Студентско археолошко здружение „Аксиос“ Student Archaeological Association “Axios”
Спонзорирано од: Фондација Институт отворено општество Македонија Sponsored by: Foundation Open Society Macedonia
Скопје 2007 Skopje 2007
Amfaksitida vo pi{anite izvori Amphaxitis in the written sources Imeto Amfaksitida poteknuva od sta rogr~kiot zbor Αμφαχίτις, so zna~ewe „od dvete strani na Aksios (Vardar)#. Vo an ti~ko vreme, imeto se odnesuva na teri torijata po dolniot tek na rekata Vardar, od Demir Kapija do nejzinoto ustie. Dene{nata politi~ka granica me|u R. Makedonija i R. Grcija go deli ovoj prostor na dva dela. Vo ramkite na R. Makedonija, Amfaksitida go opfa}a gevgelisko-va landovskiot region. Amfaksitida vo protoistorijata Najstariot istoriski podatok za regio not po dolniot tek na Vardar, go sre}avame vo prviot evropski ep – Homerovata „Ili jada#. Koga se pee za junacite koi ja branat Troja, stihovite velat: „A krivolakite Pajonci pak si gi vodel Pirajhme, odskraja od Amidon, od {irokostrujniot Aksij# Ova ni zboruva deka vo mitskoto vreme na Trojanskata vojna (ΧΙΙΙ vek pred n.e.), ili barem vo vremeto koga e nastanat epot (VIII vek pred n.e.), dolniot tek na Vardar go naseluvale Pajoncite. Tie `iveele vo organizirani naselbi i imale voda~i koi poteknuvale od gradot Amidon. Toa e i prviot istoriski podatok za nekoj del od Makedonija. Postoeweto na naselbi od opeanoto vreme e potvrdeno so arheolo{kite is tra`uvawa na lokalitetite ^au{ica, Bo hemica, Vardino, Vardarovca i osobeno Kastanas vo R. Grcija. Postojat pretpostav
The name Amphaxitis stems from the ancient Greek word ���������� Αμφαχίτις������� ������ which ������ means around the two river banks of Axios (Vardar). In the antiquity, this name was related to the territory along the lower flow of the river Var dar, from Demir Kapija to its river mouth. Today’s political border between R. Mace donia and R. Greece splits the area in two parts. The part of Amphaxitis situated in the R. Macedonia is known as “Gevgelisko – Va landovski region”. Amphaxitis in the protohistory The oldest written record of the region along the lower Vardar valley is found in the first Eu ropean epic poem – Homer’s Iliad. The lyrics dedicated to the heroes, defending Troy say: “But Pyraichmes led the Paionians with curving bows, from far away in Amydon, from the broad stream of Axios” These lyrics tell us that in the mythical ages of the Trojan War (XIII c. BC) or at least in the ages when the epic was composed (VIII c. BC), the lower Vardar valley was populated by the Paionians. They lived in well – organ ised settlements and their leaders originated from the town of Amydon. This is the first his torical record of any part of Macedonia. The existence of settlements, from the epical time, is confirmed by the archaeologi cal excavations of the sites Chaushica, Bo hemica, Vardino, Vardaroftsa and particularly Kastanas in R. Greece. There are some as sumptions that the settlement of Vardaroftsa is the town of Amydon. They are based on its
Сл. 1 - Карта на Македонија и Пајонија
Fig. 1 - Map of Macedonia and Paionia ki deka naselbata Vardarovca e gradot Amidon. Tie se baziraat na nejzinata pros tornost i centralna postavenost vo odnos na ostanatite naselbi. I podocne`nite anti~ki avtori ka`u vaat deka prostorot na dolen Vardar, vo ranite vremiwa, go naseluvale Pajoncite. Strabon (63 g. pred n.e. – 24 g. n.e.) vo knigata VII od svojata Geografija, zbo ruvaj}i za „toa {to sega go vikaat Make donija#, veli deka vo porani vremiwa, Pajoncite go naseluvale „regionot okolu rekata Aksij, koj poradi toa se vika Am faksitida#. Justin (III vek n.e.), citiraj}i go deloto Historiae Filipicae od Pompej Trog (I vek n.e.),
expanse and central position in relation to the rest of the settlements. The later ancient writers also tell us that the Paionians settled the area of lower Vardar valley. Strabo (63 BC – 24 AD) in the seventh book of his Geography, writing about “what is now called Macedonia”, says that in the earlier days the Paionians lived in the “region around the river Axios which is named Am phaxitis because of that”. Justinus (III c. AD), referring to the work Historiae Filipicae by Pompeus Trogus, writes about Macedonia and the mythical ages: “in the area of Paionia, which is now part of Mac edonia, king was, as is now told, Pelegon the
zboruva za Makedonija i mitskite vre miwa: „vo oblasta Pajonija, koja sega ob razuva del od Makedonija, kraluval, kako sega se raska`uva, Pelegon tatkoto na Asteropaj, ~ie {to ime se vbroilo za nas me|u najslavnite za{titnici na Troja#. Od delata na ovie avtori jasno se gleda deka, vo nivnoto vreme, dolniot tek na Vardar e sostaven del na Makedonija, no pred toa toj im pripa|al na Pajoncite. Amfaksitida vo sostavot na anti~koto kralstvo Makedonija Ne postojat istoriografski podatoci od koi doznavame koga to~no anti~kite Ma kedonci ja osvoile teritorijata na dolen Vardar. Tukidid (V vek pred n.e.) e najstariot avtor {to zboruva za ovoj region kako del od Makedonija. Vo deloto „Istorija na Peloponeskata vojna#, toj go opi{uva pohodot na trakiskiot vladetel Sitalk od 429 g. pred n.e. Spored nego, Sitalk so svojata vojska, trgnuvaj}i od pajonskiot grad Dober, prodrel vo Dolna Makedonija i gi pokoril gradovite Idomene, Gortinija i Atalante. Gradot Europ go opsadil, no ne uspeal da go osvoi i potoa prodol`il da pusto{i na istok. Ova se prvite sigurni istoriski po datoci koi zboruvaat deka po dolnoto te~enie na rekata Vardar, vo V vek pred n.e., postoele gradovi. Od toa vreme pa s¢ do denes, Amfaksitida se smeta za neraz delen del od Makedonija. Po~etokot na ΙΙΙ vek pred n.e. e obele`an so naezdata na keltskite plemiwa na Balkanot. Spored istoriografite Pau sanija (ΙΙ vek n.e.) i Tit Livij (Ι vek n.e.), vo periodot od 280–278 g. pred n.e. Kel tite gi pregazile Dardanija, Pajonija i Makedonija, stignuvaj}i s¢ do Delfi. Magistralna trasa koja gi povrzuva ovie teritorii e Vardarskata Dolina, pa e mnogu verojatno varvarite da pominale ottuka. Rezultatite od arheolo{kite is
