How it is summer 2015

Page 1

How it is…

Issue 1

Arts and Crafts in South Africa Online Magazine

Markets VS Online Shopping

Koos Bronkhorst Running on Overload Thankful p. 78 - 80

p. 14 - 19 Online Art Classes Artkat Studio p. 130 - 131 Art History “Gothic Period” p. 53 - 55 MALCOLM WILLIAMSON – UnIque Handmade Leather Products p. 86 - 87



How it is… Arts and Crafts in South Africa Online Magazine

Editor’s Notes A happy hello to all our readers. Welcome to the very first issue of How it is…

‘Living the Dream” Everyone has a dream job and everyone would love to pursue this dream job. Is it a necessity to enjoy the job you do? The answer, of course, is No. But as the saying goes: “If you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life!” Ask yourself: If you were to pursue your dream job, would you be able to sustain the lifestyle that you want? In the current world economic situation this could definitely be a big risk. What do you stand to gain but also what do you stand to lose? Decide how important your goal is, is it worth the risk?

If you feel that your dream job is attainable, this is the magazine for you. We aim to introduce you to artists and crafters who will inspire you to set realistic goals towards one day achieving your dream job. BE INSPIRED…



Craft Routes is the ideal shopping place to buy your arts and craft materials. You will find a Craft Routes in Collonade Shopping Centre – Montana, Pretoria and in Woodlands Boulevard – Moreleta Park, Pretoria East. Craft Routes - Woodlands is also a participating venue for “Craft Together” which takes place every 2nd Saturday of each month. Craft Routes is open seven days a week. Participating Venue for “Craft Together”

Honorary Member OF ADAC(S)A

If you would like to advertise on this page or in this magazine you can contact Daphne Smit :

or 082 465 0494


In this issue‌ Koos Bronkhorst Until about the 1980’s music took up most of my time. I realised the music industry was taking a path, I would prefer, not to walk. That is when I decided to spend more time doing art.

Markets vs Online Shopping Why would it be better to sell your products online, instead of the traditional way? Which type of client would you target when selling online? 6

Lobola (1988) by Bonnie Ntshalintshali portrays the South African custom whereby a man pays. Read more about this extraordinary artist on Page 20 & 21

Arts and Crafts


Art Therapy as a Career Page 58 & 59

in each issue Our biggest challenge for this issue is our Xmas Stocking Exhibition, which will be taking place in November. See p. 2 & 3 for more info. Page 42 – 47 - Challenges

Business Planning Start a Business Model Page 64 - 66 SlowArt Productions presents Emerging Artists 2015, the 23rd annual competition for group exhibition and awards. 7 Page 40 & 41

Contents… 12



X-mas Market -Centurion

14 - 19

Markets vs Online Shopping

20 - 21

South African Craft History – Bonnie Ntshalinthshali

22- 24

South African Art History – Vuminkosi Zulu


Association for the Development of Arts and Crafts in (S)A


Teddie4Hope Kits

27 - 28

Home of Hope


Woman Against Rape

30 - 34

Teddie4Hope Instructions


Teddie4Hope Pattern


Tin Soldiers


Because We Care – Stitch in Time Winner: Vanessa Styliano

38 - 39

Maroelana Sunday Craft Market & Revival Emporium


Arts & Craft News



Art & Craft Challenge Rules Always Be Creative & Unique


Craft Challenge – Serviette Rings


Craft Challenge – Candle Holder


Art Challenge – Celtic Pendant

46 - 47

Art Challenge – Selfie Picasso Style

48 50 - 51

Craft Together

Midvaal Arts Institution


Fashion with an Arty Twist

Wish List 8


Art History Time Line


Middle Ages


Gothic Art

55 -57

Byzentine & Islamic

58 – 59 Art Therapy as a Career 60 - 61

SA Artists ~ Lional Murcott & Nicky van Rensburg

62 64 66


68 70

Business Model Canvas Simplified

Karoo Windmill Crafter 65

Set up Business Model Canvas

Business Model Canvas – First Two Columns Explained

Business Q & A

National Art Festival – 2015 Grahamstown Call for Proposals



Art Q & A

72 -73

Craft Q & A

74 - 75

Cool Capital

76 - 77

Minister of Arts & Culture

78 - 80

Featured Artist – Koos Bronkhorst ~ Running on Overload




Alladin’s Cave

82 - 84

Featured Crafter – Joan Booysen ~ Believe in yourself

86 - 87

Africa Crafter : Malcolm Williamson – Hand Stitched Leather

SA Artist Koos Bronkhorst 78 - 80

89 - 95 89 - 91 92 93 94 95

SA Crafter Joan Booysen 82 - 84

Africa Crafter Malcolm Williamson 86 - 87

Kids Pages Art Challenge – Cast Shadow Craft Challenge – Gift Wrapping Art & Craft Benefits for Kids Featured Kids Artist – Evan Smit 10 Featured Kids Crafter –Nadia Smit

96 - Markets in 111 South – Africa Featuring Christmas Markets 112 - 113

Creative Day Out – Parys - the Jewel of The Vaal River

114 - 115

Creative Get Away – Artist Living in Bethulie


Festivals in SA



118 - 119

Books ~ Arts, Crafts & Business

120 - 121

Why Join an Association ~ Centurion Art Association


How to Draw Hands

126 - 127

Upcycling ~Candi Hall Jones & Inspired Market

128 - 129

Recycling in South Africa

130 - 131

Artkat Art Studio – Why Not Try Online Classes?


Art Classes in SA


Craft Classes in SA


Art Galleries


Promote Hand Made


Aartklop 2014


Save 7 Lives Exhibition

138 - 142 In Loving Memory of Johannes Swanepoel - Mouth Artist 11 143

Contacts for This Magazine

Chatterbox… Tell us what is happening in your area: News, gossip, shows, exhibitions, markets, shops, suppliers, artists, crafters, products, etc.

How it is … P.O Box 35279 Menlo Park PRETORIA South Africa 0102

Fax: +27 12 340 0092 Twitter: @ArtsCraftsAssSa E-mail: Cell: +27 (0)82 465 0494 Due to the fact that this is our first edition, we haven’t received any letters from our readers yet. We are waiting in anticipation for your letters. Tell us what you think about this magazine. What else would you like to read about? What can we take out and what can we add? The goal of this magazine is to introduce our readers to the arts and crafts sector of South Africa. We believe that How it is… will increase the arts and crafts standard and change the perspective of the public regarding this sector. In return, this will create more opportunities for individuals and help our economy to grow in this sector. 12

Honorary Member OF ADAC(S)A


Is your product and stall a hobby or your business?

Markets vs Online Shopping

Answer the Following Questions? 1) Is your product up to standard? 2) Is your pricing in relation with your product, the market and your competition? 3) Did you go the extra mile with your product and stall? 4) Are you using the market as a marketing tool or only a place to sell your product? 5) Are you ready and willing to grow with the market?

Online Markets will never take over your traditional

Remember each business needs time to grow. Even Markets/Shows/Festivals your small business, at a market. 14

Are you a positive trader or are you complaining all the time? Why have market sales slowed down over the last five years? Our Economy The public is not supporting markets as well as in previous years. Many new markets As a business opportunity in our slow economy, many people started organising markets in their areas. Many organisers are doing it to help artists and crafters in their areas and some are doing it for their own profit. In other countries, markets provide career opportunities for many people. Traders and organisers plan, work and grow together. Even if you are trading at markets for extra income, you need to learn how to run it as a business instead of a hobby.

To improve your success rate it is important to know what is working and what is in. Selling your product at a market or festival is a business opportunity and unless you run it as a business, success will be shortlived. Always better yourself, your product and your service. Read books, magazines, newspapers, blogs about arts and crafts and business. Listen to the news. Find out what is happening in your area. If nothing is happening, help make things happen. Attend workshops and seminars. Be aware of new trends = market requirements and prices. Socialise

with other artists and crafters and be part of the arts and crafts community. Even if you are only doing arts or crafts as a hobby, you never know when you might have the opportunity to turn it into a business. Just maybe, one day, you will have the chance to live your dream. 15

Normally , part of the money you pay for a stall will be used for marketing and advertising. Well known, settled markets will normally charge more for a stall than a new upcoming market . Settled markets can normally guarantee more feet. It does not mean if you pay less for the stall that it will not be a successful market. It does mean that you must enquire, from the organiser, about the kind of marketing that is done and if it is in relation to what you are paying and expecting from the market. Also enquire about the target customer of the market. In short - all well known, settled markets started as new upcoming markets. If the traders and organisers work together with marketing and the image of the market, new upcoming markets will grow into well known and settled markets. As the organiser, how can you help to make a difference? Use Facebook, Twitter, text messages to friends, posters at shopping malls, churches and schools in your area, etc. The only way to make a difference is to work together. Never Quit! Rina Bester Arts and Crafts Market Organizer Cell: 071 110 6907 Every last Sunday of the month Bonanza Country Market On the R514 to Harties (Hartebeespoortdam)

Every first Sunday of the month Duck & Dine Market “Lekker Boerekos� Akasia, Pretoria


Arts and Crafts Market Organiser: Rina Bester writes: Tonight I am very tired but at least I can still stay positive. Had a hard week, yesterday was the farmers’ market (boeremark). No complaints but no fireworks either. In the afternoon I went to De Kroon to search for traders for my festivals. I felt really sorry for the traders, because it was really quiet. You couldn’t find any posters or banners on the side of the road. No visible sign that there was a market. I don’t know if the organisers and public think that stalls just fall from the sky. It is really hard work and can take hours to prepare a stall before a market I sympathise with the artists who must perform when there is barely an audience. Today was my first day trading at a food market in Chameleon Village. With the sales of the vegetables I couldn’t even pay my stall. The market was very well advertised with beautiful flyers, radio advertising and giant banners, but there just weren’t any feet.In my opinion there are just too many markets/shows/festivalsout there and they don’t offer anything new or special. In the past organisers used to ask a fee for a market, now it has become an income for the organiser. In the end the trader always ends up being the biggest loser. 17 But alas, next Saturday I will try again…. Roughly translated from Afrikaans

Would it be better to sell online than in the traditional way? Online markets such as Little Market and Local Fair will never replace traditional markets. Online trading is an extension to help the artist/crafter with his/her sales. It can help you to extend your target market locally as well as internationally. You will find a visual fast growing market and trading on social networks and e-Commerce web pages. Online markets such as give online buyers the opportunity to look and shop around for hand made products- 24/7 -in the comfort of their own homes. The internet, especially eCommerce web pages, are well placed and the time is right for South African shoppers to start using this platform. South Africans are entrepreneurs by nature. You will find markets in almost every city!

