BPro RC 5+6 2016/17_Cr[E]stal

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Crystal growth on copper through electroplating

Tutors: Daniel Widrig Guan Lee Soomeen Hahm Stefan Bassing Igor Pantic Adam Holloway TEAM MEMBERS: Juyu Chang Shuang Tan Tengxiang SU Xiyuan Luo




1.1 Project brief

8.1. Graphite paint test 8.2. Stool prototype and fabrication 8.3. Digital development

2. MATERIAL RESEARCH 2.1. Electroplating Reference 2.2. Material Studies 2.3. Experiment Setup

9. SURFACE SYSTEM 9.1. Copper sheet test and analysis 9.2. Other surface test 9.3. Design prototype and fabrication



3.1. Parameters studies 3.2. Linear geometry test

10. Geometry Extrusion 10.1. Initial extrusion studies



4.1. Other copper material 4.2. Copper Oxidisation

11.1. Digital Prototype 11.2. Material Simulation



5.1. Reference 5.2. Design Prototype 5.3. Initial Material Simulation

12.1. Framework fabrication 12.2. Component electroplating



6.1. Design Proposal 6.2. Fabrication 6.3. Electroplating process

13.1. Initial surface type 13.2. Architectural Application



7.1. Geometry clustering 7.2. Cluster + Path


CR[E]STAL INTRODUCTION SHUANG TAN, TENGXIANG SU, XIYUAN LUO, YUJU CHANG Cr[E]stal is a project of Bartlett AD Research Cluster 5&6. Under three tutors’ guidance: Guan Lee, Daniel Widrig and Soomeen Ham. The design project brings focus on the combination of chemical experiment, hands-on crafting with advanced computational, parametric softwares to create or realize new design and materialities and processes. From chemical experiments, it can be figured out by electroplating copper itself can lead to organic crystallization and some rules of growth pattern also can be controlled which related to digital part. Concretely, Cr[E]stal aims to explore a design system by using copper and the method of electroplating to create crystals on physical models. From early stage, iron was chosen to be the start point. Yet, its chemical activity is much high than copper that itself will get rusted instead of being plated. Afterwards, other nonmetal materials such as wood and paper added with graphite paint are also tested. Graphite is conductive however its chemical activity is lower than copper. Thus, the plating results are not obvious in this part. Finally, copper is tested and demonstrated organic and structural crystals within appropriate voltage, current and liquid proportion. Meanwhile, some simple design languages are added in copper tests to see its results. This plating process needs time and patience.

Within around one week, it would be visible cooper crystals growing on top of the origin structure. After one to two month, the crystal would grow into various amazing clusters which is similar to coral and other aggregation ways in natural. In digital research, this project focus on demonstrating how Rule-based Digital Modeling affect experiment in architectural design and the way it helps to increase crystallization. Generally, there are four design language systems in this project started from previous studies. They are Thickness Control System, DLA System, Path System, Projecting 2D to 3D System. All of them have certain principles of building up the language system, which are the bases for further digital modeling. To sum up, considering all the introductions above, the whole process of experiment is very important as a premise to the following discussions about Rule-based Digital Modeling and a source which rules are extracted from. Correspondingly, based on the four systems, digital feedback can respond to and interact with electroplating, in which way we could further improve existing experiment principles as well. There are still numerous experiments awaiting us for more exploration as well as digital design methods.The Complexity of materiality and Computer Aided Design, and how they interplay with each other and create unexpected outcome can affect architectural design with new aesthetic aspect.

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL



[ Material Research ]

> Electropalting Reference > Material Studies > Experiment Setup

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Material Research | Reference

- Reference: Nick van Woert - electroplating on plastic

This Project is inspired from some long-time electroplating art works, where the copper ion aggregate within a long period of time and the growth of crystal starts

to become quite visible from macro view. And we are aiming to bring this process

to architectural field, exploring the potential design theory and methodology.


- Reference:

- long time elctroplating on copper

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 11

Material Research | Material choice

price plating time plating thickness

After researching and analysing the

price, plating time comsuming and the strength of various materials, we fi-

nally chose copper as our transmitting metal due to its affordable price, high

conductivity , good transmitting speed and good potential aesthetic value.











Red Copper

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 13

Material Research | Experiment setup

> Theory of Electroplating

Electroplating, one of the coating technologies, is well-known

for improving the properties of substrates or making smooth and bright surfaces. The electroplating process called electro-

deposition has many advantages. Of which the most interesting one is the plating process can be precisely regulated by adjust-

ing the electrochemical parameters. Basically, the experiment needs an external battery charger, two electrodes, the right

solution and a tank. The figures above illustrate a typical plating tank with copper sulphate solution. A dynamo engine provides

electric current, which is controlled by an adjustable resistor.

