Rosewood art catalogue layout sample #1.2

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Rosewood Phnom Penh Presents In The Balance

Rosewood Phnom Penh Art Gallery is a sophisticated and contemporary exhibition space for guests and art connoisseurs to view and experience both distinguished and emerging Cambodian artists. A total space of 112 square meters, it is located on the 35th floor, and includes two areas. The Art Gallery’s first exhibition, “In the Balance” will feature artistic collaboration ranging from textile creations, delicate paintings and sculptures, to the more traditional forms of drawing and painting using both traditional Khmer and contemporary designs. “In the Balance” was curated by Sasha Constable, herself a sculptor, print maker and painter from a long line of Constable artists dating back to her ancestor John Constable, a British landscape artist (1776-1837).


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Chhoeun Channy


Srey Bandaul


Ouk phearom


Ouk Chimvichet


Madeline Green


Lim Muy Theam


Hour seyha


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Born 1988, Battambang, Cambodia

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In 1998, Channy’s family relocated to the jungle approximately 100 kilometers from Battambang. The move was part of a government scheme to give underprivileged families land so they could farm for a living. As a young boy, Channy’s sketchbook was the dirt he walked upon while his tool was a stick to draw with. Drawing allowed Channy to escape to another reality. This creative freedom not only gave him a feeling of happiness, but people also began noticing his artistic skills. Teachers at school often gave him rewards for his artwork, but it was his father who recognized his talent and potential. When he heard about a school that provided free - 4 education in Battambang called Phare Ponleu Selpak, Channy was enrolled in 2006; he graduated in 2013. Passionate about birds and their relationship with humans and the environment, Channy is keen to share the dangers that befall wildlife in our modern world. Like many young people in Cambodia, he enjoyed chasing and killing birds with catapults; but his outlook changed in his late teens when he became aware of the vulnerability of birds and animals, and the impact human behavior has on their existence. In November 2016, he had his first solo exhibition in Siem Reap, a near sold-out exhibition. This new series of paintings on show at Rosewood Phnom Penh’s Art Gallery will be his first exhibition for three years in Phnom Penh, while his last showing was in 2014 at the Institute Francais.

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េឆឿន ��ន់នី េ�ឆា � ំ 1998 ្រគ�សា ររបស់ចា​ាន់នីបា​ានេ�រស់េ�ក��ងៃ្រព្របមា ណ 10

គីឡ�ែម៉្រតពីបា​ាត់ដំបង។កា‫ﵿ‬រផ‌�ស់បរ� េនះគឺជ‌ែផ�កមួយៃនគេ្រមា ងរដ‌�ភិបា​ាលេដ�ម្បីផល � ់ដីសម្ប ទា នដល់្រគ�សា រ្រកី្រកែដលពួកេគឣ‍ចេធ��ែ្រសចិ��ឹមជី វ�ត។ក��ងន‌មជ‌េក�ង្រប�សមា �ក់េលា​ាក

ចា​ាន់នីមា នរូបភា​ាពកខ�ក់ែដលគា​ាត់បា​ានេដ�រខណៈែដលឧបករណ៍របស់គា​ាត់គឺជ‌េឈ�េដ�ម្បីគូរ។ គំនូរអនុ��តឱ្យចា​ាន់នីរត់េគចខ��នេ�ជ‌កា‫ﵿ‬រពិតមួយេទៀត។េសរ�ភា​ាពៃនកា‫ﵿ‬រៃច�្របឌិតេនះមិន ្រតឹមែតផ�ល់ឱ្យគា​ាត់នូវឣ‍រម�ណ៍ៃនសុភមង�លប៉ុេណ‌�ះេទប៉ុែន�ក៏មា នកា‫ﵿ‬រចា​ាប់ឣ‍រម�ណ៍ពីសំ ណ‌ក់អក � ជំន‌ញផងែដរ។


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្រគ�បេ្រង�នេ�សា លា េរៀនជ‌ញឹកញ‌ប់បា​ានផ�ល់រង‌�ន់ដល់គា​ាត់ស្រមា​ាប់សា �ៃដសិល្បៈរប ស់គា​ាត់ប៉ុែន�គា​ាត់ជ‌ឪពុករបស់គា​ាត់ែដលបា​ានសា �ល់េទពេកា‫ﵿ‬សល្យនិងសកា‫�ﵿ‬នុពលរបស់

