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Coorporatives and Development



CONTENTS The Editors Note ......................................................... 1

MYANZI Area Cooperative Enterprise (ACE):

Message from the CEO ................................................ 2

A Vehicle for members to quit poverty. ......................12

Message from the Chairperson Board ......................... 2

Inequity In Resource Allocation A Hinderance

Historical Background of MYANZI ACE ......................... 3

To Development Among The Youth ........................... 15

Cooperatives Help Fight HIV/AIDS ............................... 4

FERTILISERS USE;The Only way to Boost our Soils ..... 17

ACE/ISF Project lifts Women out of Poverty ................. 5

Summary of the learning cycle .................................. 18

A Testimony From Nakaweesa Joyce ............................ 5

Water stress a general decry in

What is Record Keeping? ............................................. 8

Myanzi and Nalutuntu Sub Counties.......................... 19

MYANZI ACE; a Pride to the Members ......................... 9

Food of Thought ....................................................... 20

The Ever Increasing Population .................................. 10

Rain-Fed Crops could fail due to Climate Change ...... 20 Cooperators’ Pictorial ................................................ 21

The Editor’s Note

Dear readers, welcome to this first publication of the cooperators’ voice themed cooperatives and development. The publication is the first of its kind in Myanzi ACE and it has been established to act as a voice for the members of the cooperative. We are optimistic that if we get means of sustaining it, it will help the cooperators share their experience with the rest of the world. And it will as well act as a means of fundraising for the cooperative. We hope you find it interesting and educative. In side this publication we have looked at cooperative society as a legal entity, with a formal set of rules, Shares are bought by members and each member has the right to vote, to appoint directors and make policies, and decisions. There are regular meetings. If a member wishes to leave the cooperative, his or her share will be sold to a new member. In this publication we also looked at how the cooperative has lifted the status of women financially and as far as decision making is concerned. Nakawasa Joyce was our case study in this publication. She explains how the ISF project helped build her skills she has adopted and when one reaches her, doesn’t need to be told she is progressing We have also looked at how the cooperative has benefited the cooperator through various trainings to boost their incomes and we had Musisi testify how

the trainings have impacted his output, we look at how collective marketing and bulking is enabling them access good markets. Contract farming as a one of the biggest achievements of the cooperative because there is market assurance, however we also look at the challenges the communities are facing like the water stress, inequity in resource allocation as a hindrance to development among the youths the youths the causes of the ever increasing population . The role of fertilizers in crop farming has been tackled and the need for keeping our records in our day today lives. I wish you a good read and this publication is open ended to advice and contributions are welcome.


Lindo Afua Hassy


Mr. Bamwenda Benerd and Adubu Trude Modester


Kigonya David, Sunday, Julius and Nirajire Nicholas. Disclaimer The opinions expressed by individual writers do not necessarily represent those of the organisation. We take great care in checking the contribution for accuracy and accept no liability for errors made in good faith

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Coorporatives and Development




Message from the CEO

Myanzi Area Cooperative Enterprise (ACE) has come a long way as an organization over the past nine years and grown into a formidable institution. ACE imple­ments programmes in Myanzi and Nalutuntu sub counties in Mubende district, Uganda. The development and publication of this Magazine would not have been possible without the financial and technical support of various stakeholders. The ACE appreciates support and deliberate efforts of the key stakeholders including members, the board, development partners, management, staff and beneficiaries in providing views and ideas to make this magazine a reality.

We also wish to acknowledge the AGRITERRA of Netherlands for supporting”Strengthening Farmers access to markets in Myanzi and Nalutuntu sub counties, Mubende district” One year project, We also thank Marly Boonman for visiting us in Uganda for her technical support she extends to us. MYANZI ACE would like to strengthen its capacities and programmes towards improving the standard of living of cooperators and their families in our society. Much emphasis will be placed on improving household incomes through strengthening of member primary cooperative societies, modernization of agriculture; joint marketing, value addition, equitable utilization of resources and improved access to essential social services. MYANZI ACE is ready to strengthen efforts to combat HIV/AIDS, and environmental degradation and climate change im­pact as the immediate and foreseen challenge to hu­man survival.

We specifically acknowledge the contribution of our Members, Staff and the board whose views, ideas and enthusiasm are reflected in the Magazine. Myanzi ACE is highly indebted to The International Solidarity Foundation, Finland, for supporting the“Improvement of Cooperatives in Myanzi Sub-County” three year project.

It is my sincere hope that the publication of this magazine will lead to quality improvement in the liveli­hoods of the majority of cooperators and their families in Mubende district specifically in Myanzi and Nalutuntu subcounties Specifically in giving them chance to know what is happening around them and outside Mubende.

We also like to acknowledge the tireless efforts put by Myanzi ACE staff by giving the necessary finesse. We are also grateful to ISF Country Coordinator in Uganda Riitta Kujala for her technical and moral support extended to us.

Bamwenda Benard Chief Executive Officer

Message from the

Chairperson Board;

On behalf of Myanzi ACE I’m grateful to members and the staff of Myanzi who are working tirelessly to see Myanzi achieve her goal. The cooperative had existed since 2003 but had been weak but in a period of about two years it has gained momentum and this has been majorly with support from International Solidarity Foundation Finland and of late reproductive health Uganda and Agriterra- Netherlands which is

just 2 months old. We have a youthful dedicated team under leadership of Mr. Bamwenda Benerd and we believe with their efforts we shall achieve the best. Thank you. Mr. Sseguya John.


Coorporatives and Development



Historical Background of MYANZI ACE About Myanzi Area Cooperative Enterprise (MACE) Our Vision

What is a cooperative? A cooperative society is a legal entity, with a formal set of rules. Shares are bought by members and each member has the right to vote to appoint directors and make policy decisions. There are regular meetings. If a member wishes to leave the cooperative, his or her share will be sold to a new member. The rules of the society will state whether the original share money is refunded which is very good and not common to other organizations Myanzi Area Cooperative Enterprise was established in 2003 and registered as second level cooperative society with the Ministry of Tourism, Trade and Industry under Cooperative Department (Number 7548/RCS) in 2006, which is actually equivalent to a cooperative union.

A Strong self sustaining Area Cooperative Enterprise (ACE) in Uganda of economically viable primary cooperative societies, with empowered members and wealthy cooperative families

Our Values

Integrity: MYANZI ACE carries out its activities in an honest and truthful manner, and always takes all reasonable measures to prevent willful wrongdoing by its officials Transparency: MYANZI ACE documents its operations and freely disseminates them to all to stakeholders. Accountability: MYANZI ACE takes full responsibility for its actions and is always answerable and accountable to the cooperators, member cooperative societies, to its partners and to the Government

The organization was established by initially three primary cooperative societies i.e. Myanzi Livestock Cooperative society, Kigalama Growers cooperative society and Nalutuntu cooperative society with a total of 262 members. These cooperative societies were represented by their Board of directors (Executive committees), who resolved to form a secondary cooperative society with the aim of improving incomes of farmers through skills development, capacity building for cooperative societies, joint purchase of high quality inputs, joint marketing and value addition.