> Process Diagram

Cathode Anode

When the electrocircuit is closed, some of the electrons discharged from the cathode bar will get in touch with the copper ions(Cu ²) which are charged positively. Then these cop-

per ions are set free as atoms of copper and then form a thin copper coat on the cathode surface. In the meantime, the same amount of negatively charged sulphate ions discharge

electrons on the anode bars completing the electrical circuit.


> Basic setup




power supply


transmitting metal

receiving metal

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 15

Material Research | Initial test

> Test on steel > Test A Bare steel


voltage level



1 hour

36 hour


> Test B Bare steel voltage level


1 hour

36 hour


> Test C Bare steel voltage level

Coating Difference


1 hour



> Test D Graphite coated voltage level


1 hour



We first test copper plate on steel. Corrosion of iron in steel happened before the electroplating started and plating results was not satisfied. Since copper is an active metal and does not readily plate onto a pas-

sivated surface, making direct plating of iron-based metals difficult.


> First test on copper > Test A Solid stick

Copper stick Linear Geometry

voltage level thickness strength

72 hours

120 hours

> Test B Copper tube

Copper stick Linear Geometry

voltage level thickness

0 hour

72 hours


> Test C

Copper Tube Enclosed Geometry voltage level thickness

0 hour

36 hours


The test on copper was sucessful compared to the experiment on steel. The copper structure kept receiving large amount of

copper particle from transmitting copper wire and the cyrstal growth is quite stable and can stay on the structure permanently.

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[ Initial Experiment ]

> Parameters studies > Linear geometry test

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Initial Experiment | Parameter studies

> Test with different Voltage

20 V



strength thickness

15 V





strength thickness

10 V strength thickness




strength thickness

0 min


1 min

2 min

5 min

10 min

15 min

20 min

30 min

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 21

Initial Experiment | Parameter studies

> Voltage analysis

After testing with different electrical volotages, the plating pro-

cess will be faster with the higher voltage. But in the meantime

the higher voltage will cause the growing copper crystals unstabler. To achieve the best crystalization quality, a balance between the plating speed and the strength of the deposite crystal needs to be found in a specific electroplating process. In other words, using the suitable voltage is vital for the crystalization process.


> Crystal growth with 2V power

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 23

Initial Experiment | Linear geometry test

> Voltage analysis

Test with copper tube, copper sheet and graphite paint on 3D-printed plastic, all the substrates can be plated. The deposites have different characteristics on different substrates. While the copper crys-

tals grow relatively average on the graphite paint, they grow more at the corner of the copper tube and the edge of the copper sheet.

After a long period time of 45 days’ electroplating, the copper frame become quite crystalized and the thickness increased from

4mm diameter to 60mm and the growth stays strong and well shaped. While the new particles become larger and larger. Thus

we decided to make more complex geometric for further tests.

After testing with different electrical volotages, Test with copper tube,

copper sheet and graphite paint on 3D-printed plastic, all the substrates can be plated. The deposites have different characteristics on

different substrates. If a low voltage applied, the crystals will grow into smooth multilayers which are forming by the stacking of a number

of metallic particles and the electrodeposits show equilibrium state.


> Same voltage on different material

copper tube

copper sheet

3D Print

2 hours

1 day

2 days

3 days

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 25

Initial Experiment | Linear geometry test - diamond shape

> Initial Test on copper tube

Test on different geometries

with the same setup, we were trying to figure out whether

the gap among the paths can be filled and separate lines

can merge into one surface.

Electric current: 0.45A Original thickness: 4mm


2 days

10 days

15 days

20 days

28 days 40mm

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 27

Initial Experiment | Linear geometry test - diamond shape

> Initial Test on copper tube

Test on different geometries

with the same setup, we were trying to figure out whether

the gap among the paths can be filled and separate lines

can merge into one surface.

Electric current: 0.45A Original thickness: 4mm

28 days


35 days

32 days

40 days

45 days 60mm

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 29

Initial Experiment | Linear geometry test - diamond shape

> Initial Test on copper tube

0 days

After a long period time of 45 days’ electroplating, the copper frame become quite crystalized and the thickness increased from 4mm diameter to 60mm and the growth stays strong and well shaped. While the new particle becomes larger and larger. Thus we decided to make more complex geometric for further tests.


45 days

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 31

Initial Experiment | Linear geometry test - polyhedron

> Test on copper tube polyhedron frame Test on a bigger scale 3D geometry with the same setup. Since the 3D geometry which recognized as cathode is wrapped around the copper wire recognised as the anode, the out layer of the 3D geometry growed more crystals than the inner wires.

30 days


35 days

Electric current: 0.45A Original thickness: 4mm

40 days

45 days

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 33

Initial Experiment | Linear geometry test - setup

> Test on copper tube polyhedron frame Test on different geometries with the same setup, we were trying to figure out whether the gap among the paths can also be filled and separate lines can merge into one surface.

