BPro RC6 2015/16_briLock

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briL ck Research Cluster 6 B-Pro MArch Architecture Design The Bartlett School of Architecture July 2016

Tutors: Daniel Widrig, Soomeen Hahm, Stefan Bassing, Igor Pantic Team Members: Mayank Khemka, Huan Pu, Jianfeng Yin, Xiangyu Ren

CONTENTS 1. Project Introduction 2. Concept > Context > Vision 3. Initial Attempts > Interlocking Study Component Study Computational Growth Logic > Gowth Study Component Study Material Test Computational Growth Logic Design Proposal 4. Reassemble System > Component Study > Interlocking Node Study > Fabrication study > Design System Pattern System Physicalt Studies Number System Computational Growth Logic 5. Design Application > Furniture Design Same Component Scale Different Component Scales > Architecture Design Pavilion Design Architecture Potential

Part 1

Project Introduction

INTRODUCTION CONCEPT The project aims to draw inspiration from the traditional Chinese wooden structure which uses interlocking elements of different scales to create a load bearing structure.The project aims to draw inspiration from the traditional Chinese wooden structure which uses interlocking elements of different scales to create a load bearing structure.The project aims to draw inspiration from the traditional Chinese wooden structure which uses interlocking elements of different scales to create a load bearing structure.The project aims to draw inspiration from the traditional Chinese wooden structure which uses interlocking elements of different scales to create a load bearing structure. The project aims to draw inspiration from the traditional Chinese wooden structure which uses interlocking elements of different scales to create a load bearing structure.The project aims to draw inspiration from the traditional Chinese wooden structure which uses interlocking elements of different scales to create a load bearing structure. The project aims to draw inspiration from the traditional Chinese wooden structure which uses interlocking elements of different scales to create a load bearing structure.The project aims to draw inspiration from the traditional Chinese wooden structure which uses interlocking elements of different scales to create a load bearing structure. The project aims to draw inspiration from the traditional Chinese wooden structure which uses interlocking elements of different scales to create a load bearing structure.The project aims to draw inspiration from the traditional Chinese wooden structure which uses interlocking elements of different scales to create a load bearing structure.

[ Introduction | Context ]

Chinese Traditional Wooden Structure The project aims to draw inspiration from the traditional Chinese wooden structure which uses interlocking elements of different scales to create a load bearing structure.The project aims to draw


briL ck

[ Concept ]



1 Bracket Set_Exploded View 2 Bracket Set


[ Introduction | Context ] Lego Construction

customisable architectural product - certain limitations in putting it togther - extendable; build what you need - realtion ship between material, coulour and function and and space



1 Different Components 2 Curtain assembled by components

briL ck


[ Concept ]


1. Lego Construction 2. Lego Model gallery



Part 2

Trial and Error


> Interlocking Principles > Computational Growth > Chair Design

[Initial Studies | Interlocking Study ]

Component Study The component was derived from a cube and could interlock with different scale components but it could grow only in perpendicular orientation


briL ck

[ Concept ]



[Initial Studies | Growth Study ] Algorithmic Growth

Cellular Automota


Rule A

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Rule B

[ Concept ]

Algorithmic Differentation


[ Initial Studies| Growth Study ]

Chair Design As a first attemp a chair was designed starting from a space packing geometry into an interlocking linear geometry.

briL ck

[ Concept ]


Part 3

Building System

RESEMBLE SYSTEM A interlocking component system is developed from a space packing geometry which can be reassembled into different design applications

> Interlocking Bricks >Computational Growth Method > Different Scales

[ Concept | Vision ]

manual Design & Algorithmic Growth

Manual Design

briL ck

[ Concept ]

Algorithmic Design


[Reassemble System | Component Study ]

Component by Subdividing Truncated Octahedron The component is derived from space packing truncated octahedron geometry. Different types of components are developed inside the geometry grid which can combine together to create interesting aggregations.

Geometry Selection

Truncated Octahedron

Space Pack


Remain Shape



Initial Component 1

Remain Shape



Initial Component 1

Delete 3 pieces

briL ck

[ Reassemble System ]

Component 1

Initial Component 2

Initial Component 1


Component 1

Component 2

Component 1 X 2


Delete Redundant part Component 2

Component 3

Initial Component 2 Initial Component 2 X 2


Component 3


[Reassemble System | Interlocking Node Study ] Stable Structure Study The interlocking node is designed for the system to work with all types of components. The distinct way of interlocking the components together in a set of three makes the system more stable.