Solidarity: MYANZI ACE upholds that the struggle against poverty needs close collaboration with others and it will support others to raise issues of similar interest Working with others: MYANZI ACE uphold that it can only make a contribution as there are always others to add on and will at all times work in partnership with others. Professionalism • Working with a high standard of skill, competence, and character Innovation • Thinking outside the box in seeking solutions as opposed to being narrowly focused Participation • Involving stakeholders in the process of achieving our objectives

Myanzi ACE is a member-owned, governed and controlled cooperative organisation which adheres to the international cooperative values and principles. The principles are voluntary and open membership, democratic member control, member economic participation, autonomy and independence, promotion of education and training, cooperation among cooperators and concern for the community. Myanzi ACE implements its activities guided by the core values of self-help, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity, transparency and integrity and believe in ethical values of honesty, openness, stewardship, social responsibility and caring for others, result oriented.

Governance and Management

The Board was elected by the general membership and they do organize general assemblies annually as set in the cooperative Act, regulations of 1991and 1992, and bi-laws. The governance and management of MACE is composed of three separate but complementary groups namely: the members or shareholders, the committee and management staff. The work of these three organs is complimentary but each organ is expected to perform its duties and responsibilities in order to the cooperative to achieve its set objectives. In so doing, the governance organ does observe separation of duties and responsibilities in order to avoid duplication, confusion and conflicts. This enables the co-operative to become more efficient and effective in its operations. Other committees which are in our cooperative include procurement committee, production committee, and supervisory committee.

Our Mission

Facilitate income generation and equitable sharing of benefits by cooperators for improved quality of life of their families through strengthening of primary cooperative societies, sustainable commercialization of agriculture, gender mainstreaming, advocacy and increased access to essential social services Coorporatives and Development




Cooperatives Help Fight HIV/AIDS employment, lower incomes • Increase in health and social expenditures, especially for families affected and infected by HIV/AIDS. • Declines in agricultural production and food security • Increased Domestic violence and breaking of farmilies.

Cooperative development Societies are working to help stop the spread of HIV/AIDS and mitigate its effects on individuals and communities, especially in Myanzi and Nalutuntu Sub counties Mubende District where Myanzi ACE Operates. While the fight against HIV/ AIDS is principally a health issue, social and economic programs are critical in mobilizing communities to make effective prevention, medical interventions and care possible and to deal with the consequences of the victims or those living with HIV/AIDS including large numbers of AIDS orphans. Myanzi ACE has organized 540 people living with HIV/AIDS in one cooperative Society.

What Can Cooperatives Do? Cooperatives offer an integrated approach to mobilize communities for the prevention, mitigation and care of those affected by HIV/AIDS. Cooperatives can provide the following services: • Support to orphans and vulnerable children affected by AIDS • Behavior change and life skills education • Provide prevention information and promote and distribute condoms • Train community health workers, train youth peer educators to provide information on STD and HIV/ AIDS risk reduction and prevention as well as voluntary testing and counseling • A mix of supportive projects aimed at increasing a beneficiary’s livelihood • Provide food and training for street children and orphans • Schools feeding with special take home rations for families caring for orphans. • Food for training programs which promote incomegenerating activities and are linked to small-scale credit facilities for women and older orphans • Food for training and food-for-work to support farmers through animal traction schemes and the provision of seeds and agricultural tools • Food for work to support increased agricultural production through home gardening to improve diet diversification and increased intake of micronutrients • Food for work and food for training to support the introduction of small scale, low labor livestock activities. • Provide food for women living with HIV/AIDS and their children in order to prolong the life of the mother while ensuring the nutrition of her children Support the training of HIV/AIDS home-based care workers in nutrition counseling Provide nutritional support to tuberculosis patients to protect their food security and as an incentive to complete their full treatment protocol Home-based care for individuals and families living with HIV/AIDS

Most of those living with HIV/AIDS are in food deficient especially rural areas of Myanzi and Nalutuntu. Nutrition is one of the most immediate needs of an HIV/AIDS infected person to extend life and is critical to any anti-retroviral drug treatment or MTCT program. You can and should treat the Mother and Child, but they both require additional nutrition to absorb the drugs. Poor nutrition makes HIV-positive individuals more prone to the other killer diseases such as TB and Malaria. Community mobilization is an effective tool to combat HIV/AIDS, but little funding is available to strengthen cooperatives to mobilize and respond to the crisis. Given the magnitude of the crisis, there needs to be more room or flexibility in the interpretation of HIV/ AIDS legislation to support the community groups and churches that are on the frontlines to educate and prevent those not yet infected HIV/AIDS, to advise those who may be and to counsel and treat those who are infected. Economic and Social Impacts of HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS is impacting demography, the economy, behavior, society, and culture. This crisis is impeding the development progress because HIV/AIDS strikes men and women in their most productive years which have catastrophic economic and social ramifications. HIV/AIDS is having the following impacts: • Declines in life expectancy and population growth due to increases in mortality and a reduction in fertility. • Decline in output interms of production due to a reduction in the quality and quantity of the labor supply • Volume and use of savings goes down, which effects the economy, less investment, less productive 4

Coorporatives and Development



COOP BENEFITS solidarity usually keeps the project moving to a quick conclusion and establishes a sense of community.

The main benefit is that the members of a cooperative society are working together for a common goal. This could be to produce and sell a commodity, or to raise funds to build a community facility like a Maize mill for Value addition or Ware House for keeping produce. The members have a vested interest not only financially but morally. This

.Compiled by Bamwenda Benard CEO



Nakawesa Joyce in her nursery bed of coffee seedlings At the beginning of the ISF project of improvement of cooperatives in Myanzi and Nalutuntu Sub counties in Mubende district, emphasis was put on increasing participation of women in Cooperatives to lift them out of poverty.

to school, she said It is true that bad beginning sometimes makes a good end. As any other farmers, Nakaweesa started farming our activities mainly focused on agriculture. We had enterprises like banana management, coffee management, poultry and horticulture (mainly in vegetables).

Nakaweesa Joyce is one of the beneficiaries 0f the 3year project. Before ISF funded Project, together with her husband, they practiced only crop farming. Her income was very low, and they could not manage to send her children Coorporatives and Development

We started receiving some little training on the above mentioned enterprises on small scale from Myanzi ACE. She says she took the lead in managing the enterprises .The RPO started to grow/expand as more 5



people/members joined. In the year 2011, the group was certified as cooperative and joined improvement of cooperatives project under Myanzi ACE funded by ISF. While in Myanzi ACE , they started having so many benefits such as training in Crop farming as a business, integration farming systems, bee keeping, wine and fruit processing etc.

after she had gone for training organized by ACE. She started with Small Nursery bed of coffee and later expanded to include in more other varieties with the help of ACE. ACE provided 4000 Packets of different species of tree seeds in February 2011 for the start and currently she has a 30 * 30 fit nursery bed with different tree species though she still lacks capital to expand on it. She expects to earn a gross income of 8 million shillings per year.

