Tklb newsletter april 2016

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TKLB Newsletter March 2016 | 4th Edition

TKLB 1st Luira Phanit

PC: Mahai A Chihui

We had witness the successful celebration of the highly anticipated Ist Luira Phanit ever held in Bengaluru. All success and glory belongs to the Almighty God who envisioned the idea of such celebration to take place in Bengaluru, dated on 15th February 2016. We acknowledged our Tangkhul community of Bengaluru for their participation and introducing our rich culture to your friends who were part of this festival. A big ‘Thank You’ to our Head Chef Mr. Lambert Berly Chahung and the kitchen department volunteers who wholeheartedly cooked the sumptuous and delicious meal for the gathering. We want to give our heartfelt gratitude to Justice W.A. Shishak and Mr. A. Salaam, who graciously accepted our invitation to be a part of the celebration as Chief Guest and Guest of Honour respectively. We would also like to thank Mr. Guru Rewben Mashangva and Mr. Pakmi Mahong for entertaining the crowd; Mr. Rinmi Kasar and Miss Yuirrinshon R.Shimray for the beautiful presentation of Tangkhul National Anthem, Zingsui Sampu Folk Song troupe, St.Joseph College Folk Dance troupe, Artistes and Incharge of the traditional attire show and Mr. Chinaongam Phungshok for the blessing, also known as kakahang, which enriched the programmes that showcase our core cultural identity. Further, we congratulate and thank our hosts Mr. Lovejoy Mahung and Miss Janeline Lunghar along with all the individuals who took part in the programme for the awesome job. We extend our hearty thanks to the Luira committee for giving their time, energy, wealth and sound advice in order to see the smooth execution of the festival. We are also very thankful to Miss Khuirawon Khamrang from ANTZ Group for letting us display unique accessories and items based on our tradition and Mr. Tharmi as well for displaying a range of exotic design of Longpi Hampai (as we general call it), Mr. Leishisan (Poumei), Mr. Mahaimi Awung Chihui, Mr. Reingampan Kasar, Mr. Samphangmi Kaping and Mr. Reimatai Awungshi for showcasing their talent in the form of arts (sketches portraits) and crafts (the Naga spear). The success of the exhibition was because of their selfless sacrifices. We further extend our thanks to Mr. Makanmi Chithung for providing the materials and accessories for archery shooting contest. Special thanks go out to all those well-wishers, volunteers and individuals from the person manning the gate, to the person in charge of security, decoration, transportation, event, logistics, design and games whose effort and support was immense and a major factor leading the successful organization of such huge event in Bengaluru. As the saying goes, “no man is an Island”, we the executives value your advice and suggestion. Thank you for the prayer, support, love and encouragement. YAMEILO TANGKHUL AVARAM. KUKNALIM April 2016

From the Editorial Team It is with great pleasure and delight that we are presenting our 4th Edition of TKLB NEWSLETTER APRIL 2016. We would like to thank you all for giving us an opportunity to serve and share our thoughts. It is indeed a learning experiences and process to gain more knowledge’s. As usual, this issue of Newsletter contains Events of TKLB, Articles, write ups and many more. Many of our members must be anxiously waiting for the newsletter. Our Editorial team will make an effort to present timely and bring the best. We will try to improve the contents and design in the upcoming issues as well. We request you all to contribute your wonderful thoughts, unique ideas and enrich us with your knowledge’s in our next upcoming editions. Let’s make this newsletter as a forum of sharing our ideas, learning experiences and updates for many more and let’s reach out to all Tangkhuls in Bangalore and outside the states. We would like to thank, all members who have contributed in this edition and hope that you will continue to extend your support in the future. Lastly, we welcome any feedback, advice or suggestion in the coming edition. May God bless you All. Editorial Team.