Electric current: 0.45A Original thickness: 4mm


> Path test A

> Path test B

> Path test C

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 35

Initial Experiment | Linear geometry test - polyhedron 0 days


2 days

12 days

28 days

30 days

> Path test A

> Path test B

> Path test C

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 37

Initial Experiment | Linear geometry test - polyhedron

> Test on copper tube polyhedron frame

Conclusion After one month electroplating, large amount of crystal growth

started to appear on some parts of the geometries. While the thickness change was less than the previous 2d frame due to

the complexity of framework. The growth also seems to be various from different joints.

After one month electroplating, large amounts of crys-

tal growth started to appear on some parts of the geom-

etries. While the thickness change was less than the previous 2d frame due to the complexity of framework. The growth also seems to be various from different joints. While the gaps among the separate paths do get smaller, unfortunately individual path does not merge into a sur-

face. Test on different geometries with the same setup, we were trying to figure out whether the gap among the paths

can be filled and separate lines can merge into one surface.


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[ Initial Experiment II ]

> Other copper material > Copper oxidization

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Initial Experiment II | Other copper material

> Test on copper mesh

We also did experiment on other copper material such as copper mesh. The mesh is easier to shape and cut compared to copper tube. Thus, we can create a lots of types of form by

twisting, bending, cutting and weaving copper mesh. crystal

started to fill the hole between the mesh. The unplaced shape

was very flexible and easy to alter. However, after the plating,

the structure become stronger and the shape can maintain.


mesh sample

deform A


deform B


cut mesh

deform A


deform B


> Test on copper tape and sheet

We also did other test by using copper tape, which is a very thin copper sheet with one laminated side. the glue help the tape to stick on any object or structure. and it is very easy to

work on like cutting and shaping. Also, the crystal grew very fast on copper tape. Besides, we did our first experiment on copper sheet. no crystal appears to be growing on the sheet.

The reason will be further explained in our latest surface study.

tape sample

test on wood

test on glass

sheet sample

cutting test

folding test

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 43

Initial Experiment II | Copper oxidisation

> Copper oxidisation

We noticed that after we take out the electroplated compo-

nent from copper sulphate solution, the colour of the compo-

nent will turn into green shortly. This is because the oxidisation process happened when the copper ion get in tough the air.


original color

oxidized color


original color

oxidized color


> Copper Oxidisation

And sometimes if we only leave some part of the component

inside the liquid and take it out after a while, we will achieve a gradient colour from red to green and the colour will last for a

long time. We lately apply this color in our crystal simulation.

original color

original color

oxidized color

oxidized color



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[ Spaceframe Study ]

> Reference > Design Prototype > Initial Material Simulation

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Space frame Study | Reference

We did some digital study on space frame because this structure is widely used in metal framework. The reference was based on random form. In our case to make the structure more

logical, we decided to use component based spaceframe. And learning from the project Spacestream from Barteltt RC6.


[ Initial electroplating test ]

Reference: Antony Gormley , Drift, lightweight structure, Rupture

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 49

Space frame Study | Design Prototype

> Chair design

Firstly, we use polyhedron as our component. we also use 3 scale

component to rich our design language. the component is form into clusters according to different guid lines and different range of density. Based on this design languages, we developed a few appplication on chari design.

chair design 1


chair design 2

chair design 3

chair design 4

chair design 5

chair design 6

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 51

Space frame Study | Design prototype

> Table design

We also applied certain strength on the clustering frame. the strength is a continues line that follows the edges of the geometric component. it helps strength the framework structure

and give more aesthetic to the design. We can apply this lan-

guages in various architectural design such as table design and chair design.


> Chair design

We also applied certain strength on the clustering frame. the

strength is a continues line that follows the edges of the ge-

ometric component. it helps strength the framework structure

and give more aesthetic to the design. We can apply this lan-

guages in various architectural design such as table design and chair design.

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 53

Space frame Study | Material Simulation

> Copper crystal simulation

At early stage of the project, we tried a few ways to simulate the crystal from during electroplating process. This one is done by

grasshopper script. The structure was divided into a few parts

and small particles were created around these area. The particles can be set as random appear so it would me more realistic. We also alter the thickness of the frame some part of the structure.


> Copper crystal simulation

Besides, we also tried different ways to simulate the process in a more idea manner. By using the DLA algorithm, particles were

create in a 3D space to experience random walk until they hit the seed particle - the sturcture. As a result, a very complex brown-

ian tree structure were created on top of the original frame

work. Then through Zbrush, we could also strength the effect.

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[ Stool Prototype ]

> Design Proposal > Fabrication > Electroplating process

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Stool Prototype | Design proposal

> Stool design and proposals Based on our experiment on 3D geometrical com-

ponents, we decided to fabricate a small chair as

our first ambitious test on big scale electroplating. The










sion of the geometry, different sizes of the geomcertain





Stool Prototype


proposal 1

proposal 2

proposal 4

proposal 4

proposal 5

proposal 6

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 59

Stool Prototype | Fabrication - framework soldering

> Bending tool

Three scales of bending tool

16 cm

> Soldering tool


8 cm

4 cm

> Soldering process

To help make the fabrication process more efficient and accurate, we make some tool for both bend-

ing and sobering. the bending tool helps bend the

copper tube easier and with more accurate angle.

