1 minute read

Despite climate change, the size of the waves hasn’t changed

Cloudbursts, intense rainfall and floodings are not phenomena to be worried about at sea. “The maritime world has no reason to fear that climate change will affect its operations significantly. The many changes in our climate are primarily a problem on land, and it is especially the poor regi-

According to meteorologist Michael Jarnvig, today’s climate changes won’t affect life at sea significantly.


Meteorolog Mikael Jarnvig mener, at klimaforandringer ikke ændrer væsentligt ved livet til søs.


ons of the world that get affected - places where the water- and food supplies are vulnerable. Also, extreme draughts lead to large destructive wildfires and cost human lives.” These are the words of meteorologist Mikael Jarnvig, who is convinced that the current climate changes won’t affect the maritime sector significantly in the near future.


Jarnvig emphasizes that the WMO (World Meteorological Organization) has assessed that the number of weather-related disasters has increased five times in the last 50 years. For instance, the number of draughts and floodings has grown significantly, and the recent flooding in Pakistan last fall is just one of many fatal examples. People on land will inevitable be affected by the consequences of

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