2 minute read
Redesigning for The Mass
Description and justification of The proposal presented
The proposal seeks reconfiguration, management, and harmonization of uses in the park Almansa, making it grow in terms of urban integration, values, users and re-discovering everything that is valuable and what is already part of their urban identity as some of Its different architectural styles and patterns geometric. Clear and fluid connections are proposed within the place and environment, contributing to establish the greatest number of meetings and relationships Possible, creating spaces of relationship and Transition with the environment and the urban landscape, melting inside with exterior, open with closed, natural with artificial. The proposal raises a new look at the style Of the park, and which characterizes its main elements, such as the auditorium, the pergola or the aqueduct and it is clear of the characteristics geometry and forms of The bows and materials with which they are solved, by making it collide with new forms, colors, materials.
Next to the current open air auditorium is inserted a New module in which the cafeteria/terrace is Located that gives service to the park and kiosks. This piece has a profile in arcade integrating Formally with the rest of the park’s elements. This set is completed with a new space Outdoor.
New Civic Center: Indoor Auditorium+Multipurpose room
The civic center is reset to house the proposed new uses. To do this, the eastern part is reordered, emptying its contents but preserving the facades that are currently being treated to improve their benefits and integrate them aesthetically with the new image of the park. In this reconfigured area
The new winter auditorium is inserted with capacity for 600 attendees, a scenic box and ancillary services. To do this, a new truss structure is inserted that allows covering this space and on which a new higher volume is inserted, That will house the new classrooms of multi-purpose character and space Top of the scenic box, The cafeteria area and the billiard club, which will complement the new uses of the building.
This new volume shares the same architecture based geometry present in the rest of the park, enhancing its identity character and becoming a visual reference point.
An Ethereal Metonymy of public Realm
Group members
Karan Solanki
Darshil Bhayani
Riya Gajjar
Yash Patel
Hetali Patel
After studying various tangible as well as non-tangible aspects a plausible site was selected. With the urge to expand further without realizing the lack of space available led to congestion and an ecological imbalance. Hence sustainable communities needed well-designed everyday spaces and places that are well managed, well serviced, safe and activated by different forms of economic, cultural and social exchange.
Urban voids are undesirable urban areas that are in need of redesign. To fill in such voids, a walkable grid acts as a standard, a rule against which any form can be compared. It provides an often invisible structural pattern representing perfect order. The grid represents a mastery of order over the chaotic natural world.