podocna? [to se slu~i, koga se slu~i i kako se slu~i? ^ustvitelno pra{awe, imajte ja vo predvid mo`nosta da ne go postavite: (Zo{to misli{ deka ova ti se slu~ilo na tebe? Dali misli{ deka toa e lo{a sre}a ili misli{ deka sudbina e ti da bide{ hendikepiran?) Š University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


What about your education? How many years have you attended school? If you have education above primary school, what kind of education is this? Do you have a family - a wife or husband and children? How many children do you have and what age are they? Are there other family members that have a disability? If so, what kind of disability do they have? Ideas about improvements: Invite the informant to talk about the future or about alternative situations/possibilities. If you could change or improve the work situation, in what way would you change it? What do you think are the chances to achieve these changes and what will be the hindrances? Hypothetical question, consider not asking: How do you think your living condition will be in approximately ten years from now? Do you think your life will be the same as today or different in some way? Please explain.

Notes to the interviewer: Note age and gender of the informant if this has not been noted earlier in the interview. Biographical data are often given quite early in the interview as a natural part of the conversation. One should however notice that it is not always wise to open the interview situation with these questions. On the one hand this information is not directly related to the reason for the interview and may therefore be disturbing when it comes to the importance of getting a good start. On the other hand one must be aware that opening an interview by noting personalia may under some circumstances be interpreted as an inquiry, which for some gives associations to very unpleasant experiences.

Closing the interview: Thank you very much for participating in this interview. We appreciate you cooperation and the time spent with us. Your contribution will be important in the effort to improve the work conditions for people with disabilities in Macedonia. We wish you the very best for the future.


Š University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF

Ka`i mi ne{to vo vrska so tvoeto obrazovanie? Kolku godini si posetuval u~ili{te? Ako si posetuval/a u~ili{te osven osnovno koj tip na obrazovanie e toa? Dali ima{ semejstvo- sopruga ili soprug i deca? Kolku deca ima{ i kolku godini imaat? Dali ima i drugi ~lenovi na semejstvoto koi se hendikepirani? Ako da koj vid na hendikepiranost imaat tie? Idei za unapreduvawa : Pobaraj od respondentot da zboruva za idninata. Ako mo`e{ da ja podobri{(unapredi{) tvojata rabotna situacija, na koj na~in bi ja smenil? [to misli{ koi se mo`nostite za postignuvawe na tie promeni i koi bi bile pre~kite? [to misli{ kakva }e bide tvojata `ivotna sostojba posle deset godini? ^ustvitelno pra{awe, imajte ja vo predvid mo`nosta da ne go postavite: Dali misli{ deka tvojot `ivot }e bide ist kako sega ili }e se razlikuva na nekoj na~in? Te molam objasni.

Bele{ki za intervjuerot: Zabele`i gi godinite i polot na respondentot ako toa ne e zabele`ano porano vo intervjuto. Biografskite datumi ~esto se dadeni porano vo intervjuto kako priroden del na edna konverzacija. Nekoi }e zabele`at deka ne e sekoga{ mudro da se zapo~ne intervju so ovie pra{awa. Od edna strana pak ovie informacii ne se direktno povrzani so pri~inata za intervjuto i ponekoga{ mo`at da bidat voznemiruva~ki koga od golemo zna~awe e da se postigne dobar start. Od druga strana mora da bideme svesni deka zapo~nuvawe na intervju so zabele`uvawe na personaliite vo nekoi slu~ai mo`e da se protolkuva kako ispra{uvawe {to za nekoi mo`e da asocira na mnogu neprijatno iskustvo.

Zatvorawe na intervju: Vi blagodarime mnogu za u~estvoto vo ova intervju. Mnogu ja cenime va{ata sorabotka i vremeto pominato so Vas. Va{iot pridones }e bide zna~aen vo naporot za da se unapredat rabotnite uslovi za licata so popre~enost vo Makedonija. Vi posakuvame se najubavo vo idnina.

Š University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


Interviewing managers and chief of operations Introduce yourself by giving general information on the pilot in the same way as in the interviews with the employees. Possible questions to ask: How have your company used the benefits related to engaging people with disabilities? What kind of consequences do the benefits have for the company? What are the main challenges related to engaging people with disabilities in this company? How do your company overcome the challenges? What kind of adjustments and adaptations has been made in this company to engage employees with disabilities?

Consider not asking: Could you tell us about the living condition for people with disabilities in general in this area/district? Could you tell us about the work situation for people with disabilities in the district in general? What has been done to improve the work conditions for people with disabilities in this area/district?