father of Asteropaios whose name is among the most famous defenders of Troy.” From the works of these writers we can notice that at the time of their existence, lower Vardar valley was part of Macedonia, but be fore that it belonged to the Paionians. Amphaxitis as part of the Macedonian kingdom There are no historical records from which we can acknowledge exactly when the an cient Macedonians conquered the lower Vardar valley. Thucydides (V c. BC) is the first ancient writer, who considered this region as part of Macedonia. In his work History of the Peloponnesian War he describes the conquest of the Thracian ruler Sitalkes from 429 BC. Ac cording to him, Sitalkes and his army, depart ing from the Paionian town of Doberos, pene trated in Lower Macedonia and conquered the towns of Idomene, Gortynia and Atalante. He besieged the town of Europos, but he didn’t manage to conquer it, and after that, he con tinued ravaging to the East. These are the first certain historical records for the existence of towns in the V century BC along the Lower Vardar valley. Since that pe riod until today, Amphaxitis is considered as inseparable part of Macedonia. The beginning of the III c. BC is marked by the Celtic destructions in the Balkan Pe ninsula and Asia Minor. According to the historiо��������� grаphers ���������� Pausanias ������������������ (II c. AD) and Ti tus Livius�������������������������������� (I c. AD) in the period of 280 ������ – 279 BC the Celts overran Dardania, Paionia and Macedonia reaching to Delphi. The Vardar Val ley is the main path connecting this territories and it is very possible that the barbarians had passed through it. ������������ Τ����������� he results ��������������� of the archaeo logical excavations at the sites in the region, indicate that in the beginning of the III c. BC, the ancient towns in Lower Vardar Valley had been destroyed and later reconstructed. In the II c. BC, in the period of the reign of Philip V, the name Amphaxitis was used for
tra`uvawa vo regionot, indiciraat de ka vo ΙΙΙ vek pred n.e. gradovite po dolen Vardar bile opusto{eni i podocna obno veni. Vo ΙΙ vek pred n.e., vo vremeto na vlade ewe na makedonskiot kral Filip V, za prv pat se pojavuva imeto Amfaksitida. Nego go sre}avame vo Istorijata na anti~kiot avtor Polibij (200–118 g. pred n.e.) i na monetite so natpis ΑΜΦΑΞΙΩΝ, kovani vo Tesalonika od 187–168 g. pred n.e. Gradovite vrz koi Tukidid frli isto risko svetlo se zabele`ani i vo drugi anti~ki dela, kako {to se: Spisokot na delfiskite teorodosi od II vek pred n.e., deloto Historia Naturalis na Plinij Postariot od I vek n.e., Geografijata na Strabon, poznatata karta Tabula Peuten geriana i drugi. Od niv mo`e da se doznae periodot na egzistencija na gradovite i se obezbeduva podloga za nivnoto locirawe na teren. Gradot Idomene, vo spomenatite de la se nao|a na patnata linija me|u grado vite Stobi i Tesalonika, vo blizina na
the first time in history. We can find it in the Universal History by Polybius (II c. BC) and on the coins produced in Thessalonica from 187 – 168 BC, on which the name ��������� ΑΜΦΑΞΙΩΝ����� ���� was engraved. The towns which were historically high lighted by Thucydides are also noted in the works of other ancient writers, such as: The list of the Delphic list of theorodokoi from II c. BC, the work Historia Naturalis by Pliny the Elder, Strabo’s Geography, the well known map Tabula Peutengeriana etc. The records from these works tell us about the existence period of the ancient towns and they give us the basis for locating them on the field. The town of Idomene, in the aforemen tioned ancient works, was located between the towns of Stobi and Thessalonica near the station Stenae (Demir Kapija). The record of the town in the work of Hieroclus from the V century AD is an argument that Idomene still existed in the period of Late Antiquity. Although the archaeology has not reached a conclu sion yet, some scholars locate Idomene at the site of Isar near the village of Marvinci, Valan
Сл. 2 - Реконструкција на стадион - каменот од Исар, Марвинци Fig. 3 - Reconstruction of the milestone from Isar, Marvinci
stanicata Stenae (Demir Kapija). Postoe weto na gradot i vo deloto na Hierokle od V vek n.e., svedo~i deka Idomene `iveel i vo docnata antika. Iako naukata s¢ u{te ne go dala posledniot zbor, nekoi od sov remenite istra`uva~i go lociraat gra dot Idomene na arheolo{kiot lokalitet Isar kaj s. Marvinci. Na ovoj lokalitet, so istra`uvawata od 1977–1986 godina e otkrien stadion – kamen (patokaz) so ras tojanieto me|u gradovite Dober i Idomene (sl. 2). Za gradot Gortinija sre}avame poda toci kaj Strabon i Plinij. Od niv doz navame za pozicijata na Gortinija – ne posredno do rekata Vardar, na nejziniot desen breg. Vo podocne`nite izvori gra dot ne se spomenuva. Vo arheolo{kite istra`uvawa na lokalitetot Vardarski Rid kaj Gevgelija (1995–2004 godina) ot krien e fragmentiran natpis od kade se ~ita ..Ρ[]ΥΝΙΑ (sl. 3). Ovoj podatok na veduva na pretpostavka deka Vardarski Rid e lokacijata na nekoga{niot grad Gor tinija. Vo delata na mnogu anti~ki avtori (od V vek pred n.e. do V vek od n.e.) e za svedo~en gradot Europ. Spored niv, toj egzistiral s¢ do docnata antika. Ova e edinstveniot grad od Amfaksitida koj mo`eme sigurno da go locirame. Pokraj istoriskite izvori, najmnogu za negovata lokacija zboruva otkrieniot epigrafski spomenik vo blizina na seloto A{iklar (vo okolinata na Gumenica), severna Gr cija. Toa e natpis kade stoi deka gradot Europ go podignuva spomenikot vo ~est na rimskiot namesnik Minucij Ruf od 109 g. n.e. Denes, na toa mesto, se vr{at arheo lo{ki istra`uvawa koi ni otkrivaat no vi fakti za urbanizacijata i `ivotot na Europ. Atalante vo izvorite se sre}ava i pod imeto Alantion. Spored spisokot na delfiskite teorodosi toj se nao|al ju`no od Europ. Negovoto locirawe e sporno, no se pretpostavuva deka se nao|al vo blizina na Pela, na desniot breg na Vardar.
