Local Red-figure Pottery from the Macedonian Kingdom: The Pella Workshop B Y N I K O S A K A M AT I S
T H E R E G I O N A L P R O D U C T I O N O F R E D - F I G U R E P O T T E R Y: G R E E C E , M A G N A G R A E C I A A N D E T R U R I A
Local Red-figure Pottery from the Macedonian Kingdom: The Pella Workshop B Y N I K O S A K A M AT I S
The local red-figure pottery workshop identified in Pella, dating from the second half of the fourth century, is associated with and extensively influenced by the late period of Attic red-figure production.1 The Attic pottery of this era may have been poorer both in artistic quality and range of subject matter than that of earlier periods, but the development of this local workshop is nonetheless of great interest, since Attic red-figure ware was particularly widespread throughout the Mediterranean and helped shape pottery manufacture in many local workshops. Although the workshop facilities where this pottery was made have not yet been located, a link with Pella is highly probable, for several reasons. The clay and glaze of these red-figure vessels are identical in colour and composition to those of other categories of fine pottery known to have been produced in Pella, while no other city in the Macedonian kingdom can boast such a quantity of local red-figure pottery as that which has come to light in the royal capital. Moreover, some of the finds from Pella appear to be production waste, for example a pelike with unglazed sides (Fig. 1), askoi with defects making them unusable, and fragments with no ground of black glaze around the decoration (see e.g. Fig. 9). Finally, the fact that all the Attic workshops that had a decisive influence on the local product are represented in Pella points to that city as the place where the native ware was manufactured.2 CLAY AND GLAZE Distinguishing local red-figure pottery from the wealth of Attic imports is not easy, since both the shapes and their decoration were heavily influenced by Attic models. Telltale features differentiating locally made red-figure pottery from Attic ware of the second half of the fourth century include the colour and composition of clay and glaze, as well as certain particularities of vessel shape and decorative imagery. The characteristics of the clay and glaze used in the local 178
red-figure pottery were determined both macroscopically and by chemical analysis. The clay of which the Pella workshop red-figure vases are made is fine-grained, hard, and in some cases porous. Some samples contain considerable amounts of mica, while others, like the Attic red-figure vessels, have much less. Characteristically, however, the local pottery frequently contains inclusions, particularly twigs, grasses and bits of limestone, which in many cases cause surface cracking. Clay colour varies considerably and falls, in general, into two categories. The clay in the first category is fairly close to the orangey-red of Attic clay, though often duller and pinker;3 in the other group, the clay is brown or grey.4 These differences in colour are due less to the composition of the clay than to the firing conditions, as is clear from the chemical analyses. Finally, poor firing has produced some vessels that are bright red or pink with a grey or brown core.5 The glazing on these vessels is equally varied. Most have a matte black glaze which is quite different from that on Attic red-figure vessels. Often flaky, it is usually thin and unevenly applied.6 One of the characteristics of the local workshop is the frequent absence of glazing on the interior surface of lekanis lids, a detail which is not found in Attic pottery and rarely in the products of other workshops.7 Macroscopic observation of the clay of which the local products were made was supplemented by chemical analysis of samples of different categories of pottery, as well as of raw clay from workshop sites, with the object of comparing them and investigating their probable Pellan origin. These analyses showed that the red-figure fragments from the local workshop form a relatively homogeneous group, and one which is clearly distinguishable from Attic red-figure pottery. The close relation observed between redfigure pottery from the Pella workshop, vessels decorated in silhouette technique, and most of the black-glazed vessels that were lab-tested in the study reinforces the view that the samples share a common provenance.8 SHAPES The repertory of shapes associated with the Pella workshop is relatively limited, the commonest being the lekanis, followed by the askos and the pelike. The single example of a kalathos-like vessel is interesting for its rarity. Study of the shapes is hindered in many cases by the fragmentary nature of the finds, given the absence of funerary sets. In most
Fig. 2. Local red-figure askos. Pella, inv. 87.1753 (Photo: after Akamatis 2013, pl. 32.2). 1:2
Fig. 1. Local pelike with unpainted panels. Pella, inv. 92.372 (Photo: after Akamatis 2013, pl. 39.1). 1:2
cases, the shapes of the local red-figure vessels reflect Attic types of the second and third quarter of the fourth century. The lekanis, by far the preferred shape of the local workshop, belongs to the category of vessel with two horizontal handles and a lid, the type found particularly in the Attic red-figure lekanides of the fourth century and occurring more frequently than any other throughout the Mediterranean region.9 Like the Attic vessels, the local lekanides have a ring base with an angular or, more rarely, a curved body.10 The handles of the vessels tend towards the triangular in longitudinal section, slope sharply
1 The Pella workshop was the subject of my doctoral dissertation, presented at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2011 and published in 2013. That study covered roughly 270 fragments of red-figure pottery. Today, the tally of products of that workshop exceeds 350. Regarding this article, I would like to thank Professor Michalis Tiverios and Vicky Sabetai for their interest in my work. 2 For the arguments pointing to Pella as the site of the red-figure workshop, see Akamatis 2013, 101-103. 3 On the Munsell scale, vases of the first category are reddish yellow (5YR 6/6-7/6, 6/8 and 7.5YR 6/6-7/6) and pink (5YR 7/4 and 7.5YR 7/3, 7/4-8/4). 4 On the Munsell scale, these vessels are very pale brown (10YR 7/37/4), light brown (7.5YR 5/4-6/4), strong brown (7.5YR 5/6), light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4), light reddish-brown (5YR 6/3-6/4) and more rarely light grey or reddish-grey (2.5YR 7/2, 5YR 7/2 and 5YR 5/2). 5 For the characteristics of the clay, see Akamatis 2013, 13-14. 6 Some vessels have a shiny glaze in places but not over the entire surface. For the glaze see Akamatis 2013, 14. 7 This occurs in some red-figure lids from the Chalcidice workshop. See McPhee 2001, 387, no. 8.172. 8 See in this regard Akamatis 2013, 170-182. 9 For lekanides in general see Sparkes & Talcott 1970, 164-173; Breitfeld-von Eickstedt 1997; Moore 1997, 54-55. For the presence of red-figure lekanides in Pella see Akamatis 2008, 26-27. 10 For the substantial presence of angular-bodied Attic lekanides in Pella, see Akamatis 2008, 27.