គា​ាត់។េ�េពលែដលគា​ាត់បា​ានឮអំពីសា លា ែដលផ�ល់កា‫ﵿ‬រអប់រ�េដ‌យឥតបង់ៃថ�េ�េខត�បា​ា ត់ដំបងេ�ថ‌ហា �រពន�ឺពន�ឺ្រពះច័ន�ចា​ាន់នី្រត�វបា​ានចុះេឈា瑐�ះក��ងឆា瑐� ំ 2006 ។ គា​ាត់បា​ានប�� ប់កា‫ﵿ‬រសិក្សោេ�ឆា瑐� ំ 2013 ។

េដ‌យមា​ានចំណ‌ប់ឣ‍រម�ណ៍អំពីសត�បក្សីនិងទំន‌ក់ទំនងរបស់ពួកេគជ‌មួយមនុស្សនិងប រ�សា �នេលា កចា​ាន់នីមា​ានឆន�ៈក��ងកា‫ﵿ‬រែចករ�ែលកនូវេ្រគា​ាះថ‌�ក់ែដលឣ‍ចេក�តមា​ានដល់សត�

ៃ្រពេ�ក��ងពិភពេលា កទំេន�បរបស់េយ�ង។ដូចជ‌យុវជនវ�យេក�ងជ‌េ្រច�នេ�ក��ង្របេទសក ម�ជ‌ � គា​ាត់ចូលចិត�េដញតា មនិងសមា​ា�ប់បក្សីេដ‌យេ្រប�កា‫ﵿ‬េំ ភ��ង។ប៉ុែន�ទស្សនៈរបស់គា​ាត់បា​ា នផ‌�ស់បរ� េ�ក��ងវ�យជំទង់របស់គា​ាត់េ�េពលែដលគា​ាត់បា​ានដឹងពីភា ពង‌យរងេ្រគា​ាះៃន សត�សា �បនិងសត�េហ�យឥរ�យ‌បថរបស់មនុស្សបា​ានប៉ះពា​ាល់ដល់ជី វ�តរបស់ពួកេគ។

គា​ាត់បា​ានេរៀបចំកា‫ﵿ‬រតា ំ ងពិពណ៌េទា​ាលេល�កដំបូងរបស់គា​ាត់េ�េខត�េសៀមរ‌បជ‌កា‫ﵿ‬រតា ំ ង ពិព័រណ៍លក់ជិត។ផ‌�ង ំ គំនូរថ�ីេនះនឹង្រត�វដ‌ក់តា ំងបង‌�ញេ�វ�ចិ្រតសា ល Rosewood Phnomជ‌េល�កដំបូងរបស់គា​ាត់ស្រមា​ាប់រយៈេពលបីឆា瑐� ំ

េ�រ‌ជធា នីភ�ំេពញខណៈេពលែដលកា‫ﵿ‬របង‌�ញចុងេ្រកា‫ﵿ‬យរបស់គា​ាត់គឺេ�ក��ងឆា瑐� ំ 2014 េ�វ�ទ្យោសា �ន Francais ។

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The theme of Channy’s work carries on from his first solo exhibition in Siem Reap in November 2016 where he focused on beautiful birds and the challenges for survival they face due to climate change, pollution and detrimental human behavior. The contrast of exquisite birds on a backdrop of arid landscapes or struggling with being ensnared with human waste is a very poignant symbol for our environment. Ultimately, Channy hopes to educate people through his paintings. By understanding the negative impact people have on the Earth’s precious wildlife and environment, increased awareness and changes in habits can and will have a lasting impact; there is always hope breaking through.

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GREED “Greed” is a damaging trait and soon enough it will capture you and tangle you up in its clutches. “កា‫ﵿ‬រេលា ភលន់’គឺជ‌លក�ណៈបំផិច � បំផ‌�ញេហ�យន

ៅេពលឆា‫ﵿ‬ប់ៗេនះវ‌នឹងចា ប់យកអ�កេហ�យេធ��េឣ‍ យអ�កេ�ក��ងសា �ម្របឡ‍ក់។

្របធា នបទៃនកា‫ﵿ‬រង‌ររបស់ចា ន់នីមា​ានចា ប់ពីកា‫ﵿ‬រតា ំ ងពិព័រណ៍េទា​ាលេល�កទីមួយរបស់គា​ាត់េ�េខត�េសៀមរ‌បក��ងខ ែវ�ចិកា‫ﵿ‬ � ឆា‫�ﵿ‬ែំ ដលគា​ាត់េផ‌�តេល�សត�សា �បដ៏្រសស់សា �តនិងប� � ្របឈមស្រមា​ាប់កា‫ﵿ‬ររស់រ‌នមា​ានជី វ�តែដលពួកេគ