The rise of Insurgency in Manipur is an outcome of the ongoing conflict between the Indian army and the separatist rebel groups fighting for a separate state. It is an element of the national liberation war as well as an ethnic conflict. Since long back, Manipur was conquered by Britain following the brief Anglo-Manipur war in 1891 which become a British protectorate. Eventually, Manipur remained independent until the lapse of paramountcy in 1947. The maharaja of the state Bodh Chandra relinquished his monarchy and instituted a new constitution which was called Manipur constitution Act 1947. According to the agreement, Manipur remained under India’s rule by oct.1949. The state incorporation into India soon led to the upsurge of Insurgent organizations which sought the creation of an Independent state with the border of Manipur and diminishing the Merger with India. With the rise of insurgent groups and increased violence in the state, it was declared as a disturbed area. This led to the imposition of Armed forces in the state by Indian government too. The parallel rise of Naga Nationalism in neighboring


Nagaland made to the emergence of National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN) activities in the state. Clashes between NSCN-IM and NSCN-K further, aggregated tension to Kuki tribal resulting in the creation of Arms Force to protect themselves. Tribalism was the main cause of ethnic violence that took place in Manipur during the 1990s. At present, there are over 72 armed groups operating in the state. Manipur has become the most violent state in the region. The rapid rise of insurgent groups in Manipur has caused a lot of troubles and tensions among the people. These insurgent groups impose illegal taxations to the people which are severely troubling the economy of the state. The activities of these groups include violence, kidnapping, extortion etc. These in turns led to call for strikes and bandhs affecting the daily lives of the people. Its worst victims are felt by students who have to miss schools and colleges for months. The office workers, daily labourers, businessmen etc. were doomed due to all these matters too. The immigrants were put into trouble and the state become poorer. Rich and fame people migrate to other states because they are threatened by arms force. The Indian government has been ignoring this particular issue which has become a pain for the people. Indian political leaders usually visit Manipur to solve this issue but it still remains unsolved. We are ignored by the Indian government. Development lacks a lot in the state. The article tries to facilitate an understanding of this beautiful and rich historical North-Eastern Indian which was mismanaged for long. The demands made by political parties including congress, BJP, NCP, MPP and CPI are related to issues in the state of preserving the territorial integrity of Manipur, removal of Armed Force Special Act, resolution of armed conflicts, all round development, education and the question of unemployment. Some political parties discussed the ending blockades in future. So, what is the hope of our future generation? Can our state be developed by having these issues in this fast growing world? It has been quite long that

we fought for these matters of Insurgency but never being solved because we have less educated people or get ignored by the abled. Lack of understanding of each other results in the collective failure to maintain peace in Manipur. Similarly, leaders do not co-operate with each other and the followers have less knowledge to fight for their right. We need strong followers and honest politicians for sustainable development, a new approach to reducing the imbalance creation of arm force, strict enforcement of justice and fair play. At the same time, create a peaceful society but not the troubling state. Make our youngsters live in peace and harmony in the future generation. - SK GROVER (Picture - Routine road side cheking in progress in Imphal by security forces)

PC Mahai A Chihui


April 2016

GO ON, WRITE YOUR OWN DESTINY Do with your hands write your fate and if you don’t like it, erase it and write it again. This is a powerful secret of life. We have such potential, such power that we can write or rewrite our destiny! All you need to know is what you want to do with your life. Write, and that will become possible, you have that power. Your fate is in your hands. Your soul is the highest truth in you. And that

soul has the power to do whatever you want. You can tell your soul, “this is my fate, and this is what I want to do with life”. But when people are not aware, conscious, then negative forces make your fate. Why allow that? The first step is to build faith in you. Remember, it can always be done. Second, build your confidence with the trust you are placing in yourself. Whatever you think of as a weakness in your character, avoid it. Try to live without weakness. This means that in your mind

you think it is wrong to do certain actions, but you still do it. This is called duality. This duality weakens you. Live by what you believe. At another level by saying that your fate is in your hands, it is literal. Use your hands. There is no other work for these hand. They can design your fate, with your consciousness, with your human nature. What a powerful machine we have... and how little we use it! When we realize that we are filled with immen-

“When we realize that we are filled with immense potential, we will get the energy to move mountains.” se potential, we will get the energy to move mountains. Then we don’t need any rest. Rest means you feel tired and you want to relax. Why do you feel tired?Life is always giving you more energy. The more you use your forces, the more you grow. It is used to say that it is dangerous to take rest. Life is so short and if we spend maximum time taking rest, what are we making of it? Why blame fate? It is a very unconscious, low attitude of life- taking rest. It grows inertia. When we misuse our consciousness by pursuing self-centered ideas, ambitions or missions, we