T H E R E G I O N A L P R O D U C T I O N O F R E D - F I G U R E P O T T E R Y: G R E E C E , M A G N A G R A E C I A A N D E T R U R I A
Fig. 3a-b. Rim and base of a local red-figure kalathoid vase. Pella, inv. A2422 (Photo: after Akamatis 2013, pl. 49.1, 6). 1:2
upwards, and have projections on either side. The rim curves inwards and the outer surface is usually unglazed. As a rule the lekanis lids have an angular perimeter and a handle in the form of a slender knob on a slender stem; very occasionally the knob is large.11 Of particular interest are certain categories of local lids that differ from their Attic counterparts as regards the sharply angular profile of the shoulder and the slightly different shape of the stem and knob.12 The second commonest vessel shape from the local Pella workshop is the askos of the Attic ‘false-lidded’ type (Fig. 2).13 These vessels have a disk base, a relatively squat body with an angular transition to the shoulder, an arched handle, and a cylindrical spout opening towards the tip to form a ribbon-like rim. There are two differences in shape between the askoi from the Pella workshop and their Attic models. The first lies in the ratio of body height to shoulder height: in the locally made askoi, the height of the body is always greater than that of the shoulder, whereas in the Attic ones they are roughly equal. The second difference between local and Attic askoi lies in the moulding of the false lid: in Attic vessels this usually has six bands surrounding the knob, decorated alternately with unglazed and black-glazed raised rings; in local askoi, the number of bands varies from four to eight. The third favourite shape of the Pellan workshop is the pelike,14 a shape which in Attica, by contrast, was flourishing at this time. The surviving pelikai from the Pella workshop are not uniform in shape and may be classed into 180
Fig. 4. Local red-figure lekanis lid. Pella, inv. 85.2094 (Photo: after Akamatis 2013, pl. 10.1). 1:3
three types,15 of which the first two follow Attic models of the second half of the fourth century, but the third is quite different. The pelikai of the third type have a small base, spherical belly, short cylindrical neck flaring at the top like a kalyx, and a pair of handles slanting sharply away from the body and meeting the rim at an angle (see e.g. Fig. 14).16 Another distinguishing feature of the pelikai from the local Pella workshop is the finishing of the underside of the base, which is black-glazed with a circular depression in the middle, often with a central nipple.17 The kalathos, finally, is a shape that appears extremely rarely, whether in the production of the local Pella workshop or in Attic pottery.18 The kalathos-like vessel from the Pella workshop has a ring base, vertical walls and a bevelled rim (Fig. 3a-b). The unglazed surface of the underside of the base, with its evident wheel-marks and central nipple, may be compared with that of other locally made black-glazed vessels, such as lekanides and bowls. ICONOGRAPHY The imagery on the red-figure vases from the Pella workshop displays little variety, and its motifs are drawn directly from Attic models. The most frequent motif is a Phrygian-capped bust accompanied by griffins or felines, scenes from the female world, and floral subjects. More rarely occurring motifs include facing female busts wearing sakkos, grypomachies, mantled youths, and scenes of human figures with animals. Customarily found on lekanis lids but also commonly
Fig. 5. Local red-figure askos. Pella, inv. 87.1645 (Photo: after Akamatis 2013, pl. 36.4). 1:2
Fig. 6. Attic red-figure lekanis lid. Group of the Vienna Lekanis. Berlin, Pergamonmuseum, inv. V.I. 3264 (Photo: after CVA Berlin 1, pl. 28.1).
