BPro RC6 2015/16_Flextiles

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FLEXTILES Research Cluster 6, 2015 - 2016 Graduate Architectural Design UCL | The Bartlett School of Architecture DANIEL WIDRIG | SOOMEEN HAHM | STEFAN BASSING | IGOR PANTIC Hameda Janahi | Minzi Jin| Noura Mhied | Zuokai Hu

CONTENTS Initial Research

. References

. Material Research . Needle Felting . Wet Felting . Inital set-up . Initial Studies

Design Language Studies

.Surface Layering

. Felting on inner structure . Wet felting with inner structure . Felt sheets + Felt fibers . 2D to 3D . Combined Language

Design Language Development

.Physical Prototypes

.Pattern Studies .Craft Development . Connectivity study

. Digital Prototypes .Initial Studies .Hyperbolic Growth .Design Development

Design Prototype

.Physical Prototype

. Digital Prototype

Research Cluster 6 // Hameda Janahi, Zoukai, Noura Mhied, Minzi

01| Introduction Reference : Felting Art

Image 01: Textile Art, Pam de Groot

Image 02: Felt Scupltures, Andrea Graham

The age-old craft of felt-making is explored to investigate the potential of non-woven fabrics in the product tic scupltures to acoustic panels in building construction. This verstaile material can be processed in many ways to simply ad

Image 03: Clay Art, Marc Quinn

tion of architectural structures at various scales. Felt fabric has many uses that range from small articdjust its characteristics according to its function which make it quite intriguing to develop complex forms in architecture.

01| Introduction References : Hyperbolic scupltures

Image 01: Fiber Art, Anne mudge

Image 02: Paper Art, Pintrest

The aims is to take advantage of the natural characteristics of felt fibers in creating fabric architecture without stitchin ily transition from hard to soft textures. This research highlights the possibilities of using such a natural material to go

Image 03: Light Scupture, William Leslie

ng or using glue. The initial approach was to create customized felt sheets that can vary in thickness and easo beyond building simple tent-like structures to potentially functioning as structural elements in architectural design.

[ Material Research ] Felt fibers is a versatile material that can be processed in various ways. Needle felting and Wet felting are the most common techniques of comressing the fibers together. This unique property can create a gradient of hard to soft textures can be achieved according to the level of general comactness of the material.

> Needle Felting > Wet Felting > Physical Initial Studies > Digital Initial Studies

Image of felt fibers bundle

02 | Material Research [ Needle Felting ] Needle felting is done by the continous ‘puncturing’ of a bundle of felt wool which are then compressed together. The texture of the felt sheets produced is proportionate to the number of ‘stabs’.

Felt fibers

Felting Needle

Needle felting pad

3 Second video of needle felting

02 | Material Research [ Needle Felting ] Sample 01

Sample 02

Image 02

Image 02

[8] Fiber layers

[4] Fiber layers

Thickness Elasticity Texture




Thickness Elasticity Texture




Sample 03

[12] Fiber layers

Thickness Elasticity Texture




02 | Material Research [ Wet Felting]

Wet felting requires moisture, agitation, and heat in order to intertwine the fibers together. This method produces felt sheets faster and larger than needle felting however produced soft material and needed further hardening / needle felting

Wool Felt Fibers

Soap Water

Bubble wrap

Bamboo Mat

02 | Material Research [ Wet Felting ] Sample 01

Sample 02

[8] Fiber layers

[4] Fiber layers


Thickness Elasticity Texture







Thickness Elasticity Texture




Sample 03

[12] Fiber layers

Proporties: High



Thickness Elasticity Texture







02 | Material Research [ Different fiber arrangements affected the overall local manipulation ] 1.

Single direction

Arranging the fibers in a single direction was easier to manipulate the fibers within.


Multiple directions

Arranging the fibers in two directions, interlocking the fibers & so harder to manipulate

02 | Material Research | Fiber Reaction to Needle Felting ] Different needle felting techniques resulted in different natural curvatures 1.

Collecting the fibers in a vertical direction compressed the fibers and created a harder texture


Collecting the fibers at an angle compressed the fibers to shrink in length at different places

[ Initial Studies ] To become familiar with the natural behaviour of felt fibres, it was necessary to understand the various methods of processing the fibres into felt objects. The characteristics of the felt fibres can easily be changed according to the way it is processed so different experiments were carried out by needle felting, wet felting, and a combination of both. Each resulted in different overall results with pieces varying in textures, thickness and composition. > Needle Felting > Wet Felting > Physical Initial Studies > Digital Initial Studies

03 | Initial Studies [ Stretching + Wet Felting ] Experimenting the elasticity of the felted fibers, it was concluded that the outer length of the piece can be expanded to create curvatures at different levels specifically at the edges.



Before stretching

After stretching

03 | Initial Studies [ Additive surfaces to volume of felt ] One of the initial experiments, the volumetric property of felt was used as a base for the flat surface of felt which were then needle felted together. The flat surfaces were pinched and arranged along the cylindrical inner volume. When the surfaces and the volume were joined together, the inner core became very hard and acted as a support for the whole piece.


