Quiz Handbook

Self test of your body type
This Quiz Handbook is letting people to know their body type based on Ayurveda treatment, an indic dietary treatment.
Mood Recipe About Quiz Handbook
We are Mood Recipe, a dietary treatment service that provides a reflective and thought-provoking toolkit to guide people in discovering healthy and suitable diets. We support individuals who suffer from emotional eating and want to learn more about themselves.
We combine nutritional and psychological aspects to help people find suitable diets. Specifically, our approach includes Ayurveda dietary treatment and the colour theory of taste and food.
Edited and made by Sophie Chen, 2024 @sophiechen.studioThe Quiz Handbook aims to help people determine their body type. Finding suitable and healthy diets is divided into 3 phases: understanding your body, finding appropriate meals, and recording your feelings about eating food.
This Quiz Handbook is the first step of the process: knowing your body type. It will introduce the essence of Ayurveda treatment, provide basic information about what a dosha (body type) is, offer three quizzes to identify your body type and give some brief suggestions.
If you want to know more about what kinds of food and meals are suited to your body type, you can read the Recipe Dictionary.
Introduction of the Dietary Treatment 04
Introduce Ayurveda, a indic health treatment help people find their suitable diets. You will know how Ayurveda work for maintaining health.
Quiz of Body Type 09
Throughout taking three piece of worksheets, you will know your body type and body state.
Some Simple Suggestions 17
Some brief advices of tastes and lifestyles.
Introduction of the Dietary Treatment
An traditional and alternative treatment found in India.
The etymology of Ayurveda
Ayur/Ayus = life or longevity
veda = knowledge
So, Ayurveda can be translated as knowledge of longevity or knowledge of life.
The etymology of Ayurveda
It encourages people to pursue a balanced life in mind, body, and spirit. However, it is not a “one size fits all” solution. Individuals must consider their unique circumstances, including their bodies, the seasons, and geography. Above all, they need to follow a specific diet to stay healthy.
Where Dosha Come From?
Dosha means body type. Specifically, Dosha is inspired and based on the principle of 5 elements in nature: space, air, fire, water and earth. Ayurveda believes people belong to nature. The natural elements can balance the body and mind healthily.
5 Elements

3 Doshas
Throughout special combinations of elements, it categorises into 3 doshas, 3 body types:
Vata is composed of Space + Air
Pitta is composed of Fire + Water
Kapha is composed of Earth + Water
The Features of 3 Doshas
Vata Pitta Kapha

Autumn represents Vata for its cool, crisp days.
They are slim, energetic, kind-hearted, flexible and creative.
But can become easily distracted.
Their mood is highly dependent on the environmental conditions, like weather, people and food they eat.

Summer represents Pitta for its sunny and hot days.
They are motivated, goal-oriented, and competitive.
But their aggressive and tenacious nature can be off-putting to some people, which can lead to conflict.
Those with a pitta-dominant dosha should focus on work-life balance and avoid extreme heat.

Spring represents Kapha, as many parts of the world slowly exit hibernation.
They are empathetic, caring, trusting, patient, calm, and thick-boned.
But they are prone to weight gain, slow metabolism, sluggishness, over-sleeping, breathing issues and susceptible to depression.
If they establish a regular sleep routine and exercise, they will get more motivations.
How to make balance and keep healthy between body and mind?
Any imbalance between these state can lead you feel sick or uncomfortable.
If we understand what kinds of a body types you belong to, we won’t be influenced by imbalance and unrelated things that not belong to your condition. You will start to do the quiz. You will know your body types and give you a specific dosha diet. After the result, you will get brief suggestions about foods, tastes and lifestyles. And what kinds of food are appropriate, and what you should avoid.
More About Auyurveda
The Ayurvedic diet promotes mindfulness, enhances self-control, and fosters a healthy relationship with food. However, it can be confusing and restrictive, relying on subjective assumptions about personality and body type, and lacks scientific evidence.
In Ayurveda, food significantly impacts the body, and we often eat based on physical qualities. Food, like air and water, is essential for life, providing energy for a better existence. This creates a special relationship between food and the self. Ayurveda offers a way for individuals to choose how they live and who they become.
Quiz of Body Type
About the quiz
Here are three section quizzes. Each section indicates a dosha(body type) and includes 20 questions. Considering each statement and reviewing your life, you will mark these questions with scores from 1 to 5.
If you think the statement doesn’t fit to your condition to mark 0
If you think the statement describe correctly on your condition to mark 5
If you think it rarely happen to mark 1 or 2
If you think it sometimes happen to mark 3
If you think it frequently happen to mark 4
Start to take quiz on next page

I’ve always been thin and don’t put on weight easily.
I’m a fast walker, always in front of a group of people.
I get nervous or anxious easily.
I eat fast and my family says I should eat slower.
I’m very creative.
I learn quickly, but I also forget quickly.
When there is conflict, I always ask myself, did I do something wrong?
When I was alone, I ate and slept at different times every day.
I get bored if I stay in one place all the time.
When I go into a room, I always feel too cold.
My skin has always been dry and rough.
I’m more affected by cold and windy weather than many people.
Sometimes people accuse me of having no brain.
My friends say I’m a chatterbox.
I am a light sleeper and have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.

