2013 - 2014 Musician Handbook
Photos by Doug Ford
ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE GENERAL: 360.352.1438 (Voice mail) EMAIL: studentorchestras@gmail.com WEBSITE: www.studentorchestras.org MAILING ADDRESS: 1629 22nd Ave SE Olympia WA 98501 OFFICE HOURS Hours vary. Please leave a phone message or email. REHEARSAL & AUDITION LOCATION First Christian Church 701 Franklin St SE Olympia WA 98501 CONCERT VENUE WA Center for the Performing Arts 512 Washington St SE Olympia WA 98501 360.753.8586 olytix.org ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Greg Allison, Artistic Director gallison1980@comcast.net Krina Allison, Executive Director studentorchestras@gmail.com
Table of Contents Absences……………..…………..................5 Artistic Staff...........................................13 Board……………………….……………..…...14 Concert Details ……….....……………….…....11 Concert Dress..........................................9 Concert Etiquette………….......................10 Concert Season ………………....…….………...4 Fees……………………………......................6 General Information............................7/8 Communications Cancellations Donations Concert CDs and DVDs SOGO Emporium Fundraiser Advertising Community Service Hours Volunteering Musical Opportunities …....…..……………..6 Policies ………………….……....………………...14 Practice Tips ………………....….……………...12 Rehearsal Calendar ……....…………………….4 Student Responsibilities..........................5 Attendance Reporting Absences Safety Percussionists Tickets ……………......…………….................11
Mary Jo Rydholm, Conservatory Librarian studentorchestras@gmail.com
CHANGES OF ADDRESS—phone & email Please inform the SOGO office of any changes in address, phone numbers, email addresses, private teachers and schools via our email at: studentorchestras@gmail.com. We do our best to keep our records current so you will not miss an important mailing. CANCELLATIONS: Inclement conditions 1. www.studentorchestras.org website 2. Call the SOGO phone (360.352.1438) and listen for a recorded message 3. Listen to Mixx96.1 or KGY 1240AM & 96.9FM
2013-2014 SEASON SCHEDULE REHEARSAL (arrive 15 minutes early): Debut Orchestra 3 p.m.—4:45 p.m. Academy Orchestra 3 p.m.—4:45 p.m. Brass Choir 4:30 p.m.—5:15 p.m. Conservatory Orchestra 5 p.m.—7:15 p.m. Ensembles Arranged All rehearsals are on Sundays at First Christian Church DRESS REHEARSAL Sundays at the Washington Center: Brass Choir load-in 11:00 a.m. Brass Choir 11:20 a.m.—11:55 a.m. Debut 12:00 p.m.—12:45 p.m. Academy 12:50 p.m.—1:35 p.m. Conservatory 1:40 p.m.—3:10 p.m. Concert Call Time 3:30 p.m. (concert dress required) REHEARSAL CALENDAR There are slight differences in the calendar for each group. Be sure to check the web site for your specific group. Dates are subject to change. August 2013 25 Chamber Music
January 2014 5, 12, 19, 26
September 2013 15 Parent Meeting 22, 29
February 2, 9 16 No Rehearsal 23
October 6, 13, 20, 27 November 3 Season Concert (WCPA) 10 Side-by-Side 17, 24 December No Debut, No Academy rehearsals in December, Academy brass excepted 7 Chamber, HOHO rehearsals 8 HOHO rehearsal 8 Chamber Music Performance 14 SOGO HOHO Brass Choir Concert 15, 22 Messiah Rehearsal 23 Messiah Sing-Along
March 2 Season Concert (WCPA) 9, 16, 23, 30 April 6 No Rehearsal 13 20 No Rehearsal 26 (Saturday) Petting Zoo & Ensembles 27 May 4, 11 18 Season Concert (WCPA)
IMPORTANT DATES: Music pick-up and Auditions: August 25, Allison home, 4—7 p.m. Parent Meeting 4:45—5:15 p.m., September 15 Poinsettia & Wreath pick-up: December 3, 4—6 p.m. 4 Auditions: May 25 & 28 (current members), June 1 (new members)
STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES REPORTING ABSENCES: QUICK REFERENCE 1. Advanced absence reporting—fill out the absentee form online at studentorchestras.org. 2. Illness - fill out the absentee form online at studentorchestras.org. ATTENDANCE: Promptness (arriving 15 minutes early to warm-up) and perfect attendance are expected of all SOGO musicians. Because of the high level of musicianship required by SOGO orchestras, attendance is a key factor in providing a complete, productive and worthwhile musical experience. Please bring your own music stand for rehearsals. ABSENCES: You are allowed a maximum of one (1) absence per concert cycle. Excused absences include: death in the family, sickness, required school events, and religious observances. Homework excuses are not considered acceptable. Dress rehearsals are mandatory. EXCEEDING THE LIMIT: Musicians with more than one excused absence per concert series may be ineligible to participate in the concert. ABSENTEE FORM: There must be an absentee form filled out for all absences. Fill out the form online at studentorchestras.org. SAFETY: Knowing if your child should be at a rehearsal is an issue of safety. We try to be vigilant in knowing where your child is during rehearsal times, so if your child is absent, please inform us. Parents, please be prompt in picking up your child following rehearsal. The building is open prior to rehearsal and closed following the last rehearsal at 7:15 p.m. CAUTION: Do not leave your car unlocked or leave valuables visible in your car. PERCUSSIONIST RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. Check in Sunday at least 15 minutes prior to rehearsal start time. 2. All necessary stands, mallets, instruments and other equipment must be ready by the start of rehearsal. 3. Do not leave rehearsal until all percussion instruments are put away and secured. 4. Come prepared with ALL music and mallets each week, as sectionals may consist of repertoire not necessarily covered during rehearsal. 5. You may be called on to help load and unload percussion equipment for dress rehearsals and concerts. Please check with your conductor.
MUSICAL OPPORTUNITIES ENSEMBLES: SOGO musicians interested in participating in a small ensemble, contact the Ensemble Coordinator. Ensembles practice and perform throughout the year. MUSIC HISTORY: SOGO musicians receive quarterly presentations in music history to provide them with more in depth understanding of the performance literature. MUSIC THEORY: The Essential Elements of Music Theory is used by members to study and listen to regular presentations on understanding musical concepts. COMPOSITION: Advanced theory students are invited to develop compositional skills. Members works are performed during the season. FEES TUITION FEES: Tuition due in full before the first rehearsal* Debut Orchestra $325 Academy Orchestra $325 Conservatory Orchestra $350 METHOD OF PAYMENT: SOGO accepts cash, check, Visa and MasterCard. Payment plans must be worked out with the office in advance of tuition deadline. *COMPLIMENTARY ADULT TICKET: Tuition paid on or before September 1 earns each member a voucher for one (1) complimentary SOGO adult ticket (Orchestra/Mezz section only). The voucher must be redeemed by October 15 for a season concert. TUITION REFUND: see Tuition Policy on page 14 OTHER FEES MUSIC POLICY: All SOGO music is the property of the Student Orchestras of Greater Olympia, and is a valuable resource. By accepting the music folder, SOGO musicians (and their guardian) are agreeing to return all of the music on time and in good condition. As such, musicians are reminded of the following: • Please mark music lightly with pencil only, not pen. Be careful to avoid unnecessary marks that might make the music difficult to read. • Debut and Academy Orchestras – Immediately following the May concert, musicians return their music and folder in the designated boxes. • Conservatory Orchestra musicians are requested to leave their folder on the stands after the concert. New music will be distributed at or before the next rehearsal. A replacement fee of $25 will be charged for any lost Conservatory folder. • For all musicians, a fee of $5 per piece of music will be assessed on music that is lost. Thank you for helping us to care for this valuable resource – our SOGO music.
