Erasmus Plus Project 2015-2017 2015
Innovative Student-Teacher Teacher Evolution Model (original number 2015-1-LT01 LT01-KA219-013441)
REPORT FROM INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC Conference Innovative Student-Teacher Teacher Evolution Model for the Future of Young Researchers
24--25 April 2017, Vilnius
1. Introduction. 2. Seminar „Innovative Student-Teacher Evolution Model“. 3. Conference of student‘s presentations: STEM Workshops at School. POSTERS.
1. Introduction.
The aims of the conference – To engage students in the STEM field, to promote cooperation between students and teachers, to share experiences in non-formal education, to seek modern literacy of Natural Sciences, Math and Technologies.
Biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, technology, geography, philosophy of science
PROBLEMATICS OF CONFERENCE 1. The achievements of Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Technologies, Geography, Philosophy of Science. 2. Scientific Researches and Results. 3. Surprise other! (exciting science). 4. The Models of Science Objects.
5. 6. 7. 8.
Math in Practice (Economics, Finance, Sociology, Modeling of Social Phenomena); Biotechnologies; Green Energy; Geographical Information Systems. Also: Web site Development, Programming, Modeling (including the Development of Computer Games) and other Fields of IT; Other Recent Synergetic Technologies; Integrated Projects (Sustainable Economy, Responsible Education ir Search for Ecological Solutions in the Community); Philosophy of Science at School Education.
2. Seminar „Innovative Student-Teacher Evolution Model“
Darius Česnavičius. ERASMUS+ Project InSTEM: STEM Career MODEL at school (Lithuania, Vilniaus Pilaitės gimnazija, in English) 1. METHODOLOGY. We proposed career planning MODEL (vortex model) for the students and there are centripetal and centrifugal “forces”. Students are involved into STEM space by project' teams and social communication opportunities making it available to the maximum. At the same time there is elimination of the career opportunities’ obstacles: poor awareness, absence of successful and attractive career proof, spread of negative stereotypes (e.g. you will be unemployed even with the STEM bachelor’s degree), etc. Starting with the STEM Career Center at school (Fig.1), students are further involved into the circle of vocational, high schools, scientific centers, progressive companies based on STEM sciences, which provide examples of successful scientific career every day, allow “trying” the professions or at least becoming acquainted with the real social and personal achievements of young scientists. Eventually, students identify themselves with the career in STEM choosing that in the country, region or the EU. Here starts the effect of the model centrifugal “force”. It evidences itself through individual career choice, independence, ability to critically evaluate personal potential in choosing a specialty, though not expelling from STEM space, but directing students into one possible path of a specialist, choosing the EU opportunities and preventing emigration from the EU space. Innovativeness evidences itself by the fact that students get proof about a successful young researcher’s career through personal experience. This allows guaranteeing welfare and safety of personal future, at the same time constantly being among the leaders of innovations and to identify themselves with national and European interests in science, research and creation of innovations. Being in the STEM space (or hive) students become an example to other young people, and attract contemporaries through social communication channels. This way the hive of STEM increases, and more and more young scientists share successful career in the LABOR MARKET.
Fig. 1. School STEM Career Center.
2. PRINCIPALS. 1. Institutional and scientific cooperation between project partners; 2. Horizontal (linear): youth career seeking principle (step-by-step to STEM Career); 3. Vertical study-oriented education and profession fields of cross-disciplinary and science integration (synergy); 4. Mechanism operating from research to pupil involvement is formed. It involves young people into STEM through vortex principle; 5. Career information system is based on arguments, data are publicly available, and through the consultancy principle the youth is taught to use publicly sources; 6. Innovative or effective teaching/learning methods are applied; 7. Activity based in modern ICT means, which allow planning time of studies and communication; 8. Gender equality principle is applied, attracting both girls and boys into a STEM area; 9. Social and problematic STEM content is revealed; 10. STEM Career Center can be: realistic, reasonable on infrastructure and virtual, which operates through other infrastructures.
Fig. 2. Principal scheme of involving to STEM career.
3. DESCRIPTION of Activities in STEM Career Center (Fig. 2). CONSULTING: training of student consultants (M1); methodical consultations for teachers (M1); methodical consultations for students (M1); consultation on individual STEM career modeling template (M1, M2). INFORMING / dissemination: informing about STEM career, activities of STEMcc (M1, M2), creating and administration of school webpage (or part of official school website) for STEMcc (M2); create c or support project “INSTEM” on TwinSpace in eTwinning area (M1, M2); create or support project website (M1, M2); use Scientix Portal like dissemination channel (M1); use School Education Gateway (funded by Erasmus+) and EDMODO Platform like disseminations dissemina channels (M1). Research/SURVEY (M1, M2, M3): research on labor market needs and recent changes (according to statistics of EU, our states and others materials); social content research in the areas of STEM specialists and delivery of information; social social study (school level) in how much young people are informed about scientific research and innovation processes, choice opportunities, benefit, etc., and to orient teaching content on the basis of it. INDIVIDUAL activities in STEMcc (M2, M3, individual students): students): individual search for information about STEM; modeling of individual STEM career, using template; preparing of students scientific works. METHODOLOGICAL activities: building of STEM teams in accordance with choice of career or other interests (M1,, M2); organizing of STEM teams round tables supervision (M1); creating of STEM videotheque, story and methods (M1, M2, M3); collection of virtual and real library for STEM career (M1, M2, M3). Organization and TRAINING activities: preparation of young researches res - students during informal sessions (M1); lessons of young researcher (M1, M2, M3); organize Erasmus+ Project Days (M1, M2, M3); organize Erasmus+ Project Info Days (M1, M2); visits to research centers and companies (excursions and practical trainings) ngs) (M1, M2); organizing of STEM scientific conference at school (M1, M2, M3); participation in other STEM activities, organized by other institutions (M1, M2, M3).
Jūratėė Nork Norkūnienė. Millennials workplace (Lithuania, Vilniaus Pilaitės Pilait gimnazija, in English) lish)
Vilma JoÄ?ienÄ—. Learning in Green Fields and innovation of methods (Lithuania, Vilniaus PilaitÄ—s gimnazija, in English and Lithuanian) That is why students do not like the traditional lessons because such way of teaching is always the same and too boring.