Small surface


Inner volume


Large surface

Front View

Back View

03 | Initial Studies [ Felting on 2D inner structure ] Since felt fibers is naturally a very soft material, this experiment investigates the possibility of using linear elements for support instead of a volumetric inner structure. Needle felting flat surfaces upon a two dimensional inner structure was useful in order to control the amount and exact position of the felt fibers upon the object.This method also introduced a new way to needle felting to create more complex forms.


The addition of extra felt layers


2D inner structure

Front V


Side View

03 | Initial Studies | Inner structure and needle felting [ Shrinking along inner structure ] Due to the soft nature of the felt fibers, an inner ‘vein’ structure was introduce to re-inforce the sheets and give it strength. The distance between the veins affected the shrinking alongside of it and so created different levels of natural curvatures. Bundling the veins together reinforced the felt sheets even more.


Spiral arrangement


Parallel arrangement


Strength Flexibility Stability














Branching arrangement


Radial arrangement













03 | Initial Studies [ Inner structure and needle felting ] The more the veins are joined together, the more the felt is strengthened. The more fibers needle felted together the harder the section will be within the whole piece. Using this method it is easy to control the hard and soft parts by simply needle felting along the veins and joining the hardened sections together while leaving the surfaces soft and flexible.


Connecting two veins >> Three big curves


Connecting two veins >> Three small curves

Distance between the veins also control the level of curvature formed after joining


Connecting four veins >> Two big curves


Connecting four veins >> Four small curves

03 | Initial Studies [ Reinforcing with wool fibers ] By adding the reinforcing wool just near the inner structure, the whole structure and shape changes drastically. The curves also easily maintain their shape more.

Segment 3

Segment 1

Segment 2

Front view

Side view

03 | Initial Studies [ Pattern studies ] 1.

Inner Structure

Twisting and connecting along the veins


Inner Structure Connection Twisting Inner structure

Twisting and connecting along the veins


Twisting Same direction Front View Side View

Front View

Front View

Side View

Twisting Multiple direction

Twisting Same direction

03 | Initial Studies [ Multiple layer sheet ] By using the wet felting technique, the layer of fiber could be customized to into two or three layers according to where the fibers are connected. This method can be used to create volume from multiple surfaces within one component. 1.


Arrange fibers into layers

Inner structure arrangement



Separate the layers with a resist

Add a layer of fibers to cover the resist

6. Layers are separated by cutting


Separated layers


03 | Initial Studies [ Multiple layer sheet ] In order to add more surface area for volume, the structure layer was segrated from the surface layers.

Front View

Side View

04 [ Basic Digital Tools ] [ The basic tools for controlling hyperbolic surface ]

01 | Expertiment 1: Simple Surface 02 | Expertiment 2: Differentiate the Circumference 03 | Expertiment 3: Split into two layers 04 | Expertiment 4: More layers 05 | Expertiment 5: Cutting 06 | Expertiment 6: Creating Thickness

04 [ | Basic Digital Tools for generating hyperbolic surface ] [ Expertiment 1: Simple Surface ]

[ prototype 1 ]

The coding is based on spring particle system.By activating the physical system we tried to simulate the shape of hyperbolic sheet.The surface is generated from a centre point, each spring has its instant parameter when being generated.

04 [ | Basic Digital Tools for generating hyperbolic surface ] [ Expertiment 2: Differentiate the Circumference ]

The coding is based on spring particle system. By introducing the function of controling the instant restlenth, we can change thecircumference of each generation.The difference between generations makes wrinkles, letting the surface become hyperbolic.

[ Prototype 2 ]

[ Type 1 ]

[ Iteration 1 ]

[ Iteration 2 ]

[ Iteration 3 ]

[ Iteration 4 ]

[ Iteration 5 ]

[ Iteration 6 ]

[ Iteration 2 ]

[ Iteration 3 ]

[ Iteration 4 ]

[ Iteration 5 ]

[ Iteration 6 ]

[ Type 2 ]

[ Iteration 1 ]


04 [ | Basic Digital Tools for generating hyperbolic surface ] [ Expertiment 3: Split into two layers ]

The coding is based on spring particle system. The surface generating process is intergrated into a class.By set up more class, the surface can split into more than one layer.

[ Prototype 3 ]

[ Type 1 ]

[ Iteration 1 ]

[ Iteration 2 ]

[ Iteration 3 ]

[ Iteration 4 ]

[ Iteration 5 ]

[ Iteration 6 ]

[ Iteration 2 ]

[ Iteration 3 ]

[ Iteration 4 ]

[ Iteration 5 ]

[ Iteration 6 ]

[ Type 2 ]

[ Iteration 1 ]

04 [ | Basic Digital Tools for generating hyperbolic surface ] [ Expertiment 4: More layers ]

The coding is based on spring particle system. More than two layers of split can get more wrinkles and higher resolution, making the basic shape more detailed.

[ Prototype 4 ]

[ Type 1 ]

[ Iteration 1 ]

[ Iteration 2 ]

[ Iteration 3 ]

[ Iteration 4 ]

[ Iteration 5 ]

[ Iteration 6 ]

[ Iteration 2 ]

[ Iteration 3 ]

[ Iteration 4 ]

[ Iteration 5 ]

[ Iteration 6 ]

[ Type 2 ]

[ Iteration 1 ]

04 [ | Basic Digital Tools for generating hyperbolic surface ] [ Expertiment 5: Cutting ]

The coding is based on spring particle system. Added a function of cutting into the class, the surface can tear in some specific positions.