COMMUNICATIONS WEBSITE: studentorchestras.org MAILING ADDRESS: 1629 22nd Ave SE, Olympia WA 98501 PHONE: 360 352.1438
EMAIL: Weekly communications throughout the season will be sent via email. NEWSLETTER: We are trying to go paperless as much as possible. The newsletter is sent to members via email four (4) times in a season. Please read and pass on the communication to family and friends—get the word out! WEB SITE: The website is updated and our most current information is regularly posted at www.studentorchestras.org. Many of your questions can be answered. FACEBOOK: The SOGO Facebook page is updated and our most current information is regularly posted at facebook.com/studentorchestras. CANCELLATIONS: Inclement conditions check Facebook and website and if electricity is out Listen to Mixx96.1 or KGY 1240AM & 96.9FM Call the SOGO phone (360.352.1438) and listen for a recorded message. Check the website at www.studentorchestras.org for updates. DONATIONS: SOGO is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. You can help ensure the health and vitality of SOGO through a tax-deductible financial contribution. Please consider this to be your orchestra. Tell friends and family about us and seek their attendance at concerts and fundraisers. Tuition only covers 50% of operating costs. The remainder is covered by donations, fundraisers, community sponsors, and advertising. CONCERT CDs and DVDs: Professional DVDs are made of each concert. You may purchase them at the concert or by contacting the Chinook Wind Recording company at their website. SOGO EMPORIUM: The Emporium has music-related gift items, SOGO tee-shirts, hoodies, and more. Located in the Center lobby area, the Emporium is open during the concerts. If you wish to purchase items at other times during the year, we will gladly take your order. ANNUAL FUNDRAISER: Holiday poinsettias and wreaths are for sale from September through November. Pick-up of items is the first week of December. We ask that our families help sell these beautiful florist quality items to friends and business associates. That is our only official fundraiser of the season, so your help is greatly appreciated. ADVERTISING: Advertise your business or invite a business owner to advertise in the SOGO concert program. Forms are available to download from the website. The advertisement will be seen by hundreds of audience members, a link to the business is provided on the SOGO website, and advertisers are listed during the year in the Newsletter. SPONSORSHIP: Please contact the office if you are interested in sponsoring an event.
COMMUNITY SERVICE HOURS: Service hours may be available to musicians. Examples of opportunities are: helping with the music library, setting up or tearing down the rehearsal space, moving equipment, and non-paid ensemble performances in the community. If your child is enrolled in a program that requires community service hours, they may speak to their conductor about opportunities. REGISTRATION CARD: Be sure your child’s registration information is current. Please inform the SOGO staff if there are any changes to your address, phone or email. MODEL RELEASE FORM: During the season we photograph and video tape rehearsals and concerts. This material may be used in different communications (i.e. newsletter, social media, brochures, advertising). If you want to opt out, please inform the office. INSTRUMENT RENTAL: SOGO has a very small collection of instruments for use by its members. REHEARSALS: Parents are welcome to attend rehearsals anytime. We also encourage SOGO musicians to bring interested friends to participate in rehearsals to see what the SOGO experience is all about! PARENT INVOLVEMENT PARENT MEETING: There is one scheduled Parent Meeting during the season at the first rehearsal. VOLUNTEER: Parent volunteers are a very important component in the success of SOGO. Help is needed for a variety of tasks: • Attendance check-in • Rehearsal setup/tear down • SOGO Emporium • Bulk mailings • Concert supervisors • Percussion moving • Special Events • Fundraising VOLUNTEER FORM: The volunteer form is available online at studentorchestras.org. For further information, please contact the office. BOARD: Board meetings are held the second Monday of every month at 7 p.m. (except in July). If you are interested in serving on the Board, please contact a board or staff member to find out further information.
CONCERT DRESS DEBUT & ACADEMY ORCHESTRA MUSICIANS GENTLEMEN: Long sleeve white dress shirt (tucked in), plain black bow tie, black dress slacks, black socks, and black dress shoes. White socks, sneakers, sandals, and jeans (or jean-like trousers) are not acceptable. LADIES: Blouse: Neatly pressed white, 3/4 to full length sleeved blouse (tucked in). Plunging necklines and sweaters are not acceptable. Skirt: Long black skirt (to the floor). Miniskirts and tea-length skirts are not acceptable. Dress Slacks: Black dress slacks may be worn instead of a skirt. Jean-like pants are not acceptable. Shoes/Hose: Black hose only. No bare legs. Black dress shoes. Tennis shoes, sandals, and open-toed shoes are not acceptable. Jewelry: Please make all jewelry selections and hair adornments unobtrusive. CONSERVATORY ORCHESTRA MUSICIANS GENTLEMEN: Tuxedo with black socks and dress shoes. LADIES: Blouse: Neatly pressed black, 3/4 to full length sleeved blouse (tucked in). Plunging necklines and sweaters are not acceptable. Skirt: Long black skirt (to the floor). Miniskirts and tea-length skirts are not acceptable. Dress Slacks: Black dress slacks may be worn instead of a skirt. Jean-like pants are not acceptable. Dress: Black dress may be worn instead of skirt or slacks and shirt. Dress must be to the floor and have ¾ to full length sleeves. Plunging necklines, straps, slits and open back are not acceptable. Shoes/Hose: Black hose only. No bare legs. Black dress shoes. Tennis shoes, sandals, and open-toed shoes are not acceptable. Jewelry: Please make all jewelry selections and hair adornments unobtrusive.