on askoi and occasionally on pelikai, scenes with Phrygian-capped busts are the preferred decoration of the Pellan workshop.19 In general, the imagery is highly standardised: on lekanis lids, busts with Phrygian cap face griffins (Figs. 4, 18a),20 on askoi, busts with Phrygian cap facing felines are depicted (Fig. 5),21 and on a pelike in the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, the Phrygiancapped bust is accompanied by an altar and the bust of a horse.22 The composition of these scenes, the secondary supplementary motifs, the postures of the figures and the manner of rendering them are directly inspired by Attic workshops: the lekanis lids reflect the Group of the Vienna Lekanis (Fig. 6),23 the askoi the Painter of Ferrara T.408
11 For this category of lid see Sparkes & Talcott 1970, 168; Îœoore 1997, 54. 12 For the shape of the lekanides produced by the Pella workshop, see Akamatis 2013, 19-22. 13 The basic feature of this type is the series of moulded rings and unglazed grooves around a central nipple, creating the impression of a knobbed lid on the upper part of the vessel. For this shape see Massei 1978, XXXVI-XXXVII; Drougou 2005, 152-153; Akamatis 2013, 22-25. For the askos in general see Sparkes & Talcott 1970, 157-160; Moore 1997, 55-57. For the presence of Attic red-figure askoi in Pella see Akamatis 2008, 27-28. 14 For the evolution of the shape of the pelike, see Sparkes & Talcott
1970, 49-51; Moore 1997, 12-13; Kogioumtzi 2006, 145-146. For imports of Attic red-figure pelikai in Pella, see Akamatis 2008, 29, 75. 15 For the pelikai produced in the Pella workshop, see Akamatis 2013, 25-29. 16 A pelike closely resembling the pelikai from Pella as regards its S-profile and strongly accented belly was found under the remains of a funerary pyre in the necropolis of ancient Akraiphia, which dates from the last quarter of the fourth century. See Sabetai 2004, pl. 209.β. 17 In contrast to the description given above, the underside of the base of the Attic pelikai is unglazed and has a circular depression larger than that found on the local ware. 18 The kalathos, however, does occur in South Italian workshops. For the shape in general see Sparkes & Talcott 1970, 80; Moore 1997, 59. For the kalathos from the Pella workshop, see Akamatis 2013, 29. 19 See Akamatis 2013, 31-38. 20 Between the busts and the griffins there is usually a stylised floral motif with lanceolate leaves, while between the figures are circular motifs divided into rouletted quadrants, which are probably stylised rosettes as they often appear in Attic or South Italian red-figure vases. For related bibliography see Akamatis 2013, 31-32. 21 In some cases there is a stylised floral motif with lanceolate leaves between the figures. 22 This pelike, one of the best-preserved vases from the local Pella workshop, will be the subject of a separate study. 23 For the Group of the Vienna Lekanis see Robinson 1950, 119-121; ARV 2 1501-1502; Akamatis 2013, 61-63.
T H E R E G I O N A L P R O D U C T I O N O F R E D - F I G U R E P O T T E R Y: G R E E C E , M A G N A G R A E C I A A N D E T R U R I A
Fig. 7. Attic red-figure askos. Close to the Painter of Ferrara T.408. Antikenmuseum und Sammlung Ludwig, inv. BS 21.378 (Photo: after CVA Basel 3, pl. 28.9).
(Fig. 7),24 and the pelikai the Group G and the Amazon Painter.25 Interpreting the imagery of these scenes is no easy task. Many scholars who have dealt with the red-figure vase-painting of the fourth century have identified the figures wearing Phrygian cap with Amazons,26 others with Arimasps27 or divinities;28 it has also been suggested that the busts with Phrygian cap were chthonic figures.29 On the askoi, the combination of busts with felines suggests Dionysiac imagery.30 These vase-painters may well have been using elements drawn from Amazon imagery, which had a long tradition in Attic vase-painting. The Athenians adopted this subject matter, perhaps from Persian and Scythian art and probably as being of interest to the consumer market in the Black Sea region, and spread it to other areas, including Macedonia.31 One rare subject which occurs on red-figure vases from the Pella workshop and is also linked to the Eastern world is the grypomachy or battle between griffins and Arimasps.32 This subject has been positively identified on a single pelike and tentatively on another. 33 The scene depicted on the best preserved pelike (Fig. 8), found at Toumba Paionia in Kilkis, is the struggle between a griffin and a female figure dressed in Eastern garb and holding a double-headed axe. The manner of rendering the scene shares many common features with similar scenes on Attic vases painted by Group G and the Amazon Painter.34 182
Fig. 8. Local red-figure pelike. Side A. Kilkis Museum, inv. 1577 (Photo: after Akamatis 2013, pl. 40.1). 1:2
A few lekanis lids from the local Pella workshop have facing female busts (Fig. 9). They wear a richly decorated sakkos and in some cases are separated by a stylised floral motif, a hanging sash or a bird, probably a swan.35 The rendering of the subject clearly reflects the influence of the Attic workshop of the Painter of the Reading Lekanis, as well as other vase-painters of the second and third quarter
Fig. 9. Local red-figure lekanis lid. Pella, inv. A519 (Photo: after Akamatis 2013, pl. 17.94). 1:2
Fig. 10. Attic red-figure lekanis lid. Close to the Painter of the Reading Lekanis. Musée Adrien Dubouché, inv. 80–17 (Photo: after CVA Limoges, pl. 14.5).
