Soho Youth Issue 3 The Green Issue

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Soho Youth Inside

Renzo Piano and Central St Giles

Telling you h ow it is Issue 3 July 2010



Cyberbullying The Elephants Parade Green travel Inside

Books, Music, Theatre, Games and Restaurant reviews

Recyled Art, Upcycled Fashion

at Central YMCA Club

Earlybirds & Twilighter session from 8.30am to 5.30pm

26th July -3rd Sept 2010 For children aged 5 to 14 years Main Playscheme runs from 9.30am to 4.00pm

Activities in the Club include swimming, bouncy castle, football, arts and crafts, street dance, cooking, sports and games. We also take trips out everyday to local parks, woods, cinemas, bowling alleys, indoor adventure centres, farms and climbing walls.

For prices and more information contact Laura Walsh on 0207 343 1724 or Playscheme runs every school holiday Registered Charity No. 213121

w w w. y m c a c l u b . c o . u k

The Team

Holly Glavin Kitty Maddie Jonah u how it is t bu Telling yo es th issu Daniel eak due to heal to have a little br ... We have some excellent d ha we ! ck Millie G ba re fo be We’re a an s th ok it lo even better Aitxa ight have noticed here we are and een issue. You m cided to print on recycled gr r ou , is th in Uccella s de ve article ha ed we e tic have no at’s becaus Holly Bancroft lps). You may little different, th (every little he designed by on s, le w Gi no St l om Jack ra fr nt Ce g, paper in e ild se bu to got ht (lego) Eve me), well, Holly the big new brig pidou Centre fa and 5). Our m 4 Po f ge (o pa o ee an (s Effie Boo Pi lf se m Renzo hi ve an m ha e u might d meet th Jasmine any problems yo ing fashion the building an cl t some tips for cy go up so al an d ve Lili Bo ha ha e W 7. team d s an ge 6 s pa fashion ing on page Moe sults are on our with cyberbully tte Swift, the re t and all the ne ar Ja ed cl ith w cy p re Cecile , ho el av tr works n ee ce gr du re ber articles on Umaymah art... and remem 12-13. We have ooh where to st . c.. et s ew vi Fred re usual . Rowan reuse recycle.... h nc Ly Miles Wendy Klareze Editor Jacob Gabriel Rosy Ruby Molly Oliver Page 2 Katleen en

th u o Y o h o S

Whats in it...

Holly goes gre to France....

Page 16 Cheese Str a by our che ws f Eve Page 10 - 1 1 More book reviews..

Page 9 e to Effie Boo says goodby ... de ra the Elephant Pa

Page 4-5 A Piano Lesson with Renzo Piano .

Page 12 -13 Upcycled fashion...

much And s.o.. more tart just s ng those turnis and l page mber to tel e rem yone you ever t here... saw i

Who to thank...

We would like to thank the follow ing for making All our advertise this magazine po rs for believing ssible; in us. All of you who ha ve volunteered your time and ex The local busines pertise. ses and commun ity for your enco David at St Anne uragement. s for the space an d the backing.


Bon Voyage

my fair share of As a keen traveller I have had spent freezing horrific journeys. Train delays a car driving in k stuc rs hou on icy platforms, 36 all helping on, so and ther wea lian Sici in 40° France is to y awa ing gett t me to realise tha r 30 or afte nt a doddle. What I have also lear central in ject pro tion ova ren more trips to our el all tried trav of ons opti y man the with , France nly. and tested, is how to do so gree airport was rest nea the to t fligh a ly inal Orig e, but then ther get ld wou I how my family and to and from the ing gett of sle has the was e ther tation, certain airport on top of luggage limi (!) and the bias pho ort airp ed elop dev siblings es. Next we pric dtaxe then ut seemingly cheap-b necting con a tried euro star travel to Paris with ng to tryi and long e littl A . train to our location tow in s case suit get across Paris with several wasn’t simple. ting to look up, By this time our house was star walls- and so and er wat had by that I mean, we our luggage of t summer clothing was the leas abundance an had ays alw worries. Still we sider options con to ded nee we so age of lugg n to the house. which allowed us to cart lots dow assortment of Travelling via Eurostar with an ps and other lam ious var ks, frames, cookery boo likely. Next n’t homely kitsch-esque items was a car and ing row bor or ng hiri on our list came option lasted for this and y, ferr a hing catc then I, at first, loved a good 4 years. My sister and kids play room, a it. Nowadays most ships have levels of inside with teen can a shops, bars and e of this being and outside seating, the downsid sover gets cros r hou 2 the but the seasickness real plus side The e. tim r ove with e cop to er easi you can go on as of ferry travel though is that with just my solo a foot passenger. I have gone er, taxi to Dov to n trai a ng friends before, taki shuttle by n take the Dock, then simply being my ting mee on, king wal and bus to the ferry ld wou I h oug godfather on the other side. Alth car the , way this g elin trav to be happy to stick was horrendous journey once on the other side get to centraland is Par t pas trying to skirt my family call southern France. I like to now that and er, sov cros l nne masters at the Cha es- with tim 30 r I have taken the journey ove car and ient anc an g lvin invo one of the longest seems car the y24 hour drive once off the ferr ome a bec e hav we h oug Alth to be the winner. rd of hea we n family used to roughing it, whe get You it. on ight stra e wer we the Euro tunnel