Step 1 //

Also, we made three different scale of bending tool +

to fit different size of framework. For joining those tube together, we use soldering ion to make the metal joint. The tool is easy to use and carry. We also

develop an effective process to assemble the copStep 2 //

per tube unite pieces to help make the process fast.

Step 3//

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 61

Stool Prototype | Fabrication - framework soldering

> Stool fabrication Firstly, soldering different scales of the 3D geometrical compo-

nents. To make the bending and soldering more efficient and

fast, we created extra support model and assembling technique.


> Stool fabrication The whole chair was later assembled from prefabri-

cated components through soldering connections. The whole fabrication process last for two weeks to ensure the quality of

our first architectural trial.

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 63

Stool Prototype | Fabrication

stool render


fabricated stool

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 65

Stool Prototype | Electroplating process - set up

> Container preparation Put the stool in the container which is bigger than the stool, ensuring the electroplating metal (known as the anode)

is not connected to the stool (known as the cathode). If the two electrodes get connected, the plating process will stop. The plating process becomes slow with the big size of the stool, comparing with the previous small component.

chair size

container size

chair in container



44cm 50cm




> Electroplating preparation Since the plating process is slow, adding more an-

odes is necessary to speed up the crystal growth. Besides, by changing the relative position of the two

electrodes, we can control which part of the stool grow faster, since the migration of the metal ions

will choose the shortest way to grow cystalization.

1. prepare solution

3. put copper wire

2. dip the chair

4. prepare electricity

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 67

Stool Prototype | Electroplating process


0 days

7 days

40 days

50 days

10 days

30 days

60 days

100 days

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 69

Stool Prototype | Electroplating process

> Electroplated stool Generally, the crystal grows more outside than inside. The copper crystal deposited on different parts of the stool exhibited different thicknesses, this is because the migration of the metal ions will always choose the shortest way to grow cystal-

ization. In other words, different distances between the two electrodes cause the variation on the thickness. One of the interesting things is that the different thicknesses of different

parts also create different aethetic appearance of the stool.


AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 71

Stool Prototype | Electroplating process

> Electroplated stool The plating process of the stool is slow, though we put 8 an-

odes in the tank. After about three months, the copper stool

with the same diameter just achieved the similiar thichness of the diamond 2D geometry which consumed 1 month. Thus,

to improve the productivity, an alternative plating method is taking into account in the later crystal growth process- plating in various small containers and then assemebly them together.

With the improved method, we are able to achieve the same thickness of the big object as the stool in 3 weeks.


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[ Spaceframe Studies II ]

> Geometry clustering > Cluster + Path

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Space Frame Study II | Geometry clustering - DLA algorithm

> Geometry clustering based on DLA algorithm Cluster of points are first generated from Processing scripts.

The logic then applied on the component aggregation in grasshopper. Different scales are also used for exploration. 2 sets of point clusters were selected as design solutions and then their positions were optimised

in grasshopper to adapt to our geometrical component.


> Geometry clustering based on DLA algorithm geometric modulars are added to the generating program, so that the system starts to show the structural materiality

while at the same time using the DLA morphogenesis. After the program was left to run for certain time, the process

was paused to collect the points data during the growth.

DLA generated points count 85

DLA generated points in grid A

closest points to grid A

move component A to closest points

DLA generated points count 85

DLA generated points in grid B

closest points to grid B

move component B to closest points

generated component A

generated component A+B

culling and deletion

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 77

Space Frame Study II | Cluster + Path

> Chair design After our initial research on circuit board patterm, we were

trying to extend the path into three-dimensional level, so

it can merge with the clustering growth and even develop beyond the cluster. First trail was applied on chair design.

cluster frame

growing direction A


growing logic

growing direction B

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 79

Space Frame Study II | Cluster + Path

> Path design Other design languages are also developed to explore other

We starts to bring the pattern design to another dimension

flow. The hexagon shapes are utilized due to its aesthetics and

jecting the pattern in a cube clustering.

level by playing with the different view of looking at it. By pro-

approaches to achieve more dynamic and controlled path geomotrical richness.

Original Hexagons

Offset 40 + 40

Offset 40 + 80

Three scales 1* 2* 4*

Boolean comblination of same scale

Boolean comblination of different scale

haxagon edges offsets

2 size Units

3 Units

4 Units

3 Units with 2 size

3D cube edges offsets


haxagon clustering

3D cube clustering

> Table Design Prototype

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[ Non-metal test ]

> Graphite paint test > Stool prototype and fabrication > Digital development

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 83

Non - metal Test | Plastic material + conductive paint

> First test with graphite paint We also test the effect of conductive paint. The conductive

graphite particle can be added to the surface of other nonmet-

alic material like plastic or wood, which can be used as cathodes. The conductive graphite painting and 3D printed models are

prospective combination, which demonstrates that any shape

can be electroplated. Any place designed to be electroplated is painted and the rest can keep its original shape and texture. This controlling way can bring many possibilities for design.