of the fourth century who used similar decorative imagery (Fig. 10).36 On the local as on the Attic vases, the sakkosclad busts can in most cases be associated with Aphrodite, whose imagery includes the sakkos, birds, and hanging sashes.37 The female sphere was another popular subject of the Pella workshop, especially for lekanis lids (Figs. 11, 12a-b).38 The lids studied commonly depict four or five female figures.39 They are usually portrayed standing,
24 For the Painter of Ferrara T.408 see ARV 2 1504-1505; Add 383; Akamatis 2013, 68-69. 25 For the Group G see ARV 2 1462-1471; Para 494; Add 380; Bairami 2000, 205-207; Sabetai 2004, 462-463; Kogioumtzi 2006, 122123. For the Amazon Painter see ARV 2 1478-1480; Para 496-497;
Fig. 11. Local red-figure lekanis lid. Pella, inv. 79.1575 (Photo: after Akamatis 2013, pl. 20.113).1:2
Add 381-382; Bairami 2000, 204-208; Kogioumtzi 2006, 119-120. 26 For the identification of these figures as Amazons, see Schefold 1934, 147-148; ARV 2 1467, 1468.109-136, 1480.1-4; Margos 1980 passim; Moore 1997, 143, nos. 64-65; CVA Moscow 5, 42, pl. 23.1 and 43, pl. 23.3 [Ν. Sidorova, O. Tugusheva]; CVA Moscow 6, 73, pl. 64.3-4, 7 [Ο. Tugusheva]. 27 For the identification of these figures as Arimasps, see ARV 2 1467.114, 115; Schauenburg 1982, 255; Moore 1997, 286, nos. 1120, 1123. 28 See Schefold 1934, 146-147; Metzger 1951, 85-89; Flagge 1975, 101-105; Margos 1980, 30-32; Paul-Zinserling 1994, 106-112; Sgouropoulou 2000, 229-234; Drougou 2005, 143-144; LIMC Ι, s.v. Amazones, 647 (P. Devambez, A. Kaufmann-Samaras); LIMC VIII, s.v. Gryps, 610 (M. Leventopoulou). 29 See Margos 1980, 30-33; Sgouropoulou 2000, 233-234; Jijina 2007. 30 For the panther in relation to Dionysiac imagery, see LIMC III, s.v. Dionysos, 461, 509 (C. Gasparri, A. Veneri). 31 See in this regard Metzger 1951, 332; Margos 1980, 32. 32 For the subject of the grypomachy in general, see Metzger 1951, 327-332; Flagge 1975, 52-60; LIMC I, s.v. Amazones, 623-624, 647 (P. Devambez, A. Kaufmann-Samaras, X. Gorbounova); LIMC VIII, s.v. Arimaspoi, 529-534 (X. Gorbounova); LIMC VIII, s.v. Gryps, 609611 (M. Leventopoulou). For its depiction on vases from the Pella workshop see Akamatis 2013, 38-39. 33 Akamatis 2013, pls. 40.1, 42.2. 34 For pedestrian figures fighting griffins on Attic ware, see indicatively CVA Moscow 6, pl. 13.1, 3; Schefold 1934, pl. 40.2; LIMC VIII, s.v. Arimaspoi, pls. 340-341.4-12, pl. 344.40. 35 For this subject see Akamatis 2013, 39-41. 36 For the Painter of the Reading Lekanis, see ARV 2 1501; Akamatis 2008, 60-61; Akamatis 2013, 67-68. 37 For depictions of isolated female heads thought to represent Aphrodite, see LIMC II, s.v. Aphrodite, 108-113, nos. 1074-1157 (A. Delivorrias, G. Berger-Doer, A. Kossatz-Deissmann). 38 Only busts with Phrygian cap and griffins are a more popular subject. See Akamatis 2013, 41-48. 39 To date, only a single example of a male figure and one of an Eros have been found. See Akamatis 2013, pl. 19.112, pl. 25.139.
