1 minute read
5.2 Internal commitments
GRI 102-16, 102-29, 102-43, 413-1
We defned a Strategic Plan up to 2018, which we called internal commitments. During recent years we have been carrying out actions based on our internal sustainability commitments in order to meet the objectives defned for each of these commitments.
Over the years we have been evolving and we now believe that our commitment to sustainability is strategic, cross-cutting and long term, and we have incorporated the Sustainable Development Goals and the protection of Human Rights into our Business Strategy and Corporate Governance system.
Work ethically, transparently and with good corporate governance
Manage the company with rigour and transparency with the aim of achieving mid- and long-term proftability
Ensure quality of life at work
Offer opportunities for professional and personal development in a solid family company which is an international leader.
Generate value for the communities in which we operate
Collaborate in the development of the communities where we operate and of society in general, respecting and promoting culture and values, and providing special support for children and adolescents.
Care for and preserve the environment
Actively contribute to environmental conservation, monitoring the impact of our activity on the environment and raising awareness of sustainability among all of our stakeholders
Innovate in products and services with sustainability criteria
Ofer our customers experiences that make them happy, continuously innovating in products and services
Improve internal and external communication
Raise awareness, train and involve all of our stakeholders in the importance of contributing to sustainable development and report our actions in an ethical, transparent manner to all of our stakeholders.