Who is your target market? In the 4 weeks since we started Little Market, we have had around 500 new Facebook “likes” every day. Enquiries from shoppers are unbelievable. Just yesterday we received 50 new buyers and at least 25 new buyers on a normal day. Today we have at least 270 traders who are interested in using Little Market. We should have at least 350 traders by the end of this week. We expect at east 3600 traders by April 2015 for Our traders will ,most likely, also be buyers, because they are also interested in the same products. Statistics show that 98% of our Facebook “likes” are ladies between the ages of 25 to 44. Our target market is ladies between 20 and 54 (Interview with the founder of Little Market) 18

Is it easy for sellers to use Little Market? Very easy, sellers need a account to receive and manage payments. We take 8% (Little Market fee) and 3.9% (Pay Fast credit card fees). Sellers are responsible for setting up their own Little Market mini shop and to update products. Sellers are also responsible for delivery/postage of the product as well as credits, complaints or any special requirements or deliveries. From April 2015 we will charge a small annual admin fee of R300.

More from Rina: I really feel that, traders/exhibitors can do more to make their stalls more attractive and interesting. It is not just about putting up Gazebo and setting up a stand. One day, I might write a book about my experiences at markets and festivals.


South African Crafter - History Bonnie Ntshalinthshali Painter Start date: 1985-01-01 End date: 1999-12-31 Bio Bonnie Ntshalintshali was born on Ardmore Farm, in the Winterton district of KwaZulu-Natal, in 1967. Bonnie suffered from polio as a girl. She was not strong enough to work on the farm, so her mother asked Fee Halsted-Berning if she would teach her about ceramics. In 1985, she apprenticed with Fee as a studio assitant. While learning basic ceramic techniques, Ntshalintshali's natural ability in both sculpture and painting was quickly recognised, and she was encouraged by Halsted-Berning to pursue her own work. In 1988 Ntshalinthshali received the Corobrik National Ceramic Award. In 1990 she won the Standard Bank Young Artist Award jointly with Halsted-Berning. In the same year she spent a term at the University of Natal studying under Juliet Armstrong and Ian Calder. In 1991 Standard Bank commissioned a series of original prints from its award-winning artists. Using her own sculpture as inspiration, Bonnie produced a series of original silk-screens which were presented at the print festival in Grahamstown. 20

The Bonnie Candlestick is a functional work with her signature sculptured animals . This was one of her later pieces as she was no longer using Plaka paint for glazes. In many of her works, Ntshalintshali drew inspiration from her early years at mission school. She won numerous awards throughout her career, amongst them are the Corobrik National Ceramic Award in 1988 and the Standard Bank Young Artist Award in 1990. Her work is represented in collections locally and internationally.

Toyota by Bonnie Ntshalintshali


Vuminkosi Zulu Vuminkosi Zulu was born to Solomon Godongwana and Frida (MaMhlongo) Zulu. He started his primary education at Mthombeni Primary School, Maphumulo, in 1960. He was selected as the best artist in an inter-school arts and crafts competition in 1965 and continued developing his talent thereafter. His father, a fruit trader, was only able to keep him at school up to Standard 7 (Grade 9). Before finally ending his schooling career Vuminkosi did odd jobs for a local Muslim businessman to earn extra money for school expenses. In 1970, when he attended the Evangelical Lutheran Church Art and Craft Centre at Rorke’s Drift, he befriended Judus Mahlangu. A German Lutheran priest named Hans Blum first saw Vuminkosi’s wood sculpture when he attended a South Eastern Diocesan Council meeting at Umphumulo Church Centre at Maphumulo in 1971. He liked the work and considered buying it because of its religious content and the remarkable skill with which it had been executed. However, he still had to consider if he could afford to pay the R20 price tag before his return to Swaziland, where he was stationed. When he finally met Vuminkosi, he began to collect his work (both sculptures and prints) either directly from him or through the African Art Centre in Durban. This friendship was destined to take Vuminkosi’s career a step further in terms of international exposure. Blum had great admiration for Vuminkosi’s art and he felt that he could use it to illustrate his sermons. He also wanted to feature examples in exhibitions that he arranged with the Museum Für Volkerkunde in Frankfurt am Main, West Germany. Blum’s conviction was that while European missionaries had converted southern Africans, Europe had much to learn from the visual sermons from Africa; there was, he felt, a potential mutuality that could not go unnoticed. 22

During his stay and study at Rorke’s Drift, Vuminkosi also met Klaus Wasserthal on whose farm he later resided and worked as an artist in the mid1970s. From 1972 to 1974 Vuminkosi worked at Rorke’s Drift as a resident artist and an apprentice weaver. It was during this time that he won the Hajee Suliman Memorial Award. In 1974 his work was selected for the Black Art exhibition which was sponsored by the Programme for Social Change and Devcraft, held at Diakonia House, Johannesburg. During the same year he also executed a monumental sculpture, The Battle of Isandlwana for the KwaZulu Government Legislative Assembly in Ulundi. When he left Rorke’s Drift he joined Judus Mahlangu in Springs on the East Rand. As a parting gift he was given a small printing press by Otto Lundholm, teacher of Intaglio Printing.

Extract taken from ographies/vuminkosizulu/#.VDwjchYrzdk

Name: Zulu, Vuminkosi Born: 24 November 1948, Mapumulo, KwaZulu-Natal Died: 14 November 1996, Edendale Hospital, Pietermaritzburg 23

Art by Vuminkosi Zulu



We need leaders in the Arts and Crafts sector, to help with the development of Arts and Crafts in (South) Africa by starting a Provincial, Affiliation, or Africa branch. In areas where there are no Provincial, Affiliation or Africa branches members can join directly through head office.

You will need at least 5 committee members to start a Provincial, Affiliation or Africa Branch Application can be send to:


In every edition we will have a craft project, which will benefit a charity organisation . All the completed Teddies returned to us will be donated to WAR – Woman Against Rape. Teddies can be posted to 4Hope PO Box 35279 Menlo Park 0102

Teddie4Hope Kits Only R150 each Choose between Beginners Intermediate Advanced



Yolanda Hamman from Sharizaan Fashion, President of Waterkloof Innerwheel, works with the Girls at Home of Hope. Yolanda and her team teaches them different skills, once a week. During the past year, they have done knitting & fabric painting They will start with Teddy Bear Classes after the exams.

Girls at Tshwane Home of Hope busy knitting.

If you would like to get involved in the Skills Development Programme, please contact Yolanda - Cell: 079 885 5462 27 E-mail:

Teddie4Hope 2015/16 4

Tshwane Home of Hope Sunny Side Pretoria


This house was opened, on 13 September 2002 during the Child Protection Week by the Minister of Social Works and the Mayor of Pretoria (Tshwane) as a joint venture, to prevent sexual abuse and forced prostitution by taking young girls of the street and protecting them. Address 126 Steve Biko St, Sunny Side Tel: 012 341 6862 Fax: 012 341 8885 E-mail: Reg No: 044-518-NPO


Teddie4Hope 2015/16 WAR Woman Against Rape Web page:



Woman Against Rape (WAR) encourages all South Africans to exercise their rights by teaching them that their bodies and spirits are sacred. No other person may violate these rights in any manner. In the event of violation or abuse, all South African victims have a right to be heard and counselled through empathetic and skilled care. WAR is dedicated to providing the knowledge of prevention and the necessary steps to work through a traumatic event. The “Comfort Parcel’ is intended to reinstall a sense of self worth back into the victim Janine Rowley – Founder Cell: 083 447 944 E-mail: Marielie Johnsson (P.A) Traditionally a comfort parcel Cell: 082 928 5150 contains clean underwear, sanitary E-mail: towels, toiletries, a teddy bear and Reg No: 091-724-NPO 29 BEE level 4 approved a chocolate.

Teddie4Hope 2015/16 Designed by Daphne Smit Instructions by Daphne Smit


Hope Included in every Kit Âą A3 Size Teddie Fabric (Advanced Kit) Or Teddie ready-stitched (Intermediate Kit) Or a ready-to-fill Teddie (Beginners Kit) 2 x Eyes, 1 x Nose, Filling, Message of Hope Label, Needle & Cotton, Pattern and instructions 30

Teddie4Hope 2015/16 The goal with our 4Hope projects: 1) To give persons with less opportunities a change to learn a skill and earn a sustainable income. 2) To help an organisation with basic needs like cleaning material etc. With each Teddie4Hope kit sold, R50 is donated to the Tshwane Home of Hope, in order for them to buy essentials. 3) We would like our customers to return the completed project to us, we will in return donate it to a specific organisation who will benefit by receiving it. All the Teddies we receive will be donated to WAR (Woman Against Rape) Photos for step 1 - 4

Í? Stretch position of the Fabric Í?


Advanced instructions start here.

Photo’s for step 5 & 6 1) Trace pattern supplied on cardboard or an old X-ray. 2) Cut out the Teddie on the cardboard or X-ray. 3) Pin the back and front of the material onto each other. 4) Use the cut pattern to trace the Teddie onto the back of the fabric. Use a fabric or gel pen. (The fur of the Teddie must be facing down) 5) The next step can be done by hand or machine. Stitch around the Teddie,leaving an opening to fill the Teddie. You will turn the Teddie inside out through the opening. (See pattern) 6) Cut out about 5 – 7mm around the Teddie. Cut triangles in all the corners. Put the Teddie down so that she faces you. Mark where you are going to place the eyes and nose. 7) Optional: You can now close the hands and nose with top stitching. See pattern for placing of the eyes and nose and the top stitching. 32

Intermediate Instructions start here. Advanced Instructions continue here. 9) Make holes where the eyes and nose are suppose to go in. You can use a knitting needle. Be careful not to make the holes to big. 10) Press the eyes and nose from the outside to the inside. 11) Press the stoppers at the back of the eyes and nose. You can use an old cotton reel to help you with this. 12) Stitch a mouth for the Teddie (optional)

Photos for step 10 & 11

Beginners Instructions start here and advanced and intermediate continues here. 13) Now you can fill the Teddie. You can use chopsticks, a spoon or a haemostat (every Teddie Crafter should have one) to fill the Teddie. 14) First fill the head and hands (if you fill the hands), followed by the legs. Start with small pieces of filling in the corners. Make sure the filling is in the corners. If you think that the Teddie is full, make sure you 33 fill it even more!

Instructions follows. 15) Write a message of hope on the label supplied. 16) Stitch the label into the side when you close the sides. 17) If you would like to accessorise the Teddie with a bag, you must first put the bag over her shoulder before you stitch the hands together.. 18) Stitch the hands together – Zellie is a “Hugging Teddie”

Time for Fun - Optional If you like, you can dress/accessorise the Teddie any way you like. Make her a hat, apron, dress, jewellery. Make her unique. Here is a cute web page to motivate you to dress your Teddie.