Gently used concert clothing is available for free at the Parent Meeting September 15.
CONCERT ETIQUETTE FOR MUSICIANS Our concerts are part of the learning experience and should be thought of as part of the instruction that we provide. Certain standards are asked of every concert participant. STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE OF THE CONCERT DAY: Concerts are held on Sundays at 4 p.m. at the Washington Center. On these days, each group will have a dress rehearsal earlier that afternoon. Musicians do not need to wear concert dress for the dress rehearsal. 11:00 a.m. - Brass Choir load-in 11:20 a.m. - 11:55 Brass Choir NOON-12:45 p.m. - Debut Winds/Strings 1:50-1:35 p.m. - Academy Orchestra 1:40-3:10 p.m. - Conservatory Orchestra 1. Always enter the Washington Center to the rear of the theater (alley), far right stage door. 2. While downstairs, conduct yourself in a responsible and helpful manner. Use the time to warm up your instrument or practice quietly. Your conductor or coach will tell you when and how your group should go upstairs to the stage. 3. After your group’s dress rehearsal is finished, you may leave the Washington Center if you have permission from your parents. However, all musicians must be back downstairs at the Center by 3:30 p.m. to be ready for the actual concert in concert dress. 4. Like the dress rehearsal, you will get specific instructions from your conductor or coach when it is your group’s turn to go from downstairs to the stage to play in the concert. Leave all electronic devices and purses downstairs or with your parents. 5. Musicians stand in respect when the conductor comes on the stage. No gum chewing or talking. Sit when indicated by the conductor. Sit up, feet flat on the floor, and watch and listen carefully, tune carefully. At the end of the piece, watch the conductor and sit until you are asked to stand up. 6. When your group is done playing, you will exit the stage as instructed and go sit in a designated area in the theater to listen to the remainder of the concert. Conservatory musicians may sit in their designated section during the first half of the concert, since they do not perform until after the intermission. 7. Please be quiet and courteous, both as you go from the stage to your assigned seating, and while you listen to the concert. If you have your instrument with you, please make sure it is also quiet and safe. If you have any questions about what to do with your instrument, ask your conductor or coach. 8. Concerts usually last a little over 2 hours. Typically, during the first half the Brass Choir, Debut Orchestra, and Academy groups perform. There is a 15-minute intermission, then the Conservatory Orchestra performs during the second half of the 10 concert.