April 2016

become tired fast. Whenever you tired, it means you are busy somewhere in a very self-business, in selfish motives, selfish activities. Ego eats lots of energy: to maintain your ego, a lot of energy is needed. Without ego you start feeling light – ego is like a big burden which you are carrying; when you are walking carrying a heavy burden, automatically you will get tired very fast. And with no ego you feel light, you don’t feel tired with that. Do not confuse rest with sleep. Sleep is a force; it is a living, live force. There are two forces which give

us energy: one is the force of sleep, and the other is food which we eat. When sleep id good, then you wake up with more energy, full of life. Use both with discrimination and respect. Life is so beautiful when you are moving in the right direction, with the spirit of adventure and joy. Then you want to live more, you want to work more, you don’t want to take rest! Then you attract divine forces and the divine forces direct you. You feel powerful. It is all in your hands. With the best wishes for the bright future! -Annonymous


POST MORTEM Every creature on earth has their own life span; among them, the human can utilize the free-will power given by God. There is a stage in human life but the rich and poor will be always there at every stage in our society and natural law will never change like other laws. Live as a good example for other; respect the law of God and the law of men and you will be respected. Enjoy your life in every stage of your journey: before middle age; do not fear, after middle age; do not regret, and do not wait till you cannot even walk just to be sorry and to regret but as long as it is physically possible, visit places you wish to visit. Time: Under the Sun you can make many sweet memories. Spend time with your families! When there is an opportunity, get together with old friends, classmates, old colleagues, relative and families. The gathering is not just about eating, it just that there is not much time left. There is time for everything, so live on time or you will have regrets. Money: Men make money, it kept in the bank or it can be earned but may not be really yours. When it is time to spend, just spend it and treat yourself well as you are living. Try to earn respect, moral, character, common sense, trust, patience and love because money can’t buy these things. Food: Food is for eating so whatever you feel like eating; just eat it because it is most important to be happy. Some foods are good for health; eat often and more but do not overeat because it is not everything. While some food is not good for health; eat less once a while but do not abstain them totally. Life: Treat your life journey with optimism, whether you are poor or rich; everyone has to go through birth, sickness, personal-problem, aging, happiness and death. There is no exceptional, that is life. Do not be afraid or worried when you are sick, settle all outstanding issues before hand and you will be able to leave without regret. Duties: Every creature has their own duties on Earth; let the doctor handle your body, let God handle your life but be in charge of your own life as duties and always stay happy. So do what you love and love what you do. However, if worries can solve your problem, then go ahead and worry, if worry can prolong your life, then go ahead and worry and if worry can exchange for happiness, then go ahead and worry! But remember worrisome is not the ultimate solution for your problem; instead, be happy while solving your problem but never give up, and live as a channel of blessing for other! Body: Your body is the temple of God; pay more attention to your body, you can more reliance on yourself on this. Honor your body and soul! Remember old saying “health is wealth”. Soul-mate: You are very fortunate to find your soul-mate but other doesn’t have. Treasure every moment with your life-partner, one of you will leave first! Life is short but more beautiful because of them. Friend: You are great when your friend circles are good; you need to seize every opportunity to meet up with your friends, such opportunity will become real as time goes by. Happy: Thing you must do every day: smile and laugh. Time never come back in life while memories stay; stay always happy. The purpose of life: The purpose of life on earth should be found out through happiness. I believe that ultimate end of life is happiness and salvation in my thought. Words of great wisdom (The Code of Ethics):philosophically speaking, you should rise with the sun to start your daily work. Pray before you start every work because work is similar worship. Pray alone and often. The God Spirit will listen your prayer when you seek him whole heartedly: Follow the code of Ethics coming from the words of great wisdom: • Try to be tolerant of those who are lost on their path. Ignorance, conceit, anger, jealousy and greed stem from a lost soul. Pray that they can find guidance on earth and for eternal life. • You have to search for yourself, by yourself. You need not allow others to make your path for you. It is your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you. • Learn to respect your body and love other as you love yourself and respect them in a way you want them to respect you. • Treat the guests in your home with much consideration. Serve them the best food, give them the best