However, in her RPO, they passed an idea of forming special interest groups or study circle that is whereby

Nakawesa Joyce harvesting passion fruits vegetables, milk, honey, meat, firewood etc., thereby improving the nutrition of the small-scale farmer like Nakaweesa Joyce with limited resources. IFS refer to agricultural system that integrates livestock and crop production in one piece of land. In 2009, they registered under Myanzi ACE under as an RPO. It was during this time that ACE called RPO chairpersons for training in practicing Integrated Farming System within a small piece of land which she attended. Having been with that problem of land scarcity, she embarked on the system immediately after the training in managing different enterprises and since then, she has never turned back. She started with banana management in 2009 and added on other enterprises gradually. For example, she got involved in Nursery tree management

every member in the group is free to specialize in two (2) or three (3) enterprises depending on his/her capacity in terms of management, capital, labor and they trained themselves in those enterprises. Nakaweesa Joyce is practicing integrated farming system (IFS) whereby in her small piece of land of about one acre, she has specialized in banana management, piggery and fruit farming as major enterprises. Beekeeping, coffee management, horticulture (passion fruits), tree planting and poultry farming, are practiced as complementary enterprises. IFS seem to be the possible solution to meet the continuous increase in demand for food, stability of income and diverse requirements of food grains, 6

Coorporatives and Development




1· Bananas-her farm has expanded from 1-2 acres and she harvests a bunch weighing 120 kgs from the 30 kgs which she was getting before. 2· Piggery project for the start she had one pig and currently, she has 10 pigs. 2· Coffee management-she started with ten platelets and she has planted more 300 plantlets of coffee. 3· Poultry keeping- she has 12 local birds Nakaweesa Joyce praises ACE-Improvement of cooperatives project, for having trained her in integrated farming system. She has managed to utilize her small piece of land for many enterprises which are doing well. This has helped her in a way that some enterprises’ bi-products are the inputs of the others. Her eucalyptus trees have helped in honey production whereby the bees collect nectar from the trees. The manure from her piggery and zero grazing is used in her banana plantation and the passion fruits are grown on the fence around her one acre piece of land.

Nakawesa preparing her vegetables garden In 2010, she started fruit farming, piggery and zero grazing. Currently she has 8 pigs and 6 piglets, two heifers and about 4 bee hives. She harvests 20 liters of honey from each of the three harvests annually at shillings 10,000 a liter. The bee hives are placed near her home where at the end of her banana plantation where bees easily get the nectar for honey making. In practicing IFS, the part of her acre piece of land is enclosed with a hedge and it is on this hedge all around that she is growing her passion fruits.

Nakaweesa Joyce says that out of her sales, she has got money, her food security has improved she has got what to Sell and She is able to pay school fees for her children and other requirements. Two of her sons are in a boarding school and others are in private good day schools. She continues to say that the farm is able to provide everything as far as balanced diet is concerned, milk, eggs, fruits and honey are all available. On the other hand, she says she has little Money saved in the SACCO after selling some of the farm produce to cater for emergencies/sicknesses. Generally, the farm has become her source of employment, she says. However, she says that because of love towards her enterprises, hard work, and positive altitude plus support from Myanzi Area Cooperative Enterprise (ACE) , has made her successful and hence be known in the area after the community seeing real things on the ground. She has been empowered and elected as Treasurer at ACE and Chairperson Kampiri RPO. She concludes by encouraging women to work hard for the good of their families and the nation at large. Special thanks go to ISF for helping Myanzi ACE to come up with a project which thinks about women.

The integration of Livestock and Crop has helped to improve on the fertilization of her, Nakaweesa testifies. She said that Integration of different agriculturally related enterprises with crops provides ways to recycle products and by-products of one component as input of another linked component which reduce the cost of production and thus raises the total income of the farm. Multiple land use through integration of crops, livestock and apiculture can give the best and optimum production from unit land area. In other words, Integrated farming system is a resource management strategy to achieve economic and sustained production to meet the diverse requirement of farm household while preserving resource base.

Coorporatives and Development





We spend money every day. Our minds cannot store all information. It is always advisable to keep record for future use. We need to know how much we earn over time and how we spend it. These daily spending form our monthly expenditures that we need to know. The milk we sell everyday is part of our monthly income, which we need to know. We need to know the amount of money we spend and where it comes from so we should record what happens around us.

column, add monthly expenses for the month/ season, get the total for all expenses for the month/ season, deduct the expense from the monthly sales and get the total profit or loss for the season. We help the farmers to design simple columns for their record keeping so that the information is accurately entered which makes it easy to understand and follow.

Records could be as simple as a receipt given after buying fertilizers, seeds or machine. It could be record of your daily deliveries of milk to a local dairy shop or daily production of tomatoes you supply in the local market.

Record keeping helps the farmer to measure performance over time and in quantitative terms which help determine whether the farmer has achieved his/ her goal

When loss is realised, immediate action is taken to correct the situation by finding out what went wrong. There are various possible causes of under performance: poor production from farm, low price, wastage on the way to the market to mention but a few. Once the cause of the problem is identified, it is easy to rectify the situation.

It helps in measuring how much wealth is created or lost by determining profits or loss in farming activity. One can determine whether he/ she is moving away from poverty or getting poorer.

These records could be kept in an envelop, file, note book, box or any other safe place for future use. Myanzi Area Cooperative Enterprise staff (Finance Department) has embarked on training our rural producer organisations (RPOs) who are members of the cooperative in record keeping and book keeping which is recording of the transaction as they take place. Recording of activities normally starts when we write down what we do daily. The nature of records depends on the farming or business activity being undertaken.

Record keeping also helps one to make workable plan for the farm after knowing your income. The staffs of myanzi Area Cooperative Enterprise are cohesive, committed and enthusiastic about work. This is partly attributed to participatory management style adopted by top management (the project manager and the Board members). Decision making especially in programme formulation and implementation is done in a participatory manner. Besides, there is good and often timely information flow between staff and management which leads to constant awareness among the members about major issues pertaining Myanzi A.C.E.

The Rural producers Organisations (RPOs) are mainly trained to track three main activities: land preparation and growing of the crop, production and sales which is classified under input, production and sales. Input: are records of all that goes into farming for example buying fertilizer, seeds, hiring land, wages for some one to dig, water the farm, buying spray (insecticide) to mention but a few.