In modern, rapidly changing living conditions, it is very important to prepare students how to apply the acquired knowledge and skills, develop confidence; teach how to find and sort the required information, to submit it to others and also teach how to work together.
Till these days a lot of teachers are trying to give as much information to their students as possible.
During the Natural Science Education lesson it is necessary to use a wide range of teaching methods in order to provide more benefits.
Students often state that the most effective learning methods are those which encourage the activeness (while debating, when the learning materials is discussed with others, when it is practically tested by your own, when it is experimented and observed while teaching others).
Students also state that effective (non-traditional) teaching methods help to improve their learning skills, closer relationships are formed between the teacher and the student and among all the students. However, it is difficult to point out the best method.
We will mention some of the methods which are applied in Natural Science Education in our school.
It is important that the natural sciences have more opportunities to conduct the lessons not only in the classrooms, but also in very different environment (such as nature, museums, laboratories, etc.)
1. The lessons outside the school (in nature)
In order to interest students in natural science subjects we need to encourage their curiosity, the desire to explore. What is more, we need to teach them to understand the connection between the changes of the animate and inanimate nature.
Most modern children grow in the cities, in the courtyards made of stone. Flowering meadows, evergreen forests, creeks are replaced by yards full of cars. They become children's home. Children‘s knowledge about the biodiversity is extremely low.
2. The lessons outside the school (educational trips to different places in Lithuania)
Educational trips enhance the science education. Students love intrigues and unexpectedness.
3. Lessons outside the school (in the various laboratories and companies)
Our school teachers enable students to visit various laboratories, businesses, hospitals and other places. They do not only have the opportunity to perform a wide range of laboratory work, but also to broaden their outlook and to get acquainted with professions connected with natural sciences.
4. Practice work ( at school )
Practice works
When we want to convert the acquired students’ knowledge into skills we are used to apply practical methods. Laboratorial and practical tasks develop the independence, perception, cognitive activeness, inventiveness, accuracy, and also they teach how to work in a team.
Most of the students state that the creative tasks and the production of the models help them to understand the educational material better, to reveal their creativity, and to develop the ability working in groups.
Students state that practical works promote pupils' activeness, independence and creativity. Also, by carrying them out, the will is developed and emotions are aroused.
5. Production models of the learning process
“The researchers' night”, “The spaces hip Earth“ The researchers invite scientists to participate in experiments, simulations, interactive workshops, lectures, round table discussions and debates, exhibitions, tours and competitions. All these you can do in the science centers and laboratories which are located in each town.
Working in groups students create the models from different materials, compare their structure and demonstrate their work to others. Also, the students evaluate the work of other groups according to the given criteria, and make the self-evaluation of their emotional well-being in the classroom.
6. Participation in different scientific events
And also, the students have the opportunity to get acquainted with the opportunities of studying the natural sciences in order to make the right choice for their future profession.
7. Participation in the conferences.
While studying the natural science students should not only use the textbooks, but also a variety of information sources, including the computer. Students should be taught the basics of searching the information.
Students from our school carry out the long-term research projects, prepare and present the reports on annual nature sciences conferences in school: “On the threshold of Natural sciences�. What is more, they attend other schools or organizations which organize the conferences.
8. Cooperation with other gymnasiums
Changing the learning environment, various competitions and quizzes especially encourage the activeness, the desire to improve your knowledge and to share the experience.
9. Drama methods to simulate different situations
Students simulate a variety of different situations by using the theatrical elements. Students can discuss and solve their problems through the suggested situation. By playing students learn how to develop their ideas freely, to develop the feelings, to express their opinion, to listen; also they experience the difficulties and joys of the creativity.
The students feel free while playing a role and it also improves the psychological climate of the lesson. Students have the opportunity to reveal themselves. Games, the role play can involve students in the learning process, to focus their attention like no other teaching method can do.
10. Learning by teaching others
It is also a very effective method for the pupils to explain others a thing which you have learnt. This method is considered to be one of the best ways to assimilate the information. In this way, students who learn quicker can teach other who learn slower or the older teach the younger ones. It also gives students more self-confidence.
Italy – Martina Franca
France - Paris
Iceland - Reykjavik
Turkey Manavgat
Italy - Garda
It is only possible to say what the best training method is when you accurately measure student’s characteristics and learning objectives. The teaching methods are not equally valuable. Some methods can help to teach some students better, the other methods are suitable for the other ones. One method is suitable for one purpose; the other is for the different one.
Modern teacher = Happy students
Modern teacher
Irena Medelinskaitė. Education of Responsible Consumers during project activities (Lithuania, Vilniaus Pilaitės gimnazija, in English and Lithuanian)
Žalioji olimpiada Tinkamas atliekų tvarkymas ir netgi perdirbimas, paverčiant funkcionaliais, mokyklos gyvenime daiktais
Elektros ir vandens taupymas
Vartojimo mažinimas
Projektinė veikla Eksperimentai
Elektros energija
Duomenų apdorojimas
Analizė, įdėjų ieškojimas
Susipažinimas su gamybos procesu
Palyginimas ir sprendimų priėmimas
Kaip sumažinti vandens naudojimą?
25 % pasaulio populiacijos neturi švaraus geriamojo vandens.
Kaip sumažinti elektros energijos naudojimą?
Žmonių vartojimui pritaikyta tik 0,3% viso pasaulio vandens. Apie 21% nepanaudoto geriamo vandens nuteka į kanalizaciją. Per parą ištekės iki 500 litrų vandens, jeigu iš čiaupo nepertraukiama srovele teka degtuko skerspjūvio dydžio vandens srovelė. Jei vanduo tik lašės, per tą patį laiką jo prarasime 60-180 litrų, o per mėnesį – apie penkias tonas. Jei nesandarus tualeto bakelis, per parą galima netekti net iki 1500 litrų vandens. Visą straipsnį galite rasti
Tekant karštam vandeniui iš vieno čiaupo srovele, ne storesne už degtuką, per metus išeikvojama tiek šilumos, kurios užtektų vienam butui apšildyti du mėnesius.
Turn off the light when you leave the room. Turn off the TV when no one is watching it. Use low power light bulbs. Try not to leave gadgets on standby mode. When cooking, turn off the heat 5 minutes before the time ends, so that the gained heat would finish cooking itslef. When using washing machine decrease the water temperature and shorten the washing programme.
