Bartlett UG2 2017/18_Yuki

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P1 Linggezi (Yuki) Man The site is located at the Serpentine Museum, where has three main access towards the gallery and two existing path to the empty block in front of it. The project is proposing a public leisure space within the block with optimum path through the area leading people from the outside towards the gallery as well as a versatile activity area.

“Wool Thread Experiment” by Frei Otto

“Urban Implementation” - SHAMPOOO

Reorganizing Space The project looks into the methods of reorganizing space. As shown in the Frei Otto’s wool thread experiment, a number of points were pined onto one plane and connected by thread. The more organic paths were created by losing each thread by 8% and dip them within liquid, and the result shows a more optimum solution between the points. A project done by shampoo was a housing proposal in New York, which uses the similar method to make the most use of one area.


Original Connection Line

Attraction Power = 40

Attraction Power = 50

Attraction Power = 60

Attraction Power = 30 Intersection Number = 5

Attraction Power = 30 Intersection Number = 10

Attraction Power = 30 Intersection Number = 20

The Control Points (Within the Area) Different position of the point would affect the general pattern, this test also tends to investigate the location of the points in order to create the pattern with more efficiency on controlling the density of the patches according to demands.

Original Connection Line

Attraction Power = 40

Attraction Power = 50

Attraction Power = 60

Attraction Power = 30 Intersection Number = 5

Attraction Power = 30 Intersection Number = 10

Attraction Power = 30 Intersection Number = 20

The Control Points (to side) Connection lines are created between the points and generated according to the hair system and recreating a more organic and more optimize solution.

Original Connection Line

Attraction Power = 40

Attraction Power = 50

Attraction Power = 60

Attraction Power = 30 Intersection Number = 5

Attraction Power = 30 Intersection Number = 10

Attraction Power = 30 Intersection Number = 20

The Control Points (Downwards) The test intends to investigate how the position of one point within the square that is defined by the corner points could affect the result of the reorganized pattern.

Patches From the Results The different patches from the test show a reorganization of the green area.

Pattern with Multiple Points More control points were added in this test to explore how the patches could be created according to different area.

Site Test 1 Learning from the previous tests, the control points were decided to be within the area or on the main paths to create the original connection lines.


Public Seating

Sunken plaza

Site Test 2 The points are adjusted accordingly after each test to approach a more inhabitable solusion.


Starting Points

Destination Points

Initial Connection Line

Attraction Power = 50

Circulation Test with Site The initial connection lines are based on the starting points (the entrance of the gallery) and destination points (set location where people mostly stay and aim for). The new routine is generated and reorganized with shows the routes that more people would like to choose within the area.

Attraction Power = 200

Attraction Power = 300

Attraction Power = 400

Attraction Power = 500

Circulation Test with Digital Tool The circulation routes are retested with various attraction powers, so that the routes are closer to each other and showing more gathered results.

Learning From the Results The new pathway is following the cleaned up geometry of the testing results and adjusted according to its surroundings.

Patches within Site The curved lines within the patches also mean to show the tendency of people’s circulation. (From the outside path towards the gallery)

Concept Model

Paths on Site There are originally three pathways that lead people into this green area. The project is proposing a new pathway network that leads people to the gallery through the empty block. By using the ‘maya hair system’ the more optimum path solutions are suggested by merging smaller paths so that the block can act as a public pace with more efficiency.

Network solutions The result is compared and selected according to the main path that could be provided as well as the size of the areas that is subdivided.

Plan View 1:200

Elevation Diagram The height is adjusted according to the façade of the gallery, that sank in the middle avoiding blocking out passengers’ view from the outside street and rise up on the site creating canopies for the café and seatings.


High Line Walkway in NYC

BIG Copenhagen

Lines in 2D As Guide Learning from the reference, the project is introducing two dimensional lines in the landscape as a guide that leads people towards certain direction. Also, the lines can emphasize certain objects within the site.

Plasma Studio Nanjing

Zaha Hadid Galaxy Soho

Enhabitant of the Patchs Apart from 2D lines, the patches also could be at various height to demonstrate different usage of the patchs.


Sunken plaza

Plain vegetation

Bench height structure

Bench height structure

Bench height structure

Table height structure

Canopy and shelter

Occupation of the patches The possibilities and different iterations for different program that may happen on the public area.