The organisation uses frequent meetings, notice Board as the major vehicle of communication between management and staff. This some how makes up for some of the challenges faced by staff and helps to motivate them to be creative, innovative and hard working.

Production: these are records of quantity harvested, quantity sold and quantity used at home or other use like donation to relatives, friends and provision for what might get wasted i.e get rotten or eaten up by insects.

However, revitalizing and commercializing the mechanisation unit is one of the major constraints to farm productivity enhancement in Myanzi A.C.E and among the Rural producers organisation. Mechanized labor on the market is at a prohibitive price and not readily available to farmers. By revitalizing and running the mechanise unit on a commercial hire basis, Myanzi A.C.E shall be able to tap into this source of funds from hiring out machinery to the Rural producer Organizations and general public.

Sales: these are records of quantities that eventually go to the market and the cash received should be made. When farmers have records, it is easy to draw totals and see a bigger picture of what happens over the period. We encourage farmers to keep each record separately i.e. record for input, production and sales so that at the end of the period they are able to summarise by adding the monthly/ seasonal sales and put the total in appropriate


Coorporatives and Development




ACE; a Pride to the Members plantation. The advent of ACE was therefore a Godsent for Mubiru. He has banana plantations in different areas. “When I heard that ACE would be coming to train in the area, with excitement I went for their workshops because I had heard many people talk about them. They trained us in modern agriculture practices and that is when I picked interest to join them” said Mubiru. One of the secrets behind Mubiru’s success lies in his ability to maintain his farm. He mulches and applies organic manure to Keep his banana plantation healthy. He employs porters to carry out different duties on his farm. He keeps three cows where he gets manure, Milk for sale and domestic consumption.

Myanzi Area Cooperative Enterprise (ACE) is located in Mubende district in Uganda and has been in existence as a secondary Cooperative since 2006. The ACE’s direct membership is composed of Primary Societies with over a thousand individual farmers, two thirds of whom are women. The introduction and use of the new cooperative marketing systems meant that members were to market collectively through bulking for sufficient quantities and good produce quality to ensure a higher bargaining power and better prices, to mention but a few. All the above was being desired but the turning point was when a contract was signed between Myanzi ACE and International Solidarity Foundation Finland for improvement of cooperatives in Myanzi Subcounty Mubende district.

Asset accumulation: Mr.Mubiru says, out of his savings with the SACCO, he has bought a new bicycle, paying school fees for his Children, paying workers in his enterprises, bought land.

International Solidarity Foundation has supported Myanzi ACE to embark on training the cooperators in possible skills that enhance their farming activities. Trainings such as good farming practices, post harvest handling mention it. ISF has also responded to the call of value addition and the process for installing grain milling machine is in process.

Ms Ntabazi also testifies that, “I’m educating my children, established my farms and above all, have built hatchery shed out of my Savings” with the women’s SACCO which we started and the trainings we have undergone through with support from ACE about Savings and its importance, how to save.

In 2011 Myanzi ACE introduced contract farming to member RPOs with the help of ACE –Improvement of cooperatives in Myanzi project. This is a source of their pride. Since then, the ACE is getting contract farming with other organizations like UGA-CHICK on a seasonal basis for growing and supplying Soya beans on contract basis. To - date, the ACE has supplied over 1,500 Metric Ton

Mr.Seguya John, “I have been in cooperative for so long but I thank ISF for supporting ACE I have managed to put up SOLAR light at my home for my children to enable them read their books at night and , bought one motorcycles out of my savings. I have also managed to pay school fees for my children who are in private schools. I am very grateful to ACE for the trainings I have been attending to make me what I am today”.

As told by Mr. Mubiru Joseph Kamaga; Myanzi ACE, Mubende district. Gaining knowledge and skills: Many beneficiaries have acquired knowledge and skills through training by ACE. Mr.Mubiru’s home shows out agricultural knowledge and skills from the moment you glance at his banana Coorporatives and Development

Compiled by Bamwenda Benerd. / The CEO 9




A Trend of Factors Beyond Just Insufficient Reproductive Health Services. of school before completing at least secondary level she begins producing at an early age. The baseline report has also shown that out of a population of 701 people no child below 18 had completed high school certificate while only 35youths (18-30 years) in the surveyed households had completed ordinary level.

Very good programs are budgeted for and sponsored by both the government and donors but the un fortunate bit of it is the failure to achieve the purpose. From time memorial reproductive health services have been in place to control the ever growing population amidst the depreciating and inadequate resources in place and its associated short comings which cut a cross. The short comings of the ever growing population are both social and economic.

It should be noted that all these youths are sexually active and practicing un safe sex exposing them to un wanted pregnancies and HIV/AIDS. According to Uganda Demographic and Health Survey (UDHS) 2006, more children are indulging in sexual intercourse at an early age, despite their parents’ wish for them to delay sex. The young generation is simply being exposed to sex through watching pornographic media print and videos. After they have watched they want to practice and they become addicts. It should be noted that even in Myanzi and Nalutuntu we have video rooms but it is hard to tell whether children are not part of their daily customers. Polygamy should not be under rated when dealing with the issue of the ever increasing population where women compete to have children to appease the man especially in the rural setting regardless of the quality basic needs. Such women when approached they had a negative attitude especially the second wives who wanted to compete. Culture is yet another problem, the African culture treasures big numbers of children since they look at them as source of labor, wealth and protection to the mothers therefore we still have communities with such mentalities. The Islamic culture also protests against family planning and in most cases this is considered as trying to fight God’s arrangements,

It is important to note that every human being produced is entitled to the basic needs namely; shelter, clothing, education, medical and food. However, if we all flashed back into our communities especially in the village setting, what we consider to be basics have been underrated. Our population have not bothered to plan for the children they produce and this is evidenced by the kind of life majority of Ugandans are living. According to a baseline survey report of June 2011 on improvement of cooperatives in Myanzi and Nalutuntu sub counties Mubende district, still shows that the majority of the people were children below 18 years (57.3%); the adults were (22.0%); while the youth’s population (18-30) comprised only 20.7% of the population. Of the total male, 55.4%were boy children, 24.2% were men (adults) and 20.4%were male youths while for females a high 59.2% girl children, 20.9% were female youths, while 19.8%were women (adults).(Kyakulaga John the Consultant/principal investigator). Well if all this is happening with reproductive health services in place, then what could be causing this and how do we go about it? The data in place is recent and shows that children rank first and the youths second with the female on the top with 59.2% and the male with only 20.4%. We should have it in mind that the girl child is vulnerable to this particular problem we are addressing if not educated to the required levels. To throw more light on to this, we should understand that if a girl drops out

In partnership with Reproductive Health Uganda Myanzi ACE is implementing a program on increasing the usage of reproductive health services in Myanzi and Nalutuntu sub counties in Mubende district. During our implementation exercise in the first quarter 10

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we used different approaches to have these people on board and we had them respond in big numbers. Some of the strategies that we used included door to door, social gatherings, market days where we could stage drama that drew people in the market to our attention, religious leader though some were still opposed to the idea, sensitizing local leaders to mention but not all.

him to come along with the wife for further counseling and change of the family planning method if possible. As earlier noted that the youths drop out of school at an early age and they are sexually active, we found it necessary to have the youth on board for counseling because if they are ignored they are doing what even the married are doing and therefore impacting on the population. And the male youths opted to have condoms for protection while the young ones both male and female were advised to abstain. The few female youths we interacted with and accepted to open up said in most cases they are lured into sex by their male partners because of financial gains and in most cases it is not planned for risking them to un wanted pregnancies and HIV/AIDS.