Kaip sumažinti elektros energijos naudojimą?
Kitchen 40%
(ex computer, TV…)
(ex A, A+, B)
Electric kettle
Lighting 19%
Heating and Cooling 11%
A+ Category1 2 15question for 10 points
Washing machine
15 A+
20 A
Desk lamp
Oven and hob
Electrical heater
Microwave oven
Toaster oven
light bulbs
Entertainnm ent 19%
Laundry 11%
38,642 73,392 73,67 C02 EMISSIONS
139 264 265
35 73,67
73,392 38,642
31,68 16,68 0
Laptop Printer
31 10 162
Total Expenses APPLIANCE (ex computer, TV…)
USE kWh\month
3274,56 502,24 8,8 3785,6
USE NUMBER kWh\month
Exchanger Exchanger Exchanger Exchanger
1 1 1 1
Total Expenses
4 901,00
Printe rs Comp 0% uters 33%
140 350 149 262
Excha ngers 8% Lighti ng 59%
(ex A, A+, B) B C A B
Lighting number Ceiling lamp, power 2x35W 880 Ceiling lamp, power 1x35W 500 Lamp, power 2x18W 72 Lamp, power 1x26W 73 Lamp, power 4x14W 28 Lamp, 1x18W 112 Total Expenses 1665
power total power w/h w/h 70 61600 35 17500 36 2592 26 1898 56 1568 8 896 231 86054
80 80 80 80 80 80 480
USE kWh\month 4928 1400 207,36 151,84 125,44 71,68 6884,32 CO2 EMISSIONS
14000 12000
8000 6000
3000 2000
4000 2000
1000 0
NOVEMBER CO2 emissions
APPLIANCE (ex computer, TV…)
Category 4 answer for 10 points
Question ,,Vartok atsakingai, rūšiuok išmintingai“
Jóhanna Eggertsdóttir. Peer learning and how I use it in Borgarholtsskóli (Iceland, Reykjavík, Borgarholtsskóli, in English)
PEER LEARNING and how we use it in Borgarholtsskóli
Peer learning ■ Peer learning is a student-centred approach that encourage collaboration, problem solving and teamwork. ■ We define peer learning as 'students learning from and with each other in both formal and informal ways'. ■ The emphasis is on the learning process, including the emotional support that learners offer each other, as much as the learning task itself. ■ Peer learning values cooperation over competition. ■ Peer learning emphasizes students simultaneously learning and contributing to other students' learning. Such communication is based on mutual experience and so they are better able to make equal contributions.
Peer learning ■ Research indicates that peer learning activities typically yield the following results for both tutor and tutee: team-building spirit and more supportive relationships; greater psychological well-being, social competence, communication skills and selfesteem; and higher achievement and greater productivity in terms of enhanced learning outcomes. ■ Peer learning is an instructional strategy, one approach among many available to teachers. No one is advocating that peer learning replaces the teacher. Students still need teachers, and teachers still need to teach. As with all instructional strategies, peer learning works when it’s selected purposefully, when its use is planned carefully, and when the learning it promotes is evaluated.
Peer learning ■ Peer learning should be mutually beneficial and involve the sharing of knowledge, ideas and experience between the participants. ■ Students learn a great deal by explaining their ideas to others and by participating in activities in which they can learn from their peers. They develop skills in organizing and planning learning activities, working collaboratively with others, giving and receiving feedback and evaluating their own learning. Much peer learning occurs informally without staff involvement.
Peer learning ■ It offer’s students the opportunity to learn from each other. It gives them considerably more practice than traditional teaching and learning methods in taking responsibility for their own learning and, more generally, learning how to learn. It is not a substitute for teaching and activities designed and conducted by staff members, but an important addition to the repertoire of teaching and learning activities that can enhance the quality of education. ■ It is important to consider who are the 'peers' in peer learning. Generally, peers are other people in a comparable situation to each other who do not have a role in that situation as teacher or expert practitioner. They may have considerable experience and expertise or they may have relatively little. They share the status as fellow learners and they are accepted as such. Most importantly, they do not have power over each other by their position or responsibilities.
Peer learning ■ There are variety of reasons for a focus on peer learning. They include: 1.
Peer learning necessary involves students working together and developing skills of collaboration. This gives them practice in planning and teamwork and involves them as part of a learning community.
2. There are increased possibilities for students to engage in reflection and exploration of ideas when the teacher is not present. 3. Students gain more practice in communicating in the subject. They are able to articulate their understanding. 4. Peer learning involves a group of students taking collective responsibility for identifying their own learning needs and planning how these might be addressed.
How I use teem learning in my classes ■ After teaching students some method in mathematic I encourage students to give and receive feedback and evaluate each other’s learning. Peer teachers reinforce their own learning by instructing others. Students feel more comfortable and open when interacting with a peer. ■ I divide the class into smaller groups of 4–5 students to solve a problem. After about 10 - 15 minutes of discussion, one member of the group must do the problem on the whiteboard and present the solution to the whole class. Everyone in the group should be prepared to present it, they don’t know with one is going to be asked to do it.
How I use teem learning in my classes ■ After teaching students some method in mathematic I encourage students to give and receive feedback and evaluate each other’s learning. Peer teachers reinforce their own learning by instructing others. Students feel more comfortable and open when interacting with a peer. ■ I divide the class into smaller groups of 4–5 students to solve a problem. After about 10 - 15 minutes of discussion, one member of the group must do the problem on the whiteboard and present the solution to the whole class. Everyone in the group should be prepared to present it, they don’t know with one is going to be asked to do it.