Interlocking Node

Interlocking Process

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[ Reassemble System ]


[Reassemble System | Interlocking Node Study ] Stable Structure Study_Strength Test

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[ Reassemble System ]


[Reassemble System | Design System ]

Component System Any three components can interlocked in to a unit based on the truncated octahedron grid

Component 1

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Component 1

Component 1

[ Reassemble System ]

Cluster 1

Cluster 2

Cluster 3

Cluster 4

Cluster 5

Cluster 6

Cluster 7

Cluster 8

Cluster 9


[Reassemble System | Design System ]

Pattern System_Lattice Different aggregation studies were done to identify the growth patterns of the components [ Linear Pattern]

Generated By Cluster7

briL ck


d By Cluster5

[ Reassemble System ]

Generated By Cluster5


[Reassemble System | Design System ]

Pattern System_Lattice & Surface Different aggregation studies were done to identify the flat patterns of the components

[Surface Pattern]

Generated By Cluster6



briL ck

d By Cluster5

[ Reassemble System ]

Generated By Cluster6

d By Cluster6


[Reassemble System | Design System ] Pattern System_Surface & Organic

[Surface Pattern]

Generated By Cluster6

briL ck


d By Cluster8

[ Reassemble System ]

Generated By Cluster6

Generated By Cluster5


[Building System | Computational Growth Method ] Component Aggregation The components were aggregated in such a way that which it can be interlocked with each other. The growth pattern was shifted based on the increase of generation.

Generative Process

briL ck

Component 2

Component 3

Generation: 200

Generation: 400

Generation: 800

Generation: 1200

Generation: 1600

Generation: 2000

Generation: 2400

Generation: 2800

Generation: 3200

[ Reassemble System ]


[Building System | Computational Growth Method ] Component Aggregation

briL ck

[ Reassemble System ]


[Building System | Computational Growth Method ] Movement Control_Guide Curve Based on the stick aggregation, the initial components were aggregated inside the truncated octahedron grid.

Generative Process

briL ck

Generation: 200

Generation: 500

Generation: 1000

Generation: 1500

Generation: 2000

Generation: 2500

Generation: 3000

Generation: 3500

Generation: 4000

[ Reassemble System ]


[Building System | Computational Growth Method ] Truncated Octahedron Aggregation_Langton’s ant Langton’s ant is a ruled based algorithom, which can control the growth and generate different patterns.

Move Directions

Direction 01

Basic Rules Basic Rule_01

Basic Rule_02

briL ck

Direction 02

Direction 03

Direction 04

[ Reassemble System ]


[Building System | Computational Growth Method ] Truncated Octahedron Aggregation_Langton’s ant Langton’s ant is a ruled based algorithom, which can control the growth and generate different patterns.

Aggregation Rules

briL ck







[ Reassemble System ]


[Building System | Computational Growth Method ] Truncated Octahedron Aggregation_Stigmergy In stigmergy, each builder will search for the other builders’ path insidea distance and follow their path.


Check Environment

Change Direction

Generative Process

Generation 200

briL ck

Generation 400

Generation 600

[ Reassemble System ]


[Building System | Computational Growth Method ] Truncated Octahedron Aggregation_Stigmergy Random movement is added to the stigmergy aggregation

Generative Process

Generation 100

briL ck

Generation 200

Generation 300

Generation 400

Generation 500

Generation 600

Generation 700

Generation 800

Generation 900

[ Reassemble System ]


[ Reassemble System | Different Scale Study ] Connector Different scaled components were used to generate more interesting aggregations with varying resolutions. To connect different scaled components with each other, a new connection component was used.

Scale 1 Grid’s edge length _ 96mm

Component 1

Component 2

Component 3

Component 2

Component 3

Smaller scale grid


Scale 1 Grid’s edge length _ 48mm

Component 1 Grid

Grid of different scale

Larger scale grid

briL ck

[ Reassemble System ]

Connector component

Component in different scales


connect different scale component 1 connect different scale component 2


connect different scale component 3


[ Reassemble System | Different Scale Study ] Pattern System Different scaled components were used to generate more interesting aggregations with varying resolutions. [Surface Pattern]

Generated By Cluster4

briL ck


d By Cluster4

[ Reassemble System ]

Generated By Cluster4


[ Reassemble System | Different Scale Study ] Chair Design Different scaled components were used to design a chair

briL ck

[ Reassemble System ]


Part 4


FABRICATION > Extruding Plastic > Component Design > Mould Analysis > Mould Manufacturing > Injection Moulding > Resin Casting

[Fabrication | Plastic Extruding ]

Mould Design Plastic casting was attempted for fabrication of the components. The compoents had a lot of undercuts for making moulds due to their complex geometries. Thus, we tried the casting process using heat resistant silicone moulds.