A surgical camp was also organized and mobilization was done where 232 people turned up for the services and these were conducted by professionals from Reproductive health y Uganda with the help of the medical staff of Myanzi Health centre 111. The number was over whelming that the medical staff only handled 172 clients. When mobilizing these people, we discovered that long distances to health centers was one of the major The most interesting bit of it was the three men problems they were facing. The two health centers who turned up for permanent termination, two from Nalutuntu and 1 from Myanzi, three women permanent Mirembe in Nalutuntu termination on that very day. But and Myanzi health center we have realized is that the 111 were serving the two And the male youths opted to what distance is still a problem especially sub counties and this was have condoms for protection while for our people staying in Nalutuntu hectic. County. The nearest health the young ones both male and Sub center was Mirembe which still A lady, who never wanted to be disclosed of Nalutuntu female were advised to abstain.” involved moving long distances Sub County, expressed the It should further be noted that much interest in the service but her major challenge was on how she could handle given her busy schedule. In as these facilities are in place and radio programs about her words she was the mother and the father as far as the same, there is still an extra mile that we have got to providing for the family was concerned. She explains move to have the population controlled. Sensitization how she wakes up quite early for garden work, and the as one of the strategies should be on going and though day today domestic duties which at times make her expensive but door to door is important if we must very tired to move long distances for such services. get result. This can be achieved through building the This lady was having six children with a ten year as the capacity of the members with in their community who first born and the last two with an age difference of must ensure they discuss with them and leave them after appreciating the value of these services. Among one year. the youth if at least one would get the first child after Others had a misconception on these family planning Institution level then it would create some sense and methods that they believed had some health effects even time to plan for the newborn. on their lives. Truly speaking some had experienced but others were on a here say thus creating a negative Regular monitoring should be emphasized at least attitude towards the service. But those who experienced quarterly to ensure that the team assigned is doing the problems like bleeding, frequent headache, and needful. And to have this achieved the local leaders other related ones, it was discovered that they were especially at sub county level must be cooperative and using methods that were not suitable for their health appreciate the struggle. But above all this, the people conditions and they had to advise them change to what assigned should be facilitated enough to be in position to carry out these services in their communities. To sum was right for them. Some women feared their husbands who complained it all, the ever increasing population is a combination of of the methods keeping their wives bleeding that they factors and since the impact is felt by the majority of us were being denied their right to sex. One gentleman then every sensible person should be a stake holder in expressed the same concern that her wife after using this cause by making people around us appreciate the the in plant for five years, her sexual desires went use of reproductive health services. down forcing him into an extra marital relationship. We advised him to meet the medical specialist in By Lindo Afua Hassy reproductive health who counseled him and advised Monitoring and Evaluation Officer

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MYANZI AREA COOPERATIVE ENTERPRISE (ACE): A Vehicle for members to quit poverty.

farmers are trained in agronomic aspects, enterprise selection, value addition and commodity marketing. Farmers including, both men and women participate in enterprise selection exercise. This exercise involves evaluation of the viability of different enterprises as a guide to choosing what they should concentrate on. The criteria of choosing these enterprises include profitability, market availability, risks involved in managing the enterprise and performance of the enterprise in the localities. The major enterprises that have been chosen include bananas, Soybeans, Coffee, maize and pineapples in. In addition the ACE conducts pre-seasonal planning meetings in order to plan the acreage, determine source of planting materials, and set targets for the outputs. The ACE mobilizes new members to join RPOs and the RPO which then join the ACE.

Myanzi ACE is a secondary cooperative Organization whose vision is a leading ACE in Uganda which is self sustaining with strong primary cooperative societies of empowered and wealth households. Its mission is to facilitate income generation and equitable sharing of benefits for improved quality of life of cooperative household members. The ACE was formed as a vehicle for empowering member farmers in agricultural production, Value addition, and marketing. The ACE has primary societies, commonly called Rural Producer Organizations’ (RPOs) with Common objectives and usually engaged in common

“The ACE obtains agricultural

inputs such as seeds, pesticides and fertilizers for their members at relatively lower price.”

The ACE organizes extension services in agricultural production and credit from SACCOs. RPOs also enjoy benefits such as tractor hires services on credit and paying after harvest. The benefits have been attracting new members to the RPOs. Some Farmers have put the skills training acquired into practice and give testimonies on the benefits they have realized. Some RPOs such as those which are members of Myanzi ACE have recently introduced apiculture as another promising commercial enterprise. One farmer in Kampiri RPO has so far 10 Beehives which have attracted bees in already.

enterprises or activities. It is through the RPO that ACE delivers services to the beneficiaries. For example, most of the ACE projects directly target the RPOs but the final primary beneficiary is the farmer. One of such projects is the Improvement of Cooperatives in Myanzi and Nalutuntu Sub counties in Mubende District which is being funded by international solidarity foundation (ISF). The project working with farmer organizations called RPOs and Area Cooperative Enterprise. It aimed at Improving the quality of farmer livelihoods through improving the level of awareness and knowledge of farmers who would be enjoying higher sustainable productivity.

Input delivery services

Not only do Myanzi ACE offer training to their members but also help them access some inputs. These are the inputs which members Cannot afford to acquire individually, or which are economical when centrally purchased by an ACE compared to individual members. Some of the inputs are used in farm production, while others are used in processing.

Farmer training

Farmer empowerment has been remarkably through training. The training goes beyond farming to include HIV/AIDS awareness trainings, environmental protection. Member

The ACE obtains agricultural inputs such as seeds, pesticides and fertilizers for their members at relatively lower price. The ACE deducts the money from the 12

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Mr. Musisi at one of the collecting centers in Kamaga. farmers at the time of selling. This is a convenient means of accessing inputs, which would have been not feasible if the farmers were not organized in groups. Whereas there are a number of small agricultural supply shops in the area where farmers could get the inputs, the quality of the inputs stocked is not guaranteed.