្របឈមមុខេដ‌យសា រកា‫ﵿ‬រែ្រប្រប�លឣ‍កា‫ﵿ‬សធា តុកា‫ﵿ‬របំពុលបរ�សា �ននិងឥរ�យ‌បថរបស់មនុស្ស។ភា ពខុសគា​ា�រវ‌ង សត�សា �បល�ៗេ�េល�ដំបូលៃនេទសភា ពស��តឬកា‫ﵿ‬រតស៊ូជ‌មួយនឹងកា‫ﵿ‬រជ‌ប់ឣ‍្រកក់ជ‌មួយនឹងកា‫ﵿ‬កសំណល់មនុ ស្សគឺជ‌និមិត�រូបមួយដ៏រ�េភ�បស្រមា​ាប់ប រ�យ‌កា‫ﵿ‬សរបស់េយ�ង។

េ�ទីបំផុតចា ន់នីសង្ឃឹមថ‌នឹងអប់រ�មនុស្សតា មរយៈគំនូររបស់គា​ាត់។េដ‌យយល់ដឹងអំពីផលប៉ះពា​ាល់អ វ�ជមា​ា � នដ ែលមនុស្សមា​ានេល�សត�ៃ្រពនិងបរ�សា �នដ៏មា​ានតៃម�របស់ែផនដីកា‫ﵿ‬របេង��នកា‫ﵿ‬រយល់ដឹងនិងកា‫ﵿ‬រផ‌�ស់បរ� ទមា​ា�ប់ឣ‍

ចនិងនឹងមា​ានផលប៉ះពា​ាល់យូរអែង�ង។ វ‌ែតងែតមា​ានសង្ឃឹមថ‌នឹងបំែបក។

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Oil Lamp depicts a devastated, deforested landscape, the sun


rising in the background illuminating the beauty of the peacocks as they find new hope breaking forth in the form of a glowing seed ling. ចេង��ងេ្របងពណ៌ន‌ពីេទសភា​ាពែដលបា‫ﵿ‬នបំផិច � បំ ផ‌�ញនិងៃ្រពេឈ�ែដល្រពះឣ‍ទិត្យរះេឡ�ងេ�ៃផ�

ខាងេ្រកា‫ﵿ‬យែដលបំភ�ឺដល់ភា​ាព្រសស់សា �តៃនសត�

កា‫�ﵿ‬នេ�េពលែដលពួកេគរកេឃ�ញនូវក�ីសង្ឃឹមថ�ីដ ែលេក�តមា នេឡ�ងក��ងទ្រមង់ជ‌សា �មញញឹម។

“Drunk” shows a bird, a bee-eater, trying to break free from this entanglement; we can see the ensuing struggle, but can we break away from this greed so voracious in current civilization? ្រសវ�ងបង‌�ញពីសត�សា �បែដលជ‌អ�កបរ�េភា​ា




លឣ‍ចេក�តមា នេឡ�ងបា‫ﵿ‬នប៉ុែន�េត�េយ�ងឣ‍ចបំ បា‫ﵿ‬ត់េចា លនូវភា​ាពេលាោភលន់េនះយ‌៉ងខា�ង ំ ក��

ងអរ�យធម៌បច�ប � ្បន�បា‫ﵿ‬នេទ?

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“Reflection” is an observation of how people need to consider their ind ividual behavior and how it is a reflection of our society. Learn from the past, make changes in the present and we can create a better future. "កា‫ﵿ‬រឆ�ះ� ប��ំង"គឺជ‌កា‫ﵿ‬រសេង�តពីរេបៀបែដលមនុស្ស្រត�វកា‫ﵿ‬រកា‫ﵿ‬រ

គិតអំពីឣ‍កប្បកិ រ�យ‌បុគ�លរបស់ពួកេគនិងរេបៀបែដលវ‌ឆ�ះ� ប��ំ

ងពីសង�មរបស់េយ�ង។េរៀនពីអតីតកា‫ﵿ‬លេធ��កា‫ﵿ‬រផ‌�ស់បរ� ក��ងេពលប ច�ប � ្បន�េហ�យេយ�ងឣ‍ចបេង��តអន‌គតល�្របេស�រជ‌ងមុន។

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