18 THE ROYAL COURT IN ANCIENT MACEDONIA: THE EVIDENCE FOR ROYAL TOMBS Olga Palagia The archaeological evidence for royal courts is best obtained from excavations of palaces. Three royal Macedonian palaces are known to date, located at Pella and Vergina (Aigai) in Macedonia and Demetrias in Thessaly. As palaces are addressed elsewhere in this volume, I will confine myself to tombs in Macedonia and what they can teach us about the king of Macedon and his court in the periods of Philip II, Alexander III and the Successors.1 Monumental underground tombs, often decorated with wall-paintings, have been coming to light at Pella, Vergina, Lefkadia, Potidaia, Dion, Pydna, Thessaloniki and Amphipolis, producing a wealth of information about Macedonian attitudes to the hereafter and, to a lesser extent, the practices of the royal court.2 We have four categories of underground house tombs in Macedonia: chamber tombs, rock-cut chamber tombs, cist tombs, which consist of a rectangular chamber built of ashlar blocks and accessible only through the roof (Fig. 18.1), and the so-called Macedonian tombs which have a barrel-vault roof, a front entrance and a façade often decorated in imitation of a propylon (Fig. 18.2). These tombs were costly affairs, often going in tandem with cremation, an expensive burial method that could only be afforded by the Macedonian elite. Though the earliest monumental tomb painted with a narrative scene (Vergina Tomb I: Fig. 18.1) is now generally associated with Philip II and his family (see section 1 below), the majority of painted Macedonian tombs were financed with the spoils of Alexander’s conquest of Asia and date roughly between the last quarter of the fourth century and the first quarter of the third.3 Because of the feudal system in Macedonia, it has been argued that the king was only first among equals,4 something that is reflected in the large number of monumental decorated tombs which served not only royals but also the king’s companions and their families. Making a distinction between royal tombs and tombs of the elite is fraught with difficulties, especially when the tombs have been plundered. Two of the most spectacular painted