T H E R E G I O N A L P R O D U C T I O N O F R E D - F I G U R E P O T T E R Y: G R E E C E , M A G N A G R A E C I A A N D E T R U R I A
b. 1:5
Fig. 12a-b. Local red-figure lekanis lid. Pella, inv. 85.904 (Photo: after Akamatis 2013, pls. 12.122, 22.122)
a. 1:2
more rarely seated on a klismos or chest, holding richly decorated folded fabrics and chests. Between them are chests, kalathoi, fans, stools, incense-burners, and pillarlike structures with a stepped summit upon which some vase may be set. These scenes are inspired by the Attic workshops of the OtchÍt Group, the Painter of Agora P 17562, and other vase-painters of the second and third quarter of the fourth century.40 The subjects suggest a nuptial rite, probably the Epaulia, rather than scenes of everyday life in the women’s quarters.41 The vase-painters of the Pella workshop also decorated the front and back sides of pelikai with images of mantled youths (Figs. 13-15), arranged in facing pairs as on the Attic pelikai. The youths are depicted standing, emptyhanded and, save for the head, completely wrapped in their 184
mantles. In some cases there is what appears to be a stylised altar, column or landmark between the figures.42 The youths in these scenes are probably athletes (as on the Attic vases43), except for a single example where the reference may be Dionysiac, given the presence of ivy leaves in the upper part of the composition and an altar between the figures (Fig. 15).44 The differences in imagery between the Pellan vases and their Attic models are very slight. As regards composition, there is more variety in the Attic ware; for example, felines and birds are found in scenes with busts and griffins, while alabastra, mirrors, plemochoai, Erotes and male figures appear in scenes from the female domain. There are also more supplementary motifs and secondary zones of decoration on the Attic vessels. In addition, some
Fig. 14. Local red-figure pelike. Side A. Pella, inv. 87.1282 (Photo: after Akamatis 2013, pl. 44.1). 1:2
Fig. 13. Local red-figure pelike. Side B. Kilkis Museum, inv. 1577 (Photo: after Akamatis 2013, pl. 41.1). 1:2
pelikai from the Pella workshop have mantled youths on both sides, rather than only on the back, as do their Attic counterparts. Finally, the Attic vase-painters make far more use of applied colour and gilding.45
40 For the Otchët Group see ARV 2 1496-1499; Para 499; Add 382; Akamatis 2013, 63-66. For the Painter of Agora Ρ 17562 see ARV 2 1502; Akamatis 2013, 66-67. 41 For the Epaulia see Deubner 1900; Brueckner 1907, 91-112; Oakley & Sinos 1993, 38-47; Vérilhac & Vial 1998, 326-327, 359-360. 42 See Akamatis 2013, 49-51. 43 For the identification of the youths as athletes, see Schefold 1934, 146; Drougou 1982, 91-92; Drougou 2005, 144-145; Langner 2012a. 44 Akamatis 2013, pl. 48.10. 45 Applied white colour is rarely found on pottery from the local Pella workshop. See Akamatis 2013, pl. 25.139, pl. 48.10. Gilded relief work has never been found, to date, on any vessel from the above workshop.
T H E R E G I O N A L P R O D U C T I O N O F R E D - F I G U R E P O T T E R Y: G R E E C E , M A G N A G R A E C I A A N D E T R U R I A
Fig. 16. Local red-figure lekanis lid. Pella, inv. 93.1226 (Photo: after Akamatis 2013, pl. 26.151). 1:2
Fig. 17. Local red-figure lekanis lid. Pella, inv. A61.4 (Photo: after Akamatis 2013, pl. 19.110).1:1
Fig. 15. Local red-figure pelike. Edessa, inv. 91.4 (Photo: after Akamatis 2013, pl. 48.10.2).1:2
The Pella workshop did introduce an innovation, however, in the occasional decoration of lekanis lids with leafy branches and palmettes, motifs that do not appear on the corresponding Attic vessels.46 In some cases the branches are merely outlined or shaded, and accompanied by egg patterns with dots on the rim of the lid; in others, a redfigure leafy branch appears in combination with decorative motifs in silhouette technique (Fig. 16). Some lekanis lids are decorated on the shoulder with bands of egg pattern, dots or tongues, often alternating with reserved bands,47 while a few are ornamented with human figures and horses (Fig. 17).48 CHRONOLOGY Dating the local red-figure vases relies to a great extent on excavation data from solidly dated deposits in which such vessels were found. These include well-shafts and refuse pits in the area of the Pella Agora, an oblation ritual on a tomb at Toumba Paionia in Kilkis, and a burial in the necropolis of Edessa. In all these cases the rest of the finds, which can be dated to a period from the last quarter of the fourth to the second quarter of the third century, provide a chronological framework for the use of local red-figure vases.49 One particularly interesting find is part of the body 186
and lid of a lekanis50 decorated with palmettes as well as Phrygian-capped busts and griffins (Fig. 18a-b). This came to light in 2013, in a refuse pit of the north wing of the Pella agora. The red-figure vessel, which may be assigned to the Pella B Painter,51 was thrown away around 280 BC, together with a great quantity of pottery and small finds, among them coins minted by Demetrius Poliorcetes52 and Lysimachus.53 While the study of these closed deposits suggests that red-figure vases from the local workshop were being used until the first half of the third century, it cannot tell us more precisely when they were made. Therein lies the importance of dating the Attic models after which the local ware was patterned, for this can serve as a terminus post quem for dating the Pellan pottery. Certain workshops, such as the Group of the Vienna Lekanis, the OtchĂŤt Group and the askoi with leafy branches seem to have remained productive after the middle of the fourth century, while the Attic workshops of the Painter of the Reading Lekanis, the Painter of Agora ÎĄ 17562 and the Painter of Ferrara T.408 were at their peak in the third quarter of the fourth century, as were the Group G and the Amazon Painter.54 Taking together the data furnished by the closed excavation sets and the Attic models, we are led to conclude
Fig. 18a-b. Fragments of a local red-figure lekanis lid and body. Pella, inv. 13/798α-β (Photo: Nikos Akamatis). 1:2
that the local Pella workshop must belong to the second half of the fourth century, and that some of the local redfigure vases were still being used in the first half of the third century. CONCLUSION The information we can glean from the excavation data about the organisation of the local workshop is minimal, and is based solely and exclusively on the pottery that has been salvaged. The shapes of the vases indicate substantial specialisation in the production of lekanides, and to a lesser degree of askoi and pelikai. Mass production of certain shapes is a characteristic feature of Attic workshops producing red-figure pottery in the fourth century.55 However, most regional workshops in general produced a greater variety of shapes than those associated with the Pella workshop. The actual location of the Pella workshop facilities has
46 Triangular palmettes and branches are found on lekanis bodies, however, just as they are on products from Attica (Fig. 18b). See Akamatis 2013, 51-53, pls. 1-6. 47 See Akamatis 2013, 51-54, pls. 26-27. 48 See Akamatis 2013, 49, pls. 19.110-111. 49 For the excavation deposits in which red-figure vases from the Pella workshop were found, see Akamatis 2013, 55-61, 89-100. 50 It should be noted that only rarely can lekanis lids from the Pella workshop be linked to their bodies, since these vessels do not occur matched in graves. 51 For the Pella Β Painter see infra. 52 SNG Cop. Macedonia, pl. 31.1224-1228. 53 SNG Cop. Thrace, pl. 24.1157. 54 For this question see Akamatis 2013, 61-70. 55 Beazley commented on this for the Attic red-figure vases of the fourth century, which he distinguishes on the basis of shape: see ARV 2 1406.
