Cadbury Heath - 10 Statements

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10 Statements Too many youngsters at night. They break the machines. S o meo n e g o t b e a t e n u p w h e n t h e y l e f t t h e p u b . Tesco’s, they want it all. Could be better. The people are nice though. Like it I’ve never had a problem and i’ve been here 27 years Respect, and you get respect back. It’s a friendly community.

I was asked to collect 10 statements from the people of Cadbury Heath. During my initial visit the general feeling I got from this experience was, like in most areas, that it has it’s issues, the residents feel there is a youth problem and they were opposed to big corperate companies such as Tesco’s wanting to be built in area.The the community grouped together and petitioned against this and won (Although ironically whilst this was happening Co-op won the right to build there, woops) But the thing I learnt from that particular conversaion was that there really was a tight knit community and just want it to be left alone as they were quite content with how it is despite it’s grungy exterior and run down houses everyone was happy to be a part of it.

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