Geneviève Harles. Experiments in STEM subjects (Luxembourg, Diekirch, Lycée classique de Diekirch in English)
Erasmus + Project InSTEM LCD (Luxembourg)
STEM career center
2015-2017 Contact : Geneviève Harles
Summary STEM career center Subjects:
Hacklab clubs Meeting once a week during lunch break
Hacklab clubs Social statistics Green Energy Biotechnology GIS mapping
Driven to discover Peer to peer CLIL Experiments
STEM career center
All year long: SPOS Once a year: meeting with former LCD students who are still studying at university and professionals from different sectors: medecine, architecture, ICT, engineering, research
Hacklab clubs Meeting once a week during lunch break
Social statistics Statistics workshops about our school population Visit of STATEC
Green energy Visit of some wind parks
(Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg)
Exhibition of „Luxembourg 2017“ (in June 2017) 14 posters about geography, multicultural population, history of the Grand Duchy, linguistic situation, national symbols, culture and traditions, politics and institutions, economy, labor market, mobility, quality of life, all expressed in statistics
Social statistics
Green energy Visit of SEO in Vianden
Exhibition sample of „Luxembourg 2017“: multicultural population
Green energy Creation of GIS map of all the wind parks in Luxembourg ( Visit of some wind parks Visit of SEO in Vianden (Pumped-Storage Hydroelectric Power Station, currently one of the largest in Europe)
Green energy Visit of SEO at L/T/T meeting in April 2016
Green energy
Driven to discover
Visit of SEO at L/T/T meeting in April 2016
Visits of museums, exhibitions, cities
Peer to peer
Scienteens Lab workshops at Luxembourg university “DNA on the tanning bed�
GIS mapping Introduction to GIS mapping (after Transnational Meeting in Vilnius) Creation of GIS map of all the wind parks in Luxembourg ( Visit of the national land registry office
LCD Science Days Science fair with 15-20 interactive scientific workshops managed by the students of the LCD, who explain scientific content to their younger schoolmates
Experiments The scientific method: Make an observation Form a hypothesis Perform the experiment Analyze the data Report your findings
In Luxembourg, CLIL has a long history Introduced in 1844 Starts in German and Franch at the age of 8 Is the rule, not the exception
Experiments Teaching of science should not be a mere presentation of knowledge an mechanisms (passive approach). Knowledge is best understood when founded by an experimental approach (active approach). The 2 approaches must be complementary : observations during experiments are difficult to interpret if one has no theoretical knowledge. Experimental scientific approach must be learned.
Experiments At our school: Experiments in chemistry and physics for 2 hours every second week: compulsory during the last 3 years in a scientific section Furthermore, experiments in biology for 2 hours every second week: compulsory for those who are studying natural sciences
Experiments Students work in pairs Specially equipped labs Written report to be returned to the teacher after each session Both names of the students on the report Reports are graded
Experiments Scienteens Lab workshops at Luxembourg University: extracurricular learning center of the University of Luxembourg for High School students workshops designed to spark students’ interest in science, show the latest trends and technologies in research supports students in their career choice hands-on experiments, supervised by experienced scientists and teachers from various disciplines provide the students an insight into scientific research and the day-to-day work in the lab
Experiments Relevant topics in biotechnology, mathematics and physics: • Biotechnology: “DNA on the tanning bed” exploring the
effect of UV light on the DNA of the bacterium Escherichia coli • Mathematics: “Keep a secret? - Thanks to Number Theory!”, allow students to learn how number theory is applied to secure communications • Physics: “Mayonnaise, a culinary star on the test bench - a liquid or a solid?”. During this physics workshop, students get the opportunity to analyze the behavior of a specific material in all its forms and learn to establish a relation between its structure and its flow behavior
Experiments Biology
Luana Fogli. From school to STEM (Italy, Martina Franca, Liceo Scientifico Tito Livio, in English)
Main Choices
FROM SCHOOL TO STEM InStem experience in Italy Prof.ssa Luana Fogli Liceo Tito Livio Martina Franca
Some data from MIUR (Education and Research Ministery)
Academic year 2015/2016
Choices and gender
• University enrolments in Italy were increasing by +2%, 6.000 extra units; • +3% if focused on 19-year-old students; • Total number :271.119 • Females are the majority with a 55.2%
Trend of enrolments
The Project Manager of ExoMars Express mission described the recent achievements of ESA.
CONFERENCE Our school former students who became Space Aircraft Engineers spoke about their experiences .
• ROBOTICS =Learning
A method to learn non-linguistic contents, through strategies commonly used in L2 teaching: Games, role-playing, listening and comprehension…In this way students activate more neuronal areas than usual, making learning more effective.
Having some students well talented for Informatics I made them teach to others, after a bit of training. We participated to a global event called: THE HOUR OF CODE.
• • • • • •
Articles on the School website tent&view=article&id=169:progetto-instem-erasmusplus&catid=80:erasmus&Itemid=101 Materials on twinspace (video,exercises, reports, pictures…) Communication to school staff Communication to parents during the Open Days Poster Multiplier event (next) (work in progress)
Hasan Biber. Simple and effective: experiential education and method Driven to Discover (Turkey, Manavgat, Namık Karamancı Fen Lisesi, in English)
As you talk to a child, you are also supporting the child’s ability to learn other languages later in life. Through loving, nurturing relationships, children feel comfortable exploring their environments, deepening their understanding of how the world works.
Consider the following strategies to support curiosity and encourage discoveries: * Promote curiosity and exploration by allowing to discover
Have you ever noticed a child watch a truck driving by or pick up a ladybug? That is jus a very simple example of how a child develops thinking skills. Young children develop thinking skills—such as understanding cause and effect and developing the ability to reason—by exploring and learning how things fit together. They use their senses to learn, and they also need the support of a caring adult to describe and encourage their exploration and curiosity.