dovo. The excavations at this site from 1977 – 1986 have uncovered a milestone with the distance between the towns of Doberos and Idomene (fig. 2). Written records of the town of Gortynia are found in the works of Strabo and Pliny. They show the position of Gortynia, directly on the right riverbank of Vardar. The later writ ten sources do not mention the existence of the town. The archaeological excavations at the site of Vardarski Rid in Gevgelija have re vealed a fragmented stone with the inscrip tion ..�������������� Ρ������������� []YNIA (fig. 3). ��������� This data �������������� can be a background for the assumption that Gortynia is located on Vardarski Rid. Τ������������������� he town of Europos is ��� ������������������ whitnessed in the works of many ancient writers (from the V c. BC to the V c. AD). According to them, the town existed until the Late Antiquity. This is the only ancient town of Amphaxitis with a certain lo cation. Beside the written sources, there is an epigraphic monument discovered in the region of the village Ashiklar (near Goumenissa) in northern Greece. The inscription says that the town of Europos has erected the monument in the���������������������������������������� honour��������������������������������� of Minucius Rufus in 109 AD. To day, there are archaeological excavations at this location which reveal new facts about the urbanization and the life in Europos. The town of Atalante, in the written sourc es, is also known as Alantion. According to the Delphic list of theorodokoi, the town was lo
Сл. 3 - Натпис од Вардарски Рид, Гевгелија Fig. 3 - Inscription from Vardarski Rid, Gevgelija
Amfaksitida vo vremeto na rimskata vlast Vo 168 g. pred n.e. Makedonija e osvo ena od Rimjanite i podelena na ~etiri avtonomni celini nare~eni meridi. Am faksitida vlegla vo sostavot na tretata merida so sedi{te vo Pela. Od 148 g. pred n.e., na celata teritorija na Makedonija e formirana rimskata provincija Make donija. Informaciite za periodot na na metnuvawe na rimskata vlast se crpat od delata na pogore spomenatite anti~ki av tori. Kon krajot na II vek pred n.e. i prvata polovina na I vek n.e. vo Makedonija ima postojani prodori na severnite varvarski plemiwa i nivni sudiri so rimskata voj ska. Ovie stra{ni vremiwa najdobro bi le opi{ani vo knigite na Tit Livij (59 g. pred n.e. – 17 g. n.e.). Originalite se izgu beni, no podatocite stignuvaat do nas pre ku kratkite pregledi na ovie knigi t.n. epitomae. Prodorite dovele do pusto{ewe na Ma kedonija i zamirawe na `ivotot vo mnogu gradovi. Osobeno nastradale naselbite {to se nao|ale na glavnite komunikacii. Amfaksitida i nejzinite gradovi, so po zicija dol` Vardarskata Dolina, ne bile zaobikoleni od destruktivnata sudbina. Spored nekoi sovremeni istra`uva~i, tokmu ovie nastani se pri~ina nekoi od gradovite da prestanat so egzistencija i da nedostasuvaat vo istoriskite izvori od docnata antika. Istoriografskite izvori ni davaat og rani~eni podatoci koi malku pomagaat vo rekonstrukcijata na `ivotot vo Amfaksi tida. Toa {to ne mo`eme da go doznaeme od izvorite se doznava so arheolo{kite is tra`uvawa. Arheologijata e edinstveniot pat za izdignuvawe na Amfaksitida i nej zinoto kulturno bogatstvo od dlabo~ini te na zaboravot. Goce Pavlovski
cated in the south of Europos. Its exact loca tion is still a matter of discussion, but the as sumptions are that Europos was somewhere near Pella, at the right riverbank of Vardar.
Amphaxitis in the period under the Roman authority
In the year 168 BC, Macedonia was con quered by the Romans and divided in four au tonomous parts – merides. Amphaxitis was in the borders of the third meris with Pella as capital. In 148 BC the whole territory of Mace donia became part of the province Macedonia. At the end of II c. BC and in the first half of I c. BC there were a lot of penetrations in Macedonia made by the barbaric tribes of northern Balkans and a lot of battles were fought between them and the Roman army. This terrifying period was described, particu larly well, in the books of Titus Livius (59 BC – 17 AD). The originals have been lost through the history but the records were preserved in the short previews named epitomae. These penetrations will result in destruc tion of Macedonia and decline of the life in the towns. The settlements situated along the main communication lines were particularly hit by the events. Amphaxitis and its towns, located in the Valley of Vardar, were not ex cluded from the destructive destiny. According to some modern scholars this was the reason, which led the existence of some towns to an end. Because of this they were not recorded in the works of the Late Antiquity writers. From all of this, we can notice that the his toriograhic sources offer very limited records, which do not give enough information for the re construction of the life in Amphaxitis. The facts that can not be acknowledged from the ancient works can be reached only by the methods of archaeology. Archaeology is the ultimate way for the rise of Amphaxitis and its cultural heri tage from the depths of the oblivion. Goce Pavlovski
Arheolo{koto bogatstvo na Amfaksitida The Archaeological Heritage of Amphaxitis Teritorijata na R. Makedonija, poto~no, dolinata na rekata Vardar vo minatoto pretstavuvala glavna komunikaciona tra sa pome|u najvlijatelnite kulturni jadra, Grcija i Isto~niot Mediteran, od edna strana, i Severen Balkan, Dolnoto Po dunavje i Kontinentalna Evropa, od druga. Od aspekt na arheologijata osoben interes predizvikuva Dolnoto Povardarje, oblast vo antikata poznata kako Amfaksitida. Pozicijata na Amfaksitida e edna od pri~inite koi ovozmo`ile ovoj region mnogu rano kulturno da se izdigne, pri sposobuvaj}i gi na svoite potrebi dostig nuvawata na golemite kulturi vo Egejot i Mediteranot. Povolnite klimatski uslovi, rudnite bogatstva i mo`nosta za nivno eksploatirawe uslovile gusta naselenost u{te vo praistorijata, a kon tinuirano `iveewe e zabele`ano od doc noto bronzeno vreme pa s¢ do krajot na antikata. Ovaa konstatacija ja potvrdu vaat brojnite lokaliteti registrirani vo Arheolo{kata karta na R. Makedonija, ka ko i onie vo R. Grcija. Amfaksitida vo `eleznoto vreme Regionot na Dolnoto Povardarje e mnogu rano zabele`an vo istoriografijata, posebno etnosot koj ja naseluval ovaa teritorija vo docnoto bronzeno vreme – Pajoncite. Preodniot period od bron