Value addition services

Another area where ACE and Its RPOs are looking at is the promotion of value addition to members’ produce. This was after realizing that processed and well packaged products fetched higher price than those marketed in raw form. Myanzi ACE with support from International Solidarity Foundation (ISF) is going to purchase a Maize Mill machine with a processing capacity of two tones per hour. Farmers are going to benefit from it by adding value to their Maize and Soya bean which will increase their selling price. On the other hand, the ACE will get revenue that will be collected through the maize milling services offered to

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the general public.

Marketing services

One of the major constraints faced by farmers in Uganda but Mubende District in particular is limited access to markets. This explains why most of ACE’s interventions have been focusing on markets. Collective marketing has been the method used to link farmers to markets. Previously, farmers had limited outlets for their produce not until the ACE came up with the methodology of contract farming and this has helped much in collective marketing. Collective marketing/bulking was adopted in response to farmers’ needs in terms of market outlets for their produce, and in order to avoid exploitations by middlemen. The ACE has collecting centers where members’ produce are kept before they are taken by the buyer. The ACE, through collective marketing, gets a commission on every item sold for the RPOs. The




Level and use of ICT by ACEs

commission got after sales service is used to run the ACE including buying inputs which are given to member farmers on credit, and in most cases at a lower price than open market price. Some of the input supplies also give demonstrations to farmers on how to use the inputs, a benefit non-members forego. In addition to linking farmers to input suppliers and produce buyers, the ACE have Started providing market information to her RPOs and subsequently to member farmers. The information includes buyers’ expectations such as produce quality and packaging materials, periods when the produce is demanded and prices. The ACE also gathers and disseminates information on demand and price trends as well as on agricultural service providers. This service has empowered farmers in decision making on what to produce, when to sell, of what quality and at what price.

Myanzi ACE is already using ICT to serve her members especially in marketing their produce. For instance, ACE has wireless internet connection with an operational database. The internet has improved the flow and sharing of vital information, such as weather forecasts, crop production advice and market information. In addition to a computer, the office of Myanzi ACE has a photocopier and a printer also used to disseminate information to RPOs and their members. On downloading the information, the information is printed and posted to the RPOs. Farmers are also being taught how to access market prices using their mobile ,phones (via SMS text messaging) directly from the source. This reduces exploitations associated with middlemen who normally survive on the farmers’ ignorance about markets and market conditions. Apart from the internet services, the computer at Myanzi ACE is being used for documentation. Computer training services to some of its members as well as non-members are offered at a fee. Secretarial and photocopying services to the public are also offered at a fee. Unlike before when people in the community used to travel long distances in search of these services, the ACE has brought them in their midst.

“Not only has ACE empowered their respective members in agricultural production and marketing, but also in other cross-cutting issues particularly gender and HIV/AIDS”

Myanzi ACE conducts two pre-seasonal planning meetings before every planting season during which farmers are trained to set targets for their outputs, such that they produce what the markets demand. Farming is done as a business hence the ACE focuses on commercial enterprises. After gathering market information, the ACE passes on to respective RPOs which, in turn, pass it on to their member farmers. Some RPOs have notice boards where the Information is displayed, while others disseminate it using mobile phones, especially price information. Other sources of information are newspapers.

Cross-cutting issues; Gender and HIV/AIDS

Not only has ACE empowered their respective members in agricultural production and marketing, but also in other cross-cutting issues particularly gender and HIV/AIDS. Previously the ACE projects have greatly contributed to farmers’ awareness about gender issues and the need to encourage more females to participate in RPO projects and governance. Realising that women are disadvantaged in terms of participation and decision making at the ACE and RPO levels, most groups have adopted affirmative action.

The marketing information service has been strengthened with at the ACE with assistance got from AGRITERRA NETHERLANDS which is funding one year project of strengthening farmers’ access to markets in myanzi and Nalutuntu sub counties in Mubende district. Here, ICT is applied to facilitate a two-way information flow system where marketing information e.g. on A price, required quality, available and demanded quantities, flows to and from the farmer groups and the market.

By Bamwenda Benerd CEO


Coorporatives and Development



INEQUITY IN RESOURCE ALLOCATION A HINDERANCE TO DEVELOPMENT AMONG THE YOUTH It is amazing that the way resources are allocated to the youths in most communities in Uganda leaves a lot to be desired. Other than what is spent on paying for their school fees for the lucky youths with responsible parents, majority of the youths only get chance of getting resources after their parents have died and there for meaning one may not own resources like land at a youthful age and may be in some communities when a youth is starting a family. But my great concern is, if the youthful age is wasted and one begins working at the age of 35years does it create impact in one’s life? This kind of setting has caused rural urban migration where one leaves village to town not even sure of what is going to do. But on the other hand the parents have had their own reasons for not allocating their resources to the youth when they are still alive. Some of the reasons advanced are cultural, economic and social and they are;

“Many people have

produced in big numbers that they have at times is too little to be shared.”

Cultural reasons; In most cultures in Uganda land and other resources are just inherited and on many occasions the shares are announced when the father is dead. Women or girls in many cultures are not entitled to land because they believe she is supposed to go to some different clan and incase she is given a share, the kids she will produce from the other clan may end up owning this land and there for changing owner ship.

great value. And normally we have always heard them emphasizing “ettaka lyaba Jajja ffe” meaning the land that belongs to their fore grandfathers.

Economic reasons; Land is a means of production and we should all know that 80% of the Ugandan population is engaged in Agriculture therefore major means of survival. On that note parents find it hard to share their land at that level because it will definitely mean reducing on their income. Some youths have become a threat to their parents because the moment they are allocated land they sell the land off to buy motorcycles for “bodaboda” business. But is it worthy selling land for a motorcycle? Social reasons; The population is yet another problem that makes resource allocation a problem. Many people have produced in big numbers that they have at times is too little to be shared. Let us take an example of a man with only five acres and with 8 sons. If he opted to give out shares, it will be in small portions which are not sufficient for commercial farming. Some parents also produce up to their late age and since they depend on the land then giving it out would mean difficulties in raising the youngest children. The rural youths on the other hand have limited activities that they can’t carry out as far as commercial farming is concerned because of limited land or sometimes lack of access to land. The youths have expressed concern

“Some youths have become a threat to

their parents because the moment they are allocated land they sell the land off to buy motorcycles for “bodaboda” business. “

Land that belongs to clan A is not supposed to be sold and selling is a taboo. That is why we always here on our local FM radio stations especially Central Broad Casting service having programs reminding their people that land is wealth and therefore should not be sold but looked at as some precious asset with Coorporatives and Development

about the land issue over and over. However this has been considered and Myanzi ACE with support from International Solidarity Foundation is addressing this problem. In the first place this has been looked at as a gender issue where the youth and women have been 15



use five hundred thousand shillings as starting capital but when someone who has not gone to school can do some progressive work with that some of money. Therefore I appeal to the concerned people to think of having an ordinary level certificate off the list unless when there is a special program for the un educated youths.

having less or no control over house hold resources. But slowly we are trying to change the mindset of these communities by sensitizing them on what it takes to change their economic status. And what we emphasize when interacting with them is that it requires concerted efforts in every step that we take if we are to take off economically or financially. Participatory approach is vital thus husband, wife, children and youths at house hold level should be involved in planning for the family and even decision making. The Intendance of having the wife and children or youths work like donkeys and when it comes to marketing they are put aside is discouraged since it even promotes domestic violence and demoralize the family members too.