to drive on with your car and it takes 30 minutes only. Then there’s the drive down to your location where our best friend Fleur came in handy (yes, we named our Sat Nav!) Travelling to and from France may sound like a petrol guzzler but when you have a car full of family and friends, it’s one of the simplest- and strangely enjoyable- journeys that can be taken. No issues with carry-on luggage, hidden taxes or high carbon emissions. And handy of course when you want to go somewhere new, the country is big enough to explore for decades- and if you ever get bored just cross the border to your choice of Spain, Germany, Switzerland and Italy! The journey I take to France (roughly 1200 miles) when calculated for 4 passengers, means each traveller produces 61.6kg of CO2 emissions in comparison to 330.2 on an aeroplane. Jet set holidays are so 2000, so embrace the new green decade and find a cute villa in a laissezfaire part of France- or better yet, find yourself an abandoned home to conquer but always consider your green travel options before queuing at the airport. (To calculate your CO2 travel emissions go to the directgov website and click on tips and tools) By Holly Glavin yr 12


“we got to who is mysee Michael Morpurg also happen favourite author ano, s to own the d farm”

Treginnis by Fred yr 5

eight days and Wales. I stayed there arly a whole in It’s s. kid y cit for ecially there, ne Treginnis is a farm esp ss and Year 6. It took seven hours to get cla my th wi hts nig en sev . m was called Henleys day. m my class and our roo oup B and C. Every fro ys bo er oth ee thr Gr a I slept in a room with p A. There was also lecting ps and I was in Grou lets and chickens, col pig s, pig g din We were put into grou fee , eck g and ch din eep fee sh e y), lik s wa ng the thi e was Tudor by rit day we did different ou fav y (m rse ho ding a eggs, walking and fee g the sheep. rpurgo, who is my t but not least, feedin las d an ats go ng t to see Michael Mo lki go mi we d an it to ed u got us It was tiring but yo the farm – lucky us! also happens to own d an r tho au e rit ou fav

Word Search e words Search for thes by Fred yr 5













Treginnis is an org anic farm in Wales. At the end of September years 5 & 6 went to the farm. We did lot’s of things on the farm like feeding Goats, Horse s, Calfs, Sheep and Pigs. We also did things lik e mucking out the Pigs, Goats & Sh eep. By Rosie and Ruby ye ar 6


nzo e R h it w N O S S E A PIANO L

iles Central StyrG12

By Holly Glavin seen it, and if not we Many of us will have ’ it dubbed as the ‘Lego would have heard of nt me lop xed use deve building. But the mi has been a project es Gil St al of Centr ove its success by pr to t gh which has sou le vibrant London creating an accessib s both to please rk wo landmark which and financially, the and help, physically y… but does that nit mu surrounding com make it a success? 00 sq. ft. of space, A total of over 500,0 sq. ft. of office space, comprising of 400,000 asts a new eating bo t tha a public piazza taurants, as well res d destination of cafes an w able housing. The vie as private and afford , ing tak ath bre is ces from the top floor offi n’t do or flo s on each and the small balconie rden that comes ga ge lar the to re compa ooks the piazza erl ov d an off one level e precision and Th . and whole of London detail is admirable, care taken into every , tint in the glass used including the type of ing be s op of the sh and the floor levels can see though to by rssse pa so d pe drop ing has most certainly the piazza. The build ectural challenge to succeeded in its archit t brings together tha create a development London where the of rt pa n tte go for this nt building was left me rn ve go sites original it s Piano’s intention derelict. Not only wa l enge but he and Lega to overcome this chall e, tat Es hi bis tsu Mi & & General Property developers of Central the joint owners and y rd on ensuring the St Giles, worked ha ct pa im g tin and las would leave a positive part of the project as y; nit mu com on the time and money into they invested a lot of oenix Gardens. a local school and Ph ars designing, with ye e fiv Piano spent important element the piazza being an tive of accessibility. in achieving the objec d to give back to Piano said “he wante ning the ground tur the city”, doing so by and cafes that pour ts ran tau res o int floor and ensuring 360° out into the piazza other key focus An pedestrian access. the building large to was trying to make


suit the then M ayor, Ken Living stone’s, request, but also to appear small so as to appease the CG CA and Camden council. Piano’s solution was to use ‘frag mented’ facades, placing 13 of them at di angles to help fferent break up the size and height of the building. Tran sparency was another im portant design feature in showing that ‘T he building does n’t say “look at me” it sa ys “look throug h me”’. Paradoxically, the most obvious external featur e has been the ‘look at me’ colour sche me. These bras h co were chosen fr om research ph lours otos of coloured doors an streets of Covent d signage along the Garden. For thos have only seen e who th lime coloured fa e orange, yellow and cades there is no more they can judge by, they ca thing n’t take into considerat ion the functio n, design obstacles, inte rior design or benefits. Which leads me to question whe ther this polarisation of op a case of judgin inions results from g a book by its When I asked Pi cover? an project a succes o if he considered the s, he was adam ant that he would only kn When I gave my ow in years to come. enthusiastic op inion my juvenile passion for the building amused him, and Pian o insisted I w ait a few years before mak ing up my mind get back to him and to then. So if the archite ct can wait for time to pass before mak ing judgement, sh ouldn’t we also? I am still convinced that this project is a fant astic achievem ent, but not everyone ha s been lucky en ough to meet Piano or have a tour ar ound the building with th e it is nothing lik project director. Still, e we have ever exposed to and our beautiful bu been city will, optim t grey istically I pred ict, adapt to this buildin g. It’s unders tandable something so ne w has the marm ite effect (you either love it hate it), but w hen the buildings func tion and purp ose take centre stage in stead of the co lour, then maybe we will al l feel differently .