The territory of R. Macedonia, especially the valley of the river Vardar, represented in the past, the main communication route be tween the most influential cultural entities of Greece and the East Mediterranean on the one hand and North Balkan, the lower part of Podunavje and continental Europe on the oth er hand. Archaeology is especially concerned with Lower Povardarie, a region known in the antique as Amphaxitis. The location of Amphaxitis is one of the reasons, which enabled this region, to el evate culturally at a very early stage, adjust ing to their own needs the achievements of the great cultures from the Aegean and the Mediterranean. The favorable weather condi tions, mineral wealth and the ability to exploit them, caused dense population even since prehistory, and continuous dwelling has been registered in the late Bronze Age all through the end of the Antiquity. The numerous exca vation sites registered in the Archaeological Map of R. Macedonia, as well as the ones in R. Greece, have confirmed this statement. Amphaxitis in the Iron Age The region of Lower Povardarie has been registered in the historiography at a very early stage, especially the population, which inha bited this territory in the Late Bronze Age the Paionians. The transitional period from the Bronze into the Iron Age (XII-XI c. BC) 11
Сл. 1 - „Пајонски“ или „Македонски“ бронзи Fig. 1 - "Paionian" or "Macedonian" bronzes
zenoto vo `eleznoto vreme (XII–XI vek pred n.e.) e odbele`an so golemi presel bi na naselenie od sever, vo naukata poznati kako Egejski preselbi, ~ija cel bila osvojuvawe na bogatite gradovi vo Jugoisto~niot Mediteran. Del od pre selbite se odvivale po dolinata na Vardar, pa, taka, pove}e naselbi od toj period se uni{teni, glavno so opo`aru vawe. Del od ova naselenie od sever, ~ija{to osnovna stopanska granka bilo sto~arstvoto, se zadr`alo na na{ata te ritorija. Pritoa do{lo do sinteza na nivnite kulturni pridobivki so onie na doma{noto naselenie. Ovoj podatok e zas luga na arheologijata i poka`uva kako taa deluva vo rekonstrukcija na nastanite od minatoto vo nedostatok na istorio grafski podatoci. Pokraj sto~arstvoto i zemjodelieto, vo VII vek pred n.e. zapo~nuva masovno da se koristi `elezoto, {to uslovilo razvoj na metalurgijata. Toa predizvikalo koreniti promeni vo op{testvenata struktura i materijalnata i duhovna kultura na na selenieto. Vo ovaa smisla, Dolnoto Po vardarje, kako region so posebni pogod nosti i bogati resursi na bakar i `elezo, posebno se izdvojuva. Tuka, vo tekot na VII i VI vek pred n.e. se koncentrira brojno naselenie, potpomognato od po demot na novata granka – metalurgijata. Intenzivnata eksploatacija na rudi i nivnata prerabotka predizvikale naglo bogatewe na odredeni grupi i poedinci, a so toa i socijalna diferencijacija. Taka, postepeno bila izdignata plemenskata voena aristokratija koja ja imala celata ekonomska i politi~ka mo}. Za praistoriskite naselbi vo Dolnoto Povardarje najmnogu podatoci imame od istra`uvawata vr{eni vo gr~kiot del od oblasta Amfaksitida, i toa na pove }eslojnite naselbi kako Kastanas, Var darovca, ^au{ica, Kilindar, Vardino i Amatovo. Od makedonskata strana na Amfaksitida, arheolo{kite soznanija za praistorijata najmnogu se baziraat
is marked by great migrations of the people form North, known as the Aegean migrations, whose purpose was to invade the wealthy cities of the south-east Mediterranean. Part of the migration occurred along the valley of the river Vardar. This caused many of the settle ments from this period to be burnt down. Part of this population form North, whose main trade branch was stock - breeding, remained on our territory. Thereto, their cultural achieve ments were synthesized with the ones of the native population. This data is received thanks to archaeology, and it shows how archaeolo gy acts in reconstruction of past events when there is no historiographical data. Besides stock - breeding and agriculture, in the VII c. BC, people started using iron in huge amounts, which predetermined the de velopment of metallurgy. This caused radical changes in the social structure and material and spiritual culture of the population. Con cerning this, Lower Povardarie stands out as a region with special advantages and rich re sources of copper and iron. During the period between VII and VI c. BC, the newly devel oped branch – metallurgy attracted numerous populations. The intensive exploitation of ores and their processing caused sudden enrich ment of certain groups and individuals, which resulted in social differentiation. Out of this, gradually rose the tribal military aristocracy, which held the entire economic and political power. The biggest data for the prehistoric settle ments in Lower Povardarie come from the excavations performed in the Greek part of the area Amphaxitis such as the multi-lay ered settlements of Kastanas, Vardarovca, Chaushica, Kilindar, Vardino and Amatovo. On the Macedonian part of Amphaxsitis, the archaeological evidence for the prehistory mostly comes from the excavations made on necropolises from the Iron Age, which num ber should not be underestimated - there are around fifteen. This number verifies the den sity of population of this region in the prehis tory. Among them, those on which have been performed bigger archaeological researches 13
Сл.2 - „„Гроб на свештеничката“ - Лисичин Дол, с. Марвинци Fig.2 - "Tomb of the priestess" - Lisichin Dol, v. Marvinci
na istra`uvawata na nekropolite od `e leznoto vreme, ~ij{to broj voop{to ne e za potcenuvawe – okolu petnaesetina. Vakviot broj ja potvrduva gustata na selenost na ovoj region vo praistorijata. Me|u niv, bi gi izdvoile onie na koi se vr{eni poobemni arheolo{ki istra`uva wa: „Meleznik# – s. Dedeli, „Zeleni{te# – Valandovo, „Lisi~in Dol# – s. Marvinci, „Glos# – s. Gr~i{te, „Suva Reka# i „Milci# – Gevgelija. No sepak, istra`uvani se i segmenti od praistoriski naselbi od lo kalitetite: „Isar# – s. Marvinci, „Isar# – Valandovo, „Vardarski Rid# i „Kofilak# – Gevgelija i „Gloska ^uka# – s. Gr~i{te. Pregled na materijalnata i duhovna kultura od `eleznoto vreme mo`eme da napravime spored naodite koi se zastape ni vo grobovite. So analiza na na~inot na pogrebuvaweto se dobivaat najmnogu podatoci za obi~aite i religioznite sfa
stand out: Meleznik – v. Dedeli, Zelenishte – Valandovo, Lisichin Dol – v. Marvinci, Gloska Chuka – v. Grchishte, Suva Reka and Milci – Gevgelija. Also, excavations have been ma de on segments of prehistoric settlements at the sites of Isar – v. Marvinci, Isar – Valan dovo, Vardarski Rid and Kofilak – Gevgelija and Gloska Chuka – v. Grchishte. We receive insight of the material and the spiritual culture of the Iron Age from the find ings in the graves. The most detailed data for the customs and religious beliefs of a popu lation is received by analyzing the manner of burial. Most frequent items in the graves are ceramic vessels in which people put food and drink for the deceased. The decoration of these vessels depended on their magicalreligious function and their ethnicity. Objects of metal that are included in the graves are decorative jewelry, cult jewelry and weapon – iron spears, knives and swords.