We should also have it in mind that rural urban migration has its own effects on the communities where these youths have left and settled. It is a two way effect because where they have settled without defined jobs they turn out to be thugs and finally killers but all for survival, prostitutes name it all. And in their homes they create a gap as far as labor is concern. Their aging parents become too weak to cultivate but when already these youths have adopted urban life and cannot get back to villages leaving the whole setting in their communities undesirable.

“It is a two way effect because where

Myanzi ACE with support from ISF has a component that can directly answer the question of limited land. The youths are to get involved into projects like poultry, piggery, fruit and vegetable growing. However there some youths whose parents have allowed them to cultivate on their pieces of land. All the above is being done with the help of trained agriculturalists and now we have the marketing officer in place that is to help our farmers’ access information about better prices. It is important for communities and other stake holders to understand that the youth need earlier planning for their wellbeing and time wasted is a big loss in one’s life.

they have settled without defined jobs they turn out to be thugs and finally killers but all for survival, prostitutes name it all. “

To the concerned stake holders we should have in mind that well-set, youths have a central role in dev eloping our country but truly speaking they are not on board and if they are there at a least percentage. I appreciate development agencies that have labored but, and we call upon others to fight the problem of inequity in resource allocation by supporting the existing groups in the rural setting. May be if this is appreciated we shall have it replicated elsewhere in the country. However close and regular monitoring should be a priority for those already in action.

Thinking for the youths is not bad but they should be considered and always taken as a priority in the planning process otherwise the whole program with good intentions may end up frustrating both parties. In simple words giving money to the youths before having them sensitized and understanding how they are going to use it creates a lot to be desired. The few youths I have interacted with are not very sure of where to invest the money the government has put in place for the youths and therefore scared of going for the loans. While others have not been pleased with the requirements especially an ordinary level certificate they are wondering whether they are to lag behind for the rest of their lives. It fails my understanding when the elite class fails to

By Lindo Afua Hassy Monitoring, and Evaluation officer.


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The Only way to Boost our Soils. Agriculture contributes at least 40% of the GDP of most African countries and employs the bulk population but little is done about soil which happens to be Uganda’s most precious asset when it comes to food security and livelihood and it is the most neglected. Myanzi and Nalutuntu sub-counties hoping to prosper through agriculture will find it very hard to achieve their dream since most soils have become depleted and without increasing soil productivity, getting people out of poverty would remain a dream and as a result Myanzi Area Cooperative Enterprise (A.C.E) supported by International Solidarity Foundation(I.S.F) has established demonstration sites at Rural Producer Organization (RPO) level where both organic and inorganic fertilizers are being used so that farmers can learn or get to know that the use of fertilizers as fur as soil fertility improvement is concerned which in turn increases the crop yields which is one of its objectives that is promoting technology that will enhance increased production. Remember as production increases, farmers are in position to bulk part of their produce and another portion taken for value addition which increases their incomes. Producing what the market wants is quite an advantage. It is good to be in the right place at the right time and this can only happen if you can predict tomorrow by analyzing situations today. In a report titled utilization of Agro-inputs in Uganda: Key to Agricultural Development, points out that fertilizer use is very minimal averaging 1.8kilograms per hectare a year which is way below the average sub-Saharan Africa level, estimated at eight tones per hectare per year. Although the A.C.E is in place to help farmers increase their incomes, farmers mainly demand for inputs such as improved seeds, or improved crop varieties rather than fertilizers. Most of the farmers have taken it for granted that their soils are fertile. Organic fertilizers are cheap, but farmer s should know their soil status before applying them. Remember getting improved yields requires fertilizer s and how to apply them so that they do not cause damage to the environment, specifically the soil and the water bodies causing Coorporatives and Development

eutrophication since water is a main challenge in Myanzi sub-county so the little dirty water should not be contaminated by our fertilizer s. A part from the inputs like fertilizers, improved seeds, new varieties and water conservation there is need to empower more farmers to form groups to avoid exploitation by middlemen that is on the side of markets and what is taken to the markets depends on how the cooperators are taught and here is the learning cycle

Designing adult learning cycle The adult learning cycle is an experiential approach to learning. It is made up of four major stages namely: direct experience, reflection on experience, generalization about experience and application. At each of these levels, the facilitator or trainer has specific roles. 1. Direct experience: here the main role is creating structures based on group problem solving exercises, case studies, role plays, field visits, skills practice and group tasks. 2. Reflection on experience: At this stage, the role of the trainer is to help learners to reflect in small group discussions, participant’s presentations, large group discussions, reports from small group discussions. 3. Generalization about experience: Here the role of the trainer is to guide the learners in drawing implications through probing, summaries, and synthesis discussions in large groups, lectures, demonstrations, reading. 4. Application: At this stage the role of the trainer is to coach the learner through action planning, field visits, practicing new skills, discussion.

By Sunday Julius Agriculture Department




Below is the summary of the learning cycle 4




Content: ð Transfer ð Application in practice ð Future scenarios (before/after, with/without) ð Alternative options ð Action plans

Content: ð Establishing the relevance of the topic for the reality of the participants ð Setting the context (problems / challenges / questions to answer) ð Making things touchy ð Advantages and usefulness

Methods / Materials: ð Trainer input ð Brainstorming / collecting ideas ð Group / individual work ð Wrapping up of the session

Methods / Materials: ð Trainer input ð Direct and rhetorical questions (“Who has…? Raise your hand…!”) ð Stories and metaphors ð Asking for expectations

3 HOW?


Content: ð Application and trying out ð Strategies and recipes ð Exchange of experiences ð Examples for applications

Content: ð Clearly structured information ð Facts and figures ð References and sources

Methods / Materials: ð Step-by-step-instructions ð Demonstration / experimentation ð Group / individual work ð Presentations ð Discussions ð Field visits

Methods / Materials: ð Visualized Presentation (flipchart, overhead, beamer, eye catchers…) ð Handouts ð Documents


By: Sunday Julius Agriculture Department.


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WATER STRESS A GENERAL DECRY IN MYANZI AND NALUTUNTU SUB COUNTIES. The major stress in Myanzi is water. Other than moving long distances to the water sources, it is too un safe for human consumption. The major sources of water are mere ponds which are not protected that everything can find its destiny in there. Its color is not different from any stagnant water one would find on the way but human beings including myself dwell on that for survival. It is costly that unsafe as it is ,it goes at cost of 300 per 20 litter jerican. But what to do if you have to do some meaningful work you opt to buy than moving the long distances one lady confessed.