[ Prototype 5 ]

[ Type 1 ]

[ Iteration 1 ]

[ Iteration 2 ]

[ Iteration 3 ]

[ Iteration 4 ]

[ Iteration 5 ]

[ Iteration 6 ]

[ Iteration 2 ]

[ Iteration 3 ]

[ Iteration 4 ]

[ Iteration 5 ]

[ Iteration 6 ]

[ Type 2 ]

[ Iteration 1 ]

04 [ | Basic Digital Tools for generating hyperbolic surface ] [ Expertiment 6: Creating Thickness ]

The coding is based on spring particle system in order to create thickness onto the surface.

[ Prototype 6 ]

[ Type 1 ]

[ Iteration 1 ]

[ Iteration 2 ]

[ Iteration 3 ]

[ Iteration 4 ]

[ Iteration 5 ]

[ Iteration 6 ]

[ Iteration 2 ]

[ Iteration 3 ]

[ Iteration 4 ]

[ Iteration 5 ]

[ Iteration 6 ]

[ Type 2 ]

[ Iteration 1 ]

[ Design Language Studies] Various experiments were carried out in order to understand the material behaviour . Various qualities were noted throughout these trials that further assited in discovering the potential of felt fibers in creating structural designed elements. After acknowleding the general behaviour and characteristics of felt fibers, a new technique was established to reinforce the fiber sheets. Many experiments proceeded to investigate the natural formations of felt fibers to design self-supporting functional objects within a set of simple parameters.

05 | Design Language Studies [ Prototype 01 ] This prototype segregated the structure from the surface to begin to transition from veins to surface.

1. 2D Plan of inner structure for the first layer

Step 1


2D Plan of inner structure for the s

Step 2

secound layer

3. 2D Plan of inner structure both layers

Step 3

05 | Design Language Studies [ Prototype 02]

Perspective View

Front View

Side View

05 | Design Language Studies [ Prototype 02] Digital simulation

1. Stage 1

2. Stage 2

3. Stage 3

4. Stage 4

Bending 90°

Layer 1 >> 5 Veins

Layer 2 >> 4 Veins

Layer 1 + Layer 2

Veins are merged together

Sheets are twisted and surfaces are connected

05 | Design Language Studies [ Prototype 03] Physical process 2.


2D Plan of inner structure

Single component

Connected veins are twisted to create the 3D form

Two components attached together



Single component


Surface to Surface connection

Vein bundling

Vein to Vein connection

Adding the third component

05 | Design Language Studies [ Prototype 03]


Global deformation : Forms bigger curves that are flexible for folding

2. Structure :

Bundled veins create a stiff surface for support & structure

3. Local deformation :

Forms smaller curvatures with more controlled curvature

05 | Design Language Studies [ Prototype 03 ] The design eventually is a continuous surface of flet that smoothly transitions from surface to volume to structure. The sense of continuity is achieved from natural merging of the fibers through needle felting creating one homogenous chair of felt.

1. Structure:

Veins are concentrated in the seating area and back rest in order to transfer the loads to the volumetric part of the chair. As well as, assist the chair to stand on its own.

2. Volume:

Volumetric part to absorb loads is composed of multiple surfaces merged into layers of felt.

06 | Digital Design Tools [ The basic tools for controlling hyperbolic surface ]

01 | Initial Proposal Experiments 02 | Tools for controlling surfaces 03 | Tools Application

Digital Design Tools | Initial Proposal Experiments ] 06 [| Base on a basic hyperbolic surface [ Prototype 1 ]

[ Basic component of hanging ]

[ Front View ]

[ Back View ]

[ Top View ]

[ Perspective View ]

[ Prototype 3 ]

[ Basic component of hanging ]

[ Front View ]

[ Back View ]

[ Top View ]

[ Perspective View ]

Digital Design Tools | Tools for controlling surfaces ] 06[| Experiment 1: Control the resolution by custom points This is based on spring system.To input some custom points to control the resolution of the shape. To culculate the distance between the points and particles, and pick up the particles in within a certain distance. The effection of the these particles will be weakened.

[ Prototype 1 ]

[ Prototype 2 ]

[ Prototype 3 ]

[ Prototype 1 ]

[ Prototype 2 ]

[ Prototype 3 ]

[ Prototype 4 ]

[ Prototype 5 ]

[ Prototype 6 ]

[Prototype 4 ]

[ Prototype 5 ]

[ Prototype 6 ]

Digital Design Tools | Tools for controlling surfaces ] 06 [| Expertiment 2: Control the thickness by custom points This is based on spring system.To input some custom points to control the thickness of the shape. To culculate the distance between the points and particles, and pick up the particles in within a certain distance.The restlength between these particles will be changed.

