Architecture is a social act and the material theater of human activity - Spiro Kostof-1995 A history of architecture - settings and rituals
Space has always been the spiritual dimension of architecture. It is not the physical statement of the structure so much as what it contains that moves us. - Arthur Erickson
All architecture is shelter, all great architecture is the design of space that contains, cuddles, exalts or stimulates the persons in that space - Philip Johnson -1975 Speech to The Convention of the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Crafts
- Green Wall brings tactility and enviromental aspect to design
a great building iS not the private invention of some genius or other. it is merely the condensation of the spirit of a people. - Ayn Rand - 1943 The Fountainhead
- Identifying the oppressive buildings that could be seen from the music school - IDENTIFYING THEIR function - incorporating them into a future scenario
1 year
25 years
50 years
75 years
100 years
200 years
Casa Del Fascio Guiseppe Terragni
Poole Library
- portrays the triumph of the human spirit over the oppressive collective - Shows the rise of the modern movement starting with one man - Frank lloyd wright was a key inspiration
Dido Building Carthage J.m.w Turner
1:200 Model of Opus.
THe Lost Gardens of Heligan
Kew gardens
Ken Yeang - EDITT Tower
Grant associates, Wilkinson Eyre, Atelier Ten + Atelier One - Gardens by the bay
Singapore Designed 1998 Pending Construction
Singapore Designed 2006 Complete
S채yn채tsalo Town Hall Alvar Aalto
- Good example of inslusive civic architecture
1 year
25 years
50 years
75 years
100 years
200 years
bIBLIOGRAPHY Bevan, R. (2007) The Destruction of Memory: Architecture at War. London: Reaktion Books. Cadwell, M. (2007) Strange Details. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press Ching, F. D. K. Jarzombek, M. Prakash, V. (2011) A Global History of Architecture. [2nd Ed] Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. Curtis, W. (1999) Denys Lasdun - Architecture, City, Landscape. London: Phaidon. Dalsgaard, A. (2012) The Human Scale - How do we measure what really counts? [Film] Copenhagen: Final Cut for Real ApS. Danchev, A. [Ed] (2011) 100 Artists’ Manifestos: From the Futurists to the Stuckists. London: Penguin. De Botton, A. (2006) The Architecture of Happiness. London: Penguin. Frampton, K. (2001) Studies in Tectonic Culture. Cambridge: MIT Press. Gehl, J. (2011) Life Between Buildings - Using Public Space. Washington: Island Press. Gehl, J et al. (2006) New City Life. Copenhagen: The Danish Architectural Press. Gehl, J et al. (2006) New City Spaces. Copenhagen: The Danish Architectural Press. Gössel, P. Leuthäuser, G. (2005) Architecture in the 20th Century. Hohenzollernring: Taschen. Harriman, D. [Ed] (1997) Journals of Ayn Rand. New York: Dutton Hustwit, G. (2011) Urbanized - A documentary film by Gary Hustwit. [DVD] London: Swissdots. Iloniemi, L. (2004) Is It All About Image? Chichester: John Wiley & Sons. Johnson, P. (1975) “A New Day Dawns.” The Convention of the International Union of Bricklayers and Allied Craftsmen. The International Masonry Institute, Washington. 15th September. Kostof, S. (1995) A History of Architecture - Settings and Rituals. Second Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Martin, M. W., (1968) Futurist Art + Theory. Oxford : Clarendon Press Ockman, J. (2005) [3rd Edition] Architecture Culture 1943-1968. New York: Rizzoli. Rand, A. (1943) The Fountainhead. London : Penguin Modern Classics. Toy, M. [Ed.] (1995) The Power of Architecture. London: Architectural Design. Vaney, E. (2009) The International Style: Conformity, not Individualism. [Online] Available from: The International Style: Conformity, not Individualism [Accessed 23.04.2013] Williams, R. (2004) The Anxious City. London: Routledge.
iMAGE LIST 1. Clarke, S. Selection of Images from ARC550, 551, 552. (2012-13) [Author’s Own Photograph’s/Drawings] At: AUB. 7th December 2012-9th May 2013. 3. Clarke, S. Proposal for Barclays Building. (2013) [Author’s Own Drawing] At: Poole. 2nd May. 4. Clarke, S. Resin Model of ARC550 Curiosity Shop. (2012) [Author’s Own Image] At: AUB. 29th November. 5.
