Formação de Inglês B1

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English – EFL

Name: __________________________________________

Date: ___/ ___/___


Teacher Sofia Martinho 1


On the beach and in the country



English – EFL

Name: __________________________________________

Date: ___/ ___/___


Teacher Sofia Martinho 1



Check-in assistant- Good morning! Can I have your ticket please? José- Here you are. Check-in assistant- And can I see your passport? José- Well... is my Identity Card OK? Check-in assistant- Certainly. Would you like a window or aisle seat? José- A window seat, please. Check-in assistant- Do you have any luggage? José- Yes. Two suitcases and this bag. Check-in assistant- Here’s your boarding pass. Have a nice flight. José- Thank you.



1. Will passenger John Smith from London please go to airport information? Passenger Smith to airport information. 2. This is the final call for flight BA 783 to London, Gatwick. Will any remaining passengers please proceed to gate 2 immediately. Final call for passengers of BA flight 787. 3. American Airlines regrets to announce the delay of flight AM 0764 to Boston. Passengers should report to the American Airlines desk as soon as possible. 4. United Flights regrets to announce that flight UF 743 is currently delayed. New arrival time: 15:00.


ON THE AIRPLANE Flight attendant- Excuse me, we are about to take off. Please take your seat and fasten your seat belt. José- I’m sorry but I can’t fit my bag up there. Flight attendant- Well... Let me see. Oh... I’m afraid these overhead compartments are full. You’ll have to put your bag under your seat. José- Is that OK? Flight attendant- Yes, don’t worry. But if you prefer, I can take it and put it in another compartment. José- That’s probably better. Flight attendant- Very well then. If you need anything else, just press the call light. José- Thank you.


Flight attendant- Hello! Tea or coffee? José- Coffee, please. Flight attendant- Regular or decaffeinated? José- Sorry? Flight attendant- With or without caffeine? José- Oh... regular, please. Flight attendant- Cream and sugar? José- Just sugar, thank you. Flight attendant- There you go. (...)

Flight attendant- Fish, chicken or vegetarian? José- Chicken, please. Flight attendant- Would you like something to drink? José- Yes. Some orange juice, please. Flight attendant- Here you are. Enjoy your meal.







cost of a plane ticket


the long empty space that you walk down

Please keep your bags out of the aisle so that nobody trips.

aisle seat

the seat that is next to the aisle

I'll give you an aisle seat in case you need to walk around with the baby.



Please wait until everyone is off the plane so that we can assist you.


the bags and suitcases that travellers put their belongings in

I'm afraid your baggage got on the wrong airplane.

baggage, luggage claim

The cost of your meal is covered in your airfare.

place where you pick up your The announcement will direct you to baggage after arrival the correct baggage claim.


warm covering

boarding pass

part of the ticket that you give to the crew as you step onto the plane

bumpy, rough

Example sentence

If you feel cold I can get you a blanket. Your must present your boarding pass at the gate.

up and down movement of the It might be a bumpy ride because aircraft we are flying through a storm.


interior of the aircraft

There is no smoking allowed inside the cabin.

call light

a button passengers can press to get a crew member's attention

If you need anything, just press the call light.


the person who is in charge of the plane


discount airline


the part of the plane where the captain and his co-pilots sit

We aren't doing any more tours of the cockpit because it's almost time to land.


feel good physically, able to relax

Because you have long legs you might be more comfortable in an aisle seat.


free of charge

Would the kids like to go and meet the captain? If you take a charter it will cost you half as much.

We offer complimentary coffee or tea, but you have to pay for alcohol. 4


person who helps the captain If the captain gets sick the co-pilot fly the plane can take over.


within the same country

You should be at the airport two hours ahead of time for domestic flights.

emergency exit

section of the plane that opens in the case of an accident

Are you comfortable sitting next to the emergency exit?


airfare purchased on the internet

You will need to present your identification along with your eticket.

excess baggage

heavier/more bags than you are allowed


You can either pay for your excess baggage or leave one of your bags behind.

more expensive seating, with When you sit in first-class you get better services a better meal to eat.


place where passengers go to Gate 3B is down this hall and to wait to board a plane your right.

headset, earphones

device that allows passengers We will be coming around to sell to listen to music or a movie headsets for five dollars.

international jet lag


For international departures, go up one level.

tiredness due to travelling I'm used to travelling now. My body through different time zones doesn't suffer from jet lag

anymore. land

returning to the ground after being in the air

We will be landing in Tokyo in approximately ten minutes.

life vest, life jacket

a blow-up device that you put Please take a moment to locate the on in an emergency over life vest under your seat. water

motion sickness

a bad feeling in the stomach There is a paper bag in front of you that passengers get during a in case you experience motion sickness. rough ride


more passengers than available seats

overhead bin/compartment

place above the seats for storing luggage

over-sized baggage

items that do not fit in

The flight is overbooked. Four of our passengers will have to wait for the next flight. You'll have to put your bag under your seat because all of the overhead bins are full. Infant car seats and sporting 5

suitcases oxygen mask

equipment can be picked up at the over-sized baggage counter.