[ Prototype 1 ]

[ Prototype 2 ]

[ Thickness 1 ]

[ Thickness 2 ]

[ Thickness 1 ]

[ Prototype 1 ]

[ Prototype 2 ]

[ Prototype 3 ]

[ Prototype 3 ] [ Thickness 2 ]

[ Prototype 4 ]

[ Thickness 1 ]

[ Prototype 5 ]

[ Thickness 2 ]

[ Prototype 6 ]

Digital Design Tools | Tools for controlling surfaces ] 06 [| Expertiment 3: Input frame [ Use guided lines to control the overall shape ]

[ Prototype 1 ] [ Guide lines ]

[ The final outcome ]

[ Prototype 1 ]

By inputing the black lines to control the shape of the model. Using red lines to control the direction of surface generation. This method give the model a overall shape, which is an important founction for the digital design process. [Frame]


This is based on spring system.To input a modelled frame. The spring system will be generated through this frame. [ Prototype 2 ] [ Guide lines ]

[ The final outcome ]

[ Prototype 2 ]

By inputing the black lines to control the shape of the model. Using red lines to control the direction of surface generation. This method give the model a overall shape, which is an important founction for the digital design process. [Frame]


Digital Design Tools | Tools Application I ] 06 [| Tools application on simple chair I Resolution [ Main focus on controlling the resolution ] This is based on spring system.The resolution of the chairs are changed. This method tries to create the arms and the back of the chair, which provides more possibilities of chair design.

[ Iterration 1 ]

[ Iterration 2 ]

[ Iterration 3 ]

[ Iterration 4 ]

[ Iterration 5 ]

[ Iterration 6 ]

[ Iterration 7 ]

[ Iterration 8 ]

[ Generation Process ]

Digital Design Tools | Tools Application I ] 06 [| Tools application on simple chair I Resolution [ Main focus on controlling the resolution ] This is based on spring system. The resolution of the chairs are changed. This method tries to create the arms and the back of the chair, which provides more possibilities of chair design.

[ Logic of chair design ]

[ Step 1 ] [ Flat Sheet ]

[ Step 2 ] [ Embed Veins ]

[ Step 3 ] [ Reshape ]

[ The basic designing language is surface, which starts from a flat sheet. ]

[ Adding the substructure into the sheet which enhance the structural performence. ]

[ Vein structure guides the overall shape , making the sheet stand and become a chair. ]

[ The final outcome ]

[ Front View ]

[ Back View ]

[ Perspective View ]

Digital Design Tools | Tools Application I ] 06 [| Tools application on simple chair I Merging [ Main focus on merging the surface ] This is based on spring system. By merging the different points on the surface, the shape of surface are changed. This method tries to create the different types of the chair, which provides more possibilities of chair design.

[ Iterration 1 ]

[ Iterration 2 ]

[ Iterration 3 ]

[ Iterration 4 ]

[ Iterration 5 ]

[ Iterration 6 ]

[ Iterration 7 ]

[ Iterration 8 ]

[ Generation Process ]

Design Tools | Tools Application I ] 06[| Digital Tools application on simple chair I Merging [ Main focus on merging the surface ] This is based on spring system. By merging the different points on the surface, the shape of surface are changed. This method tries to create the different types of the chair, which provides more possibilities of chair design.

[ Logic of chair design ]

[ Step 1 ] [ Flat Sheet ]

[ Step 2 ] [ Embed Veins ]

[ Step 3 ] [ Reshape ]

[ The basic designing language is surface, which starts from a flat sheet. ]

[ Adding the substructure into the sheet which enhance the structural performence. ]

[ Vein structure guides the overall shape , making the sheet stand and become a chair. ]

[ The final outcome ]

[ Front View ]

[ Back View ]

[ Perspective View ]

Digital Design Tools | Tools Application I ] 06 [| Tools application on simple chair I Layers and volume [ Main focus on creating layers and volume ] This is based on spring system. The layers of the chairs are changed. This method tries to create the volumn in the different parts of the chair, which provides more possibilities of chair design.

[ Iterration 1 ]

[ Iterration 2 ]

[ Iterration 3 ]

[ Iterration 4 ]

[ Iterration 5 ]

[ Iterration 6 ]

[ Iterration 7 ]

[ Iterration 8 ]

[ Generation Process ]

Digital Design Tools | Tools Application I ] 06[| Tools application on simple chair I Layers and volume [ Main focus on creating layers and volume ] This points on theThis surface, This isis based on spring system. By Themerging layers ofthe thedifferent chairs are changed. meththe shape of surface are changed. This method createwhich the provides different od tries to create the volumn in the different parts tries of thetochair, types of the chair,ofwhich more possibilities chair provides design. more possibilities of chair design.

[ Logic of chair design ]

[ Step 1 ] [ Flat Sheet ]

[ Step 2 ] [ Embed Veins ]

[ Step 3 ] [ Reshape ]

[ The basic designing language is surface, which starts from a flat sheet. ]

[ Adding the substructure into the sheet which enhance the structural performence. ]

[ Vein structure guides the overall shape , making the sheet stand and become a chair. ]

[ The final outcome ]

[ Front View ]

[ Back View ]

[ Perspective View ]

Digital Design Tools | Tools Application II ] 06 [| Tools application on the proposal of column [ Use same tools to design columns ]

[ Physiciial models ]

[ Column 1 ]

[ Column 2 ]

[ component 1 ]

[ Column 3 ]

[ component 2 ]

[ Column 4 ]

[ component 3 ]

Digital Design Tools | Tools Application III ] 06 [| Tools application on the proposal of pavilion [ Use same tools to design pavilion ]

[ Front View ]

[ Top View ]

[ Design Development ] Various experiments were carried out in order to understand the material behaviour . Various qualities were noted throughout these trials that further assited in discovering the potential of felt fibers in creating structural designed elements. After acknowleding the general behaviour and characteristics of felt fibers, a new technique was established to reinforce the fiber sheets. Many experiments proceeded to investigate the natural formations of felt fibers to design self-supporting functional objects within a set of simple parameters.

