Leeds College of Art BA (Hons) ILLUSTRATION OUIL603 Extended Practice
STUDIO PRACTICE Statement of Intent Name
Sophie Hargreaves
Rationale This year I have undertaken briefs to help me become more confident in my position as an illustrator, improve skills such as brush lettering and screen printing, as well as improve the overall quality and presentation of my work. Many of the projects I chose to work on were centered around applied illustration and design. This has given me a better understanding of creating work for specific audiences to a professional standard and worked hand in hand with a lot of my research in the Personal, Professional Practice module. I selected and re-wrote briefs to fit what I wanted my portfolio to showcase; applied illustration, character and design based work, such as hand lettering. This has helped me identify and be confident in the fact that I could find a job role within one of these categories, either freelance or as an in-house designer.
Themes / Subjects
Hand lettering Applied illustration & pattern Character Production Processes
Products / Methods of Distribution
Prints Stationary Surface pattern Packaging Tote-bags Mugs/Various gift-ware
Practical Skills / Media / Formats