a device that goes over a Put your oxygen mask on first person's face, provides air in before putting one on your child. case of cabin air pressure loss


document that proves a person's identification and nationality

Please have your passport out when you go through security.


the person who drives the plane

The pilot is circling over the airport until it is safe to land.


drinks and snacks


a number of seats beside each other


the strip of land that an airplane takes-off and lands on


It's a short flight, so we will be serving refreshments but not a meal. You are in seat B of row nine. The plane almost missed the runway because it was such a bad storm.

device that holds passengers Please remain in your seats while in their seats the seatbelt light is on.

steward (male), man or woman who provides Ask one of the stewardesses for a stewardess (female), service for passengers during pillow if you're tired. flight attendant, air host a flight

It's not a direct flight. We're making one stopover in Toronto.


touching down at more than one airport during a flight

take off

when the plane leaves the ground

We are next in line to take off on this runway.

taxi in, out

driving an airplane to the correct place for taking off or deboarding

Please remain in your seats until we taxi in to the gate.

touch down

when the aircraft wheels land on the ground

That was a very smooth touch down.


rough flight


a seat for pushing elderly, disabled, or injured people

A steward will take you to the gate with a wheelchair.

window seat

seat next to the window where passengers can look out

If your child wants a window seat I can move you back a row.

This turbulence should only last a few minutes.


















CHEMIST (US, druggist)












TELEPHONE (emergency)





English – EFL

Name: __________________________________________

Date: ___/ ___/___


Teacher Sofia Martinho 1


To stay in a hotel you should first make a reservation: You might ask Asking for a hotel room: • I'd like to make a reservation for tonight. • I’d like a room please. • I’d like to reserve a room (for tonight, for March 23rd, for Sunday). • I’d like a room with the view of the lake, if available. • Do you have a single (double) room? • Do you have any rooms left for tonight? Asking about the price: • What’s the room rate? • How much is the charge per night? • How much is a room? • Do I pay in advance? • Could I pay in cash/by credit card/by traveler's check? • How much would it be? Asking about the room: • Does the room have a bath? • Do all the rooms have air-conditioning? • Do they have a phone? • Can I ask you some questions about your facilities? Asking other questions: • Is breakfast included? • When do you serve breakfast? • What time does the dining room open for breakfast? • Could you give me a call at 7 tomorrow morning, please? • Can I use the pool? • What time do I have to check out?

You might be asked Welcoming: • Hello, can I help you? • Good afternoon. May I help you? • Welcome to the ………. Hotel. How may I help you? 3

Asking about the date and time: • When do you want the room for, madam? • When do you need it? Asking about staying duration: • How long will you be staying? • How long would you like to stay? Asking about the kind of the room the clients would like: • What kind of room would you like? • Do you want a single room or a double room? • Do you prefer a smoking or nonsmoking room? • Is a queen-size bed OK? • Does a single queen-size bed meet your approval? Asking about personal information: • What’s your name please? • May (Could) I have your full name, please? • Could you please tell me your name? • How many are in your party? • Who´s the booking for, please, madam? • Would you like a wake-up call?

A sample hotel reservation: Front Desk: Welcome to San Jose Hotel. May I help you? Traveler: I'd like a room please? Front Desk: Would you like a single room or a double? Traveler: I'd like a double room, please? Front Desk: Could you please tell me your name? Traveler: David Fernandez. Front Desk: And how do you spell your last name please? Traveler: F-E-R-N-A-N-D-E-Z. Front Desk: How many are in your party? Traveler: Just two. Front Desk: How long will you be staying? Traveler: Two nights, Saturday and Sunday. Front Desk: How will you be paying? Traveler: With Visa, OK? Front Desk: That is fine. Would you like a wake-up call? Traveler: Yes, I'd like a wake-up call for 7:30. Do you have a pool? Front desk: Yes, we do. On the 2nd floor. Here's your key. Your room number is 109 on the 4th floor. 4

Now try out your own hotel reservation on the phone: Receptionist: Good afternoon, Eastern Hotel. May I help you? You: Receptionist: Certainly. When for, madam/sir? You: Receptionist: How long would you like to stay? You: Receptionist: What kind of room would you like, madam/sir? You: Receptionist: Would you like breakfast? You: Receptionist: It´s eighty four euro per night. You: Receptionist: What’s your name, please, madam/sir? You: Receptionist: Okay, let me make sure I got that right: Mr. and Mrs. ................. . Double room with bath for July 25th, 26th and 27th. Is that correct? You: Receptionist: OK, Mrs./Mr. ................. , your room is booked now. Now all you need to do is give me your phone number. You: Receptionist: Thanks for calling. Eastern Hotel.

