Search engine OptimizatiOn(SeO)
What is Search Engine Optimization(SEO)
Types of SEO
Technique of SEO
Objectives of SEO
SEO Process
Inbound & Outbound Links
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Search Engine Optimization(SEO) is to increase your website’s traffic by obtaining higher rankings in Search Engines for Keyword searches related to your website.
What iS Search engine OptimizatiOn(SeO)
Search Engine Optimization is the process of getting traffic from the free and organic search results on search engines.
It doesn’t matter if a person is new to SEO world or have been practicing it for years, there is always something new to discover.
typeS Of SeO
On-Page Optimization
Off-Page Optimization
On-Page Optimization is a technique of seo in which we done on the pages of the website itself. In On-Page seo design website seo friendly.
Off-page OptimizatiOn ď ľ
Off-Page Optimization refers to all the things that you can do directly OFF your website to help you rank higher, such as social networking, article submission, forum & blog marketing, etc.
On-page OptimizatiOn ď ľ
On-Page Optimization refers to all the things that you can do ON your website to help you rank higher, such as page titles, internal linking, meta tags & descriptions, etc.
techniqueS Of SeO
White Hat SEO
Black Hat SEO
Grey Hat SEO
ObjectiveS Of SeO
Search engine optimization services have three objectives:-
To increase organic website traffic and keyword rankings.
To create a new customer base.
To increase brand awareness.
SeO prOceSS
inbOund & OutbOund LinkS Inbound Links
A link from a site outside of your site.
Inbound links means send visitors to your site, generally this is seen as good think for SEO.
Outbound Links
A link to a site outside of your site.
Outbound links means send visitors away from your site.
Generally avoid those thinks.
For example (Link exchange).
Search Engine Optimization is the process of getting traffic from the free and organic search results on search engines.
Off-Page Optimization refers to all the things that you can do
directly OFF your website to help you rank higher, such as social networking, article submission, forum & blog marketing, etc.
On-Page Optimization refers to all the things that you can do ON your website to help you rank higher, such as page titles, internal linking, meta tags & descriptions, etc.
A link from a site outside of your site.
A link to a site outside of your site.
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