> Test C

3D Printed frame

voltage level thickness strength

original material

48 hours > Test D

voltage level thickness strength

original material

48 hours > Test E

paper surface

voltage level thickness

graphite painted

48 hours

wood surface


> Test F

voltage level thickness strength

graphite painted


48 hours

> Conductive paint on polyhedon The conductive painting should be high quality and keep its func-

tion during long exposure in solution. It should be water-fast and

has good conductivity. When making graphite painting, glues can help graphite to stick to surfaces of model, but it also would re-

duce conductivity of graphite. Water and glue take up ten percent

weight of the graphite painting respectively. After putting graphite

painting on model, it needs at least five hours to dry the painting.


conductive paint

paper/ plastic

graphite added

not conductive

original 3D print

graphite painted



AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 85

Non - metal Test | 3D print component

> Conductive paint on 3D print component A cluster of geometries as cathodes meets problems to be electro-

plated. On inside geometries far away from anodes, crystals are hard to aggregate. It is inconvenient and inexpedient to make a new sus-

pension mode of anodes each time to fit different clusters of geom-

etries. A part of a cathode would be blocked by another part which are closer to anodes and not be electroplated thickly. To avoid the

front hinder the back, structures of the lattice or the geometry are selected and delete others. Based on the reduced structure, graphite painting are painted on a part of it according to designed path.

3D printed

5 days


graphited painted

20 days

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 87

Non - metal Test | Stool design development

> Optimized path design The design of frame is based on edges of a cube including diago-

nals between any two vertexes. Assuming any two vertexes on the cube as a start point and an end point, paths on the edges, walking

from the start point to the end point, are various and have their own properties. Every path without self cross has a structure function

and morphologic meaning. The paths can be classified according

to how many edges they take and how the crystals grow. The same study of walking paths can be applied in clusters of geometries.


> Different electroplating component Due to the limited size of 3D printing, the chair is divided in to small parts to be printed. These parts are also electroplated separately so

that growing crystals can be faster than electroplating an whole

chair. Crystals can highlight the structure of the chair, so graphite are mainly painted on middle part with thick tubes of the chair. For

consideration of comfort on sitting area, upper surfaces of the tubes would not be electroplated and only lower surfaces is painted.

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 89

Non - metal Test | Stool prototype

> Stool design and proposals The design process of the path logic is that at first, many basic

geometries are assembled according to general demands of ob-

ject. For example, if the object is a chair, proportions of different parts (such as back, legs and surface) should be defined according to use and purpose of it. Two scales of the geometry (bigger

one is twice as big as smaller one) are allocated to different part to assemble profile of the chair. The geometries of bigger scale match the parts which needs less details and the smaller geometries can be more functional due to high density of tubes.


> Stool design and proposals Various walking paths of small clusters can have different form

and thickness of crystals. Each cluster as cathodes will be put

into divided containers of electroplating to be electroplated separately for different controlled time. Not all frames are

needed to be electroplated according to design of object. Some gaps of structure can be filled with crystals, while others still remain vacant. After electroplating, the frames can

be assembled into an integrated object with reserved joints.

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 91

Non - metal Test | Stool prototype and fabrication - 3d print

> Stool design and proposals After electroplating, the joints with graphite painting be-

tween different parts would be stronger and durable. The joints that would not be electroplated are connected by an-

nular tubes and glues. Electroplating can repair broken surface of 3d printed model by malfunction. The crystals will gradually be oxidized and change their colors from pink to red,

dull-red and green, which endow dynamic state to the chair.


> 3D print chair prototype

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 93

Non - metal Test | Digital simulation

> Stool design and proposals The frames can become many architectural components. They can be columns, walls, stairs, roof and furniture, where crystals can be grown as shelters, facades and screen. The organic form of crystals is unique and natural, which is generated by the artificial complex system. it can be applied in exhibition buildings due to its artistic value. A proposal in architectural scale is an exhibition hall. The floor, column, wall, even exhibition stand and window are integrated and formed by the frame system. The crystals can be added on some parts of walls so that view through the wall is blocked and also guide visiting tour of people. Crystals on exhibition stand and window can serve as a foil to exhibited items. Details and richness of the building can be increased by crystals on column and floor.


AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 95


[ Surface System ]

> Copper sheet test and analysis > Other surface test > Design prototype and fabrication

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 97

Surface System | Copper sheet test and analysis

> Different sheet form We start to did more test on copper sheet. To find out the principle of the crystal growing of surface system. Several control experiments was carried out to find out the relationship between form and amount of crystal growing. The controls are original float sheet, folded sheet, cut flat sheet and folded + cut sheet. The sheet are with same thickness and size. After plated for a same period of time, different amount of crystal appeared on these for pieces. The first one, original flat sheet as barely any crystal growing except the very edge. More crystal growth - 15% on the folded sheet and same on the cut sheet. The pieces that have both folded and cut appears to have more growth also on the surface and edges of the sheet. After research about the electroplating princeple. we find out the folded and cut sheet grows more crystal because the electric current always go to the nearest point of the canned, which make the edges and the pointed part have more electroplated part.




fold + cut




10 %


15 %

15 %

40 %

> Growing area analaysis Proves of growing difference can be seen from the detail. With other experimental parameters control, different form of sheet results in different amount of growth. We can see there are more growing the edges, which means with more edges and pointed part, more growing will appear on the surface.

10 %

15 %

15 %

40 %

> Growing area analaysis Therefore, we can conclude that the keys to have crystal growing work on the large surface area is to create lots of edges and the have very pointy outline like spiky structure. This discovery is significant for our design study as well because it becomes one of our design logic in digital work.

edge growth

point growth

face growth

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 99

Surface System | Other surface test

> Plastic sheet + copper After that, we did test on different material. This one, we use plastic paper as a frame work and apply copper tape on top of the structure. We find out that there appears to be a lots of crystal growth in short amount of time.

plastic sheet

copper taped

2 days

5 days

> Plastic sheet + conductive paint

With plastic paper, we also tried apply conductive paint on top of it. The advantage is that the paint can cover most surface and the fabrication process is easier. And the crystal growing has the same effect .

graphite + plastic


1 days

5 days

10 days

> 3D print + conductive paint

We also tried using 3D printed method and apply some part with conductive paint. The 3D print can help create more complex shape compared to folding paper. The crystal growing appears to be more on pointed part.

plastic + graphite

1 days

5 days

10 days

> copper sheet

We also ductive. there is fore, in

did test on pure copper sheet as the copper is highly conThe growing is very nice because the high conductive and lots of growth also on the surface of copper sheet. Thereour latest experiment, we choose to use copper sheet.

pure copper sheet

2 days

10 days

20 days

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 101

Surface System | Design prototype and fabrication

> Sheet folding prototype

After our surface test, we decided to use copper sheet as the frame work material. Because the ductility of copper and the folding technique is less difficult compared to the soldering technique we carried in our previous stool fabrication. With accurate metal sheet cutting and also the folded line is well designed, it is easy to manufacture the 3D component by simple folding the sheet with bare hand and screw it to combine it. It is very efficient and fast compare to copper soldering.


AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 103

Surface System | Design prototype and fabrication

> Electroplating prototype

After we complete the fabrication of copper sheet component, we dip the whole piece in a bigger container, the growth was slow at first because there is more surface and material on the structure, which will lately be well designed in our later column prototype. However, the fractal crystal starts to growing very well after 20 days and there appears to be strong contract between more growing part and less growing part.

0 days

> Basic set up

Set up


20 days

1 days

25 days

5 days

30 days

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 105

Surface System | Design prototype and fabrication

> Copper sheet electroplating prototype

Detail closed up of the component. After we complete the fabrication of copper sheet component, we dip the whole piece in a bigger container, the growth was slow at first because there is more surface and material on the structure, which will lately be well designed in our later column prototype. However, the fractal crystal starts to growing very well after 20 days and there appears to be strong contract between more growing part and less growing part.


AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 107

Surface System | Design prototype and fabrication

> Copper sheet electroplating prototype

Detail electroplating process when the component inside chemical liquid. After we complete the fabrication of copper sheet component, we dip the whole piece in a bigger container, the growth was slow at first because there is more surface and material on the structure, which will lately be well designed in our later column prototype. However, the fractal crystal starts to growing very well after 20 days and there appears to be strong contract between more growing part and less growing part.


[ Electroplating component]

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 109


[ Geometry Extrusion ]

> Initial extrusion studies > Architectual Application

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 111

Geometry Extrusion | Initial extrusion studies

> Extrusion process

From our surface experiment, we find out that there is a direct relationship between the growth of crystal and the form of structure. There is more crystal growing on the edges and the pointy part of the structure. Therefore, we starts to utilised this feature in our digital design language. Though the extrusion of vertex on a flat simple geometry, we can create a new geometry that can achieve lots of crystal growth. We start we making vertex extrusion on polyhedron geometry and creating fractal from a few amount times of extrusion. We studied different outcome of extrusion from different polyhedron, aiming to find out the rhythm of this extrusion language.