* Stimulate experimentation using items found around
* Facilitate the development of problem-solving skills and persistence
* Encourage imaginary play
Giovanna Malegoti, Simonetta Zamboni. Europe 2100. Lectora platform for learning (Italy, Desenzano del Garda, Liceo di Stato „G.Bagatta“, in English)
The project
The theme IPCC Alarm 2015-1-NL01-KA219-008877_4
Liceo Statale G.Bagatta Desenzano del Garda, Italy
EUROPE 2100 A Sustainable Future for European Youth
Reduction of Greenhouse gases emission to 0% by 2100
No action on Greenhouse gases emission
Kennemer College Beverwijk, the Netherlands
Lycée Alfred Mezieres Longwy, France
Vilniaus Pilaites Gimnazija Vilnius, Lithuania
Change in average surface temperature (1986-2005 to 2081-2100)
Vilnius, 15/12/2017
Vilnius, 15/12/2017
Project aims and methods
The theme IPCC Alarm
Climate changes
Aims to increase the motivation of students
Methods the topic of climate change is more urgent than ever innovative teaching methods • the English language as a lingua franca • peer-to-peer-education (students become the teachers) • e-learning through the Learning Portal CLIL teaching • collaboration with universities, research centers and organizations from different countries. Change in global surface temperature 1901-2012
Vilnius, 15/12/2017
The students are in charge of their own learning process and develop more responsibility and motivation. Vilnius, 15/12/2017
The programme
Erasmus days
1. BEVERWIJK, NL November 2015 Climate Change – Energy Transition 4 CONFERENCES at University level
2 DESENZANO, IT March 2016 Sustainable Food Production and Transport 3 VILNIUS, LT October 2016 Energy Efficiency for a Sustainable Future
4 LONGWY, FR March 2017 A Sustainable Future in the European Union
Student presentations in each school
5 TEXEL, NL May 2017 Texel aims to become non-carbon by 2020
Vilnius, 15/12/2017
Vilnius, 15/12/2017
Erasmus Talks
BEVERWIJK, NL November 2015 Coming soon …
Climate Change – Energy Transition
Vilnius, 15/12/2017
Vilnius, 15/12/2017
Communication tools LEARNING PORTAL
The Learning portal The software
Lectora Publisher 16 PROJECT WEBPAGE TwinSpace
Vilnius, 15/12/2017 Vilnius, 15/12/2017
The Learning Portal UNITS Climate Change Wind Power Solar Energy Geothermal Power Sustainable Transport Sustainable buildings COMING SOON Nuclear Power Zero waste Sustainable food European Union stance on sustainable development
Vilnius, 15/12/2017
Cambridge IELTS Exam Cambridge First Certificate (B2 level) Vilnius, 15/12/2017
The Learning Portal CASE STUDY Farmers Market Brescia sustainable transports Texel 2030 COMING SOON Ingalina decomissioning Maxival waste-sorting centre
Reading Writing Interpreting data Vilnius, 15/12/2017
Vilnius, 15/12/2017
Listening Vilnius, 15/12/2017
Reading Writing Interpreting data Vilnius, 15/12/2017
Unit SOLAR ENERGY Vilnius, 15/12/2017
Vilnius, 15/12/2017
Unit SOLAR ENERGY Vilnius, 15/12/2017
Vilnius, 15/12/2017
Unit SOLAR ENERGY Vilnius, 15/12/2017
Vilnius, 15/12/2017
Vilnius, 15/12/2017
Vilnius, 15/12/2017
Vilnius, 15/12/2017
Vilnius, 15/12/2017
Vilnius, 15/12/2017
Vilnius, 15/12/2017
Vilnius, 15/12/2017
Vilnius, 15/12/2017
Vilnius, 15/12/2017
Vilnius, 15/12/2017
3. Conference of student‘s presentations: STEM Workshops at School. POSTERS
Algimantas Masaitis, Vilniaus Pilaitės gimnazija, Vilnius, Lietuva. „Turgo Turbine“.
Turgo turbina Algimantas Masaitis Vilniaus Pilaitės gimnazija (Vilnius, Lietuva). Darbo vadovas – Darius Česnavičius Įžanga
Darbo eiga
Turbinos spausdinimas 3D spausdintuvu.
Turbinos modelio gamybai naudotas 3D spausdintuvas Zortrax M200.
Informacijos apie turbinų tipus apžvalga.
Vakar dienos technikos naujovės šiandien privalo rasti kelią ir į mokyklos bendruomenę: tai turime įvaldyti mes – moksleiviai, tai turi priimti kaip nūdienos neišvengiamybę bei to nebijoti ir mokytojai. Tuomet galima galvoti apie atsiveriančių galimybių pritaikymą mokymo procese, užklasinėse veiklose, kūryboje.
Tikslas 1. Susipažinti su turbinų tipų įvairove. 2. Išmokti naudotis 3D modeliavimo programine įranga. 3. Sukurti Turgo turbinos modelį. 4. Susipažinti su 3D spausdintuvais ir spausdinimo technologijomis. 5. Sukurto Turgo turbinos modelio spausdinimas 3D spausdintuvu 6. Supažindinti mokyklos bendruomenę su trimačių objektų modeliavimu bei su trimačių spausdintuvų teikiamomis galimybėmis. Paaiškinimai po paveikslėliais turėtų būti rašomi Times arba Times New Roman šriftu, Italic. Jų dydis gali svyruoti nuo 16 iki 24 punktų. Lygiavimas turi būti orientuotas į paveikslėlio pusę. Jeigu tekstas po paveikslėliu – lygiavimas turi būti į kairę pusę.
Pabaigos žodis
Turbinos kūrimas su 3D modeliavimo programa.
Vykdant Turgo turbinos kūrimo darbus susipažinau su įvairiais turbinų tipais; Išmokau dirbti 3D modeliavimo programa; Susipažinau su 3D spausdintuvais ir jų teikiamomis galimybėmis.
Informaciniai šaltiniai
Anne Eyschen, Tim Heymans, Sven Kerger, Tessy Kohl, Lycée classique de Diekirch, Diekirch, Luxembourg. „Study of the enzyme activity using the example of hepatic catalase“.
STUDY of the ENZYME ACTIVITY using the EXAMPLE of HEPATIC CATALASE Anne Eyschen, Tim Heymans, Sven Kerger, Tessy Kohl Lycée classique de Diekirch, Diekirch, Luxembourg, Claudine Hein, Geneviève Harles Introduction
The chapter about enzymes is part of our biochemistry course.
First experiment : Tube 1: 10mL H2O2 + sand Tube 2: 10mL H2O2 + MnO2 Tube 3: 10mL H2O2 + piece of calf liver
Enzymes are proteins that accelerate the chemical reactions of an organism, capable of catalysing the reactions in the cells (biological catalysts). The enzyme that we focus on is the hepatic catalase which is present in the liver of mammals whose function is to degrade hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), a highly reactive molecule formed during cellular respiration.
Aims We want to illustrate the different properties of enzymes by a series of experiments to show that they function as biological catalysts, that their activity depends on the conditions of the environment (pH, temperature) and that the enzymes are found intact after having transformed their substrate. .