The hotel jobs are: - Hotel manager: this person is responsible for all staff. - Marketing Manager: this person finds business for the hotel and organizes advertising. - Accountant: this person does the hotel’s finances and does the accounts for the hotel. - Concierge: responsible for greeting guests at the door and collecting guests and luggage from the airport. - Bartender/Barman: serves guests at the bar. - Head Waiter: serves food and drinks to guests and trains new staff. - Waiter: serves in the restaurant. - Receptionist: this person works behind the front desk; welcomes guests when they arrive and gives them their keys; checks in new guests, sends e-mails and confirms booking; takes the reservations, prepares bills when guests check out, answers the phone and checks records.


Order this conversation between a receptionist and a guest.

Guest: What’s the 14 pounds for? Receptionist: Good morning. May I help you? Guest: Here you are. Receptionist: Could you sign each check here for me? Receptionist: One moment, please, sir... Here’s your bill. Would you like to check and see if the amount is correct?

Guest: Yes, I’d like to check out now. My name’s Adams, room 312. Here’s the key. Guest: Can I pay with traveller’s checks? Receptionist: Here are your receipt and your change, sir. Thank you. Receptionist: That’s for the phone calls you made from your room. Receptionist: Certainly. May I have your passport, please? Guest: Sure. Guest: Thank you. Goodbye.

A client complains about a hotel room. Fill in the gaps with the missing words. anything












Guest: Excuse me, can I 1) ___________ to the manager? Receptionist: I’m afraid he 2) _________in. Is 3) ____________ wrong, Madame? Guest: Yes, there is. We have many 4) ____________ about the room. Receptionist: What’s the problem? Guest: Well, the bedroom is very 5) ________ and it 6) ___________bad. When was the last 7) ________ you cleaned the room? Receptionist: Well, our 8) ____________ clean the rooms every day. Guest: Well, I think they 9) __________to clean our room and I’m not going to stay there. I want my money 10) __________. Receptionist: I’m afraid that won’t be 11) _________. Guest: What? So, I want the complaints 12) ___________. 6

English – EFL

Name: __________________________________________

Date: ___/ ___/___


Good morning/afternoon/evening, Lúcia Barbosa speaking. Who is calling, please?

Introducing yourself • This is Paulo Santos speaking. • Hello, this is Paulo Santos from Câmara Municipal de Estarreja. Asking for someone • • • •

Could I speak to Mr. Pereira, please? Can I speak to Mrs. Silva? I would like to speak to Mr. Pereira. Could you put me through to Mrs. Silva, please?

Explaining the purpose of your call • • • • •

I’m phoning about… The reason I’m calling is… I need some information about… It’s in connection with… I’m ringing to….

Problems • • • • • • •

I’m afraid Mr. Pereira isn’t in at the moment. I’m sorry he is in a meeting now. I’m afraid he is on another line right now. I’m sorry, I don’t understand. I cannot hear you very well. You must have dialed the wrong number. I’ve tried to get through several times, but it’s always engaged.

Putting someone on hold • • •

Hold on a moment,please. / Hold on, please. Hold the line, please. Just a moment, please.

Teacher Sofia Martinho 1

Putting someone through • • • •

One moment, please. I’ll put you through. I’ll connect you. I’m connecting you now.

Taking a note • • • • • • •

Can I take a note? Would you like to leave a message? Can I give him / her any information? I’ll tell Mr. Pereira that you called. I’ll ask him/her to call you. I’ll make sure Mrs. Silva rings you as soon as possible. At what number can you be reached?

IMPORTANT VOCABULARY answering machine

something that you can record a message on if the person you are calling isn't home

busy signal

a beeping sound that tells the caller that the other person is already on the phone with someone else


a telephone conversation, to telephone


the person who telephones

call back/phone back call display

to call someone who called you first a screen that shows you who is calling

cellular phone/ cell phone

a telephone that you can take with you away from your house, mobile phone

to dial

a phone that is not attached to the wall (you can walk short distances with it at home or in the garden) to press the buttons on the phone

phone book

a book that alphabetically lists phone numbers of people

to hang up

end a phone call


a person who answers the telephone at work a small machine you wear that makes a noise (or vibrates) when someone wants you to call them

cordless phone

pager phone

a telephone (noun), to telephone (verb)

phone booth/ pay phone

a place where you can pay to use a telephone in public

to pick up

to answer the phone


the sound a phone makes when somebody calls 2

EXERCISE 1 Translate the following sentences into Portuguese. Pick up the phone! _____________________________________________________ I’ll put the call through. _________________________________________________ Don’t hang up, please. __________________________________________________ The line is busy. _______________________________________________________ Dial 112 in case of emergency. ___________________________________________

EXERCISE 2 Complete the following dialogue with the given words.