If you do not want to buy a 4Hope Kit, you may use the instructions to make a Teddie to donate to WAR. Donations of R50 (estimate) towards Home of Hope for Girls are appreciated - Ref 4Hope. WAR also appreciates any donations of face cloths, toothpaste and tooth 34 brushes, underwear and chocolates.

Leave Open to turn Zellie Inside-out and for the stuffing.


Zellie Pattern

Address: Van Ryneveld Ave, Centurion, 0045 Phone: 083 305 5954 Open by Appointment Only

Teddy Bear patterns and kits, a variety to delight and inspire you! Patterns by well known designers including Megan Wallace, Nerina Roberts, Carol Casey and Liezel Lubbe. Free teddy bear sewing patterns. Free cloth doll making patterns. Free polymer clay projects. Free teddy bear making tutorials. Free pin cushion patterns. Many of these projects were first published in our Newsletter. If you would like regular updates about workshops and tutorials offered at Tin Soldiers, consider SUBSCRIBING TO OUR NEWSLETTER. 36

Because We Care Vanessa Styliano – Owner of Revival Emporium, Maroelana * Winner of the most original table. Revival Emporium is an UpCycle Store: We only use the expression “second-hand shop” or “pawn shop” to describe what we are not. Revival is neither of these, nor a thrift store, nor an exclusive Antiques or Collectables outlet. We offer “Something Old, Something New & Something Revived Just for You”. We also offer a wide range of services such as Upholstery, Interior Design, Carpentry, and General House Hold repairs.

Stitch in Time Fundraiser by Innerwheel & Rotary Waterkloof and West View Methodist Church to benefit different a skills development projects

Stitch in Time Innerwheel & Rotary Waterkloof & West View Methodist Church 37 Annual Fund Raiser

Maroelana Spruit Sunday Craft Market COMING New Upmarket Upcycle and Crafts Market

SOON Phone: 012-7704770 Cell: 0848448058 Email: 27 Maroelana Street Maroelana, Pretoria, 0081

Vanessa Styliano is looking for a partner to help organise and manage this exciting new market in an exquisite setting in the east of Pretoria. Close to excellent restaurants. Venue situated in natural surroundings, including a river. Beautiful place for picnics and spending a relaxing day.. 38

Phone: 012-7704770 Cell: 0848448058 .

27 Maroelana Street Maroelana, Pretoria, 0081 We are not to throw away those things which can benefit our neighbour. Goods are called good because they can be used for good: they are instruments for good, in the hands of those who use them properly. -- Clement of Alexandria

Revival Emporium is an UpCycle Store: We only use the expression “second-hand shop” or “pawn shop” to describe what we are not. Revival is neither of these, nor a thrift store, nor an exclusive Antiques or Collectables outlet. We offer “Something Old, Something New & Something Revived Just for You”. Second hand shops are known in South Africa to be dusty, disorganised and mostly located “in the wrong part of town”. The Revival Emporium is here to change the way the public views previously owned goods through presentation, environment, creativity, friendly & helpful staff and the many value adding services which we offer. In our eyes, the difference between Treasure and Trash is Black & White. These are Revivals trademark colours which bring the B.C. (Before Colour) Vintage Feel to our Brand. We threw in a splash of Magenta to add a current twist. 39

Arts and Craft News What is Happening in The Arts and Crafts Sector in (South) Africa?

Above: Trent Taft, "Snoot" and Kelly Belvins, "Elephant Nest", from the 2014 exhibit

Emerging Artists 2015 Deadline November 30, 2014 SlowArt Productions presents Emerging Artists 2015, the 23rd annual competition for group exhibition and awards. Open to all artists working in any media - this event is devoted to the discovery, introduction and promotion of emerging artists. The exhibition will be held at Limner Gallery, March 4 - 28, 2015.

We would like to thank Ishmael Molelekoa - Midvaal Arts Institution, for the information regarding this competition. 40 Cell: +27 73 298 2885

Midvaal Arts Institution

Stavros Pavlides, "Business Prayer No.1", Sara Drescher Braswell, "The Saint and the Killer Whales", Emily Flint, "Symbiotic Discontent", 2013 exhibitors

Email Entry: (preferred) All online entries are via email or web post with direct html link . Email files must be in JPG format. Images may also be posted to a dedicated web page and a link provided to the page. Web page images should not be download restricted. Videos artists may post on a web page or on YouTube and provide a link to the page. Postal Mail Entries: Entry materials submitted via postal mail will not be returned. All materials submitted via mail will be considered disposable and will be recycled after the jury process. Artists may submit prints or digital images on CD or DVD. Prints Alone: Prints of artwork may be up to 8.5" x 11" and may be digital (ink jet, laser etc.) or photographic prints. Artist name, title, size, media and price should be on the front or back of the print. Digital files on CD or DVD: Digital image files may be submitted on CD 41 or DVD discs in TIF or JPG format. No files larger than 15MB please.

Arts and Crafts Challenge How it is‌ does not provide instructions with arts and crafts projects. In each issue we present new and different arts and craft challenges. We challenge young and old, to participate. The goal of each challenge is for our readers to be as creative and original as possible. You are welcome to send us images of your completed projects. Some projects will be selected to be published in our next issue. Remember to check out our next issue to see if your project made it to print.

How it is ‌ reserves the right to publish any photos, sent to us by our readers, in our magazine.

Please include the following info when you send us your photos: Name and Surname Age (under 18) Residential Area (optional) Name of art or craft work 42

Craft challenge Make serviette rings for your Christmas table or any other upcoming event. You can use any material you like.


CRAFT CHALLENGE Make a Candle Holder, that you can use, in your home. Be Original!!!

You may use any material you like. 44

Art challenge Design a pendant with a �Celtic� theme. The design must work with silver, gold or clay. Suggestion: Use paper and pen for this challenge. We would love to see if any of you can use your design on clay, silver or gold.


ART CHALLENGE Use Acrylic, Oil or Water paint to paint a “Selfie” in Pablio Picasso’s style. Picasso was baptized Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Martyr Patricio Clito Ruíz y Picasso. He was named after various saints and relatives. The "Picasso" is actually from his mother, Maria Picasso y Lopez. His father is named Jose Ruiz Blasco.


Born: 25 October 1881 in Malaga - Spain Died: 23 April 1973 Mougins - France

Pablio Picasso “Selfie” 47

View our Web Page to See Participating Venues

“Craft Together� Socialise, Network, Make New Friends, Spend Time with Your Friends, while working on your own art or craft project.

Invite Your Friends Whatever art or craft project you are busy with, bring it along, and join us for the day...

Together for fun!!! Sharing creativity!!! Giving advice and tips, sharing experiences and ideas!!! Time Slots Differ from Venue to Venue Please Confirm Details on our Web Page


Wish List

Sheilah Mokgoadi - Creative Director Azura Handcrafted Jewellery Cell: 078 172 7129

Proud Member OF ADAC(S)A


Fashion with an arty twist

Silly Billy was created as a junior version of the very successful Olkapolka Women’s wear brand. All our designs originate in our Design Team Studio and are hand screen printed on locally knitted cotton/spandex fabrics, giving it a proudly South African story of skills development and quality manufacturing. Co-ordinated styles and mix and match colour palletes make it easy for children to dress themselves and still look stylish regardless of the combinations they come up with. 50 Telephone: +27 (0) 12 653 1973 Facsimile: + 27 (0) 12 653 8417 E-mail:

From the Olkapolka Range

You can buy the most amazing printed fabric from the Design Team In Brooklyn Square Pretoria 51

Art History Time Line STONE AGE (30,000 B.C.–2500 B.C.) Chief Artists and Major Work Lascaux Cave Painting, Woman of Willendorf, Stonehenges

CHARACTARISTICS Cave painting, fertility goddesses, megalithic structures

Ice Age ends (10,000 B.C.–8,000 B.C.); New Stone Age and first permanent settlements (8000 B.C.–2500 B.C.)

(3500 B.C.–539 B.C.)


Chief Artists MajorinWork Warrior art andand narration stone Standard of Ur, Gate of Ishar, relief Stele of Hammurabi’s Code Sumerians invent writing (3400 B.C.); Hammurabi writes his law code (1780 B.C.); Abraham founds monotheism

CHARACTARISTICS Warrior art and narration in stone relief 52

ART HISTORY The period in European history between the collapse of Rome and the Renaissance, known as the medieval period, and as the dark ages. Simone Martini (Italian, c 1284 – 1344 Madonna from the Annunciation 1340 – 1344 Tempera on Wood Panel 12 x 8 ½ inches (30.5 x 21.5cm) State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg, Russia

Southern Germany 1400 – 1410 Coloured Glass - Lead 59 x 39 cm State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg, Russia 53

GOTHIC ART Typically rooted in religious devotion, it is especially known for the distinctive arched design of its churches, its stained glass, and its illuminated manuscripts.

You can read more about Gothic Artist at

Manuscripts and printmaking

Gothic Art shares the Art History Time Line with Celtic art, Carolingian Renaissance, Romanesque and also the Byzantine and Islamic (A.D. 476–A.D.453) which includes Heavenly Byzantine mosaics; Islamic architecture and amazing maze-like designs.

Gothic art was a style of Medieval art that developed in Northern France out of Romanesque art in the 12th century, led by the concurrent development of Gothic architecture. It spread to all of Western Europe, never quite elliminating more 54 classical styles in Italy.

Samples of Celtic Art Period: Middle Ages 476 A.D. – 1450 A.D.

Samples of Carolingian Rennaisance Art

Period Middle Ages 476 A.D. – 1450 A.D.


Samples of Romanesque Art Period: Bynzentine & Islamic 476 A.D. to Âą1450 A.D.

Samples of Heavenly Byzantines Mosaics Period: Byzentine & Islamic 476 A.D. to about 1450 A.D. 56

Samples of Islamic Architecture Period: Bynzentine & Islamic 476 A.D. to Âą1450 A.D.