Scales within a Cafe

Town Entrance in Chatenay Malabry

Human Scale A testing model exploring how the height of the paths or patchs could fit diffferent activities within the space.

Sunken plaza

Plain vegetation

Bench height structure

Table height structure

Massing Diagram The massing diagrams are based on previous results, the test intends to determine the location of the programs applied on the patches according to their height.

Canopy and shelter

Sunken plaza

Plain vegetation

Bench height structure

Table height structure

Canopy and shelter

Program proposal Bases on previous test, different programs are applied onto each patches according to reasonable size and height of that area.

Testing with water

Smaill surfaces created by the streghth of water

Initial Test with Reference The test is constructed by connecting thread between two set points on the frame and dip the whole structure into water. The shape of the threads would be reorganized by the strength of water.

2D Network Test The shape is set by coating the structure with wax. The knots is caused by loosen ends, however creating a 3D form.

2D Network Test 2 Similar to test 1, the structure is coated with wax. This test tends to explore how network with both horizontal and vertical direction would interact with each other.

3D Network Test 1 The shape is created by loosen the threads with control length and dipped within wax. The features of the domes various due to different length and density of the threads.

3D Network Test 2 With more controlled frame, the structure could acts as a more structural form. This test means to explore how the length and number of threads would affect the general shape of the dome.

3D Network Test 3 A continuation of the previous test, the structure is strengthened by avoiding using single thread for one route. The test also looks at to what extend would the starting points and ending points would effect on the general shape.


Plan View 1:150

Isometric V

View 1:200









The expedition of Copenhagen coastline.

Nordhavn Nowadays

Nordhavn proposed by COBE as a new city district

Coastline and Canel Development in Copenhagen The development of the Copenhagen coastline shows the importance of water culture to the city. The site is located at one Copenhagen’s harbour basins. The coastline of Copenhagen has expended through the years and is claimed to be home for the cleanest water in the world, thus the development of many waterfront activities. Nordhavn as we know it has already expanded thrice, and will continue to expand further into the ocean in the next fifty years under the masterplan proposed by COBE. At this stage of the development, Nordhavn is aiming to attract people to move out of the city centre and into the island.

Site Location The site is located near the North-Eastern coastline in Copenhagen, along the converging edge of Nordhavn and its neighbouring district, Ă˜sterbro. It is exposed to water on two sides. The project proposes a theatre complex to attract visitors to the island.

Metro Line

Double Lane Road


Metro Station

2-1 Lane Road


Bus Station

Accessibility to Site The site is situated next to Nordhavn Metro Station. It is surrounded by existing cycling paths and roads and there are two bus stations within 5 minutes walking distance to the site.

Cycling Route

Entrance 1 Bridge Crossing

Entrance 2

Walking Path

Cycling Path

Car Path

Accessibility to Site The direction of the existing traffic determines the orientation of the entrance(s) for visitors with vehicles and the circulation direction within the site boundary. The radius displays a 5-minute travel distance according to the different transport methods.


Theatre and Hall

Apartment Building

Public Service

Company Building

Office Building


Building Use Around Site Area The proposal is located West to a flat complex, which houses 259 apartments and 600 parking plots.

Green Space


Matro Line


Views Toward Site Photo collages demonstrating the views towards the site from the North and West directions.

Potential Site Block

Solar Fan in May and December

Sunlight condition A sunpath study establishing the height and location constraints for the proposal. In order to maintain quality of comfort for the existing apartments and being aware of its surroundings, the new building would apply geometry that mimics the opposite building complex.


Theatre and Hall


Teatre Kant

No.1 Domus Portus Selskabslokale & Event

Night Event Around the Area Highlighting existing “night out� locations in the area: Teatre Kant and No.1 Domus Portus Selskabslokale & Event. The former is a modern black box performing art theater, the later, a Banquet hall for organized event and parties.

a. Capacity: 1800

b. Capacity: 2100

c. Capacity: 1370

d. Capacity: 1800 for the main auditorium

Dimension Study of Existing Opera Houses a. DR Copenhagen Concert Hall – Denmark b. Hamburg Elbphilharmonie c. Oslo Opera House d. Guangzhou Opera House