}awa na eden narod. Kako naj~esti prilo zi vo grobovite se sre}avaat kerami~ki sadovi vo koi se stavale hrana i pijalok za pokojnikot. Dekoracijata na ovie sado vi bila uslovena od nivnata magisko-re ligiska funkcija i od nivnata etni~ka pripadnost. Predmeti od metal koi se zastapeni vo grobovite se: ukrasen nakit, kulten nakit i oru`je – `elezni kopja, no `evi i me~evi. Veruvaweto deka nekoi predmeti imaat magiski svojstva, odnosno deka {titat od bolesti i zli duhovi, ili deka nosat sre}a, blagosostojba itn., ja uslovilo pojavata na brojni formi na t.n. kulten nakit. Ovoj go smestuvame vo kategorijata „Makedonski# ili „Pajonski bronzi“ (sl. 1) i pretstavuva glavno obele`je na pajonskite zaednici koi go naseluvale ovoj prostor. Vo pogled na koncentracijata na ovoj tip nakit vo edna zatvorena celina osobeno se istak nuva t.n. „Grob na sve{teni~kata# (sl. 2), otkrien na nekropolata „Lisi~in Dol# – s. Marvinci. Tuka se zastapeni najgolem broj raznovidni formi kulten nakit, otkrieni vo uslovi koi pretstavuvaat najsilen iz raz na pajonskata kultura na `eleznoto vreme. Kombiniraj}i gi soznanijata za na selbinskoto `iveewe i pogrebuvaweto, se dobiva celokupna slika za kulturniot dostrel na ovoj region vo tekot na prais torijata. Amfaksitida vo antikata Periodot na ranata antika (V-IV век п.н.е.), koga oblasta Amfaksitida e del od makedonskoto kralstvo, e ozna~en so pojavata na prvite urbanizirani gradovi, koncipirani po primerot na gr~kite polisi. Vo niv najgolem podem imale zanaet~istvoto i trgovijata, usloveni od blizinata na gr~kite kolonii na Trako-makedonskiot breg, osobeno onie na Halkidik. Golemiot broj uvezeni predmeti od celiot Isto~en Mediteran zboruvaat za pointenzivnite ekonomski,
The belief that certain objects have magi cal characteristics, i.e. they protect from ill nesses, evil spirits or bring luck, welfare etc., has initiated the appearance of numerous forms of so – called “cult” jewelry. We catego rize this one in the “Macedonian” or “Paionian bronzes” category (fig. 1), and it represents a main characteristic of the Paionian communi ties, which had inhabited this area. Regard ing the presence of this type of jewelry in one round unit, the so-called “Tomb of the Priestess” (fig. 2), discovered at the necropolis of Lisichin Dol - v. Marvinci, stands out. Here we can find a vast number of various forms of cult jewelry, discovered in conditions, which rep resent the Paionian culture in the Iron Age at its best. Combining the population evidence and their manner of burial, we form a com plete image of the cultural scope of this region in the prehistoric period. Amphaxitis in the Antiquity The period of the Early Antiquity (V-IV c. BC), when the Amphaxitis region is part of the Macedonian kingdom, is marked by the appearance of the first urbanized towns, out lined according to the model of the Greek pol icies. As a result of the proximity of the Greek colonies on the Thraco - Macedonian coast, and especially the ones on Chalcidice, crafts manship and trade flourished in these towns. The huge number of imported items from the entire east Mediterranean, tell us just how in tensive the economic, mercantile and cultural relationships in the antiquity were. During this period, in the Amphaxitis re gion, the towns of Idomene, Gortynia, Atalante and Europos started to rise. They were of great geopolitical, strategic and economic significance and their names are related to important events in the history of Ancient Macedonia. As potential locations for these towns, except for Europos which has already been located, are mentioned the excavation sites at Isar - Izvor – Kula in Valandovo, Isar – v. Marvinci and Vardarski Rid – Gevgelija. 15
Сл. 3 - Стоа - Вардарски Рид, Гевгелија Fig. 3 - Stoa - Vardarski Rid, Gevgelija
trgovski i kulturni vrski koi do{le do izraz vo ovoj period. Vo ova vreme, vo oblasta Amfaksitida se razvile gradovite Idomene, Gortinija, Atalante i Europ. Tie imale golemo geo politi~ko, strate{ko i ekonomsko zna ~ewe i za niv se vrzani va`ni nastani od istorijata na anti~ka Makedonija. Kako mo`ni lokacii na ovie gradovi, so isklu~ok na Europ koj e ve}e lociran, se spomenuvaat lokalitetite „Isar – Izvor – Kula# vo Valandovo, „Isar# – s. Marvinci i „Vardarski Rid# – Gevgelija. Me|utoa, postojat u{te brojni lokaliteti vo Dolno to Povardarje koi datiraat od antikata, a na koi ne se vr{eni istra`uvawa. Najsilen izraz na gradskiot `ivot se monumentalnite javni gradbi. Vakov eden objekt e otkrien na lokalitetot „Vardar ski Rid# – Gevgelija. Stanuva zbor za stoa od IV–III vek pred n.e. (sl. 3), objekt kade {to se odvivala trgovska razmena. Po smrtta na Aleksandar III Makedonski (323 g. pred n.e.) zapo~nuva nov istoriski 16
However, there are many other excavation sites in Lower Povardarie which date from the Antiquity, and which have not been re searched so far. The monumental public buildings repre sented the strongest expression of the town life. One such object has been discovered at the excavation site of Vardarski Rid – Gevgeli ja. It is a stoa from IV - III c. BC (fig. 3), a building were trade used to take place. After the death of Alexander III of Mace don (323 BC), began a new historical period, under the name of Hellenistic period. The cul tural achievements from this period came as a result of the cosmopolitan idea of uniting the values of the conquered territories with the values of the Hellenic civilization. This period is also marked by the changes in the material and spiritual culture. The form and the manufacture of the jew elry, as most liable to changes, and which depended on the exquisite taste of the in habitants, shows a remarkable artistic perfor mance, as is never to be seen before (fig. 4).