to t a h W g n i y l l Cyberbu


You are suddenly bombarded with hate emails but not only that they are being sent to lots of people in your school

Cyber Bullying through emails

-If you are all being targeted then you know it’s not just about you. Remember that it’s not you who’s worse off it’s them if they wanted or needed to send those emails. -If lots of people are being bullied in your school then you have people who understand the situation your going through so speak to them and get comfor t, as well as give it. -This is always what everyone says but go to a teacher or a superior and report it People do care about your problems. Also if you’re in a group it will be less embarassing. And you won’t get asked too many questions or fussed over individ ually because you are in a group. - Block the sender and/or report it to the organisation e.g. If it is a Facebook email the bully can be blocked from the site. - Finally adding to the third point if you don’t want to talk to your teacher. Talk to your parents because they will always care about you. by Holly B yr 9

“You get a text message from an unknown number and it is ver y nasty. Then you get more and you realize other people are also being sent these comments about you too”

e phones

Cyber Bullying through mobil

- Change your sim-card - Change your number - Tell a parent or guardian - Report it to the authorities t is causing you grief - Block the certain number tha you know and trust t tha age r you e - Talk to someon t your number trus - Only give people you really 7 yr G ie Mill and by Gabriel yr 9

“A facebook friend has posted an image and tagged you. They then made a rude and abusive comment inviting all their friends to add comments too”

es h social network sit Cyberbullying throug person is in your school the - Tell your teacher if Facebook or MSN - Report it – if its on tely - Block them immedia - Tell the website - Tell an adult - Tell your parents - Tell the police & Rowan yr 7 By Molly yr 9, Uccella


You are logged into your IM account an d chatting with friends when one person start ge tting nasty about you, then othe rs join in

Cyber Bullying through msm

-Immediately log off . -Speak to your parents. -Don’t get stressed about it, talk to someone because cooping up those horrible comments will they said over and over in not do you any good and you will just end up replaying what your mind them. They are probably just -Treat insults with kindness, just carry on being really nice to in trouble and losing your getting then and fight a into getting into trying to provoke you temper. it also annoys them (which P.S. being really nice to them makes you feel good and proud but is not that good I know but it is satisfying). jealousy and although they -Finally remember that the most common reason for this is is their problem. Don’t let This way. some might not look like it, they are jealous of you in just giving in to their are you then e becaus life your about g anythin their plans change scheme. finding it difficult to not be -P.P.S. They are not all evil they are probably really nice just s as well, also, holding problem own their jealous or to not submit to peer pressure and have do. to thing e likeabl or cool a grudges is really not by Holly B yr 9 020 7734 4062 49 Broadwick Street, Soho, London, W1F 9QR

Soho’s estate agent


dA e l c y c e R


Jasmine M Recycled Art by rtle” “ Green Sea Tu rtle swimming in the sea

a tu Once there was its face so it caught around g ba and a plastic e bag, that’s strangled by th died by getting turtle. The ed make a recycl to d de ci de I why that can be are firstly things ed us I ls ia er at m kill other sea sea and might thrown into the . These are h and penguins creatures like fis things like: rs . Plastic containe s xe bo ay aw ke . Ta . Plastic bags I also used ever

ings like:

yday recycled th

. Egg boxes . Toilet Rolls ainers . Silver Foil Cont

things in the dy should throw So I think nobo e as much as cl cy ody should re yb er ev d an a se possible.

Recycled Robots


by Soho Youth We decided as a group to bring along all those boxes and plastic bits, basically anything we would throw out, and out of all that we would make robots. We divided into five groups and got to work. It was a lot of fun and quite a bit messy. If you go page 29 you will see more pictures of both the works of art and the mess!


Everywhere Hey Soho Youth reader, over here! You might (most definitely) have noticed a few elephants hanging around London here and there, in fact everywhere. I was given a little version of the Taxi Elephant (the big one is in Royal Exchange and has real headlights for eyes) and since then I have been hopping on and off elephants everywhere! I love just walking, a bit bored, down the street and then, suddenly around the corner is a bright, big an exciting elephant. I have begged whoever is with me to take a picture of me with the elephants. At first I didn’t know what they where about but I have learnt since that they are here to save the elephants of Asia. Each elephant has been individually painted, some by very famous people and as I write this they are all on their way to be auctioned off to raise money. If I could paint one, mine would have a blue background with white clouds and lots of castles and live permanently in Elephant and Castle. I would love to buy the Taxi Elephant, but it wouldn’t fit in our house, unless I got rid of my bed and either slept on or under “Taxi” (too uncomfortable!). For more information go to by Effie Boo yr 3


s k o o B

Crocodile Tear


Crocodile Tears by Anthony Ho ro is the gripping eighth instalmen witz series in which t of the Alex Ride Alex becomes re luctantly entwin r kill billions. Th ed in a plot to e tw manufactures th isted ex-boxer, Reverend Desm is ond McCain, This thrilling no clever plot. vel is filled with dry humour, mys characters and a sl tery, debonair lot of parallels w ick James Bond style of fightin g. However, it ha ith the other no vels in the series Strike. This do sa esn’ , pa it is utterly enth t make it bad; just slightly pred rticularly Eagle ra ic Crocodile Tears lling, even though you know th table. Otherwise at is Horowitz, and m written in that incredible style Alex will prevail. that only Anthon aybe Ian Flemin g, can dish out. y Jonah yr 7

