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Exemplar essay for The Street – An Affair Among Neighbours The extract from ‘The Street’ shows neighbours having an affair over a number of days. The characters represent conservative, married adults with families in a working class neighbourhood who are breaking social taboos. In the first shot we see that the lead male character is dressed for work in a shirt and tie, his wife is dressed casually and the three children are wearing school uniforms. They are standing at the front door of a typical modern day terrace house. This shot establishes that they are a conventional working class family. Outside their home we see shots of typical Northern working class neighbourhood of Victorian terrace houses with views to the city beyond. In the front of the next door neighbour’s house a young woman is hanging out washing whilst her partner is seeing to his pigeons and smoking. Neither one is for work and this scene suggests that they are fairly poor and are possibly unemployed. The lead female in the extract is a slim, blonde woman. She lives in another terrace house which is simply furnished. She is dressed casually I day time attire. During the sex scene, we see that she has removed her brown platform sandals and black lacy knickers but they both leave their shirts on, suggesting that they are in a hurry. After having sex they eat Mars Bars which symbolise their indulgences. Chocolate is often associated with romance but the choice of a common, cheap chocolate bar suggests that their sex is cheap and is perhaps another reference to their working class status. For their next encounter they are in the kitchen and we see her children’s toys on the kitchen table. This tells us she has children and makes her affair seem shameless as a result. The incidental props such as underwear on the clothes line, net curtains at the windows and kitchen furniture have all been chosen to reinforce the realism of this contemporary working class neighbourhood. Lighting is high key to reflect the fact that the action is taking place during the daytime although in her house the lighting reflects a dimmer interior which adds realism to the scene. When they are eating their Mars Bars the lighting is used to suggest sun coming in through the window and silhouetting their faces, suggesting their happiness.

The first shot is a close-up of the lead male character who appears to be in a hurry. A mid shot shows us his wife and children who are ready for school. A long shot establishes the location where the action takes place and close-ups and mid-shots of other characters connote a crowded neighbourhood where people are aware of each other’s business. A long shot shows the lead male entering the lead female’s house via the back gate which suggests that he doesn’t want to be seen by the neighbours. It also tells us that they are having an affair at her house, rather than going to a more discrete or attractive location. There is limited movement in the shots until they start having sex. At this point, the camera starts with a tilt from her shoes on the floor up to her feet and finally stops at his face. Their sexual act is filmed using close-ups in the room and long shots from outside the room which are framed by the half closed door. This makes the audience feel like they are peering in on this illicit act. A mid shot shows us her husband, innocently cleaning his teeth. This reminds the audience that he is being cheated on by his wife and neighbour. After sex, there is a pull focus from a close-up of the kitchen cupboards to the couple eating Mars Bars. The composition of the shots is balanced suggesting intimacy and equality between the two.

The scene begins with diegetic sounds only. The father has a northern, working class accent and he speaks aggressively to his daughter, telling her he isn’t going to take her to school. This suggests that he is angry and in a hurry and is used to being in charge within the family. Outside the house we hear the asynchronous sound of a baby crying, which suggests that this is a family neighbourhood. At this point, the soundtrack commences. Bass guitars create a quick pace, suggesting that the action is building. The first dialogue we hear between the lead male and female is “I want you to talk about it while we do it.” This tells the audience the liaison is not their first. She says “You are sick” but she has a smile on her face which suggests that she is willing to play along. They don’t spend anytime building a romantic atmosphere, this is about lust and cheating, not love. The music builds in pace and volume with the addition of electric guitars and continues throughout the sex scenes, reinforcing the pleasure of their activity. It stops abruptly at the shot where they have finished and are eating Mars Bars. This silence reinforces the fact they have finished having sex but the music begins again when they make arrangements for their next liaison. The music therefore signifies their passion. When they are having sex their conversation reflects their actions. Later, he uses a soft voice to persuade her to fulfil his fantasy of having sex with her whilst she is talking to her husband on the phone. When she is on the phone about a karaoke night down the pub, she explains to her husband “Of course you can trust me” which is ironic given that she is having sex with her neighbour.

Cuts are the only form of transition used. This helps to create a brisk pace and keeps the audience focused on the action. Shots of the lead male driving away from his home are cross cut with shots of the lead female anxiously waiting for him in her home. This helps to establish the connection between them. Continuity editing is used to enable the audience to clearly follow the action from him leaving his home to arriving at hers and shows that he only lives around the corner. The clip comprises a montage of scenes of the neighbours having sex. This contracts time and suggests that it is a daily occurrence for them. In between shots of the couple having sex are cutaways to her husband cleaning his teeth. This is done to underline the fact that she is cheating on him.

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