2 minute read
Vianda ning Arayat

Vianda is a common household name that describes a causal dish in Arayat and Magalang, Pampanga. It’s comfort food, as it’s something that we can cook anytime, given the resource of manuk that is all around the farmland, especially near the slope of the mountain. I remember that during my childhood years, the chickens we used were native chickens, which tasted so great since they were bred to eat only the natural feed in our backyard.
Dr. Alice T. BUAN

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PAN 5 - 7
pichu (chicken breast) repolyu (cabbage) larang pamaksi (green chili) larang mamparas (chili) toyu ( soy sauce) sibuyas (onions) bawang (garlic) asin (salt)
Make no mistake, this vianda is a totally different dish than chopsuey, or even the Portuguese version of vianda . The Arayat Vianda relies on chicken stock taken from the boiled chicken breast. In a barrio setting, when you cook chicken, you cannot cook a dish where all parts are legs or thighs. You can only rely on a whole chicken, slaughtered that very day. The chicken is maximized, so we make good use of every part.
EASY 1 HR 30 MiN
Cooking this dish is a simple process. Boil the breast with salt. When it is cooked, remove the meat and cut it into pieces. and set aside the stock, to be used as liquid for soaking the cabbage for tenderizing. Sauté the ingredients, starting with the bawang, sibuyas and green chili. When they are ready, add the chicken and stir. Pour the soy sauce directly into the chopped chicken so it will absorb the soy sauce.
When all ingredients have started to come together to create a sauce from the chicken’s own oil, pour in the sliced cabbage. On the other hand, if you prefer, the cabbage can be fried first, to make it crunchy. When the chicken and it’s mixture of ingredients are well done, sprinkle on the minced chili and pour in the cabbage. Mix thoroughly and turn off the heat.
Close the lid to keep things hot for serving.
During my school days, my friends called me “Alice Kamatis” (just rhyming the words).I was usually first in line during assembly for Monday flag ceremony.. I’ll let you figure out why. My ambition was to be a lawyer, to defend and protect others in court But, as it turned out, I became a doctor. It was the same intention, but in a different way, to defend and protect others from illness. assembly for Monday flag ceremony. I’ll let you figure out why.