bed and treat them with respect and honor. • Help the poor and respect the rich and honor your God in everything you do. • Do not take what is not yours whether from a person, a community, the wilderness or from a culture. If it was not earned or given, it is not yours. • Respect all things that are placed upon this earth – whether it is people or plant, save the mother-earth and it will save you. • Honor other people’s thoughts, wishes and words. Never interrupt another or mock or rudely mimic them. Allow each person the right to personal expression. • Never speak of others in a bad way. The negative energy that you put out into the universe will multiply when it returns to you. • Virginity is the greatest gift of the women to her husband in marriage. And in human history, all persons make mistakes in various fields. And all mistakes can be forgiven. However, judgement belong to God. • Bad thoughts cause illness of the mind, body and spirit. Practice optimism and think positive. Nature is a part of us. They are part of your worldly family, especially it belongs to the future generation. Children are the seeds of our future. Plant love in their hearts and water them with wisdom and life’s lessons. When they are grown, give them space to grow. • Avoid hurting the hearts of others. The poison of your pain will return to you because it’s in law of nature. Be truthful at all times. Honesty is the test of ones will within this universe. • Accept your weakness and strength and live in our own capability world because the talent is real. • Keep yourself balanced. Your Mental self, Spiritual self, Emotional self, and Physical self – all need to be strong, pure and healthy. Work out the body to strengthen the mind. Grow rich in spirit to cure emotional ails. Make conscious decisions as to who you will be and how you will react. Be responsible for your own actions. • Respect the privacy and personal space of others. Do not touch the personal property of others – especially sacred and religious objects. This is forbidden. • Always be faithful to yourself and to the people surround you especially to your love one. •Be true to yourself first. You cannot nurture and help others if you cannot nurture and help yourself first. • Respect others religious beliefs. Do not force your belief on others because there is only one true God. •Share your good fortune with others. Participate in charity and spread love in all nook of the world. • In my philosophy, the ultimate end of life is

Pellentesque mollis et justo vitae rhoncus. Vivamus magna ligula, pellentesque ut accumsan eget, semper a tellus. In ac odio mattis, tempus eros id, blandit nibh.

April 2016

happiness and salvation: be happy while you are living, and your soul will get eternal life after death based on the fulfillment of your duties assign by God. • Every creature has their own purpose on earth, and no one can escape from their destiny; however, the free-will that the human have is the extra power that can help us to reach our destiny in better way. • Respect the beauty because it is the greatest gift of God after love. Love your God and love all his creation then you will be love by him. • I have a destiny, and God is the author of my destiny. by Kharingyo Shimrah

1st TKLB Literary Meet The 1st TKLB Literary meet was held on 12-Dec-2015 at UTC. The participants showcased their talent with enthusiasm and great gusto. The highlight of the event was the unity and oneness shown by every individual. It was also an opportunity to sample different competitions. The participants did a fantastic job in making this program a huge success. We would like to Thank Rev. Somi Jajo for providing his home to cook food. Special thanks also go out to the following Judges without whom the event would not have been successful. 1. Rev. Khayaipam Khamrang (Extempore) 2. Rev. Banner Makan (Debate) 3. Mr. Reisang Risom (Extempore) 4. Mr. Lovejoy Mahung (Debate) 5. Mr. Kharingyo Shimrah (Essay/Application)

6. Mr. Wungramvao Lungleng (Essay/Application) 7. Ms. Somipem Keishing (Essay/Application) 8. Ms. Shimreichon A. Shimray (Extempore) 9. Mr. Titti Keishing (Singing) 10. Mr. Vaomi (Singing) 11. Ms. Misha Hungyo (Application) 12. Mr. Mayongam (Singing) 13. Rammung Awungshi (Singing)

The winners of different events are listed below:

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Mr. AKHAN - Essay writing. Mr. SONGATHING - Application Writing. MR. PANPAN - Painting. MR. AKHAN- Extempore. MS. LEMCHUI - Debate. MR. SHANGMAYA KAPING - Singing.