Сл. 4 - Златни обетки - Исар, с. Марвинци - II век п.н.е Fig. 4 - Golden earrings - Isar, v. Marvinci - II century BC
period, nare~en helenisti~ki period. Kulturnite pridobivki od ova vreme se rezultat na kosmopolitskata ideja za obe dinuvawe na vrednostite od osvoenite teritorii so vrednostite na helenskata civilizacija. Ovoj period e prosleden i so promeni vo materijalnata i duhovna kultura.
Of the housing buildings, special atten tion should be given to the The House of the Collector (fig. 5), discovered at Vardarski Rid – Gevgelija. According to the discovered ceramic material and the coins, the build ing dates from the II c. BC. What makes this house special is the fact that its owner co llected ancient objects that have high aesthe tic value. There are 120 ceramic vessels, 16 terracotta figurines, 1 marble sculpture, some cult objects from the Macedonian i.e. Paionian bronzes, iron and bronze objects and some jewelry made out of bronze, glass paste and bone. The entire material dates from different periods in time, from VII to II c. BC. As most prominent is the marble sculpture of Aphrodite from IV c. BC (fig. 6). If the collection mak ing were ever to become part of the museum activities, than this would be the world’s first museum. In addition to the religion and religious be liefs, we should mention that people in Am-
Сл. 5 - „Куќата на колекционерот“ - Вардарски Рид, Гевгелија Fig. 5 - "The House of the Collector" - Vardarski Rid, Gevgelija
Formata i izrabotkata na nakitot, kako najpodlo`en na izmeni koi{to za visele od razvieniot estetski vkus na naselenieto vo Amfaksitida, poka`uvaat dotoga{ neviden stepen na umetni~ka izvedba (sl. 4). Od stanbenite objekti posebno vnima nie zaslu`uva „Ku}ata na kolekcionerot# (sl. 5), otkriena na „Vardarski Rid# – Gev gelija. Spored otkrieniot kerami~ki ma terijal i monetite, objektot e datiran vo II vek pred n.e. Ona po {to ovaa ku}a posebno se izdvojuva e toa {to nejziniot sopstvenik sobiral postari predmeti koi imaat visoki estetski vrednosti. Vo nea se otkrieni golem broj artefakti, ka ko 120 kerami~ki sadovi, 16 terakotni figurini, edna mermerna skulptura, po ve}e kultni predmeti od kategorijata „Makedonski# odnosno „Pajonski bronzi“, `elezni i bronzeni predmeti i nakit od bronza, staklena pasta i koska. Celiot ovoj materijal poteknuva od razli~ni pe riodi, od VII do II vek pred n.e. Posebno mesto zazema mermernata skulptura na Afrodita od IV vek pred n.e. (sl. 6). Ako kolekcionerstvoto go opredelime kako muzeolo{ka dejnost, toga{ ovoj objekt bi go tretirale kako prv muzej vo svetski ramki. Koga sme kaj religijata i veruvawata, da spomeneme deka vo Amfaksitida bile neguvani kultovi na pove}e bo`estva. Nekoi od niv vle~at koreni u{te od pra istorijata, drugi se prezemeni od helen skiot panteon ili od Mala Azija, kako {to e kultot na Kibela, ~ii pretstavi vo mermer ili terakota se ~esti naodi na lokalitetite vo regionot. So osvojuvawata na Rimjanite na ovie prostori i formiraweto na provincijata Makedonija (148 g. pred n.e.) vo ramkite na Rimskata Imperija, naselenieto vo po dolg period gi zadr`alo starite kulturni obele`ja, na~in na `ivot i ureduvawe, iako podocna gi poprimilo vlijanijata na dominantnata rimska kultura. Nekoi makedonski gradovi prodol`ile da opsto
phaxitis nurtured paganism. Some god-wor ships date from prehistory, and others are taken from the Hellenistic pantheon or Asia Minor, such as the Kibela cult, whose rep resentations in marble or terracotta are fre quently found at the excavation sites in this region. When the Romans conquered the region and Macedonia Province became part of the Roman Empire in 148 BC, the population had kept for a long time, the same cultural charac teristics, their way of living and organization. However, later they had been affected by the
Сл. 6 - Мермерна скулптура на Афродита Вардарски рид, Гевгелија Fig. 6 - Marble sculpture of Aphrodite - Vardarski Rid, Gevgelija
Сл. 7 - Локалитет Исар, с. Марвинци Fig. 7 - The site of Isar, Marvinci
juvaat i da se razvivaat pod rimska vlast, so odredeni izmeni vo na~inot na uredu vawe. Vo gradovite se javuva poinakva arhitektura koja odgovara na potrebite na rimskiot na~in na `ivot. Religijata, isto kako i vo prethodnite periodi, ima la golema uloga. I vo ovoj period se gra deni hramovi posveteni na odredeni bo`estva. Vakov eden hram e otkrien na lokalitetot „Isar# – s. Marvinci. Toj e lociran na dominantna pozicija nad gra dot i okolinata. Posveten e na Herakle so kogo se identifikuval rimskiot impe rator Komod. Na arhitravnata greda e is pi{an natpis na starogr~ki jazik, od koj doznavame deka hramot e podignat vo 181 g. od n.e. od strana na eden makedonijarh – visok funkcioner na makedonskoto sob ranie. Uslovena od nejzinata geomorfolo{ka, strate{ka i politi~ka polo`ba, oblasta
influence of the predominant Roman culture. Some Macedonian towns continued to exist and develop under the Roman authority with certain changes concerning the way they were organized. Towns began to adopt differ ent architecture that would correspond to the needs of the Roman way of living. Religion still remained as important as in the previous time periods. Temples built to honor certain deities also marked this period. Such temple has been discovered at the excavation site of Isar – v. Marvinci. It is located on a very domi nant position in the town and its surrounding. It has been dedicated to Heracles, whom the Roman emperor Comodus identified with. The architrave beam of the temple has an inscrip tion in Ancient Greek, saying that the temple was built in 181 AD by a Macedoniarch – a high authority in the Macedonian council. Predetermined by the geo – morphologi cal, strategic and political location, the Am19
