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The Skill development
I had an opportunity to discuss with one of the leading institution in India to develop an EV powertrain for a specific application together with their capacity The outcome of the discussion was a surprising fact for all of us It was told to me that , Indian engineering graduates have shifted their focus to new age Technologies like , Block chain, AI and ML There is no focus on fundamental engineering subjects like motor design amongst the students On the other hand, the engineers and executives in the industry especially on the OEM side are need to be reskilled or upskilled in future mobility technologies The first step is to create the basic awareness with the automotive aspirants on what is really the opportunity in the industry and given them the confidence on the high potential availability for growth in mobility solutions. Secondly we need to develop specific contents so that they would become holistic mobility engineers with multidimensional skills We need kind of all-rounders at this stage apart from specialists in specific areas We need to develop not only the work force for the engineering for manufacturing also for technology development, service maintenance of electric vehicles The rough estimate of the requirements stand at 5Million engineers and technologies by 2030, in India The global numbers are mind boggling Also fundamental engineering needs focus along with digital technologies There are many initiatives taken by government in this line of thought In my opinion the stalwarts of the industry should come forward and work on a collaborative approach build the future skills. This is the need of the hour Needs immediate attention
Implementation of digital manufacturing
As we have discussed earlier, scaling up the production is inevitable to meet the growing demand of EV in India. One of the best ways to improve productivity and quality is implement digital manufacturing process using Industry 4 0 Thanks to the IOT in manufacturing sector and state of the art manufacturing equipment’s available to meet such requirements Also we digitally create the process in the lab , test run, make improvements and then implement them is the way forward quickly establish successful process than learn and improve. Making things first time right was yesterday’s challenge Today it is predictable process is what plays a major role This will be done thorough front loading of the key process items and spend enough time for the planning before start of implementation Once its done then the most of the critical process decision should be driven data. So data acquisition at various stages of the process is another key element Data analytics can happen if we can employ measurements Right measurement at time and quantity would be primary importance for the optimization So in conclusion the benefits of implementing digital manufacturing is countless So we need to focus on the same in EV manufacturing
Simulation is playing an important role in the ongoing improvement of EV technology, helping engineers discover new ways to boost range It can provide accurate results to measure performance at the earliest possible design stage and help you determine cause and effect because you have a lot more data & insight I have seen quite a good number incidents in my career where some of the start-ups EV are able to reduce the development cycle by efficiently incorporating simulation Today there many simulation tools available to simulate structural stability of the subsystem and component , their thermal behaviour, electrical behaviour and or in certain cases Multiphysics simulation helps remove the problems at the early stage of the product development or process development when it comes to manufacturing. May be the simulation tools seems expensive at the beginning, but the benefits and cost for correction are much more valuable If suppose some organization do not have the capability to do simulation they can also outsource this activity with the right partner which in my knowledge and experience, really helps
In essence, the EV industry is already in the point of inflection There is huge opportunity along with tremendous growth potential What is really required now is locally developed technology and digital manufacturing techniques not only at OEM levels but also at all levels of the entire supply chain When we build such robust EV manufacturing eco system, we are prepared ourselves not only for the domestic demands also cater to the global requirements of EV manufacturing.