T H E R E G I O N A L P R O D U C T I O N O F R E D - F I G U R E P O T T E R Y: G R E E C E , M A G N A G R A E C I A A N D E T R U R I A
not been identified. Based on the large quantity of local red-figure pottery and workshop waste from the Pella agora, we may tentatively place the workshop installations in the general area of the agora, where pottery kilns from the Hellenistic period have been found. The time period to which the vases belong, which is somewhat earlier than that of the agora complex, suggests that the workshop we are looking for may have been in operation during the late phase of the local necropolis.56 Determining the number of craftsmen employed in the local red-figure workshop, and understanding their relation to one another, is not easy. Three vase-painters may be distinguished – namely, the Pella Α, B and C Painters – but some pieces seem to have been decorated by other persons, while in many cases the fragmentary condition of the material makes attribution to a specific vase-painter very difficult.57 In some cases, vases decorated by the same vasepainter seem also to have been made by the same potter, while in other cases there are differences in the shapes of vases decorated by the same hand. Based on what we have been able to determine to date, the most prolific of the local vase-painters was the Pella Β Painter, the least prolific the Pella C Painter. The local workshop very likely also produced black-glazed, and perhaps pottery painted in silhouette technique, as well as red-figure ware.58 On current data it is not easy to say whether the Pella workshop was founded by an immigrant from Athens or by a local potter. The Pella A Painter, who seems to have been the founder of the workshop, displays the greatest Attic influence, recalling the Group of the Vienna Lekanis particularly. His figures are elegant, with numerous decorative details, and the shapes of the lekanides and askoi ascribed to him resemble Attic ware to a remarkable degree. On the other hand, both the manner of rendering the figures and the shapes of the vessels created by the Pella B and C Painters show a more developed stage of work compared to the output of the first vase-painter. As far as we know, however, none of the vasepainters from the Pella workshop seems to have decorated vessels made with Attic clay, which would have supported the case for a relocation from Attica. Very few red-figure vases from the local workshop have come to light outside Pella. Isolated examples have been found at Edessa and Toumba Paionia, that is, at sites within easy reach of the Macedonian capital (Fig. 19),59 while a pelike now in the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki is of unknown provenance. This spatial concentration of 188
the products of the Pella workshop stands in stark contrast to the wide dissemination of Attic red-figure pottery throughout the entire Mediterranean basin. One particularly interesting detail connected with the economy of the city is the ratio of local red-figure vases to Attic imports. Looking at the red-figure pottery from Pella that can be dated to roughly the middle-to-third quarter of the fourth century (the period coinciding with the operation of the local Pella workshop), we find that 71 per cent comes from Attica and only 29 per cent from the local workshop. The same is true of other regions with their own local workshops, such as Chalcidice and Euboea.60 The data thus far suggest that the local Pella workshop’s specialisation in the production of lekanides and askoi was a response to the requirements of a specific buying public within the city of Pella, and that this had to do mainly with women and their world. The deduction that the local red-figure ware was used mainly by women is based on the obvious preference for lekanides and the absence of kraters, skyphoi and other drinking vessels. It is further supported by the subject matter of the imagery on the lekanides, which frequently draws on the female world. The limited number of red-figure vases from the local workshop in the graveyards of Pella and the surrounding area is due largely to the local shape-type production, for with the exception of the pelike, a shape in any case rarely made by the local potters, these were not appropriate for funerary use.61 The strong Attic influence on shape and decoration is not confined to the products of the Pella workshop but is seen also in the red-figure vases of Laconia, Corinth, Boeotia, Euboea and Chalcidice.62 In some cases, indeed, as for example in the workshops of Chalcidice, Boeotia and Corinth, red wash was used on the reserved surfaces to give the vessel a colour resembling that of Attic pottery.63 This also occurred, albeit very occasionally, in the local Pella workshop, where it is associated chiefly with the work of the Pella Β Painter.64 The products of the local workshop that have been found in Pella have little in common with those of other fourth-century workshops in continental Greece outside Attica, save for a general preference for certain shapes and decorative motifs. Our workshop is more closely akin to the Chalcidice workshop, whose confirmed products include a small number of lekanides, askoi and pelikai.65 A decorative motif common to both workshops is the bust with sakkos or Phrygian cap, accompanied in some cases by the bust of a
Fig. 19. Map of ancient Macedonia with marked findspots of Pellan red-figured pottery (after: Ginouvティs (ed.) 1993, 27).