Amfaksitida vo eden podolg period gi prenesuvala na sever civilizaciskite pridobivki, pritoa izdignuvaj}i se i samata sebe na nivo na vistinski gene rator na kulturnite vrednosti koi zna ~ajno vlijaele vrz sosednite balkanski oblasti. Me|utoa, na golem broj pra{awa povrzani so Amfaksitida naukata s¢ u{te nema odgovoreno. Zatoa, postoi prostor za istra`uvawa so ~ii rezultati bi se nadopolnila celosnata slika za `ivotot vo ovoj region. Zlatko Kovancaliev
phaxitis region had transmitted northwards its own civilization characteristics. It elevated itself to a position of a genuine generator of cultural values, which significantly influenced the neighboring Balkan regions. However, there are many questions connected to the Amphaxitis region that the science is still in search for answers. This leaves the region open for new researches, which results would give the complete picture of the life in this re gion. Zlatko Kovancaliev
Me|unaroden istra`uva~ki centar „Amfaksitida“ International research centre “Amphaxitis” Istorijat na istra`uvawata
Research history
Istorijatot na arheolo{kite istra `uvawa vo gevgelisko-valandovskiot region datira u{te od vremeto na Prva ta svetska vojna. Za prvo arheolo{ko „is tra`uvawe# mo`e da se smeta aktivnosta na germanskite vojnici stacionirani dol` linijata na Solunskiot front. Na ~elo so germanskiot arheolog (oficer) H. Dragendorf, tie vr{ele iskopuvawa kaj selata Dedeli i Marvinci. Po ova, ar heolo{kite aktivnosti povrzani so ovoj region stagniraat ili celosno prekinu vaat. Vo sedumdesettite godini na mina tiot vek, interes pobuduvaat otkritijata povrzani so grupata nekropoli od gevge lisko-valandovskiot region. Vr{eni se pove}egodi{ni sistematski istra`uvawa na nekropolite: Dedeli i Marvinci vo Valandovo, Milci i Suva Reka vo Gev gelija, site so materijal od `eleznoto vreme. Intervenciite prodol`ile i vo naredniot period. Istra`uvawa se vr {eni i na nekolku lokaliteti na koi e identifikuvano naselbinsko `iveewe. Po obemot na rabotite bi mo`elo da se izdvoi sistematskoto istra`uvawe na lokalitetot Isar kaj selo Marvinci. Ar heolo{kite istra`uvawa na drugite lo kaliteti od ovoj period bile so pomal obem i imale za{titen karakter. Vo 1995 g. prof. d-r Dragi Mitrevski otpo~na sis tematski arheolo{ki istra`uvawa na
The history of the archaeological researches of the Gevgelisko - Valandovski region dates from the time of the World War I. The first archaeological research is considered to be the activity of the German soldiers, stationed along the line of the battlefront in Thessaloniki. Leaded by the German (officer) archaeologist H. Dragendorff they made some excavations near the villages of Dedeli and Marvinci. After this, the archaeological activities concerning this region stagnate or are completely stopped. In the ‘70s, a group of necropolises from the Gevgelisko - Valandovski region attracted some attention. Certain long-term systematic excavations, on the necropolises at Dedeli and Marvinci in Valandovo, Milci and Suva Reka in Gevgelija have been made; all with material dating form the Iron Age. The interventions continued in the following years. Some research has been made on several excavation sites, on which settlements have been identified. According to the size of the activities performed we could distinguish the systematic excavation at the site of Isar - v. Marvinci. The archaeological researches at other excavation sites are fewer in number, and short-termed. In 1995, Prof. Dr D. Mitrevski began systematical archaeological researches at the excavation site of Vardarski Rid in Gevgelija. Thanks to this activity, in just a few years, precious information has been obtained, which have been further presented 21
Сл .1 - Поглед на долината на Вардар од локалитетот Глос, с. Грчиште Fig. 1 - Lower Vardar Valley - a view from the site of Glos, v. Grchishte
lokalitetot Vardarski Rid vo Gevgelija. Blagodarenie na ovaa akcija, za nekolku godini se dobieni dragoceni informa cii koi se prezentirani na nau~ni sobiri i vo celost se publikuvani. Rabotite na ovoj lokalitet traat do denes, a }e pro dol`at i vo idnina. Sega{ni aktivnosti Glaven akcent na sega{nite arheolo{ ki aktivnosti davaat istra`uvawata na lokalitetot Glos, s. Gr~i{te. Vo peri odot od 01.06.2006 do 01.07.2006 be{e realiziran proektot „Internacionalen studentski arheolo{ki kamp Amfaksi tida# ~ii inicijatori bea Institutot za istorija na umetnosta i arheologija i stu 22
on scientific conventions and fully published. The activity at this excavation site has been in progress to this day and shall continue in future. Current activities The main focus of the current archeological activities is the research at the excavation site of Glos – v. Grchiste. In the period between 01.06.2006 and 01.07.2006, under the ini tiative of the Institute for History of Art and Archaeology and the students from the Student Archaeological Association “Axios”, the project “International Student Archaeological Camp Amphaxitis” has been realized. The fulfillment of the project was an opportunity for the students of archaeology to get to know and directly
Сл. 2 - Археолошка теренска работа на локалитет Глос, с. Грчиште Fig. 2 - Archaeological fieldwork at the site Glos, v. Grchishte
dentite organizirani vo Studentskoto arheolo{ko zdru`enie „Aksios#. Real izacijata na proektot be{e mo`nost stu dentite po arheologija direktno da se zapoznaat i da u~estvuvaat vo rabotata na teren. Finansiskata podloga ja obez bedija FIOOM (Fondacija „Institut ot voreno op{testvo Makedonija#) i Filo zofskiot fakultet, Skopje. Uspe{nata realizacija na proektot otvori novi na soki i perspektivi. Idni aktivnosti Prodol`uvaweto na istra`uvawata vo Dolnoto Povardarje e osnovna cel i prioritet za arheolozite vo Republika Makedonija. Arheolo{koto bogatstvo, ne govata za{tita i javna prezentacija se temelite na koi se baziraat idnite ak tivnosti na arheolozite. Pokraj arheolozite, za ovoj region, za `al, ima interes i edna druga grupa lu|e, nare~eni „divi kopa~i#. Vo izminative nekolku godini ovaa pojava se zakanuva celosno da ja uni{ti kulturnata istorija na ovoj arheolo{ki najeksponiran del od