Personal experience;

My first day in Myanzi, I ordered for a 20 litter jerican of water at a cost of shillings 300 but on observing the water, I thought the person who had fetched for me had a problem with me and I had feared using it. However when I asked a colleague the following morning I was told that it was the kind of water in Myanzi, remember the previous night I had bathed mineral water that I had bought for drinking. The next shock of my life was when I ordered for a rolex and the woman selling started cutting the tomato after just wiping it and when I requested her to wash it, she humbly told me the water was to un safe for human consumption than the un washed tomato. Being a new person in the community I never wanted to turn it into a debate but I knew most tomatoes are sprayed and therefore to me still it was not safe. I requested her to heat it a little and the business was done. It is against that kind of experience that as Myanzi ACE we believe, beyond just the above, there are a number of associated water problems in Myanzi and Nalutuntu and some of the immediate ones are; A farmer dealing in poultry and animal keeping like piggery and cattle especially for zero grazing, water is a big challenge. Coorporatives and Development

Women do not concentrate on productive work because of the water stress since their “place of work� the kitchen must have water as a basic. And since it involves moving long distance their workload becomes quite hectic. Children get opportunity and maximize it to indulge into risky behaviors like initiating love affairs which finally result into premarital sexual engagements. This is the time when even innocent girls are sometimes raped or lured into sex. In Uganda children have been picked for human sacrifices when moving long distances away from their homes for different reasons but even fetching water has been some of the sources for inhuman guys who sacrifice. Other than the above we also have water related diseases like diarrhea, typhoid skin diseases mention it.

How do we go about this?

As Myanzi ACE, we believe if supported we can lay strategies like building the capacity of our communities in rain water harvesting and this would have solved the problem of moving long distances and accessing clean water. However it should be remembered that this applies for rainy season only and during dry season it is still challenging. We also believe that we can help sensitize our communities about the dangers of un safe water and train them in disinfecting water using solar energy. Then lastly we call upon concerned stake holders like any development agencies, water and sanitation agencies, not forgetting the government to respond to this problem. The Myanzi and Nalutuntu communities like any other communities in Uganda need access to safe and clean water. By Lindo Afua Hassy Monitoring, and Evaluation Officer.




Rain-Fed Crops could fail due to Climate Change

FOOD OF THOUGHT; One may wonder or ask oneself the need for accounting, say book keeping in our day to day activities. “We work for only transport and our stomachs” an employee lamented. This is most probably true for a majority of employees who work in ‘the city’ and are faithful not only to their employers but also to their work. We can start with a simple question; how much do you spend daily or monthly on Transport, meals, airtime, Rent, Electricity, water, tuition fees, to mention but a few?

The area of Myanzi-Nalutuntu just like the neighbouring areas, farmers are working very hard to improve their incomes through agriculture as the major activity. This has been boosted by the extension of agricultural knowledge and improved technologies like planting improved seed varieties, use of agricultural fertilizer and some farmers adopting the use of tractors for land preparation. Hiring of tractors to prepare land for cultivation has increased on the size of land under crop production which has in turn increased on the agricultural output in the area. All this is challenged by the long dry periods that farmers witness time and again. The failure of the responsible partners to avail valuable timely information like forecasts to reach farmers in time to help them make better decisions in the field has worsened the situation. According to Mr. Campbell the director of the CGIAR research program on climate change, agriculture and food security, he put it that rising temperatures and an increase in drought and floods could dramatically alter growing seasons and wreck havoc on harvests. Because of climate change, rain-fed crops could fail every other year. However, farmers have tackled this challenge partly by carrying out reduced or no tillage, because this keeps moisture, fertility and organic content in the soil. All said and done farmers will require harvesting water for watering their crops and adopt irrigation as a measure to unpredictable seasons.

If you know, it means accounting is part and partial of you, thus justifying its importance. Truly, every employee knows his or her monthly net pay and if one tries to check (reconcile) one’s monthly net pay with the monthly expenses, for some people the result may tend to negative, implying no savings for the whole month toiled. Let’s check ourselves; am a faithful married male residing in Luzira with 3schoolgoing children, working in Kampala and earning a net pay of 400,000.How much is my saving putting into consideration all the necessities; Electricity, Transport, meals, airtime, Rent, water, tuition fees among others? You may find out that after the deductions, the balance is very little. My dear brothers and sisters, in this economic situation, there is need to cut expenses as employers are not ready to increase our pay. We can borrow the “4Ps” from marketing, putting more emphasis on “Place” for residence because Transport costs may claim half the net pay. However, this is not the final solution. We may begin thinking otherwise; we better change the trend in the past; it has been like accurse for one to educate a son or daughter to university level and finally ends up with odd jobs but as we talk if it is paying it is desirable. The youths in villages, there are a lot of resources around us that we can utilize for an income than running to the city to work for food. We can go brick laying, we can try local poultry. If we get determined and embark on working like we work for our bosses we can have a change in our lives.

By Niragire Nicholas Agriculture Project Officer MACE



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ACE Staff with the Guests from Finland

Village Health Team members during the surgical camp

Marly Boonman (Grass Root Manager-Agritera) with one of the beneficiaries in the field

The Chief Executive Officer with Guests from Finland at Nakawesa’s home

ACE staff with IRDI staff during their visit in Myanzi

Acceptors registering during the surgical camp

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CEO Myanzi sharing his experience with IRDI staff during their visit



Akwana Akira Ayomba




of To be at the helm producing competent to human resources serve the Church, State and the World.

2010 Calendar   

To provide quality Education through Team Practical Skills, Work, Self-reliance, and produce God fearing persons.

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The Quarterly Newsletter 2010

Vol. 1 Issue 5

Uganda AIDS Commission Civil Society Fund

Uganda AIDS Commission Civil Society Fund

End of Project Evaluation Report

Elections 2011 : Uganda, What Have You Done?!

Design | Print | Ad. | Stationery

March 2011


T 2010

Uganda AIDS Commission Civil Society Fund

By Anna Mugambi


uts are a combination of confidence, courage, conviction, strength of character, to-itiveness, pugnaciousness stickbone, and intestinal , backfortitude. are mandatory for anyone who They wants

to get to and stay at the top.” Benton) (D. A. What have you HIV&AIDS scenario done?! Turned the upside down, that! Well done Ba Ssebo na Ba that’s bo! NnnyaLately, especially cerned, Uganda where HIV&AIDS is conhas been in the limelight

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for all the wrong reasons. The HIV&AIDS and Homosexual Bills proposed done the country have not any favorsthe proposed criminalization what with and the ultimate price-deathboth under certain as punishment for conditions! And something wonderful yet, and exciting happened, and has I talking about it. cannot believe no one is

July 2011 Funded by The Civil Society Fund


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