Pitta Quiz
My eyes are
I am of average height.
I have a good appetite and can eat a lot if I want to.
I don’t like wasting time.
I have a strong willingness to learn new things.
I plan every day and like to follow a schedule.
If I
When there is conflict, I think, why can’t others see things as I do?
If I don’t eat on time, I become irritable.
I love to play outdoors, it’s exciting.
I always find it too hot in the house.
I’m prone to eczema, hives, and other rashes; my skin will turning red.
I usually defecate more than twice a day.
I get angry, but I forget quickly.

Kapha Quiz
I would rather watch sports on TV than take part in them.
When there is conflict, I want to crawl into bed and forget it ever existed.
I don’t understand people who say they’re not hungry. If there’s food in front of me, I want to eat it.
I need at least eight hours of sleep to feel good the next day.
I don’t like too much change. I like things to stay the same.
I hate cold, wet weather, and I think I suffer from seasonal affective disorder.
My friends and family would describe me as a person who is sincere and a good listener.
I have a lot of mucus and phlegm, or I have chronic sinusitis and nasal sensitivity.
with me.
The Result
Fill in the total score for each section in the corresponding blank below. Determine which of the three has the highest score, indicating your dosha (body type). If the scores are nearly equal, your body state is balanced. If there have two scores almost equal, it indicates your body type is in-between.
Total Score Vata
Pitta Kapha
Your Dosha is:
Quiz of Body Type
Food & Taste
In Ayurveda, food consists of six flavors. Each food has a primary flavor, with potential secondary or tertiary layers. Eating all six flavors at each meal can minimize cravings and prevent overeating.
It contain high-protein, carbohydrates, meat, fats, sweet fruits, grains, milk, oils and fats.
Spiciness is the burning sensation of pungency or pepper. Spiciness can be obtained from spices, chilli peppers, garlic, onions and ginger.
Bitterness is mostly found in green leafy vegetables and vegetables.
Sour taste is from citrus fruits, fermented foods and drinks such as yoghurt, cheese, vinegar and alcoholic beverages.
Sour Salt
It is easily recognisable, like salt and seafood.
Foods with astringent have a unique taste and dry mouthfeel, which has firming and dehumidifying effects on the body.
Taste of Food to Eat
A balanced diet tailored to one’s physical constitution and taste promotes the balance and stability of body and mind.

Vata Dosha
For the vata-dominant people, they will be easy to get nervous and anxious, so it needs to embrace slow, steady, and small shifts.
Favour warm over cold.
Favour moist and oily over dry.
Favor grounding, nourishing, and stabilizing over light.
Favour smooth over rough.
Green apple
Green grape
Alcoholic beverages
Soy sauce
Sea fish

Pitta Dosha
For the pitta-dominant people, they are usually competitive by nature and enjoy challenges, so it needs some cooling and energising food to calm down.
Favor cool over warm or hot.
Favor dense, grounding, and nourishing over light.
Favor dry and dense over oily or liquid. Favor mild over sharp.
Coffee, Spinach
Green tea
Green beans

Kapha Dosha
For the kapha-dominant people, they are naturally calm, but they are greedy and tend to be indulgent. Thus, they need more stimulating tastes to make them emergise.
Favor warm over cool or cold
Favor light and airy over dense and heavy
Favor dry over moist or oily
Favor rough over smooth
Green tea
Green beans
Red pepper
Raw onion
Black pepper
To our readers and users,
Thank you for exploring eating habits with us. Mood Recipe believes that eating habits can impact emotions. We support those who struggle with emotional eating and seek self-understanding. By offering insights into dietary therapy and food symbolism, we aim to provide new perspectives on life and self-awareness. Recognition is the first step toward self-discovery and opens up possibilities, encouraging people to find their way of life. Our reflective and thought-provoking toolkits explore the connection between food and feelings.
This Quiz Handbook is the first step in the process: understanding your body type. It introduces the essence of Ayurvedic treatment, explains what a dosha (body type) is, includes three quizzes to identify your body type, and offers brief suggestions.
For more information about suitable foods and meals, consult the Recipe Dictionary. It provides detailed dietary information and guides you to the second phase: finding appropriate meals.
From, Sophie Chen. May 2024
We are Mood Recipe, a dietary treatment service that provides a reflective and thought-provoking toolkit to guide people in discovering healthy and suitable diets. We support individuals who suffer from emotional eating and want to learn more about themselves.
Quiz Handbook

mood recipe, 2024