2 minute read
Kilayin Kapampangan
Dr. Rodolfo Eduardo B. PACHECO

I must admit that even though I have been familiar with this dish since time immemorial, this is my first time cooking it. Use a large pot for this dish. Some chefs prefer to fry or didikdikan (pulverize) the liver to intensify the taste. Others add more bawang for a better taste. It depends on your preference.
When you sauté, do so until the sibuyas become translucent and sweet. Red onions are harder to cook, but better tasting. If you want to have a thicker sauce, use the fat from pork kasim. Meat that is brought from the wet market from a freshly killed pig is better.

Kilayin Kapampangan

laman/liempo babi (Kasim) ate babi (pork liver) pusung babi (pork heart) pork pancreas pork ate (liver) pork baga (lungs) aslam (vinegar) patis (fish sauce) laurel (bay leaf) larang pamaksi (green chili) sibuyas (onions) bawang (garlic) asin (salt) pamintang durug (white pepper)
Cut the pusung babi, ate, laman/ liempo, lape-lape and baga into small pieces and put them in the pot.. Also cut small pieces of bawang, sibuyas and larang anis or
larang pamaksi if you want the final dish to be spicy. Add the laurel. To do a quick version, blanche all the meat together while separately sautéing the bawang, sibuyas and larang anis or larang pamaksi, patis, and aslam. Add some water or soup stock from boiling the meat. Let the mixtures of sautéed spices and the meat boil and simmer until almost dry.
I prefer the longer method. After cleaning the meat group, boil these in salt and water and watch for a discoloration and floating bubbles. Remove the bubbles. Put some of the baga and the pusu in a bowl to marinate in aslam, asin, pamintang buu and laurel for 30 minutes to 1 hour. Ideally, this would be overnight. Do the same for the pork Kasim and pancreas together, with the pork liver separately. After marinating, repeat the process of sautéing mentioned above.. Add the liver last to the mixture, as it may absorb the sauce and overall taste of the dish. When added, press the liver firmly flat to the bottom of the pot to extract the savor. Do not stir. Let it boil, then simmer for 30 minutes.
Since this dish has aslam, which is a very strong ingredient, it is better to let it cool down before serving so the fresh sour taste would be neutralized.
I am mild mannered, like Superman. I love gadgets, like Batman. I get mad, like the Hulk, but I am dashing, like Thor. A lot of people tell me that I am cute, maybe because of my attitude, as I always look at things positively. I am the type of person that still loves anime and attends cosplays. I go to gadget expos just to see the latest features of the new iPhone, and browse websites on photography, as I am a hobbyist photographer. In my spare time, I am a chef and while cooking, I think of myself as a contestant in a cooking competition because I enjoy the idea of cutting onions and igniting the pan for fun.