COMMODORE’S REPORT Michael Cook Commodore
Hello Members hope that you all enjoyed your summer holidays and that you were able to enjoy the beautiful waterways in and around our great state. Many of our boating members spent time at Rottnest while others journeyed further south to Mandurah and Geographe. We certainly had the right weather for enjoying our water. At the Club over the summer our sailing section hosted the Goolagatup Sailing Festival. This was once again a success which could not have occurred had it not been for the countless volunteers. We are so lucky to have so many generous and giving members who regularly put up their hands to get things done. Our Club could simply not function without volunteers whether they be on the water in start teams or support and rescue vessels, on land either in the galley or in the On Water Group or as members of the many committees. Thank you once again to all our wonderful hard-working volunteers. Our Club would not function without you! Since my last Soundings, we have had several staff changes. Our new General Manager Keith has been working very hard to acclimatise to his new role. He has made a point of being available to members in the bar each week so that he can get a sense of member priorities. Since he started, Keith has had to navigate several challenges including staff shortages and the ever-changing Covid landscape. I would like to thank Keith and all the staff for hanging in there in these challenging times, I ask members to please remember the staff are not making the rules, they just have to enforce them. Please respect them and follow the protocols without needing to be asked.
Over the last few months, we have had a few challenges with the new kitchen. However, I am happy to say that as I write this article, we seem to be on a positive trajectory. The chefs have hit the nail on the head with the steak sandwich (my fav) and Chef Chris is on a winner with his Beef Wellington. Awesome job guys. This is pleasing as member satisfaction is an area that I am keen to improve. It will be a priority in the Strategic Plan and will always need to be. I know that of late there has been a lot of chat about the impact of functions on the member experience, and so there should be. Our enjoyment and access to our Club facilities, whether it be the gorgeous view or parking, should not be affected by a private function. This is something that the Vice has been working on with F&B. We will be making some decisions on this, with the goal of ensuring the members experience is always a priority. Another area I am keen to review is this magazine. As you would have noticed, our weekly Coffee Pointers email has really evolved and now provides lots of information for members, with much more than ever before with section updates and detailed reports of Club events. This combined with our regular social media updates, raises the question, is our Soundings Magazine still relevant? This is something we are and will continue to review, as printing is not cheap. So, as you can see, we have a lot to do. While it is busy, it is important that we get things right. My team and I will continue to work hard and do our best for you, the members. I hope to see you at the Club soon.