Number; please; address; help; repeat; about; problem; much; calling; hold on; Clerk: Silvia's Pizza. How can I _____________ you? Customer: Good afternoon. I would like to order a pizza, please. Clerk: Can I have your name and address, _____________? Customer: My name is André Monteiro. My _____________ is Front Street. Clerk: Is that an apartment or a house? Customer: It's an apartment. _____________ seventeen. Clerk: Okay. And what would you like to order today? Customer: I would like a large pizza with ham, mushrooms, olives and extra cheese. Clerk: I'm sorry, I don’t understand. Can you _____________, please? Customer: No _____________. That's a large pizza. Clerk: Large pizza. Okay. Customer: And I would like it with ham and mushrooms. Clerk: Ham and mushrooms. Is there anything else? Customer: Yes, olives and extra cheese please. Clerk: Okay. Customer: Great. And how long will that be? Clerk: It will be _____________ thirty minutes, Mr. Monteiro. Customer: And how _____________ will it cost? Clerk: Can you please _____________ while I check with the kitchen? Customer: Sure… Clerk: I’m back. The pizza costs 12€. Customer: Thank you. I’ll wait for you. Clerk: Okay. Thanks for _____________. See you soon.




Write a dialogue using the phrases from the box. (Escreva um diálogo usando as frases no quadro.)


∗ EDP. How can I help you? ∗ Good afternoon. Adelaide Matos speaking. ∗ Who would you like to speak to? ∗ Can you tell him that I called, please? ∗ Hold the line, I'll put you through. ∗ Can I speak to Mr. Ramalho, please? ∗ I'm afraid Mr. Ramalho is not available at the moment. ∗ He will be back any minute. ∗ Yes, I’ll tell him that you called. ∗ You’re welcome. Have a nice day! ∗ This is Rui Silva speaking. ∗ I would like to speak to Mr. Ramalho, please. ∗ Do you know when he will be back? ∗ Thank you. Have a good afternoon!


A: _____________________________________ B: _____________________________________ A: _____________________________________ B: _____________________________________ C: _____________________________________ C: _____________________________________ A: _____________________________________ C: _____________________________________

_______________________________________ A: _____________________________________ C: _____________________________________ A: _____________________________________ C: _____________________________________ A: _____________________________________

C: _____________________________________ 4

English – EFL

Name: __________________________________________

Date: ___/ ___/___


Teacher Sofia Martinho 1



Match the activity to the place.

1. Park a car 2. Buy fruits and vegetables 3. Go dancing and have a drink 4. Buy pills and medicines



Post office Bank Greengrocer

5. Buy meat and sausage Disco 6. Change money Cinema 7. Get well when you are ill 8. Have a meal

Music shop Chemist

9. Post a letter/ buy stamps

Clothes shop

10. Read and borrow a book


11. See a film

Car park

12. Take a bus 13. Buy clothes

Restaurant Pet shop Hospital

14. Buy pets Bus stop 15. Swim Swimming - pool 16. Have your hair cut 17. Buy food and drinks

Hairdresser Library

18. Buy some Cds


THE CITY Match the places and pictures. __ airport __ bus station __ car park __ cinema __ disco __ hospital __ hotel __ market __ police station __ post office __ restaurant __ school __ station

__ bank __ beach __ bookshop __ bridge __ bus stop __ chemist’s __ church __ garage __ mountains __ museum __ petrol station __ phone box __ river __ sea __ supermarket __ theatre __ toilets



Use the words in the box to complete the text.

far as

second turning through

straight on next to

right along

on as far as

Hi! This is how you get to Turner Square to the Station: go _______ ___ as ____ ____the crossroads. Then go _________ central Avenue and take the __________ ___________ on the ________. Go straight on ___ ____ ____ the tunnel. Go ________ the tunnel and then you will find the Station ____ your right, just ______ ____ the street.


Match questions and answers. A. B. C. D. E.

Can you tell me the way to the Video Shop, please? Excuse me, how do I get to the Church from here? Is it near? Is there a bus to the Park from here? Where do I get off for the Hospital?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Yes, a number 12. It goes from this bus stop to the Park. No, sorry, I can’t. I’m a stranger, too. Go along this street, then at the crossroads turn right. You can’t miss it. No, it’s two hours from here. It’s the third stop.

Moving around Asking for and giving directions

Asking for directions: - Where is…?

- go down

- Haw far is…?

- go up

- Which way is…?

- go along - go straight ahead/on

- Can you tell me the way to…?

- take the second on the right

- How can I get to…?