07 | Design Development

[ Physical Prototypes | Digital Simulation ]

[ Foam + Felt ] In order to make the structure more stable for architectural scale prototypes, patterns of flat felt sheets were injected with expandable foam to maintain the lightweightness and increase over- all strength.

Materials used:

. Expandable foam:

. Felt fibers:

. Felt sheets:

In order to expand into a three dimensional form

Used to connect the felt sheets together without the need for stitching or glue.

Used for the overall form and shaping.

[ Experiment 01 ] The first experiment included using two layers of felt sheets that are needle felted together and then injected with foam to inflate the 3D form.

1. Two dimensional pattern on flat felt sheet

2. Inject foam at the end for inflation

07 | Design Development

[ Physical Prototypes | Digital Simulation ]

[ Hanging experiments ] To achieve more complex three dimensional forms, we then experimented with hanging the fabric patterns inside a wooden box or frame.

Materials used:

. Expandable foam:

. Felt fibers:

. Felt sheets:

. 60 x 60 Wooden frame

In order to expand into a three dimensional form and harden at the same time.

Used to connect the felt sheets together without the need for stitching or glue.

Used for the overall form and shaping.

Used for hanging the two dime al fabric pattern



[ Experiment 01 ] A two dimnensional pattern of felt sheet was cut and hung within the boundaries of a wooden frame to inflate into a three dimensional form. [ The basic pattern ]

[ Cutting fabics to be basic patterns ]

This prototype is from a 2D brunch patterns. The aim of this prototype is to experiment the hanging techniques and try to achieve a special 3D model with hyperbolic on it.

07 | Design Development

[ Physical Prototypes | Digital Simulation ]

[ Hanging experiments ]


Pattern is hung within the wooden frame


Connection points are managed for final shaping



nal outcome with controlled thicknesses

[ The fianl outcome ]

07 | Design Development

[ Physical Prototypes | Digital Simulation ]

[ Hanging experiments ] Digital Simulation

07 | Design Development

[ Physical Prototypes | Digital Simulation ]

[ Hanging experiments ] In this experiment, the bounding box was used to not only hang the fabric but to shape it into a three dimensional form while using two components within the same box.


Two dimension felt sheet


Applying felt fibers to connect both layers


Hanging fabric at different connection points


Digital simulation

07 | Design Development

[ Physical Prototypes | Digital Simulation ]

[ Hanging experiments ] Digital simulation

07 | Design Development

[ Physical Prototypes | Digital Simulation ]

[ The basic pattern ]

[ The working process of physical model ]

[ The fianl outcome ]

[ Front View ] [ Back View ]

[ Side VIew ]

[ The outcome shows the transparent of material, and the continous lines and surfaces. ]

07 | Design Development

[ Physical Prototypes | Digital Simulation ]

[ Tubular Language ] To decrease the need for complex two dimensional patterns, reduce the breaking of the foam and the need for hanging to achieve the over all form, the pattern of each tube was studied alone rather than within a designed pattern pf fabric Materials used:

. Expandable foam:

. Felt fibers:

. Felt sheets:

. Plastic tubes

In order to expand into a three dimensional form

Used to connect the felt sheets together without the need for stitching or glue.

Used for the overall form and shaping.

To help maintain the shape of the tubes prior to the injection of foam

f n

[ Single tube experiments ]


Free form shaping with different lengths of fabric


Creating hinges for flexibity


Tying the ends to create curvature

07 | Design Development

[ Physical Prototypes | Digital Simulation ]

[ Multiple tube experiments ] The next approach was to create stronger tubes by connecting them in one sheet of fabric 1.

2D pattern of tubes


Cut voids for flexibility


Connect tub

bes for strength


Plastic tubes as placeholders


Injection with foam for hardening

07 | Design Development

[ Physical Prototypes | Digital Simulation ]

[ Multiple tube experiments ] This experiment used separate tubes and were connected using felt fibers


Separate tubes


Formation of tubes


Connection with fibers

07 | Design Development

[ Physical Prototypes | Digital Simulation ]

[ Multiple tube experiments ] The next step was to use this approach in designing a small stool 1.

Design of two dimensional pattern

Assigning tube direction

Cutting voids for flexibility in shaping


Injection of foam

07 | Design Development

[ Physical Prototypes | Digital Simulation ]

[ Multiple tube experiments ]




The tubes were connected at the legs for more strength. By combing (bundling) multiple tubes together, the overall leg is reinforced.

The tubes at the legs also branch out to connect with adjacent legs. The whole pattern was a continous flow of tubes as to avoid any breaking when foaming

As for the seating area another linear component was connected perpendicular to the stool structure to accommodate for the surfaces needed in that area.

07 | Design Development [ Final chair design ]

Front View

Back View

07 | Design Development

[ Physical Prototypes | Digital Simulation ]

[ Final chair design ]

[ Robotic Fabrication ] The reserach also explored the potential of modern robotic technology in the making of innovative fabric architecture. As the next step, an ABB 120 robot was programmed to needle felt through fibers at different speeds creating a more accurate gradient of textures within a single sheet of felt wool.