CONCERT TICKETS & DETAILS SEASON TICKETS: Tickets are purchased through the Washington Center Box Office at 360.753.8586 or at olytix.org. Tickets, if available, will also be sold the day of the performance. Tickets for upcoming concerts go on sale in September for the following dates: Sunday, November 3, 2013, 4 p.m. Sunday, March 2, 2014, 4 p.m. Sunday, May 18, 2014, 4 p.m. Reserved seating only. Please purchase tickets in advance to avoid waiting in line the day of the concert. Do not purchase a ticket for your SOGO musician(s). Performing musicians have designated seats with their orchestra when not performing on stage. Adults*: $9, $12, $15 Senior (65+)*: $6, $9, $12 Students*: $6, $9, $12 (SOGO musicians have reserved seats in designated sections) 6 and under Free* * Plus Center $3 surcharge VOUCHER: Those families receiving a voucher for early tuition payment must redeem their voucher on or before October 15. GROUP SALES: Prices for groups of 15 or more in C section seating only: Adults: $7*; Student/Senior: $5*. Group rate tickets must be purchased in advanced through the SOGO office. * Plus Center $3 surcharge EVENT TICKETS: SOGO event tickets are purchased exclusively through the SOGO office at 360.352.1438. Saturday, December 14, 2 & 7 p.m. Brass Choir HOHO, First Christian Church Purchase tickets in advance. Adults/Seniors: $10; Students: $5; Family 4 +: $25 Monday, December 23, 7 p.m. Messiah Sing-Along, Free and open to the public MUSIC EDUCATOR TICKETS: Music teachers may receive two (2) complimentary tickets to each concert. SOGO sends a formal invitation to school music departments announcing the ticket offer. CONCERT ETIQUETTE: Concerts are a time for your musician to shine. Your support and having you in attendance to hear their accomplishments is very important. We have a few suggestions to help you enjoy your experience: 1. We encourage young children to attend the concerts, but if they become distracting during the concert, quietly exit to the lobby. There is a monitor to view the concert until the child has calmed down. 2. Non-flash photography is allowed at the Washington Center; video is not allowed. Generally, professional DVDs of each season concert are available for purchase. 3. Please remember to turn off all electronic devices during the performance. 4. Staying for the entire concert is standard etiquette and is appreciated by all. Every musician has worked hard and the concert programming is intended for your listening pleasure. SOGO concerts usually last a little more than 2 hours.
PRACTICE TIPS For helping your musician achieve success in practice 1. Give your musician a place to practice. Allow them to play uninterrupted in a quiet place that is accommodating and comfortable. 2. Expect him or her to practice in a regular manner with quality work. It is a wise thing to discuss music often with your child, as well as to set aside time in the day designated solely to practice. This schedule should be firm but flexible to changing events. For the Debut and Academy musicians, students should practice at least half an hour a day, five to six days a week. For Conservatory musicians, students should practice 45 minutes to an hour per day. It should be understood that additional musical involvement (i.e. private lessons, school) may require more practice time. Being in SOGO is a responsibility, and we expect the musicians to put in the necessary time to adequately learn and prepare their music. Sometimes orchestra parts will be difficult enough to require outside help. It should also be noted that the quality of practice is valued, not the quantity. Additionally, it is a smart decision to play classical music in the musicians’ environment as much as possible because it acts as a catalyst for successful learning as well as interest in the arts. Classical King FM 98.1 in Seattle (streaming online at King.org) is a great source of classical music. Sunday mornings King FM offers NPR’s “From the Top”, a showcase of young talent in America. 3. Be aware there are different ways to practice. Musicians can break down pieces by aspect, and learn and work on those aspects separately. Additionally, practice can include studying a part, studying music theory, and so on. When possible, buy recordings of current pieces so the musician can listen and understand the composition of the piece. Auditory learning is essential to becoming a better musician, and will assist in the success of practice. 4. Keep open communications about practicing. Rehearsing can involve a lot of emotions, positive and negative. Thus, it is necessary to be open to talking about it as much as the student wants to. Understand where your musician is coming from. They can feel a lot of pressure from rehearsals, peers, school, etc. Understand that you are there to help your musician succeed, not to force them. Sometimes, you will need to find out what motivates your musician, but at the same time, by practicing, your student is showing self-motivation, as well as maturity. Compiled by Student Board 2010 12
