What You Should Know About Certificate III in Telecommunication Technology?
Don't you want to enter the telecommunication industry and prepare for convergent technologies like optical, radio, data, and internet protocol networks? If yes, then you should go to the website of Milcom and register there for the Certificate lll In Telecommunication Technology.
Ohh! So you want to know about the benefits of this course. Don’t worry, below we are going to tell you about each and every point related to the course.
What this special qualification reflects is the role of an operator who can apply a wide range of skills in the industry of telecommunications using the required range of abilities. You would also need a little judgement and intention for the configuration and installation of equipment in convergence technologies which also integrate optical, radio and internet protocol based applications.
Learning Outcomes Of ICT30515 Certificate III in Telecommunication Technology
● comply with environmental restrictions and enhance resource efficiency ● installing of telecommunications network and equipment, configure and test system ● operate hand and power equipments ● installing of an IP device ● conducting work in line with WHS method and regulations
● deliverivering a service to buyers ● connect up, test and verify DC and AC circuitry, evaluate analog and digital signals, and perform cable selection ● managing the remote power feed, installing cables and protecting the earth wires ● hauling and establishing the underground cables.
Course Duration And Delivery Method
At Milcom, you will be delivered this qualification as a blended learning face to face class over twelve to thirty-six months. All the workers at Milcom will work via course materials along with a trainer and hence complete the assessments. It may happen that the classes may schedule at alternate, suitable and mutually convenient locations.