A Song for Summer

by Eva Ibotson

Holly Beacoft yr 9 book because although it’s jolly I’ve decided to write about this an, Ellen and a boarding school, and tells a story of a young wom ger. The war is approaching and it has an underlying story of dan Isaac involved in rescuing his friend Marek, the school gardener, is or auth the and k boo tten wri l wel a from a concentration camp. It is easy an it ing ated plot well, mak handles the extremely complic by ‘Journey to the River Sea’ also d like you If . and enjoyable read . you for Eva Ibotson then this is a book and up. I would recommend it to ages nine Holly B yr 9

by Meg just be a Airhead-re-ad inking it would even ing this book th tress after (or Cabot


fun, easy,

read to de-s So, I started hing , the kind you ow kn u suddenly everyt Yo . ok girly bo chapters in and the of de le si up in co g a in t be go I d characters an before) exams. ng gi a er m ith w ns om a book about brai as expecting fr changed. It was Iw t s ha ou w m t fa e No . th r person e author of body of anothe ‘Airhead’, by th ol, le ho tit sc e th gh d hi an of r ve dosage pink sparkly co a pretty high as sort s!! There was ie ar cting but that w Di pe ss ex ce as in w I Pr e lik st ity for ju , un ys rt enage bo great oppo make-up and te input. It was a and i-fi sc er d th ir ge we to e ) th ly and sci-fi ir (g es of neutralised by nr ge an ng is In fact, it erge two stro was a total fail. the author to m it t bu , er tt be work. ng even mix just didn’t create somethi t th genres! The bo of od advertisemen ns go fa a e as th w it gh ou insult to th , re ok we . If I mmend this bo t not wonderful i would not reco cover’. Weird, bu its by ok bo a e for ‘don’t judg it a miss! you I would give Maddie yr 9

enzie By Sophie McK ! d w o r You c ec a rf pe ’s is e e Thre are a 16-year-old boy who’s lif d the hot. lid ays

Imagine, you ur girlfriend an t girl alive as yo with your sishave the hottes ur way to Spain yo on e Eve, ar u Yo d. urse your lovely have just starte e Ryan and of co they can get worse. at m st be ur yo ter Chloe, rtunately, any better! Unfo year old and things can’t get g Eve like a six tin ea tr ill st is ” up. To make no at on be “J Eve’s dad r hand gets he s ld ho as ey stay h uc m making sure th any boy who so the hotel and is er and ns th ge ow to he be se to or matters w ey find a way th ill W . le ib ss h? as far apart as po ke wants so muc mmer action Lu have the hot su Millie G yr 7

Kiss of Death by Marcus Segdwick ‘Death comes in many forms but in Venice, death comes by water.’ This book tells the story of a young girl and boy called Sorrel and Marcus. They set out on a quest to find out the mystery surrounding the disappearance of the father of Marcus , and the incurable illness of Sorrel. Although aware of the corruption of the Venetian government, they don’t realise what they have gotten themselves in for until a murderer tells them the person behind their adversity is the Queen of Shadows, the ultimate vampire. This book is recommended for those aged 10 or above. Holly B yr 9 Skulduggery Pleasent by Derek Landy Magic, mystery, monsters, and a witty, fire-wielding skeleton are all elements that make up of Derek Landy’s Skulduggery Pleasent. It all begins with the mysterious death of Gordon Edgley. He was a noted author of fantasy novels that captiva ted his niece, Stephanie. His death triggers Skulduggery’s investigation of the Scepter of the Ancients, an all-powerful relic that exiled the old gods. But Stephanie is now the target of forces in search of the Scepter that are looking to take over its power to their own evil needs. The first thing that caught my attention with this book was the cover: a picture of a skeleton wearing a suit with a fire ball being conjured in his hands. Of course I’m going to check it out and see what this is about! Skulduggery Pleasan t, a living skeleton who has the power of magic: creating fire and controlling it and I guess holding his body together. Stephanie Edgley, a stubborn twelve year old. Nefarious Serpin e, an evil sorcerer desperate on obtaining ultimate power. Miles yr 7 Cherub

Author, Robert Muchamore

by Robert Muchamore to be A series of books about a group of orphans that are selected plan to that n childre cover under of ation organiz secret top a of part are kids B CHERU s. scheme there plot the downfall of terrorists and essential Their ns. situatio ay everyd in g workin ionals, profess trained Lets say advantage: adults never expect children to be spying on them. said “my and house a to up went spy adult an were n situatio a was there crying spy child a to d oppose as in”, car’s just broken down can I come more lot a be would who bike” my off fell just “I saying p doorste on a likely to get into the house? or above A very good book I definitely recommend to everyone my age read. ever (12+) one of the best books I have Rowan yr 7


n o i h s a F g n i l c y c p U Photos by Molly yr 9

and Jacob yr 10

Janette Swift, of ReactivArt and initiater of Oxfam’s NoLogo shops, is the queen of recycling so of course we got her in to run our upcyled fashion workshop. Everyone brought in old clothes and bits and bobs and then everyone left with a new outfit or two...