Component 1

Component 2

Component 3

briL ck

[ Fabrication ]

Component 1

Component 2

Component 3


[ Fabrication | Plastic Extruding ]

Casting Extrusion test were performed to cast the components. Massive Deformations and shrinkages were seen in the plastic casted pieces with the silicone moulds even after trying to vary the extrusion and mould parameters.

Process of Extruding Plastic in Silicone Moulds

briL ck

[ Fabrication ]

Casting Tests


[ Fabrication | Component Design ]

Hollow Component To reduce the amount of material used and the shrinkages, components were made hollow in order to increase the ratio of surface area to volume. Component 1

Volume - 30 cu cm

Surface Area - 80 sq cm

Volume - 19 cu cm

Surface Area - 95 sq cm

Surface Area - 90 sq cm

Volume - 19 cu cm

Volume - 16 cu cm

Surface Area - 80 sq cm

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Volume - 18 cu cm

Surface Area - 85 sq cm

[ Fabrication ]

Component 2

Volume - 38 cu cm

Surface Area - 110 sq cm

Volume - 25 cu cm

Surface Area - 125 sq cm

Volume - 27 cu cm

Surface Area - 125 sq cm

Volume - 26 cu cm

Surface Area - 125 sq cm

Volume - 24 cu cm

Surface Area - 120 sq cm


[ Fabrication | Component Design ]

Hollow Component To reduce the amount of material used and the shrinkages, components were made hollow in order to increase the ratio of surface area to volume. Component 3

Volume - 50 cu cm

Surface Area - 130 sq cm

Volume - 34 cu cm

Surface Area - 130 sq cm

Volume - 30 cu cm

Surface Area - 135 sq cm

briL ck

Volume - 28 cu cm

Surface Area - 135 sq cm

Volume - 26 cu cm

Surface Area - 130 sq cm

[ Fabrication ]


Volume - 300 cu cm

Surface Area - 400 sq cm

Volume - 205 cu cm

Surface Area - 420 sq cm

Volume - 205 cu cm

Surface Area - 425 sq cm

Volume - 190 cu cm

Surface Area - 405 sq cm

Volume - 175 cu cm

Surface Area - 415 sq cm


[ Fabrication | Mould Design]

Four Piece Mould Design Moulds were designed for each component analysis pull directions for each face of the component.

Component 1

briL ck

[ Fabrication ]


[ Fabrication | Mould Design]

Four Piece Mould Design Moulds were designed for each component analysis pull directions for each face of the component.

Component 2

briL ck

[ Fabrication ]


[ Fabrication | Mould Design]

Four Piece Mould Design Moulds were designed for each component analysis pull directions for each face of the component.

Component 3

briL ck

[ Fabrication ]


[ Fabrication | Mould Manufacturing ]

Aluminium Mould Parts Four piece mould were broken into more pieces due to limitations of CNC manufacturing.

briL ck

[ Fabrication ]


[ Fabrication | Mould Manufacturing ]

Aluminium Mould Parts Four piece mould were broken into more pieces due to limitations of CNC manufacturing.

briL ck

[ Fabrication ]


[ Fabrication | Mould Manufacturing ]

Silicone Casting Four piece mould were broken into more pieces due to limitations of CNC manufacturing.

briL ck

[ Fabrication ]


[ Fabrication | Mould Manufacturing ]

Silicone Casting Four piece mould were broken into more pieces due to limitations of CNC manufacturing.

briL ck

[ Fabrication ]


[ Fabrication | Mould Manufacturing ]

Resin Casting Four piece mould were broken into more pieces due to limitations of CNC manufacturing.

briL ck

[ Fabrication ]


Part 5

Linear Element_Stick

LINEAR ELEMENT_STICK The interlocking assembly system was developed with the help of previous pattern studies into some design applications

> Combination with Components and Sticks

> Architecture Design > Fabrication

[ Linear Element_Stick | Design System ]

Add Sticks The new plugin added to the current system was comprised of wooden sticks. These sticks helped us to make the system heterogenous and interesting along with introducing different materials to the system which was easy to fabricate.

briL ck

[ Linear Element_Stick ]


[ Design Application | Furniture Design ] Table desgin

[Design Process]

briL ck

[ Design Application ]


[ Design Application | Furniture Design ] Table desgin

briL ck

[ Design Application ]


[ Design Application | Furniture Design ] Table desgin

[Design Process]

briL ck

[ Design Application ]


[ Design Application | Furniture Design ] Table desgin

briL ck

[ Design Application ]