9 subdivision


1 subdivision

chamfer vertex

3 subdivision

surface optimize

Geometry A

Geometry B

Geometry C

Geometry D

Geometry E

Geometry F

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 113

Geometry Extrusion | Initial extrusion studies

> Extrusion on more geometries

After test on simply one polyhedron geometry. We start to involve more geometries in this type of extrusion deformation. For example if we combine two geometry, the vertexes that between these two polyhedron will not be extrude to create too much intersection between those faces. Also we studied how to control the different intense of extruding by maintain aesthetic of the structure and at the same time create enough spiky part for electroplating.

2* Geometry A

2* Geometry C


3 * Geometry A

12 * Geometry A

Deformation A

Deformation B

Deformation C

Deformation D

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 115

Geometry Extrusion | Initial extrusion studies

> Free form geometry extrusion

We also studied the extrusion on free form besides regular geometries. For example, starting from a very simple ring shape, by deforming and different way of extrusion, we can bring more differacialtity into the geometry studies. test on simply one polyhedron geometry. We start to involve more geometries in this type of extrusion deformation. For example if we combine two geometry, the vertexes that between these two polyhedron will not be extrude to create too much intersection between those faces.


original shape

deform *1

extrude *3


extrude *4

extrude *5

extrude *1

extrude *2

original shape

divide *1

extrude *3


extrude *4


extrude *1

extrude *2

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 117

Geometry Extrusion | Initial extrusion studies

> Free form geometry extrusion

We also studied the extrusion on free form besides regular geometries. For example, starting from a very simple ring shape, by deforming and different way of extrusion, we can bring more differacialtity into the geometry studies. test on simply one polyhedron geometry. We start to involve more geometries in this type of extrusion deformation. For example if we combine two geometry, the vertexes that between these two polyhedron will not be extrude to create too much intersection between those faces.

Geometry A

Geometry C


Geometry B

Geometry D

Geometry C *2

Geometry C *8

Geometry C *4

Geometry D *8

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 119


[ Column Design ]

> Digital Prototype > Material Simulation

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 121

Column Design | Digital prototype

> Column design prototype

The crystals grow more on the edge and corner of the copper sheet surfaces. Based on this theory, to get enough crystal growing, we design the prototype with sheet bending to create more edges. since the inner of the surface seldom grow, we cut the inner of the surface to speed up the plating process. Quite a few prototypes are designed, finally we choose the third column to fabricate as our final object.


AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 123

Column Design | Digital prototype - basic framework

> Column Prototype copper framework

The height of the column is about 168 mm. The crystalization process of the column will make it heavier. Taking into consideration of the stability of the column, we use different thicknesses of the copper sheet - relatively thinner at the upper part and thicker at the bottom. Also, to achieve the weight balance, we cut more sheets of the upper part whereas cut less of the below. Besides, we designed extral joint component to make the whole column stronger.


AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 125

Column Design | Digital prototype - component and joint detail

> Column Prototype copper framework The column contains 10 different types of components. Every five same components make a circle. We use screws to joint different components. Since the crystalization process will fill the holes on the joint parts, we put the insulate tapes on them to make sure the joint parts are not plated. Besides, we designed extral joint component to make the whole column stronger.

component A

component B

component G

component F


b B






component C

component D

component H

component I

component E

component C




AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 127

Column Design | Digital prototype - Component distribution

> Component setup





Totally, the column consists of 50 components. There are ten different types of the components. We use screws to joint different components. After the components joined, we put them in separated small containers. The small container makes the crystal growth faster. Since the crystalization process will fill the holes on the joint parts, we put the insulate tapes on them to make sure the joint parts are not plated. Besides, to achieve the weight balance, the upper parts with more cutted sheet will be plated less and the downside will be plated more.












AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 129

Column Design | Prototype - material simulation


AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 131


[ Column Fabrication ]

> Framework fabrication > Component electroplating

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 133

Column Fabrication | Copper framework fabrication

> Copper sheet component The column is made of 50 components. There are ten different types of the components. Firstly, we bend and fold the copper sheet into 3D pieces and join these pieces into components. We use screws to joint different components. After the components joined, we put them in separated small containers. The small container makes the crystal growth faster. Besides, to achieve the weight balance, the upper parts with more cutted sheet will be plated less and the downside will be plated more. Since the crystalization process will fill the holes on the joint parts, we put the insulate tapes on them to make sure the joint parts are not plated.


AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 135

Column Fabrication | Copper framework fabrication

> Sheet folding fabrication The column is made of 50 components. There are ten different types of the components. Firstly, we bend and fold the copper sheet into 3D pieces and join these pieces into components. We use screws to joint different components. After the components joined, we put them in separated small containers. The small container makes the crystal growth faster. Since the crystalization process will fill the holes on the joint parts, we put the insulate tapes on them to make sure the joint parts are not plated. Besides, to achieve the weight balance, the upper parts with more cutted sheet will be plated less and the downside will be plated more.