The Byzantine Empire was the continuation of the Roman Empire during Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. For almost 1,000 years, they were the richest nation in Europe and western Asia; as a result, they led much of the world in art, science, and architectures. The Roman Empire was divided in two: Western Roman Empire, that kept the name of Rome and fell into decline and was soon conquered, and the Eastern Roman Empire that took the name of Byzantium. By 500 A.D. and it would endure until the Renaissance period. The Byzantine art was mostly religious, and it revealed the energy and power of the Byzantine society. They used rich materials such as gold and ivory. The churches were imposing and decorations were very rich with colour paintings of icons as well as mosaic tiles. At the same time, the art was also political; some Byzantine emperors had their portraits painted inside the churches. Extract taken from 57

• Petro Strydom - Professional Counsellor * * Boksburg * South Africa * Cell: +27 71 323 3778*

Art Therapy in SA

How does art therapy work? It allows the person to use a wide array of materials which can act as paths that were unavailable previously, but are now a certifiable route to follow, which will help them to solve their problems

What is art therapy? Art therapy is based on the idea that the creative act can be healing. According to practitioners, called art therapists, it helps people express hidden emotions; reduces stress, fear, and anxiety; and provides a sense of freedom. Many art therapists also believe the act of creation influences brain wave patterns and the chemicals released by the brain.


• Petro Strydom - Professional Counsellor * * Boksburg * South Africa * Cell: +27 71 323 3778*

The Art Therapy Academy The Art Therapy Academy is the first of its kind in South Africa to give training in Art Therapy. Up to now all art therapists in South Africa had to receive their training overseas. Training in art therapy, in South Africa, is either a short course stretched over a few days or a post graduate qualification. At the Art Therapy Academy you can now receive pre-graduate training as an art counsellor in South Africa. Our training is very field specific and very practical. Some of our courses have already received accreditation from UNISA. And you can be assured that they set a very high standard.


Lional Murcott

South African Artist Living in Johannesburg 60 Gauteng

Nicky Van Rensburg Nicky paints bright coloured landscapes and a funky new addition of ‘’Tipsy Chefs“ has become very popular with restaurants and kitchen décor. “Tipsy Chefs” Edition

Nicky is 30 years old and has been a full time artist for the last 9 years. He has been living his passion since his school days.

Bright Coloured Landscapes 61

Karoo windmill crafters

You’ll see them lining the N10 highway from Colesberg to Cradock in the Karoo. Their little roadside stalls are packed with spinning, silverwheeled windmill replicas, the ultimate icon of South Africa’s dry heartland. They don’t cost much, they’re low maintenance and by buying one you’re helping to sustain a decades-old crafting tradition. The next time you buy a little roadside windmill, have a look at its components. Apart from the wire, you will see artfully glued bottletops, parts of spray cans, coffee tins, window blinds and any number of items discarded on the rubbish dump of a small Karoo town. This is recycling in its finest form, making art from trash.


Business...... Business Model Canvas Simplified How to set up a business model canvas Discuss first two columns of the business model canvas

Business Q & A


Business ModelCanvas 1. Customer Segments

3. Channels

4. Customer Relations 6. Key Resources

7. Key Activities

2. Value Proposition

5. Income Revenue

8. Key PArtners

9. Cost Structure








INCOME REVENUE You will need: A3/A2 Cardboard Stickies Different Colour Markers

Divide the cardboard into 9 columns. See Sample. We will start with 2 columns in this issue. The next columns will be covered in the following issues. You can do this on your computer as well. You can download different business canvasses online. Search: Business Model Canvas Manager. If you do it on cardboard, you can place it where it is visible. This will help you to focus on the business plan and also for motivation. It is also easy to remove or add “sticky notes” with ideas as your business plan grows. 65

CUSTOMER SEGMENT Customer segments are the Segments: 1) Age 2) Sex 3) Interest 4) Area 5) Income group

specific customers you are targeting. It helps a business to divide groups into segments, so that you can target a more specific market.

These are only a few segments, you can add and remove what is applicable to your business/product/service

Value Proposition What makes your product better than your competition’s product? The more This question must target your customers needs and desires and worries. First find unique your the similarities between your product and product the better your the competition’s product. This will make it chance to easier to see what makes yours different. success 66

Business Advice

Send us your business related question and we may answer it on this page‌

Q: Do I need a big budget to market my business/product successfully? Expensive ad exposure does not necessarily translate to increased sales. Just ask Super Bowl advertiser, whose sock puppet commercial was a hit with consumers, but left the company bankrupt. Every marketing dollar spent should produce a good return in sales. Your target customers need to hear your marketing messages at least 7 times to influence a buying decision. Using marketing & sales strategies outside your budget, doesn't allow you to repeat your message often enough to make an impact. Marketing impact can be greatly improved by using multiple marketing channels. Prospects will likely become buyers if they: read about your company in the newspaper, attend a seminar, take home a brochure, and visit your small business website. The further you can "stretch your marketing dollars" to reach your target market in multiple channels, the higher the impact of your marketing message. Cheaper options to do marketing: 1) Flyers 2) Facebook and other social media 3) Networking 4) Posters 5) School News Letters 67 6) E-mail 7) Direct Marketing

National Arts Festival Grahamstown 2015 Call for Proposals After celebrating, in 2014, four decades of superb programming, vibrant creativity, courageous experimentation, dynamic international collaborations and a passion for celebrating excellence, the National Arts Festival is calling for proposals for the 2015 Main Programme. The Festival will run from Thursday 2 July to Sunday 12 July 2015. The call is for compelling performances, exhibitions and cross-disciplinary works that raise the bar of excellence and innovation. We invite proposals that interrogate our past and our present; and that facilitate social change and celebrate our common humanity; and that build a more socially cohesive society. Historical events such as the 20th anniversary of South Africa’s constitutional democracy and the National Arts Festival’s 40th anniversary were catalysts shaping the 2014 programme. Next year, offers us a dynamic opportunity to reflect on major social shifts in South Africa and the rest of the world. We intend to create a programme that critiques and celebrates our 68 humanity and stretches the boundaries of artistic practice.

2015 is a buffer year between the 20th anniversary of South Africa’s constitutional democracy and the 40th anniversary of the Soweto uprising. Other Historic milestones include: • 50th anniversary of the assassination of the civil rights leader Malcolm X, • 80th birthday of South African literary figures Alex la Guma and Don Mattera, • 75th anniversary of South African photographer Alf Khumalo, • the centenary of the birth of Billie Holiday and Frank Sinatra • 40th anniversary since John Kani and Winston Ntshona stole the hearts of the world when they were the first Black South Africans to win a Tony Award on Broadway. Thirty years ago during the State of Emergency of 1985, while army caspers roamed the streets and townships of Grahamstown, artists openly challenged the political status quo. 2015 provides an opportunity for a similar explosion of creativity at the National Arts Festival: a platform upon which artists are urged to express themselves regarding the current state of our society. While anniversaries and milestones have shaped the 2014 programme, the consideration of proposals in 2015 will not be limited to anniversaries and milestones only. Artists, companies and presenters are invited to submit proposals that will continue to position the National Arts Festival as a leader in artistic innovation and excellence. Proposal briefs can be downloaded from the Festival’s website. The Festival’s Artistic Director, Ismail Mahomed is also available for 69 consultation.

Proposals must reach the Artistic Director no later than Friday 15 August 2014 (this deadline has passed). All proposals must be submitted as per the proposal brief that is available on the website Enquiries should be addressed to the Artistic Director, Ismail Mahomed, on 046 603 1103 or by email at

Please address all proposals to: Artistic Director National Arts Festival P O Box 304 Grahamstown 6140 South Africa. Please clearly mark “Main Festival Proposal” on the envelope.

Proposals sent by registered mail will be acknowledged when it is received. The Festival does not take responsibility for non-registered mail which does not reach the Festival’s office. Winners of the Standard Bank Ovation Awards will receive written invitations to submit proposals for the 2015 Arena programme. Fringe applications will be available in October 2014 and registration will close on Friday 16 January 2015. Forms and information booklets will be available online at . Enquiries for participation in the Fringe programme should be addressed to the Fringe Manager, 70 Zikhona Nweba, on 046 603 1177 or by email at

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q: I would like to start with art classes. Which medium would be best for a person with no previous experience or training?

A: This question can be answered in many ways. I would suggest that you start with pencil drawings. Drawing will be a good starting point and a very good foundation. If you would like to start with painting I suggest that you start with acrylic, because it is easier than water paint or oil paint. It is also a cheaper and more forgiving medium.

Q: WHAT IS THE SECRET TO DRAWIN ANIME/MANGA? A: Pay attention to the shading. Anime is typically shaded boldly but simply. Look at where highlights and shadows fall and how it gives a feeling of depth to the characters. Eyes are an especially important detail, but hair, faces, and costumes usually have at least some shading, too.


Crafts Send us your craft related questions

Questions and

Answers Here

Q: I have a large diameter PVC pipe to make a mosaic garden column. Do I need to rough up the surface first? Do I use Flexibond or silicone? I plan to drive rebar inside to stabilize it, as I want to display an angel statue. Thanks for any help. A: If I were you, (and I wish the column was here instead of your house)I would take a sander and course sandpaper and sand it down, then make a mixture of Flexibond/Mosaic or Tile Glue thick but paintable and paint a coat on. Thinset will then 72 work just fine on this.

Crafts Send us your craft related questions

Questions and

Answers Here

Q: What is the best stitch to use for felt work? A: You can use different stitches. One of my favourite stitches is the blanket stitch. Follow the link below for more stitches.

Q: Why does size matter when choosing needles for knitting? A: The size of the needle affects how big your stitches, and thus your finished product, will be.. 73

Express Why we Cool Capital Love our City

The Cool Capital 2014 Biennale is the world’s first uncurated, DIY, guerilla biennale: a place for the citizens of the Capital City to collectively contemplate and express why we love our city, and how we can improve it. Explore the possibility of creative expression that Pretoria has to offer, and be introduced to the wealth of art, architecture, urban- and graphic design, public installations, film screenings and musical performances about our city that will be on show from 29 August 2014 to 15 November 2014


Cool Capital

Silverlining Pimp Oom Paul SILVERLINING: Oom Paul has not been painted or covered in mirrors but has in fact been covered in tinfoil. He will return to his original state on 16 November 2014. The installation was done by street artists. . An Installation like this takes a lot of time and effort and we would like to thank Stephan Welz from Strauss & Company and Roel Jansen from Sandstone Contracts for their generous help. Cool Capital 2014 2014-10-17 75

Minister of Arts and Culture Do you know Mr. Nathi Mthethwa’s full names? Mr. “Nathi” Mthethwa From the “Adress by Minister Mthethwa at the Policy Debate Vote 14, National Date of Birth: Council of Provinces” 23 January 1967 In honour of the founding of the Organisation of African Unity we shall Minister of Arts and host a month-long Africa festival in May Culture of the Republic of South 2015. This will showcase African Africa since 26 May fashion, fine arts, crafts, dance, 2010 literature, music, theatre, film and food culture. This will include a series of Job creation: dialogues and seminars in a festival of Create 150 000 ideas to forge African unity, to develop cross-border culture and exchange decent jobs in through the arts. arts, culture and Address by Minister Mthethwa at the heritage by March Policy Debate Vote 14, National Council 76 2016 of Provinces

Values: Accountability, Integrity, Results-driven, Professionalism, Humility, Batho Pele

The South African craft sector contributed 0.14% to GDP in 2011, approximately R3.32bn and employs approximately 273,495 people (DTI, 2013).

