Issue 1
c ont e nt s “Dreams” by Carine Anarkis Editors Note “Everyday Resolutions” by Sophia Kirch “Synonyms” by Sophia Kirch “Summertime pt.1” by Alina Marinescu “Girls” by Carine Anarkis “The Tiger Recipe, The Tiger Recipe” by Beri Allen-Miller “RE:PULSE” by Beri Allen-Miller “Summertime pt.2” by Alina Marinescu “DM’s” by Sophia Kirch “Good Morning Routine” by Alina Marinescu An interivew with; “Never Fade London” “Phone Break Up” by Sophia Kirch “REFLECTION” Editorial Collaborators
e di t or s not e Dear Reader, It is with a warm heart that I would like to introduce you to the first edition of Zina- a lover, a creator, a simple but mighty force that is the embodiment of all of the beautiful minds who have come together to create this short zine. In all of my work I have felt the need to produce something real and honest, and in the months leading up to the birth of Zina I became increasingly aware of my relationship with technology and the direct impact it has on my state of being... And so the debut issue is based around the theme of Reflection; in all senses of the word: The reflections we catch of ourselves within the black mirrors of unlit screens; and the reflections which occur when we examine our own thoughts through introspect. Inside you will find an array of raw, uncut emotion, and feelings presented in different ways and sprinkled with a healthy dose of sass, manifested in a fashion editorial as the end result, hoping to entertain, inform and inspire you. So get comfortable, grab a cup of tea and dive in!
Everyday Resolutions
Step One: Look in the mirror
Step Two: Smile
The days get longer, the air warm. My body swells. So conscious I become, of my own form. It’s sort of nice at first, on glances I prize. Soon it gets uncomfortablethe surveillance, the desire, the ogling eyes. Then In an instant I peak, Summer is over, days shorter. My body in mutiny of yesterday’s scrutiny. Bitterness fills the air, gazes become rare, I yearn for the warmth of a lecherous stare? Dear you, please escape the confinement of anatomy, Embark on your journey of love and self-care.
The moon in the sky- a jackal’s eye I’ve spent days scribbling, reaching for Self-acceptance, while saluting the day as it drips in And while I notice a weight hanging from my naval, I fixate on the Patois etchings by jet planes. Am I pastry toned or Demerara? Coloured softly like a tea-stain. I wanna be your warrior Here in the shade Hands bridged over my heavy, greedy womb. I am a milk maid to my womanhood, Lips burnt by morning. Can we measure growth by yearly bunches of worry dolls? Sirens, alarms and interested panes I’m just a wind battered off-shoot I never see love as coming or leaving, just changing shades and tones, I try to lie, but the truth comes out.
1. I think about my teenage years, sat on uncomfortable wooden (now fashionable) stools, I always wanted something but couldn’t figure out what it was, I still question that. I close my eyes after a while of thoughts clouding my eyes, cleaning away the confusion of living. I watch the green footsteps of Hertfordshire pass by, almost choking at the quaintness of the view. I try to lose myself into as many of my own worlds as I can, distracting myself from everyday social situations. I imagine my brain a tall tree with treehouse after treehouse...failing to have a function. Life feels a blur if I’m speaking honestly- I separate from my body and carry it through, keep my heart beat steady and wipe away any tears & smears. 2. There’s a film on and its filmed in first person, it makes me feel sea sick imagining myself running and having the drive to move my body in an efficient way- the sound track makes me stretch my limbs, the pretend action is really tiring. There’s sun on the screen and for a moment I remember the feeling of sun on my
eyes and my face- softening me, making me pliable and young. 3. Today has made me want to work nine to five, I don’t feel I have a skill set so I get dressed as I have work to do or somewhere to go- I decide I need to write because I don’t want to hear that midday silence... I find a deep stretch inspired by yoga and a hot cup of tea are always the best way to recharge a sense of life like an emergency text “pick me up asap” putting on socks is a big deal to me – my feet are always cold – I have dogs so I’m bound to step in a puddle of mud on the floor, meaning socks come on and off & usually staying off avoids that disgusting damp itch, if you know you know, if you don’t you’re lucky. 4. I’ve been a floaty goat today, not quite with it, I slept too much and that always sets me up to fail, not that I have failed, I’ve just been distant from myself, thinking a lot- it’s good to have a reflective day especially after spending a lot of time with people, invest in finding the time to have a quiet day.