[ Framework Fabrication]

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 137

Column Fabrication | Component electroplating

> Electroplated component There are ten different types of the components. Firstly, we bend and fold the copper sheet into 3D pieces and join these pieces into components. We use screws to joint different components. Since the crystalization process will fill the holes on the joint parts, we put the insulate tapes on them to make sure the joint parts are not plated. After the components joined, we put them in separated small containers. The small container makes the crystal growth faster. After the components joined, we put them in separated small containers. The small container makes the crystal growth faster. Besides, to achieve the weight balance, the upper parts with more cutted sheet will be plated less. Since the crystalization process will fill the holes on the joint parts, we put the insulate tapes on them to make sure the joint parts are not plated. Besides, to achieve the weight balance, the upper parts with more cutted sheet will be plated less and the downside will be plated more.


> Component in liquid

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 139

Column Fabrication | Component electroplating

> Electroplated component The column is made of 50 components. There are ten different types of the components. Firstly, we bend and fold the copper sheet into 3D pieces and join these pieces into components. We use screws to joint different components. After the components joined, we put them in separated small containers. The small container makes the crystal growth faster. Since the crystalization process will fill the holes on the joint parts, we put the insulate tapes on them to make sure the joint parts are not plated. Besides,


to achieve the weight balance, the upper parts with more cutted sheet will be plated less and the downside will be plated more. Besides, Since the component E and component F located at the joint of the two different parts. We decided to join two components together and then do the electroplating. After the components joined, we put them in separated small containers. The small container makes the crystal growth faster. Besides, to achieve the weight balance, the upper parts with more cutted sheet will be plated less.

> Component joint

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 141


[ Surface Extrusion ]

> Initial surface type > Architectural Application

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 143

Surface Extrustion | Initial surface transformation

> Surface extrusion process After the geometry study. We explore another way to create extrusion. By stating with a simple 3D surface, it gives us more freedom to shape the form and starts to give more volume to the basic surface by firstly extruding the face. We developed two way of extrusion, face extrusion and vertex extrusion. Face extrusion gives spacial quality of the shape and vertex extrusion helps bring the spikyness. By using these two ways of transformation in between, various results can be created.



transfrom A: face extrusion

transform B: vertex extrusion

transfrom A

transfrom A

transfrom B

transfrom B

transfrom B

transfrom A

transfrom B


transfrom B


transfrom A

transfrom A

transfrom B

transfrom A

transfrom A

transfrom A


transfrom A

transfrom B

transfrom A

transfrom B

transfrom B

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 145

Surface Extrustion | Initial surface transformation

> Surface extrustion We can also be more playful with the initial shape such as deform it or divided or duplicated it. After the geometry study. We explore another way to create extrusion. By stating with a simple 3D surface, it gives us more freedom to shape the form and starts to give more volume to the basic surface by firstly extruding the face. We developed two way of extrusion, face extrusion and vertex extrusion. Face extrusion gives spacial quality of the shape and vertex extrusion helps bring the spikyness.


transfrom A


transfrom A


transfrom A

transfrom A

transfrom B

transfrom B

transfrom A

transfrom A

transfrom B

transfrom B

transfrom B

transfrom B


transfrom A

transfrom A

transfrom A

transfrom B

transfrom B


transfrom A

transfrom A

transfrom A

transfrom B

transfrom B

transfrom B

transfrom B

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 147

Surface Extrustion | Other deformation

> Surface extrusion Same as the geometry extrusion, we also studied the effect on free form and also deleted surfaces to create space for architectural need at the same time. We can also be more playful with the initial shape such as deform it or divided or duplicated it. After the geometry study. We explore another way to create extrusion. By stating with a simple 3D surface, it gives us more freedom to shape the form and starts to give more volume to the basic surface by firstly extruding the face.



transfrom A

transfrom A

transfrom A

transfrom B

transfrom B


transfrom A

transfrom A

transfrom A

transfrom B

transfrom B

transfrom B

transfrom B

transfrom A

transfrom A


transfrom A

transfrom B

transfrom B

transfrom A

transfrom A

transfrom B

transfrom B

transfrom B

transfrom B

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 149

Surface Extrustion | Spacial Application

> Architectural Application 1


> Architectural Application 2

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 151


[ Architecture Proposal ]

> Parameters studies > Linear geometry test

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 153

Architectural Proposal | Generation process

> Form generation process



transform B


transform A

transform A

transform B


transform B

Based on our surface extrusion study, we generate the architectural proposal from a simple geometry surface. And gradually give it more volume through a series of deformation, face extrusion and vertex extrusion. The purpose is to create a space for people to use and also to bring enough spikiness into the shape in order to correspond to the surface electroplating feature. The last step is to create some porosity from the surface structure because in our experiment, less material will speed up the experiment process and have more crystal growth on the sturcture. Also, the gradient porosity bring some aesthetic to the whole shape.

AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 155

Architectural Design Proposal Architectural Proposal | Bird eye view


AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 157

Architectural Design Proposal Architectural Proposal | Detail


AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 159


AD RC6 Material Consequences | UCL 161

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