Activity 1_Healthy Eating Name:_________________________________
Oral PresentationContent:
Relates to topic, detailed, and accurate Oral PresentationVocabulary:
4. Distinguished
3. Proficient
2. Apprentice
1. Novice
All content directly related to the topic. Content was thoroughly developed and demonstrated detailed knowledge of the topic. Opinions were supported by fact wherever possible.
Content directly related to the topic. Included many details that demonstrated knowledge of the topic. Most opinions were supported by facts.
Had difficulty explaining how the content and topic relate. Many opinions were not factually supported.
Presentation did not relate to topic. Included few details and relied heavily upon unsupported opinion.
Was successful using vocabulary words related to the topic.
Used a scholarly vocabulary. Used vocabulary words related to the topic many times.
Used vocabulary words related to the topic a few times.
Word choice was too casual. Did not use terms related to the topic.
Props were of exceptional quality. Props contributed to the quality or amount of information being presented. Presenter handled props expertly.
Props were of high-quality, related to the topic, and contributed to the presentation. Handled props smoothly.
Props were marginally related to the topic. Did not thoroughly explain the relationship or importance of the props. Some props were distracting tot he audience.
Visual aids were unrelated to the topic, or presenter failed to explain relevance of the props. Props were distracting for presenter or audience.
Entire presentation focused on the topic. Able to answer audience questions without straying from subject.
Majority of presentation was on-topic. Made effort to return to topic when presentation or audience questions strayed.
Some material was unrelated to the topic, More than half of the presentation did not directly or presenter used unrelated material to address the topic. pad the presentation.
Design was unique and interesting. Used more than five original media items.
Design was original. Used three to five original media items.
Made a few changes to background or layout. Used one or two original media items.
Word choice Oral PresentationProps/Visual Aids: Relates to topic, highquality, not distracting
Oral PresentationStays on Topic: Relevant to the topic Design-Creativity and Originality: Creative design and original artwork
Design-Layout and Organization:
Organized and easy to read
Content was well organized with headings Project was organized with headings and and subheadings. Text and graphics were subheadings. Text and graphics were neatly organized and made the project placed to make the project easy to read. easy to read.
Used only design templates. Media and ideas were not original.
Most of the project was organized. The Project was hard to read. There is no clear placement of text and graphics sometimes structure. Text and graphics were randomly placed. made the project hard to read.