Second experiment : Tube 1: 5mL content of tube 3 from previous experiment + half a piece of liver previously used + fresh piece of liver Tube 2: 5mL content of tube 3 from previous experiment + half a piece of liver previously used + 5mL H2O2 Third experiment : Tube 1: 10mL H2O2 + piece of calf liver Tube 2: 10mL H2O2 + grinded calf liver + sand Fourth experiment : Tube 1:10mL H2O2 + piece of calf liver at 0°C Tube 2:10mL H2O2 + piece of calf liver at 37°C Tube 3:10mL H2O2 + piece of calf liver at 59°C Fifth experiment : Tube 1: 5mL H2O2 + 5mL HCL + grinded calf liver Tube 2: 5mL H2O2 + 5mL NaOH + grinded calf liver Tube 3: 5mL H2O2 + 5mL distilled water + grinded calf liver
Molecular structure of a calf liver catalase
First experiment : Tube 1: no reaction Tube 2: very intense gas development + heat Tube 3: intense gas development + heat
•gas formed: O2 •MnO2 : catalyses the degradation of H2O2 into H2O and O2 •piece of calf liver contains a similar substance, however biological •H2O2 : toxic waste product degraded by hepatic catalase
Fifth experiment : Tube 1: no reaction is observed; ; pH paper turns pink (pH of 1 → acid) Tube 2: no reaction is observed; pH paper turns blue (pH of 10-12 → base) Tube 3: very strong reaction; pH paper turns green (pH of 6-7 → neutral)
Second experiment : Tube 1: no significant reaction, no H2O2 left to decompose, only water in the tube Tube 2: intense gas and heat development, fizzing
•reaction only takes place at a pH of 6-7 -> neutral environment •human body: neutral environment
•Enzymes not modified during a reaction, enzymes still intact Third experiment : Tube 1: mixture climbs up and fizzes Tube 2: reaction much stronger and faster than in the first tube •grinding destroys the cell plasma membranes •hepatic catalase is liberated •faster degradation Fourth experiment : Tube 1: a bit of foam appears Tube 2: a lot of foam climbs up in the tube (strong gas release) Tube 3: reaction is weaker than in the second tube ( weak gas release) •strongest reaction at 37°C: body temperature •~0°C: reaction slows down; weak thermal agitation •>70°C: enzyme is denaturized, does not present its tridimensional form; not functional
Conclusions We were able to demonstrate that the addition of hepatic catalase to a solution of H2O2 results in the release of O2, released following cleavage of the molecule of H2O2. The activity of the peroxidase requires a neutral pH and a temperature of around 37 °C. Any deviation from this ideal temperature/ideal pH slows down the catalysis reaction or makes it impossible.
Bibliography J. Pelmont 1995. Les enzymes, catalyseurs du monde vivant. EDP Sciences
Berglind Benediksdóttir, Helena Ósk Kristjánsdóttir, Borgarholtsskóli, Borgarholtsskóli, Mosavegur, Reykjavík, Iceland. „Electrical energy from river korpa“.
ELECRTICAL ENERGY FROM RIVER KORPA Berglind Benediksdóttir and Helena Ósk Kristjánsdóttir Borgarholtsskóli, Reykjavík, Iceland, Magnús Hlynur Haraldsson Introduction Energy is of paramount importance in modern society. It’s most often generated in large installations using coal, oil, gas or nuclear power. Environmental concerns and specifically focus on renewable energy. In Iceland, we can’t rely on solar power and although it’s often windy in Iceland, it’s not steady enough to count on except in specific areas. Fortunately, hydropower is steady and plentiful since Iceland has plenty of high ground which experiences allot of rain and snow. With the advent of modern technology, the number of small micro hydro power plants has increased again and continues to increase. Even the smallest of streams can now be harvested for energy.
Aims All power plants that are below 30 kwh are considered renewable and good for the environment in Iceland. That is small enough to keep a farm supplied. Many of the small micro hydro plants are even producing more energy than the farm needs so they can sell excess energy to the main grid. The purpose of this project is to explore the steps that have to be taken, when farmers or anyone else needs to determine if setting up a small power plant is viable or not. As a test subject, we will consider a small river, called Korpa, that runs to the sea close to Borgarholtsskóli. We want to check and see if it can generate enough power to run the school if it could be possible to harvest that energy. We are also going to think determine and decide on if we would want to, if we could. Students will do measurements to try to assess the amount of water that flows to the sea and if the water has enough energy to power Borgarholtsskóli.
Methods Students go to location (A, B, C, D), measure width of river, depth of river and the running speed of the water
Measurements 1. Go to location (A, B, C, D), measure width of river, depth of river and the running speed of the water 2. Find the elevation of Hafravatn above sea level. Use Google earth, a topographical map or something similar to find out the elevation of Hafravatn 3. Find out how much Borgarholtsskóli uses of electricity each year. Talk to someone in the administration, the manager of the buildings for example 4. Calculate the amount of electricity that the Korpa river can produce per year in the units MW . 5. Discuss the environmental factors we would like to take into consideration if we make a damn and start harvesting the river. The maximum power (P) we can get from a river is based on the potential energy (E) of a certain volume (V), of water which has the specific weight () of 1000 kg/m 3 and is at a certain elevation above sea level (h).
Conclusions River produces enough energy to run the school Students messuring the depth of river Korpa with messuring tools.
Students measuring the time it takes a ball to run from point A to B, that is the length of the measuring stick.
Bibliography Magnús Hlynur Haraldsson Physic teacher Borgarholtsskóli, Reykjavík, Iceland
Emre Akbaş, Ali Ekin Aktaş, Elif Göksu Çelik, Namık Karamancı Fen Lisesi, Manavgat, Turkey. „Wireless electricity via tesla coil“.
WIRELESS ELECTRICITY VIA TESLA COIL Emre Akbaş, Ali Ekin Aktaş, Elif Göksu Çelik Namık Karamancı Fen Lisesi, Manavgat, Turkey, Durdu Sarı Ertekin Introduction The Tesla coil is an electrical resonant transformer circuit designed by inventor Nikola Tesla in 1891. Tesla tried to use this coil to transfer electrical energy without any wires. Tesla coils can produce output voltages from 50 kilovolts to several million volts for large coils. The alternating current output is in the low radio frequency range, usually between 50 kHz and 1 MHz.
Aims Through this project we wanted to see if the electricity can be transferred without wires and we tried to prove that. Also we wanted to experience the difficulties that Tesla had while he was making this coil and we wanted to get people know about Nikola Tesla more.