VISION: We are a thriving arts, culture and heritage sector contributing to sustainable economic development, leveraging on partnerships for a socially cohesive nation.

Interesting Facts The Department of Arts and Culture is one of the departments of the South African government. It promotes, supports, develops and protects the arts, culture and heritage of South Africa. The heritage sites, museums and monuments of the country also reside under this ministry. The political head of the department is the Minister of Arts and Culture; as of 2010 this is Nathi Mthethwa. In the 2010 national budget, the department received an appropriation of 2,406.7 million rand, and had 461 employees. 77

Koos Bronkhorst I'm a Christian and sober alcoholic, by God's grace. I'm just an average man, married to the best wife in the world and we have three sons, 2 daughters(in law) and 2 grandsons. I paint in all mediums and I play all types of music-from classical to progressive jazz-specialize in background music.

ONE DAY AT A TIME Create with a brave heart. Let no-one discourage you, for what is wisdom to one, is stupidity to another. We are all on a journey, and we will never know how far we’ll get before time runs out. We may miss all the joy and beauty along the way, having focused only on a goal we may never reach. Koos

The music is of a very high quality as I've been doing it for 40+years.My paintings are all over the world. See you need help with an addiction problem I'll be too glad to help. Costs you nothing-just an e-mail: you need world class music for any occassion it will cost you but contact me. (Extract taken directly from his blog.)



By Willem J. Bronkhorst Music is meant to silence us. It ought to persuade us by delicacy and rarity that in its presence even the softest whisper is an obtrusion – it is sacrilege. But the increasing crudeness and incessantness of what passes for music these days, rather than silence us tells us that with its blaring, any babble will blend. And so we babble – incessantly obtrusively. We forget without silence there can be no music.


Afrikania Afrikania Pottery Designer Tom Joubert, founder of Afrikania, was inspired by a unique pattern that evolved in a north eastern part of Limpopo where Tsonga and Northern Sotho people lived together. The local people here used this pattern to decorate their clay homesteads and cooking utensils. He developed this pattern further for his contemporary range of pottery.

Tom Joubert Phalaborwa Tel +27(0)83 601 0946 Modern ceramic manufacturing technology Each artist Tom trained as producer, gave an individual interpretation of the pattern, making each object unique. Using modern ceramic manufacturing technology, carefully manufactured quality products ensure the preservation of these precious cultural elements, creates jobs and transfer skills.


Joan Booysen (Born Ferreira) Date of Birth: 13 Augustus 1956

There is some amazing talent in South Africa. We will use this space in every issue to introduce you to a South African/African Crafter

My motto: Believe in yourself and live life to the fullest.

I was born and bred in South West Africa (Now Namibia) and matriculated in 1974 at HoĂŤrskool Jan MĂśhr in Windhoek. After we got married we settled in Swakopmund and during 1985 we moved to Klerksdorp (South Africa). After years in a full time career, as a secretary and different heads of departments, we moved to Pretoria in December 2001. I grew up in a home with an amazingly talented mother. She did flower arrangements, needle work, knitting and crochet. She also loved to cook and always made the most delicious meals and treats. She was my role model and inspiration. I believe that every human being can be creative and that this is a Godgiven talent. Over the last 13 years I had the privilege to live out my creativity and turn it into a 82 business.

With no formal training, I attended different classes and workshops, that way I could easily sustain myself in different mediums of crafting. I am hooked on creativity and just thinking about it, I am already making something new. This is how I started my Facbook Craft Page “Ietz Nietz”. I love to recycle and see what my latest creation will turn out. I am very blessed with the help of my husband, Frikkie, who cuts, saw, and does my chafing for me. Every piece of wood is magically transformed into a unique piece through team work. Except for my own garden and home markets, that I host from time to time, we try to trade from other markets as well. Well known markets we have done include, the annual Avodazz Festival in Capital Park, Under the Oaks in Cullinan and the monthly market “Almal se Mark@Pioniers”. During May & June we had 4 successful Markets/Festivals which included “Blikkiesfees” at Hartbeespoort Oord on 7 June 2014. During September 2013, on our way on holiday to my Heimat (My birth country), we also traded at the “Kalahari Kuierfees” (Fees sonder Brieke). A very successful three day market. I am also involved with outreach and upliftment and I have had the opportunity to offer classes to less fortunate children. We used recylcled items (Tins and Cards) to make usable articles. (Translated from Afrikaans)


Products from Ietz Nietz – Made by Joann Booysen.


Order your clock making products online

Aladdins Cave - Busy Hands

Creating gifts for very special occasions and functional items that can last for generations by using Master Craftsmen Techniques. Each stitch is made by hand.

Malcolm Williamson

My name is Malcolm Williamson and I live and work in Katima Mulilo, Namibia. I have been making handmade leather goods for over 15 years. Many of the projects have been custom made leather items made to the specific requirements of each client. All my leather items are made from vegetable tanned leather, imported from the UK and Australia, to ensure the highest quality. The leather is stitched together, by hand, using Irish linen thread.


The manufacturing techniques that I employ are those used in the 18th and 19th centuries by Master Craftsmen. Each stitch is made by hand and thus makes the whole item much stronger. It is the use of the best materials and the mastery of the techniques that enable me, with confidence, to offer a lifetime guarantee with all my products. What you get though is something very special. Not just something from the local mall or off the shelf but something unique, something that represents you and you alone, made to your own specification. An heirloom, perhaps, in your care, for generations to come.

Something Unique – Something that is you and you alone. Made to your own specifications, An heirloom, perhaps, in your care for generations to come. 87


12 – 21 December 2014 09H00-21H00 Entry - R10 p.p. Under 12 Free12 Free

With lots of safe parking at the assembly room, Emperors Palace. Lots of exhibitors will be participating, and all products on sale at the market are preselected to ensure variation, excellent quality and reasonable prices. You'll find scrapbooking, jewellery, toys, decor items , gifts and many more. Tables are stocked up daily to ensure availability of products. The December event runs concurrently with the garden of lights at Emperors Palace, which attracts thousands of people from all over. A Christmas market, which will have something for the whole family. 88


Kids Art Challenge

Kids Craft Challenge Featured Kids Artist Featured Kids Crafter 89

Kids Art Challenge ① Generally a drawing/painting has one light source ② Light source determines the: * Location of Highlights * Direction of Shadows ③ Where the light hits your subject directly: Highlights And usually pure white ④ Side facing away from the light source: Shadow

⑤ Gradiation of tones between the shadow and the highlighted mid-tones. ⑥ Most objects have an area of reflected Light * When light hits the surface next to your object and bounces back. ⑦ You will notice that these values blend into each other smoothly, which communicates to us the shape of the object. ⑧ Hard Edge ONLY when there is a cast shadow * The closer the cast shadow is to the object, the darker it will be, * Fading as it moves farther away ⑨ Otherwise the tones change gradually. 90

Kids Art Challenge

A cast shadow is a type of shadow that is created on a form next to a Surface that is turned away from the source of light. When a form blocks the light, it causes a cast shadow to be formed. Every object that blocks light has a cast shadow associated with it.

Challenge: Using your medium of choice do an art piece: focusing on the light source, highlights, shadows, mid-tones and reflected light. Send us images of your completed work with your 91 name, surname, area where you live and your age.

Kids Craft Challenge

Hand Printed Wrapping for Christmas This editions craft challenge is to hand print or decorate your own Christmas wrapping or gift bags. Use any method or medium/material, that you prefer, to make gift wrapping, that will have the same theme as your Christmas theme.

Don’t forget to send us photo’s of your beautiful, creative gift wrapping. We will publish some of the photo’s received in our next edition. 92

Why Arts and Crafts are Important for Young Children Children Develop Life Skills through Arts and Crafts Activities


Tell us about the kids artist in you area, school, church, studio.

EVAN SMIT “Hoërskool Waterkloof” Gr 9, 15 years old Artist What is your favourite medium and theme. I like drawing with pencil and charcoal.. My favourite theme to draw is Anime. Who inspired you to do art? Nobody. I just love to draw. At what age did you start drawing? Feels like forever, I would say from about 7 years old. Why do you draw? I can draw at any place any time, when I feel like it. If you paint, you need to have a certain space to work in. What would you like to be when you grow up? I’m not 100% sure yet, but I would like to do gaming engineering 94 or any other creative kind of career.

Tell us about the kids artist in you area, school, church, studio.

Nadia Smit “ Hoërskool Waterkloof”, Gr 8, 13 Years old Crafter What is your favourite craft? Cake decorating, Mosaic & Pottery Who inspired you to do crafts? I’ve been doing crafts with my mother since I can remember. At what age did you start with crafts? Since I can remember. What would you like to become when you grow up? A writer. My second choice will be in an art direction. There are so many art careers to choose from. Why do you do crafts? 95 I enjoy making pretty things.

arkets Hillfox every Saturday, Sunday Public holidays 9h00 – 17h00

Art and Collectable Meander - Walkerville 84 Main Road, Walkerville, Gauteng. Every Second Saturday from 09h00 to 16h00 Call +27 (0)11 949-2834 PLEASE NOTE: Event and festival details can change. All event information is published in good faith as supplied by the organisers. Please check with the organisers that the event is happening before making your travel arrangements. 96



PLEASE NOTE: Event and festival details can change. All event information is published in good faith as supplied by the organisers. Please check with the organisers that the event is happening before making your travel arrangements.


River Crescent Flea and Craft Market Witbank Mpumalanga The Witbank Flea + Craft Market was relocated to a new premises at River Snipper Uurtjie Craft & Flea Market Crescent Centre, Mandela street. The Snipper Uurtjie Craft & Flea Market is a lovely Come and browse market operating from Strydom Centre in White between 8:00 River, in the Mpumalanga province of South Africa. 14:00 every The stalls offer everything from arts and crafts, to Saturday. fashion wear. You can pick up items such as embroidery, wooden crafts, beadwork, wicker Tel: 013 243 9434 work, ostrich eggs, kaftans, leather products, Fax: 086 293 5743 jewellery, clothing, accessories, cosmetics, and Cell: 074 176 8570 more at this market. You can grab a bite to eat with options like Portuguese take-aways and more! Hand-made crafts are wanted - limited stalls available.