Hard at work designin

There were tables ful

g outfits

l of bits and bobs

Eve deciding what bit s Paddy, our man on the

to choose

machine, we miss yo


And fashion is born...


Effie Boo in one of he r many creations Go green with your fashion, gath er some friends, some old clothes , buttons and other bits (a man with a machine!) and get creating. Its easy and its fun.

Holly G yr 12 glamming up a plain

Jasmine yr 3 mix up top and skir


Cecile yr 6 made a shirt dress


rless gloves

Klareze yr 3 modelling her finge Moe yr 4 distressed t-shirt look


Millie G yr 7 in her carnival outfi red skirt

Kitty yr 10 modelling her laye

vest Umaymah yr 4 headband and

13 s

Rosie yr 6 goes for the t-shirt dres

c i s u M Lip Gloss

Lip-gloss-Lil’ Mam

a ‘Watcha know ‘b ou know that if you t me, whatcha, whatcha know ?’ lo Lil’ Mama raps ve make up you will love this so I ng to you with the chatting. In the ease as if she w . music video sh as e’s unpopular. Her momma gives he sad because she’s r some lip gloss she sees the real and he the lip gloss that r. At the end she realises it was n’t made people lik e her but it was all along. her Millie G yr 7

Bachelors of Science - Science Fiction

Horizons Music Hailing from San Francisco, California, Bachelors of Science are a drum and bass duo that are rising up fast from the underground electronic music scene. They consist of Phil Rene, a producer and classically trained musician originally from New Zealand, who was brought up in the UK, and DJ Fokus, who is also from the UK. They met in California whilst Fokus was involved in the hardcore and early jungle scene from 19911995. They started off writing their debut album ‘Science Fiction’ shortly after and rapidly gained airplay from top DJ’s such as Brian Gee, Grooverider, Annie Mac, Alix Perez and even the likes of High Contrast. Their first released single ‘The Ice Dance’ received a hail of complete adoration and vast amounts of airtime. Their style was fresh and innovative, something that was said to be ‘Re-energizing the Drum and Bass scene.’ There unusual combinations of contemplative orchestral strings, bouncy beats and soulful vocals was fast drawing the ear of many top DJ’s and producers. Their debut album was released in 2008 on Horizon Records, to much critical and commercial acclaim, it became one of the highest selling Drum and Bass albums of all time, spending a massive total of nine weeks in the Drum and Bass Arena chart. Their song ‘Strings Track’ took the Beatport Awards 2009 by storm winning ‘Best DnB Track.’ They are not just known for their producing but also for their vibrant, feel good live sets, they have performed alongside such artists as Pendulum, Photek and High Contrast. Their second album ‘Warehouse Dayz’ is set to be released in early 2010. If you haven’t already got this album, I thouroughly recomend you buy get your hands on it. Also watch out for any future productions Gabriel yr 9

What Soho Youth are listening to....


put together by Rowan Year 7


Never Mind The *******s here’s The Sex Pistols Never Mind The *******s, Here’s The Sex Pistols

by Jacob Jones year 10 The Never Mind The ******s, Here’s m albu only the is B) Sex Pistols (NM band k pun inal orig the by ased rele sed The Sex Pistols. NMB revolutioni great ing enc influ ld, wor ic mus the The bands such as Nirvana and today. so do to e tinu con and h, Clas larly The Sex Pistols, a band who regu the like s club at o Soh und aro ed play as h suc s pub and e que legendary Mar ed by trat frus e wer Life Of e Spic The sive the bloated prog-rock and mas to do ided dec y The e. scen y hipp that something completely new out ugh thro es wav ck sho d sen ld wou k. Pun of h birt the s the world; thu tained NMB was release in 1977. It con ased rele them of four 12 tracks, with en’, Que The e Sav ‘God les; sing as In s iday ‘Hol , UK’ The ‘Anarchy In alist The Sun’ and ‘Pretty Vacant’. Voc ‘God Johnny Rotten’s own version of into Save The Queen’ sent England g ellin outs pite des an uproar and it only the number one at the time, rts. reached number two in the cha Rotten Throughout the album, nes alternatively screams and whi orate about political hypocrisy, corp while control and intellectual vacuity tracks Steve Jones’ multi layered NMB create a ‘wall of noise’. I enjoyed small but wouldn’t recommend it to ned children or anyone who has liste s of to pop all their life as the rawnes for t mus A ck. sho a of it may be a bit fans of Punk.

Help Wanted The Soho Community Centre Trust needs more

volunteer Chefs for its

Thursday Lunch Club If you are available to help out for the occasional Thursday, please contact Janet Vance on 020 7734 1712 - Thank you!


Food Cheese Straws

Chef Eve Year 3 What you will need... 1 egg 1 sheet of puff pastry sesame seeds, poppy seeds, paprika or bashed fennel seeds grated Parmesan 1. roll out your puff pastry 2. crack the egg into a bowl and then mix it 3. brush the egg over the whole pastry 4. sprinkle your seeds or paprika over the pastry 5. cut the pastry into 2cm wide strips 6. twist the strips 4 or 5 times and place them on a baking tray 7. sprinkle the Parmesan over the strips 8. bake at 220 C/425 F/gas 7 for nine minutes 9. eat them!