- turn left - turn right

Means of transport

Prepositions of place:

(how can we travel?): - by bike - by ship - by car - by bus - by train - by taxi - by boat - in a caravan - by plane - by motorbike

- In front of - Opposite - Next to - Between - Near - In - By - Behind - On the corner of - On the right (of) - On the left (of) 6

English – EFL

Name: __________________________________________ Date: ___/ ___/___

At the Bus Station DIALOGUE Cashier - Good morning. How can I help you? Useful English Phrases Telling the time - Exact hour = It’s six o’clock; - Quarter (15 minutes) = It’s a quarter past six; - Half (30 minutes) = It’s half past six; - Quarter (15 minutes) = It’s a quarter to seven. - 12 = midday; - 24 = midnight;

José - Good morning. I’d like to buy a ticket to the airport, please. Cashier - When would you like to leave? José - Tomorrow morning, as early as possible. Cashier - There’s a bus leaving every two hours, starting at 6:00. José - 6:00? That’s too early... And there’s another at 8:00? Cashier - Yes. That’s correct. José - I’d like a ticket for that one. Cashier - Sure. Will that be one-way or round-trip? José - One-way. Cashier - Here you go. That’s 22 dollars, please.

- In the morning = a.m.

José- Here it is. Thank you. - In the afternoon=p.m.

Cashier - Thank you. Have a nice trip.

If you say the minutes first and then the hours, use past


and to as in the following examples.

ONE-WAY - moving/traveling in one direction only. - 5:20 - It’s twenty past five. / It’s five twenty. - 2:10 - It’s ten past two. / It’s two ten. - 3:40 - It’s twenty to four. / It’s three forty.

I bought a one-way ticket because I don’t know when I’m coming back. ROUND-TRIP - A trip to one or more places and back again. I booked a round-trip because it was actually cheaper than buying a one-way ticket.

- 6:55 - It’s five to seven. / It’s six fifty five.

Teacher Sofia Martinho 1

English – EFL

EXERCISES 1. Practice saying and writing the following time: 8:00 - __________________________________________________________ 9:10 - __________________________________________________________ 10:30 - _________________________________________________________ 11:15 am - _______________________________________________________ 12:00 - _________________________________________________________ 00:00 - _________________________________________________________ 6:40 pm - _______________________________________________________ 7:45 - __________________________________________________________

2. Choose the most appropriate answer: a. “One-way or round-trip?” a. “What do you mean round? I want to go straight to the airport.” b. “One-way, please“ c. “Round-trip. I ‘ll never come back!” b. “Have you got the time?” a. “No. I’m sorry.” b. “Yes. I’m very young.” c. “Ups... I’ll take a rain check.” “ c. “I’m running out of time.” a. “Maybe you’ll catch it if you keep running!” b. “You’d better hurry up then!” c. “I know what you mean. Life goes by so fast...”

Teacher Sofia Martinho 2

English – EFL

Name: __________________________________________

Date: ___/ ___/___


Teacher Sofia Martinho 1


Which vegetables do you like? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Which of these vegetables grow where you live? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________











English – EFL

Name: __________________________________________

Date: ___/ ___/___


Name your favourite ways of cooking food. ____________________________________________ Note: Food which is not cooked is raw.

Teacher Sofia Martinho 1


At the restaurant



Bread and butter

Roast or boiled potatoes

French onion soup


Egg mayonnaise

Peas and carrots

Vegetables soup

Green salad

Desserts Main courses

Vanilla ice-cream

Roast beef

Fresh fruit salad


Apple pie

Grilled lamb chops


Roast lamb with mint sauce

Red or white wine

Grilled sole


Fried salmon

Coke Mineral water

1- Sequence the actions from A – J pay the check

serve the meal

pour the water

leave a tip

carry the tray

take the order

seat the costumer

clear the table

order from the menu

set the table


2- Read the following dialogue at a restaurant.

WAITER: Good evening. COSTUMER: Good evening. I’d like to see the menu, please. WAITER: Here you are, sir. COSTUMER: Thank you. WAITER: What would you like to start with? COSTUMER: I’d like French onion soup. WAITER: And then… may I suggest something different – like roast lamb? Have you ever tried it? COSTUMER: No, never, but… I don’t want that. WAITER: Well, would you like to try the steak? It is very good today. COSTUMER: Yes, please. I’d like a steak. WAITER: Rare, medium or well done? COSTUMER: Well done, please. WAITER: What sort of vegetables would you like to accompany? Maybe some mushrooms? COSTUMER: Well, I prefer some peas and carrots. WAITER: Very good. Do you want to order your dessert now? COSTUMER: What do you suggest? WAITER: The apple pie is very delicious. Do you want to try it? COSTUMER: Yes, apple pie, please. WAITER: Certainly, sir. Anything to drink with your meal? COSTUMER: I’d like an orange juice. WAITER: Good, I hope you enjoy your meal. Call me if you need anything. … COSTUMER: Waiter, please! WAITER: Yes, sir. COSTUMER: I’d like the bill, please. WAITER: Here you are. COSTUMER: Thank you and have a nice day. 4

3- Now complete the following dialogue with the given sentences.