Opening/Closing Times Monday to Friday from 08h30 – 17h30 Saturdays from 09h00 – 14h00 Cell: +27(0)735894229 Adri or Anita

Please send us information about regular and other Markets in Mpumalanga

PLEASE NOTE: Event and festival details can change. All event information is published in good faith as supplied by the organisers. Please check with the organisers that the event is happening before making 98 your travel arrangements.



PLEASE NOTE: Event and festival details can change. All event information is published in good faith as supplied by the organisers. Please check with the organisers that the event is happening before making your travel arrangements.

Graskop Mpumalanga Christmas Fair & Chrafters Market Babsie McNelly Cell: 082 888 4261 Tel: 013 767 1330

Christmas Crafters’ Market (Graskop) 12 – 14 December 2014

Please send us information about Valentine’s and Easter markets in Mpumalanga 99

Essenwood Craft Market Saturdays 09h00 to 14h00

PLEASE NOTE: Event and festival details can change. All event information is published in good faith as supplied by the organisers. Please check with the organisers that the event is happening before making your travel arrangements.

Find this family focused market under a lush canopy of Evergreen trees. Large kiddies play area, and equally large food court, with a sizeable retail market. Address: Essenwood Road, Berea, Durban Cell: 031 208 1264 / 082 460 0625 http://www.thislittlepiggy.c

UVONGO FLEA MARKET TEL: 082 800 9236/072 473 9052 PROJECT OF ROTARY HIBISCUS COAST 170 stalls where you can buy almost anything from farm fresh fruit and vegetables, hand made clothing and accessories, exciting african artifacts, toys, tools, plants, home crafts and entertainment. Relax in the lovely open air tea room, try out our delicious pancakes! 100 OPEN EVERY SATURDAY & SUNDAY MORNING.


Markets Christmas markets at the Moses Mabhida Stadium in Durban on Saturday 3 December, 10 December and 17 December from 9am to 2pm. Stocking fillers: handcrafted goods and homemade treats.

PLEASE NOTE: Event and festival details can change. All event information is published in good faith as supplied by the organisers. Please check with the organisers that the event is happening before making your travel arrangements. tmarket

Please send us information about Valentine’s Markets and Easter Markets in Kwazulu-Natal


Eastern Star Handmade Market, Grahamstown The Eastern Star Handmade Market is held at the Eastern Star Press Museum in Grahamstown and offers an assortment of handmade items for PLEASE NOTE: Event and festival details can sale. The market is held on change. All event information is published in the first Saturday of every good faith as supplied by the organisers. Please second month from 09h00 check with the organisers that the event is – 13h00. happening before making your travel Tel: +27 (0)46 622 5639. arrangements.

Morgan Bay Farmer & Craft Markets Craft Markets are held at Yellowwood Forest Campsite once a month out of season, and several times a month during the festive season. Enjoy a morning (9am-2pm) browsing locally made produce from a range of stall holders, surrounded by indigenous trees on the banks of the Inchara River. Treat yourself to homemade cakes and jams, tantalise your taste buds with local biltong and add a touch of the Wild Coast to your appearance with handmade jewellery and accessories. Peas on Earth's stall offers farm fresh fruit & vegetables and homemade preserves, as well as wild honey and free range pork, when available. The Tree Pot tea garden, gift shop and bar are always open for delicious meals, home bakes, preserves, gifts, antiques and books. WiFi is also available and the products from the pizza oven are not to be missed. For bookings and enquiries, contact: Sean & Robyn on 043 8411598 / 084 5822601




Please send us information about all Markets including Valentine’s Markets and Easter Markets in Your Area

Schools Ends: 9 December 2014 Starts: 14 January 2015 (Inland) 21 January 2015 (Coastal) Ends: 25 March 2015 (Inland) 1 April 2015 (Coastal) Starts: 13 April 2015 (Both)

Public Holidays: 16 December 2014 – Day of Reconciliation Other Interesting Days: 25 December 2015 – Christmas Day 14 Feb ~ Valentine’s Day 26 December - Day of Goodwill 15 April ~ 1 January 2015 – New Years Day World Art Day & 21 March 2015 – Human Rights Day Leonardo Da Vinci’s 3 April 2015 – Good Friday Birthday 27 April – Freedom Day 1 May 2015 – Workers Day

Closing dates for any information for our next edition: 15 January 2014. Our next edition “Autumn 2015” will be published on 1 February 2015 and will 103 cover March, April and May 2015.

Hermanus Country Market Website: Blaauwklippen Vineyards Liza van Coppenhagen Family Market – Most Email: Sundays Facebook: R44 Between Stellenbosch HermanusCountryMarket & Somerset West Opposite Location: Technopark Hermanus Cricket Club, off Fairways Tel: +27 (0)21 880 0133 Avenue, Eatcliff, Hermanus Dates: Every Saturday morning. http://www.blaauwklippen. Summer (1 October – 31 March): com/ 8am to 12pm PLEASE NOTE: Event and Winter (1 April – 30 September): festival details can change. 9am to 1pm All event information is Special Markets: published in good faith as Summer Night Markets held every supplied by the organisers. Wednesday during the Christmas Please check with the holidays, starting on the 10th organisers that the event is December 2014 happening before making your from 5pm to 9pm. travel arrangements.



Markets PLEASE NOTE: Event and festival details can change. All event information is published in good faith as supplied by the organisers. Please check with the organisers that the event is happening before making your travel arrangements.

STELLENBOSCH CHRISTMAS NIGHT / DAY MARKET 2014 28 November 17:00-22:00 29 November 09:00-14:00 30 November 10:00-15:00 The highlight of our yearly events calendar. A White Christmas Market with all the Christmas trimmings, Christmas lights, lanterns, and snowflake origami. Bakes, cakes, gammon, turkey, mince pies, nuts, champagne, topiaries, real Elgin Valley Christmas trees, 50’s Christmas music. Ladies boutique of designer goods and gifts will be presented. - See more at: M6QXsd.dpuf

Chesterhouse Christmas Market - Durbanville It’s almost the end of the year and yes that means it is time for the annual Chesterhouse Christmas Market in Durbanville. The market takes place on 3 December 2014 at 4pm at Chesterhouse School. We are looking for a large variety of stalls this year. We already have bookings confirmed so please make sure you book your place soon to avoid disappointment. We look forward to hearing from you For more info please 105 email:


First Saturdays - KIMBERLEY A monthly celebration of Kimberley Arts & Culture Beginning again in May 2014 Kimberley will be hosting the “First Saturdays” Arts & Culture series. On the first Saturday of every month, these day long celebrations of Arts & Culture will showcase: Live Music, High Tea, Art Demonstrations, Children Areas (clowns, face painting, creative stations) Nature Walks, Live Theatre, Restaurant Specials PLEASE NOTE: Event and festival details can change. All event information is published in good faith as supplied by the organisers. Please check with the organisers that the event is happening before making your travel arrangements.

``THE MAGIC OF CHRISTMAS`` Artisan Market at Bootleg Gap Golf Course, Kimberley, Friday, November 14th 38pm and Saturday, November 15th 10am – 4pm. A selection of handcrafted treasures and tasty treats for the festive season. In support of the Kimberley Food Bank. Food and beverages available, wheelchair accessible. For more information contact Elke at 1 250 427-3209


PLEASE NOTE: Event and festival details can change. All event information is published in good faith as supplied by the organisers. Please check with the organisers that the event is happening before making your travel arrangements.

Beadle Craft Workshop & Shop Beadle is a community upliftment project that was established in 1988, which currently employs eleven individuals full-time from the Triple 'B' Ranch farm community, of fifty families. Beadle is a result of a vision to help the rural community improve their lives, through acquiring skills, training and sustainable employment. Beadle offers skills training in leather craft, bead work and embroidery and over 40 crafters have received training, with one crafter now running his own craft business in Lephalale. The crafters of Beadle make high standard leather and beaded products at the strawbale workshop on the farm. Visitors can watch the process, as crafters make sandals and other beautiful products, including bed linen, from raw materials. Beadle believes in creating quality products, and only the most carefully selected leather is used from South Africa, while rocaille beads are imported from the Czech Republic. The adjacent visitor centre displays the 130 year history of the Baber family in the Waterberg, the farms changing farming practices and lives of the local farm community. Essential oils produced on the farm are also for sale and on request visitors can tour the distillation facility and vermicomposting project. Refreshments and light meals can be enjoyed in the herb garden.


PLEASE NOTE: Event and festival details can change. All event information is published in good faith as supplied by the organisers. Please check with the organisers that the event is happening before making your travel arrangements.

Contact Gemco - Tel: 015 292 0758 路 Plot 124, Ivydale, Polokwane




PLEASE NOTE: Event and festival details can change. All event information is published in good faith as supplied by the organisers. Please check with the organisers that the event is happening before making your travel arrangements. Rainhill Farm Christmas Market Head out to Rainhill Farm in Rustenburg on the 1st and 3rd Saturday of December for the annual Rainhill Farm Christmas Market. The craft stalls, all of which sell items that are hand or home made, are put along the Bluegum Lane, which is closed to vehicle traffic on the day, allowing for a leisurely browse. The farm yard is a great attraction for the kids, with activities to entertain. The Chapel is open if you’d like somewhere to sit in peace and quiet and the Labyrinth is a wonderful experience. Venue: Rainhill Farm, Donkerhoek Road, Rustenburg, North West Province Contact: +27 (0)82 357-5882 for more information


PLEASE NOTE: Event and festival details can change. All event information is published in good faith as supplied by the organisers. Please check with the organisers that the event is happening before making your travel arrangements.

Eden Art and Craft Flea Market Saturdays and Sundays 8h30 to 16h00 Address: 25 Bree Street Parys Tel: 0828571163

Vanderbijlpark Flea Market Jan Van Riebeeck Blvd Vanderbijlpark Flea Market 9:00 am – 1:30 pm

Rose Garden, near the Waterfront, Bloemfontein. Get down to the Rose Garden Urban Flea Market in Bloemfontein for the ultimate shopping experience. Enjoy stalls filled with remarkable arts and crafts, books, second hand goodies, clothes, mouth-watering food stalls and much, much more. There is a vast array of stalls to peruse though and products to choose from. The market is open all day long, so pop in and get that great gift you have been looking for, or a little something for yourself or your home. 110 Call +27 (0)72 228-3140




Parys The Jewel of The Vaal River Less than an hour’s drive (120km) from Johannesburg, you will find Parys, the Jewel of the Vaal River, in the Northern Free State. It is a fast developing country town, in the Vredefort Dome Area, which is the oldest and largest meteorite impact site in the world. Here you will experience a touch of old world grace with all the luxuries of the modern world and tons of country hospitality from the people of the town.





