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The EV Manufacturing ecosystem readiness
The main components in EV can be classified into:
Body parts
Structural parts
Power Electronics
Battery Systems
Charging Systems
DCDC Converters and Vehicle control system
How do we create the manufacturing facility to ensure all the above subsystems are seamlessly integrated, made to work together giving optimum performance and proved for roadworthiness In the process engineering there could be advanced manufacturing process can be implemented so that we shall increase the throughput to scale of the manufacturing at reduced cost of manufacturing In addition , we can also employ the digital manufacturing techniques to improve the overall quality, productivity and serviceability involving highest level traceability at different levels To enable this we need to have the ecosystem available close to the manufacturing plants, moving from the traditional automotive manufacturing to future automotive There needs to a highest level of coordinated transformation required the entire supply chain and value proposition The question is , most of these subsystems are currently imported in the new vehicle technology There needs a lot of focus. Some of the EV OEMs have started building this ecosystem with in their organization But is it sustainable and scalable We need to develop many clusters across the country to build the EV ecosystem OEMs , Suppliers and government should work together to achieve the same
The Technology Development
Future of mobility will be dominated by the following technology
Autonomous driving
Connected Mobility
Electric Mobility and Shared Mobility
This is called as ACES in short. Now what are technological breakthrough in all these areas How we as a country prepared for the same Its more than a century now the powertrain is changing from ICE to electric and we do not have home technology ready in every vehicle area on the same Last year alone more 800 Million USD worth of powertrain and batteries imported from China We need highest level of focus to develop such technological systems and solutions in India which will work effectively in Indian environmental conditions We have very unique environment and the component shall put on highest level stress so that it would work in all the situation. There are many Tier1 suppliers already started building such technology solutions But in my opinion it is not enough We need to focus these development as national level momentum involving multiple stakeholders together including research and educational institution If carefully analyse , every technology listed above has huge amount of software content in it We call ourselves as a software nation So we can play a strong global role if we develop the competency very quickly