28 Ganton Street W1F7QZ yr 9 Reviewed by Holly B and Maddie in the heart of Soho. ant aur rest ll sma Mother Mash is a traditional English es serv t It is a specialist restaurant tha to mention the not h, mas and pie meals of sausages, ies. We found ntit qua l tifu delicious gravy that came in plen friendly. y ver e wer f staf the and it welcoming and cosy were given we th boo our Once we had settled down in t to pick wha ut abo tion bera deli h muc our menus. After picking die Mad with but y we both chose traditional grav Leek. and k Por ing pick ly Hol and Cumberland sausage Italian sausage, which was Holly’s mum Sylvia had Sweet ved in suitable portions, arri food The that day’s special. lly if you ordered a pudding perfect for a teenager especia traditional English recipes. from are s for afters. The dessert with ice cream, which she Holly had gingerbread pudding apple pie with ice cream, had die Mad . insists is amazing which was also delicious. very tasty and nicely We thought that the food was e was a slight lack on ther t presented but we all thought tha the ice cream front! t, we were treated very The whole experience was grea go back there again and ly nite defi ld wou professionally and are reasonably priced ls recommend it to others. The mea nds. frie r you with e ther so you can even go


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Veolia Environmental Services is proud to support Soho Youth For more information on Veolia Environmental Services call 020 7812 5000 or visit our website




Legally Blonde

By Maddie yr 9 nde is a strictly know about legally blo to ed ne u yo ng thi st The fir d man dragged along gh there was the od ou Th al. a sic mu ls gir all nk its more fun as the audience, we thi e Ell d me na l by his girlfriend in gir a out t! The musical is ab t tha sis ba the special girls night ou on d ed by her boyfrien mp du en be d t en jus att s who ha n leaves to ough for him. He the she is not serious en to follow him. The is n tio ac of and her plan s Harvard University ges she comes acros r through the challen with r tte be en story then follows he ev de ma a feel good musical when at Harvard. It’s famous names are t actors, some of the ea gr d an gs son y tch ca show for all girls and Duncan James. It’s a Sheridan Smith and uld love it! even younger ones wo


by Millie G yr 7 Rhythm, beat & comedy all at the same time, Stomp isn’t a play, not even a musical, it’s an amazing array of sounds! There is not a dull moment, dan cing, making music as well as acting, all at the same time! There is amazing interaction with the audience, when I wen t we were splashed with water and had news paper land in our laps! The best part is you can go with a toddler, teenager or pensioner, man or woman and you have to love stomp! The performers made music with things from lighters to sweeping brushes! Even thou gh they never use speech we were all on the floor with laug hter! But really as much as I describe it you really have to see it to believe it!


RT is a brilliant game, so SHOULD have this ga all those people with me!!! Nintendo Wii The reason why I thi nk wii Sports Resor t is a really good is than the other sport because it’s more ac s game. It gives you tive an all over body work table tennis, swordpla out from games such y and cycling. The mo as re relaxing ones like air allow the whole family sports and bowling to play. There are 12 ga me s and each game has games inside. It’s all two or three other based on a tropical island called Wuhu lovers out there buy island. I hope all yo this wonderful sport u wii ing game!! Rating: 5 star Age: 7+ By Daniel Yr 7


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y by Gabe yr 9 Short ste or loved his mum. He loved

10 year old Jak sister. He his dad. And he loved his little pizza. He d love He loved playing football. losions. exp of lots with s loved action film a really on g goin got you h rus the He loved fast roller-coaster. he secretly He didn’t like to admit it but the year in girl de blon loved Chloe, the books about above him. He loved reading He loved . vampires and werewolves up high. ed turn ic, listening to rock mus all was of t mos d love e Jak But the thing about just had He . 360 x Xbo his playing e. He hav y sibl every game you could pos ed play he es, gam ball played the latest foot dal ‘Me and y’ Dut Of l ‘Cal war games like s’. He played Of Honor’. He played ‘The Sim he played japanese fighting games. And er he’d nev Whe e. them all, all the tim d on foun be ld wou he free have a moment n he whe it ed play He . sole con es his gam school. On got back from school. Before In the ses. hou nds the weekends. At frie would He ld. cou he er nev holidays, whe with ne onli stay up late at night playing mum His ld. people from all over the wor and his dad constantly nagged him about it him to go de sua per to ng tryi had given up to the park and play. r a very One morning Jake woke up afte rubbed and r ove ed unrestful night. He roll he did n Whe . them ning ope ly his eyes, slow normal the by ted gree n’t was he open them by blue sky sight of his bedroom wall but oturf. He astr ss, gra not and green grass. No, came to ly slow and self him looked around ding smack the realisation that he was stan pitch. He ball bang in the middle of a foot by one one as ds stan looked around at the here. now of out up ping pop people began ds stan were Within a couple of minuits the ors. But as ctat all filled with cheering spe there was ized real he James looked closer y were all The . them with ng some- thing wro robots. It flat. 2D flat. They all moved like


