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Our Suppliers
6.1.3 Our suppliers
GRI 102-9, 102-44, 204-1, 308-1, 308-2, 414-1, 414-2
Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all We are committed to the health, safety and well-being of all our stakeholders. For this reason, we have collaborated with suppliers to carry out the Soap for Hope project and to build a sports court at the El Soco primary school in the Dominican Republic.
We promote doing things better with fewer resources. This year, we have eliminated plastic straws in Bahia Principe Hotels & Resorts, we buy packaging in bulk and we have continued to purchase energy saving devices, biodegradable products, high-energy-efciency equipment, etc.
Supporting local suppliers ensures economic development within the destinations. 95% of suppliers are based in the destinations in which we operate.
One of our objectives is to create long-term relationships with our suppliers. In recent years, we have maintained relationships of trust, afection and respect with them, where all parties beneft; relationships based on ethics, respect and joint growth.
Bahia Principe Hotels & Resorts
Responsible procurement criteria
In 2016, we approved our Goods and Services Procurement Policy, which has helped us incorporate responsible, sustainable criteria into the procurement process. This has encouraged the selection of suppliers with sustainability, quality and environmental certifcations and the procurement of services and materials that are as environmentally friendly as possible, and that are manufactured under fair conditions. In 2018, we have continued with the following:
• Purchase of high energy-efciency appliances such as televisions, mini bars, air conditioners, lights, etc.
• Choose bulk products
• 95% of products purchased in Jamaica are fair trade and new fair trade products have been added in Mexico
• Prohibit the purchase of species in closed season
• Purchase biodegradable products (cutlery, plastic straws, bags, etc.) at our Mexico resort
• Progressively replace lights with LEDs in our hotels and ofces
• Purchase from suppliers based in the destinations in which we operate and that have environmental quality certifcations, or that are committed to Corporate Social Responsibility. 95% of suppliers are based in the destinations in which we operate.
Our purchasing volume from local suppliers was €181,977,000.
Raising awareness among suppliers
Including sustainable criteria in our operations leads us to convey and share with our suppliers our commitments in terms of sustainability, especially our commitment to the environment, our concern for the development of local communities and our commitment to defending human rights.
Sustainability Policies communicated to 95% of our suppliers
Decreased waste
In 2017, we started a process of dialogue with suppliers in order to meet our objectives in terms of future waste reduction and of eliminating single-used plastics progressively by 2020. Milestones reached: • Plastic straws eliminated from our hotels • Disposable cups replaced with reusable cups in all our hotels • Purchase of products in bulk • We are working on eliminating lightweight containers (plastic bottles and cans) and replacing them with larger containers
Dialogue with suppliers with a social impact
Together with our suppliers, we are promoting social action in our Caribbean destinations. Soap for Hope is a project promoted by Diversey which we have launched in our Mexico resort to reuse the solid soap waste from bars of soap, so it can be used by Mayan communities. The programme has three objectives:
• To save lives by boosting hygiene levels and providing soap to communities that do not have access to soap
of our Suppliers
• To provide opportunities and a living to the local community by recycling and reprocessing waste soap.
• To help reduce waste
With the participation of Terrestra, which has been one of our suppliers for many years, we have helped to construct a sports court at the El Soco primary school in the Dominican Republic, which benefts more than 200 children from the batey.