[ Linear Element_Stick | Computational Growth Method ] Add Sticks_Langton’s ant Add sticks to the Langton’s ant based aggregation.

briL ck

[ Linear Element_Stick ]


[Building System | Computational Growth Method ] Truncated Octahedron Aggregation_Stigmergy Add sticks to the stigmergy based aggregation

briL ck

[ Linear Element_Stick ]


[Building System | Computational Growth Method ] Truncated Octahedron Aggregation_Stigmergy Only generated sticls in 2 directions based on the stigmergy aggregation

briL ck

[ Linear Element_Stick ]


[ Linear Element_Stick | Computational Growth Method ] Table Generation Generate a table by input start points and attractors for legs and sticks


Start Points


Horizontal Part Generation

briL ck

[ Linear Element_Stick ]

Attractors for Vertical Parts

Attractors for Sticks

Vertical Parts Generation

Sticks Generation


[ Linear Element_Stick | Computational Growth Method ] Table Generation Generative process


50 200



Genaration: 5-12

Genaration: 12-20

briL ck

[ Linear Element_Stick ]


[ Linear Element_Stick | Computational Growth Method ] Table Generation Replace the octahedon grid with our components

Octahedron Grid and Sticks

briL ck

[ Linear Element_Stick ]

Component and Sticks


Part 5

Linear Element_Stick

LINEAR ELEMENT_STICK The interlocking assembly system was developed with the help of previous pattern studies into some design applications > Combination with Components and Sticks > Architecture Design


[ Linear Element_Stick | Physical Prototypes ] Physical Patterns

briL ck

[ Linear Element_Stick ]


Part 6

Design Application

DESIGN APPLICATION A interlocking component system is developed from a space packing geometry which can be reassembled into different design applications

> Architectural Element

[ Design Application | Architectural Design ] Colume desgin

[ Step 1 ]

[ Step 2]

[ Step 4 ]

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[ Step 3 ]

[ Step 5 ]

[ Design Application ]


[ Design Application | Architectural Design ] Staircase desgin

[ Step 1 ]

[ Step 4 ]

briL ck

[ Step 2 ]

[ Step 3 ]

[ Step 5 ]

[ Design Application ]

[ type 1 ]


[ Design Application | Architectural Design ] Staircase desgin

briL ck

[ Design Application ]


[ Design Application | Architectural Design ] Staircase desgin

briL ck

[ Design Application ]

Details [Detail Design | System ] Coloum | Walls | Stairs desgin


Part 6

Architectural Porposal

ARCHITECTURAL PROPOSAL The interlocking assembly system was developed with the help of previous pattern studies into some design applications > Furniture Design > Architecture Design

[Architectural Proposal | Recondition ] Site Analysis

Site Anlaysis The Oval Space is located in London, and has not been finished for 5 years because of some problems. We are going to use our design system to apply in this architecture scale to make the space more active

briL ck

[ Architectural Proposal]


[Architectural Proposal | Recondition ] Site Analysis

briL ck

[ Architectural Proposal]

[ Step 3 ]

[ Step 3 ]

[ Step 3 ]

[ Step 3 ]

[ Step 3 ]


[Architectural Proposal | Recondition ] Connection Desgin

[ Balcony and Interior Space ]

briL ck

[ Architectural Proposal]


[Architectural Proposal | Recondition ] Connection Desgin

[ Balcony and Interior Space ]

briL ck

[ Architectural Proposal]

[ Balcony and Interior Space ]


[Architectural Proposal | Recondition ] Connection Desgin

briL ck

[ Entrance Space ]

[ Architectural Proposal]


[Architectural Proposal | Recondition ] Connection Desgin

[ Entrance Space ]

briL ck

[ Architectural Proposal]

[ Entrance Space ]


[Architectural Proposal | Recondition ] Connection Desgin

briL ck

[ Roof Pavilion ]

[ Architectural Proposal]


[Architectural Proposal | Recondition ] Connection Desgin

[ Roof Pavilion ]

briL ck

[ Architectural Proposal]

[ Roof Pavilion ]


[Architectural Proposal | Recondition ] Connection Desgin

briL ck

[ Interior ]

[ Architectural Proposal]


[Architectural Proposal | Recondition ] Connection Desgin

[ Interior ]

briL ck

[ Architectural Proposal]

[ Interior ]


Part 8 Brilock

BRILOCK The interlocking assembly system was developed with the help of previous pattern studies into some design applications

[ Brilock |User Interface ]

briL ck

[ Brilock ]


[ Brilock |User Interface ]

briL ck

[ Brilock ]


[ Brilock |User Interface ]

briL ck

[ Brilock ]


[ Brilock |User Interface ]


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