ARTISTIC FACULTY CONDUCTORS JOHN WELSH: Mr. Welsh, Music Director and conductor of the Conservatory Orchestra, holds a Bachelor of Music in Piano from Miami University in Ohio and a Masters in Conducting from Peabody Conservatory in Baltimore. While serving as a Captain in the United States Air Force, he conducted the United States Air Force Band and Symphony and Military Airlift Command Band. His conducting career includes many civic orchestras in the D.C. area and mentoring from Richard Lert, Leo Mueller, Leon Barzin, Leon Fleisher, Kiril Kondrashin, Max Rudolph and Gustav Meier. GREG ALLISON: Mr. Allison, Artistic Director and conductor of the SOGO Conservatory Brass Choir, received his B.A. and M.A. in Music Education from Western Washington University where he studied trumpet with the late William D. Cole. Mr. Allison has taught instrumental music in the Olympia School District for more than 30 years. JEFF LUND: Mr. Lund, conductor of the Academy Orchestra, holds a Masters Degree in Orchestral Conducting from Central Washington University. He has served as an Interim Professor of Music at Central Michigan University. He is also SOGO’s Percussion Teaching Artist and has played in various groups, including the Olympia, Tacoma, and Yakima Symphonies. Mr. Lund is the recipient of the 2005 Hubbard Scholarship and is a Liberace Scholar. LANTZ BERETS: Mr. Berets, conductor of the Debut Orchestra, received his Bachelor’s degree in Music Education and Performance from Western Washington University and a Master’s degree in Music from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He played bassoon for the United States Air Force and held positions as Minister of Music. He is currently the manager of Westside Music Center. LIZ WARD: Ms. Ward, assistant conductor of the Brass Choir, received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Washington and a Master of Musical Arts degree from Yale School of Music. She is a private teacher and manages the Evergreen Brass Quintet. MARY JO RYDHOLM: Ms. Rydholm, String Ensemble Coordinator, teaches in the Olympia School District and is a Nationally Certified Music Teacher. She has served as Concertmaster for several symphony orchestras and has managed chamber workshops in the state of Washington. COACHES STRINGS: Mary Jo Rydholm (violin), Anne Edge (viola), Linda Pyle (violin), Nathan Brown (violin), Judith Martin (cello), Rick Jarvela (bass). WINDS: Jean Whipple (flute), Karen & Lantz Berets (double reeds), Ashley Cook (clarinet), Danielle Westbrook (trumpet), Liz Ward (French horn), Levin Conway (low brass), Jeff Lund (percussion).
EXECUTIVE BOARD PRESIDENT: Colleen Welch VICE PRESIDENT: John Fleckenstein SECRETARY: Jilyna Dick TREASURER: Kirk Veis STUDENT BOARD Ella Bushnell, violin Keadrin Dick, cello Maggie Taft, clarinet Nolan Welch, cello
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Joyce Allen Joan Armstrong Brad Carlson Alison Coppock Jasmin Dickerson Doug Ford Christine Long Dana Phelps Amy Schutte Scott Smith Jennifer Taft
POGO ADVISORY BOARD: EXECUTIVE DIR: Greg Allison PRESIDENT: Dr. Rachel Reeg VICE PRESIDENT: Danielle Westbrook SECRETARY: Liz Weisenfeld Honorable James Dixon Doug Ford Stacy Hicks
TUITION POLICY SOGO Enrollment Before 1st rehearsal
Tuition Due
Full tuition due on or before 1st rehearsal
2/3 of tuition is refunded when withdrawal is before Oct. 1; no refund after Oct. 1
After 1st rehearsal Full amount due immediately No refund and before 1st concert After 1st concert and before 2nd concert
70% of full tuition is due immediately
No refund
After 2nd concert
40% of full amount due No refund immediately SOGO incurs significant expenses for each member before the first rehearsal. For example, music for the first concert and most music for the remainder of the season must be purchased in July and August – before rehearsals begin. In addition, staffing decisions are based immediately following May/June auditions and orchestra placement. If a student or family believes special circumstances exist that would support reimbursement of tuition after October 1, the tuition reimbursement request must be submitted in writing to the SOGO Board for consideration and include an explanation of those special circumstances.
NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY The Student Orchestras of Greater Olympia (SOGO) does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, creed, color or national origin, gender, marital status, gender preference, or non-job related physical, sensory, or mental handicaps in its education programs, financial assistance, employment practices, or performances. TAX-EXEMPT ORGANIZATION Student Orchestras of Greater Olympia is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. All donations are tax-deductible. Tax Identification # 91-2079223 POLICIES SUBJECT TO CHANGE SOGO policies and procedures are of a dynamic nature and subject to change. Policies 14 and procedures are continually updated during SOGO Board meetings.
We Thank Our 2013-14 Sponsors Cabinets by Trivonna The Community Foundation Olympia Federal Savings Olympic Dermatology & Laser Clinic Dr. Andrew Kapust, DDS National Endowment for the Arts National Federation of Music Clubs Panorama City Pioneer Technologies R.L. Ray Violin Shop Salon Salon WA State Arts Commission