56 So far there is no evidence for buildings, whether private or public, preceding the Agora at Pella. For the necropolis in the area of the Pella Agora see Akamatis 2002, 49, n. 40; Akamatis 2003b; Akamatis 2006, 247-256, with older bibliography. For the Pella Agora, where the oldest construction period dates to the final quarter of the fourth century, see Akamatis 1999; Akamatis 2003a with related bibliography. 57 For the vase-painters of the Pella workshop see Akamatis 2013, 71-84. 58 See Akamatis 2013, 102-103. 59 For sites where vases from the Pella workshop have been found, see Akamatis 2013, 89-100. 60 For the Chalcidice workshop, see Robinson 1933 and 1950 passim; McPhee 2001, 357. For the local production of the Euboean workshops and imports of Attic pottery at Eretria, see Gex 1993, 75-90. 61 In Macedonia red-figured lekanides and askoi are seldomly found in burials. See Akamatis 2013, 21, n. 44, 25, n. 65. 62 For the Attic influence on the red-figure pottery of Laconia, see McPhee 1986a, 158. For Corinthian pottery see ホ容rbert 1977, 2-4; Pemberton 2003. For Boeotian pottery see Avronidaki 2007, 31-32.
For Euboean pottery see Gex & McPhee 1995, 9. For the pottery of Chalcidice see McPhee 1981, 298. See further Stroszeck, McPhee, Sabetai, Zampiti, Kalliga, Avronidaki and Gex in the present volume. 63 For the use of red wash in the above workshops, see McPhee 1981, 297; McPhee 1983, 139; Avronidaki 2007, 55. 64 For the use of red wash in the Pella workshop, see Akamatis 2013, 108. 65 The Chalcidice workshop displays a greater variety of shapes, the most characteristic one being the skyphos. For the shapes produced by that workshop, see McPhee 1981, 297-298.
T H E R E G I O N A L P R O D U C T I O N O F R E D - F I G U R E P O T T E R Y: G R E E C E , M A G N A G R A E C I A A N D E T R U R I A
griffin, rather than the entire creature as was the preference of the Pella workshop.66 More rarely there are common secondary motifs, such as rosettes and running scrolls.67 As for how the local workshop came into being, it is possible to speculate to some extent. A significant contributing factor seems to have been the gradual decline in the production of red-figure pottery in Athens.68 Another is the waning power of the Second Athenian League and the parallel loss of Athenian influence on the coasts of Chalcidice, the Thermaic Gulf and Thrace, which by this time had come under the sway of Philip II.69 These factors seem to have led to a reduction in imports of Attic redfigure pottery by comparison to the second quarter of the fourth century, both in Pella and in many other regions.70 It is highly likely that the demand for Attic red-figure vases remained strong even in the final third of the fourth century, which might have led to the creation of a local workshop to meet local needs. This hypothesis is supported by the close adherence of the local red-figure vases to the shape and decoration of their Attic models, and by the fact that these vessels continued to be used, albeit to a lesser degree, throughout the first half of the third century – that is, after red-figure pottery had ceased to be made in Athens. It is telling that in the wells and refuse pits of Pella that contain material from the third century, there was as much or more local red-figure pottery than imported Attic ware: a total reversal of the situation in the fourth century.
66 For scenes of busts with sakkos or Phrygian cap, see indicatively McPhee 1981, pl. 49.c, pl. 52.a, c, e, pl. 53.b. For scenes with busts of griffins, see McPhee 1981, pl. 52.c. 67 See Robinson 1933, pl. 122.269; McPhee 1981, pl. 52.c. 68 During the third quarter of the fourth century imports of Attic redfigured pottery are considerably decreased in Pella. For the decline in red-figure pottery in Athens and Pella in the third quarter of the fourth century, see Akamatis 2008, 69, 74, n. 197. 69 For the events of the period in question, see indicatively Hammond & Griffith 1979, 566-646; Errington 1986, 44-97; Lane Fox 2011, 352-355. 70 See Akamatis 2008, 74, n. 198 with related bibliography.