DM.S Today, you can send a direct message (which we will call a DM) to your dearest celebrity literally with a few taps of your fingers. Will said celebrity actually ever read it? Doesn’t matter- it’s in THEIR messages on THEIR phone! Though I’m no celebrity and can’t begin to imagine the kinds of DM’s one might receive, I find myself going through my message requests every so often for a laugh and let me tell you they do not disappoint...as time goes by men just seem to get more and more creative. Honestly… Sending pictures of your Selfridges bags? NOT INTERESTED. Telling me how you’re going to change my life? Not interested. Sending pics of your receipt from the dodgy club you ‘splashed out’ at? NOT INTERESTED. Sending me selfies with your pets? Sorry don’t know you, we’re not close like that, NOT INTERESTED. Asking questions that you already know the answer to? “wots ur name qt?”, as if its not written at the top of the very DM in question, although this may be lol-inducing, NOT interested. Sending me indecent close-ups? I am most definitely NOT INTERESTED. Oh and you can consider yourself blocked. I find myself wondering- Does any of this actually work? Do women react to this? Dear men- any woman that does react to these kinds of advances is only after the material prospects that you are leading with. Its not as if you’re depicting who you really are as a person,
you’re simply trying to buy her. If you’re ok with that, that’s your choice, but if its something more long-lasting and honest you are after, I’d probably try a different approach. Whilst I am undoubtedly not a fan of the DM, I’ve been lucky to meet some genuinely wonderful individuals via social media but even then I tell them we need to devise a different story about how we met!
Entrepreneur, Acupuncturist, Creative Director and all-round cool cat Terrence Eben is the man behind Never Fade London, a ‘poetic new age fashion brand with a desire to be impactful on a social scale and in the fashion and arts world’. Eben has experienced living on three different continents and says that the exposure he gained from that has been priceless for his personal growth. He tells us how it was his ‘strong passion for fashion and creativity’ which led him to launch Never Fade London last year, which is located in London’s vibrant Soho district, on Brewer Street.
Could you describe Never Fade London in three words? Forward, streetstyle, comfortable.
We have a strong outreach to emerging artists in London. Word of mouth and art events.
Where are the garments sourced and re-worked? From abroad and
locally in our atelier or local tailors.
What message are you trying to send with the pieces and the brand? That street-style was emerged out of a culture of using clothes as an expression of how you feel and not conforming to the norm and that we are inspired by that tradition.
Who/what inspires you? You spoke about Lots of great designers out there, My childhood- I was making my own clothes since I prejudice against was about 6 yrs old, I’m currently inspired by the need to use fashion as a community streetwear, can you builder. tell us a bit more Who are the artists about your thoughts on behind the pieces and how do you find them? that?
Since streetwear used to be affiliated with low life, hoodlumism, and lower society its emergence into main stream went through great resistanceIt’s all based on ignorant views and superiority complexes.
Working with other creatives, what kind of rules/structure need to exist to foster team collaboration? Defining roles and being clear on what you expect from the collaboration.
What skills according to you are required to start a successful fashion brand?
Organisation, Leadership, having a strategic mind and being a good observer.
What’s your mantra to keep going and keep inspired? Making cool clothes.
And finally, what’s your hopes and plans for twenty eighteen? Global brand outreach, collaborations with more established entities, to scale up digital and social media of the brand.
We catch our own reflections glaring back at us from the black mirrors which shrowd our coveted technology. These reflections ask us questions we know nothing ofan inquiry into our priorities, addictions, self-control. The time has come to confront these shadows and adapt; To become aware of obsession, nurturing the concept of time, Breeding discipline to pave way for growth. inspiring healthier relationships with our coal-veiled companions.
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c ont r i but or s Abbie Lilley GRAPHIC DESIGNER www.abbie-lilley.tumblr.com
Alina Marinescu ILLUSTRATOR https://www.behance.net/alinamarinescu
Beri Allen-Miller WRITER http://readberi.tumblr.com/
Carine Arnakis ILLUSTRATOR www.carinearnakis.xyz
Celia Tang PHOTOGRAPHER https://celiatang.co.uk/
Opashona Ghosh COVER ARTIST https://opashonaghosh.com/
Yiyi Tien MAKE UP
Sophia Kirch EDITOR STYLIST ILLUSTRATOR mailto:skirch28@hotmail.co.uk
thank you for reading