Make the choice here and now Most of us fail in our endeavors because of procrastination or making wrong choices. It is a sad irony indeed that we defer the decision – making to future date, which in fact never comes, and the result is that we meet with despair, dejection and despondency. We make the wrong choice of doing things at wrong times. We delay and postpone the implementation of our good or superior plans and make undue haste in the implementation of the bad or inferior plans. As the proverbs have rightly says that “procrastination is the thief of time”, how many times we failed and lose our opportunities when we keep postponing our plans. When a person prepares for anything like studies, competitive exams, business plans, work etc. Success did not come easily, on the top of

April 2016

that the competition is more nowadays. If we miss the opportunity, than the next, is too late to start again. If we found ourselves putting off important tasks over and over again, we are not alone. In fact, many people procrastinate to some degree but some are so chronically affected by postponing and disrupts their careers. The key to controlling out destructive habit is to recognize, understand and take active steps to manage our time and outcomes better. This should be within us by realizing the need and requirement. Let’s take up the challenges in life by making more awareness, commit to ourselves, and schedule to be more active in life. We decide our own choice and let’s not postpone but try to achieve our goals. By Anonymous


RINGPHA MARAOLAK KAHAI MIRIN Ithumna miwui kashang kharei kala kathem thangkhamei mangli kahaoda okthuiya. Ithumwui mirinhi chili tanghaorala? Phaning yangsa, achonthang date 4th Jan’2016 li Manipurli kala North-east indiali (Earthquake) neina khanukda ringphalak eina okthuida khalei kathem kashangnaowui mirin tarakha mangla kashiman mang maningla sakaza, pheipang katek, seikasha tarakha leikapdalei. Thui kahai zingkum April’2015 li Nepalli earthquake shokda mi thingthingwui mangla shiman haira kala Philippinewui cyclone Dec’2014 chilila mangla tarakha shiman papamdalei. Mikumowui mirin hiya natural calamities nala shiman ngasakpai, accident shoklakala shimanpai kala kazat kazalaka shimanhaipai. Khavat maleila ringkapha

keinungli okthuida khalei bingwui mirin mikhayip akhawui lungli shimankahai tarakha leikapdalei.

kazada mathiranla okathui kanthui haowa. Indian Television actor Sanjeet Bedi hi kasuirak eina brain

Chithakha ithumwui ringkapha mirinhi Bangalore keinung hili leila? Or nawui, iwui otpam kahak samkaphang kala pheisa tarakha kazip kakhui chili Leila? Biblena hithada hanga, Matt. 6:25-34 “mikumowui ringkapha mirin hi sina lupa lan tarakha khalei chili maleimana”. Bollywood actress Jiah khan hi British American actress kala model akhana kha kasuirak eina khalatta suicide sahaowa. Khi makapen maringkapha leihao? Paul William Walker hi Hollywoodwui aming zatmeithui kachi actor akhana kha kasuirak eina car accident li awui mirin shiman haowa. Lance Loud hi phaolak kahai americawui television personality akhana kha HIV

cancer kazada thihaowa. Hina ithumli latluishitda phaningung ngasakdalei chiya, ithum mikumowui mirinhi nawui iwui pangli maleimana. Chiwuivang hithada biblena hanga IPet. 1:34 “mikumowui mirin hiya awon kathana, chiya aja wonlaka akhama pata kahai kathana”. Moral: Hina kahangva actors actress bingwui mirin china ringphamatai khamei maning mana kala ringkapha keinungli okathui chinala ringkapha mirin maning mana. Machin Shinglai SD-Coordinator, Unisys Global Service

Substance of Consistency I recall when I was younger there was a brook that streamed between the colony I lived and the 29th Assam Rifles, in Kohima. Both sides were hill tops and in between is the beautiful, cheering river. We could literally see the helicopter descend to rest on the helideck opposite us. Weekends those days were special and special because of this river. We used it as a recreation spot, simultaneously a washing spot. We wouldn’t mind making noise, singing songs and carrying rug sacks and buckets down the track full of clothes to reach the river. Down the sloppy hill we would also come across landscapes of maze farm and other grocery items growing as it is a Naga inhabiting land. After these many years of companionship, this river dried up and lost its consistency.