Bibliographic abbreviations
T H E R E G I O N A L P R O D U C T I O N O F R E D - F I G U R E P O T T E R Y: G R E E C E , M A G N A G R A E C I A A N D E T R U R I A
Bibliographic Abbreviations
Archaeological Reports
Archäologischer Anzeiger
Archivio Storico Siracusano
Αρχαιολογικά Ανάλεκτα εξ Αθηνών
Beazley, J. D. 1963. Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters (2nd edition), Oxford
Beazley, J. D. 1956, Attic Black-figure Vase-Painters, Oxford
Annuario della Scuola archeologica di Atene e delle missioni italione in Oriente
Athenaeum. Studi di letteratura e storia dell’antichità
Accordia Research Papers
Acta Archaeologica
Acta Hyperborea
Atti e Memorie della Società Magna Grecia
Carpenter, T. H., with Mannack, T. and Mendonca, M. 1989, Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition, Oxford
Atti del Convegno di Studi sulla Magna Grecia
Antike Welt
Aρχαιoλoγικόν Δελτίον BABesch
Bulletin Antieke Beschaving
American Journal of Archaeology BAPD
Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archölogischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung
The Beazley Archive pottery database (
Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique
Annali di Archeologia e Storia Antica
Bollettino d’Arte
Annali della Scuola normale superiore di Pisa
Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies
Anodos. Studies of the Ancient World
The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin
Antaios. Zeischrift für eine freie Welt
Annual of the British School at Athens
Antiken aus Bonn
Antiken aus dem Akademischen Kunstmuseum Bonn, 2nd edition, 1971, Düsseldorf
Papers of the British School in Rome
Civiltà Classica e Cristiana
Antike Kunst
Classical Antiquity
Archaeologia Classica
Amyx, D. A. 1988, Corinthian Vasepainting of the Archaic Period, Berkeley
Aρχαιoλoγική Eφημερίς
Cronache di Archeologia
Journal of Archaeological Science
Corpus Speculorum Etruscorum
Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum
Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts The Journal of Hellenic Studies
Dialoghi di Archeologia
Journal des Savants
Enciclopedia dell’Arte Antica classica e orientale
The Journal of the Walters Art Gallery
Kernos. Revue Internationale et Pluridisciplinaire de Religion Grecque Antique
Kokalos. Studi pubblicati dall’Istituto di storia antica dell’Università di Palermo
Kölner Jahrbuch
Trendall, A. D. & Cambitoglou, A., 1967-1983, The Red-figured Vases of Lucania, Campania and Sicily, London (suppls. I-III)
Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae
Mediterranean Archaeology
Mediterranean Historical Review
Mélanges de l'Ecole Française de Rome. Antiquité
Echos du Monde Classique
Eikasmos. Quaderni Bolognesi di Filologia Classica
Έργον της Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας
Etruscan Studies
Beazley, J. D. 1947, Etruscan Vase Painting, Oxford
Furtwängler, A. & Rheinholdt,K. W. 1904-1932, Griechische Vasenmalerei I-VI, Munich
Forschungen und Berichte. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Greece and Rome
Greek Vases in the J. Paul Getty Museum
Hermathena. A Trinity College Dublin Review
Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome
Hesperia. Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens
Mètis. Anthropologie des mondes grecs anciens
Israel Exploration Journal
Metropolitan Museum Journal
Istanbuler Mitteilungen
Mnemosyne. A Journal of Classical Studies
Inscriptiones Graecae
Monumenti antichi. Serie miscellanea
T H E R E G I O N A L P R O D U C T I O N O F R E D - F I G U R E P O T T E R Y: G R E E C E , M A G N A G R A E C I A A N D E T R U R I A
Monuments et Mémoires. Fondation Eugène Piot
Prospettiva. Rivista di Storia dell'Arte Antica e Moderna
Münchner Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst
Revue Archéologique
Munsell Soil Color Charts (1994)
Notizie degli Scavi
Pauly, A. & Wissowa, G. 1839-, Realencyclopädie der Klassichen Altertumswissenschaft, Stuttgart
Numismatica e antichità classiche. Quaderni ticinesi
Revue des Études Grecques
Revue de l’Histoire des Religions
Ocnus. Quaderni della Scuola di specializzazione in archeologia
Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Römische Abteilung
A. D. Trendall and A. Cambitoglou 1978-1992, The Red-figured Vases of Apulia, Oxford
A. D. Trendall 1987, The Red-figured Vases of Paestum, Roma
Siris. Studi e ricerche della Scuola di specializzazione in archeologia di Matera
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum
Studi di antichità. Università di Lecce
Studi Etruschi
Studien zur Unteritalishen vasenmalerei
Schauenburg, K. 1999-2011, Studien zur Unteritalischen Vasenmalerei, I-XIV, Kiel
Phoenix. The Journal of the Classical Association of Canada. Revue de la Société canadienne des études classiques
Taras. Rivista di Archeologia
Thesaurus Cultus et Rituum Antiquorum
La Parola del Passato
Women’s Studies
The European Journal of Women’s Studies
Πρακτικά της εν Aθήναις Aρχαιoλoγικής Eταιρείας
Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde
Berichte über die Ausgrabungen in Olympia
Opuscula. Annual of the Swedish Institutes at Athens and Rome
Orizzonti. Rassegna di archeologia
Ostraka. Rivista di Antichità
Jahreshefte des Österreichischen Archäologischen Institutes in Wien
Oxford Journal of Archaeology
Pallas. Revue d'Études Antiques
J. D. Beazley, 1974, Paralipomena: Additions to Attic Black-figure Vasepainters and the Attic Red-figure Vasepainters, Oxford
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