WAITER: Good evening. 1. COSTUMER: ………………………………………………….. WAITER: Here you are, sir. COSTUMER: Thank you. 2. WAITER: ………………………………………………...…….. COSTUMER: I’d like French onion soup. 3. WAITER: And then…………………………………..……….. COSTUMER: Yes, please. I’d like a steak. 4. WAITER: ……………………………………………...……….. COSTUMER: Well done, please. WAITER: What sort of vegetables would you like to accompany? Maybe some mushrooms? 5. COSTUMER: ………………………………………………….. WAITER: Very good. Do you want to order your dessert now? 6. COSTUMER: ………………………………..………………… WAITER: The apple pie is very delicious. Do you want to try it? 7. COSTUMER: ………………………………….………………. 8. WAITER: Certainly, sir. ………………………..…………….. 9. COSTUMER: ………………………………………………….. WAITER: Good. Enjoy your meal. Call me if you need anything. … 10. COSTUMER: Waiter, please! ……………………………….. WAITER: Yes, sir. Here you are. 11. COSTUMER: …………….…..……………………………….. WAITER: It’s 35£. COSTUMER: Here you are. Keep the change. 12. WAITER: ……………………..……………………………….. COSTUMER: Goodbye. o o o o o o o o o o o o

Thank you sir and have a nice day. Rare, medium or well done? Good evening. I’d like to see the menu, please. I’d like the bill, please Well, I prefer some peas and carrots. What would you like to start with? I’d like an orange juice. How much is it? What do you suggest? Well, would you like to try the steak? It is very good today. Yes, apple pie, please. Anything to drink with your meal?


COMPLAINING ABOUT FOOD a) It’s too hot. b) It’s too cold. c) They are overdone. d) The service is too slow. e) It’s too expensive.

The following sentences are useful when complaining about food. - too + adjective It’s too hot. - not + adjective + enough This water isn’t cold enough. - there + be not + enough + noun There isn’t enough ice. - over/under + past participle This steak is undercooked.

PRACTICE Imagine you are a guest at a restaurant and that you have to complain about some part of the service. Write a conversation between you and a waiter. Use some of these phrases:

I’m sorry, sir/madam.

There’s been a mistake.

I’ll check the bill.

I’ll deal with it right away.

We’ll deduct from the bill.

I’ll bring another one straightaway.

I’ll be with you in a minute.

I’ll ask the chef to heat it up.


English – EFL

Name: __________________________________________

Date: ___/ ___/___


Example: A: Excuse me. Where is the store directory? B: It’s over there, next to the Jewelry Counter. A: Thank you. B: We’re welcome.

Teacher Sofia Martinho 1





English – EFL

Name: __________________________________________

Date: ___/ ___/___


Teacher Sofia Martinho 1





SHOPPING FOR A MINISKIRT At Carol’s boutique in the Norwich Shopping Centre… Shop assistant: Can I help you? Susan: Yes, I’m looking for a miniskirt. Shop assistant: What size are you? Susan: I’m a small. Shop assistant: What colour would you like? Susan: Perhaps pink or light green. Shop assistant: How about this one? Susan: Yes, that’s nice. Can I try it on? Shop assistant: Certainly, the changing rooms are over there. Susan: Thank you. Shop assistant: How does it fit? Susan: It’s too tight. Do you have a larger one? Shop assistant: Yes, here you are. Susan: Thank you. I’ll take it, please. Shop assistant: Ok, how would you like to pay? Susan: Do you take credit cards? Shop assistant: Yes, we do. Visa, Master Card and American Express. Susan: Ok, here’s my Visa. Shop assistant: Please, costumers must go to the cash desk. Thank you. Have a nice day! Susan: Thank you, goodbye!

1. Find words in the text which mean… … a shop where you can buy fashionable clothes. ________________ … a place with many shops either outside or indoors. ________________ … the place where you can try on clothes in a shop. ________________ … the place where you pay for things in a shop. ________________ … a person who works in a shop. ________________ … people who buy things in a shop. ________________

2. What do you think? Are these prices expensive, reasonable, or cheap? ___________ 60€ for a pair of jeans.


100€ for a tie.

___________ 1€ for a cup of coffee.


8€ for a shirt.

___________ 20€ for a glass of wine.


7€ for a movie ticket. 4

MONEY EXPRESSIONS 1. Look at the two receipts.

2. Use words you find on these receipts to fill in the blanks: a) Money that you receive from a clerk along with your receipt: _________________ b) Money that you pay to the government: _________________ c) The cost of an item before tax: _________________ d) The amount that you save off of the regular price: _________________ e) Money you give for good service: _________________ f) Money that includes tax, discounts, and the price: _________________

VOCABULARY Terms of Payment

I'd like to pay (in) cash. I'll put it on my credit card. Can I charge it? Could you put that on my bill? Could I put that on my account? Could you send me an invoice? Could you bill me (for that)?

May I:

Pay in cash. Pay by check. Pay by credit card. Pay with a credit card. Pay in instalments.

