Job Description’s BOOKLET
MCB Regional Chair NST North Region
NST Bajío Region
NST Center Region
NST South Region MCB Innovation
NST Member Specialist
NST Exchange Specialist
NST Strategy
NST Design & Implementation MCB Information Management
NST External Communication
NST Global cooperation & Information
NST Internal Communication
MCB Regional Chair
6 Months Term
NST North Region
NST Bajío Region
NST Center Region
NST South Region
•The MCB Regional Chair will be in charge of managing the tracking core team of all the operations in the LCs. •The person in this position is the principal responsible to lead the regions NST, to fulfill the evaluations, track the numbers, development, cluster selection and performance. •Is the responsible to track the coach development, the needs, and the behaviors. •The information Manager has to be present at the meetings with the area for the planning, assignment and follow-up of activities.
Investigation, proactivity, open minded, communication skills, strategic thinking. Office package. Every MCB in the OD team will be in charge of creating specific manuals in collaboration with the MCVP OD for the establishment of straight procedures for all the activities to be incorporated to the area basis.
The person in this position will receive special trainings of leadership, information management, AIESEC branding, emotional intelligence, GIS Knowledge, strategic thinking, time management. Gmail, dropbox, drive and podio administration, wix creation and administration.
MCB Regional Chair
6 Months Term
NST North Region
NST Bajío Region
NST Center Region
NST South Region
•The Regional NST will be in charge of report and track all the operations in the region LCs. •The person in this position is the principal responsible to fulfill the SONA evaluations and deliver the results, track the numbers, development, cluster selection and performance. •Is the responsible to procure the necessary coach in the affected areas, to track the needs and find solutions supported by the information and innovation team. •The Regional NST will be in charge of join the LC planning to teach, track and measure the performance. •The regional NST has to be present at the meetings with the area for the planning, assignment and follow-up of activities. •The regional coach will travel at least one time to the coach cities to reinforces and have a close track of all the activities, (the expenses will be covered bye the region LCs by TCS).
Investigation, proactivity, communication skills, strategic thinking. Office package. Every MCB in the OD team will be in charge of creating specific manuals in collaboration with the MCVP OD for the establishment of straight procedures for all the activities to be incorporated to the area basis.
The person in this position will receive special trainings of leadership, information management, AIESEC branding, emotional intelligence, GIS Knowledge, strategic thinking, time management. Google plus, dropbox, mailchimp, drive and podio administration, wix creation and administration. Emotional behaviors, human resources management.
MCB Innovation
6 Months Term
NST Member Specialist
NST Exchange Specialist
NST Strategy
NST Design & Implementation
•The MCB innovation team leader will be in charge of managing all the new features in the AIESEC network, this could be by adapting, creating, investigating, etc. •This innovations have to be evaluated by the Regions coordination, and carefully followed by all the tem so we can ensure the innovations are working in all the entities, and so if we need to make some significant changes for achieving better results. •The information Manager has to be present at the meetings with the area for the planning, assignment and follow-up of activities.
Investigation, proactivity, open minded, communication skills, strategic thinking. Office package. Every MCB in the OD team will be in charge of creating specific manuals in collaboration with the MCVP OD for the establishment of straight procedures for all the activities to be incorporated to the area basis.
The person in this position will receive special trainings of leadership, information management, AIESEC branding, emotional intelligence, GIS Knowledge, strategic thinking, time management. Gmail, dropbox, drive and podio administration, wix creation and administration.
MCB Innovation
6 Months Term
NST Member Specialist
NST Exchange Specialist
NST Strategy
NST Design & Implementation
•The NST Design and implementation will be in charge of intermediate between MCVP MKT’s team, so we can increase the innovation with a great development and knowingly. •This person will be in charge to present the Strategy innovations, to test, argue, and have feedback sessions with the MCVP MKT and the national team involved in any innovation. •This person will be in charge of collect the mentioned areas’ needs so the team can work on it and solve the proposed tasks.
Preferred previous VP MKT, design skills, strategic thinking, communication skills. Constant searching for environment situations. Office package. Every MCB in the OD team will be in charge of creating specific manuals in collaboration with the MCVP OD for the establishment of straight procedures for all the activities to be incorporated to the area basis.
The person in this position will receive special trainings of information management, AIESEC branding, compendium knowledge, emotional intelligence, GIS Knowledge, strategic thinking, time management. Cultural behaviors. Critical thinking & global analysis.
MCB Innovation NST Member Specialist
6 Months Term
NST Exchange Specialist
NST Strategy
NST Design & Implementation
•The NST Exchange specialist will be in charge of intermediate between MCVP BD’s, AD’s & MKT’s team, so we can increase the innovation with a great development and knowingly. •This person will be in charge to present the Strategy innovations, to test, argue, and have feedback sessions with the MCVPs and the national team involved in any innovation. •This person will be in charge of collect the mentioned areas’ needs so the team can work on it and solve the proposed tasks.
Long term vision, strategic thinking, communication skills. Constant searching for environment situations. Office package. Every MCB in the OD team will be in charge of creating specific manuals in collaboration with the MCVP OD for the establishment of straight procedures for all the activities to be incorporated to the area basis.
The person in this position will receive special trainings of information management, AIESEC branding, compendium knowledge, emotional intelligence, GIS Knowledge focused on Xs, strategic thinking, time management. Cultural behaviors. Decision making.
