Customer Involvement in Design of Public Service The Finnish Centre for Pensions Sofia Nyyssรถnen
Selected Methods o Netnography o Natural observational techniques to gain an unbiased point of
view. o Consult the relevant public documantation, blogs and company reports. o Interviews o Unstructured : open ended, flexible and free-flowing
o Themed: the themes of the interview well planned before the
actual interview o Face-to-face interviews with experts
Field Study: Netnography Netnography in B-to-B context related to the opinions and
challenges of the professionals in the customer organisations. ”Which online communities and other social spaces do customers who are interested in the Services of ETK congregate to?” ”Kysy työeläkkeestä” on Facebook/Suomi 24 Citizens increasingly well-educated, attuned to their rights as citizens, broad exposure to the voices of opinion leaders on the social security in Finland. Appreciation of public opinion and opportunity to educate people.
Field Study: Expert Interviews Interviews with two Development Managers of ETK Interview arranged arround themes: What role do the service you provide have in the customers’
own processes? How do you anticipate unarticulated needs of customers? Customer-centric approach in the new service development in the future? The themes I sent parked enthusiastic discussion generating spontaneous interaction. Conditions for reflecting on the wider subject. Encourage the interviewees to set the agenda for the interview.
Conclusions Netnography- a way to build high-level customer insight but
may be challenging in the B-to-B context Naturalistic, descriptive, adaptable and focused on the context Unstructured interview in order to compose a narrative case
record to use in my Master’ Thesis Enable the interviewees to answer from their own point of view, not on the basis of received knowledge or what they consider interviewer wants to hear.