When it mislaid its consistency, I could feel the inconvenience it brought to the locals, the children and the mothers who got help during the weekends. The principle I am trying to draw to is this: Be consistent in the track you are flowing, in your responsibilities, in your studies/projects, in your job, and especially in your character. We have been dispatched with moral fiber (character). This fiber does not operate until we will it. This fiber would tend to show signs of inconsistency until we tame it. This moral fiber will cheat you and others if we don’t keep watch over it. If we are familiar with what happened in Revelation, in the Bible, it’s the same logic we can apply. The letter in Revelation is seen as a check to the Churches stating that it has left its first love,

to some it is advised not to lose heart. To some, inconsistent teaching and practices and to the other it says that the inside and the outside is inconsistent. (Revelation 2:1 – 3:22). In conclusion, I want to remind that there are ample examples of relationships being disrupted simply because the wife or the husband lost consistency in keeping the character they were in love with, the admiration they drew with. Friendship grows or soil out because of this. We are somehow related to everybody and everything, teacher-student, boss – employee, family circle, even to machines. Machines respond better to consistent hands of the handler. Change if necessary, be consistent where necessary. BY MANEANYO ZIMIK

April 2016

THE JOY OF GIVING AND SHARING IS IN NAGA CULTURE Nagas are the conglomerations of more than 60 tribes; belong to the Sino-Mongoloid stock inhabiting the Naga Hills of Northeast Indian states of Manipur, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and in Northwestern Burma. The culture of giving and sharing is deeply rooted in the blood of Nagas. Whenever crops, fruits, or any kinds of special delicacies are newly harvested or prepared, the best portion is given for tithes to the church after which it will be shared among the family, neighbours, friends, and relatives. Bringing home the goodies of places if anyone in the family, relative or friends travelled, it will be shared in every possible way according to the amount. Distribution of wild meat got by the hunter to the villagers, sharing experiences, news, stories, laugh or cry together is practice. Nagas usually have a big family, love to dine together, wait for one another and glad to serve the food to others first. In case, if anyone in the family members could not come home on time, a portion of the food is always kept aside and love to have an equal share with due respect, love, and care. Good hospitality is given to the guest, friends, and relatives by giving generously whatever they can and make the guest feel good and comfortable. Even the guests hardly visit with an empty hand. They usually bring something without expectation. Sending parcel or giving a gift in any form during the festival,

care and remembrance from town to the village, city, friends, families, needy are very much practice in Naga’s living. Helping one another in times of sorrows, happiness, or at work is very much practice. Till date especially in the village, people from almost every family help to construct new house if one of them build. Most of the Naga family traditionally cultivate huge lands and paddy field for their living instead of depending on others. It appears to be a hectic and tiring job, working in the high mountainous region which requires so much time and energy but people help one another happily. They could complete on time and can yield good harvest sufficient for a year. Even after marriage, generally, the family bond of helping and sharing is practice even if people live independent new life. Old Parents were not abandoned by their children and never leave at the old age home but live together till the last breadth. The name, ‘Old Age Home’ is new for many Naga parents. Even if the parents are old, they live with dignity by engaging with some work which they can do and are passionate

Men and women in traditional tangkhul attire at the first TKLB ‘Luira Phanit’ in Bangalore.

PC - Mahai A Chihui

nequ about. Some parents prefer to live alone despite children call to join with them. Dinah Shimray, 68 years old woman said,” I am still strong and can live alone. As long as I have hands and legs to move around, why should I depend on others? It’s my pleasure to see my sons and daughters living well.” In times of sickness or uncertainties, it is the neighbours who usually help first before the close relative arrive. Even if a conflict arises, people help one another in compromising to bring peace and understanding. Therefore, the joy of giving and sharing is celebrated since time immemorial in many ways as Naga culture even before embracing Christianity. People may not be rich in money, but never starve or beg to others. Rich in heart, actively helping and sharing with others, practicing the age-old wisdom and embracing the humane ways in practical life could be one of the reasons of no beggar in the history of Nagas. I wish the precious culture not to be lost in the midst of corrupt world but uphold and practice by every Naga generations. by P. Ranreiphi Kharei