Divas and Sheilas

Why tour the world when South Africa has so much to offer? Parys offers a wide range of arts and crafts. You can even attend a mosaic workshop when you visit Parys. 113

Bethulie Accommodation that is Halfway to Everywhere Great News! The tar road linking Bethulie and Springfontein on the N1 is now complete, providing the most direct all-weather route between Gauteng and the Eastern Cape! Bethulie is located just 90 minutes south of Bloemfontein in South Africa's Free State. It is six hours drive from Johannesburg and Pretoria, five hours from Port Elizabeth and East London, eight hours from Durban and nine hours from Cape Town. That makes it the ideal accommodation stopover between South Africa's major cities but it's also a worthwhile destination in its own right.


Artist Living in Bethulie The versatile and eclectic art creations of Mariana Eksteen, excites even the purist of water colour critic. She also works in oil, acrylic, pencil and pastel. She has the ability to capture the atmosphere of any surroundings, from the historical United Kingdom, the harsh Kalahari Desert to uncharted, secluded Karoo scenes and precise personal portraits. George Gibson is an Artist with based in South Africa. George is a sensitive, self taught painter with an eye for line, design and colour. He loves painting in general but he is most comfortable painting nudes and landscapes. He has had several exhibitions and sells his paintings countrywide.

South African artist, Munro, is probably the only artist in the world who paints with builders’ trowels. He uses these trowels as pallet knives, boldly lavishing copious amounts of paint and colour onto canvas. His work is all about the art of colour: fusing unexpected colours into perfect harmony! He currently resides in Melkbosstrand and Bethulie115

Contact Number


The 2nd Paternoster Seafood Festival 29 November 2014 Family Friendly Fun-filled Festival. The festival will start on Friday 28 November with a dance in the Community Hall featuring the Sidewalk Band. On Saturday 29 November 2014 the festival gates will open from 09:00 until 19:00. A total of 40 food and arts and crafts stalls. A supervised kiddies entertainment area in a fenced off area next to the Beer Garden will be available, at R20 for the day . Media Sponsor: Weslander/Media24 For more information please contact The Organiser Rina Wenhold on 082 889 2483 or via email: The KRANSKOP FESTIVAL will, again, be taking place early next year. This is a higlighted event for entertainment in the Nylstroom area. This is the best start to a new year and is the heartbeat of the “Waterberge� for the coming year. From 8-10 January we will be hosting our 35th festival. . To celebrate our 35th anniversary , this KRANSKOP FESTIVAL is going to be bigger and better than ever. The programme offers something for young and old. It promises to be a great business and marketing opportunity for all our traders and exhibitors. Juanita - 0828548764 feeste/details/4671-kranskopdruiwefees

Stunning Street Art in South Africa

Street art and graffiti make for interesting streetscapes and often provide insight into what the people of the country are thinking and feeling The Love South Africa group on Flickr is constantly updated with fantastic images taken all over the country. Why not share your pictures, too? stunning-street-art-in-south-africa


Books Portrait and figure studies need convincing hands and feet to really come alive, but they can be hard to get, right? Drawing and Painting Hands and Feet is the only book published that demonstrates, step by step, how to tackle these notorious trouble spots, the most difficult parts of the anatomy for any artist to draw.

Extensive visual presentations for those who wish to appreciate how stained glass works are created and a detailed step-bystep teaching of the craft for those who want to learn. Both a teaching book for people who want to learn the craft and for those who want to peek through the glass studio door; a one-on-one teaching course between covers. Techniques of stained glass are explained in this detail with a variety of progressive learning projects for the novice to more advanced crafters. Content includes techniques on how to cut glass, leading, soldering, use of copper foil, setting up a studio, kiln firing glass with making of moulds, double glazing, 118 painting on glass, and more.


Part of the Plan is an inspiring, wisdom filled book that seeks to make one understand that all experiences, good or bad are there not to destroy, but to build you, to shape one into becoming all that one was created to be. Challenges, painful experiences and hurt are inevitable but this book teaches one to be able to see them as opportunities of growth and inspiration. A positive mindset has brought success to many lives; it has brought hope to those who were close to giving up. This book will restore hope and remind people of the power of positive thinking. This book will again inspire you to desire big; think big; believe big; act big; and achieve big. It will inspire you to believe that you can surely achieve your goals and dreams by applying the principles that have been by the world's greatest leaders, scientists, inventors and presidents

Herman Mashaba was one of South Africa’s earliest black entrepreneurs who built a successful business during the restrictive days of apartheid. Years later Mashaba joined the BEE bandwagon and today his investment company sits on a string of diverse investments. The Black Like Me story is as fascinating as Mashaba’s own. While working as a sales rep for SuperKurl, he found in one of his colleagues a potential partner. Ironically, he was a white Afrikaner pharmacist, Johan Kriel. 119 A must read book‌

Why join an Association? For most people, creating professional or social relationships is important, and joining a group allows you to have a sense of security and trust. From this, you are able to support and help one another in reaching your professional and social goals. Associations promote, arrange or facilitate numerous events throughout the year that allow you to connect with your peers. Since most associations have national or local conferences, you can participate and have the opportunity to learn about breaking news in your career or hobby, learn "best practices" or new ideas, hear about key achievers, suppliers, specials and events in your field and also meet and brainstorm with others who are also looking to share and learn new information. Another benefit of enhancing your network is that you may find a mentor to help you with your professional needs or you may be in a position to become a mentor to someone else. Participating in forums, chat groups or discussion boards arranged or facilitated by the association is also a great way to grow your network. This allows you to use your peers as sounding boards and often make some great friends with the same interests as you.


An Association can also be known as: League, Guild, Club, Circle, Confederation, Merger, Ring, Trust, Society, Brotherhood, Cartel, to name a few. An association is a group of persons, having common views, associated or organized for a common end. The main feature of an association is that it is meant for certain definite purpose or purposes which are realised through the cooperative efforts of its members. In short, all associations or social organisations exist to satisfy some important human wants. Man is a bundle of instincts but his social instinct is the most dominant. It is on account of this instinct that man has evolved various types of associations to satisfy his craving for associating with his fellow beings. Apart from social instinct, a modem man has political, economic, religious, recreational, cultural, aesthetic and educational needs as well.


Centurion Kunsvereniging At die “Geelhuisie” c/o Cantonment & Union Rd (Entrance in Union) Lyttelton – Centurion Mariette Minnaar Cell: 084 671 9573

Centurion Art Association is currently one of the most active Associations in existence in South Africa. Not only do they facilitate, at least, two art exhibitions per year, they also host regular art workshops and classes during the year. One of the main attractions is the Artist of the Year taking place round September every year. Only members may take part in this Exhibition. One of the workshops they hosted this year, was the “Live Model Hand Drawing” Workshop. See the next page for images. Being part of this creative group can only enrich your soul and make your life more fulfilling. Membership runs from October to October. Annual Membership fee for 2015 is only R200. 122

Centurion Art Association “Live Model Hand Drawing” Workshop


A BASIC HAND DRAWING Study and learn the measurements of the hand an its parts. The hand is about the same length as the face from chin to forehead.

STEP 1: Start by sketching a rounded square.

STEP 2: Sketch a triangle for the base of the thumb and the wireframe for the fingers. STEP 3: Sketch rectangles for each finger segment and spheres for joints to build the hand shape.

STEP 4: Draw the outline using the sketch/hand as a guide.

STEP 5: Erase and remove the sketch marks and add color. 124

What would life be without hands?


Candi-Hall Jones Upcycle Artist


A family-orientated Community Market for local Artists, Crafters and the discerning shopper. For fun-loving people looking for something unique.

You can find Candi with her upcycled products at the Inspired Market in Centurion every 2nd Saturday of the Month. Inspired Market is also a proud member of ACASA. 374 Theuns van Niekerk St, Wierdapark, Centurion, Pretoria E-mail:


PET or PETE (Polyethylene Terephalate Ethylene)

PET (also known as polyester, represented by the plastic recycle symbol number 1) is the most popular material used in disposable bottled beverages, food, and non-food packaging. Lightweight, inexpensive, easy to recycle, PET poses low risk of “leaching� breakdown products but experts caution against any repeated usage. PET is in very high demand among remanufacturers but the recycling rate for this material has remained low at around 20%. Found In: Soft drink-, water-, juice-, and beer bottles; mouthwashbottles; peanut butter containers; salad dressing and vegetable oil containers; ovenable food trays. Recycled Into: Automotive parts, such as luggage racks, headliners, fuse boxes, bumpers, grills and door panels; Polar fleece, fiber, tote bags, furniture, carpet, paneling, straps, (occasionally) PET, new containers 128

Recycling for your average suburban household in South Africa is a bit of a schlep: the infrastructure for collecting recyclable material isn’t really in place – yet. Households generally have to separate their rubbish and take the recyclables to a municipal drop-off centre or a buy-back centre because there’s not much in the way of kerbside collection. Many people just can’t be bothered. But, there are also many people out there who would recycle if they knew how to. This guide aims to help you get started. How good is South Africa at recycling? The recovery rates for various materials are as follows: •Cans: 69 percent •Paper: 59 percent •Glass: About 25 percent •Plastic: About 17 percent Informal recyclers recover much of this material from dustbins and landfill sites. This is not ideal, firstly from the point of view of the health and safety of the recyclers. But also because the recyclable material is contaminated with other waste. First prize would be if households sorted their waste, so that “uncontaminated” recyclable material could be collected.

You CANNOT recycle: Pyrex, Ceramics (plates). But you can re-use or upcycle it by using it for mosaic. 129

Art Classes in Monumentpark Mixed, informal art classes at ArtKat gives students the opportunity to socialise. With this in mind, an optional field session is organised once a month. Visiting students can join in these events at the normal class rates. Contact Johanna for more information. Benefits of online Art Classes You can do the classes in the comfort of your own home. You can do the classes in your own time, when it suits you. It is safe, because you don’t need to travel. You save on transport and fuel cost. You can start the course, whenever it suits you. Pay for classes when you complete a course, and start with 130 the next one.