Clarke, S. Section of reoriented Music School. (2013) [Author’s Own Drawing] At: AUB. 17th April. 11. Clarke, S. Development Figure Grounds. (2013)[Author’s Own Drawings] 12. Clarke, S. Panorama of Poole Bus Station. (2013)[Author’s Own Image] At: Poole Bus Station. 2nd May. 13. Clarke, S. Proposal for Barclays Building. (2013) [Author’s Own Drawing] At: Poole. 2nd May.
Clarke, S. 1:1250 Figure Ground Map of Site and Clarke, S. Proposal for Bus Station. (2013) [Author’s surrounding area. (2013) [Author’s Own Drawing] At: Own Drawing] At: Poole. 2nd May. AUCB, Dorset. 6th March. Clarke, S. Proposal for Lighthouse. (2013) [Author’s 6. Own Drawing] At: Poole. 2nd May.
17. Turner, J. M. W. Dido Building Carthage. (1815) The National Gallery: London. Clarke, S. Model of reoriented Music School. (2013) [Author’s Own Image] At: AUB. 9th May. 18. FreetimeCornwall. The Lost Gardens of Heligan. (2012) [Online Image] Available from: http://www.©-Heligan-Gardens-Ltd. jpg [Accessed 10.5.2013] Anon. Gardens by the Bay. (2012) [Online Image] Available from: commons/d/dd/Flower_Dome,_Gardens_by_the_Bay,_ Singapore_-_20120617-04.jpg [Accessed 10.5.2013]
Clarke, S. Poole Park. (2013) At: Poole Park. 31st January.
Clarke, S. Proposal for Lighthouse and Merck Building. (2013) [Author’s Own Drawing] At: Poole. 2nd May.
Diliff. Panoramic view of the Waterlily House in Kew Gardens, London, England. (2008)[Online Image] Available from: commons/1/14/Kew_Gardens_Waterlily_House_-_ Sept_2008.jpg [Accessed 10.5.2013]
Clarke, S. Sunseeker Quay. (2013) At Poole. 2nd May.
Clarke, S. Figure Ground showing finished proposal. (2013)[Author’s Own Drawing] At: AUB. 6th May.
Hamzah, T. R. Yeang, K. Visualisation of EDITT Tower. (2008)[Online Image] Available from: [Accessed 9/5/2013]
Clarke, S. Final Model. (2013)[Author’s Own Image] At: AUCB, Dorset. 12th March. 8. Clarke, S. Model of reoriented Music School. (2013) [Author’s Own Image] At: AUB. 9th May. 9. Clarke, S. Figure Ground showing viewpoints. (2013) [Author’s Own Drawing] At: AUB. 6th May. 10. Clarke, S. Elevation of reoriented Music School. (2013) [Author’s Own Drawing] At: AUB. 17th April.
15. Comocomera. Casa del Fascio. (1939) [Online Image] Available from: vario/1024/dux1939_1024.jpg [Accessed 9.5.2013] Clarke, S. Sports Centre in Poole. (2013) At: Bus Station, Poole. 31st January. 16.
Such, R. Gardens by the Bay. (2012) [Online Image] Available from: http://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws. com/eur-assets-pressdoc-com/27179/images/86417-grant_associates_gardens_by_the_bay_robert_such_2012_018-original-1365645263.jpg [Accessed 9/5/2013] 20.
Zache. Stair/Amphitheatre at Säynätsalo Town Hall. Justin. Image of the Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. (2010) (2007) [Online Image] Available from: http://c1038. [Online Image] Available from: http://3.bp.blogspot. dia_70884.jpg [Accessed 9.5.2013] HRPcXlZhR9A/s1600/DSC_0344.JPG [Accessed 18.03.2013] Alvar Aalto Museum. Interior of Säynätsalo Town Hall.
(n.d) [Online Image] Available from: instancedata/prime_product_julkaisu/jyvaskyla/embeds/13118_376_lehdisto_maija_holma.jpg [Accessed 9.5.2013] 21. Clarke, S. Proposal for Bus Station Site. (2013) [Author’s Own Drawing] At: Poole. 2nd May.