Methods 1.Planning and Learning First of all we learned how to make a Tesla Coil and how it works. We bought all necessary components such as copper wire, a transformator ( from a scrap microwave), a PVC pipe and other things. 2. Assembling We started with wrapping the copper wire around the PVC pipe (275 wraps). Then we wrapped our thicker wire around the pipe (3 wraps). We built our circuit with the help of electricians. Then we put a table tennis ball ( with aluminum foil wrapped around it) at the top of the coil and secured it in place using hot glue. At last we plugged it to the main energy line ( city current). In this project we used ionization of gases and magnetic field energy.
We think that if we make our devices wireless, our lives will be much more easier and less complicated and we wanted to show this.
Our students working on the soldering of circuit
Results We made a presentation to our students at our school about a short summary of Nikola Tesla’s life and his projects. After we finished assembling our Tesla Coil, we tried to lit a normal bulb from a short distance. We saw that the normal bulb can not be lit using Tesla Coil because the normal bulb does not contain the gasses that can ionize. Later, we tried to lit a fluorescent bulb from a short distance. We observed that the gasses in the bulb ionized because of the magnetic field that Coil creates and because of that the bulb illuminated. Our completed Tesla Coil. The copper wires create a magnetic field and transform energy. And the ball at the top is used for distribution of energry.
A fluorescent lightbulb near a Tesla Coil. As you can see it does illuminate because of the magnetic fields and the ionization of gasses.
Conclusions The electricity can be transferred without wires and everyone can make that easily at their homes with low cost.
A normal light bulb near a Tesla Coil. As you can see it does not illumunate but it turns to a plasma ball.
Anne Eyschen, Tim Heymans, Sven Kerger, Tessy Kohl, Lycée classique de Diekirch, Diekirch, Luxembourg. „Study of movements using SPARKVUE“.
STUDY OF MOVEMENTS USING SPARKVUE Anne Eyschen, Tim Heymans, Sven Kerger, Tessy Kohl Lycée classique de Diekirch, Diekirch, Luxembourg, Marco Goffinet, Geneviève Harles Introduction
In order to study some practical examples of phenomena learned in theory, we’re analyzing 2 motions using wireless sensors: the motion of a body on a rail with air cushion on an inclined plane and the motion of an elastic pendulum.
First experiment: We use the PASPORT Motion Sensor. It consists of an electrostatic transducer in the face of the Motion Sensor that transmits a burst of 16 ultrasonic pulses. Those reflect off a target (in our case a black flag placed on the body performing the uniformly accelerated linear motion) and return to the face of the sensor. The sensor measures the time between the trigger rising edge and the echo rising edge. It uses this time and the speed of sound to calculate the distance to the object. In order to determine velocity, it uses consecutive position measurements and calculates the rate of change of position. By using those consecutive velocity measurements, it also determines acceleration.
The measurement is taken by using measuring devices produced by Pasco Scientific, connected to iPads by the SPARKvue app. The app displays the curves corresponding to the performed movements simultaneously with the measurements.
Aims For many years, our school has supported the integration of new technologies in its teaching with the aim of being a place pedagogical innovation. Since 2015, the students have been able to enroll in so-called electronic classes, in which, alongside traditional tools, electronic tablets are used as a learning tool. As some of us are part of such an iPad class, we have set ourselves the goal of using our iPads to carry out this study of movements. The measurement charts are automatically created by the SPARKvue app.
The body on the rail with air cushion is being catapulted.
Second experiment: We use the Wireless Force Acceleration Sensor. This small device is capable of measuring force, acceleration and rotation simultaneously. We attach the sensor (0,099kg)to a spring and connect it to an iPad. The actual experiment consists in pulling the sensor slightly downwards and recording the temporal evolution of the different magnitudes as it oscillates. .
Bibliography The sensor is attached to a spring and connected it to an iPad..
Avanzi P., Kespy A., Pfistner D., Moraz C., PerretGentil J. 2007. Physique 2 Mécanique (p.2-33). Edition Loisirs et pédagogie, Lausanne.
Šarūnas Geglis, Kipras Stankevičius, Vilniaus Pilaitės gimnazija, Vilnius, Lietuva. „The electricity in Fruits and Vegetables“.
Vaisiuose ir daržovėse esanti elektra Kipras Stankevičius, Šarūnas Geglis Vilniaus Pilaitės gimnazija, Lietuva, darbo vadovas - Vilma Jočienė Įžanga
Baterija elementas, galintis kaupti energiją. Be to ją galima nešiotis su savimi. Bagdado baterija arba Partų baterija - neįprastas Partų ar Sasanidų laikotarpio archeologinis radinys, rastas 1936 m. Radinį sudaro terakotinis 130 mm aukščio asotis, kurio viduje yra varinis cilindras, į jį įtaisytas geležinis strypas, o kaklelis užlietas bitumu . Elementų baterija yra sudaryta iš sidabrinių diskų, cinko diskų ir medžiaga kuri išmirkyta sūriame vandenyje arba rūgštyse.
▪ Paimame vaisius bei daržoves (svogūnus, bulves, kivius, citrinas, obuolius, apelsinus).
Tikslas Pagaminti galvaninį elementą, įvairius vaisius bei daržoves.
▪ Į pasirinktus vaisius ar daržoves įsmeigiame varinę monetą ir cinkuotą vinį. ▪ Su voltmetru pamatuojame daržovių išskiriamą įtampą.
▪ Pasižiūrime kiek tam tikrų vaisių daržovių gali įžiebti 1 LED lemputę.
2 Obuoliai
3 Citrinos
Reikiamas Vaisių/daržovių kiekis įžiebti vienai LED lemputei
Rezultatai Projekte buvo naudojami 4 rūšių vaisiai (citrina, kivis, obuolys ir apelsinas) ir 2 rūšių daržovės (bulvė, svogūnas). Sužinojome, kad sugeneruoti pakankamai įtampos tam, kad įžiebtume 1 LED lemputę mums reikėjo skirtingų kiekių vaisių ar daržovių. Kad įžiebtume 1 LED buvo reikalingos:
2 Kiviai
2 Apelsinai
Pastebėjome, kad dažniausiai užtenka 2 vaisių/daržovių, retesniais atvejais reikėjo 3. Visi mūsų išbandyti vaisiai/daržovės vidutiniškai išskyrė 0.95 Voltų.