took all of 2 seconds for James to realise he was not in the real world. But if he wasn’t, then where was he? As James speculated, a whistle went up somewhere to his right. He turned around just in time to see a football flying straight at him. Hr raised his hands in front of his face and squeezed his eyes. The football didn’t hit his face, so James opened his eyes. He was not in the football pitch anymore, instead he was in a World War 2 battlefield, surrounded by soldiers firing at each other. Bullets whizzed through the air as James dived to the floor. Distant explosions echoed in his ears. James risked a peak over the side of the hill he was cowering behind. To his horror a German was standing less than two meters away, pointing a gun right at him. James shut his eyes as the German pulled the trigger. James opened his eyes to another different location. He was standing on a stage, in the middle of a massive auditorium. He looked down and realised he had a guitar in his hands. He looked out and saw hundreds of screaming people in the crowd. Just as James was getting used to the idea of being center stage amidst screaming fans, a line of massive blue dots came flying at him out of nowhere. Four lines of red, blue, green and yellow balls came hurtling at him. He squeezed his eyes tight. James woke up in his bed, sweaty and clammy. He checked to see if he was alright before swinging out of bed and running downstairs. The living room light flicked on, then a few minuits later flicked off again. The kitchen light was then switched on. The sound of the rubbish bin lid closing echoed around the house, as a very scared James returned to bed. The next morning, after James and his siter had gone to school, James’ mum took the rubbish out. She hurled the black bin liner full of rubbish into the road. As she turned her back and headed back into the house something tumbled out of the bag. One Xbox 360 and a whole load of games, lay in the middle of the road, waiting for another little boy to pick them up...


Crossword r7

by Jonah Yea Across

2. Pull sharply 4. Night clothing 6. Victor at the battle of

Hastings 9. Champagne, musical instrument 11. The person who gives

sentence and decides whether a person isguilty or not in a trial of law 12. Alex Rider’s good friend: ________ Pleasure 17. Language spoken in the Netherlands 18. Character played by Keanu Reeves in the Matrix 19. Extremely old 21. Reflective glass 24. Defensive wall on

10. Horatio Nelson died in the Battle of __________

13. A progressive and fatal brain disease that causes memor y loss and personality change

14. Someone who is pedantic 15. Addictive liquid alkaloid found in tobacco

16. Most populated country castles 20. Greek god of War 25. Dwellers of the Arctic 22.Writing fluid other wise known as the 23. Expert Inuit answers available at Down Green Poe tr y 1. A main manufacturer By Umaym ah yr 4 of sweets i am ver y k een on gre e en, 3. Martial art of japanes green is m y theme, from smart origin ies to part ies and less its gre ons of kara 5. Basic locking en. te i re cy cl e d reused a mechanism n d re d uced that’ bought me. s why my m .. a moose 7. Insect, contagious um and guess w h a t illness it was green! 8. Desolate and very dry now that I’ ve been kee n on green what you’v expanse of land its your tu e seen rn to do


S oho 2 1 Soduko 3 4 4 1 3 2 across and The numbers 1 to 4 must go small boxes down in each row and in the you must also have 1 to 4. in any row Never have two of any number ares (up or down) or in the small squ

Soduko by Effie Boo yr 3

o Stick your fo

Doc g? from runnin

ee get on-line?

He logs in ha! ha!

joktoer How do I stop my nose

How does the tr

Joke by Cecille yr6

t out and trip

it up!Â

Joke by Klareze yr3

s e r a u q S o Soh S

Find a partner. Take turns to dr aw a line between the dots, ei ther one across or one down. If you make a square put yo ur initial in it. The game is over when all dots are joined. The winner is the one with the m ost initials in the squares.


? d e r Bo

on out there. hlight some of whats These listings just hig d an re mo ch for mu Check www.sohoyou ! uth Yo ho So in it saw m you remember to tell the

Mousetrap Theatre Projects C145 (SEE A SHOW FOR £5!) 15-18 in Enables young people, aged attend to on cati edu ry nda state seco or ents par the theatre without their own r thei ing buy teachers, but instead for just ticket and attending with friends postby nied mpa acco n ofte w, sho £5 per s ctor dire , show talks with cast members and creatives.

Soho Festiv


St Anne’s

55 Dean Street, Soho

Soho Youth Magazine Every Monday in term time £1 a session club for 8-18 year olds. Magazine produced by young people in Soho. Write reviews, articles, interviews, photograph, design, paint and draw.

St Annes Gar dens, Wardo ur Street, W Sunday 18th 1 July 12 noon til 6p m Live music an d entertainm ent, Champa Pimms bar, w gne and ines, beers an d soft drinks, - bric-a-brac, food, stalls books, Museu m of Soho, tu Bike g-of-war, Dr

Dragon Hall

ain Food Lovers Britho

So Food Lovers Market Street ett inn /W eet Rupert Str W! on Lond July From Saturday 10th .com ain rit rsb ve www.foodlo st exciting mo d an st we ne ’s London rket Ma d weekly Saturday foo will bring It ly. Ju launches on 10th food back al an tis ar al, fresh, season . to the heart of London Look out for: h - Bread Meat - Fish - Shellfis Leaveslad Sa gs Eg - Cakes - Fruit me Cheeses - Cream - Ga eeties Sw e ffe Co - Charcuterie -Go -to od Fo s - Juice re..... and much, much mo