> End effector design > Fabrication logic > Fabrication process

08 | Robotic Fabrication [ End effector design ]

Connection to robot Main support


Gear 24V Motor Motor Case

Safe gaurd Felting needles

08 | Robotic Fabrication [ Fabrication Logic ] In order to create an accurate gradient of textures, the robot was programmed to change its speed and number of passes through the wool fibers. Sample

Speed pattern


Fast, Slow, Fast

Low, High, Low

6, 2 , 6

1 , 2, 1


Slow, Fast, Slow 2, 6, 2


Fast, Slow, Slow 2, 6, 2

Number of overlaps

Gradient pattern










High, Low, High 2, 1, 2

High, Low, High 2, 1, 2

[ Felting needles move in a vertical motion through the wool fibers interlocking them into a solid sheet of felt fabric ]

09 | Digital Design Process [ The logic and generation system ]

01 | Chair Design Process 02 | Column Design Process 03 | Wall Design Process 04 | Stairs Design Process 05 | Pavilion Design Process 06 | Architectural Space Design Process

[ Digital Design Process | Chair Design Process I ] | Step One: The logic of pattern

From parallel lines to patterns

[ The process of generating patterns ]

Connection Points Line 1: Point 9 Line 2: Point 11 Line 3: Point 10 Line 4: Point 12 Line 5: Point 13 Line 6: Point 8 Line 7: Point 4

[ Prototype 1 ]

Connection Points

Connection Points

[ Prototype 5 ]

Connection Points

Line 1: Point 13 Line 2: Point 11 Line 3: Point 11 Line 4: Point 10 Line 5: Point 13 Line 6: Point 8 Line 7: Point 7

[ Prototype 2 ]

Line 1: Point 8 Line 2: Point 6 Line 3: Point 11 Line 4: Point 12 Line 5: Point 8 Line 6: Point 13 Line 7: Point 5

Line 1: Point 4 Line 2: Point 8 Line 3: Point 12 Line 4: Point 8 Line 5: Point 11 Line 6: Point 5 Line 7: Point 7

[ Prototype 6 ]

Connection Points

[ Prototype 3 ]

Line 1: Point 8 Line 2: Point 6 Line 3: Point 7 Line 4: Point 11 Line 5: Point 11 Line 6: Point 10 Line 7: Point 8

Connection Points Line 1: Point 13 Line 2: Point 5 Line 3: Point 4 Line 4: Point 7 Line 5: Point 4 Line 6: Point 6 Line 7: Point 5

Connection Points

[ Prototype 4 ]

Line 1: Point 11 Line 2: Point 6 Line 3: Point 8 Line 4: Point 5 Line 5: Point 13 Line 6: Point 7 Line 7: Point 9

[ Prototype 7 ]

Connection Points Line 1: Point 11 Line 2: Point 10 Line 3: Point 13 Line 4: Point 13 Line 5: Point 10 Line 6: Point 6 Line 7: Point 7

[ Prototype 8 ]

[ Digital Design Process | Chair Design Process I ] | Step Two: The method of hanging in bonding box

From 2D patterns to 3D models

In physical work flow, the specific points in 2D pattern were hung by using several bonding box. This work flow is simulated in digital design process by using spring system. Through customized control, the points which need to be hung are selected from 2D pattern, and the spring between these points and the points on the bonding box will shrink through this process. In this way, the process of hanging could be simulated precisely.

[ The process of hanging ] [1]



Hanging Progress = 0% Repelling Range = 0.0 Spring Stiffness = 0.2 Height = 0 cm

Hanging Progress = 15% Repelling Range = 30.0 Spring Stiffness = 0.2 Height = 40 cm

Hanging Progress = 30% Repelling Range = 60.0 Spring Stiffness = 0.2 Height = 70 cm




Hanging Progress = 60% Repelling Range = 120.0 Spring Stiffness = 0.2 Height = 90 cm

Hanging Progress = 85% Repelling Range = 170.0 Spring Stiffness = 0.2 Height = 90 cm

Hanging Progress = 100% Repelling Range = 200.0 Spring Stiffness = 0.2 Height = 90 cm

[ Digital Design Process | Chair Design Process I ] | Step Three: Force analysis and optimization

Inner structure optimization

[ Back Load ]

[ Hand Load ]

[ Hand Load ]

[ Seat Load ]

[ Seat Load ]

[ Foot Support ]

[ Seat Load ]

The inner structure is the main part of the chair to bear the loads from users. This step focuses on force analysis. By analysing the specific areas where the force would be applied, the color on the lines of inner structure will be changed. Different colors represent different magnitude of loads applied on this chair. The more loads it should support, the thicker inner structure it will be. [ Deformation analysis]

[ The process of optimization ] [1]

Analysis Progress = 0% Maximum Deformation Value = 0.00 Average Deformation Value = 0.00


Analysis Progress = 50% Maximum Deformation Value = 10.17 Average Deformation Value = 1.38


[ The optimized inner structure ] Analysis Progress = 100% Maximum Deformation Value = 14.50 Average Deformation Value = 2.19



[ Digital Design Process | Chair Design Process I ] | Step Four: Surface generation system

Generate the surface through inner structure [ The process of generating surfaces ] [1]


