AS Media Representation Assignment
What: Choose a category/group of people and research how they have been represented in the media. Choose based on the following criteria: Class, gender, age, ethnicity, regionality, sexual orientation, disability
Find 3 examples of this sub-group being represented in the media. You can select from a variety of media forms: TV/film/print/advertising/web. At least one of the representations you choose should conform to traditional, simplistic, limited, often narrow-minded, stereotypes. At least one of the representations you choose should challenge those traditional stereotypes by offering a more complex, open-minded approach.
How: Present your findings as a Word document. 1. Name your chosen category. 2. Name your chosen 3 texts/programmes. 3. For each text, explain the way the category/group of people has been represented. (E.g. the old woman in this programme is represented as helpless and stupid because everyone speaks loudly to her and she has a bad memory.) Use images and/or screenshots to illustrate each text.
When: This is due in……………………….
Media representation of crime suspects:
How are gypsies and travellers represented in the media?
First Communion for traveller girl, My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding (Feb 2012)
Scene during the evictions at Dale Farm, Essex, 2012.