Site Bondary Stage and Auditorium Stage

1 The Kaispeicher 2 The Facade

3 The Tube 4 The Plaza

5 The Large Concert Hall 6 The Sound Reflector

7 The Organ 8 The Small Hall

9 The Kaistudio 10 Foyer - Bar

11 The Hotel 12 The Flats

13 The Park Garage

Newly Built Glass Facade

The Open Terrace

Existing Warehouse

Backstage Service Performance Place Public Space Non - Public Space

Case Study: Elbphilharmonie, Hamburg Hamburg Elbphilharmonie - A building complex consist of a large concert hall (2150 seats), a small hall (550 seats), a hotel with 250 rooms, 47 units of apartment and an elevator towards the open plaza. The new building structure refurbished and extruded the existing warehouse (108m tall). The footprint of the building measures 120,000 m2.


Roof Plan

Function distribution

Plan on first floor

Plan on fifth floor

Plan on seventh floor

Function distribution

Case Study 2: DR Concert Hall, Copenhagen Investigating Function Distribution and Circulation in a Concert Hall Architect: Jean Nouvel Capacity: 1800 people in concert hall and three recording studios Service: small-scale jazz concerts in foyer, chamber music, choral, rock and pop concerts, large scale rhythmic concerts

Auditorium entrance

Case Study 3: Philharmonic, Berlin Investigating the Boundary betweeen Stage and Program via studying their Occupied Floor Area Architect: Hans Scharoun Capacity: 2440 Auditorium type: Semi-enclosed

Function distribution

Function and circulation


Case Study 4: Philharmonic Orchestra, China Investigating Function Distribution and Circulation in a Concert Hall Architect: MAD Capacity: 1600 for the main hall Auditorium type: Semi-enclosed

Relationship between Functions A study to understand the relationship between stage, auditorium seatings and balconies. The arrows show the entrance of the auditorium. The number with circle shows different level of seatings and raw number within the region.

Public Plaza

Main Auditorium

Parking Plots

Performance Service

Public Service

Entrance for Walking People

Private Entrance


Public Entrance

Performance Support



Bar and Cafe


Ticket Office

Entrance for People with Vehicle

Space ratio of Key Spaces A massing diagram showing relationship between key spaces and their floor area ratio on site.

Public Plaza

Main Auditorium Parking Plots Performance Service Public Service Theatre Service Relating to Public

Massing Diagram: Occupied Volume Massing diagram demonstrating the relationships between functions in volume form.

Public Plaza

Main Auditorium

Parking Plots Performance Service Public Service Theatre Service Relating to Public

Organising functions Iterations of organising public spaces within the boudaries of the site

Initial Building Concept The form of the building intends to act as a landscape that allows people to walk around, through and on top of it. Multiple cycling paths within the site boundaries are connected to the existing traffic lanes. The paths are to be light weighted and self-supporting, the core program (the main auditorium) are also to be self-supporting. A membrane structure would create enclosure for the rest of the building.

“Wool Thread Experiment” by Frei Otto

Parametric Urbanism III New York, Urban Reef by Shampooo

Links to Project 1 - Philosophy and References Project 1 was driven by the methodology of reorganizing space. This is apparent in both Frei Otto’s wool thread experiment and Shampoo’s masterplan proposal in New York. In Otto’s technique, a number of points are pinned onto one plane and connected by thread. The more organic paths were created using an 8% over length and dip them into liquid, and the result shows a more optimum solution between the points. Shampoo’s masterplan proposal in New York uses a similar method to make the most use of one area.

Thread Test A physical test that imitate the Frei Otto’s wool thread experiment. However, instead of using 8%-overlength thread, a scaling bar was used to determine the length of each thread in order to form an arch. The curvature is fixed after being dipped in wax, this informs the shape of the canopy. The principle allows the use of minimal material for optimal strength. The features of the domes vary according to the different lengths and density of the threads.

“Reorganizing space� As a continuation from project 1, the paths are generated by setting and linking potential entrances of the theatre to a destination point where the main auditorium is located.

Main Cycling Paths Learning from the generated result, the main paths are extracted as cycling paths hugging the volume of the theatre. The subdivided spaces would be used for different functions.