ARTKAT STUDIO Everyone who is interested in online classes in watercolour, oil and acrylic and want to participate can contact me

Cell: 082 838 0750 Skype: artkatjp


Intense Full Day Art Workshops with material, notes & certificate included (all with 2 art boards & charcoal drawings & colour mix focus) R1800 & travel anywhere for groups -

Portraits study oil paintings & life drawings Still life’s on floral’s, fruit with furniture focus Old masters Landscapes oil & perspective Bistro Tuscan café’s oil & mix med impasto Abstract impasto & pigments, gold inserts Erotic figure life study oils & drawings Décor& wall effects antiquing, stencil design Faux Mural effects, perspective focus Chalk vintage French décor art board & frame Nostalgic Mosaic embellished memoirs & tiles Classes by Mea (15 Years Experience) +27 72 886 8929


Craft Classes in SA Craft Step by Step by bloemfontein ¡ July 19, 2013 Craft Step by Step is an art and craft shop and classes studio situated in Donald Murray Avenue close to Grey College. Specializing in mosaics, scrapbooking, pewter and other crafts. 31 Donald Murray Avenue, Bloemfontein Tel: 051 444 2225 Cell: 072 2125 363 Fax: 086 510 6296 Kenridge Durbanville- Cape Town – Western Cape P O Box 240 Durbanville 7551 Here, I would like to provide a platform from which individuals can advertise and market their skills. Through this website you will be able to order and purchase exclusive handmade crafts for all occasions.

For more information contact: Christel Veldtman @ 082 653 2494 or 133

Art Galleries 198 Long St, Waterkloof, Gauteng Tel: 012 346 6593 E-mail: We deal in Contemporary Art, Young Masters, Paper and Printed Works. Art Lovers 1932 is passionate about the development of young artists and provide young artists with opportunities to participate in solo and group exhibitions, which are not always freely available to young artists at other venues. Art Lovers host an annual art competition with a focus on art works with a strong contemporary feel while still showing technical excellence. Fried Contemporary serves as a platform for both established and emerging professional artists. The gallery focuses on curated exhibitions and feature artists who have a specific historic link with Pretoria. It also showcases artworks by professional artists from elsewhere whose works are rarely seen in the capital city. Fried Contemporary | 1146 Justice Mahomed Str (formerly 430 Charles Str) Brooklyn | Pretoria 0181 t: 012 346 0158 | e: Business Hours: Tue - Fri 9am - 5pm | sat 10am - 2pm | closed: Sun, Mon & Public Holidays For more Galleries and Exhibitions in South Africa!art-galleries/cgt5

134 In many ways, local artists are at the heart of every community. Not only do they contribute billions of dollars in tangible economic activity, but artists are the builders of a healthy, vibrant local culture. And largely these artists are free agents -- independent workers and freelancers who support and are supported by local communities. Artists are Quiet Revolutionaries Whatever the reason artists choose to create art, whether they choose to be “revolutionary� or not, artists change the communities they’re in. When they make something personal, unique, creative, and time-consuming, they are valuing quality over quantity. Their handcrafted work creates value in economies and value in societies -- and this is revolutionary at a time when economies and societies are tending towards mechanisation, high-quantity and lowcost manufacturing, overconsumption, and an ever-increasing distance between creator/designer and consumer. Artists of all kinds, both fine artists and all creative workers, are leading the Quiet Revolution, a movement towards economic and social quality and connectivity over quantity and isolation. 135

Aardklop 2014 Daphné Smit

There were various art exhibitions and artists that made a huge impression on me. I will tell you more in our next issue. The biggest highlight for me at Aardklop 2014 was the Potchestroom Art Association’s “Save 7 Lives” exhibition. 38 artists joined in this initiative and 49 artworks were displayed. One of the participating artists, Lyn van Schalkwyk, created an artwork titled “The Beauty of Healing – The Art of Kintsugi” (photo above). The public were also given the opportunity to register, as an organ donor, at this event. An incredible initiative. Well done!

If you are an art lover, you should not miss out on Aardklop. The exhibitions were absolutely fantastic and there were some very unique artworks for sale.



Some of the art work that was exhibited at the “Save 7 Lives” Exhibition Aardklop 2014 Potchefstrooms Art Association of-organ-donation-20130820

In loving Memory of Johannes Swanepoel Mouth Artist


MOUTH PAINTER. JOHANNES SWANEPOEL author unknown • 10/12/2012 I remember receiving cards at Christmas time in the post from the Foot and Mouth Artist Association, and I was always in awe of the beautiful work these artists produced. The thought that went though my mind was how is it possible for these artists to produce such fine work without the use of their hands? I first noticed Johannes Swanepoel on the internet. I was always drawn to his page and art because of the fact that he was a quadriplegic and painted beautiful pictures with his mouth,(how difficult that must have been) but not only that, his God given spirit shone through his persona.

Johannes was educated in Pretoria, South Africa. His first and last job on his feet was spent working in the South African Air Force. In 1983 he broke his neck in a motor vehicle accident and ironically on that day he also received his long awaited driver's licence. Later on, he did receive his Code 12 drivers license as a disabled person and was able to drive his own vehicle as a quadriplegic. Johannes was classified medically as a C5/6 quadriplegic. I do not think that anyone who has the use of legs and arms can imagine what it is like to not have the use of one's limbs. It must be devastating on the mind and body. •

It took Johannes 2 to 4 years to rehabilitate, and he worked as a Sales Representative and Sales Manager for four and a half years, after which he managed his own business for two years.

In 1994 Johannes was encouraged by family and friends to paint with his mouth. At the end of the same year “the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists Worldwide” accepted him as a student, and he was granted a bursary for a first term of three years – a wonderful privilege indeed. On 1st of April 1996, he was accepted as a resident of “Quad house” which is a Self-help Centre for quadriplegics in the Eastern Cape. Johannes lived & worked there for seven years and was actively involved in various welfare organisations, as well as outreach opportunities towards less privileged communities, which was a passion of his. In this period of his life he studied Fine Arts for five years at Port Elizabeth Technicon and he also assisted a disabled friend to paint. Johannes did not finish his studies, but gained valuable academic and practical experience during this time. 139

At the end of 2001 Johannes moved back to Pretoria where he had a well deserved rest for a year, and served three years at a Mission Service Organisation involved in research training. In January 2005, he married his beautiful wife Elzanné, and they both reside in Vrede, Free State until his death. Besides painting Johannes also found time for mission involvement and outreach to neighbors and the less privileged, He loved chess and music and spending time on the internet working on his artistic profiles.

Johannes enjoyd water color and oil paint, as well as other mediums i.e. mixed media, but his preferences were oil paintings and charcoal drawings. He used his mouth to hold the brush while painting. For the first few years he was self-taught and later received help with water color techniques from Heila van der Merwe, an Artist from the Eastern Cape.

Johannes was a student of the "Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists Worldwide” for 17 years. Before his death he reached his goal of becoming a full member of the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists Worldwide (VDMFK). •

I personally think if Johannes did not undergo the drama of his life, he might never have picked up a paint brush? It seems our path in life is set out for us, and in the case of Johannes, he chose not to be bitter and give up, but became an artist instead, and that career also put him in a position to experience other sad areas of life i.e. other folks in the same situation as he, and also the less privileged who he was charitable towards and assisted in any way he could. He touched lives and he personally touched my life, even though I do not know him personally. He was a shining beacon to all.

All Honor, Glory, Might and Power do I acknowledge unto our Heavenly Father & our Lord Jesus Christ, whom entrusted me this talent through His Holy Spirit. May His Name alone be glorified through my art works! Johannes Swanepoel


"My Mouth painting art does not describe the art-work itself, rather the triumph over the adversity of the artist, whom in spite of his disability, cherishes the creation of his art."


Johannes Swanepoel Born 5 October 1964 Ladybrand – Free State Died 4 October 2014

Heartbreaking news, will miss you. Good luck to your family and friends. You are in our thoughts. – Joye Gouws My deepest sympathy with the family.......Johannes leaves a big hole in the art world. – Retha Bouventura Thanks for your friendship over the last two years, a true fighter until the very end on this barren earth, now you can enjoy heaven. Hope one day I will see you there, to thank you personally for the painting syou painted for me. May God embrace your wife and family in this very sad time. And lastly until we meet again, Happy birthday in heaven. Ryno Anita and children. – Ryno Lategan 142

How it is‌ Contacts Xmas Stocking Exhibition & Auction

Daphne Smit

+27 (0)82 4650494 m

Craft Routes

Montana Park Pretoria East

+27 (0)12 548 4811 +27 (0)12 997 3483

Zet’s Gifts and Crafts Xmas Market Centurion Art Gallery

Zelda Botha

+27 (0)72 388 0046

Arts and Crafts Organizer

Rina Bester

+27 (0)71 110 6907

Little Market

Online Craft Shop

Sharizaan Fashion Innerwheel Waterkloof

Yolanda Hamman

+27 (0)79 885 5462

Tshwane Home of Hope

+27 (0)12 341 6862:

Woman Against Rape

Janine Rowley

+27 (01)83 447 944


Daphne Smit

+27 (0)82 4650494

Tin Soldiers Studio

Megan Wallace

+27 (0)83 305 5954

Revival Emporium Maroelana Spruit Sunday Craft Market

Vanessa Styliano

0848448058 Email:

Emerging Artist Competition

SlowArt Productions spectus/ea2015.htm

Midvaal Arts Institution

Ishmael Molelekoa +27 (0)73 298 2885


Craft Together

Azura Handcrafted Jewelley

Sheilah Mokgoadi

Silly Billy Clothing

+27 (0)78 172 7129 +27 (0) 12 653 1973

Design Team

Brooklyn Square

Professional Counsellor Art Therapy

Petro Strydom Boksburg

+27 (0)71 323 3778

Art Therapy Academy


Lional Murcott

Nicky van Rensburg

Karoo Windmill Artist

National Arts Festival 2015

Zikhona Nweba

Cool Capital 2014

+27 (0)46 603 1177

Koos Bronkhorst



Tom Joubert

+27 (0)83 601 0946

Joan Booysen

Malcolm Williamson Alladins Cave

Margaret Whitstock

Crafters Fair Emperors Palace Parys Bethulie

+27 (0)12 395 1065 144

Mariana Eksteen

Artist Bethulie

+27 (0)51 7630 352

George Gibson

Artist Bethulie gibsonart


Artist Bethulie Gallery/info

Paternoster Sefood Festival

Rina Wenhold

+27 (0) 82 889 2483

Kranskop Festival


+27 (0)82 854 8764

Centurion Art Association

Mariette Minnaar

+27 (0)84 671 9573

Candi Hall – Jones

+27 (0)82 325 4296

Inspired Market

Artkat Studio

Johanna Kruger Prinsloo

+27 (0)82 838 0750

5th Ave Art

Mea (Mandi Engelbrecht)

+27 (0)72 886 8929

Potchefstroom Art Association

Vanessa v d Westhuizen

+27 (0)71 331 7029

Johannes Swanepoel Art Webpage:


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