Uždaviniai Pagaminus galvaninius elementus, palyginti jų išskiriamas įtampas ir pažiūrėti kiek tam tikrų vaisių ar daržovių gali įžiebti 1 LED lemputę..
2 Bulvės
Išvados 1. Įmanoma sugeneruoti pakankamai energijos ir įžiebti LED lemputę, naudojant visus mūsų pasirinktus vaisius ar daržoves. 2. Citrinos ir svogūnai išskiria mažiausiai voltų, nepaisant to, kad yra rūgštūs, o bulvė ir apelsinas išskiria daugiausiai voltų
3 Svogūnai
Informaciniai šaltiniai Vaisių ir daržovių išskiriama įtampa .
Matteo Pentassuglia, Giovanni Chiarelli, Anduena Barjami,Elena Lucarelli, Liceo Scientifico Tito Livio, Martina Franca, Italy. „Education to creative complexity“.
EDUCATION TO CREATIVE COMPLEXITY Prof. Luana Fogli,Matteo Pentassuglia, Giovanni Chiarelli, Anduena Barjami,Elena Lucarelli, Liceo Scientifico Tito Livio, Martina Franca (IT)-Tutors: Graziana Buonfrate(Maths), Susanna Carbotti, Prof.Gianfranco Infante Introduction Italian Education System is divided into three different kinds of courses: General (Umanities, Scientific, Linguistic, Social Studies, Artistic, Music and Choir), Technical and Vocational School. General Studies (called Licei) provide students with a wide theoretical knowledge and Technical schools add some technical concepts and practices to general background which bring students closer to work. Although students coming from General Courses show a complete and wide development of their theoretical skills, generally they claim a lack of engagement into activities related to work.
1. Becoming familiar with Arduino, making easy projects;
This is our project: a small robot, able to follow a dark line on the floor.
2. Basics of programming language through Scratch (the Hour of Code)
3. Physical project and realization 4. Programming 5. Shell project and 3D print
Students’ groups , realizing easy projects with Arduino
Aims Through this project we tried to introduce subjects, such as Robotics and Electronics, into our school in order to widen usually poorly developed skills in General Education Courses. We chose to develop a project using a programmable board called Arduino, which is easy to find, cheap and with an open source software to download. There are a large variety of objects programmed by Arduino, from sanitary tools to home-automation controllers, from Twitter displays to DNA analysis kit. Our choice fell on a Robot able to follow a dark line independently.
The Robot completed with its case Our «naked» Robot
Conclusions General Education School usually suffers with the lack of practical experiences. We tried to introduce Robotics, helped by professionals from outside and inside the school. The main result is a Robot, able to follow a dark line on the floor without any remote control. Students enjoyed the project and it helped them to develope practical skills, to better understand their own inclinations and what kind of studies would represent their best option for the future.
In order to learn the basics of language programming, a student of ours gave a lesson about Scratch during The Hour of Code..
. The two parts which the case is made of. We used a 3D printer
Students welding the circuit parts. .
Bibliography • • •
Il Sistema educativo italiano, Indire, MIUR.2013 Valutare le competenze linguistiche, A.A.V.V., Franco Angeli
Sniežana Juckevič, Aistė Jatkelytė, Vilniaus Pilaitės gimnazija, Vilnius, Lietuva. „Chromatography of Plants“.
Augalų chromatografija Aistė Jatkelytė, Sniežana Juckevič Pilaitės gimnazija, Vilnius, Lietuva, darbo vadovė – Vilma Jočienė Įžanga Chromatografija – laboratorinis metodas, kuriuo iš mišinių išskiriamos medžiagos ir analizuojamos. Chromatografijos pradininkas - rusų botanikas M. Tsvetas. Šis mokslininkas XX a. pradžioje sėkmingai išskyrė augalų pigmentus: chlorofilą bei karotenoidus. Šie tyrimai paskatino autorių sukurti adsorbcijos metodą, kurį pavadino chromatografija.
Rezultatai Visų pirma pasirinkome augalus, kuriuos norėjome ištirti (ugniažolių, palergonijų, kiaulpienių, baltažiedžių notrelių, kaštono žiedų, paprastųjų veronikų, klevo lapų). Kiekvieną augalą atskirai sutrynėme grūstuvėlėje. Atlikus chromatografiją, augalai išskyrė ant filtrinio popieriaus: ugniažolė – geltoną spalvą , palergonijos – rožinę ir gelsvą spalvą, kiaulpienės – geltoną spalvą, baltažiedės notrelės – šviesiai geltoną spalvą, kaštono žiedai – geltoną spalvą, paprastosios veronikos – geltoną, šviesiai ir tamsiai žalią spalvą , klevo lapai –geltoną, tamsiai ir šviesiai žalią spalvą.
Tikslai 1.Pasidaryti augalų chromatografiją; 2.Pagal gautus rezultatus nustatyti, kokių medžiagų yra augaluose.
Į sutrintus augalus įpylėme acetono (kiekį žiūrėjome pagal tirštumą). Tada visus gautus . produktus perpylėme į stiklines.
Po to ant lazdelių pritvirtinome filtrinius popierius (vienodo ilgio) ir juos pamerkėme į stiklines. Tada maždaug apie 1 valandą stebėjome, kaip keitėsi spalvos ant filtrinio popieriaus. Gautas spalvas susirašėme ir internete pasižiūrėjome kokią spalvą kokia medžiaga atitinka.
Gautus rezultatus surašėme į lentelę ir palyginome.
Išvados Atlikus chromatografiją mūsų visuose ištirtuose augaluose buvo geltonos spalvos – ksantofilų. Buvo ir kitokių medžiagų: palergonijose - antocianinų , paprastosiose veronikose - chlorofilo a ir b, klevo lapuose – chlorofilo a ir b. Na, o likusiuose augaluose – ugniažolėse, kiaulpienėse, baltažiedėse notrelėse ir kaštono žieduose buvo tik ksantofilų.
1-ugniažolė, 2-palergonija, 3-kiaulpienė, 4baltažiedė notrelė, 5-kaštono žiedai, 6paprastoji veronika, 7-klevo lapas
Informaciniai šaltiniai