Recital Room - Chamber Music Hall, Berlin, 1987 Seating capacity: 1022 Architects: Hans Scharoun and Edgar Wisniewski

Auditorium level

Proposed Auditorium Seats with Exit Directions

Auditorium Seating The stage from this precedent is in the centre of the auditorium, this means it could be viewed by the audience from 360°. This form also allows the audience to enter the space from various directions. The project aims to design an auditorium that would allow the same effect and create the illusion that the core space of the building is floating in air with minimum connections to the ground.

Iteration 3 - Form Finding Comparing with previous reference of using anchor points from the same plane, the new auditorium space provides entrances which could act as anchor points three dimensionally in the space. By using the similar digital tool, the test was expected to reorganize the space with an optimized solution of connection lines between the points.

Form Finding Model Comparing with digital simulation, the physical test has more dynamic and unpredictable results due to complex factors in the reality.

Model 2

Model 1

Model 1 with just connection lines to the ground

Model 2 with connection lines between all points

Mapping Boundaries The hoops on the metal rods represent the locations of entrances to the building or the auditorium at different heights. The white threads connect these entrances to anchor points on ground level, showing entrance and exit pathways. The red threads connecting the highest points demonstrates the boundaries of the canopy enclosure.

Form finding model

Plan view

Perspective view

Forking pathways and Circulation system

Anchor points indicates entrances, the threads in between could not form a dense network. However, part of the model still show potential routes for circulation. This is shown in plan and perspective views. As it is shown above, the pathways could be gathered at the main entrance and branch out as they approach the main building. The branched network of elevated pathways could become a roof structure for the spaces beneath.

Examples of Hanging Chain Experiment

Model from project 1

Interation Model

Similar form, Different Methodology The form of the models in project 1 follows the chain experiment, hence, was given by gravity. According to the principle of the chain experiment, the natural shape formed by gravity would perform as stable arches. The new model at this point of development does not show the same structural properties as the threads were organised by circulation.

Set up Circumstances for Chain Experiment The original Gaudi chain experiment is developed from a two dimensional diagram, however, the set up of this testing model has anchor points in three dimensions. The threads map the potential circulation routes around the core and the heights of the canopy.

Application of the Chain Experiment Principles to Current Model The aim of this experiment is determine the location and curvature of structural arches that could surpport the building in a light weight fashion. Using the same methodology as previously done in project 1, a load is added to the thread between the anchors to emphasise the effect of gravity. This creates a trangular shape rather than that of a stable arch due to the point load.

Mirrored Image

Physical Model

Improved Set Up on Chain Study - Form Finding Model To avoid using columns on the lower levels, the test aims to investigate how the arch system could work together with the anchor points from previous studies, so that the pathways as well as the auditorium space could be supported by strong elements that take compression.

Test with different force vector

Grasshopper script

Finding Forms of Pathways Digitally Extracting potential pathways through simulating force distribution on two arches that are respectively anchored to the ground. A digital simulation of the chain model. The line was divided equally and loaded with same force at each dividing point. The resulting curve smooths out as the number of points increases. The digital test uses a script which instead of using gravity, applies a force onto each point drawing them towards the previously set potential entrances of the building at ground level; ensuring the paths to go through the anchor points with a natural curve.

Iteration 2 An elevation showing circulation paths and the supporting arches

Iteration 2 Side elevation showing optimised paths and arches that surpport them

Iteration 2

Iteration 2 Front elevation showing the major cycling paths

Iteration 2 - Ground Floor Plan


Iteration 2 - First Floor Plan

Iteration 2 - Roof Plan

Iteration 2

Planned Fragment Model In this iteration, the arches are adopted as large elements that take compression. The pathways would be suspended underneath the arches. Considering the height differences between the paths, meshes would be used as a media forming walkable surfaces. The iteration need to be changed because the arches are too heavy for the light weight approach concept of the project. Also, the pathways with the same widths had no hierarchy

Access points to site; and

Entrances to the auditorium

Straight lines drawn from access points to site to entrances to the auditorium at different heights

Ensuring that the ramps between floors are at a walkable angle, this also informs the minimum distance between the entrances and the end of the level.

From Form to Inhabitability Exercise to determine floor heights and neccessary floor area to cater for different function groups such as cafe, restaurant and balconies and walkable ramps.