17 Stukeley Street, London, WC2B 5LT 020 7404 7274 or email info@dragonhall. Summer playscheme is on for 4 weeks starting Monday 26th July, 10am to 4pm. It is for ages 8 to 12. The cost is £25 per week. There will be lots of activities includ- Marshall St Leisure Centre ing trips out, cinema visits, picnics etc. 15 Marshall Street , W1 Please book early as places are limited. call 07801 477 750 e Opens in July 2010 e r F facilities Swim Life This centre will offer a range of 4 studio, m t i kou Sw which include a gym, wor ts Centre . rooms w ent ssm w asse w r health suite, health sis Spo inal orig with l poo ing The Oa nder mm and the swi u heck s. tive crea nd rs.a 16 and ed times, c floo d line marble at Design nd sign up a e websit

60’s Retro Ex hibition Openin g Party @ The National Portrait Gallery St Martin’s Pl

ace, London WC2 H 0HE youthbookings@ T 02 0 7312 2483 On the 27th of November Molly and Holly went the Youth Foru to m’s exhibition opening of ‘Bea to Bowie’ in th tles e National Port rait Gallery. Th were many diffe ere rent things goin g on, Molly had makeup done an her d Holly made a record cover w old magazines ith and there was even the opport to dress up in unity period style cl othing. The ba Supershakers we nd the re playing 60’s so ngs to a PowerP of famous clips oint from that era gi ving the place a atmosphere. Lo great ts of people cam e and although originally put th they e age limit for 14 to 21 years many others at of age tended, there w as a great mix. we had a great Overall time and we re commend you out upcoming yo check uth forum even ts. Although Be to Bowie is finis atles hed just check th eir website for w on now. hats

hat’s Chinese New Year,w it all about? the Tiger.

TaeKwonDo @ Chinese Community Cen tre TaeKwon

Do is a Korean martial art whi teaches mainly ch kicking techniqu e. In Korean, Tae means foot , Kwon means ha nd, and Do means way or ar t. In TaeKwonDo there is a gradin g system. As skill and know ledge get more advanced, the harder it ge ts. In each stage, you will get different colour ed belts. I think TaeKwon Do is interestin g because you will lean di fferent techniqu es and it keeps you fit an d flexible. Most important of all, it’s fun. I wou ld like to contin ue to become a black belt. Th e class is for all ages. If you are interested in joining TaeKwon Do classes, then you should come to Chines e Community Centre to see us in action!

ar of This year is the ye the longest and is ar Ye w Ne Chinese ity in the Lumost important festiv of Chinese gin ori e nar Calendar. Th turies old and New Year is itself cen cause of several gains significance be People pour out myths and traditions. esents, decorapr y their money to bu and clothing. tions, material, food, are decorated Windows and doors cuts and couerwith red colour pap s of “hapme the lar plets with popu d “longevity”. piness”, “wealth”, an New Year, supOn the Eve of Chinese ilies. Food will per is a feast with fam cks, to chickdu to range from pigs, ies. The family en and sweet delicac th firecrackers. will end the night wi ing, children rn Early the next mo by wishing ts ren pa will greet their happy new year, them a healthy and in red paper enand receive money velopes. y Fat Choy! I wish you all Kung Ha 3 By Klareze Wong yr

? d e r Bo

“ of the best kept secrets in London...”

YMCA By Lili Bo

ll Street Y Active, Great Russe Saturday Club per year Saturday Membership £25.00 /11.30-1pm mornings 10am-11.30 st £2.50 session Co Drop in age: 5–14, ) (can do both sessions an amazing place. t ou ab u yo l Let me tel to because it’s one I almost don’t want s in London...keep ret of the best-kept sec this to yourself OK? can hang out with Imagine a place you OUT your parents your friends WITH agine if you could Im getting in the way. ur friends, learn to go swimming with yo stle, , play on a bouncy ca jump on a trampoline ze gla ce of art, sculpt and create your own pie ke ba , dio a ceramics stu your own pottery in er, ol and baby foot togeth po y pla cakes together, a th wi ch pit ll tba the foo learn new skills on n ilia az rn the fantastic Br skilled instructor, lea d a, play basketball an eir po martial art of Ca much much more. should lly does exist. You Well, that place rea . check out the YMCA hang lly friendly place to rea a is b Clu y da tur Sa ickly qu lly rea of the family out. You feel like one t so no It’s er. eth tog t fun and we all have grea bs clu ool or after school structured like sch at wh y da n decide on the which means you ca re the do u yo r t whateve you feel like doing, bu to ff and sports coaches sta d ine tra are lots of d ke loo ays safe and well make sure you’re alw e tiv ac lly you might feel rea after. One Saturday it’s … ty ar lly ght feel rea and another you mi on a ere are two sessions Th u. yo to totally up for y sta st of us actually Saturday morning; mo y ne mo of ould bring a bit both.. if you do you sh a get n ca u yo shop where for tuck – that’s the ing. snack to keep you go s in u about what happen yo d tol en ev n’t ve I ha b clu y da tur t. Just like Sa the school holidays ye

we do activi ties at the cl ub, but then we also go off site to gether with lots of st aff to fun plac es like bowling, iceskating, the cinema, parks and w oods. I totally reco mmend you come and see for yourself if yo u are between 5 – 14, you’ll be made to feel welcom e – but I’ll de finitely beat you at fo otball!

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s t o b o R d e l c y c


All our old boxes and plastics,

ready to become robots Designing the robots

The production line The k9 one!

the 3D one!

The tallest one!

The creative one! The poshest one!

Soho Youth

Telling you how it is

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-18 years and If you are between 8 e production would like to join in th contact of Soho Youth please m editorsohoyouth@g 6 940 or call us on 07865 04

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