Could you deliver it to my office? Do you charge for shipping? Do I need to pay for postage and handling? How long will it take? 5

English – EFL

Name: __________________________________________

Date: ___/ ___/___

HEALTH 1- Match the words with the pictures.

1- blood pressure 2- stretcher 3- patient 4- consultation 5- nurse 6- doctor 7- surgeon 8- CPR 9- pills 10- prescription 11- emergency kit 12- stethoscope 13- syringe 14- wheelchair 15- surgery 16- hospital 17- thermometer 18- ambulance

2- Match the definition with the right word:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Doctor CPR X-ray Hospital Surgery Ambulance

a) low-dose radiation used to take pictures of internal body structures. b) a medical institution where sick are given medical or surgical care. c) vehicle equipped for carrying sick and wounded persons. d) a procedure involving major incisions to remove, repair, or replace a part of a body. e) a person who practices medicine. f) artificial respirations and chest compressions are used to restart the heart and lungs.

Teacher Sofia Martinho 1

3- Match the doctor’s instructions with the treatment. 1) rub a little bit once a day

a) eye drops

2) you should go to hospital with this broken leg

b) pain killers

3) take one of them before going to sleep

c) antibiotics

4) take five drops four times a day

d) plaster

5) take one every twelve hours for five days

e) ointment

4- Pay attention to the following


EXPRESSIONS - extract a tooth /take out a tooth - a prescription /to prescribe - poor health

- feel dizzy - have a headache - have a toothache - have a stomachache - have a sore throat - lose consciousness - have high blood pressure - sneeze - have a temperature - have fever - feel breathless


- bandage - nervous breakdown - excessive eating - vaccination /to vaccinate/ - cancer - examine someone - pneumonia - operate on somebody - heart attack - fatal disease - sunburn - appendicitis


Everyone gets sick at one time or another and needs to go to drug store or chemist’s to get some medicine. If it's a minor condition, you can get overover-thethe-counter medication. medication If not, you may need to get a prescription prescription from a doctor first. Maybe you just need some allergy medication for hay fever, or aspirin for a headache, or antacid for an upset stomach. In this case you may have to talk to the pharmacist.


Expressions Expressions What do you recommend for (... a cold)? Do you have anything for a (... sore throat)? What do you suggest for (... an upset stomach)? I need something for a (... headache)?

AT A CHEMIST’S Pharmacist: Good morning, may I help you? Customer: Yes, I need this prescription filled. Pharmacist: OK, it’ll be ready in a few minutes. Customer: I’ve also had a runny nose for a couple of days, can you recommend something? Pharmacist: This decongestant is very effective, but be careful using it. It causes drowsiness and you shouldn’t drink any alcohol when taking this it. Customer: OK, I’ll try it. I also need some band-aides and sun screen. Where are those? Pharmacist: The band-aides are on aisle 3, on the left, and the sun screen is on aisle 2, on the top shelf. Customer: Thanks! Pharmacist: Will that be all? Customer: That should do it. Pharmacist: That comes to $34.56. Customer: That expensive! Why so much? Pharmacist: The prescription medication is expensive. It costs $25.99. I may be able to get you a generic drug for about half that price, but I would have to consult your doctor first. Customer: No, that’s OK. Don’t bother. Pharmacist: Here’s your change. Have a good day.


English – EFL

Name: __________________________________________

Date: ___/ ___/___

EVERY DAY DIALOGUES At the Bank Most people, at one time or another, have dealings with banks. Individuals may have savings or checking accounts, need loans for the purchase of autos or houses, or seek advice and assistance with investment options. Companies need banking services to conduct their businesses. Tourists may need banks to cash travellers’ checks or get cash against credit cards. Below are some common expressions heard at a bank.



I want to (... cash a check)?

Certainly. Do you have an ID?

I would like to (... make a deposit into my

Please complete this deposit slip.

checking account). I need to withdrawal $500 from my savings

Of course. Do you have your passbook?

account. I





for (...a

Please see the woman at the new accounts

bank guarantee card).

desk over there.

Who would I talk to (... about a car loan)?

You will have to see Mr. Ellison in the loan department.

Banking Vocabulary Automatic deposit - a bank service that allows people to deposit money directly into their bank accounts. Saving account - money put in the bank for long term saving. Checking account - money put in the bank to be taken out periodically for purchases or bills. Loans - money given to you by the bank which you pay back over time. Collateral - something of value as a guarantee for a loan.

Teacher Sofia Martinho 1

Interest - charges for using the banks’ money. Check - an instrument issued by banks to its customers that allow them to make purchases instead of using cash. Mortgage - a loan for a house. Deposit - put money into the bank account. Withdrawal - money taken out of the bank account. Teller - a bank clerk. Deposit/withdrawal slips - forms that are filled out when depositing or withdrawing money. Bank guarantee card - a bank card that assures payees that a check is good. Monthly statement - a financial listing of your banking activities (money deposited and withdrawn, interest charged). Open an account - to start a bank account. Close an account - to end an account. Travellers’ check - a prepaid check used by tourists issued by a bank that can be cashed in banks worldwide.