April 2016


Leikashiya iramnaobing! Nathum saikorali Christawui mingli shalaam Sali. Phasa-mangla ringphalak,chirchomri eina pamda leirada shitsanga. Varena iwui katam kashali ngasokhami,ringkapha chanpao phei ngarum ngaiya. Ithum kachungkhana atam akhali career wui vang eina kui pakhangapa leihai ralapai. Iva akhashimang maningla, khani kathumshi ngava kahaina; aruila ngavaluirei mashoila. Kha vareli ngasoda ngaheivafara!. Nganuida leilakha Doctor ngasangai laksai. Kha rarkasangva Maths eina sciences pali themmei thuihaida Engineer pa ngasangai meithui haowa. Class VII kaka tharan Indian Institute of Technology(IIT) wui maramli iwui oja akhana hangchithei mida IIT li tamngailak haowa kha iwui avava (Father) na Doctor akha sahaokida shimkhur, khongnai kala ramnaobingna hithada hanga, “Nana kharar sahaokida nashavawui mahut nana shinra.Shanao shaida doctor pa pakmei,Engineer va mapakna manei.” Kala kakaina “Engineer va scope maleimanei Manipurli, otpamla pangda mahangmanei” da hanga. Athumna kahangchi iwuivang khamashungana chihaida ningsanglak eina doctor ngasa khavai leirik paphokuwa matailak eina Biology kha class X kala XII wui thili ina tuitak nguida akha khuihaowa. Yaruili shurda, ina sakhangaipa horhaida,Medical coaching Imphalwui COMETli khuiphok haowa. Kha ningyang mawung thuda,kachang khani-kathumwui thili Maths coachingla worshim kateiwui eina khuinar haowa. Atam rawuda,doctor eina engineer wuivang exam kapi thathuiya. Engineering wui result kashok tharan, varena ili Manipur state wui Tribalnao ngachaili AIEEE eina NERIST wui topper ngasa ngasakda ringphalaka. Kha PreMedical Testla pass sahao nikachiya kathani khalachang da kui sanahaoda vareli ina tuitak tamikhavai seiha kasali hithada poya, “Engineeringhi iwui vangna chiakha PMT li fail sangasak haolo da”. Kachachangda chikumli iwui PMT scorena cut off ngasa haowa. Katamnao khani kala I da ishi kathum score ngaraichada khuiya kha iwui Biologywui score ani khaniwuili teomei haokida

ili makhuithuwa. Ringphalak eina vareli ningkashi mida NIT Durgapurli Computer Science and Engineering li B.Tech vatam haowa. Zingkum matiwui thili B.Tech kakup eina ngashada ina makakahao ot akha samphangwuda makana mara kachi theihaida, kala ina Ph.D savangailak haokida NIT Allahabad li GATE exam wui manga eina M.Tech vakupsangkhuiya. Atam mararang kachirei! Varena Ph.D wui khamong mashomirang thukida Campus placement kapam tharan ningteo kakhui kachungkha samphanga. Ina ningkachang ot masam kaphang wuivang iwui mapung makapha ning hina varelila maringpha thuwa. Ot khamatha masamphang luimalapai kaji tharan varena khamatha NOKIA kaho Companyli ili phasangmiya. Varena theimeiya! Chieina atam kajida vareli ningshitheisa matailak eina ithumna wuk kakhanang,ning mamathan kharar atamli. Varena mayami akha okathui achikun khangatei akhali Ph .D vasangaiya. Atam chiwuivang ngarai mamanda khangaran sadalei. Varena mikahaiya aworhi eina ina awui wungram okathui hili mataisang,mayasang khavai ngasa rano. Nathum saikorana seiha kasalila phaning ungmilu da poli. Varena somida kathem thangkhamei mida nathum kachivala okathui hili awui aphei-apng ngasarano. Proholi ningtongda shitsanglu, na khalatta machihan alu. Otsak kachivali ana mashungmira. Nana theisera da maphaning alu. Chansam 3:5-7**. by Ms. Misha Hungyo R&D Nokia Networks

INFORMATION OFFICE OF THE TANGKHUL KATAMNAO LONG, BENGALURU Date: 13th April 2016 Time: 12:00 - 5:00 pm Venue: Christ School, S. G. Palya Behind Christ College In compliance with the constitution of the Tangkhul Katamnao Long, Bengaluru, it is hereby, notified to all the members of the TKLB that, there will be an Annually General Body Meeting (G.B.M.) of the TKLB, 2015 - 2016. Members are requested to come and participate for the said GBM without fail. Agendas will be open till 12th of April 2016. Any members who would like to place agendas for the said GBM may kindly contact Assembly Speaker and Deputy speaker. SPEAKER DEPUTY SPEAKER


- Mr. Eleazer Shirik +91 96-32-149873 - Ms. Shimreichon Shimray + +91 80-50641746

April 2016

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