статии / papers
A lead sling bullet of the Macedonian King Philip V (221–179 BC) Metodi Manov a a
Department of Numismatics and Epigraphy, National Institute of Archaeology with Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2 Saborna Str., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria; hemusthegreat@abv.bg
One of the most interesting ancient artefacts are the lead sling bullets, especially if they have images or inscriptions. The current paper presents a very interesting lead sling bullet, originating from southwest Bulgaria (found somewhere between the villages of Ilindentsi and Gorna Gradeshnitsa, Blagoevgrad district) that was photographed in a private collection in Blagoevgrad some years ago. The lead sling bullet is almond-shaped and is much larger than the known standard sling bullets. The size and weight of this sling bullet puts it among the largest examples of such bullets that are generally rare. Only a few other items similar in size were previously known from Bulgaria, none of which, however, has inscriptions or symbols. It is particularly interesting that the sling bullet discussed here has a surviving ‘ central branch’ and uncut casting residues, i.e. it looks exactly as it was taken out of the mold. Right in the middle of the side depicting a relief thunderbolt, the Greek letters ΦΙ are visible. They are commonly found on bronze coins of Philip V as an abbreviation of his name with only the first two letters. Many numismatics examples define this lead sling bullet categorically as belonging to the Macedonian king Philip V (221–179 BC) and associate it with the campaign of this Macedonian king in the land of the Thracian tribe Maedi and the siege of their settlement Petra in 181 BC, (Livy XL, 22). The artefact discussed here underlines the important role of the sling bullets utilized by the army in the Hellenistic period. If inscribed, these objects can serve as primary sources of information for the reconstruction of some historical events.
Sling bullet, Macedonian king, Philip V, campaign, Thrace, Maedi, Petra
One of the most interesting ancient artefacts are the lead sling bullets, especially if they have images or inscriptions, since that makes them an important source of historical information. After the publication of Venedikov (Венедиков 1952), these objects were rarely discussed in Bulgarian historiography. Almost two decades ago, an attempt was made to summarize the available information (Paunov, Dimitrov 2000), but as far as this research theme is rather large there is always room for new observations and conclusions. Sling bullets found at the Thracian ruler residence at peak Kozi gramadi (Goat heaps) and published in the last decade were definitely connected with two commanders of the Macedonian king Philip II (359-336 BC) (Christov, Manov 2011; Hristov, Manov 2011). Similar inscribed lead sling bullets have been recently published from the time of Philip II that were found in the region of Sliven in Bulgaria, as well as elsewhere in the Balkans (Nankov 2015). Moreover, hitherto unknown type of sling bullets with inscriptions relating to Alexander the Great have been found in Thrace that have been linked to Alexander’s campaign in Thrace in 335 BC (Manov, Torbov 2016). Be-JA Bulgarian e-Journal of Archaeology
Бе-СА Българско е-Списание за Археология
vol. 6 (2016) 191–201 http://be-ja.org ISSN: 1314-5088