Teller: Next please. How may I help you? Customer: Yes, I’d like to make a withdrawal from my saving account and cash a check. Teller: Certainly sir. Please complete this withdrawal slip, with your name, account number and amount of withdrawal. Customer: There you go. Teller: Thank you. How would you like that? Customer: Could I have two hundreds, two fifties, and the rest in twenties. Teller: Here you are. I need you to endorse the back of the check you want to cash and I’ll need to see an ID, please. Customer: Sure. Teller: Here you are. Will that be all today? Customer: Yes, that will do it. Thanks. Teller: Thank you. Have a pleasant day.


Talking to Police and Firemen Hopefully you will never have to talk to a policeman or fireman in an official capacity. As we all know, if a policeman or fireman is talking to you as part of their job, something bad has happened - either a fire or a crime. But these situations could occur and you should be prepared for them.



119: You have reached the police and fire emergency. What is the nature of your call? Caller: Hurry! I need the fire department. My neighbor's house is on fire. 119: Please remain calm, sir. Could I have the address? Caller: Yes, it's 715 Fillmore. Hurry! 119: A fire truck is on its way sir. Now, could I have your name and telephone? Caller: My name is Jack Thomas and the number is 993-7787. 119: Are you calling from your house? Caller: Yes, I live across the street. 119: Do you know if anyone is in the burning house? Caller: No, there isn't; they got out safely. The owner is trying to put out the fire with a garden hose, by spraying water through a broken window. 119: I see. As I said, a fire truck is on the way and it should be there in a minute or two. Caller: I hear the sirens now. 119: Could you stay on the line until they arrive? Caller: Sure.


Police: Could I have your driver’s license and registration please? Driver: Is there a problem officer? Police: Your driver’s license and registration please. Driver: OK . . . here you go. Police: The speed limit along this road is 45 kilometers per hour. You were clocked in excess of 65. Driver: Really? It's a new car. You know how they are, they drive so smoothly you don't realize how fast you're going. 3

Police: Yes sir, but that's still no excuse. Driver: Sounded good. Police: Sir, could you please step out of the car? Driver: Can’t I just sit here while you write the ticket? Police: No sir. According to the dispatcher, you have four outstanding traffic tickets and a failure to appear citation. I'm afraid I have to take you in. Please put your hands behind your back so I can handcuff you. Driver: I don't suppose a bribe would help? Police: Not unless you want another charge against you. Driver: Forget I mentioned it.

Have you ever reported a fire or been in a house fire? Tell about your experience and give information about: •

when did it occur;

where did it occur;

what did you do;

did firemen arrive to put out the fire;

was everyone safe.

Asking for Help Everyone needs help from time to time and most people are willing to give it in a time of need. Most of the time of course the help needed is for something minor. But sometimes the help may be a matter of life or death. The expressions below are generally used for minor assistance.



To offer help Would you like some help?

Yes, that would be great.

Can I give you a hand?

Thanks, much obliged.

Do you need a hand?

No thanks, I've got it.

May I offer my assistance?

That would be so kind, thank you. 4

To ask for help Could you give me a hand?


Would you mind helping me out?

Not at all.

Could you help me please?

My pleasure.

As with help, people need advice from time to time. Look at the expressions that can be used when asking for or giving advice. Expressions


When asking for advice

When giving advice

What do you think I should do?

Why don’t you (.... take a taxi instead, it's

That’s a good idea. What would you do in my shoes? Maybe you’re right. Do you have any ideas about what to do?

faster.) Did



about (....



medicine at the chemist’s)? I think you should (.... see a doctor).

Thanks for the advice. What would you suggest? That might work. I didn’t think of that. Can you think of anything that might help?

Have you considered (.... the local markets? Sometimes they have great deals). One option may be to (.... call your embassy).

Thanks, I'll try that.

Dialogue Barry: Could you give me a hand this weekend? Larry: Doing what? Barry: Landscaping my yard. Larry: That sounds like a big job. Barry: It might be, it depends on how I decide to do it. Larry: You don’t know yet? Barry: I can’t make up my mind. I’m vacillating between desert landscape with cacti or lush green grass with lots of flowers. What do you think it should be? Larry: Well, a desert landscape has a lot less maintenance, but nothing beats a nice green lawn. Barry: Thus my dilemma. What would you do? Larry: Let me ask you this: how much time will you spend out there? Barry: With my schedule, probably not much. Larry: Then I would go with the desert. Keeping up a grass lawn is a lot of work. Barry: Yeah, I think you're right. 5

English – EFL

Name: __________________________________________

Date: ___/ ___/___


Teacher Sofia Martinho 1






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