Growing Progress = 0% Repelling Range = 0.0 Restlength Ratio = 1.0 Restlength Magnification = 0.1 Surface Length = 0 Nodes Magnification = 2 Generation Amount = 3 Merge Amount = 0


Growing Progress = 20% Repelling Range = 25.0 Restlength Ratio = 0.5 Restlength Magnification = 0.5 Surface Length = 15 Nodes Magnification = 2 Generation Amount = 3 Merge Amount = 0


Growing Progress = 80% Repelling Range = 100.0 Restlength Ratio = 2.0 Restlength Magnification = 2.0 Surface Length = 60 Nodes Magnification = 2 Generation Amount = 3 Merge Amount = 0

Growing Progress =100% Repelling Range = 120.0 Restlength Ratio = 2.5 Restlength Magnification = 2.0 Surface Length = 75 Nodes Magnification = 2 Generation Amount = 3 Merge Amount = 0



Growing Progress = 40% Repelling Range = 50.0 Restlength Ratio = 1.0 Restlength Magnification = 1.0 Surface Length = 30 Nodes Magnification = 2 Generation Amount = 3 Merge Amount = 0


Growing Progress = 60% Repelling Range = 75.0 Restlength Ratio = 1.5 Restlength Magnification = 1.5 Surface Length = 45 Nodes Magnification = 2 Generation Amount = 3 Merge Amount = 0


Growing Progress = 100% Repelling Range = 120.0 Restlength Ratio = 2.5 Restlength Magnification = 2.0 Surface Length = 75 Nodes Magnification = 2 Generation Amount = 3 Merge Amount = 680

Growing Progress = 100% Repelling Range = 120.0 Restlength Ratio = 2.5 Restlength Magnification = 2.0 Surface Length = 75 Nodes Magnification = 2 Generation Amount = 3 Merge Amount = 680

[ Digital Design Process | Chair Design Process I ] | Final outcomes

Different prototypes with same inner structure

[ Prototype 1 ] [ Perspective View ]

[ Prototype 4 ] [ Perspective View ]

[ Prototype 2 ] [ Perspective View ]

[ Prototype 3 ] [ Perspective View ]

[ Prototype 5 ] [ Perspective View ]

[ Prototype 6 ] [ Perspective View ]

[ Digital Design Process | Chair Design Process II ] | From 2D patterns to 3D model [ Basic patterns ]

[ The method of hanging ]

[ Bonding box for hanging ]





Using the same logic as shown before, this process first starts from 2D pattern. 2 same patterns were hung into 2 bonding boxes which are 50cm*50cm*50cm. The specific points on the 2D pattern were attacted on the edges and corners of bonding boxes, which created a shape of chair. After defining the inner structure of chair, the next step is to generate the surface onto the inner structure. By controlling different parameters, the outcomes would be various.

[ The outcomes of innerstructure ] [ Front View ]

[ Front View ]

[ Top View ]

[ Top View ]

[ Side View ]

[ Side View ]

[ Digital Design Process | Chair Design Process II ] | From 2D patterns to 3D model [ The method of generating surface ]

Growing Progress = 80% Repelling Range = 100.0 Restlength Ratio = 2.0 Restlength Magnification = 2.0

[ The outcome of chair with surface ]

Surface Length = 60 Nodes Magnification = 3 Generation Amount = 4 Merge Amount = 0

Growing Progress = 100% Repelling Range = 120.0 Restlength Ratio = 2.5 Restlength Magnification = 2.0

Growing Progress = 100% Repelling Range = 120.0 Restlength Ratio = 2.5 Restlength Magnification = 2.0

Surface Length = 75 Nodes Magnification = 3 Generation Amount = 4 Merge Amount = 760

Surface Length = 75 Nodes Magnification = 3 Generation Amount = 4 Merge Amount = 760

[ The final outcome ]

[ Backrest ]

[ Seating ]

[ Perspective View ]

[ Prototype 1 ]

[ Legs ]

[ Digital Design Process | Chair Design Process II ] | Final outcomes

[ Prototype 2 ]

[ Perspective View ]

[ Front View ]

[ Back View ]

[ Prototype 3 ]

[ Perspective View ]

[ Front View ]

[ Back View ]

[ Digital Design Process | Column Design Process ] | Pattern design & Hanging process [ Basic patterns]

[ Process of hanging the patterns]

[ Basic pattern 1 ]



Hanging Progress = 0%


Repelling Range = 0.0


Spring Stiffness = 0.2

Spring St

Height = 0 cm

Height =

[ Basic pattern 1 ]

[ Bonding Box 1 ]


60cm Size: 60cm*60cm*60cm



Progress = 50%

Hanging Progress = 80%

Hanging Progress = 60%

g Range = 100.0

Repelling Range = 150.0

Repelling Range = 200.0

tiffness = 0.2

Spring Stiffness = 0.2

Spring Stiffness = 0.2

Height = 250 cm

Height = 300 cm

90 cm

[ Digital Design Process | Column Design Process ] | Force Analysis & Surface generation System [ The process of force analysis ]



Analysis Progress = 0% Maximum Deformation Value = 0.0 Average Deformation Value = 0.00

Analysis Progress = 35% Maximum Deformation Value = 5.20 Average Deformation Value = 1.30