MCB Innovation
6 Months Term
NST Member Specialist
NST Exchange Specialist
NST Strategy
NST Design & Implementation
•The NST Exchange specialist will be in charge of intermediate between the exchangers team, so we can increase the innovation with a great development and knowingly. •This person will be in charge to present the Xs innovations, to test, argue, and have feedback sessions with the MCVPs and the national team involved in any innovation. •This person will be in charge of collect the mentioned areas’ needs so the team can work on it and solve the proposed tasks.
XPP knowledge, experience in Xs areas, communication skills, emotional intelligence. Office package. Every MCB in the OD team will be in charge of creating specific manuals in collaboration with the MCVP OD for the establishment of straight procedures for all the activities to be incorporated to the area basis.
The person in this position will receive special trainings of information management, AIESEC branding, compendium knowledge, emotional intelligence, GIS Knowledge focused on Xs, strategic thinking, time management.
MCB Innovation
6 Months Term
NST Member Specialist
NST Exchange Specialist
NST NST Strategy
Design & Implementation
•The NST Member specialist will be in charge of intermediate between the MCVP TM & Education, so we can increase the innovation with a great development and knowingly. •This person will be in charge to present the members innovations, to test, argue, and have feedback sessions with the MCVPs and the national team involved in any innovation. •This person will be in charge of collect the mentioned areas’ needs so the team can work on it and solve the proposed tasks.
Team minimums knowledge, preferred VPTM background. Office package. Every MCB in the OD team will be in charge of creating specific manuals in collaboration with the MCVP OD for the establishment of straight procedures for all the activities to be incorporated to the area basis.
The person in this position will receive special trainings of information management, compendium knowledge, emotional intelligence, GIS Knowledge focused on members, strategic thinking, time management.
MCB Information Management
6 Months Term
NST External Communication
NST Global cooperation & Information
NST Internal Communication
•The person in charge of the AIESEC information management, has the responsibility to control the information for the network, which involves recording, designing and structuring information to be presented in a fun and easy way to be understood by the network either internally or externally. •The information management team will be in charge of spread the GIS knowledge to the internal network. •The information Manager has to be present at the meetings with the area for the planning, assignment and follow-up of activities.
Facebook manage, communication skills, strategic thinking. Knowledge of a professional messaging company (mailchimp or other). Office package. Every MCB in the OD team will be in charge of creating specific manuals in collaboration with the MCVP OD for the establishment of straight procedures for all the activities to be incorporated to the area basis.
The person in this position will receive special trainings of leadership, information management, AIESEC branding, emotional intelligence, GIS Knowledge, strategic thinking, time management. Gmail, dropbox, drive and podio administration, wix creation and administration.
MCB Information Management
6 Months Term
NST External Communication
NST Global cooperation & Information
NST Internal Communication
The person in charge of the internal communication has the responsibility to control and generate information for the internal network, which involves recording, designing and structuring information to be presented in a fun and easy way to be understood. The information management team will be in charge of spread the GIS knowledge between members. The Internal communication NST will be in charge of spread the external information and tools gathered by the Global cooperation NST or the innovation team, to ensure this information and tools are well received. The internal communication NST will be in charge of collect the information for the monthly newsletter.
Facebook manage, communication skills, strategic thinking. Gmail administration knowledge. Spelling skills. Knowledge of a professional messaging company (mailchimp or other) Extra abilities are well received. Office package. Every MCB in the OD team will be in charge of creating specific manuals in collaboration with the MCVP OD for the establishment of straight procedures for all the activities to be incorporated to the area basis.
The person in this position will receive special trainings of information management, AIESEC branding, GIS Knowledge, strategic thinking, communication channels, time management.
MCB Information Management
6 Months Term
NST External Communication
NST Global cooperation & Information
NST Internal Communication
The person in charge of the global cooperation and information has the responsibility to find growth opportunities in the AIESEC network, either tools or information, procedures or manuals. Is responsible for helping the MCVP Education to find the best trainers for all the tasks needed so we can have a fully trained membership by the best people in the subject, this could be from AIESEC members or from the external partners. The Global cooperation & Information NST will maintain communication with the Innovation team to heal them localize information and tools for the requirements located within areas.
Investigation, proactivity, open minded, communication skills, strategic thinking. Global understanding, critical thinking. Constant searching for global issues , crisis, social behaviors, world tendencies, Office package, etc. Every MCB in the OD team will be in charge of creating specific manuals in collaboration with the MCVP OD for the establishment of straight procedures for all the activities to be incorporated to the area basis.
The person in this position will receive special trainings of information management, AIESEC branding, strategic thinking, communication channels, time management.
MCB Information Management
6 Months Term
NST External Communication
NST Global cooperation & Information
NST Internal Communication
The person in charge of the external information management has the responsibility to control and generate information for the external AIESEC network, which involves recording, designing and structuring information to be presented in a fun and easy way to be understood by the network. This position has the main responsibility of developing, found and create external communication channels with all the AIESEC network, so we can spread information about the country, opportunities, life, culture, situation, etc.
Facebook manage, communication skills, strategic thinking. Knowledge of a professional messaging company (mailchimp or other) Extra abilities are well received, Spelling skills. Office package. Every MCB in the OD team will be in charge of creating specific manuals in collaboration with the MCVP OD for the establishment of straight procedures for all the activities to be incorporated to the area basis.
The person in this position will receive special trainings of information management, AIESEC branding, strategic thinking, communication channels, time management.