Сл. 3 - Археолошка теренска работа - Глос, с. Грчиште Fig. 3 - Archaeological fieldwork - Glos, v. Grchishte
participate in a fieldwork. The financial backup was obtained from the foundation FOSIM (Foundation Open Society Institute Macedonia) and the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. The successful realization of the project has given new directions and opportunities. Future activities The continuance of the excavations in Lower Povardarie is of prime importance for 23
the archaeologists of the Republic of Macedonia. The archaeological heri tage, its protection and public presentation are the basis for the future activities of the archaeologists. However, the archaeo logists are not the only ones who are interested in this region. There exists a group of people called “looters”. In the past several years, this occurrence has threatened to destroy the entire cultural heritage of this archaeologically most exposed part of R. Mace donia. These unfavorable Сл. 4 Документирање на археолошкиот материјал - Глос, с. Грчиште circumstances gave the rea Fig. 4 Documentation of the archaeological finds - Glos, v. Grchishte son for the initiation of an R. Makedonija. Vakviot splet na okolnos important project, with a title: ti be{e pri~ina za izrabotka na seriozen “International Research Centre Amphaxitis”. proekt nasloven kako: „Me|unaroden is This centre is a project of the Institute tra`uva~ki centar Amfaksitida#. for History of Art and Archaeology. It is a Centarot e proekt na Institutot za model for serious and mass extent of the istorija na umetnosta i arheologija. Toj archaeological research and education. There e model za seriozen i masoven obem na are no time limits for the project and it has arheolo{ko istra`uvawe i edukacija. been created to provide permanent presence Proektot nema vremenski ramki, pred of the archaeologists in Lower Povardarie. viden e da obezbedi permanentno pri The educational segment shall be realized sustvo na arheolozite vo Dolnoto Po in cooperation with the Student Archaeology vardarje. Edukativniot segment }e se Association “Axios”, and it includes conti realizira vo sorabotka so Studentskoto nuation of the activity of the Student Archaeo arheolo{ko zdru`enie „Aksios# i podraz logy Camp. This centre has a prefix “interna bira prodol`uvawe na rabotata na stu tional”, and gives the opportunity for foreign dentskiot arheolo{ki kamp. Centarot e archaeological institutions to take part in it. so predznak „me|unaroden# i ovozmo`uva There has been established a collaboration prisustvo na stranski arheolo{ki insti with the American archaeologists from TFAHR tucii. Vo taa nasoka ve}e e obezbedena (Texas Foundation for Archaeological and sorabotka so amerikanski arheolozi od Historical Researches). The American archaeo fondacijata TFAHR (Texas Foundation for logists, together with the archaeologists Archaeological and Historical Researches). from R. Macedonia, have been doing some Tie, zaedno so arheolozite od R. Make excavations in Lower Povardarie for quite donija, ve}e podolgo vreme se prisutni i some time. Other scientists that specialize vr{at istra`uvawa vo Dolnoto Povardar in different scientific areas shall participate je. Vo rabotata na Centarot }e se vklu~at in the activity of the centre, which gives an i nau~nici od drugi nau~ni oblasti, so interdisciplinary notion to the researches. This {to se dobiva interdisciplinaren pri 24
stap vo istra`uvawata. Ova pridonesuva za poefikasna rabota na Centarot i izvr {uvawe na zada~ite na najvisoko mo`no nau~no nivo. So toa se zadovoluva i pred videniot visok kriterium na funkcioni rawe. Krajna cel na Me|unarodniot istra`u va~ki centar e revitalizacija i podgot vuvawe na arheolo{kite lokaliteti za nivna javna prezentacija. Na ovoj na~in }e se pomogne vo izgradbata na op{tata svest za za{tita na kulturnoto nasledstvo i }e se privle~at posetiteli koi direktno }e se zapoznaat so arheolo{koto bogatstvo na Republika Makedonija. Jovan Radwanski
contributes to the more efficient operation of the centre and accomplishment of tasks at the highest possible scientific level. By doing this, we satisfy the predicted high criterion of functioning. The ultimate goal of the international cen tre is the revitalization and preparation of the archaeological excavation sites for their pub lic presentation. By doing this, we hope to help build the common sense for protection of the cultural heritage and attract more visi tors, which shall be directly introduced to the archaeological heritage of Republic of Mace donia. Jovan Radnjanski
Издавач: Студентско археолошко здружение „Аксиос“ Publisher: Student Archaeological Association “Axios” www.axios.org.mk Редакциски одбор: Гоце Павловски (Главен уредник) Јован Радњански Златко Кованцалиев
Рецензенти: проф д-р Драги Митревски м-р Силвана Блажевска Recension: Ph.D. Dragi Mitrevski M.A. Silvana Bla������ ževska
Editorial board: Goce Pavlovski (Еditor in chief) Jovan Radnjanski Zlatko Kovancaliev Превод на англиски јазик: Татјана Ристовска
Лектура: Михаил Лопарски
English translation: Tatjana Ristovska
Macedonian proofreading: Mihail Loparski
Компјутерска подготовка: Бранко Гаштеовски Computer Layout: Branko Ga�������� šteovski Печатница: Тетрагон, Sкопје Printed by: Tetragon, Skopje 300 примероци 300 copies
CIP - Каталогизација во публикација Национална и универзитетска библиотека „Св. Климент Охридски“, Скопје 903/904(497.715)”638/652” АМФАКСИТИДА = Amphaxitis. - Скопје : Студентско археолошко здружение Аксиос : Student Archaeological Association Axios, 2007. - 23 стр. : илустр. ; 26 cm Текст напоредно на мак. и англ. јазик ISBN 978-9989-57-488-7 1.Насп. ств. насл. а) Гевгелиско-Валандовски регион - Археолошки наоди, предисториски б) Гевгелиско-Валандовски регион - Археолошки наоди, антички COBISS.MK- ID 68181258