Supplementary information As a supplement to the interviews one must always look for information that can deepen the information from the interviews. Look for access to or adjustments in general in and outside the building, for instance toilet facilities, canteen, and locker rooms. Look for access to or adjustments in relation to common and collective information.


Š University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF

Intervjuirawe na menaxerite i {efovite Pretstavete se so davawe na osnovni informacii za pilot proektot na ist na~in kako i vo intervjuto so vrabotenite. Mo`ni pra{awa za postavuvawe: Koi se glavnite beneficii povrzani so opfa}awe na lu|e so popre~enost vo ovaa kompanija? Kakov vid na posledici imaat ovie beneficii za kompanijata? Koi se glavnite problemi ili predizvici povrzani so opfa}awe na lu|e so popre~enost vo ovaa kompanija? Kako va{ata kompanija gi nadminuva ovie problemi? Kakov vid na prilagoduvawa i adaptacii se napraveni vo ovaa kompanija za da opfati vraboteni so popre~enost ?

Zemete ja vo predvid mo`nosta da ne gi postavite ovie pra{awa: ]e mo`ete li da ni ka`ete za `ivotnata situacija na lu|eto so popre~enost glavno vo ovaa oblast/okolina ? ]e mo`ete li da ni ka`ete za rabotnata situacija na lu|eto so popre~enost glavno vo okolinata? [to e napraveno za da se podobrat rabotnite uslovi za lu|eto so popre~enost vo ovaa oblast/okolina ?

Dopolnitelni informacii Kako dopolnuvawe na intervjuto eden mora da gleda na informacii koi }e mo`at da gi nadopolnat informaciite od intervjuata. Zabele`ete gi pristapite ili prisposobuvawata vo op{ta smisla vnatre vo i nadvor od zgradata, na primer mo`nostite na toaletot, kantina i sobite so {kaf~iwa za vrabotenite. Zabele`ete gi pristapite ili prisposobuvawata vo vrska so zaedni~ki i kolektivni informacii.

Š University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


3. Description of the companies 1. Enigma, located in Bitola is a company that produce plastic materials in their primary form. The total number of employees is 32 of which 15 are disabled. 2. Koper, located in Negotino is a company that produces electrical apparatus for household. The total number of employees is 50 of which 15 are disabled. 3. Blaze TM, located in Negotino is a company that is actually café bar. The total number of employees is 6 of which 3 are disabled … 4. Skandios, located in Kumanovo is a company that produces paper sacks and bags. The total number of employees is 5 of which 3 are disable. 5. Siti Trej, located in Skopje is a company that produces tapes, especially for packing of the tapes, packing toothpicks etc. The total number of employees is 11 of which 5 are disable. 6. Ilinden 2002, located in Stip is an imprinting company. The total number of employees is 29 of which 12 are disable. 7. Ting, located in Kocani is a company that produce mechanic production of process equipment. . The total number of employees is 35 of which 10 are disable.


© University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF

3. Opis na kompaniite 1. Enigma, locirana vo Bitola, e kompanija koja proizveduva plasti~ni materijali vo primarna forma. Vkupniot broj na vraboteni e 32 od koi 15 se popre~eni. 2. Koper, locirana vo Negotino, e kompanija koja proizveduva elektri~ni aparati za doma}instvo. Vkupniot broj na vraboteni e 50 od koi 15 se popre~eni. 3. Bla`e TM, locirana vo Negotino, e kompanija koja vsu{nost e kafe-bar. Vkupniot broj na vraboteni e 6 od koi 3 se popre~eni. 4. Skandios, locirana vo Kumanovo, e kompanija koja proizveduva kni`ni kesi i vre}i. Vkupniot broj na vraboteni e 5 od koi 3 se popre~eni. 5. Siti trejd, locirana vo Skopje e kompanija koja proizveduva lenti, posebno za pakuvawe na lentite, pakuvawe na ~a~kalici i sl. Vkupniot broj na vraboteni e 11 od koi 5 se popre~eni. 6. Ilinden 2002, locirana vo [tip, e pe~atnica. Vkupniot broj na vraboteni e 29 od koi 12 se popre~eni. 7. Ting, locirana vo Ko~ani, e kompanija koja se bavi so mehani~ko proizvodstvo na procesna oprema. Vkupniot broj na vraboteni e 35 od koi 10 se popre~eni.

Š University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF


Workplaces for All A pilot study on employment and working conditions for people with disabilities in Macedonia

Rabotno mesto za Site Pilot studija za vrabotuvawe i rabotnite uslovi za licata so invalidnost vo Makedonija

Š University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius and SINTEF, 2006

University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius Methodius

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