Analysis Progress = 70%

Analysis Progress = 100%

Maximum Deformation Value = 13.42

Maximum Deformation Value = 18.36

Average Deformation Value = 4.19

Average Deformation Value = 6.12

[ Digital Design Process | Column Design Process ] | Force Analysis & Surface generation System [ The process of generating surfaces ]



Growing Progress = 0% Repelling Range = 0.0 Restlength Ratio = 1.2 Restlength Magnification = 0.1 Surface Length = 5 Nodes Magnification = 2 Generation Amount = 3 Merge Amount = 0

Growing Progress = 50% Repelling Range = 40.0 Restlength Ratio = 1.2 Restlength Magnification = 0.9 Surface Length = 60 Nodes Magnification = 2 Generation Amount = 3 Merge Amount = 0



Growing Progress = 100% Repelling Range = 80.0 Restlength Ratio = 1.2 Restlength Magnification = 1.8 Surface Length = 97 Nodes Magnification = 2 Generation Amount = 3 Merge Amount = 2835

Growing Progress = 100% Repelling Range = 120.0 Restlength Ratio = 1.2 Restlength Magnification = 2.0 Surface Length = 105 Nodes Magnification = 2 Generation Amount = 3 Merge Amount = 2835

[ Digital Design Process | Column Design Process ] | Final Outcomes [ Prototype 1 ]

[ Prototype 1 ]

[ Front View ]

[ Back View ]

[ Prototype 2 ]

[ Prototype 2 ]

[ Front View ]

[ Digital Design Process | Column Design Process ] | Final Outcomes

[ Detail 1 ]

[ Detail 2 ]

[ Prototype 3 ] [ Detail 3 ]

[ Front View ]

[ Detail 1 ]

[ Detail 2 ]

[ Prototype 3 ] [ Back View ]

[ Detail 3 ]

[ Digital Design Process | Wall Design Process ] | From 2D patterns to 3D model [ Step 1: Basic patterns ]

[ Step 2: Bonding box for hanging ]





[ Step 4: The outcome of inner structure as a component of

[ Front View ]

[ Back View ]

[ Side View ]

[ Top View ]

[ Step 3: The method of hanging ]

This process first starts from 2D pattern as a component of wall. The pattern was hung into 2 bonding boxes which are 60cm*60cm*30cm. Next step is to generate the surface onto the inner structure. By controlling different parameters, the outcomes would be various.

[ Digital Design Process | Wall Design Process ] | From 2D patterns to 3D model [ Step 5: Various prototypes of components with same inner structure ]

[ Front View ] [ Prototype 1 ]

[ Front View ] [ Prototype 2 ]

[ Front View ] [ Prototype 3 ]

[ Front View ] [ Prototype 4 ]

[ Front View ] [ Prototype 5 ]

[ Front View ] [ Prototype 6 ]

[ Front View ] [ Prototype 7 ]

[ Front View ] [ Prototype 8 ]

[ Front View ] [ Prototype 9 ]

[ Step 6: The aggeregation of components ] [ Front View ]

[ Top View ]

[ Inner structure analysis [ A part of the wall ]

[ Digital Design Process | Wall Design Process ] | From 2D patterns to 3D model

[ Digital Design Process | Stairs Design Process ] | From 2D patterns to 3D model [ Basic patterns ]

[ The method of hanging ]

[ Bonding box for hanging ]





[ The outcome of inner structure] This process first starts from 2D pattern as a component of stairs. The pattern was hung into 4 bonding boxes which are 60cm*60cm*60cm. Next step is to generate the surface onto the inner structure. By controlling different parameters, the outcomes would be various.

[ Top View ]

[ Side View ]

[ Front View ]

[ Digital Design Process | Stairs Design Process ] | From 2D patterns to 3D model [ Final Outcome ]

[ Detail 1: Handrails ]

[ Detail 2: Stairways ]

[ Detail 3: Stairways ]

[ Digital Design Process | Stairs Design Process ] | From 2D patterns to 3D model

[ Top View ]

[ Perspective View ]

[ Digital Design Process | Pavilion Design Process I ] | From 2D patterns to 3D model [ Basic patterns ]

[ Aggeregation of basic patterns ]

[ Bonding box for hanging ] 100cm 100cm 100cm 100cm





[ The method of hanging ]

[ Digital Design Process | Pavilion Design Process I ] | From 2D patterns to 3D model [ Perspective View ]

[ Top View ]

[ Digital Design Process | Pavilion Design Process II ] | From 2D patterns to 3D model [ Baskc pattern 1 ]

[ Basic pattern 2 ]

[ Bonding box for hanging ]

[ Bonding box for hanging ] 30cm

[ The method of hanging ]






[ The method of hanging ]



[ Digital Design Process | Pavilion Design Process II ] | From 2D patterns to 3D model

[ Perspective View 1 ]

[ Perspective View 2 ]

[ Perspective View 3 ]

[ Digital Design Process | Architectural Space Design Process ] | From 2D patterns to 3D model [ Generation analysis ]

[ Outdoor activity fields ]

[ Step 1 ]

[ Step 2 ]

[ Step 3 ]

[ Second floor ]

[ Stairs ]

[ Stairs ]

[ Entrance ]

[ Detail 1: Perspective View 1 ]

[ Side View ]

[ Detail 2: Perspective View 2 ]

[ Detail 3: Perspective View 3 ]

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