Outdoor Platform and Paths

Indoor Public Service

Inner Courtyard and Stage

Main Auditorium

Indoor Paths

Inner Courtyard and Stage Outdoor Stage

Indoor Public Service

Outdoor Platform and Paths

Spatial Organisation Corresponding to the Form of the Meshes

Anchor points at similar positions on different floors would result in similar edges of floor plates. This would create atriums and allow visitors see through the building.

The major ramps would become a part of the canopy which shelters the spaces beneath.

Front elevation view

Relationships between Floor plates (levels) Explanation regarding the decisions made in order to create specific moments and views





Anchor points are set, minimum distance between two anchor points is then adjusted to at least two metres. By using the spring force and the gravity force, the test aims to develop a general shape from stretched nets and determine the fix points for the edge cables.



0.0m to + 3m

0.0m to + 5m

0.0m to + 7m

+ 7m to + 12m

Modelling Meshes at Different Heights

Minimizing Floor Plates An improvement from the mash model. The test tends to minimize the floor plate to allow more natural light coming through the building as well as creating more interaction between passengers. The paths are mostly formed by the necessary routines from lifts to entrances of other space.

Location of the Masts

Masts As many of the anchor points are sharing the same location in plan view, when they translated into masts, they could act as the main towers in cable tie bridge structure. Since elevators, toilets and first aids offices are service that need to go through almost every level, they would be placed at anchor point location. Solid masts would be replaced with liner space with function to connect the ends of the edge cables.

Secondary cables

Steel pipes

Suspended catwalk / working space

Clamps of primary cables

Suspended catwalks from the roof allows staff to work with performance equipment near the ceiling.

Suspended Catwalk from the Roof

Side Elevation of Physical Model

Atriums enable a high level of natural light in the inner courtyards, it also allows more people to gather around and watch performances while they take place in the outdoor stages.


Carbon fibre components come in as strips – (fibres per roving – 50K, length per spool – 60m)

Set up robot series.

Carbon and glass fibre were then drawn through a resin bath by the robot and wound around the metal scaffolding.

The components were then put within a giant oven before being removed from the scaffolding and form as independent components.

General Method of Producing Weaving Structure

Different from traditional carbon fibre pattern, the carbon fibre component is weaving together with glass fibre. When the weaving pattern is partially replaced with glass fibre so that the components would have certain opacity.

Potential of weaving structure Different from traditional carbon fibre pattern, the carbon fibre component is weaving together with glass fibre. When the weaving pattern is partially replaced with glass fibre so that the components would have certain opacity. The pavilion that is built using carbon fiber. Inspired by the spider web, the building form is reinforced by layering carbon fiber lines. The whole structure is meant to be light weighted and material efficient. Both geometric and organic shape have the potential of providing enclosed space. However, the technology is still under development for the improvement of structure form as well as programming process.

Model with Vertical Surfaces The model aimed to explore weaving patterns between the horizontal slabs.





2 - 1.20 m



± 0.00m ± 0.00m

- 0.80m 3 4

9 4


6 5


TITLE Ground Floor Plan 1 : 200


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Outdoor Stage Back Stage Main Stage Auditorium Reception Lobby Staff Entrance Private Courtyard Private Seats Staff Lift Public Lift Entrance to Parking Plots





100 mm





20 m

± 0.00m

± 0.00m

+ 2.80m

+ 1.10m

+ 3.00m

+ 3.80m

4 + 2.60m + 3.10m


± 0.00m


+ 3.80m


+ 3.80m

+ 3.80m

+ 3.00m

± 0.00m


+4.50 m Plan 1 : 200


1 2 3 4

Reception and Cloak Room Box Office Information Desk Choral Stage





100 mm







+ 4.40m

+ 5.00m

+ 3.80m

+ 5.30m

+ 5.60m

+ 4.25m

+ 3.80m

+ 3.80m

+ 6.00m

+ 5.60m

+ 5.00m

TITLE + 5.60 m Plan 1 : 200






100 mm







+ 6.50m

2 + 7.80m 1 2

+ 7.60m

+ 8.00m



+ 8.70m



+ 7.80m

+ 8.70m

+ 5.60m

+ 9.00m

+ 8.00m

TITLE + 9.00 m Plan 1 : 200


1 2 3 4 5

Orchestra Organ Pipe Technical Room Sound Control Management Room Information Desk





100 mm








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